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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 65 KB, 1200x1521, 1626355475849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27360958 No.27360958 [Reply] [Original]

>Only vtubing company not trying to appeal to the chink market
>Only vtubing company still holding out against the twitter trannies demanding they get political
>Only vtubing company that still demands talents have standards on stream
>Wildly popular because of this causing immense amounts of seethe from the Vshojo cucks and Nijiniggers
Holobros. We won.

>> No.27361057

Feels good to stand at the right side this time round.

>> No.27361147
File: 521 KB, 853x1000, 1656731077299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holochads the war is not over yet. (You) will be the force to unite them all.

>> No.27361195

Now say it without tears streaming down your face rumao

>> No.27361318

feels good desu

>> No.27361341
File: 267 KB, 1536x2048, 1648823826163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh.. you can already see all the anti idol culture, nijishills, and seething 2views on the tweets and comments. Success trully breed jealousy. Look there's already one here >>27361195

>> No.27361440
File: 486 KB, 640x639, extremely smug gozaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks anyone in hololive gives a fuck that Rushia who doxed her genmate to prove she doesnt have a boyfriend to some random dramatuber joined a literal prostitution ring
Oh I'm seething alright.

>> No.27361466
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>>Only vtubing company still holding out against the twitter trannies


>> No.27361538

omega is literally dead
like 2 days ago was when they made the new holopro_en account

>> No.27361567

wasnt he fired back in february?
oh wait he was

>> No.27361674
File: 3 KB, 398x387, 1644714996372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No jealousy here, Yagoo. I want to join you.

>> No.27361759

Black company that kills the creativity of their talent and can't manage any kind of YAB without eventual graduation. If you are a top talent why would stay if you can go to vshojo, keep more of your money, and do whatever you want. Look at Irys. As base as they come. But hololive are ruining her as both a streamer and singer.

Today was the beginning of the end of hololive.

>> No.27361777

>Trannoid who made it through screening gets fired before he can push any SJW shit
Holobros we can't stop winning

>> No.27361920

Lol who's gonna tell him

>> No.27361937

>Only vtubing company to completely fuck up their entire chink market
>Only vtubing company that refuses to let their talents talk about anything even remotely "yabai"
>Only vtubing company that pretends to have standards on stream while allowing half their members to be whores on other channels
>Wildly popular because of clip-watching normalfags that barely watch streams and retarded tribalfags that only exist on /vt/
All so tiresome

>> No.27361942

Can any explain to me why people even like vshojo? hololive and nijisanji are literally right there why do they insist on watching arguably worst content and awful people

>> No.27362019
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>> No.27362109

Look at the top of the board and tell me what it says, does it say virtual youtubers or does it say chingchongers bililivers
If you still cant take the hint, go back

>> No.27362136
File: 106 KB, 886x1419, 1636783873125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wildly popular because of clip-watching normalfags that barely watch streams
Doctor, turn off my cope inhibitors

>> No.27362147

>More likeable
Funny way of saying "less interesting"

>> No.27362186

can you type that again but less incomprehensible and borderline schizophrenic

>> No.27362232

>It's interesting when vtubers talk about how their period shits look
Filthy third world coomer. Go back to harassing random women on facebook for bob and vagoo pics

>> No.27362245

>There are 4 million subscribers to Gura and she doesn't even average 10%
You proved his point...

>> No.27362249

can you reply to me without sounding like a seething copeoid?

>> No.27362342

Enjoy you're troonposting and period jokes anon

>> No.27362366

i am not the person you were replying to i just cant read your posts you ESL

>> No.27362427

Veibae has 900k followers and only gets 8k on average which is less than 1%

>> No.27362469
File: 60 KB, 903x223, the definition of cuckolds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets check what those "not-clipwatching not-normalfags that do watch streams and are smart unityfags that exist everywhere" watch?

>> No.27362595

>that filename
Looks to me like YOU don't know the definition rumao. You have to be in a relationship to get cuked. This is like freaking out over an actor talking about their husband/wife.

>> No.27362690

>posts a clip

>> No.27362699

An actor? So suddenly kayfabe matters now?

>> No.27362774

Actors do GFE? This has to be the first time anyone has ever said this
But then again I'm not expecting intelligence out of a twitchnigger

>> No.27362824

Nyanners never did gfe. I mean before this she was always flirting with the other members, not her audience.

>> No.27362869

Falling for gfe is your own mental illness, you're not in a relationship with a vtuber under any circumstances

>> No.27362881

If an ethot marks the end of hololive, then it disgusts me what the vtuber sphere without hololive looks like.

>> No.27362994
File: 163 KB, 828x1675, 1646011970631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys roastie

>> No.27363064

Complains about ethots...but supports a company that employs Matsuri, Noel, Mel, Kiara, and Choco...the cope is strong in this one...

>> No.27363198

>Admitting to being a newfag that only started watching with hololive
Yikes. Things were fine before hololive and will be after.

>> No.27363292

Iron Mouse and Nyanners are cool. No one else in vshojo counts

>> No.27363334

Oh you're the one who pretends to be an oldfag and says Hololive going the idol route ruined everything. Sorry but your whores will literally never be relevant ever again.

>> No.27363347

Ah yes, you and the other thousands of Yuki-min are in exclusive 1:1 relationships with Lamy... now whose the real cuck.

