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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32079683 No.32079683 [Reply] [Original]

Vtubers are real people and first and foremost streamers. They are free to collab with who they want and talk about what they want. If you want pure waifus, go back to watching anime, or go follow some idol group like AKB (whose members are getting fucked by japanese Dan Schneiders, by the way). You're in the wrong hobby.

Or you know, you can just keep sperging out and hopping oshis when they reveal themselves to be human and being interested in the opposite gender.

>> No.32079850

unironically based
let the triggering begin

>> No.32079963
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>> No.32080015

>idol group like AKB
jap idol groups too appear on tv shows and talk shows hosted by males and alongside male guests. why is no one outraged about this?

>> No.32080550

Gura is on top and makes the most money because she's managed to simultaneously have a bunch of normie fans and then do creepy membership stuff where she talks about her cute little loli toes and how much she wants you to suck them or whatever. I don't see how gachikoi can be aware of her grift and still throw money at her. It's like the saddest version of prostitution imaginable.

>> No.32080672

Vtubers literally play games created by men. They're all unsalvageable whores.

>> No.32080733

yes, they are and their viewers are free to say 'fuck that i'm out'

>> No.32080948

Because that's the real unicorn culture (no boyfriend) unlike the weeaboo on vt who thinks that collabing/talking/retweet/like with males is sex on Livestream.

>> No.32080953

Some vtubers probably talk with their dads, what is wrong with them? Why can't they stop being whores?

>> No.32081186

Sure, I agree. I wouldn't be annoyed by it if it wasn't for the hate. It would be one thing if the vtuber is upfront about playing the gachikoi game and it's their identity and then betrays them, but most of the time it's vtubers that didn't go out of their way to pander to them but they still get tons of hate and called whores and traitors. There should be a mutual understanding between the vtuber and viewer of, "Hey I'm going to act like your girlfriend and give you emotional support everyday and you're going to invest in it and feed off of it." Some sign up for that and some don't.

>> No.32081277

All this without talking about how many guys she fucked and eating period blood. I kneel

>> No.32081334 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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C mon baby!!

>> No.32081574
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Wtf a sensible post on /here/ ?
Am I high again?

>> No.32081882


>> No.32082345

Holy fuck..... ok I am all in for some Tempus collabs with how respectful they are, but faggots like you actually WANT to destroy CGDCT.... damn.

>> No.32082688

nah thats fleshtubers, otherwise its just a retard with an anime avatar, an don't watch those

>> No.32082697

You fags oscillate between saying they're real and not real constantly to defend them treating their fans like crap.

>> No.32082873

Just write ‘I’m a cuck’

>> No.32083032

Viewers are real people and first and foremost fans. They are free to watch who they want and talk about what they want. If you want cuck fans, go back to streaming on twitch, or go join some non-idol group like nijisanji (whose members are getting fucked by each other, by the way). You're in the wrong hobby.

Or you know, you can just keep sperging out and filtering viewers when they reveal themselves to be human and being interested in you on a personal level.

No one is entitled to fans.

>> No.32083089

Go back.

>> No.32083252

>*free* to collab with who they want
Tell that to Kiara and Pomu

>> No.32083297

This is true but Bae is a wannabe whore and should contain herself instead of trying to fuck the stars.

>> No.32083304

Hi Twitter

>> No.32083314

Holy shit who let the Twitard in?

>> No.32083321

There's a difference between cute girls doing cute things and shameless, obvious pandering. Gura is cute in her regular streams and collabs, without having to lie to you about how much she cares about you.

>> No.32083690

She's unironically one of the most idol cultured girls in EN.

>> No.32085176

>Chumschizo post

>> No.32085715

>Vtubers are real people and first and foremost streamers
No they aren't
They are character first
If you want to be real, then just quit vtubing and be irl streamer

>> No.32085985
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>Vtubers are real people and first and foremost streamers
A lot of those real people are sensible professionals who don't lust after cocks on stream
>They are free to collab with who they want and talk about what they want
They're also free to suffer the consequences if they make poor decisions regarding collabs and talk subjects
>If you want pure waifus, go back to watching anime
No, I'll just watch professionally minded vtubers like Kiara.

>> No.32086597

Yes. I want to destroy CGDCT. Fuck Moefags, nothing but cancer

>> No.32086899

Huh, someone sane. Get the fuck out. You don’t belong.

