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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 532 KB, 942x426, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30467045 No.30467045 [Reply] [Original]

>inclining huge and does interviews with million sub personalities
>about to be 4view
>can sing
>can game
>can talk
>has been the ace of 2 big corporations Phase Connect and CyberLive

>> No.30467105

she is boring

>> No.30467168

no lmao, even pippa is better

>> No.30467183

Reminder that any thread about a /here/ chuuba is self promotion

>> No.30467232

They also all suck

>> No.30467776

Not true, I'm not Lumi and I make Lumi threads sometimes too.

>> No.30468723

that's exactly what lumi would say

>> No.30468731

Fake, sociopathic bitch who turned her back on her old company because of a schizo doxxer. I pity anyone who trusts her.

>> No.30468775

Damn, you caught me. I am Lumi.

>> No.30468895

The act of being /here/ is instant disqualification for being good at anything.

>> No.30468929

This is a bait thread made by an anti btw

>> No.30468940

boring pickme

>> No.30468946


>> No.30468952

Not really. You're just a seething faggot.

>> No.30469028

This is why she dropped her last group. They found him and weren't pleased to learn he was her right-hand head mod.

>> No.30469104

go back to fucking your blonde girlfriend, Sei

>> No.30469191

All /here/ chuubas are awful. The ones who are genuine users of this site are clearly mentally ill while all the others are pandering whores. The former has some appeal, the latter none.

>> No.30469211

Never watched her but I already hate her.

>> No.30469317

>i've managed to trigger anyaposters into quitting
wtf this guy is fucking psychopath, how can he do something horrible to the harmless anons at anya-petra global?

>> No.30469372

No, she's a two faced bitch

>> No.30469382

>>about to be 4view
nice delusion

>> No.30469743

> play fall of Cadia
> dosen't know Horus's heresy

>> No.30470771

Kiki reads Horus Heresy on streams lol

>> No.30470883

well, i don't like her and i dislike her obnoxious shills, but she is, in fact, inclining, reaching 800 viewers on less mainstream strategy games and large spikes like maxor or that 40k/sseth leeching.
their [her + her staff's] strategy seems to be working.

>> No.30471105

Source? I made it the fuck up.

>> No.30471120

Gura is the best /here/ chuuba because she grew up with 4chan and meme culture but she never acknowledges this place. Best /here/ chuubas NEVER dog whistle.

>> No.30471176

Nice to see you moved onto a new oshi, Henry

>> No.30471244

And just like that, another Kiki whore shill out of nowhere. Where do you faggots come from ? Do you seach for Kiki related shit all the time just so you can shill her in that thread? This is the 50th time Im seeing this.
>No no but Kiki also does it but much better and she is way cuter...
Fuck off

>> No.30471290

>lumi anti schizo makes ANOTHER thread
stop it

>> No.30471305
File: 161 KB, 900x900, My Wife's Avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not her but I like the fact she plays strategy game. It's an untapped market. I love her. She's the best. She really is. I think she's really pure and cute and I like the cat ears and everything. I think she's perfect and really she doesn't do anything wrong either and I'd lick her feet and kiss her stomach and gently nibble on her neck as she command Imperial Warships to send thousands to their deaths. Her analytical trained rts mind would comprehened everytthing ahtat she's doing relwasyty fast and her earyes would start zipzapping all over the place and then we'd kiss and I would hold her hands and she'd really love me like I love her.
You guys get me?

>> No.30471462
File: 134 KB, 1148x1264, seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30471513

Pathetic attempt to get a new pasta going. Kys asap.

>> No.30471551

Gura is a normalfag who tries to larp as someone knowledgeable about weeb culture, but fails miserably in the eyes of anyone who isn't a normalfag themselves. This has been known since her PL days, and I don't know why people still pretend otherwise. The reason she "hides her power level" is because she doesn't fucking have one.

>> No.30471602

>Best /here/ chuubas NEVER dog whistle.
that's true
>Gura is the best /here/ chuuba because she grew up with 4chan and meme culture
that's bullshit

>> No.30471612

Fuck off Henry

>> No.30471719

so is she worth watching or not? she is the only vtuber streaming strategy games

>> No.30471737

who the fuck cares about kiki you mongrel?

>> No.30471736

I personally enjoy her streams.

>> No.30471763

There is only one way to find out, anon.

>> No.30471823

pretentious panderer, used to be good, average white woman in a thin disguise, shady staff, past full of yabs, although most were through no fault of her own

>> No.30471978
File: 2.88 MB, 4000x3000, Feet Out For My Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her. I will post my feet so that she can lick them.

>> No.30472608

Since Henry is now orbiting Lumi I'm not gonna watch her until he drops her for some retarded reasons.

>> No.30472932


>> No.30472943

>average viewers

>> No.30473268

There are guy vtubers who are good /here/s, but when it comes to women...my bar's set far too high and my standards too niche for realistic female characters with mass appeal. The best /here/ is one who wins my undying loyalty and becomes my lifelong oshi, and I don't believe I'll ever stumble on a vtuber like that.

