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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28115248 No.28115248 [Reply] [Original]

Get your facts straight. Sana wasn't fired, she quit. If she wanted to be a holo, she would still be one. Cover didn't fire her for lacking streaming. They gain nothing by firing her. I'm surprised she quit before anyone else in EN, though.

>> No.28115409

Japanese don't fire people, they make their life a living tell until they quit. Remember how frustrated Coco was that all her ideas kept getting shot down? Same thing happened to Sana.

>> No.28115476

She was ruining Hololive's brand and prestige by being a midget in numbers.

>> No.28115569

>All I can say is that I tried
>I'm not satisfied with ending things this way
Yeah sure, she quit...

>> No.28115768

How are you surprised? You should've seen it coming from a mile away. She was literally streaming Genshin on her roommate account while actively avoiding streaming for Hololive.

>> No.28115886

I don't think the off collabs helped. Shit it was almost an entire HoloEN collab if Sana flew in. Either her back made it impossible or she was just too busy. I think the off collab being such a huge event for EN made her question her end game for hololive. I mean even though the offcollab was apparently just a huge happenstance for Kiaras birthday, even a manager and bae showing up made it feel stranger she wasn't involved.

>> No.28115935

She didn't work. At worst she'd been given multiple warning beforehand and at best she was given an ultimatum. She hates us all for mocking her after her dog died. She's too good for us, it's typical arrogant artist shit. Get a life and follow a tuber who can at least pretend to care about you.

>> No.28116103

Cannot make life at work hell if employee does not show up at work.

>> No.28116189

>We had discussed several times with Tsukumo Sana regarding the direction of her activities,however, as time went on, it became difficult for her to continue her VTuber activities.
Despite them trying to phrase it as vaguely as possible, clearly this has been an ongoing issue. She was obviously not streaming enough and the blatant ghosting of everyone especially her fanbase probably didn't help.
I'm sure Cover tried to find solutions but I don't doubt that Sana just went "nope, nope" at everything. It probably came down to some ultimatum eventually, and Sana decided to just leave.

Given the sheer coincidence that her graduation is almost one year after debut, it's probably a simple matter of Cover deciding not to renew the 1-year contract.

>> No.28116335

>source: i'm a naturally intuitive person, i even have an n in my meyers-briggs personality type

>> No.28116433

Plus the same week suddenly Kronii is streaming everyday. It's clear that the annual reviews came down and Kronii and Sana got a reality check. Kronii decided to try and stay. Sana didn't.

>> No.28116490

She has a higher CCV than many of her senpais with higher subscriptions. Also ID and Stars exist so I doubt they care about numbers.

>> No.28116584

It's okay to be new to Japanese culture, anon

>> No.28116695

And this applies to Sana... how?

>> No.28116941

Japanese companies got Japanese cultures. unless you think that EN was run differently

>> No.28117461

And this applies to Sana's graduation... how, once again?

>> No.28117525

Slow down and reread the last sentence. I believe in you!

>> No.28117612

And do you evidence for it besides "I made it up"?

>> No.28117785

Her back basically imploded and she is lucky to even be able to art let alone stream for a few hours.

>> No.28117830

Not even a Japanese thing - that sort of culture is prevalent in Western corporates too

>> No.28118161

Half of her projects have gotten shot down by Cover, especially recently. She's repeatedly vented her frustration at management. This is almost exactly how it went down with Coco.

>> No.28118950

What projects?

>> No.28119241

Yeah what projects? I mean obviously we wouldn't know since they got shot down but can you post the stream where she vents about it? The "manager shot down project" rrat has been used on Coco, Ame Gura, and Kiara, and there are some claims that back this up, but I never watched Sana because her inactivity made me forget she even came back, so I'd like to verify this

>> No.28119342

>Half of her projects have gotten shot down by Cover
The only thing shut down was the telescope viewing. Kuso Mondays just had to be renamed, but seeing how easily she dropped Holoscopes, I'm not surprised she didn't bother.

