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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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29451479 No.29451479 [Reply] [Original]

>boring zatsudans
>bad at games
What sort of entertainment value do people derive from this guy I don't understand

>> No.29451562
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>Lamy, Koyori, Fauna schizo has a new target

>> No.29451573

>Tried to shit on him at /nijiEN/
>Got BTFO'ed
>Makes a thread

>> No.29451671

>be OP
>have shit taste

>> No.29451801
File: 126 KB, 377x349, 1658704660927589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did the boomer nerd touch you anon?
Tell us why you're so frustrated by his existence.

>> No.29452198

>Tell us why you're so frustrated by his existence.
I'm not. I'm just trying to understand the appeal and so far no one has given me any explanation and instead got super defensive like you are which tells me you are insecure about him actually being entertaining

>> No.29452493

I like his voice

>> No.29452513

many such cases

>> No.29452571

I'm reading this in Ben Shapiro's voice

>> No.29452613

People will continue to find him entertaining and laugh at you sperging out in bait posts.

>> No.29452648

Ask me how I know you have no friends

>> No.29452709

>boring zatsudans
>bad at games
This describes 98% of all vtubers, male or female.

>> No.29452707

You do realize that it's against the rules to post when you're underaged, right?

>> No.29452862

It's okay to not like something. It's retarded trying to figure out why people like something you don't like and shit on them for it.

>> No.29452900

Honestly you don’t need any explanation. Just go watch someone else and continue on with your life. Don’t worry about someone else if you really don’t enjoy watching them.

>> No.29452929

>People will continue to find him entertaining
That's what I'm trying to understand
>sperging out
If you genuinely think that anything I said is spurging out, than you are an unironic schizo

>> No.29452951

It's all friend simulator. He's the "best friend" of Tempus, super relatable and seems like a great guy without being obnoxious.
People don't like him despite him being boring, people like him because he's boring. He's "literally you" the vtuber with all the same life experiences and tastes the average 30~ year old mid-level weeb has, except he also has a good personality.

>> No.29452973

Nijiniggers shook that boomer nerd is bodying their shit new wave. Vesper will carry his Gen to the promised land while they impotently jerk off to Jordan Sweeto.

>> No.29452979
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Here you go OP

>> No.29453027
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I think Mag might have a potion for you

>> No.29453038

You find him boring because you are uncultured and maybe a zoomer or have ADHD so you can't enjoy proper discussion without funny soudns, memes or flashing lights, that's all there is to it.

>> No.29453072

Bad opinion

>> No.29453139

>people like him because he's boring
I didn't know that was a thing people were into but okay I guess

>> No.29453217

It's just different taste for different people, what's so hard to understand? Most people who watch his stream likes listening to him talking about his favourite video games and books
While you might find it boring, others find it interesting, simple as

>> No.29453235

Ina has been providing similarly boring content for years and it's been successful for her.

>> No.29453339
File: 835 KB, 1124x740, Dracula.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boring zatsudans
>bad at games
Perhaps the same could be said of all Vtubers.

>> No.29453341

You don't need to understand why people like something. You should spend your time trying to find something that you enjoy than worrying about what others think.

>> No.29453419

With Ina I at least can understand since cute anime girl. This guy doesn't even have a design that easy on the eye

>> No.29453542

It's like Ina. The vtubers are inoffensive and competent enough that you can just leave them on in the background without worrying that they'll start screaming in your ears.

It's just another type of parasocial attachment but because he's a "bro" and new, people aren't ready to admit it yet even though the defense force in this thread is basically entirely people deflecting by assuming anyone who's not into him is underaged, or they're telling you that you can just not watch him and shouldn't ask questions even though they could just not engage this thread.

In a year when the next stars batch comes down people will settle down and he'll just comfortably sit in whatever place he lines up at.

>> No.29453609

>I'm reading this in Ben Shapiro's voice

KEK, now I can't unhear it. Hey >>29452198
can you also not get women wet?

>> No.29453649
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>> No.29453677
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The best

>> No.29453703

I find his zatsudans entertaining, and I think that's the main reason people like him because people enjoy hearing him talk. If you don't like them, well, that's your opinion and that's okay, because you don't have to watch him.

>> No.29453708

- ina gets autistically excited about stuff
- vesper gets autistically excited about stuff
that's the appeal you dolt

>> No.29453731

I'm honestly surprised how paranoid and defensive some people are over him

>> No.29453774

Did he slip a finger or two up your ass while you were asleep anon? Cope.

>> No.29453874

So I have to have some sort of mental disability to enjoy him?
Because people talking about what they like isn't anything special or new

>> No.29453879

He's the "literally you" vtuber so slights against him are taken personally. Viewers reflect the streamer though so even though people are defensive his fans are still mostly tame and polite.
Magfags are less common these days but they're already one of the worst posters in the board.

