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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30096883 No.30096883 [Reply] [Original]

>Hey Kanauru I need you to make a video that goes over major events in history and also add me getting mad over a shopping cart not being in the right place too. Thank you!
shes the best holo after all...

>> No.30098409

>not 9/11
>no holocaust

she is not, you dumb ass

>> No.30098517

>Requests for it to be private.

>> No.30098545

>also add me getting mad over a shopping cart not being in the right place too
She has no personality to speak of.

>> No.30100735

She also stole the ice cream truck and drove away from Kronii.
What a bitch.

>> No.30102610

whjat the fuck are you talking about

>> No.30102728

She told him he could do whatever he wanted

>> No.30103439

Kronii deserves it. Lazy cunt

>> No.30104478

Her new cover's video

>> No.30107556

She's just making her ancestors proud. While your ancestors watch you sit in the computer all day.

>> No.30108993

>gets full creative liberty ONCE
>yabs immediately
He did it laughing about tragedies though which is based

>> No.30109029
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>> No.30109113

Fat clock needs the exercise

>> No.30112622

She’s not fat she’s rail-thin.
She needs some muscle on her bones.

>> No.30113215


>> No.30113752

He speaks nothing but truth

>> No.30114739

anyone knows where to download it since it's gone ?

>> No.30114795


>> No.30114917

ty vm

>> No.30115106

Nothing shown was a tragedy, only civilizations hubris.

>> No.30115164

Lmao wtf

>> No.30115226

Why was she rounding up Ollie as if she were an escaped slave?

>> No.30115309

She touched the holy bush and must be punished.

>> No.30115689

>Ollie replaced a berry bush by a pumpkin
>kanauru tweeted this https://twitter.com/kanauru/status/1555358478729826304 (embed)
>Fauna and Mumei played a co-op game where you ride a horse.

>> No.30115792

>>30115689 (me)
Also no one cared about this scene before the 5ch screenshot.

>> No.30116034
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>> No.30116423

>tweet deleted
What did it say?

>> No.30116552
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>> No.30116824

It was a quote retweet of this https://twitter.com/kureijiollie/status/1519912091880427521 with a screenshot from the MV

This tweet was also deleted

>> No.30116860

Irys' baseball tweet is from the day before Mumei's video premiered. Talk about fucking procrastination. Lazy motherfucker.

>> No.30116968

It honestly looks like he was dog whistling while things he could claim were something else. He should of just owned it. I could see why mumei privated it if he claimed it was all different references.

>> No.30117061

>>30116968 (me)
With things*

>> No.30117751

dog whistles are for faggots and niggers, no offense.

>> No.30117912

? I am against dog whistling. Why i said he should of owned it. But others mentioned before that he would sneak in niji references when the girls weren't looking.

>> No.30118087

So is clock or bird John Wayne Gacie?

>> No.30118195

Holy fuck giga based. This is hilarious.

>> No.30118290

>should of
learn how to English

>> No.30118305

With the methods used it would be exrtremely easy to drop in an additional 3d model into your scene.

>> No.30118442

>Fails reading comprehension to try and shit post
>Gets called out and tries to deflect with a minor grammar error
Damn you sure showed me!

>> No.30118517

>major events in history

>> No.30118575

how do you take so long to make 1-3 second animation loops with models copy pasted on a scene that you threw up assets on?

>> No.30118617

but it's realistic LMAO. EN and JP both treat the ID branch as free labor shit is hilarious

>> No.30118681

There is so much you can do on Youtube. These are 2 events that would get a channel an instant ban. Not to mention both of those were 100% caused by human intent, they were no accidents, plagues or something beyond our control. Quite the difference.

>> No.30119031

The fuck is this "Mumei collecting fleas"?

She's clearly giving fleas to Bae who then goes on to spread the plague.

>> No.30119067

I wish someone screenrecorded the chat's live reaction too wait was it premiered or streamed or was it a standalone video

>> No.30119359

not that guy, don't even care what you were arguing about
minor grammar error my ass, ask your handler to sign you up for elementary school classes you retarded chimpanzee faggot

>> No.30119378


>> No.30119468

both didn't happen so...

>> No.30119472

Okay, Nostradamus here, predicting what they're going to do to the video:

> They're gonna have Kanauru remove the bottle of ethanol from Mumei's hands during the rocket launch scene

Literally, I think that's it. That's probably the only thing.

The vast majority of events depicted in the video are either too ancient for anyone to care, or funny hololive in-jokes. The three that *might* have courted controversy are the references to the Hindenberg, Titanic, and the Challenger, and of the three, the Challenger is the only one recent enough to upset people.