>> No.28119494

Are you talking about when they wanted her rm to stream for drawfest so she created a youtube account just for that?

>> No.28119561
File: 915 KB, 2591x3624, __ceres_fauna_and_tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_zen_juraku__b0b026ef7b96753d1d02fa4f67a329a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that it's in poor taste to speak ill of the dead.

>> No.28119639

The new influx of Sanallites never watched Sana or viewed her member talks. They just want to defend her from anything.

>> No.28119645

she ain't dead yet

>> No.28119794

She quit because she's sick of being the only brown EN.

>> No.28119811

She spends more time on her roommate's account being an A-List gacha game artist than she does on her Holo account being a D-List faux idol.
She is, with zero malice, the worst singer in all of Hololive. Even Noel and Choco can be made tolerable with autotune. She can't.
3D debuts are coming up, and everyone believes the story about her back (whether it is true or not) so nobody things she can learn to dance for it.
Cover obviously gave her an ultimatum. But she didn't get fired.

Japanese Employment Protection Act.
They literally cannot fire you without a paper trail proving years of incompetence, or you breach a termination clause in your employment contract.

>> No.28120396

but sana didnt do much to begin with for her to be shot down on anything, it not like she was trying to do anything either so she definitely wasnt put in gbj.

>> No.28120473

Oh brother, that hikaru Nara cover had me ROLLING with how bad she sounded ahahaha holy fuck

>> No.28123041

>She spends more time on her roommate's account
People keep saying this, but I only see two 1+ hr streams on that account.

Is there more than just her YouTube out there or are people just exaggerating

>> No.28123531

god damn, I've just unsubbed from here thinking she'll be okay and now she's gone? wtf

>> No.28123607

they're literally talking about tweets and twitter because they have brain damage

>> No.28123870

please dont shitpost with my oshi and please watch streams

>> No.28123970

There's also this anon >>28115768 who like many others have claimed she was streaming and avoiding Hololive, which again, only 2 "long" streams, so it's a pretty silly thing to parrot unless I'm missing something.

>> No.28124125

Only Ina is upset.

>> No.28124396

You should just kill yourself. I think your parents should blamed for giving birth to a mentally retarded like you.

>> No.28124505

>how bad she sounded
I bet your fucking mom is awfully failed to abort someone like you. Your oshi is the worst fucking singing voice of all vtubers.

>> No.28124789

I think it's actually interesting that we can't really conceive it. we're all wracking our brains trying to decrypt this and even the people who don't give a fuck and totally aren't trying are still getting tricked into doing this because theyre providing some kind of explanation, and then the reality is probably just like, eh, i didn't want to do it anymore. but what the fuck do you mean you didnt want to do this anymore. who could possibly think that

>> No.28125013

"""Performance improvement plans""" are a big thing in western companies, so.

>> No.28125045

Its painfully obvious no one even watches hololive, this is all just dramawhores trying to make up rrats and act like anyone but the most retarded /vt/ idiots care about numbers. If you watch Sana, or hololive in gemeral, there's a pretty simple explaination as to why she's leaving.

>> No.28125094

They bullied her into quitting

>> No.28126024

I checked out her roommate account, its literally only 3 videos
Why do I keep hearing this?

>> No.28126094

that might have been a part of a thing she was involved in, hence being genshin, which she cant stream on hololive, obviously. rrats, friend

>> No.28126691

Yes it’s simple. She was raped by Pekora during a sleepover then bullied via Aqua streaming at the same time as her and then Calli didn’t call in for her birthday. Or something.

>> No.28127066

doesn't she have like serious back issues?

