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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30089170 No.30089170 [Reply] [Original]

Mysta going mental on twitter
Previous thread

>> No.30089228

For dramafags that don't watch streams, Mysta said today he's grown uncomfortable seeing ship art of him and his co-workers since they've grown closer.
He made it clear that people are free to make whatever shipping content they want and that he won't judge them for it, he simply doesn't want to see it anymore and will scroll past it. He's not telling anyone to stop drawing anything.
I cannot overstate enough that there was no judgement towards ship artists in his stream and that this was purely a matter of personal comfort.
ESLs got buttmad and he made this statement to clear it up.
That's it.

>> No.30089238

Isn't this a perfectly normal reaction?

>> No.30089279

Is mysterio based?

>> No.30089299
File: 125 KB, 720x541, 189211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijisanji career status?

>> No.30089349

Mysterio based. Good for him

>> No.30089353

Imagine becoming a male vtuber and being so retarded that he doesnt segregate his art tags between yume and fujo. Like all gacha games that women play have seperate art tags so fujos can do their shit and yumes can do theirs. This is why you should only hire oldfags from 4chan (please hire me nijisanji, I can educate your talents with a firm hand, let me loose on finana she will start behaving after the tenth spanking)

>> No.30089520

>OMG Mysta is going mental on Twitter
>Image shows Mysta being reasonable
The only one that is mental is you OP

>> No.30089534

menhera rias is going to singlehandedly fuck things up for the entire manjisanji en branch because he filtered all his fujos. I kneel.

>> No.30089538

Looks like he's complaining about the consequences of his own actions. Fans reflect the streamer, after all.

>> No.30089571

Mysta will btfo esl fujos and cleanse the niji fanbase. Is he the hero the nijibox needs?

>> No.30089671

Yes, it is. OP is a fag.
Mysta's not even telling people to stop tagging it like a lot of other choobas on his same level do. He just wants people to understand that he's not going to interact with it anymore.

>> No.30089701

He know # exist, right? Why don't make a +18 hashtags and leave fans have fun?

>> No.30089859

>look forward to something that will be added to the scandal pasta
>its fucking nothing
How is this menhera

>> No.30090285
File: 122 KB, 600x499, Fixing Mysta Menhera.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During his early day he's fucking went full baiting and pandering with FoxAkuma shit, RT-ing & liking some shippy art that borderline lewd.
He literally brought this upon himself, he's fucking retard.
It's too late for him when he already attract schizo shipfag crowd, should've put the boundary sooner.
Another lesson to never do forced shipfaggotry shit, unless you & your co-worker already has compromise.
just look at Takamori, forced shit & now Mori-Kiara doesnt interact much.

>> No.30090301

People are trying to make him look like a hypocrite by making this into him saying he hates fujos or some shit when all he's doing is saying he no longer wants to look at porn of him fucking his co-workers. It's all very tiring.

>> No.30090317

He's really biting the hand that feeds him, huh.

>> No.30090335

all he needs is a good fucking to cure his menhera
t. I have a cock

>> No.30090367

okay? He has no problem with it. Just don't cry when he doesn't comment or look at it

>> No.30090393

And he's doing the right thing by telling his fujoshippers to fuck off now. Better sooner than later.

>> No.30090416

Mysta does have an 18+ tag. The fanartists refuse to respect it and put both it and his main fanart tag on their pics of him getting railed by Vox or Ovum.

>> No.30090423

Nijikeks deserve any problem with fujos they create. They did all that to themselves and it's 100% their fault for pandering to fujos in the first place. You feed fujos, you get stuck with fujos.

>> No.30090476

Acting like a whore, but mad for being treated as one. Fking nijishite.

>> No.30090485

He's not stopping people from having fun. He isn't telling people to stop doing anything.

>> No.30090518
File: 20 KB, 184x170, 1658654372320225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if your faggot chuuba didnt do pandering shit in first place he wouldnt having such meltdown by being uncomfortable seeing a fanart of him getting railed by his co-worker.
he's fucking retard.

>> No.30090567

It probably never occurred to them how creepy it really is to be shipped with your coworkers by underaged girls when they first started pandering.

