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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 146 KB, 969x758, musisansan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28880398 No.28880398 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (Crazy Raccoon, KNR, DTN, 芸人旅団, GETI, etc.) is also on topic.

VSPO! is:
(And https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIjdfjcSaEgdjwbgjxC3ZWg))

VSPO! previous projects (watch them if you haven't):
point two seconds story
VSPO! Autumn Sudden Test
Game Queen
VSPO! Second Spring Match

VSPO! Gekiro:
Premium viewpoints: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Remote Bistro Queen Showdown
Ideal Christmas Date Show
Remote Hot Spring Trip
Remote Stylist
Quiz Derby
Tachibana Hinano Quiz
KING OF Mouth Corners
Nekota Tsuna in VSPO! Wonderland

Upcoming events:
Aizawa Ema new costume!, 7/24 (Sun) 21:00
3rd CR Cup Valorant: Scrims: 4 days, Tourney: 7/30-7/31 (Sat-Sun)
VSPO Mahjong Soul Girls' Battle, 8/6 (Sun) 19:00
VSPO! x Kanda Shrine Summer Cool Down Festival, 8/11-8/14 (Thu-Sun)
CR Streamer Festival and All-Star Athletic Meet, 8/13-8/14 (Sat-Sun)

Previous thread: >>28785748

>> No.28880440
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CR Cup Valorant teams

>> No.28880908

teams seems kinda boring desu also coulda made it a bigger with a few more teams but oji probably doesnt want to do extra work

>> No.28881051

numberhal team last place thanks hinanoslag

>> No.28881096

Kaga sisters and kamito could be fun right?

>> No.28881174

of course numberhal gets himself on daruma's team.. always hunting for clout

>> No.28881342

what about bobby...

>> No.28881626

did anyone watch hinano's promotion to plat stream?
seems like she fucked up and had to delete the archive
did she argue with her viewers again and went too far?

>> No.28881720

>did anyone watch hinano

>> No.28881805

when is she not angry lmao

>> No.28881936

>>28881626 (Me)
didn't expect much when I searched her name on twitter but seems like she accidentally showed her credit card info...

>> No.28881949

literally just revealed some credit card information because she messed up hiding her screen. Not enough to have people steal her money, but enough to warrant a card replacement.
Or revealed that Reid and Runa were playing monhun off stream, according to but one shitpost. I'm going with this one, sorry.

Some absolute deranged lunatic made a twitch clip from it, but it's also gone now.

>> No.28881974

I only hear her voice when she’s playing with Kamito so no.
She probably snapped at some stupid comment again if I had to guess.

>> No.28882002

of course reid..... what about Ema you cant do this to my ship

>> No.28882037

I'll watch jas, obo, and aripi's team

>> No.28882116

kamito's money... how could you be such a careless wife...

>> No.28882271

Speaking of Kamito's money, she was weirdly specific with this 2300万円 thing.

(1) She's basing it off her own salary.
(2) He told her some time ago and she's basing it off that.
(3) It's just a random number.

>> No.28882311

she checked their shared bank accounts come on

>> No.28884270

also surprised no Kanae or Kuzuha, I think they have a concert or something on the days though

>> No.28885096
File: 5 KB, 265x80, reid_otsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad sentan is quarantined into the 3D tuber section on the apex custom tomorrow.

That guy was paired with Reid for epematsuri and killed the vibe on Reid's stream by going against almost every single order Reid (the IGL) had. He even used dexyuku to indirectly try and fail to show why his ideas were better. From scrims to tournament day he kept being a bitch.
That event was one day after Reid's new outfit buff and vsaikyou buff. That one guy single-handedly killed the mood so hard that there were less than a thousand viewers left on Reid's stream.

It got so bad that people were leaving backhanded comments like pic related.

>> No.28885842

Literally never heard of the guy so I'll believe everything you said

>> No.28886111

What >>28885842 said lol but that sounds pretty dreadful. At least Ren and Runa will be a pretty good combination for him both for playing and for banter.

>> No.28886714

nose's team looks unbalanced.

>> No.28886827

wasn't he in a team with noah at some point? seemed like a total nonentity, couldn't believe he was a streamer

>> No.28886884

It’s time for my girl Akarin to shine.

>> No.28887005

Just looked him up apparently he was a niconico singer or something?

>> No.28887008

are you talking about that sentan? the old timer vtuber with the eye mask? i only know him from some old as fuck pubg streams with kanae. I think he joined holo at some point too and retired.

