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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.61 MB, 2040x1715, 1633806035730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28015462 No.28015462 [Reply] [Original]

>years later
>still no 4chan vtuber
what happened?

>> No.28015530
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>> No.28015537
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Here's your 4chan chuuba

>> No.28015545

that's not 4chan vtuber, retard

>> No.28015685

Pippa is the quintessential r/4chan chuuba

>> No.28015708

Where's that drawing of her itching the ditch?

>> No.28015736

So who was the original artist? Was it some guy on tumblr?

>> No.28015744

hell yes i LOVE 2020 kiwifarms /pol9k/ tourists

>> No.28015818

Just like the jannies they'd have to do it for free. So the person they were going to have, backed out.

>> No.28015847

Hiromoot is busy with his mangas, leave him alone.

>> No.28017037

Beatani and Kiki?

>> No.28017085

Isn't the story that he couldn't find a girl that wanted to do it literally for free so he gave up kek

>> No.28017134

kiki literally has a clover in her design but ok.

>> No.28017259


>> No.28017295


> vtuber from 4chan
> impliying there is women here


>> No.28017332
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>Hiro literally made a manga about himself getting osekaid first than finishing 4chan vtuber

>> No.28017550
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Here you go. DOZENS of them.

>> No.28017602

only pippa and lumi are /here/

>> No.28017608

Gen 2

>> No.28017728
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The best design lost.

>> No.28017753

literally none of gen 2 is /here/

>> No.28017802

Literally phase con is tourists or Kiwi farms

>> No.28018407

4chan's demographic shifting to 30 yo males in the last decade is what happened.

Hey look on the brigh side, you might not qualify for a chuuba but at least you can be their greasy ugly pedophile of a discord mod.

>> No.28018436

Where would she even stream? Twitch would ban her the second she says 'troons' and the jewtube AI would get twitchy after a few niggers.
You might get a cute tittyposter from /b/ being all PC, I guess, but Pomu's already got a job.

>> No.28018489

At least Shiina is definitely /here/, she'd been talking about it with Pippa before debut

>> No.28018600

>he doesn't know
and I'm not referring to trannies either

>> No.28018689

>4chan is about saying troon
neck yourself election tourist

>> No.28018773

>not the bear
I refuse this design

>> No.28020644
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>> No.28021498

There's a few 4chan vtubers, the best are the ones you don't know about, as the proper way.

>> No.28021643

Holy fuck, I thought I'd never see more from her, imagine my surprise from knowing that head was part of a reference/concept art sheet

>> No.28022601

pretty cute ngl

>> No.28023665

4chan is mostly women
Why do you think there is so much worthless drama?

>> No.28023699

Lol this is a better decription

>> No.28023722


>> No.28023813
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Chinkmoot literally said they wouldn't be paid lmfao and that made fucking everyone lose interest.

It is a shame though. I miss when this website had big events outside of just Holloween, Christmas, and April fools. A 4chan vtuber wouldn't even need to stream all the time, maybe once a month and she could just report the big fun events going on. I miss when fun shit happened on this website goddamnit.

>> No.28023814

Tsunderia beat them to it

>> No.28023835

How do I an hero to avoid this calamity any further? Asking for a friend.

>> No.28023912

>How do I an hero to avoid
Learn what that means
>avoid this any further
Stop StarsEN, Nijimales already did near irreversible damage, StarsEN will be the final nail in the coffin for this board

>> No.28024076

>He thinks women watch holostars it Nijimales
Women watch cunnytubers buddy, gay men and "women" watch male vtubers

>> No.28024127

>>He thinks women watch holostars it Nijimales
Based retard

>> No.28024147

You know this is a lie anon

>> No.28024170

What makes them tourists and not you? /pol/ and /r9k/ are a lot older than this board.

>> No.28024209

>final nail for this board
I’d be glad if it was, desune, but I doubt it. The ride may never end, but I wish it would. There aren’t even supposed to be women on the internet to begin with.

>> No.28024229


>> No.28024343

Go to the niji threads and look at how much they talk about being trans allies and shit.
Real women who use 4chan hate that kind of shit, why do you think they are here, a place that constantly shits on them, instead of a place like reddit or discord where they get all the positive attention they could ever want.

>> No.28024382

>they talk about being trans allies
So you fell for (nonexistent) falseflag spam?
Hence why I called you a based retard

>> No.28024405

>What is falseflagging

>> No.28024654

Weird cope

>> No.28024694

>No argument
I'll accept your concession

>> No.28024923


>> No.28025010

never forget dress shirt-chan

>> No.28025023

Yes unlike your incredible argument you made by posting a funny meme arrow

>> No.28025253

She's that and kiwifarms. Reimu on the other hand fucking lives here
>This place on her front page
>The archives also on her front page

>> No.28025661


>> No.28025670
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>> No.28025755

She literally just started streaming retard

>> No.28026578

and moot flew to mootxico then google and now he's married and has children...

>> No.28027901

sorry but if you weren't on /jp/ in 2008 you need to leave

>> No.28029104
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I wish they would. That said, /pol/ was better back when it was /news/, and still ok before the elections.
/r9k/ however has always been unsalvageable. The idea was to create a board with automatic moderation rules that allowed only OG content (hence the ROBOT9000 name), in an attempt to bring back the old /b/ glory. Instead it became a den of seething virgins and supreme gentlemen.
They are the OG MGTOW and whats known now as incels. Back then they were called failed normalfags, while the average anon of the core boards went by the rule of 2D>3DPD. Now election tourists think the incel thing is a SJW meme.