>> No.29453906

As a boomer I haven't felt such a strong connection with any other Holo than I have with him. Never realized how much it helps.

Unusually fitting for this guy.

>> No.29453908

Did you not post this in /MANS/ as well whats your problem

>> No.29453910
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Your words are as empty as your soul! Holopro ill needs an old grampire such as you!

>> No.29453922

anon people don't get this aggressive when they're genuinely curious. Your opening made clear that you have a preconcieved image of him that is unshakeable.

>> No.29453954

They already have a whole board with possible rrats to spread and rumors voices in their head told them. They're biggest fear is holostar moving up on their oshi.

>> No.29453959

>>So I have to have some sort of mental disability to enjoy him?
Yes, same as Ina.

>> No.29453980

Some people like boring.

>> No.29454008

and who do you watch op-kun

>> No.29454023
File: 836 KB, 3368x3598, 1655907512023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are joking right? His zatsudan is one of the highest quality I've seen
t.watched hologirls, watches nijis both female and male, literally watched all of the corposphere in these 3 years

>> No.29454056

Thank you unbiased Kindred

>> No.29454111

>he cant understand why people like [thing]
Wake up your third neuron and use it, anon. I know you can do it.

>> No.29454114

I think you are just projecting because I just gave my opinion of him after giving him a watch and was wondering what people see that I don't see
I don't get how you saw that as being aggressive

>> No.29454153

I know you need constant flashing lights and your vtuber mentioning poopy peepee and getting fucked constantly in order for you to be entertained because you are a peanut headed subhuman like anyone who agrees with you, but there are certain people with actual fucking brains who don't find that entertaining and would rather have someone with something interesting to say you worthless fucking retard kill yourself :)

>> No.29454165

I'm gonna membership to the booomer vampire daddy on day 1.

>> No.29454185

People are acting like he's the second coming of Roberu or something

>> No.29454209

TIL being a radio host is not a skill

>> No.29454216
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>> No.29454236

>say something people find to be completely retarded without providing actual arguments, shit talking things we like flippantly
>Why are you getting aggressive?
Unironically you deserve your faggot head smashed into the curb worthless retard. I want you vshojo faggots dead anyway.

>> No.29454274

that nigga is unironically great. seethe more.

>> No.29454278
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He talks about very old niche stuff (FF11, dwarf fortress, Discworld, WIndows 3.1, computer threading jokes). He caters to obscure niches that nobody else seems to give a fuck, that's why lots of people enjoy him, because most of us have at least one or two obscure niche we enjoy. Also, he's not arrogant and very seiso,that has a charm of sorts

>> No.29454299

I like him more than Roberu.
He's also a better conversationalist than any EN holo.

>> No.29454434

bla bla bla
The guy had a flight sim rig. As an aviation fag/nut I want to know what gear he was rocking and what he was flying.

>> No.29454810

Just wait for him to boot up ftl

>> No.29454924

Homo-fags got bullied and never had any friends so they find the idea of another dude being nice to them novel. Also why they tend to have insane complexes about the people they watch

>> No.29455076

this. OP is probably a seething fujo or tranny that got filtered hard by tech talk and Nowa's knowledge of based games.

>> No.29455218

>still can't understand after all this information and spoonfeeding
sorry but you might just be retarded

>> No.29456351

finally a vtuber I can show my family

>> No.29456352

All I got from this thread is that I have to be some 35 year old loner with old autistic hobbies and also develop some sort of twilight zone tier taste where boring is entertainment to "get" his appeal

>> No.29456527

>35 year old
funny, because that's uncle nowa's real age but he already has a small family

>> No.29456734

Its a combo of sharing not only 4chan approved tastes for anime but non anime related hobbies or to put it another way its like the good parts of /tg/ became your nice uncle, on that note he has just a very relaxed paternal aura that makes people want to listen to him, and last he is incredibly earnest about everything to the point where he can barely keep the Vtuber persona up but instead of ruining him it makes him endearing. For example in todays stream he openly said he would never want to play Among Us because he is very uncomfortable with lying but would play it anyway if its a full Gen Collab to not break up the set.
Fuck todays stream is a perfect example of why people like him it was just a comfy time talking about books and the like sprinkled in with info about his genmates not in a gossipy way but in a you grandpa talks about an embarrassing story from when you a kid way, no malicious intent just a nice old man telling stories in-between cups of tea and talk about shared hobbies.