>> No.28887038

I still can't believe Shinomiya is a grown woman.

>> No.28887266

he is from a famous old clique, most of his friends from that time are popular vtubers nowadays.

>> No.28887811

Lisa updates us on her bladder.

>> No.28891612
File: 76 KB, 1520x923, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no merch. There's no cover song. There's no Turing Love.
And that's fine.
He is here with us. Alive and well.
Loved by the people around him.
Loved by us.
Streams (almost) everyday.
That is plenty.

>> No.28891682

Nothing dirty here, just pretty flowers.

>> No.28891823

I like this posting keep it up anon, also fuck my cute retard for not having merch yet

>> No.28893727

Turing Love... HA. to think people actually want that lol. there's a reason he's scarred by oreapo now. I'm telling you

>> No.28895055
File: 868 KB, 1200x1591, FYFX83TaUAA5rq2 - KurataniNana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28896245

I've just realised that Ema's new outfit could be designed to match with Reid.

>> No.28897889

she's losing to runa right now she'd better fix herself

>> No.28901379
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>> No.28901539
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>> No.28903575

mainy really does hate koreans...

>> No.28909650
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>> No.28914291

daily elu

>> No.28918813

had to look up who the fuck that was, he was in vsaikyou 1 and I remember some tidbits of this guy's convo with his teammates (since I watched almost every team's reaction to team GG champ). They got rolled by TST/KD300 and said to his teammates: "let's not join the tourney again"

>> No.28927699

Shibuhal papa...
Really I just want neoporte to succeed so he's happy.

>> No.28929447

This is Tentei's chance to make it big. I'm secretly rooting for her.

>> No.28931346

>all the other 1st years are so busy
>I'm starting to become hesitant (with inviting them)
>I'm a little lonely
Niu... You're the only one that can save yourself.

>> No.28932995

if only reid actually cared... instead he wants his harem

>> No.28934440

He's saying it in a joking tone but Kanae is giving Tentei seriously good streaming advice here. Notice how he's purposefully vague and undecided but Tentei is like "yeah they're ghosting us" and "on sub accounts?"
Even if you're like 90% sure you're being ghosted, don't accuse anyone. You lose a lot more if you make a mistake than what you gain by being right.

>> No.28935923

is this the new kanae ship?

>> No.28936597

Is Pute playing bunnyman with viewers? This might be your chance to 69 her.

>> No.28936722

It's not teetee at all but you can interpret it that way

>> No.28936751

kanae definitely knows what he's talking about when it comes to not pissing off the viewers. their opinion definitely matters especially when they consider you a racist for making a gorilla in a baseball video game

>> No.28937400

>*impaled by spikes*
Seems like it?

>> No.28938654

nah but the stream was full of it, not going off this clip alone

>> No.28939120

I forgot that niu was part of neoporte.

>> No.28939375

Cptxsushi for me but holy shit the line up overall look boring.

>> No.28939717

Acknowledging them at all in those kind of cases is a mistake.
I’m willing to give Kanae the benefit of the doubt here since he’s Japanese and doesn’t know how these offense thirsty zombie westoids function.
In all cases it’s always a mistake to bend to their demands, instead of calling them retarded.

>> No.28939990

I love Lisa. That is all.

>> No.28941749

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSQPNIFlUMg mainy sisters... he's already found someone

>> No.28942785

What a coincidence. I love Lisa too.

>> No.28944374

Reid is an isekai shonen/male centric type protagonist while kamito is like the male lead in a shojo/female oriented stuff. thoughts?

>> No.28945222

I feel bad for the japs missing out on PRX games after they stopped watching when Nth got sent home.
At least I know Ren, Shinomiya, and Reid are still watching.

>> No.28946976
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>> No.28948938

nose dinosaur game

>> No.28951112
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>> No.28952176

I miss nose-san's girl next door outfit

>> No.28952273
File: 13 KB, 311x223, 0434145245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it's an Overwatch custom today, from Met's channel.

>> No.28952421

she keeps forcing him to play what hes good at instead of neon memes so im down.

>> No.28952423

of course kamito is there...

>> No.28952438

Will this be the first time Kamito interacts with her?

>> No.28952505
File: 594 KB, 1280x720, FYQr3cJUUAAI34S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to coom out of my mind

>> No.28953340
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>> No.28954631

lisa apex rank

>> No.28955053

too much flirting

>> No.28955903


>> No.28956399

He just went to sleep 4 hours ago because dumbass kept playing MonHun after ending stream.
Another oversleeping incident?