>> No.27363398

C'mon anon don't you love seeing you're hobbies get hijacked by troons and ethots

>> No.27363400

>straight up reveal irl body in debut
>snaps when called fat
>Yasss queeen orbiters
What differentiate her now from the rest?

>> No.27363459

>hijacked by ethots
They can't hijack what was always theirs. Should've stuck to male streamers if you didn't want to watch a female hobby.

>> No.27363471


>Only vtubing company that pretends to have standards on stream while allowing half their members to be whores on other channels

A whore and insufferable cunt like VShojo's very own Froot? She gets her back blown out by someone aside from her husband while he's deployed and she acts like a victim.

>> No.27363546

Is there anyone with Nyanners' personality and humor in either of those corpos? No? Then I won't watch them. Simple as.

>> No.27363589

I mean sure anyone can be a whore if you believe what 4chan tells you rumao.

>> No.27363719

You're oshi is a hypocrite anon have some integrity

>> No.27363838

If you want to hear a woman talk about politics and blood then pick a random girl on twitter. She won't give you the time of day though (:

>> No.27363891

>peddling the 0-proof rrat again

>> No.27363922

>Spread rrats about Rushia all day long
>Noooo you can't just believe Froot cheated on her husband while he was on deployment consider the source!
lmao, you fags are pathetic

>> No.27364140

You'd think others would see this and see their massive success and try to emulate it.
Why the fuck is there no real competitors to Hololive?

>> No.27364337

Because they listen to twitter troons who have no intention of watching streams or buying merch and just want to ruin another hobby. Look at the number of these fags who say they want Holostar collabs and how many of them actually watch the stars? It's a grift for them. Vtubers are fertile ground for virtue signalling against the evil toxic maculinists.

>> No.27364397

>Only vtubing company not trying to appeal to the chink market
If you ignore that they explicitly tried to and then they couldn't anymore

>> No.27364423
File: 87 KB, 406x388, image_2022-07-03_114550805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo still holding on to his dream of creating an idol group and i respect that and am all for it
They can keep their whores and thots

>> No.27364474

That doesn't really explain why they'd listen to them though.
Why would anyone care about twitter troons when there's actual money to be made?

>> No.27364489

you're old news chinky. Enjoy your western e-thots.

>> No.27364501

You do realize that Vshojo is gonna get kicked out of China for the same reason, right?
They hired Kson, who is unironically still blacklisted over there.

>> No.27364655

Nigga, they killed that fool.

>> No.27364846

Nyanners does not have a personality outside of spouting whatever the latest meme or product that is popular. Her humor is “haha peepeepoo XD” it’s pathetic for how old she his.

>> No.27365136

>Mental illness haver A tells company to do X
>Companies are just groups of people
>Some of the people in that company also have a mental illness that leads them to believe the same things as mental illness haver A
>Some of the people in that company have a different mental position, whether it be an illness or they're just mentally weak and cave to pressure, that leads them to believe what both the mental illness havers say
>They do X
>It fails
>"Actually, it failed because Y, not X!"
It's literally the same reason you can point to all examples of communism and people will just melt their own brains to avoid seeing reality. The japs are more resolved against this because they're a very slow to react, conservative, and homogenous society, which insulates them against this problem. Niji are just examples of shit japs lmao

>> No.27365354

The only tears I have is over how much was sacrificed for the sake of an ungrateful whore.
Take them, I am only stronger now and my faith hardened. Management was right, they were always right.

>> No.27365522

That's nice and all, but if Gura is gone, I don't care about Cover anymore

>> No.27366294

>wanting ANYTHING you like being anywhere near bug people
You're fucking retarded. Do you have any idea how much China and Japan hate each other? It's almost as if there was something that happened for it to be that way. One person says anything Chinks don't like and they throw a hissy-fit like little kids. It's funny as fuck watching them cry over the fact when 'Taiwan' and 'country' are in the same sentence. They're still seething at the fact that Kson is now in VShojo.

>> No.27366626

Jesus Christ

Are you in a cult or something?

Stay away from normal people.

>> No.27367102

As if anyone in or who watches Vshojo is normal lmao

>> No.27367372

>nyanners is blah blah blah oh by the way i've never watched her
really productive post anon thanks

>> No.27367375
File: 95 KB, 596x680, FWtVL6mVQAAi18F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only smaller companies would learn from them
This little circle here wouldn't be one phone short.

>> No.27367406


>> No.27367501

They tried to pander to china, but Coco got them banned there. This is still a good thing.

>> No.27367566


>> No.27367984

I have stayed away from you normal people all my life.
I had found sanctuary and happiness away from you. And yet you come, you tell me my sanctuary and happiness is not to your own shitty standards and start shitting on the floor and telling me shit is good and to like shit.
Fuck you and all you scum. To you this is nothing, it is just a passing moment in your insipid life. Your taste for shit is just a pitstop on your world tour of tasting shit. And yet you cannot help but throw shit in my face and sincerely fucking ask why I do not accept your shit.
What you call a cult is simple love. The love I have for my Oshi and some japanese vtubers that provide me with entertainment at no cost. But you probably don't have the same conviction, you will move on. I won't.

>> No.27368097

You lost. Get over it or kill yourself.

>> No.27368832

>not trying to appeal to the chink market
It was trying to be double faced on the china issue that caused this timeline, kek.