>> No.30090701

That isn't what he's upset about in the first place you mong. He can just scroll past art he doesn't want to see. He's upset at people like (you) misunderstanding him.
He also used to be okay with seeing art like this back when he regularly shipped himself with his co-workers, by his own admission. He no longer does and thus is no longer comfortable with it. This is as natural a progression as it gets.

>> No.30090706

are you actually crying because he didn't comment on your mistagged fanart or something

>> No.30090708

Its so funny how even the most rabid of kpop shippers are better behaved in comparison to the anons /here/

>> No.30090764

He clearly doesn't want any more ship art otherwise why state that he's uncomfy? The only reason he would say that he's grossed out by it is to discourage it altogether. He's basically telling his fujochinks to fuck off now that he has their money.

>> No.30090776
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so, basically
>play stupid game, win stupid prize
they absolutely deserve the shit they get for fishing to mentally unstable teenage girl & schizo shipfag.
sure the money is great but guess it doesnt do them good in long term & mentally, kek.

>> No.30090845

He's just providing a reason as to why he doesn't engage with shipping art anymore so people don't get upset if he doesn't like it.

>> No.30090874

Chinkfujo money really did go to their heads after a while and now their fanbase is majority underaged fujos or lonely chinkwomen or lonely women in general. It's just a natural occurrence since they wanted big numbers and money as fast as possible, can't say I blame them, they got what they wanted.

>> No.30090909
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>> No.30090910

You sound like a butthurr shipper. He btfo-ed your ship or sumn?

>> No.30090936

Do Niji fans expect their streamers to engage with every single fanart that gets posted, to the point that they need to provide an explanation when they don't?

>> No.30090978

Not (me) but I agree with anon kinda. I used to like Mysta but that was shortlived when him and the rest of Luxiem started to fujobait.

>> No.30091004

sorry im not faggot, just telling your oshi is retard for doing pandering shit in first place only to regret it because he can't handle it.

>> No.30091008

Mysta unironically spends hours a day scrolling through his likes. This isn't copium, it's fact, look for yourself. People will notice if he skips over certain art and I'm sure he wants to avoid the whole "Mysta HATES x" timeloops.

>> No.30091036

Wheres the menhera?

>> No.30091042

>panders to fujos by homobaiting them with your co-workers for china money
>now they ship you with their co-workers and it creeps you out

>> No.30091080

If you aren't a faggot why does it hurt you so much when the guy asks for less faggot artwork

>> No.30091086

When he shipbaited with his co-workers he was okay with the art. Now he doesn't and he avoids it. What's wrong with this? He's changing his mind and his content to follow suit.

>> No.30091105

And guess what he hasnt "fujo-baited" months.

>> No.30091144

He has fujobaited, don't give shitposters ammo. But he hasn't shipbaited with his co-workers which is specifically what he's referring to here. Last stream with Vox was 2 months ago.

>> No.30091162

He shipbaited for money and openly encouraged it for a long-ass time. If he's not OK with it anymore it's really his own fault for shipbaiting and supporting it for so long, he basically played himself and that's it.

>> No.30091180

>shipping art with my coworkers and friends makes me slightly uncomfy
Oh my goooood what a faggot. I guess NijiEN gachikoi dont need to worry about with that one.

>> No.30091195

>Fujos losing their shit

>> No.30091206

Isnt fujobaiting just the weebified way of saying queerbaiting. How is he gonna queerbait w/o someone to be queer with

>> No.30091209

He is OK with it. He's still allowing people to ship them, after all. He's just going to not look from now on.

>> No.30091219

>Bait a group of people into supporting you because you pander to them
>Suddenly do a 180 and claim you hate them
>Be shocked when people get upset at you
Where have I seen this before?

>> No.30091253

He used a clickbait thumbnail recently with some mob oji-san, so like that I guess.

>> No.30091272

definitely not here

>> No.30091296

>claim you hate them
Nigger where? He even compliments the artists drawing him getting fucked here. He holds no contempt towards shippers.

>> No.30091324

he should try doing NTR streams where he gets fucked by mob ojisans to stop people from shipping him with anyone

>> No.30091331

Vox-Reimu thing

>> No.30091354

>Previous thread
What is this? The mystaschizo general?