>> No.30473325

she was a 2view for at least 5 months before she skyrocketed, math is a bitch

>> No.30473394

why would i care? she aint cunny. i aint watching some stupid ass bitch fail at playing starcraft

>> No.30473477

no one cares about you lumi
youre worse than pippa, kill yourself

>> No.30473840

boyfriend mod worked at cyberlive and astroturfed her /here/ and spammed gore to derail threads, falseflagged as holofags, and doxxed aspiring indies to prevent them from getting closer to lumi

>> No.30474007
File: 61 KB, 1145x543, 30 days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually really enjoy her content, but lets be real for a moment. She's definitely inclining, but that doesn't mean she's about to be a 4view. Her averages aren't even close yet, and spouting obvious lies like that hurts her image more than it helps.

>> No.30474123 [DELETED] 

fuck off back to pcg nigger

>> No.30474157


>> No.30474341

Her whole thing is wanting to be THE /here/tuber. She'll shill herself anywhere the subject comes up.

>> No.30474379

I prefer pippa

>> No.30474391

He worked for her not cyberlive, and she still has him around

>> No.30474434

Your timeline reps... All the doxxing happened before he was modded.

>> No.30474543

See >>30398814

>> No.30474569

I only visit generals during debuts or outfit reveals. At any other time they are circlejerks or weird schizo rambling sessions. You can't have a real discussion with people that label you an anti for having any criticism whatsoever.

>> No.30474572

>she still has him around
Would you point him out for me? Or is this something you aren't capable of doing, because you don't actually know if he's still there?

>> No.30474662

She's not even really inclining. That 7th of August stream was just a "react to random shit on Youtube stream". Her gameplay, karaoke, and zatsus are basically stalled as seen from August 8th and 9th going right back to where she was last month.

>> No.30474694

Good I want her to go down to just 1 viewer (me) and then we'll spend all our time together.

>> No.30474803

calm down Menace

>> No.30474849

Is she a newbie of Warhammer 40K or just fake?

>> No.30475002

stream ys you dumb slag

>> No.30475636
File: 374 KB, 600x798, 27837589236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can game
Uhh no sweetie.

>> No.30475844

>everything statistically trending upwards for every type of stream she does
>s-shes not inclining!!
Do you ever get tired of being blind and wrong?

>> No.30475845

Is this the one who's head mod is her boyfriend or is that the other blonde?

>> No.30475920

I am the boyfriend of both of them.

>> No.30475945

Seishirou > Melancholic > Niflheim

>> No.30476089


>> No.30476144 [DELETED] 

that Niggerheim guy is a massive faggot and he very recently rightly had his janny status taken away, but I haven't seen any proof that he is the same faggot as that Sei faggot

>> No.30476156
File: 773 KB, 2500x2500, 657dc7565af11d20b6e18d8dcfada901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lumi can get it:

>> No.30476178

melancholic wasn't a mod either. this just proves that they're reading the threads and are responding to people finding out.

>> No.30476790
File: 815 KB, 3438x1201, Chad seeth vs virgin nerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Sseth is ghosting her hard, he's too based to let a v-thot leech off of him.

>> No.30476947

Does all of Phase Connect have these schizos infesting the fanbase? Big reason why I'm not watching them atm

>> No.30477032

Nah its just mainly lumi+pippa

>> No.30477072


>> No.30477165

it's p much just pippa and lumi. the heart and soul of phase connect continues to be tenma, lia and now shiina they are really good at what they do and have chill fanbases.

>> No.30477181

Plenty of decent Phase girls you can watch, like Tenma, Lia, Uruka and the new Gen2s. Even Shiina is worthwhile despite her infamous yab.

>> No.30477238

maxor can only dream of even getting close to sseth's style

>> No.30477412
File: 782 KB, 2894x4093, 860dd539d9daf37a1ffce35b0959a1bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would still spill your seed in Lumi all day and night if you ever got the chance.

>> No.30477682

nta but of course i would, is that even the question? no, the question is would is she good for anything else besides a pump & dump. her vtubing content doesn't meet the criteria of "worth following".

>> No.30478315

I was just saying she knew about Warhammer...

>> No.30478777

Maxor's shitty copycat videos are unwatchable garbage. Sseth always has intelligent and insightful commentary hidden as perfectly timed punchlines within his chill reviews. Maxor just plasters 50 memes within 0.3 seconds while screaming into the mic like a hysterical schizophrenic retard, his videos have 0 structure and just visually assault your eyeballs and ears to pretend he is clever and witty. Maxor is a fucking hack and the only reason he gets any attention is because he includes e-celebs (like Ironmouse) to do guest voiceovers, plus he shits out his braindead khantent at a way faster rate than either Internet Historian or Sseth. It just goes to show how desperate they are to collab with real youtube celebrities.

>> No.30479283

I'd watch her but Twitch filters me.