>> No.28127498

upset for the ulterior motive reasons

>> No.28127514

It’s basically, you get to do this thing which is seen as pretty good, it but your experience of it actually the opposite of everything good. And it’s an extremely public experience. You now publicly are eating dick in job you thought was a dream job. Even a janitor has his tabernacle of the closet for privacy. It would be easier if it wasn’t a rare opportunity, but sucks double hard dick due to what it could be. You could have been any chuuba, but you got Sana. No reroll. That’s what you risk with the Monkey’s Paw

>> No.28127721

Her actual full-time employer gave her an ultimatum.

>> No.28127852

She literally said that she saw Cover's statement and considered it inaccurate.

>> No.28128764

Where did she say this? I only remember her saying the statement was "vague", but it was in the context of her apologizing for not disclosing details of why she's graduating.

>> No.28129303

Man, if only she had a friend on the inside she could've asked.

>> No.28131203

I dunno what you all are going on about, but >>28119811 is referencing how in the last seven months she's debuted 21 new full color illustrations for the gacha games she draws for.

>> No.28131985

isn't there talents in Hololive rn that streams just as much as Sana so I doubt they cared much about her lack of streaming

>> No.28134200

it's literally her job

>> No.28134387
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>> No.28135537

isn't IronMouse literally bedridden?

>> No.28136134

This. And in the meeting Sana probably had the choice to get better to continue or resign in peace (aka get fired, but it seems not as bad). I see this sort of thing a lot where people who are about to get fired get given the option to resign first, and if they don't resign they'd just get fired.

>> No.28136675
File: 517 KB, 985x492, FKFU5wxWYAI2WTj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its her job to draw illustrations for gacha games

>> No.28136711

She lacks that numbing toxic Internet spleen to decline responding naturally and understandably to bad people online. It’s why not everybody needs a job with subscribers, not everyone can turn it off. These girls basically have to work knowing at least 4 out of 3 of you would probably assfuck them in a bush without asking if it was possible but still play the game. Wouldn’t want my mom doing it. Stop fucking my mom her back hurts

>> No.28136782

don't care

>> No.28136890

Sana can't get fired. Ayame still exist, and they stream around the same number these past year.

>> No.28137311

Finally, a stream watcher in a sea of retarded speculations.

>> No.28138197

if she can play genshin, she can stream.

>> No.28141029

A person has two jobs. They suffer a serious injury with long and slow recovery trajectory. They drop the more stressful and demanding of the two jobs. What an absolute mystery. This absolutely needs three hundred separate threads to puzzle out.

>> No.28141080

Sana quit because of her numerous problems

>> No.28141546

Ayame was hired during a very different time for Cover. She and the other talents from the early gens probably have significantly different contracts from later gens, and their more lenient terms are likely grandfathered in.

>> No.28142195
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If that was the case then Sana would have been fired a long time ago

>> No.28143073

I dont follow EN very closely so I can't tell what's with all the bad talk about Sana leaving. To me, she is the most peaceful graduation so far. She seems to be walking away on a very good term.
Unlike Coco which was a whole fucking parade. Aloe, Rushia, and Chris, which we don't talk about. Then there's also the CN branch.

>> No.28143415

Sana graduated, she didn't get terminated like Rushia

>> No.28143590

In germany you just get fired months in advance so you can find a new job. Even if you don't make it you will still get paid by the state a percentage of you salary for 18months.

>> No.28143669

Fucking retards, please stop breathing because you guys are a waste of oxygen. Those are for INDEFINITE CONTRACTS, while Sana and other holos have FIXED TERM CONTRACTS.
With fixed term contracts they can just not renew it when the term expires

>> No.28143831

>Even if you don't make it you will still get paid by the state a percentage of you salary for 18months.

>> No.28144168

and was her job to stream for hololive
She choose the one with less stress to focus
>She quitted instead of being fired
one could argue Cover induced her to quit by giving her a inflexible contract that would force her to stream more
They would gain nothing by cornering a talent like that, but hey its Cover and stupid decisions are their forté

>> No.28144802

Yeah and Sana isn't. Backpain isn't just something you can just say "stream from bed". Believe it or not, some cases of backpain don't get fixed by just lying down, in fact sometimes it can even make things worse. It depends from case to case, but it's clear Sana's injury is long term and recovery will be a long process of stretches/exercise, and the fact is the career of a streamer is at odds with the healing process.

