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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29881681 No.29881681 [Reply] [Original]

How hard is Cover Management seething that they didn’t get him first? How would history have been different if HolostarsEN would’ve been a thing a year sooner, and Vox came out in the first wave?

>> No.29881763

Vox wouldn't have been as big without his zhang shills

>> No.29881826

Zhang pandering streamer good for hololive sure

>> No.29881841

way too risky, he's got a bad history and attracts super volatile fanbases
if he screwed up he'd probably pull a coco and screw over a bunch of other talents

>> No.29881976

I'm hetero but his model is pure sex. Red black colorway really pops out and I wonder why more chuubas aren't using this. Looks better than generic blue/white. That's it, reccomend me some red/black stendhals /vt/. I only know Rene and she is sex also.

>> No.29882040

Vox's success comes primarily from chink pandering and his design. Maybe they could have had someone as successful as him if they could have actually bothered to hire good artists, but we all know cover is incompetent.

>> No.29882168

>way too risky, he's got a bad history and attracts super volatile fanbases
>if he screwed up he'd probably pull a coco and screw over a bunch of other talents

let him into hollowlive asap

>> No.29882285

He single handedly lifted up all of NijisanjiEN with his giant cock. They'd all be homeless and begging for pocket change if it weren't for him.
So obviously it's too bad Holostars didn't pick him up.

>> No.29882445


>> No.29882562
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I don't know if they're seething, but Vox's case might have opened a new perspective on scouting. It seems acting school dropouts can actually be made into good entertainers. They're more likely to be viscerally bound to the character they represent than most, have a good set of spokesperson skills, etc.
Vox might not have a very interesting personality per se (I think he's hilarious, but he's really a typical zoomer deep down), but that can be compensated with acting skills applied into streaming

>> No.29882690

Vox is nothing without chinese fujo's though. He's probably the more boring NijiEN member if he didn't sellout like his life depended on it.

>> No.29882734

Wouldn't have mattered, because they would have given him some shitty model drawn by Magni's hack and he'd have been doa anyway.

>> No.29882758

>all out war
Nobody at cover gives a shit

>> No.29882795

Vox is CDawgVa but better

>> No.29882841

keep your whore away from my bros, stinky fujo

>> No.29882917

In holostars and without the chinese audience Vox would probably do about as well as Magni or Vesper. Maybe slightly better if management let him pander overtly, but he wouldn't be close to where he is now.

>> No.29882980

tf is cover, its full of incompetent manager or sexual harasser remember mel ? you probably dont because you dont watch stream anon chama police got involve because her manager want her to became his onahole cover is a black company while i suppose hololive is more or less the same

>> No.29883006

Best voice? Loves streaming? He got a few positives. Too bad I'm not a fema*e but you can definitely see why he is the king of maletubing and not some menhera bitch like Sonny.

>> No.29883065

Vox would be WAY more reserved in Hololive and would lose his bite

>> No.29883115

If Vox will bite the proverbial bullet he can graduate and maybe marry some of his chink fujos many of his fujos actually has a job, daughters of company president etc. he is young he has a bright future awaiting him

>> No.29883119

Artists just make into good streamers (usually). See Marine, Ina, Vox, Enna. They're all accomplished in their own ways. Artists tend to be eccentric, which is good for chuuba streams

Even "failed" artist PL chuubas such as Yugo and Sana are noteworthy in their own ways

>> No.29883319

Vox is unironically good because he‘s a lore autist who likes to maintain his kayfabe without seeming like a tryhard. A lot of Nijis have that „twitch streamer with an anime avatar“ feeling but not Vox, which is what sets him apart from the rest. Fulgur is also a massive lore autist, but his weakness is setting himself, the streamer, apart from Fulgur/Legatus, the character, which fucks up immersion and therefore makes for weak kayfabe. The other men aren‘t even worth mentioning in this aspect.