More importantly, the reason the Challenger blew up is because of failed O-rings. Ethanol is known to dry out (and possibly damage in high enough concentrations) rubber devices, hence why its use in motor fuel is highly regulated.

So Mumei holding the bottle of Ethanol in that scene makes it look like she directly caused the Challenger accident. Which.... yeah, that might upset a few people.

I wouldn't be surprised if they also modify the scene where she's giving Baelz fleas to spread around the plague, but I'd put odds of that under 50%, since the black plague was hundreds of years ago. Only reason I think they might is that they want to remove the implications that Mumei is "causing" these events, as opposed to passively observing them.

>> No.30119594
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This is your fault.

>> No.30119643 [DELETED] 

>shopping cart
I hope you niggers get the shopping cart thing. But for those that don't this is a test that reflects on the state of moral or cultural decline of a society. The point is that you're doing something good without the need of being rewarded for it.

>> No.30119666

holy shit
the plantation scene really hits different

>> No.30119715

shes going to stop and serve kronii ice cream

>> No.30119736

The Black Death is one of the two events she’s actually “confessed” to or implied her involvement. The other one being Atlantis.

>> No.30119790

can you maybe think of any recent events which might make some people not like jokes about contagious diseases?

>> No.30119914

Sure, but the context of the video is really clear: it depicts a medieval-style village [of owls, but anyways], and Mumei giving a rat fleas.

Still think it's possible they'd change that scene too, but still think the odds are less than 50%.

>> No.30120043


>> No.30120132

Missed the IRyS/Bae Titanic reference

>> No.30120242

song made my ears bleed had to turn it off like 20 seconds in.

>> No.30120273

What is supposed to be offensive about this? I'm an ignorant?

>> No.30120339

Nothing. Not even Twitter was offended.
All comments about this came after it was taken down. No one was discussing this before

>> No.30121187

People won't give a shit about the black plague because it happened in Europe.

>> No.30121221

the implication is she was collecting fleas to purposefully spread them around

>> No.30121317

>it's extremely average black humor and the closest anyone could come to being mad about anything is the challenger explosion
what a classical hololive nothingburger

>> No.30121392

They DID happen.

They are MAJOR events, but they aren't accidents.

>> No.30121588

video is kino af

>> No.30121863

>oh the humanity

Too bad she bullied the underage girls her Trash Taste-related boyfriend raped. She'd be based if she hadn't.

>> No.30122121

The worst part is the poor animation and the models clipping through the scenery.
Only the singing is good.

>> No.30122213

prediction, the thing that will actually be changed is the opening where Mumei flings herself off the edge of a cliff

>> No.30122400


>> No.30122444

First time on this board? Did your mommy finally take the restrictions off the computer?

>> No.30122475

The scene where Kronii is chasing the icecream car, what it refers to?

>> No.30122755

kronni trying to chase me down to get a tripple cream cone

>> No.30122851

Kronii chasing after an ice cream truck that drove past her home.

>> No.30123687

Challenger blew mid flight, so removing the ethanol can make people think it references spaceX

>> No.30123882

She wants an ice cream, but was too slow, so she's chasing after the ice cream truck to try and stop it.

>> No.30124218

Holy soul

>> No.30124380

Looks a bit like a fever dream I once had.

>> No.30124422

I fucking hate Boomers and Zoomers so much. 15 years ago if someone made this no one would give a shit

>> No.30124550

He should've had the grocery store burning down as another historic event, kek

>> No.30124795

Stupid "controversy" aside, this wasn't very good.

>> No.30124825
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>> No.30124863

BaeRyS acting out titanic was hilarious, I was rolling

>> No.30124997

Lovely girl isn't she?

>> No.30125321

This was taken down? That sucks. I watched it last night, it was great.


>> No.30125405


>> No.30125447

I hope she does more.

>> No.30126110

Non of these happened.
And if they did, they harmed noone.
And if they did, they deserved it.

>> No.30126366

Omega why can't you protect the talents properly?
Do your job

>> No.30126393
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does she float like a duck ? I need to know for science reasons

>> No.30126511

In the next MV Meimei will give a tour of Auschwitz and show the wooden doors

>> No.30126931

How dare she spread the black death, sink the titanic, cause the hindenberg and cause the shuttle explosion. Seriously, I think most of the people other than the shuttle one are long dead to care to be offended. Not allowed to reference historical events for a character that represents civilization?