>> No.29456972

>todays stream is a perfect example of why people like him
If that was really the best he has to offer then he really is nothing special despite all the hype around him. I shouldn't bother with him anymore I guess

>> No.29457111

Sounds like he's not for you then and that's ok
There are people that like him, myself included, and we don't need to share the same opinion

>> No.29457166

I enjoy his "boring" zatsus. However, I too am an old man, older than he is. So, maybe he appeals to me because I can relate to him a bit better than a younger fan might.

>> No.29457169

your shitpost and bait game is not on point anon, you literally could pick any other vtuber but him (the best brotuber vtuber to this date). step up your game.

>> No.29457206

My uncle got his very own Schizo, I'm so proud of him.

>> No.29457711

>zoom zoom zoom zoom
You need to be above 18 to post here zoomie zoom zoom.

>> No.29458070
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>boring zatsudans
you don't even watch streams so shut your dumbfuck zoomer mouth.

>> No.29458260

Please no I don't want

>> No.29458362

>Afraid to state his own taste and continues to be a contrarian

>> No.29458484

/nijien/ are not true nijisanji fans

>> No.29458639

Viper and foxbat

>> No.29458713

OP is 100% a terrified kindred

>> No.29458777

>Beats Mumei's zatsudan

>> No.29458906

I enjoy hearing him talk but also how passionate he is with his interests. Also, while I get vtubers play up their characters, I really like that he doesn't do it much (if at all). Just a chill guy with good taste, and his laugh is charming. I found myself picking up Goodnight punpun, I've seen it before but after getting a solid recommendation im excited to read it. My favorite from Tempus for sure , magboi is pretty good too

>> No.29459796

pretty please anon

>> No.29459943


>> No.29460170

thank you muchj

>> No.29460520

We have not seen him play the games he says he is good at. Being bad at shooters does not mean you are bad at games. Watch his Project Zomboid stream and reassess.

>> No.29460650

I think he said he got Mephisto on farm in hell difficulty on D2 hardcore. To me that's a nice skill floor.

>> No.29461007

He cheats and uses the moat glitch, a retarded baby can kill hell meph if they glitch him

>> No.29461070

He's fucking full of SOUL

>> No.29461229

But he has to get there first.
It's exactly because it was safe and easy he mentioned Mephy. Not calling him amazing gamer, but decent.

>> No.29461300
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He might even stream it at some point, Vest friends eating good

>> No.29461325
File: 900 KB, 1146x644, Screenshot 2022-07-22 at 21-19-09 【DEBUT STREAM】TIME FOR A HANDS ON APPROACH #Dezmond_Debut #holoTEMPUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here my friend a potion for you

>> No.29461463

holy shit I hate that tryhard wigger so much

>> No.29461595


>> No.29461637

coolio, how do I subscribe to the fantasy world inside your head?

>> No.29461671

Please understand, he's a zoomer raised on social media. Worrying about what others think is the most important thing in the world to him.

>> No.29461710

Bots don't need entertainment.

>> No.29461758

>post bait thread
>someone calls you out
>"WHY SO DEFENSIVE??!?!??!?!"

>> No.29461762

depends in which setting

>> No.29461815

thank you for the hearty kek

>> No.29461941

>he openly said he would never want to play Among Us because he is very uncomfortable with lying
This man is too precious.

>> No.29462096
File: 1.28 MB, 498x404, cow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got bait/anti threads now guys!
We've made it!
Hell yeaaaaahhhh.

>> No.29462635

Do you people have ADHD or were your neurons permanently fried from the constant dopamine injections in modern times?
His zatsudans are fascinating, he's the best storyteller in EN imo. I could listen to him for hours without getting bored. Time flies by when he talks and i don't need to cope with anime avatar looking cute crutch to stay engaged with the stream.

>> No.29462785

My only gripe is chat interaction. He does read it, but doesn't interact enough. Otherwise, he's absolutely based and a great speaker.

>> No.29462971

As a former 2view, she seems to be very interested in reading and responding to chat, but he has trouble keeping up with the speed.
He should probably turn on slow mode.

>> No.29462981

He might be overwhelmed by amount of people there. Guy is used to much smaller audience (like anybody who joins Holo, to be fair) and current one is probably more than 10 times the size of his old chat. That said, this might keep growing further so it remains to be seen if he manages to get used to faster chat.

>> No.29463194

I heard he's gonna play Dwarf Fortress so I'm morbidly curious.

>> No.29463413

>No true scotsman fallacy
So by not shitting on him /NijiEN/ are not nijifans?

>> No.29463464

I hope someone will let him know slowmode exists

>> No.29463935

How common is it for vtubers to use slowmode? I rarely use chat so i don't pay attention but wouldn't it be disrespectful to viewers? I could easily see Cover recommending against using such setting.