>> No.30479668

No. She’s a fake bitch that belongs with the vshojo sluts. All of her streams are meant to pander to the 10 autistic goslings watching her (now 11 with Henri)

>> No.30480073

Something tells me she doesn't look like this in real life

>> No.30480836

Sei, who is Melancholic, and used other names like Revenant was mod, moot point.

>> No.30480929

>what is an alt account?

>> No.30481018

I checked the beginning of her current livestream, and my conclusions were that her sexist jokes (many of them self-deprecating, like the "I am female" hat) and her letting chat ridicule her is a dynamic that's gonna get very old, very fast. There's always a type of imbecile in twitch chat that doesn't know where to draw the line, and she's encouraging that type of behavior.

Also, acting like a 4channer attracts the 4chan crowd. That's never a good idea.

>> No.30481679

No I don't think I would.

>> No.30481894

Lumi nobody likes you. Go back to your mod bf.

>> No.30483077

In the avatar? Sure, its cute.
In the roommate? No idea. If she isnt doxxed yet it most probably means she is ugly and never posted her face on the internet.

>> No.30483164

Or that she's not an idiot

>> No.30486618

>Is Kaneko Lumi the best /here/ girl?

>> No.30487953

she definitely has that nasty stinkin white girl pussy

>> No.30489302

I kinda like her and watch her streams sometimes. These kinds of obnoxious threads hurt her image because they make her out to be more than she is.

>> No.30490064

How would that makes her an idiot?
If she looks fine, its not like she will die instantly if internet people see her real face. And nobody will care to stalk or kidnapper her, considering that doesnt happen even to the biggest vtubers in the industry.

>> No.30490671

Can't watch her either, got banned

>> No.30490755

True, creepy incels have never obsessively stalked women they saw on the internet, ever

>> No.30490840

She collabed with a male with pronouns in his bio. That isn't very /here/ approved.

>> No.30491165

uploading real life information on the internet, including pictures or even just your name, is an extremely retarded thing to do
you're probably a zoomer

>> No.30491500

she had a sizable /here/ community for a while. Who is this meant for?

>> No.30492156

Lumi fans trying to generate more /here/ fans.

>> No.30492589

she is unashamedly a normie trying to appeal to a nerd audience. however, she is talented and puts on what i would describe as "a good show"

>> No.30493542

Lumi is a cancer to vtubing, stop shilling this star bitch

>> No.30493579

Better than Pippa and Carol at least, but that's not really saying much

>> No.30495729

Total noob and she admits it. The first time she was exposed to W40K lore in any serious capacity was her warhammer lore learning stream from a few weeks back.

>> No.30496528

>Average viewers last 14 days: 447
I don't know man, being sub-500 doesn't sound like "almost 4 view"
sourcing just in case: https://sullygnome.com/channel/kanekolumi/14

>> No.30499470

What an absolute waste of a design. Having Western Asians use White girl designs should be illegal. I'm tired of seeing a SEX design, click on a stream and hear an Asian accent coming out of her mouth.

>> No.30500858

>Western Asians
She's a turk?

>> No.30500989

someone linked her to Kazakhs which might explain why her mother is fluent in russian

>> No.30501024

>Boring ass basic bitch streamer pretends to like popular nerd thing
Holy shit so basssssseeeeedddddddddddd.

>> No.30501075

Her model is absolute sex

>> No.30501111

Stop shilling your girlfriend Sei phaseconnect mods are so fucking annoying with their pippa and lumi shill threads

>> No.30501116

She's a slav

>> No.30501379

Absolutely fucking unhinged

>> No.30501660

Edgiest 4channer on the board. Imagine taking pride in doing that shit lmao. Fucking kys you subhuman ape.
Nigga has tactics for shitting up threads. Absolute neckbeard.

>> No.30502146


>> No.30502240
File: 244 KB, 931x495, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of phase-connect except for the 3rd batch (2nd phase) is kind of bad. They are at least okay/trying.

btw. I really wish vtubers didnt do these cringy 5-10 sec shorts.

>> No.30502268

funny how he isn't even the only groomer mod Lumi has. She must be really unlucky.

>> No.30503345

What slav?

>> No.30503573

cock slav

>> No.30503601

Don't say that about my wife, she's never seen a cock.

>> No.30503641


>> No.30503699

Wemi > Erina > Panko > Airi > Shiina >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the TRA

>> No.30504769

> it most probably means she is ugly
Vtubing made me realize girls who sound cute are attractive IRL. You can detect the sourness of ugly people in their tone.

>> No.30506140

she seems to be the only /here/tuber that doesn't constantly stay embroiled in /here/drama and isn't embarrassingly on the nose with the pandering. i like her. too bad phaseniggers are annoying as hell

>> No.30506185

Go to your containment hole you pyuck.

>> No.30506198

lol, keep believing that. I remember back in the army there was a guy who was convinced a girl on the radio was really beautiful because she "sounded hot". Turns out she was a hambeast.
Well, live and learn.