>> No.28956446


>> No.28956638

is this the rakuten esports things?

>> No.28956856

>Rakuten esports cup
Hmm, I wonder

>> No.28957073

kotone POV

>> No.28957469

gross its got the new "scoreboard"

>> No.28957500

Kanon's team did well with the Seer comp

>> No.28957975

My wife may not be good at Apex, but she is as cute as always.

>> No.28958014

>>28957975 (me)
This was meant to reply to >>28957073 but I’m a retard.

>> No.28958366

I wanna see who's better between Inu and Uruca.

>> No.28958444

>blatant 10 minute advertise in the middle of tournament

>> No.28958743

round starting

>> No.28959532

the furia strats are working

>> No.28959944

get in losers

>> No.28959969

Aruse nicely explaining OW for a whole hour to his viewers before the custom starts.
Also we make fun of him for being a PADfag in APEX (rightly so) but apparently he got to top 500 here with KBM.

>> No.28960103

>apparently he got to top 500
I didn't know that. That's great in his region.

they're on opposite teams right now

>> No.28960169

it doesn't matter which team kamito is on
its a big ass collab + there's 3 nijis
he's not gonna talk.

>> No.28960219

>>28960169 (Me)
*4 nijis
nyaraka always felt like an indie to me

>> No.28960275

inkya POV

>> No.28960373


>> No.28960782

can he stop cancelling his fucking invul

>> No.28961163

every OW collab it wont be complete without kamito's bastion shitting on everyone

>> No.28961364
File: 59 KB, 640x720, 20220723_193812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was fun seeing them do this again

>> No.28962249

Aruse play DPS you coward.

>> No.28962577

one trick pony genji *yawn*

>> No.28962631

not hinano forcing kamito to be her heal slave...

>> No.28963742

Top 500 isn't impressive when there's only 500 people left playing OW

>> No.28964157

Naraka just leaked Aruse's DMs with her lmao

>> No.28964501

Please stop calling Lisa ぶささん or ぶっさん

>> No.28966269

Shinomiya went to a massage the other day.
She goes outside!

>> No.28967100
File: 167 KB, 359x327, Smuggirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that smug girl?

>> No.28970113
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>> No.28970151

pray kamito gets invited to a valo furupa or suffer another 9h monhun stream.

>> No.28972050

How about 1h of MonHun before furupa Valo?

>> No.28972056


>> No.28973105


>> No.28973857

You're in luck

>> No.28974016

hinanodeboosting vs kamitoboosting session

>> No.28975771

hinano is tired so expect a losing streak

>> No.28975861

kamito blatantly lying that he closed monhun lol
he's in the middle of a boss fight

>> No.28975941

furupa with Hal, Naraka, Hinano, Lisa

>> No.28975957

uh oh kamito vs Hal. who's gonna end up on chamber? at least kamito will be able to use raze more if it's the latter

>> No.28976050

he's playing it in the background and using valo to hide it LOOOL

>> No.28976208

I just realized. why didn't beni and sumire play with hinano so they could avoid punishment for boosting

>> No.28976426

hinano did a spittake after seeing kamito treating nyaraka like a big sis

>> No.28976637

she doesn't know Paidorion lore
they were always like this

>> No.28976807

I mean she already can't handle him spending time with his mother. now imagine ANOTHER important female figure in his life? that won't do

>> No.28976881

Quoting shitposter

>> No.28978560

I'm glad 8000 viewers and Nyaraka were able to see how cool Kamito usually is.

>> No.28978720 [DELETED] 

that fuckboy from Neoporte couldn't get in who isn't actually bad but HAL who is a complete shitter did?

CR cup is becoming owakon.

>> No.28979208

that's tsm_shitterhal to you

>> No.28979381

these days that could be either of their hals

>> No.28979739

sasuga numberhal

>> No.28980532

I hate it when they throw a free win because they keep half-defusing to find the enemy.
They always think the first defuse is a bluff so sometimes you can get away with a full defuse.

>> No.28981913

Throwing for content

>> No.28982550

Hinano top fragging with chamber...

>> No.28982763 [DELETED] 

I've never seen Lisa be good in Valorant.

>> No.28983300


>> No.28983370

If you full defuse you're risking getting caught with your pants down anywhere from 51% to 99% defuse.

