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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28753971 No.28753971 [Reply] [Original]

>Omegatroon picks Bae to be the leader of Council even though she's by far the youngest of the group and has trouble asserting herself in group settings
>Ame hand-picks and grooms Mumei into the leader that Council desperately needs for big projects
Just fire Omega and give Ame his salary.

>> No.28754021

>>Ame hand-picks and grooms Mumei into the leader that Council desperately needs for big projects
Nice fan fiction Teacuck.

>> No.28754119

why does this board care about omega so much? have they done anything but be smarmy on twitter about saying "holox"?

t. JP watcher

>> No.28754135

>*head canon*
>*head canon*
Did this need a thread?

>> No.28754236

I can't really picture any of Council as leader/organizer. Not like Kiara/Mori/Ame in Myth

>> No.28754240

It's because people have PTSD from trannies invading their hobbies.

>> No.28754249 [DELETED] 

No it doesn't but Teacucks are a bit desperate right now, so they have to come up with stuff to keep the "la creatividad" myth (no pun intended) alive.

>> No.28754253

>Leading anything
Nice fancanon.

>> No.28754298

Mumei headed the Sana stream. Watch streams.

>> No.28754322

Mumei has 0 leadership skills and is basically a loud fly on the wall
If we follow your logic then Gura or Mori are the "leaders" of Myth because they talk alot and show up to a bunch of collab streams

>> No.28754327

He ruins everything in EN so we hate him

>> No.28754348

Being honest, nobody in council feels like they give good leader energy. Even Mumei was struggling to keep up the phase on things.
Ame and Kiara are likely the only ones in EN that legit know how to make everyone shut up and keep the show running without much problems.

>> No.28754362

someone post the creatividad cycle again. This anon has forgotten the pain from kneeling.

>> No.28754430

>trannies invading their hobbies.
Can you give me an example?

>> No.28754500

found the nijinigger

>> No.28754503
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I don't think there's a genuine reason as to why people hate Omega, but the fact that Omega is a figure head makes him taking the blame on things that much easier.
So whenever something dumb happens in HoloEN management people will point fingers at the self-proclaimed leader, that being Omega

>> No.28754546

>Kiara: Is organized and builds her world for herself, those that show up are +1'd but never worked for directly
>Mori: Is confident in only her musical talents, and lets all criticism slide off her regardless of it being constructive or destructive
>Ame: Relies heavily on projects and special events to showcase her work, but also shuts down in large group tasks and has repeatedly stated she prefers to work behind the scenes
>Ina: Lol
>Gura: LMAO
If there HAD to be a leader, it would be Ame if she became more confident and driven in group settings. Otherwise Kiara
And neither of those are ideal

>> No.28754550

It was Mumeis first time and when you take that to account, she handled it like a pro.
Teacucks trying to say Mumei is some handpuppet of Ame and not her own woman are just fucking delusional and condescending, just like their oshi.

>> No.28754665

Ame can't even grow a spine in a Myth collab to speak up, how the fuck is she going to lead anyone without mumbling to herself off-stream and defaulting to tommy hart when it doesn't go her way

>> No.28754736

But how? That's what I'm asking. What did he do to make council bad

>> No.28754741
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because of this single tweet. /pol/ has conditioned everyone here to go batshit insane over trannies, so when omega tweeted this shit, everyone shat their pants.
He's a guy, though and there's way more issues with him than this one retarded tweet, but /vt/ is too dumb to see it through.

>> No.28755122

Group/Gaming Collabs aren't events Ame is normally in charge of. I'm talking more about the 3D projects and such. The Smol 3D stream, the 3D Christmas stream, the Halloween stream, all of those were with Ame in charge and she was basically leading everyone by the hand the entire time.
I'm only including Kiara as leading because whenever she's at a convention or doing some kind of big group promotional event she never allows any dead air to happen when she's on screen, regardless of who's shes collabing with.