>> No.30506422

you couldn't be more wrong, she's the biggest dramafag in this board

>> No.30506467

Zia stop shilling your shit girlfriend

>> No.30507627 [DELETED] 

Kaneko Lumi is very good at convincing people that she's the next big thing, or at least pandering to people thru basic 4chan references, horny coombaiting, and ticking every checkbox that a lonely nerd would find appealing on 4chan.

Lumi's strongest ability isn't her mediocre streaming skills or her basic singing, but having mods being able to promote her existence through constant usage of 4chan and talking like a millennial journalist working for a gaming website trying to clickbait people through the lowest hanging fruit possible

>> No.30508144

I don't care about your whore

>> No.30508403

Kaneko Lumi is very good at convincing people that she's the next big thing, or at least pandering to people thru basic 4chan references, horny coombaiting, and ticking every checkbox that a lonely nerd on 4chan would find appealing.
Lumi's strongest ability isn't her mediocre streaming skill or her basic singing, but having mods being able to promote her existence through constant usage of 4chan and talking like a millennial journalist working for a gaming website trying to clickbait people through the lowest hanging fruit possible, while exuding an aura of unwarranted self importance.

It exudes such a fake and disingenuous aura to not only the character she plays, but the person as well. If you just read her hype posts and looked at her numbers that her fans will quickly point to, you would think she is must see entertainment. However, if you actually watch her stream, you will find someone who is uninspired talking to a slow chat that. For being "near 4view" her chat moves as slow as most 2views and 1/3 of her chatters are her mods. There is no organic demand or natural entertainment value.
The truth is she would literally be out of vtubing if Pipkin Pippa didn't take pity on her and beg Phase Connect to hire her after she bombed out of CyberLive and killed that company.

>> No.30511300

quads of truth

>> No.30513792

Esadists live such pathetic lives

>> No.30514030

>He worked for her not cyberlive, and she still has him around
thats nothing, hes also a russian bot, maybe even Putin himself, Lumi also employs half of the CCP bots

>> No.30514163

kek, how can i not like her after watching this

>> No.30514324

Post lumi porn specially porn where shes getting dominated

>> No.30514427

we can tell shes hot since she makes any woman she interacts with seethe with jelousy
shes a fit stacy, its exactly what i expect lumi to look like

>> No.30514546

>>>>>>>>2 big corporations Phase Connect and CyberLive

>> No.30514676

If you believe her words then she is size 0,00 or 000 depending on the brand and she does not eat potatoes, white rice, bread etc which is just empty carbs and eats 1300 calories per day. If you were there for her berating chat and saying that "if you are on twitch then you could probably eat less" and dunking on empty carb eaters then you know that she is a hot stacy in real life because that kind of women autism cant be faked

>> No.30514766


>> No.30514940

based schizo

>> No.30515128

>too bad phaseniggers are annoying as hell

implying its her fan making the spam
both her and pippa made lots of enemies by being anti woke, shitting on vshojo and Lumi made a lot by leaving thats trainwreck of a company she was in
you have pasta anti shitposts everywhere, i see them all the time
i only recently watched her, but i have seen posts shitting on her for months mostly calling her a whore and other petty insults or the endless bait posts overpraising her in attemps to stir shit up
Lumi is lucky to have no skeletons in the closet it seems, otherwise those schizos would try dounly to destroy her

>> No.30515396

>based (for female standards)
>makes my dick hard

>> No.30515529
File: 7 KB, 458x96, loyal lumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a best friend and kayfabe wife named Amaris Yuri
>she was the only one who stuck by Lumi when Lumi destroyed CyberLive
>they do NTR Thursday collabs as tradition
>Lumi starts to incline to 500 ccv
>Immediately drops her best friend/wife because she's not big enough to collab with anymore
she is just a shitty person

>> No.30515696

heard part of it, but yeah she just sounds sexy and very sensual, antisocial people and those who dont use it in real life wont speak like her
i expect her too look as good as Lia but more fit, seen her pics of Lia and man, another girl who looks like a certified heartbreaker

>> No.30515758

If you're after more strategy chuubas there's Clio Aite in /asp/

>> No.30515853
File: 822 KB, 1284x2476, cyberlive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her old genmates tried to warn her that she was a lying snake

>> No.30515905

>mean girl group that lived like parasites off of Lumi is to be trusted

>> No.30515979

I hate Lumi but I hate you even more menace, kill yourself fat whore

>> No.30515994

reminder Lumi is a parasite that lives off of Pippa.
Lumi would be out of vtubing if not for Pippa begging her corpo to hire her

>> No.30516054

I like Yuri, so this disappoints me.

>> No.30516126

Lumi is a discount Ame. Prove me wrong.

>> No.30516180

she is not a bitch that hates her own chat, so no

>> No.30516307

based, means shes smart

>> No.30516400

They got mad at Lumi primarily because of Sei/Melancholic's antics. There would've been (far less) issues if not for him.

>> No.30516460

Yuri didn't do anything wrong, it's just Lumi being a fake cunt.

>> No.30516635

oh no I know. the disappointing things is Yuri looks like she got dropped by her friend.