>> No.30091356
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who knew doing blatant pandering without thinking the consequences, will bite them in future.
i would respect them if they go along with it & being shameless about it but guess they just coward faggot.

>> No.30091374

Ok, and the guy clearly said his "co-worker". Unless mob ojisan is in the new wave, I dont see what the issue is.

>> No.30091383

Nijikeks have built a fanbase that's basically thin-ice incarnate. At least they got that chinkmoney.

>> No.30091465

Ah, yes. Mob oji-san. My favorite nijiEN chuuba. I hate seeing ship art of he and Mysta

>> No.30091472

He's really in a prison of his own making, huh.

>> No.30091479

It they shamelessly continued to bait even harder to milk more money out their fanbase I'd definitely be impressed.

>> No.30091510

There's no issue. He stopped shipbaiting 2 months ago and is stopping looking at ship art too - without stopping shippers from producing art, even. His actions are perfectly consistent. But dramafaggots want this to be le final yab again.

>> No.30091515

Where is the menhera??

>> No.30091523
File: 1014 KB, 1750x1650, 1630203951460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pander to retarded Chinese fujos
>they ignore Vtuber etiquette and spam your art tag with drawings of you getting assfucked by your colleagues
>say you don't like art of you getting anally destroyed
>they get angry at you
>start backpaddling
He'll fucking apologize to them within the week like Vox did once he sees his income drop.
Fucking retards brought it upon themselves with the fujo pandering and gaybaiting.

>> No.30091530

fujo chinkbucks are one hell of a drug, i guess the high wore off

>> No.30091590

Based mysterio telling the shippers to take a hike

>> No.30091595

Fucking stupid faggot and his fujos
Can't handle the pressure anymore even though he's rich now huh?

>> No.30091630
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>All this Mystakes white-knighting their menhera boy
sis, you should worry about your menhera boy rather than white-knighting in mongolian anime board that gossiping your oshi, it makes you look pathetic. first time here? people here dont give a shit about whatever shit you spouting.
also, mysta is retard & such a whiny faggot btw.
graduate speedrun soon

>> No.30091642
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His bigger nsfw shipping fanartists arent even upset... its just the schizos on /here/ that are throwing tantrums and having karen-tier meltdowns about this.

>> No.30091669

He's probably got all the fujobucks he needs now so there's no reason to care about shipfagging to increase his income anymore

>> No.30091688

Crying about Mysterio isnt gonna make Sana come back

>> No.30091696
File: 107 KB, 750x730, 1658491439369174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for certain someone saying parasocial fuck again

>> No.30091725

Because they actually have reading comprehension and understand Mysta's still okay with them creating ship art.

>> No.30091729 [SPOILER] 
File: 210 KB, 1494x2048, 1659689067983231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards should really stop responding to every other moron who's trying to push bullshit on purpose.

Maybe just post cute hags...

>> No.30091762

I hate this word.
If you don't like something man up and state it clearly.

>> No.30091831


>> No.30091847

Twitter coomers are called out and upset?
This guy sounds based.

>> No.30091853

Almost all the Nijimales talk like this. They all tweet like a bunch of teenage girls because otherwise their audience can't understand them.

>> No.30091894
File: 922 KB, 990x1146, MYSTA MAGGED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta MAGGED soon.
stay tune at https://magged.com/

>> No.30091898

>throwing temper tantrums because you can't control your oshi's thoughts
Do fujos really?

>> No.30091922

His fujos are okay with this and still plan on producing art. /vt/ schizos are not.

>> No.30091972

Isn't fujopandering and shipfagging the thing that put these faggots on the chuuba map? Why is he whining about looking at ship art he pandered too?

>> No.30092121

He hasn't done a shipbait stream with his co-workers in months. He's choosing to move away from that content.

>> No.30092185

>female VTuber
>goes down the Yuribait route
>gets drawn thousands of times going lesbo mode with her co-workers
>Never complains, will interact with such art regularly
>Always teases fans with steamy off-collab stories
>Keeps the ship going as long as it has fans

>male VTuber
>goes down the fujobait route
>Sees a bunch of arts where he is taking, not giving
>Immediately uncomfortable, very confused about his own sexuality
>"P-please d-don't d-draw such art, V-Vox-sama asked if I want to try it out IRL"

Why are m*n like this? You made your bed, now get fucked in it.