>> No.29464201

>10 times
a 100 times and you're still a little bit short.

>> No.29465466

naming his dwarfs after fellow holos and/or whatever sources he draws names from, setting up his fort, and just letting the simulation run and following all the happenings that emerge could be one of the best vtuber experiences yet. DF is still one of the most untapped streamer games, people don't realize what a charismatic guy could do with that game live. it could even be a good radio game

>> No.29468050

He played knights of the old republic. For that alone I watch him. Because he can be trusted. Nobody who plays Kotor and likes it can be a bad person.

>> No.29468135

Funney ojisan

>> No.29468228
File: 18 KB, 359x131, 1658334748280076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lame bait thread, but heres a (You), bitch.

>> No.29468422

lots of streamers use slowmode and not just on youtube. it's not considered disrespectful at all and the higher the "timeout" the more meaningful the messages get (at least per my experience).

>> No.29468779

he's not even white

>> No.29468814

You have to be over the age of 18 to post here.
>These Ina comparisons
Ina is dead air 50% of the time. This guy and fuck even the rest of Tempus post-debut is solid at dealing with dead air, with maybe the exception of Axel but at least he’s competent at games.

>> No.29471002

Yeah, I can understand that. He even almost commented that it was so much faster than his older audience by mistake.

>> No.29471149

link to posts?

>> No.29471287

It's not, mostly because he's not boring
Calling him boring is like calling Subaru or Marine boring just because they do zatsus, an utter idiocy beffiting nijifags

>> No.29471394
File: 626 KB, 602x471, main-qimg-648a98e3b45c9fe3ab1f905a9bf7828a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just trying to understand. Why do you like him? Where is your evidence? Defend your position, I demand it. Sorry, I think he's shit. I don't think your evidence is adequate. Continue to argue with me and give me attention.

>> No.29472991
File: 12 KB, 566x58, 1659031661339377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fungus, is that (You)? Don't be salty, honestly barely anyone call your name and Vesper didn't saw your comment

>> No.29473088

Guy is more entertaining then most. Has based opinions on anime and games. What's not to like? The /vt/ anti's are desperate to find anything to derail holostars EN. Nothing has worked.

>> No.29473839

If we're getting antis now, it means grampire's made it lmao

>> No.29474244

That he knows what dwarf fortress is is pretty unusual, considering playing it on stream is crazy. It takes hours to fight through the insane UI before you can do basic stuff like arm your guards and it’s basically a stack of 20 filters for the general audience. Rim world is baby mode by comparison. Add his unusual game choices, a possible crossbow stream (wtf?) and maybe a gold reclamation stream (double wtf) and you can’t say he’s phoning it in. Those are weird but interesting choices

>> No.29475173

I slept like shit last night and work remotely, so I thought I'd nap during my lunch break with Vesper playing as background noise. Turns out, even lying in bed with my eyes closed I stayed engaged and only fell asleep when he took a break to brew tea.

So yeah, his zatsudan is great.

>> No.29475868

Will explaining why I like him make you watch him? Of course not, so why should anyone bother? If you don't get the appeal just watch somebody else.

>> No.29477829

>It takes hours to fight through the insane UI before you can do basic stuff like arm your guards and it’s basically a stack of 20 filters for the general audience.
Yeah but anywhere from few to a dozen hours depending on your learning speed is worth it for the endless hours of joy afterwards. Also DF is one of those simmy games that was also good as a semi-idle game before idle games were a thing. With its semi-autonomous nature, once your fortress is advanced enough it can self-sufficiently run (obviously not as well as if you micro'd it, but DF is made by a guy who explicitly says stuff like "i don't care about balance in single-player games" and all the coolest forts forego efficiency for inspiration) for decent stretches of time, until big happenings either entice you to zoom in and see what's going on or force you to give out new orders, make adjustments, etc. if shit's going down.
This is part of why BRs became such a streamer genre. The huge amount of downtime while running around looting and moving to the next fight instead of actually fighting allows you to seamlessly game and interact with chat

DF has the same potential believe it or not

>> No.29482375

improve yourself

>> No.29482549

This is a bit harsh but it's u ironically the answer, Vesper is for boomerchads and oldfag appreciators only

>> No.29482790

>normalfag self report
Just take your zoomer card and go, kid

>> No.29483112

Based fellow KOTORchad

>> No.29483836

The entire point is that he's nothing special, anonchama, and that stands out in a sea of people who are screaming and vying for your attention

>> No.29484099

People like him because he's a cool F'n person
he never was into social media much
that says a lot about a person
he's intelligent and funny
it's called being CHARISMATIC
people are going to like him