>> No.30517551

>when Lumi destroyed CyberLive
The way that Lumi "destroyed Cyberlive" was by not continuing to do all of the management work by herself. Misaki disappearing was the death blow for CyberLive. The realization that almost none of the merch that she was responsible for would ever actually be delivered and that all of the revenue from those sales (a good portion of which had likely already been spent) would have to be refunded coupled with the total loss of credibility with fans and other players in the industry virtually assured that the company would fold like a cheap suit. All Lumi and Yuri did was jump clear of the wreckage. None of that is Lumi's fault and you could argue that her actions delayed the inevitable.

>> No.30517669

Said mod was removed within a week of the drama and they made the gossip group dm months later. /vt/sisters continue to seethe.

>> No.30517798

Sounds to me like you havent improved yourself anon

>> No.30517871

mad niggerish thing for lumi to do for someone she claims is a friend

>> No.30518021

oh nono /vt/sisters they haven't collabed this week they hate each other!

>> No.30518166

>this week
ntr thursday is finished

>> No.30518228

I will not shame you anon, we all have our newfag moments

>> No.30518246

Lumi is great but her parents are cowards for not give her ass whoopings

>> No.30518301

They told her she was a fucking idiot growing up.

>> No.30518340

what ass

>> No.30518548

I watched her a couple times and she was fine, although she was pandering too much to 4chan types.
Also, I hate women, but I hate the gossiping ESL niggers that plague this board much, much more. You actually do not deserve to live.

>> No.30518713

she is one of the gossiping niggers though, that's why people hate her

>> No.30518819

Say "I" when you mean "I" and her actually being one is something you have 0 receipts for.

>> No.30518987

you have to be a total newfag to not know that most people here hate her and she's a huge dramafag
I don't hate her, I think her streams are fun, but she's not a good person

>> No.30519250
File: 165 KB, 720x2167, no bids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mysterious incline
>chat moving the same speed as it did when she was at 100
>no new chatters
>doesn't even get a single $1 bid on her cutout at the last con Phase attended
>is the only phase girl that didn't sell

>> No.30519261

>Gossiping is a noble cause when Amerimutts do it

>> No.30519315
File: 1.11 MB, 940x1394, file2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has mixed reviews

>> No.30519358

>Reminder that post like these are tourists and should be shunned and persecuted
You need to go back anon.

>> No.30519374

>81 votes
literally doesn't mean anything
this shitty bait thread has more than 81 IPs

>> No.30519406
File: 27 KB, 922x449, imagine calling your files file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has generally positive reviews.

>> No.30519620

>52 of 81 people poled either don't like or are meh on Lumi
seems accurate

>> No.30519729

With threads like these, I can see why

>> No.30519743

>shitty bait thread
It may surprise you but there are actually people retarded enough to watch this boring bitch, and some of them do post on this board.

>> No.30520012

QRD on this? Was this an auction?

>> No.30520026

She is entertaining, hardworking and caters to a niche that is very lacking in vtubers.
You reeing at here doesn't mean that there aren't any good reasons for watching her.

>> No.30520091

I dont like her but shes not boring

>> No.30520195

You missed when she posted N*ena the whore's new channel in Nina Saotome's twitch chat for no reason? Or her countless terrible, stupid comments? (like when she and Pippa were laughing about Zentreya not being female, or about Ironmouse)

>> No.30520275

>laughing about Zentreya not being female
that's based though

>> No.30520290

took the words out of my mouth

>> No.30520304
File: 2.85 MB, 1092x2304, Standee Pippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foam standees of the talents at a recent convention. The starting bid was $200 and the Fish wasn't going any lower, so the $1 thing is pretty retarded.
Her chat is fast too and the incline comes from a bunch of her Warhammer videos hitting the algo with one of them being at almost 300k views - not that mysterious either.

Source: https://streamable.com/c7q3rr

>> No.30520308

>You missed when she posted N*ena the whore's new channel in Nina Saotome's twitch chat for no reason
i forgor about that. she is a cunt.

>> No.30520368

yep, lumi didnt sell ... since the bid was 200$ and she was the only one without an original cutout, it was just her ref sheet
why its a funny joke for the insiders its also used by antis to shitpost

>> No.30520391

>Her chat is fast
no reason to lie and cost the rest of the credibility of your post.
she reads literally every post in chat because it moves so leisurely

>> No.30520573

>there was an auction for phase connect cutouts about 10 days ago
>lumi got 0 bids
>everybody else in phase sold theirs
>tried to cope because it is of her old model and that's why nobody wanted it
>her (genmate?) lia's cutout was of really old/shitty model and it sold no problem. same with her genmante yuri who is also getting a new model.

>> No.30520842

It is compared to other tubers her size who don't have Pippa's hyper chat. She doesn't read every message either. You shouldn't be so confident, just because the guy up there keeps spamming the same shit all over the board.
I checked two random one-minute-spans from a recent vod and she was close to 1 message every 2 seconds in both of them without anything big going on at the time.