>> No.28755140

>self-proclaimed leader, that being Omega
That is it indeed, he wanted attention, he got attention. Maybe not the kind he wanted (Especially from Myth) but got it anyway.

>> No.28755247

No, you don't understand. Omega made them push back the Ender Dragon collab!

>Irys wasn't feeling well
>Irys didn't even have the game downloaded
>Kronii wasn't feeling well
>Fauna wasn't feeling well (seen on stream)

>> No.28755421

Based on the information we had at the time, enma hate at least made an iota of sense. Omega hate does not. I'm not convinced he does anything but /vt/ is convinced he does everything

>> No.28755569


>> No.28755668


>> No.28755864

do your job and maybe people will stop shitting on you whenever you're mentioned omega

>> No.28755965

>I'm not convinced he does anything
That's the fucking problem. All he does is say dumb shit on twitter. He's dead weight.

>> No.28756111

Video games (esp. speedrunning), comics, western animation, anime/manga, and now Vtubing. I don't see Omega as a stereotypical "tranny subverter", but I can understand why others may be #triggered by a manager disguised as a genderless vtweeter.

>> No.28756127

>claims to be in charge of holoen
>doesn't do shit for holoen
>comes back after months of nothing
>tweets "Your voice has been heard, your wish has been granted."
>then annouces some flop project that he is wasting holoens resources on
>no mention of sanas graduation
>no 3d for council
>no outfits for council
>no projects for holoen
>no hologra en
>no help for holoen
>immediately starts shilling another self insert manga for his new project
>sends out a tweet for stars gen2 before they have even debuted

>> No.28756134

>why does this board care about omega so much?
Because he made the mistake of saying "whatever" when someone asked him his pronouns. Despite the fact it was a passive non-answer it's still used as ammunition.

>> No.28756232

Bu-bu-bu-but pronouns! Based Anon. Thank you.

>> No.28756417

To me, the most important thing is that not a single talent has spoken positively about him. Every single time his name comes up, they either shit on him, or say something the lines of "Oh, that guy."

>> No.28756635

mumei was the mc because the stream was in her channel anon. she probably payed extra as well.

>> No.28756800

nijiniggers were right, myth was ruined and imo, the only graceful thing leftover is gura solo stream. don't care about projects that will come from the twitch thot, she can go fuck herself.

>> No.28756810

When he debuted himself with the council, soon after Kiara fucking annihilated him in some collab. (Tabletop maybe.) That was still the time of "orange woman bad" when Kiara was public enemy number one of /vt/. Nowadays she would be hailed as a hero for that. And if I remember incorrectly, I will blame alcohol.

>> No.28756860

improve yourself, pedo

>> No.28756925

her shitting on omega was the start of ORANGE WOMAN GOOD??? arc.

>> No.28757062

You dumb nigger, they used Ame's framework, its literally made in Ametaverse with Ame's team.

>> No.28757153

i never watched that whore because i have standards, ame driveling has nothing to do with me teafaggot.

>> No.28757230

Reading comprehension, Teacuck... Improve yourself on it.

>> No.28757248

I don't know where the fuck you got that but Mumei is not a leader. She pretty much is just #2 and only does what Bae wants her to do.

>> No.28757247

Who the fuck is omega?

>> No.28757328

Not him, but hoomans calling other cucks is hilarious lmao

>> No.28757433

Ame is the brains of the leadership
Kiara is the muscle and voice to keep everyone in line.

Why do you think they've hit it off so well since Summer 2021?

>> No.28757499

Not that it's any of your business but I'm a Haaton, always have been. That may be a big reason why I like Mumei and believe that weird girls can do stuff all by themselves too.

>> No.28757581

Because they're a blank canvas to project whatever you want on. They barely tweet and people barely talk about them on streams if even ever. They're the perfect punching bang because you can blame them for everything no one has any reason to defend them otherwise.

>> No.28757587

Why is people like this here?

>> No.28758723

But he's not. Trannies insist on using the "right" pronouns, Omega said use whatever

>> No.28758939

Simpler times.