>> No.30092221

Easy. Bisexuality among females is fine. Faggotry among men is not.

>> No.30092243

>P-please d-don't d-draw such art
Why are you faggots so fucking incapable of reading holy shit he literally says in the first tweet people can still draw whatever ship art they want of him

>> No.30092300

Retard, he does not want to see it in his tags, which basically amounts to "don't draw this at all" because if it can't be posted in the tags it's spread throughout the fanbase is going to be limited a ton.

>> No.30092310

All women are "bisexual" unless they're man hating dykes, because it has low barrier for entry.
You give your friend who is also a girl a boob squeeze? You're bisexual!
You flick each other's beans? Bisexual! Hardcore double sided dildo romp? Bisexual!
But as a dude you're either sucking dick or ass fucking. That's firmly in the realm of full on faggotry.

>> No.30092322


>> No.30092362

He never said anything about his tags either you lying nigger, all he said is that if he saw it he'd scroll past it, he's not telling artists to stop posting anything in his tags

>> No.30092386
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>> No.30092432

>Being this retarded
>Can't read between the lines when someone is trying to break it to you nicely
>Not realizing that those are two contradictory statements
The cope is strong in this one

>> No.30092530

How the fuck is saying "you can draw whatever you want, I'll just avoid it" a contradictory statement? He's made it very clear he holds no ill will towards shippers. He still follows many artists who produce said ship art. Mysta has tardwrangled his fans so that they stop doing things before, if he really wanted them to stop drawing ship art he'd say it outright.

>> No.30092695

>He actually said something completely different from what's written because otherwise I don't have a yab to shitpost about

>> No.30092837

The number of posters between those two statements has not increased one bit.

Most curious.

>> No.30092858

Says will not look at ship art anymore. But it's fine if you guys still make it. Hm... So if I walk around naked in my house exposing myself to the neighbors kids. And the parents putting a fence between our properties to block the view, they are totally fine with it because they are cool with what I do. Wow much logic, totally believable.

>> No.30092915

i love this image

>> No.30092922
File: 134 KB, 750x347, 602C2830-BC73-44FD-9649-9E5E8B8771CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itoddler btw :^)

>> No.30092952


>> No.30092978

This is so low tier to even be called mental.

>> No.30092984

That's such an insane attempt at an analogy that I have no idea how to respond to it. Do you despise everyone who likes TV shows you don't like? Or do you just ignore the show and leave the fans alone? Actually this is 4chan so it's very possible you do despise those people, but try to see this from a normal person's perspective.

>> No.30092997

Huh? Members aren't obligated to give attention to shipping art. Most of it would cause a shitstorm if they did. If Pomu started liking art of her making out with Luca for example everyone would lose it. Not to mention he's talking about nsfw art to begin with which most members never interact with at all regardless of shipping or not.

>> No.30093088

Yes? Or are you implying that putting up a fence means you're now forbidden of being naked inside your house?

>> No.30093590

As long as it stays same gender and the liver is fine with it it's no big deal. Noctyx minus Yugo encourage it, Fulgur and Uki are a given but I went through Sonny's likes earlier and he has sonnyban in there.

>> No.30094889

I won't blame him, this is a similar reaction to what holos had with shit like pekomiko, takamori, and even noefura getting out of hand. Shipping sours everything when it gets to that point. Unless it's Okakoro, they dont have any issue with that so far that I know

>> No.30095075

shipping just enlarges the main problem of retards being unable to do anything but to parrot the same memes or events ad aeternum. Some people are just singleminded meme-carriers, like those bugs who get mindcontrolled by infesting parasites.

>> No.30095358

kek how many variations have there been on this by now?

>> No.30095611

it's simple, we kill all clipwatchers

>> No.30095914

>ESLs from twitter can't understand what he's saying
>This board's ESLs can't either

>> No.30098034

Mysta got his numbers and metrics, now is bored and wants to change. His fandom however wants the pandering

>> No.30098071

Its mostly /here/ that's upset. I havent seen twitter antis cry about this shit as much as the faggots here. I reactivated my twitter account for nothing