>> No.30520936

her chat speed is the same as everyone else's in phase connect save for pippa and michan.

>> No.30521048

I've seen a few of Lia and you know she gets railed at cons too. She's not saying no to that.

>> No.30521239

Yeah but as far as I’m aware she never talked about getting spankings so it couldn’t have been that bad for lumi if nothing physical happened

>> No.30521349

she herself is fine.
her fans are by far the worst in Phase Connect, and that says something.

>> No.30521467

Are you doing the thing where you blame the fans for the anti posts? That's always strange when people do that.

>> No.30521474

kek, no doubt a lot tried, but no way with her personality
shes a menhera princess, shes probably more picky than even most modern women

still easier than lumi, i cant see her settling for anybody except the chads of chads

>> No.30521530

hes an anti himself, seen that post like 50x before

>> No.30521688

lumi was better when she streamed exclusively on youtube. as soon as she got on twitch she turned into your typical twitch thot. she still has her moments here and there, but in general she's just another boring whorish pickme.

>> No.30522004

way to out yourself you fag

>> No.30522006

How many pick me girls does PC have now? Her and Pippa? Is that Shiina a pick me I haven’t watched her much

>> No.30522013

Btw I came on this pic.

>> No.30522069

Maybe, but you can't deny that in a vacuum it's a mean and gossipy bitch thing to do.

>> No.30522079

your vagina is extremely stinky

>> No.30522091

Boring is usually normalfag for tolerable so I will probably check her out

>> No.30522108

stop samefagging

>> No.30522156

No, I hate that fake, sociopathic cunt. I will anti her forever.

>> No.30522185

She’s a user, groomer, manipulator, money hungry, liar, racist who will step on anyone to get her own way. She tried to turn her old corpo into a 4chan company and would post on here bad mouthing over corpos and her genmates.

>> No.30522195

Agreed, I don't want to watch anyone /here/. Hell this is part of the reason I mainly watch JP chuubas. That breaks my immersion too much.

>> No.30522235


>> No.30522264

I knew posts like these would sprout after she named the jew.

>> No.30522305


>> No.30522325

poor yuri

>> No.30522373

>lia only 200

>> No.30522419

shiina too

>> No.30522491

her old model.
when she found out who the guy who won it was, she told him "to burn it" cause that's how much she hates that model

>> No.30522499

if it was cutout of her real photo it would go for 2000$

>> No.30522525

is she the griffith of vtubers?

>> No.30522738

Lumi did more damage to the girls than you will ever know.

>> No.30522852

poor little Chapipi still hasn't recovered. She streaming to 30 people now despite having all the talent in the world

>> No.30523064

She's just so sexy.

>> No.30523126

Lumi isnt responsible for other girls and sacrificing your own mental health for a job is never worth it
You retarded fucks treat vtubbing like some funny hobby, but to a lot of them its a a job or supplementary income source, and so it has to be treated seriously and people in it with the same freedom anybody working a job would have, they arent slaves in those companies.

>> No.30523439

that's actually a pretty good analogy

>> No.30523657
File: 72 KB, 182x226, pipp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, found the yabbit

>> No.30524084

>Fake, sociopathic bitch who turned her back on her old company because of a schizo doxxer.
WTF i love lumi now

>> No.30524331

that's hot

>> No.30524566

Proof next thread? Again Lumi could see the writing on the wall and stuck around arguably for longer than she should have keeping the company afloat. Fuck the girls that's not Lumi's responsibility and not the job she signed up to do.

>> No.30524841

>Lumi did more damage to the girls than you will ever know.
Since when are you responsible for your coworkers since you happen to have worked together for few months?
You hold the dick of the person you work with or go to school with to help them piss? No? Then fuck off.
There were not her friends, they were on bad terms, she quit, simple as.

Its a lesson to other girls to stay professional and not to antagonize their core team members, if they get jobs in the future maybe this lesson will come in handy.

>> No.30525001

Yuri, if you're here you're a dumb bitch for sucking Lumis cock. Screenshot all evidence for the inevitable cancel doc and ruin her. You are nothing to her.

>> No.30525066

Yuri no...

>> No.30527462

Twitch is clearly a better environment for vtubers. Look at all this retarded schizo shit just from streaming on youtube.

>> No.30527574

Whats funny to me about the whole "Big Stacy energy" that her drones are bringing up all the time is that it's not an act. She really thinks Vtuber fans are absolute subhumans. Try to get into her inner circle and find out for yourself. She is doing this for the money and doesnt give a shit about vtubing or the weeb culture and she thinks you are all pathetic for even taking the time of the day to watch Vtubers.

>> No.30527960

Most people who are into Japanese pop culture ARE clearly pathetic subhumans. You don't think so? Take a look around you, dude.
Also, I never got stacy energy from her, but men nowadays are so emasculated that a girl telling them to fuck off or to stop "simping" like a creep is apparently stacy behavior to them.

>> No.30528702

>Try to get into her inner circle and find out for yourself.
Oh shit, we have someone from her inner circle here?
Does your dad also work at Nintendo?