>> No.28984079

i've never seen valorant be good

>> No.28984271

All kamito needs to improve his mood is to just use a cute spray he's actually a child

>> No.28984935

why do they not dodge pearl they never fucking win on this map

>> No.28985352

No one can save Shinomiya and Nose from being hikikomori but themselves.

>> No.28986067

I hope someday there can be a compendium for how people die.
>uwa saiaku
>wa majika
>iya gomen

>> No.28986222 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 552x149, 1647066989036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VSPO are a disgrace.

>> No.28986928 [DELETED] 
File: 513 KB, 876x608, 1630283945454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two fucking slags at the bottom.

>> No.28987106

>"sad... anyway"
>continues paused boss fight in monhun

>> No.28988041

naraka literally an idol doing better than them...

>> No.28988696

>qpi's cat (chibi) hates being hugged

>> No.28989565
File: 176 KB, 1908x1074, FYXmMHraIAcZZ2i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's in.

>> No.28989801

Tent, I kneel

>> No.28990062

https://twitter.com/Lisa_hanabusa/status/1550912748481314816 you better you slag

>> No.28990894 [DELETED] 

>off stream

>> No.28991590

No way... Mimi is trying to sub 5 a Lvl 140 Chaotic Gore Magala!?

>> No.28991656

Genuinely the biggest gamer in Vspo.

>> No.28992981

hinano and Lisa... Birds of a feather

>> No.28993646
File: 55 KB, 640x638, lisa_hengao0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this face tech and there's still nothing that can top Lisa's facial expressions.

>> No.28993703
File: 40 KB, 566x543, lisa_hengao4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28993756
File: 44 KB, 634x582, lisa_hengao1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly Pute made me coom I just wanted to post these.

>> No.28994185

lisa is cute but I feel like there's a sort of sheen over her which can be uncanny

>> No.28994188
File: 174 KB, 422x807, uohhhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitter.com/yuzuno_karin/status/1550747829043630080 SEX

>> No.28995445
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>> No.28996339

Her eyes are just so detailed. It's rare that you actually see the cloudy radial fibers making up the iris in anime eyes, it's usually simplified into a textureless feature. Plus her eye has face-on lighting, so there's barely any shadow over the top.

>> No.28997812
File: 279 KB, 1370x2138, FYVq1t_aQAEaZgh - marugayotu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's Beni?

>> No.28999464

sick with covid got it from me

>> No.29000774

hnbs is so cute

>> No.29001000

I think it's the color saturation of the entire design, the eyes aren't the source

>> No.29003701

>"this is that thing you always see"
>forces Kamito to pick Mercy into Hinano's Pharah
Kaida's shipping was so subtle there lol I didn't even notice during the livestream

>> No.29003702
File: 493 KB, 2160x3840, FX8Z1XDVUAANl4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A taste of management's anime dream.

>> No.29004220

bitch x20. never change hinano. not that you could anyways

>> No.29004960

anime dream?

>> No.29008438

I don't remember how the joke goes. Manager 1's dream of there being a Vspo anime?
Well, anime is listed on the company website for things they're interested in anyway.

>> No.29008668

3 sided shape

>> No.29009619

*with straight-line boundaries

>> No.29010376

He wanted to produce something like that, yeah, which was why 0.2s story was created

>> No.29010490

L take from hinano

>> No.29012548

the porn is nice tho

>> No.29012565

pre-goats though

>> No.29012792


>> No.29013731

Since CR Cup's on the 30th...
Will 4 days of scrims start tomorrow on the 25th? Assuming everyone gets a day off before the event.

>> No.29014820

Kamito's doing viewer participation MonHun.

>> No.29015815

>maybe this time they'll believe me

>> No.29019926

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5q9d2MOFMk I was gonna say he doesnt hate koreans anymore but he's playing with another self hating korean

>> No.29020679

tentei's voice is so erotic i want a JOI ボイス from her,

>> No.29020813

mainy is being bullied and ostracized by the rest of the koreans in his org (minus cpt but he's not a ranked tryhard), it's different

>> No.29021335

seoldam is a streamer for CR sis...

>> No.29021529

rolled by PVXchad

>> No.29021871

Elu playing rank now, near the Plat 2 border

>> No.29022673

seoldam WNBJ but he still ranks with other koreans, joining random nips is a choice. CR apex div voluntarily avoid ranking with mainy.