>> No.28145404

>They drop the more stressful and demanding of the two jobs.
Yes, playing games for an army that pays you obscene amounts of money for existing online for a hour or two is stressful and demanding. (Especially when you're one of the most entertaining livers in EN.)

>> No.28145807


>> No.28146183

Honestly I kind of suspect depression or really bad anxiety. I suspect every time she streams she is filled with regret about the whole thing from the start with how everything happened to make hololive not go smoothly. It seems quite possible that her family saw how depressed she was and encouraged her to drop hololive since she has such a good job to fall back on.

>> No.28146253

>you now realize Sana will never get a 3D model

>> No.28146347

If getting the big numbers was that easy, everyone would be doing it.

>> No.28146517

>titty monster

>> No.28146584

you guys do realize roomate only tweets about mizuki and goldenglow because she is SUPER happy about them being real and she can't share that excitement elsewhere. Another note, shes kind of hyping up her profile as an artist too, I dont know why it matters so much to you if she tweets on rm or on holo account when gura BARELY tweets at all.
Did you want everyone to be kiara?

>> No.28146625

>repeating le bad Japanese business rrat
>immediately attribute malice to all corpos
This is the same dumb shit that discord trannies like to hop on with the “le idol culture BAD” meme. You should go back and leave your tranny ideals at the door.

>> No.28146629

Im still just suprised the meidos never made a sticky for this announcement desu

>> No.28146669

It's true. Cover didn't fire her. They didn't renew the contract.
The fact that she can't, for whatever reason, provide enough stream time not only at the moment but also in the future, don't collide to the statement that she tried her best and she didn't want to end this way.
Maybe she simply found out she can't go on with her main work, rise a little child (dog), play Genshin and stream at least 3 time at week (plus collabs and Twitter) for HL so she quit the least important thing.
Cover really don't gain nothing by this, she gained the most important thing: time

>> No.28146715

No, by general law.

>> No.28147042

It’s so fucking obvious to anyone who watched her, why are people even wracking their brains? She took too much time off, missed out on a crucial integration period with the other council members and was left out like the black sheep. She ultimately just had absolutely no motivation to stream and you can see that by juxtaposing it with someone closer like fauna. Fauna doesn’t have many hours but she continually shows she wants and is excited to stream new games n stuff, wanting to be at 100% for her audience while sana just stuck with her Nintendo comfort food and never tried branching out. Sana never got comfortable streaming which was due to her self-fulfilling prophecy of not wanting to stream, she barely even gave herself a chance. So hopefully she enjoys her art career more than the more lucrative and simpler streaming career.

>> No.28148298
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I'm guessing you mean Ayame? I can see three explanations for her case relating to Sana:
>Cover doesn't care about about streaming frequency that much, and it's not the reason Sana is graduating, at least not for a "stream more or get out" ultimatum from Cover
>Cover cares about streaming frequency, and Ayame gets a pass because she was fairly active for her first two years
>Cover counts recordings and dance practice as content and Ayame gets a pass because she works on recording original songs and dance MVs with Fubuki and Mio

>> No.28152745

I don’t think Sana had any ideas other than playing banned zhang games on her other channel.

>> No.28152958

You know what else was literally her job? Streaming. The application form lists black on white what the minimum streaming quota in the first year is and she's the first holo to ever not reach it.

>> No.28153007

Ayame actually put in enough effort in her first two years to now bring in significantly more money than Sana ever did by just existing.
Sana wouldn't even have her job if it wasn't for Ayame because HoloEN wouldn't have existed.

>> No.28153513

she couldnt even wait a month more for the council anniversary. I guess arknights were pressuring her too much