>> No.28759264

not even a non-answer, it was just cringe lore kayfabe of being above/beyond gender.

>> No.28759457

On council debut she overshadowed them

>> No.28759514

Trannies are literally cancer though.

>> No.28759543

>noooooooo stop invading my safespace!!!! wahhh!!!
grow up ESL-kun

>> No.28759564

I fucking hate teasharts so fucking much
Can we stop this "ame leader" retardation when she's literally the 2nd runt in her Gen? Thank Kiara for holding the fort down there because if it wasn't for her, ame would be the runt of myth with EASE

>> No.28759590

People give a lot of legitimate reasons and other people still argue about fucking pronouns. Talk about confirmation bias.

>> No.28759657

Kiara is a public relations / spokesperson / front kind of leader. Ame is a back / strategic thinking / resources kind of leader. Having them both is what carries the EN branch.

>> No.28759783
File: 83 KB, 217x326, Ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man the fact that you have to go through all these mental gymnastics, calling them all these things to cope with the fact that they're literally useless and add nothing to hololive is sad.
"she's this and that, and she's this and that so it's okay!" this is the saddest kind of cope with a recline I've ever seen

>> No.28759845

you consolefagging /v/ tourist, eat shit and die

>> No.28759895

>it's always teacucks and kfkeks who need to cope this bad
I don't see any of the other three fanbases calling their chuubas shit like this, why is that? Very curious

>> No.28759930

is this an AI bait? The only specific thing in that post is [hololive]. You can automate it by replacing it with [company] and it would pass as bait against any vtuber. Also nice hint of numberfagging brainrot at the end.

When your post is AI tier, you cannot get more NPC than this

>> No.28759965


>> No.28760068

No. But categorically.

>> No.28760075

Biggest issue for me is coming up with the cringy chunni lore for both council and tempus pidgeonholing them instead of just letting them be themselves. I mean shit when Kiara of all people has to call you out ya kinda fucked up. Not that it stopped him.

>> No.28761282

doesn't want to put herself to spotlight as leader in group team because Sana want to graduating make herself felt she had fail as a leader uniting the council. if you watch her streams, bae loosen up from her position as leader of council between fourth -sixth month of after council debut. at February, she make full month non stop of stream to tank her gens who depressed with news of Sana want to graduate.
all of you faggots that want Sana to graduate are the cause of this fucking problems.
after moom saw bae doesn't want to to label as leader, she step-up and make group cover hikaru nara for council half year anniversary to try uniting council back. at this point, we can see bae have lost motivation as leader. fauna with her no activity to uniting council but go off collabs with myth members. kroni le depressed menhera also same with fauna. moom, fauna and kroni go to gura instead of council to make a new group SNOT to cope they losing of sana. I pity of sana because when she losing her dog and can't make art stream because some circumstances and you all faggots shit on her then support her. fuck you all niggerino.
the lore of council is fitting this time. when Chaos fade from the top of earth, Civilization are growing to take the throne. Nature and Time are just pebbles on the side road doing fucking nothing. Space is eternal.
my precious bae don't deserve this shit because she is just sweet girl love to stream. fuck you all faggots and antis of council.

>> No.28761355

new copypasta.

>> No.28761368

"literally" is an epistemological concept, an asserted belief-to-reality mapping, strangely used for emphasis.
"categorically" is a meta word referring to grouping based on a certain criteria.
As in the category "cancer" contains "trannies" [because of criteria]

I just felt like shitposting these thoughts.

>> No.28761950

He made Haachama cried from kicked her out MC En server

>> No.28762034

imagine ego searching on /vt/ i make up rrats and shit on everyone equally.

>> No.28762184

The closest to an actual leader is fauna
I know we hate omega but you need to stop dick riding ame

>> No.28762458

who tf is omega anyway
and why shold I care

>> No.28762818

People hate him for several reasons.
>chuuni design
I just wanted an A-chan like figure, but instead we get this asshole.