>> No.32087238
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Nah, mate. It's like how Hulk Hogan the wrestler has a big dick while Hulk Hogan the person has a shrunken steroid weiner.

>> No.32087310

I'm still not going to watch male streamers or collabs with males.

>> No.32091656

>It's like the saddest version of prostitution imaginable.
Congratulations, you just described the Vtubing industry.

>> No.32092267

OP is a faggot

>> No.32092461

Did you know all vtubers came from a manvs balls? You can't get more cucked than that

>> No.32092718

I'm just learning Japanese, slower than I'd like mind you but progress is progress. It's piss easy to find plenty of japs that aren't going to collab with men or do any of the other stupid shit ENs do because they don't understand or don't want to be shackled by this side of the industry

>> No.32092921

based goomba schizo

>> No.32094803

Also if you dont like what they're doing, unsub dont renew members dont sc and dislike their vods. Dont be a cuck and moan about it while dumping your time and money to them. Improve yourselfs

>> No.32094922

And your depressed clock pretends to be sad and depressed to get you to dump money at her, while in reality she's happier than ever sucking cock

>> No.32095332

Yeah like rushia... oh wait.

>> No.32095699

I don't want them collabing with vshitshow whores.

I don't care if they do male collabs.

What does that make me?

>> No.32095756


>> No.32095816
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>Or you know, you can just keep sperging out and hopping oshis when they reveal themselves to be human and being interested in the opposite gender.
I picked a good oshi, so it won't be necessary.

>> No.32096135

Selen has no romantic interest. The only thing she's attracted to is cool gun.

>> No.32096259

Streamers exist for my entertainment, not their own. And I am not entertained by men and women flirting with each other.

>> No.32096427

They are free to do what ever they please yes.
But if they build up a community using a standard of expectation, then proceed to betray that expectation, is that not the most heinous act a real person can commit on another real person, betrayal?
And again sure, they can do what they please, but so can the viewer. There are consequences for actions.
Dont build up a community and then begin to kick away at the foundations when many people have come to call it their home.

>> No.32097862

Sorry, I have cut the rat out of my life. She was already testing my patience with some of her tendencies but this was the last straw. Idol culture IS what the fans want, the numbers speak for themselves. Cope.

>> No.32098277

>vtubers are normalfags like me
nobody cares, watching holoJP idols, keep up if you can EN

>> No.32098304

>But if they build up a community using a standard of expectation [that they would never collab with males]
Except not once have any of them ever promoted that expectation, it was just assumed by a small minority of retard unicorns who are now sperging out because said assumption was incorrect while the other 95% of the fanbase goes on happily watching their oshi

>> No.32098404

>cool gun
I think you meant cheesecake and butter.

>> No.32098773

then they're either dull or disingenuous for not having awareness and understanding of their fans but hey, it's easy to carelessly overlook something while it's beneficial to you right?

>> No.32099110

Then its truly tragic that these people whove invested so much of themselves into the streamer are doomed to be betrayed at some point.
But if thats the case what level of parasocial should be acceptable? Since its a major draw of watching streamers.

>> No.32099450

you cross the line the second you think that a) you actually have a chance with her and b) collabing with a male means they will inevitably start fucking

>> No.32099537


>> No.32099671

I am, romance is the most popular genre in the world

>> No.32099818

Do you enjoy seeing PDA while walking down the street?

>> No.32100111

>the weeaboo on vt
Look anon I get that people in here love to pretend they know what they are talking about but there is no difference. Both Idols and Idol vtubers follow the same rules in Japan. Professional, corporate and representing the company is "acceptable" vtubers also get interviewed by males. But interacting with a their male counterpart? That is a big no. The same goes for males that appeal to fujos. Their fangirls flips their shit if they see another young woman next to them. But another pretty boy? That is acceptable.

>> No.32100238

>what level of parasocial should be acceptable?
None. Anyone who believes themselves any more meaningful to the streamer than any other person watching is too invested. There's a reason why "chat" or the streamer's variant therein is an ambiguously personified collective demonym and not any singular name for chat sizes > 1 person
>these people who've invested so much of themselves into the streamer
Not the streamer's problem, those people need a reality check and to go make actual friends
I'd wager the vast majority of viewers understand the relationship between entertainer and audience, and the majority of streamers understand that those who don't will inevitably make an appearance and set up appropriate boundaries precisely to minimise their delusions

>> No.32100561

I think its more of jealousy that any male gets to even interact with the female streamer, for no perceivable reason. The whole of chat is usually males. and its like they all know theyre equals. Not getting to interact with the streamer any more than the other barring luck. So when some random guy they dont know or care about arrives its like theyve cut in line or rather just get a magic red carpet to their oshis DMs regardless of what actually goes on.