>> No.29024259

which is the problem, itt's proven that the best teams grind rank together.
too bad poor mainy is bullied by the rich kids...

>> No.29025789

just like my kdramas... how is he gonna save all of vspo from CR just like my kdrama lead

>> No.29027520

>be CR_Mainy_LOG
>teammates won't rank with you for some reason
>stick to your existing circle so you can still rank
>spend more time in discord calls with japs than you do being IGL'd by ras
>become unable to take in the korean comms properly since all you do is speak japanese
>synergy isn't optimal because you barely practice with your team
>the others end up blaming you during the rare times you practice and it's time for feedback
>say nothing in response because you're a doormat by nature and nobody is taking your side anyways
>every now and then do a walking/karaoke stream for the 200 or so saviorfag sisters who bother watching you
>rinse repeat
how do we save him...

>> No.29029053

mimi.... you have to save him from the chaebol sons in CR you must protect him from stress and his health problems

>> No.29030732

>wait for next walking stream
>find location
>stalk him to his house
rest is up to your imagination

>> No.29030816

All the KRs I know have good reason to hate koreans.
Bora had Ara, all the CR boys have korean stream snipers.

>> No.29031988

Depending on who gives it to him, either the best or the most terrifying sex he's ever had or will ever have in his life.

>> No.29034073

Runa's POV last night was timestamped thoroughly, just a heads up.

>> No.29034481

i love timestamp chads

>> No.29034992

Why does Hinano need toilet paper after pissing?

>> No.29035182


>> No.29035287

he's never talked to a girl before dont be mean

>> No.29037281

you can't wag a pussy to remove excess piss

>> No.29038218

Some women are built different.

>> No.29038821

For me it's the opposite

>> No.29039618

Kanae was a wagie at mister donut huh. I always thought he was from a rich family considering he lives in a 2-story house all to himself (..?)

I see, you're the absolute lunatic who commented レロレロしに行きたかったな

>> No.29040279


>> No.29040591

>that's unhealthy
Yeah and what did Forte get to eat during this stream?

>> No.29042414

Shinomu Monster Hunter
Mimitaya joining her soon

>> No.29042511

Naraka Valorant
Playing with Reid and probably assembling a team

>> No.29043234

>By himself
Okay anon nice try deflecting my chronoir reality

>> No.29043399

Beni calling the chat summer, it's a small world out there.

>> No.29045090

Every time I watch a chamber play I just hate the agent more and more an absolute cancer on the game

>> No.29045445

She's straight up smurfing on Reid's rank. Saw her dodge a flash in like a tenth of a second.

>> No.29045740

Get kamito off mh please... I don't like watching it Valo is somehow better

>> No.29045932

>KBM bowshitter
It's definitely neither fun to watch, nor play.

>> No.29046219

Mad cause bad

>> No.29046260

Does Naraka have the voice chat Kanae has for valo? He needed one to hear his teammates because of nijisanji's restrictions on voice chat.

>> No.29047916

Tsuna in

>> No.29048138
File: 165 KB, 1400x912, V33983897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These images are cute.

>> No.29048433

fuck you hinano. dumb cunt

>> No.29048468

Not really a fan of breathy singing.

>> No.29048579

Damn she isn't even awake yet.

>> No.29048760

>Mimi using hunting horn
Alright, I am willing to become her sex slave.

>> No.29048916

Watch him not do it for the next 6 hours.

>> No.29048939

being an anti is a tough job. we don't cater to anyone's schedule

>> No.29049059

Beni is only 18 pts away from ascendant.

>> No.29049154

what's wrong with this clip?

>> No.29049190

Don't remember her having anything like that, she barely plays valo on stream in the first place.

>> No.29049579

he's been playing this long and is still looking like his day 1 character.
how long did it take for the other girls to change their gear?

>> No.29049614

He used them to farm for his bow.

>> No.29050086

The cool sets are behind end game and farming.

>> No.29050097

>26/13 Skye
>Diamond 3
At this point Beni has redeemed herself several times over already.

>> No.29050699

I don't know when Beni is making it to ascendant, but it's definitely not this breeze game.

>> No.29050798

how do we stop reid?

>> No.29050830

Nazuna Valorant

Absolute chaos sounds on Mimi's stream with the constant elephant trumpeting and Shinomiya peaking and devouring the microphone.

>> No.29050972


>> No.29051001


>> No.29051010


>> No.29051024

She did it!