>> No.28763075

It worked fairly well for holox tho?
picking the youngest(lap) as the leader thing, maybe it's just difference between east and west

>> No.28764027

there would also be the benefit that she wouldn't have to stream anymore, which she clearly does not like to do.

>> No.28766900

she's still in the top streaming hours for en lol

>> No.28768952

lmao ego searching for what if I'm council fans and follow their activities. the rrat is my observation as councilfags who watch all council members stream. rrat is rrat. you want to believe or not up to you. I'm shitting up others council member not because i hate them but their unity become frail or weak after sana want to graduate.
unity in council had lost when council meeting streak every months broken. mind you, this is for council meeting not solo stream. I love all council members early debut where their bonds are strong versus now but will still love each of them forever. call me schizo idgaf.
Also, fucking mythfags always shitting council after every council meetings just because Myth never had any unity in the first place.

>> No.28773402

If you’re not a politisperg the gender thing is mostly irrelevant. It’s still insulting and gay because he got hundreds of questions but chose to attention whore and answer horseshit questions like pronouns or cat vs dog.

>> No.28773531

No, Mumei did great, even better than Fauna on the Eden dragon stream.

>> No.28773595

Disliking trannies has nothing to do with politics, it's innate to rational human beings.

>> No.28773650

It was the scuffed TTRPG into Gartic stream. Also, I think within hours of debut Ame hit the dude with a Deez Nuts joke in DMs which was an equally telling indicator of how Omega would be treated.

>> No.28773820
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theres only one in cope who has leader potebtial and it's IRyS
everyone else in council is terminally beta and can't possibly be an effective wrangler, not even Fauna
the problem is that IRyS is also retarded

>> No.28773976

IRyS can't lead even her own career, let alone others, Bae s too focused on herself and, Fauna just can't draw attention to herself and Kronii is anxious and passive, Mumei is the only reasonable leader for Council, she just need to accept it.

>> No.28774104

Name one time

>> No.28774369


nobody cares about that stupid tweet faggot. What they care about is the fact that despite being the face of the vtubing world, holoEN management still seems to suffer the same fucking problems twitch does. Which seems to indicate they hired the same sort of extreme faggot troons that twitch does to the same fucking result.

Those results namely being that the talents are having outsized burdens placed on them because these faggots can't do their own fucking jobs since they're too concerned about how their disgusting meat sacks look in fucking dresses.

>> No.28774886

Idc who Omega is because I don't watch trashy and talentless HoloEN girls. I'm addicted to HoloHagsJP. And that's right where I'm gonna stay.

>> No.28776810

The absolute retardation of this thread just proves no one watches streams and relies on bait thread talking points for their own arguments

>> No.28777031

what a thought provoking post

>> No.28777958

Fauna's the gamer of the group, and even that doesn't really make her qualified. Council definitely has a herding kittens problem.

>> No.28782361 [DELETED] 


>> No.28782526

Even Mumei isn't extroverted enough to be a gen leader. Sana is the only reasonable choice but she's graduating in a week.

>> No.28782683

The fact that he CHOSE to tweet it was a problem. Why highlight the pronoun nonsense in the first place when he could've ignored them. Or just say he's male.

>> No.28783121

Asians generally can't lead diverse groups. That's why Kiara tends to lead Myth. CouncilRyS is 4 out of 6 Asian.

>> No.28784194

Mumei looks cute in this image

>> No.28788706

yes, but she clearly wants to do scripted/artsier stuff more.

>> No.28794260

Fauna says she sees Bae and Mumei as co-leaders, and Mumei says she prefers to be second-in-command over being in charge, sort of like how Kiara insists on Ame being the leader of Myth. In the case of last night’s stream, Mumei has easier access to Ame’s creative resources by virtue of sharing her manager. Going all the way back to Humans Fall Flat, you can see that the girls gravitate towards what Mumei is doing, and that Bae’s leadership is predicated on Mumei deferring to her.