>> No.30528714

You haven't watched enough streams if you don't think she's a stacy. People literally used to complain that they were too intimidated by her to chat in her streams.

>> No.30528973

Can you give some examples? That really could go either way. It could mean she’s a Stacy, or it could mean her early audience wasn’t a good fit for her (read: a bunch of pussies who made up bullshit reasons for why they were intimidated by her)
I mean, chat is usually not afraid to throw away social norms, so I’m open to it being the first option. Still, the second is not outside the realm of possibility given the kind of place /this/ is

>> No.30529073

I watch her only on sunday, she is alright.
no much else to say

>> No.30529432

Her old travel date stream for example. Read the threads from back then too.

>> No.30529433

Had no idea who this was and started watching her most recent YouTube vod. I'm a few minutes in. The two biggest things I got from her were
>big Stacy energy
>constant cursing
Is this really all that appealing? I guess she sounds kind of like Ame, so maybe that appeals to some people. Otherwise, I don't get the appeal yet.

>> No.30529465

Ah yes, since chat is a single person and some random fag like you is here to tell us how everybody is a pussy.
Unless you are an autist its not hard to see why people call her a Stacy, shes always on diet, a workout freak with a lot charisma and very good control over making her voice sound like pure sex.
You know, its that thing called personality. That and its a funny meme, while i guess antis will latch onto anything.

If you cant tell if someone makes a friendly, rude, stoic, quiet, normie or Stacy impression then there is no hope for you.

>> No.30529533

>White girl designs

>> No.30531078
File: 2.04 MB, 1379x774, 1653253099134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing the elephant in the room.

>> No.30531117

Kiki is better and cuter.

>> No.30531131

I'm not sure what you mean.

>> No.30531185

Strategy games

>> No.30531288

I see. It is actually kind of interesting to see someone with this type of personality playing those kinds of games. I don't care for strategy games myself, but I have a friend who is obsessed with them. Maybe he would like her. She doesn't really appeal to me unfortunately.

>> No.30531478

Go get banned by Pippa again Henry, you fucking tard.

>> No.30531674

Lumi discord fags outting themselves. kek

>> No.30532062

she literally fucking volunteered for that manager's position and then bragged about getting it in her secret discord, you absolute faggot.

>> No.30532186

I can list every single person that was in friendcord, if you'd like me to

>> No.30532225

Do it pussy

>> No.30532248

Smug if you don't stop making these bait threads, I'll start leaking. I'll destroy your sugar baby and you know I can do it.

>> No.30532274

Do it faggot

>> No.30532320

its extremely hard to get a big audience without coomerbaiting. that and euro times. honestly i always feel chips is too wholesome for all of this

>> No.30532354

I was only implying that I wasn’t gonna take the “Stacy” label at face value because I know how many schizos are /here/, but that I found it believable since you don’t hear about chat getting intimidated for most vtubers. I’ve never watched a Lumi stream before because all I know of her is that she gets used for bait all the fucking time.

Anon, has it not occurred to you that I was interested in Lumi and wanted to see examples of her “being a Stacy” so I could have a few example streams to make up my mind about her? Thank God I know you aren’t typical of Lumi fans

>> No.30532355

Take care of your bladder, anon, don't stain your pants from leaking.

>> No.30532573

Still waiting

>> No.30532674

Forgive him, it takes time to come up with a plausible list of names.

>> No.30532694

>I guess she sounds kind of like Ame
Now that you mention it, I can't unhear it. What the fuck?

>> No.30532725

>chris sama

>> No.30532909
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>> No.30532959

Great, you posted a list of random names, now what you fag?

>> No.30532984

You got a screenshot or something out of that discord with those names you mentioned? You were obviously in it if you know the names

>> No.30533042

You’re missing SunsetInZero. And Misaki’s alt. Unless, anon, you’re one of those two.

>> No.30533051

What's the point of this again?

>> No.30533068

I don't care if you faggots don't know. Smug knows I'm not lying and that's what's important

>> No.30533116

are you blind? he's in there. and Misaki's alt was never in friendcord. That was Bleedcord.

>> No.30533143

Huh. Honestly, any cute anime girl that could hang out here without going into complete seclusion from humanity has my respect.
I'm a big ugly truck driver looking hillbilly, but if there was a board on 4chan that discussed my lifestyle in anyway I'd be afraid to leave the house without getting raped.
Guess stupid chicks are just used to that shit, though.

>> No.30533148

Because he IS SunetsetinZero.

>> No.30533151

tuna here, can confirm. E-sex with Smug is amazing.
t. una

>> No.30533233

she's not wrong, but she's also willing to poke fun at herself on stream for "content". she seems smart enough to know that if she actually hates vtubing then being a vtuber just for money is just as detestable.

>> No.30533252

You cant learn what the talents are in real life, but at lest you can get to know their personality, voice and sense of humor.
A Stacy is an abstract term just as based or chad so if people think she is one then the description fits her.