>> No.30127031

hey kanauru i want a sextape, would you mind recording one with your significant other? oh sorry i forgot you were single, my i will ask someone else byebyeee

>> No.30127364

After seeing these threads I expected the video to be some kind of hardcore shit...
but the most "offensive" joke for a contemporary audience is a reference to the fucking Challenger shuttle? Also, didn't it get destroyed a while after takeoff, not during? Is this even an actual reference?
Hololive causing more problems by doing something rather than nothing. Barely anyone would have cared.

>> No.30127516

They literally blocked a potato history stream in her first month.

>> No.30127518

>Also, didn't it get destroyed a while after takeoff, not during? Is this even an actual reference?
Dude it's a fucking rocket exploding there's literally only so many of those happening historically. Quit being an autisitic faggot no one likes people who nitpick shit that is incredibly obvious.

>> No.30127709

There's like a million references in this. You cna tell it was made with care by a fan. Why the fuck do people have to ruin everything that's fun?

>> No.30127787

So, if a rocket explodes in a piece of media, it's a reference to this historical event of this kind? Noted.
Also, being an autistic faggot no one likes is a requirement to being here anon.

>> No.30129963

First it's mafumafu and now it's Kanauru. Why do third parties have the tendency to start a career-ending avalanche in Hololive? I am legit worried about Mumei graduating right now because of what this fucker did.

>> No.30130083

>I am legit worried about Mumei graduating right now because of what this fucker did

>> No.30130272

WTF was going on through Kanauru's head to not realize this would obviously be an issue?

>> No.30130361

Nigga the holocaust didn't happen

>> No.30130396

betting my ass off that it was the japanese

>> No.30130467

she forgot he is asian. he has no sense of western bullshit. i am offended is not a thing in asia yet

>> No.30130503

>career ending avalanche
The worst tragedy in the video is the shopping cart scene, twitterfags are just little bitches that love to get offended on behalf of other people

>> No.30130598

>They DID happen.

>> No.30130635

That's what people said about:
And see what happened

>> No.30130661

This video is kino and if they change ANYTHING about it I will be upset.
Depending on what they change is who i will be upset at

If they change basically nothing, I blame cover for derailing mooms views and popularity
If they change the challenger, I hate americans
If they change hindenberg (most likely) then /pol/ was right again and its the jews

>> No.30130666

Wow, it's actually terrible in the sense it's low fucking effort. I can't even say it's worth the controversy it caused. Anyways she might as well have put tiananmen square in the video for good measure, we could use another good Chink yab.

>> No.30130749

Kronii once shared a sad memory where she tried to get icecream from an uncream truck, but she was too slow to catch its attention

>> No.30130780

This is literally less of a shitshow than debut month, and there was more controversy over her not replying to a NijiEN tweet earlier this week.
No one was even getting offended beforehand.

>> No.30130944


The Great Mumei Yabbening

My Fauna would NEVER.

>> No.30130960

So we know a lot of it is driven by clip faggot drama cunts. I'm far too lazy and not insane enough for it. But I kind of hope some autist schizoid out there starts an extreme targeted harassment campaign against them.

>> No.30130989

Kronii gets ice cream

>> No.30131060

Harassment campaign against who? It’s been more than 12 hours and no one could provide a single screenshot of anyone being even slightly annoyed by the MV.
It’s just cover over reacting and preemptively taking it down. Legit no one was offended.

>> No.30131167

>no rape of nanking

>> No.30131198

Dude, just read read the Twitter thread on Cover's statement. Top voted comment is a leech clipper saying they "went too far". And then scroll to find the other retards who were actually offended and stirring up shit as though they're offended about a plague reference.

>> No.30131241

Then it was revealed that it happened literally the other day. She was running after it in her crocs and missed it.

>> No.30131289

This is people reacting AFTER the facts and concernfagging on the behalf of the imaginary crowd on people actually offended. Crowd that does not exist.
No one on this board could find a single tweet posted before the cover statement.

>> No.30131305

She didn't request shit
Kanauru tweeted she said "do whatever"

>> No.30131308

She did?

>> No.30131377

>Black Plague
>Hindenburg disaster
>Challenger disaster
Why is japland mad about her video poking fun at the west?

>> No.30131381

No one gives a shit about SpaceX, unless they're actively gargling Elon's cum.

>> No.30131431

Here come all the white knights who believe the talents can do no wrong. Mumei watched it before she posted it.

>> No.30131470

All I can glean from this situation is that Mumei and Kanauru are based and management is dumb and gay.