>> No.29883358

Depends. I initially thought Cover didn't allow their talents to say any form of dark humor but seeing the new Tempus guys have the same kind of lewd and sometimes dark jokes as Luxiem makes me think otherwise. I'm glad they didn't get him, they would have given him a terrible model. His personality would have carried it yes but he wouldn't have been much more popular than what the Tempus guys are now. If they went for more of an idol route and treated them like they do the girls (unicorn pandering, not talking to females, etc.) and got all of the Luxiem guys, gave them decent models (even if they're just basic boring ikemen designs), they'd be just as popular, maybe even more popular, than what they are now. Catalogfags/people that don't watch him will say he's only popular because of chinks and will completely forget about how well he was doing before he changed his streaming times (which is fair, it was around 2am for his old streams). Niji operates differently so that's probably why he chose them over going to Holostars, they would have restricted his creativity a lot.

If Holostars management want their boys to be popular, they have to actually put some work and care into it. It's not just about the models, Magni's design is actually cool but they made his face look like a fucking alien. They can't just rely on their personalities to do the work for them, they have to make them look appealing to the people they're trying to appeal to. If they want to make "brotubers" they shouldn't have said on the application that they intend to appeal to a female audience. Sure they'll get a decent female audience anyway because their interactions and personalities are fun to watch, but if you want them to be as big as the holo girls they're going to have to actually see what women want and not what they think women want.

>> No.29883567
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If Vox had gone to holostars instead:
>needs to uphold to Cover's lower yab tolerance, this means much more seiso behavior and no complete manslutting
>he'd do what he intended in the beginning: Sekiro autism streams
>becomes the Sekiro + FNAF brochuuba
>kino movie review and art zatsudan (his personal interests)

He'd be fine. Probably vaguely similar to Magni in degenerate + autism personality, actually the baby of the bunch and this way probably bullied just as much as Axel

>> No.29883664

I love how you can clearly tell who in this thread actually watches Vox and who are catalogniggers.

>> No.29883699

you take zhang bait way too seriously

>> No.29883789

>the new Tempus guys have the same kind of lewd and sometimes dark jokes as Luxiem
The difference is that they don't pander to the same audience. In fact, they've managed to capture a bunch of men who have up until now only watched female Hololive talent.
Putting someone like Vesper in the same category as Vox seems ridiculous to me. Sure, some women will watch both, but the target demographic at this point is clearly different, no matter what might have been written originally on the applications.
In my opinion, someone at Cover decided that they didn't want to play second fiddle to Niji with the fujos and are instead looking to carve out their own niche. It's the Nintendo strategy.

>> No.29883961

>How hard is Cover Management seething that they didn’t get him first? How would history have been different if HolostarsEN would’ve been a thing a year sooner, and Vox came out in the first wave?


>> No.29884019

Glad they didn't get him.
NijiEN can keep the BFE homos.

>> No.29884069 [DELETED] 

You shouldn't throw stones in glass houses when Vox tried flirt with a 12 year old while he was in high school.

>> No.29884074

Not at all. He wouldn't have been much bigger than Noctyx, Iluna or even HomoEN w/o his zhang fangirls. That's a market that Cover doesn't want their *EN* VTubers to focus on, and can't focus on anyway.

>> No.29884258

It's not bait when people legitimately think he has only chinese fans and no one else.

I stated the different target demographic already. It wasn't wise for them to put on their application that they're trying to appeal to a female audience when Cover as a whole panders to men. And fujoshi are a completely different audience. Luxiem appeals more to yumejoshi. Tempus appeals to neither yumejoshi nor fujoshi because their designs have no sex appeal (except maybe Axel, but even that is pushing it), and their personalities and interactions feel more like a group of friends rather than someone who you'd fall in love with. Hell even Niji doesn't >try to appeal to female fans that way either but somehow they're good at picking up talents that fit the criteria for getting perfect groups of people that hit all those marks.

>> No.29884317

your clearly a new SJW you forgot that CDawgVa also do that 2-3 years ago repercussion? getting cancelled? nothing!
go back to twitter

>> No.29884392

and that is doxx info so your getting banned faggot lurk more your not autist enough to be here.

>> No.29884628

What does this have anything to do with them seething over Vox? ESL chaama, your Duolingo reps are showing.

>> No.29884781

? its not about seething are you illiterate?
my main idea of my wall of text is cover is bad and hololive could not have been bad but it gave silent consent to its talent getting harass so it more or less is bad