>> No.29051094

it took a long time, but i don't think it was a painful grind, sasuga beni.

>> No.29051142

Green girl status: Green

>> No.29051182

no, beni, do immortal now.

>> No.29051272

>Now I want to play with Tsuna
I never lose.

>> No.29051916
File: 1.84 MB, 1500x2118, FQ34ux0akAESYRp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29053360
File: 550 KB, 2048x1430, FX6VdNPaAAAPUdK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29053618

beni-sama, I kneel... and jerk off

>> No.29054461

Does it mean Beni will finally play with others?

>> No.29054555

One good game in a while and you ready to peropero her cunt, when in others she plays with KD close to 1. Or sometimes KD of 0.5...

>> No.29054674

>>29054461 (me)
Ah nvm, she tells herself that goal is done. Wants to play ranked with Tsuna.

>> No.29055388

reminder to all panda enjoyers

>> No.29056979

Alelu's event starting in an hour

https://youtu.be/XGpg-OkScfM Hal's room

>> No.29057397

https://youtu.be/0V0CRGBoQ4k Hinano
Playing arenas with Hal and Haseshin

>> No.29057464

What is wrong with the audio setups today? Jesus Hinano.

>> No.29057777
File: 1.62 MB, 1920x1080, FYa5dLTUcAA3JFP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29057919

I legitimately forgot about the cringe hammerpoints arena tryhard meta

>> No.29059094
File: 954 KB, 3000x4000, FYVcw64UsAE5NDJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29059092

God POV is live

>> No.29059277

Post some good ones.

>> No.29059543

first round is some literal whos?

>> No.29059672


>> No.29059785

watch the stream dude
QZ86_VTuber, e1syo, ELKWR

>> No.29059988

Those people are indeed, 一般

>> No.29060296
File: 1.07 MB, 845x668, pute1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29060329
File: 1.09 MB, 833x660, pute2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29060330

>At this point Beni has redeemed herself several times over already.
And Laplus will be forced to kneel. Laughing at her for being "boosted". We'll see who's boosting who.

>> No.29060363
File: 586 KB, 757x667, pute3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29060401
File: 570 KB, 730x661, pute4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29060441
File: 527 KB, 706x661, pute5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29060508

some anons need to read this

>> No.29060571

Alelu fix your posture...

>> No.29060612
File: 517 KB, 679x663, pute6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29060651

I didn't think the silly Mozambique fighting would be like this...

>> No.29060683
File: 795 KB, 676x658, pute7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoka bitch

>> No.29060685

arena just plays different when money is on the line.

>> No.29060714

This thread is crawling with smokers.

>> No.29060733
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>> No.29060736

hot for obvious reasons

>> No.29060793
File: 26 KB, 205x166, ^^.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29060813

Good fucking lord as if Pute wasn’t sex enough already.

>> No.29060876
File: 941 KB, 773x655, pute9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go to /2434/ for more, I'm stopping to watch the Alelu thing

>> No.29060909

Thanks for posting some good ones.

>> No.29061037

Of course the arenas spectator has a visual bug and all of the item ranks are white.

>> No.29061099

It's time.

>> No.29061194

https://youtu.be/furoUQB4bUg Met
https://youtu.be/GEjIaRl1Vls Tentei
First meeting for CR Cup

Lisa starting zatsudan in a few minutes.

>> No.29061862

FNC delivering on the entertainment factor.

>> No.29061952
File: 54 KB, 315x107, boosting kamito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my 2 other accounts

>> No.29062107

I wish I could punch out my oshi

>> No.29062679

>lower hp than hinano
>charges sentinel

>> No.29062779

https://youtu.be/khF7WfDjoqI ema
she really miss him huh...

>> No.29062785

Fnatic is being so mean to them...

>> No.29062894

Lmao I wanna see their reactions when they find out everyone on FNC just has a charge rifle

>> No.29063027

hinano clutch lmfao

>> No.29063478

they changed it to best of 5 lol

>> No.29063578

hinano:use punch or second weapon is gay

>> No.29063671

They changed to 1 match sudden death, but Fnatic will play seriously instead of messing around.

>> No.29063877

egu rat strat

>> No.29063943

I was starting to worry that they might accidentally throw the third game.

>> No.29064024

And just like that it's over.

>> No.29064068

tryhard round was so boring

>> No.29064308

Starting now

>> No.29064338


>> No.29064382

pigtails on ema????