>> No.28029204
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>> No.28029242

>Not the actual only herechuuba
opinion discarded

>> No.28029734

it had to be meme magick, it's too coincidental

>> No.28030070

There are nearly a dozen already. You need to lurk more, newfriend.

>> No.28030091

>leeching designs is meme magic

>> No.28030193

Neither of them did their designs based on that. Koopa's is based on a few classic characters she likes, like code geass CC. Bea designed herself before finding 4chan.

>> No.28030258

>4chan's demographic shifting to 30 yo males in the last decade
I wish, that would imply we're mostly the grown-up teenagers who were here in the 00s. Instead 4chan is infested with fucking zoomers who push their shitty forced memes and identity politics on every fucking board.

>> No.28031069
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>> No.28032658

The second most obviously rigged election in recent memory.

>> No.28032827

Every single 4chan vtuber has been a disaster

>> No.28032889
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There's still hope for it to happen. Chinkmoot would just have to (somehow) care again and this time ACTUALLY OFFER MONETARY COMPENSATION. No one's gonna stream for retarded anons on 4chan for free.

Either that or a girl takes it upon herself to be an actual 4chan representative no not like the other /here/tubers who want to walk the line between pandering to 4chan and having a normal audience, I mean someone who goes full in on it.
But again who would want to do that for free

>> No.28032946
File: 155 KB, 1676x1008, MariBustShot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already got one

>> No.28032971

chinkmoot should do it himself, he's already one of the most superchatted youtubers in youtube's entire history

>> No.28033085
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For me its this one

>> No.28033117
File: 113 KB, 214x224, 1628974172866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says N word

>Pic says it
>Immedietly sings "I don't care or whatever it was called" after

Kiara is more of a 4chantuber than whatever indie trash you just shilled anon

>> No.28033794

adding to this, she should be a whole 4chan vtuber not just a /vt/ one. Able to discuss /a/core, /mu/core, /v/core and so on. And site-wide news like a mangaka's death, new releases, stickies, "epic" (for a lack of descriptor) threads, so on.

>> No.28033872

So kiki...? she does that already

>> No.28034025

Shes the closest you'd ever get. She actively filters anyone not from /here/ even. I used to be opposed to the idea but I gave her a try and shes actually really fucking cool.

>> No.28034027

I've watched her a few times and my problem with her as "the 4chan vtuber" is this >>28033794
She feels more like a dedicated thread exclusive GFE panderer than a sitewide multi-topics one.
Nothing wrong with that, but its not the same niche as what I am thinking about.

>> No.28034114

I used to think the same but she just doesn't do gfe anymore so shes fine honestly. She's literally playing 2hu right now.

>> No.28034261
File: 1.59 MB, 803x1062, america.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think koopa covers more board interests than kiki. namely /a/ /m/ /k/ /x/ /vt/ /d/ /h/

>> No.28034305

Id say yeah but shes done a lot more recently and is really leaning into it

>> No.28034517
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>> No.28034527

If you think about it, Reimu is already better than most of the board for the simple fact that she actually does her fucking reps

>> No.28034549

ok kiki

>> No.28035187

what did she do

>> No.28035928
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Whoops, wrong image

>> No.28036101
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and may it stay that way

>> No.28041008

>4chan's demographic shifting to 30 yo males in the last decade is what happened.
Only very specific boards like /m/ and honestly probably even /vt/ qualifies.

>> No.28041113

Would anyone actually like this or would they shit on her for not being the bear

>> No.28041146

Unironically, you'll probably only find a dude willing to do that. I would but I have 0 of the equipment involved and my hobbies are more niche so I don't care what happens on a bunch of boards.

>> No.28041175

>a dude
The issue is no one wants to watch a m*l* anon

>> No.28041534

I would do it unpaid but I'm not about to shit hundreds of dollars for a meme model and the only board I've spent much time on since the mass election migration is /a/

>> No.28041594

That is not a big gun so goddamn Koopa's hands are tiny

>> No.28043775

I hope you're not a DBZspic newfag...

>> No.28044587
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But we already have 1

>> No.28044769
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Every /here/tuber is a grifter.
And the list goes on and on.
All of them are fucking grifters

>> No.28048862

Reimu likes Vox.

>> No.28053824


>> No.28057808
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>> No.28057967

lol no

>> No.28058025

Not this fucking trash again.

>> No.28060675

>now has children
please... i can’t fucking believe it

>> No.28060711

No thanks.

>> No.28061263
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it's ogre dude, he's living a happy life in japan with his family and keeps posting these cute family photos on his instagram

>> No.28062085

so the only way to win at 4chan is to leave 4chan

>> No.28062264
File: 632 KB, 639x426, 1656281766312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this could be you if you just closed the tab

>> No.28062657

he can’t keep getting away with it fucker straight up made the site sold it and left to live his best life

>> No.28062715

She's shit

>> No.28062740

I want to flip her skirt up and see her panties
She doesn't believe in anything that she says. She's a fraud

>> No.28062771

>threw 4chan under the bus to get a good life
Kind of understandable. I hope he doesn't get cucked again.

>> No.28062778

The first one being STARTEND losing that tournament

>> No.28062858

He’ll always be a massive faggot, and he knows it. He can deny it however much he wants to, but it’s in there, clouding the very peripheral reaches of his mind.

>> No.28062887

Pippa feet....