>> No.30131601

there is literally nothing wrong with this video though

>> No.30131713

Never said there was. I thought it was good. My point was it's her channel. You can't blame the person who made the video more than the one who posted it

>> No.30132235

Oh, it's not that I believe Mumei can do no wrong. It's more like third parties are always the start of career-ending avalanches. In Rushia's case, I've largely accepted that it's her fault she went schizo, but we all know if only by some magical twist of fate mafumafu's tweet didn't appear, it wouldn't have happened.

>> No.30132296
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mumei gonna fucking blacklist kanauru for this, and i'm gonna cackle. god damnit that is some delicious karma

>> No.30132322

>career-ending avalanches.
Stop being a drama-queen. There is nothing wrong with the video, there was no backlash, cover is being a pussy and ore cautious than necessary. No one is in trouble and Kanauru will keep making videos.

>> No.30132608

You leave Kanauru alone, faggot. I'll take that seanigger over any EN any day of the week.

>> No.30132629
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Like hell am I gonna take your word for it. Until operations resume, we wait. Meanwhile, I'll go enjoy the edits in the other thread.

>> No.30132686

>>30132629 (me)
meant to reply to >>30132322

>> No.30132759

>no bonking here
Don’t trust me, trust Mumei

>> No.30132886

Holy shit! Finally NOT another Rushia. Fuck Rushia for giving me PTSD. Thanks for the link.

>> No.30133478

Management posted that.
Mumei is currently negotiating her graduation and a Vshojo contract as we speak.
Kanauru is being blacklisted and the rest of EN are being told not to use his models and drop all contact with him.

>> No.30133705

It should be a nothingburger but Cover is doing their best to Streisand effect it into the stratosphere lol

>> No.30134030

Yeah, Mumei did not wrong for approving the video, you're correct there.

>> No.30135179

>Too bad she bullied the underage girls her Trash Taste-related boyfriend raped.

>> No.30135307

le funny connor

>> No.30135422
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>baby's dan dan got disappeared
Sadge. It was pure cutekino.

>> No.30135496

How is Cover's management so good at turning nothingburgers into full McDonald's Happy Meals?

>> No.30135504
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and for that reason, i'm out

>> No.30135732

Wow, imagine making this low effort trash and then causing a controversy with it too.

>> No.30135919

It's weird. The vast majority of Cover yabs actually turn out to be fucking nothing but they get blown up like crazy. The company just can't seem to handle PR at all.
Meanwhile you have other companies have bad shit rolling out with confirmation right off the bat and everyone just writes it off after the first 24 hours of bait threads.

>> No.30136120

Yes it’s weird.
>Niji liver might me a girl-friend abuser in the past
>ahah who cares, anyway would you like to hear how Ren @ Mumei directly and half a dozen people were angry on Twitter? THAT’s worth a drama video.

>> No.30136205 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.89 MB, 600x336, barrier.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single one of those "astronauts" died anyways since they never boarded the rocketship. As a matter of fact those rockets have never been manned and they only launch it on a curvature because the firmament is impassable.

>> No.30136252

This is really shitty in quality, never mind the 'controversy', but does this dude have autism for thinking this would be okay in current year? Some fag somewhere is gonna say something and cover will crumble in a second.

>> No.30136256

Prease undastan. Japanese company....

>> No.30136369

Steelrat literally has a child 90% of her viewers don't know about but shit like this is marked down as one of the biggest yabs in all of vtuber history.
Fucking shit show the western audience is.

>> No.30136663

Nope. Einshine.

>> No.30136799

The whole world doesn't revolve around America, contrary to what they'd like you to believe.

>> No.30136836

Cover has a target painted on its back after the real shit, so the dumb shit gets thrown at them.
Mumei in particular has the biggest target on her back out of the non-Myth ENs.

>> No.30136914

>The whole world doesn't revolve around America, contrary to what they'd like you to believe.
Imagine actually believing this.

>> No.30136960

>no rwanda massacre

>> No.30137072
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Why didn't you stop her /VT/?

All she wanted was a friend.

>> No.30137581

Aaah I get ya

>> No.30137652

Pretty sure that was widely agreed to be false flag last I checked

>> No.30137886

will this be the event that finally gets kanauru to stop being an attention whoring faggot
i get that hes carrying EN on his back but he needs to relax, its funny that in the original upload of the video he was the pinned comment bragging about making the video whatever he wanted it to be

>> No.30138108


>> No.30138137

I love this timeline

>> No.30138192

>no oklahoma city bombing
>no srebrenica massacre
>no amia bombing

>> No.30138235

the thing that i'm most scandalized over is the fact that this bitch paid somebody else and gave them free reign to make a video without any input from her whatsoever, and if it had gone over well i'm sure people here would be crowing over la creatividad or some shit like that

just how many of these "creative" "ideas" that these girls have are simply them paying real creatives to make something and then stamping their name/image on it, I wonder?