>> No.29064808

Her current outfit is perfect already

>> No.29064853

Shame it's off-screen because Ema's skirt is soooo pretty.

>> No.29064940
File: 117 KB, 529x457, 1657615993323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29065001

naked ema

>> No.29065052

i'm thinking double braids

>> No.29065164


>> No.29065200
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>> No.29065253

double something based off the thumbnail

>> No.29065299
File: 276 KB, 673x487, sex-boots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double my dick length

>> No.29065419

I know it's just Dragon Quest on the mind but, RPG class.

>> No.29065545
File: 1009 KB, 1920x1080, zawa thighs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29065648

please stop teasing me, I can only edge for so long

>> No.29065677


>> No.29065718
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, zawa middle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Sumire a bit.

>> No.29065879
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, zawa bust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29065933

Really matches well with Reid's outfit.

>> No.29065977
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, zawa face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29065990

I wanted a casual ema outfit...

>> No.29066018

her neck is kinda thick

>> No.29066037

I kind of wish the hair was free-flowing

>> No.29066079

Twin tails is the new, trendy Vspo haircut.

>> No.29066100

Pretty cute, but just that. It's gonna go well with Reid though.
definitely not the best vspo outfit of all time what the fuck are these view numbers??

>> No.29066129
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, zawa long.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29066181

All the bread

>> No.29066183
File: 708 KB, 1920x1080, zawa body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty close I guess.

>> No.29066184


>> No.29066240

I just want some oversized hoodie vtubers.

>> No.29066276

color scheme reminds me of Kamito's 2nd outfit lol

>> No.29066315

where's her weapon? sumi got a cool sword.

>> No.29066313

mainy is also changing up his outfit

>> No.29066353

She exposes her thighs

>> No.29066371
File: 669 KB, 819x900, zawa shunn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This face is a little too real...

>> No.29066432
File: 617 KB, 1920x1080, zawa coatless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29066434

ema nursing handjob

>> No.29066466

The gloves stay on

>> No.29066514
File: 737 KB, 1920x1080, zawa lady.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29066614
File: 700 KB, 961x1017, zawa blushy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29066649

Boobs a little too big. There's precedent in nerfing boobs since Sumire's new outfit so I was hoping she'd get a balance patch too.

>> No.29066706
File: 620 KB, 952x995, zawa mama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29066774
File: 835 KB, 929x1030, please don't look at me like that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29066800

Kamito and Nazuna both said scrims should start tomorrow.
Also look forward to another Kamito stream if he doesn't sleep after dinner.

>> No.29066828

maybe they're a bit too big laterally here
but with the outer coat on
it looks good imo

>> No.29066858
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, zawa last.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ema is so pretty. Alright I'm done.

>> No.29066918

vspo can't use old l2d?

>> No.29066995

Ema has the same L2D. She's from the period after Vspo got their single rigger.

>> No.29067017

They can if they feel like it.
Hinano's 3rd outfit made her look extra bitchy because they fucked with her mouth rigging.
She can't do the O mouth anymore.

>> No.29067462
File: 12 KB, 275x245, hinano_toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but she can D better now

>> No.29067756

Ema afterglow zatsudan

>> No.29067987

Valo full party at 22:30 with Tsuna, Runa, Hinano, Giruru, Hal

>> No.29068691

Who's the weakest/strongest in this team?

>> No.29068801

man, this reminds me that tsuna and kamito havent had a collab yet. maybe the retard hasn't got out of the habit of calling her Bora yet lol. patiently waiting...

>> No.29068929

Probably something like
Gil > Hal/Tsuna > Runa > Hinano

>> No.29069019

Mostly right. I don't think Runa is better than Hinano. Tsuna might be better than Hal. Hard to judge.

>> No.29069302

https://youtu.be/PT635jWLa5Y Tsuna
https://youtu.be/WnAGDthLIPE Hal
https://youtu.be/NwBuW5oLih0 Hinano
https://youtu.be/xkwUInWUhC0 Shinomiya

>> No.29070081

She's still in the description.
Right, so that's why the last Gekiro was like that, just an excuse to get everyone to exchange greetings.

>> No.29071548


>> No.29071916
File: 183 KB, 810x217, score.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you right, check this out

>> No.29071945

I'll just wait for one of them to leave and then Giru gets told to go wake up Kamito.

>> No.29072499

and by one of them I meant Hal.

>> No.29072572

Let him sleep! he's been monster hunting all day!