>> No.32101644

Selen's cake...
Selen's bread...

>> No.32101905

>some idol group like AKB
Even a lot of the actual idol groups known for renai kinshi/love bans don't outright prohibit relationships. It's more of a "don't get caught" rule than a "don't do it to begin with" rule. I've been a fan of idols (mainstream and underground) for 15 years and have seen some really weird shit but the way /vt/ acts about these girls communicating with men might be the most puzzling.

>> No.32103818

False, Vtubers are supposed to be characters first and whatever the real person behind it does/thinks/believes should remain off the platform. The whole gimmick is be an anime character that the audience can interact with and that seems to be something that the streamers in the EN vtuber sphere have always failed to do. They portray the character for a week or two and then just don't bother anymore. Hell, they shouldn't even be considered vtubers at this point they're just regular streamers using some anime avatar because they're to afraid to show their face.

>> No.32105201

I just came by for OP's pic after seeing it on twitter lemao

>> No.32105278
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Daily reminder that vtubers are grifters and con artists. After acquiring enough wealth and clout, they'll inevitably collab with who they want while talking about whatever they want. If what you want is pure waifus...well tough shit, they never actually existed. Just give up on worshipping women and appreciate the friends you've made along the way. Or, you know, you can just keep coping and deluding yourself into believing #NotAllWomen are like that every time one reveals herself to be a lying, traitorous whore. It's your choice, but I've already made mine.

>> No.32105711


>> No.32106118
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i don't want male-female collab because roastie fucking ruining everything. They ruin the bro dynamic & the male forced have tone shit down because it will hurt their fragile feeling & want to make everything about them.
tell your whores to GTFO from my bro first.
>inb4 le watching males
Males are simply better streamer & entertainer. unlike you betacuck males, i have GF & job

>> No.32106680

No one realizes this. There's a big difference between a vtuber that just streams and does weeb shit, and someone who does GFE and talks about being single/lonely. I wouldn't give a shit if most vtubers had bfs or were fucking on the regular, but I do care if it's someone like rushia, shondo, etc. It's not about having a weird "cuck" mentality it's about people pandering/lying

>> No.32106693

I'm a real person. When I'm at work there's a lot of shit I can't do, but these bitches are such entitled whores that they can't cut cock out of their lives for like 5 hours per week. Imagine that, you sit on your ass and play video games for more money than 90% of people will ever earn and you can't even do something as simple as pretend not to be a slut for a couple of hours.

>> No.32106949

Nobody cares that unicorns dont want to watch a stream anymore. It is, however, very annoying when they make idiotic and pointless thread and shit up the few ones not about male related drama.

>> No.32107032

>i have GF & job
Sure buddy

>> No.32107250
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>I-I'm not a schizo
>Realize I've been arguing all day (at least 8 hours now) about Kronii

>> No.32107390

We all know anti-unicornfags are tourists but come on man that's obvious bait.

>> No.32107448

being a whore is what empoweres woman
don't you know it incel-chama?

>> No.32109722

"Vtubers are real peoplezzzz!!!"
They applied for a job and got the job. If the job requires that they cut down on male collabs to keep their analytics in good standing, then Cover WILL make them stop.

Your feelings don't matter. Business matters. If Kronii gets a net positive out of this and her superchats don't decrease significantly, everything should be fine.

If she goes into minus, Blue Twink is going to get his balls chopped off by Yagoo and everyone will be happy.

>> No.32109777

>Vtubers are real people
Then why not stream with your real face?

>> No.32110127

vtubing is an otaku hobby, they should pander to otaku. I want to watch an anime girl and interact with her, I don't want to watch real people

>> No.32110297

CGDCT is exclusive to anime and manga. Vtubers are just regular 3dpd streamers with anime avatars putting out a pathetic mimicry of it for cash

>> No.32111506

Most vtubers discussed here are corporate employees. They are not, in fact, free to talk about what they want. I expect they would be told to knock it the fuck off if they started talking about their boyfriends, and be immediately suspended if not fired if they started talking serious/extreme politics.