>Anon, has it not occurred to you that I was interested in Lumi and wanted to see examples of her “being a Stacy” so I could have a few example streams to make up my mind about her? Thank God I know you aren’t typical of Lumi fans
I dont give a shit what you wanted to do.
You call her fans emasculated pussies, you call her fake, shit on this place and now you says you are a potential interested viewer?
You are as smart as you think you are, fuck off.

>> No.30533261

she has hairless armpits and a paizuri window
everything else is irrelevant

>> No.30533826

calm down Menace

>> No.30534095

People besides me know about Misaki's alt? What the fuck?

>> No.30534155

Jokes on you I enjoy NTR.

>> No.30534330

> Thank God I know you aren’t typical of Lumi fans

That means I’m still interested despite you because I know most Lumi fans, like most normal people, don’t automatically jump to the worst interpretation of a post

Joke’s on you. I watched a few minutes of one of her VODs and liked it. So I’m gonna watch some more later. I might even subscribe to her Twitch.

Despite your efforts, you can’t turn me away from your oshi

>> No.30534658

>>30534330 (me)
Jokes aside, I saw this thread while I was in line at the store. I’m not watching streams in public on data so I asked a question so I could have more info once I got home.

> You are as smart as you think you are
I already know I’m retarded. I’m on /vt/

>> No.30534762

Ah yes, i will interpret some twat calling me an emasculated pussy as a complement, thanks a lot bro.
Want to watch her? Go do it without being a little shit, dont want to? Dont.

>> No.30534851

these arent just random names if people actually had eyes

>> No.30534920
File: 11 KB, 506x91, tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know what it means when a female streamer pretends to have a brother, right?

>> No.30535279

I have no idea what this shit is about.

>> No.30535352

I really dont care if she has a boyfriend or not, shes my internet stacy sister that plays my games

>> No.30535413

You know the rules and so do I

>> No.30535579

I'm not there....

>> No.30535925

It means you ship them and then wait for their reaction at being shipped in an incestuous pairing irl so this board can speculate on how genuine or fake the disgust sounds

>> No.30536053

But it's missing people that should be obviously there.

>> No.30537255

lumi fans are the loneliest of men. they are wacthing a girl "play" the nerdiest games thinking she is just like them.

they are so oblivious to her "brother" or that her mods literally hand pick her games and have picked this /vst/ path for her.

in wrestling, they are called marks.

>> No.30537316

Why do you

space your posts

like this?

>> No.30537459


>> No.30537478


>> No.30537485

Mating press

>> No.30538123

Because it's an old list and Lumi hasn't been in there for a long time. Same with Yuri and Hylo. Nothingburger

>> No.30538280

you just confirmed that it's real, retard.

>> No.30538737
File: 370 KB, 425x531, 1652461453901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the list, many of these names are no longer here (or don't even watch Lumi anymore) and/or never had any actual power in the community. It's also extremely outdated and lacks many surpirisngly important names.
I don't know who you are, but that will remain a nothingburger.

>> No.30538790

>woman may have potential partner
Wow, I never would have considered this...
Lumibros... what do we do...

>> No.30539023

NTA, but they spaced out sentences, while you spaced out one sentence like a retard.

>> No.30539071

She does have excellent tard wrangling skills, only a BF can teach that.

>> No.30539107

show hole meance

>> No.30539385

What are the chances thats she's just overhyped?

>> No.30539603
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>> No.30539635

How do I get Mumei to look at me like that?

>> No.30539731

You can't, she only look at me like that

>> No.30539808
File: 826 KB, 1378x774, xcum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I care about who picks her games more than the fact she's playing XCOM right now?

>> No.30539926

She is a newbie to strategy games. She barely understood the concept of 4x in Humankind, lost in the tutorial war in Crusader Kings 3 and can barely utilize Lizardman which is one of the most streamline race in TWW2.
If you want an anime girl who learn how to play strategy games then you might want to start with her. If you want someone who play strategy game regularly enough to do something interesting then you have to take the JP pill

>> No.30540085


>> No.30540174
File: 1.35 MB, 1238x786, 1631844379158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want someone who play strategy game regularly enough to do something interesting then you have to take the JP pill
Are you talking about Hazuki Inori or is there somebody I'm not aware of?

>> No.30540612

luminiggers best and brightest cant help themselves and confirm its real while trying to downplay it

>> No.30540728
File: 513 KB, 3840x2160, 1652371860960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can outright say it's real because it's a nothingburger.

>> No.30544787

Since leaving CyberLive (in the fucking dust), Lumi's gone through some kind of self-discovery cycle inspired largely by Pippa, who she awkwardly namedrops in meme format at least several times a stream.

Her recent streams are nothing but fake cringe and over-acted clowning for the 'Totally a Nerd Like You!' appeal. It's as if she were trying to escape the terrible tragedy of being a normie, you'd never understand her pain.

Watch for five minutes before you go find content from someone personally invested in it.

>> No.30545380


I've heard a lot of these called in in stream, but aren't they all just her mods and top donors?

I.E. people paying her and people she's paying.