>> No.30138320

all of them lmao. don't forget that ame is heralded as a tech god for hiring some people to actually do everything

>> No.30138335
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Aw well, I watch Mumei as a cute chuuba not for GFE

>> No.30138389

To be fair her RM built her own PC on stream and shit, she's pretty based and techpilled

>> No.30138784

building a PC is literally just expensive lego. The instructions in mobo manuals are so simple and straightforward and clear an 11 year old should be able to do it easily.

>> No.30138925

What’s generally agreed is that socially isolated teens are easily manipulated, and that she’s not showing her hand when it comes to her current relationship status. What that means is that you can argue over whether old shit is still relevant.

>> No.30139000

we're talking about things not made up or done by the CIA/Israel

>> No.30139093

>implying there's things that Israel is not involved with

>> No.30139249

No holocaust and 911? Shit video, she deserves the hate

>> No.30139358

Well yeah but it shows she aint clueless compared to the average person who is scared to even touch a RAM kit

>> No.30139378

Only things that actually happened and weren't an inside job, anon.

>> No.30139546

based mumei wtf she is supporting ALEX JONES from the shadows

>> No.30139675
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Kiara's part is worse since it directly implies KFP is Nazi Germany and she was Hitler in a past life. This basically slanders Kiara and is honestly the biggest yab since it directly mentions a talent tied to a true yab. My bet is Hindenburg is removed or KFP/Kiara edited out. I know when the video was made he probably thought Austrian German=Hindenburg, but that makes even worse considering Hitler was Austrian.

>> No.30140335

Most people talk about the Hindenburg being German without making the Nazi connection.

>> No.30140472

Saying the naughty T word ended up forcing them to axe an entire branch.
They're probably still terrified of every little possible yab after that.

>> No.30140575

True but the way Kanauru placed the blank black tail signs on Kiara's Hindenburg doesn't seem like the smartest move.

>> No.30140736

I didn't catch that kek. Imagine if Kiara got angry

>> No.30141477

I was thinking Kiara might actually have lost her shit seeing that, I know I'd be a little bothered about having a connection like that drawn if I was Austrian

>> No.30141775

Sorry I don't speak ESL

>> No.30141917

She shouted about birds being the superior race during a collab with Reine and said she wants KFP to invade France. The kitchen fire happening the same day would be more likely to set her off than that.

>> No.30141964

Admittedly both are kinda oof, the Challenger for riling up certain American fans and the Hindenburg for associating their Austrian talent to the most infamous Austrian in history indirectly.

>> No.30142388

I didn't even know that the Hindenburg thingy was during the Third Reich and i am about to finish a degree in history. Normal people don't think over some random vtuber video that much

>> No.30143032

I love my Oshi but i bet Kiara doesnt even knows or remembers about the Hindenburg
And i think the video went down before she woke up in the morning

>> No.30143338

It doesn't actually matter that you don't think, the video proves the guy who made it saw the connection between Hitler/Kiara and inserted it because he thought it was funny.

>> No.30144228

Christ her voice is grating. Dan Dan ureshy kuhnalew

>> No.30145744

probably out of owl's hands, but if this gets restored in it's original form, imma gonna sub and member her

>> No.30146917

She doubled down on the Black Death reference with her Twitter activity tonight, so that’s a good sign so far.

>> No.30147067

Its going to come back with even more tragedies.It was removed because Kanaru didnt go far enough.

>> No.30147308

The actual biggest yab that mumei needed to cut out was Gura being in the video after she refused to call in for my birthday.

>> No.30147487

Ah, damn. I think that riding the horse bit might just be about them playing Rust or something.
Sorry, guys. I'm pretty sure it's not about slavery and killing indigenous brown people.
Fucking disappointing, I tell you.
At least the shopping cart meme is there being mighty white of her.

>> No.30147934

Yikes. That is nothing. They need to release it back in full with an apology for taking it down in the first place.

>> No.30148225
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>> No.30148261

add a scene where mumei is in the room when twitter was first put online.

>> No.30148396

>No 9/11
>No hiroshimanagasaki
>No holoca-
Oh yeah it didn't happen
>No rape of Nanking

>> No.30149892

Oh nice. That is the real plague of our age.

>> No.30151130

https://youtu.be/H68mo_pH838 :3

>> No.30155869

