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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 513 KB, 599x553, Urufugang I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27199242 No.27199242 [Reply] [Original]

Fujikura Uruka of Phase Connect had a man in her room the other day and claimed it was "brother". On yesterday she canceled 2 streams, including a group collaboration, so she could go out with her "brother". This morning she tweets this to mock her fans.

Urufugang is a bigger cuck than even Deadbeats or Fandeads officially.

>> No.27199357

I have no idea who this is but condolences to her fans, especially the ones stupid enough to still believe it was her brother.

>> No.27199500

How does Pippa respond to this?

>> No.27199596

Pippa defends Uruka on 4chan while Pippa is on holiday with zoidberg.

>> No.27199599

Oof. Yeah, that's just saying it without actually saying it. She either got fucked by her brother or whoever she said was her "brother".

Sucks for her fans. I hope they aren't in denial too much. If they are I have no sympathy because they're retarded.

>> No.27199623

Is she GFE? If so, I hope her fans make a big deal out of this and cause something to happen. If not, she's still a whore.

>> No.27199681

okay and? when did you become so obsessed with the purity of fake women on the internet?
they aren't fucking japanese idols, they fuck. get over it chud.

>> No.27199726

I'm sorry for her fans if she was going for the GFE shtick

>> No.27199821

lowkey sad I have to do this, but I think I'm gonna ban the word cuck. it makes me uncomfy. pls just use respectful terms

>> No.27199823

If a chuuba actually had sex with their brother I’d find that based because I have a huge brother/sister fetish. She was 100% getting piped by some other dude.

>> No.27199831

uruka isn't gfe no one cares

>> No.27199894

Isn't her whole shtick being a turbo slut with no filter?

>> No.27199952

Why are you retards imposing the whole idol and GFE shit onto anyone that uses an anime avatar? You do know that there are different types of Vtubers? Hell, even in hololive, fans are cheering for Choco to finally settle down before her eggs dry up, and she even talked about going on dates and getting rejected.

>> No.27199966

You're thinking of Lia.

>> No.27199980

This art looks terrible. That's the real sin.

>> No.27199984

you're thinking of Niji EN

>> No.27199992

phase connect is garbage

>> No.27199997

I still want to suck on those bear tits

>> No.27200070

>no yabs
>no graduations
>killed cyberlive
>kill tsunderia
>killed neena of kawaii
>didn't sell out to sony
better than most other small corpos

>> No.27200114

>killed neena of kawaii
neena killed herself

>> No.27200148

Every female chubba is GFE

>> No.27200157

Deadbraps have some real competition

>> No.27200168

>On yesterday
the On is redundant

>> No.27200206

>This morning she tweets this to mock her fans.
Based. I wish Rushia did the same with a image of mafumafu before getting terminated.

>> No.27200275

>announces her graduation due to 'work'
>in reality was just going to start streaming on her old twitch channel
>had a new model made and everything
>lumi posts the link to the twitch channel in Nina Saotome's chat showing the aussie cunt planned to debut before long before she would graduate for double the money
>kawaii rightfully shitcanned her not even a day after finding out
>all the other girls say they were completely unaware of her treachery

>> No.27200588

Imagine being do sense you get trolled this easily by her. Fucking retard kek

>> No.27200617

i highly doubt kawaii found out about her new vtuber persona because of lumi, she didn't even try to hide it and an anon in /pkg/ posted about it before lumi di. her fans knew too
neena didn't give a fuck about being found out or she would have done things differently, being shitcanned with no actual consequences (i.e. being relieved of having to stream as neena until august) suited her just fine

>> No.27200627

Lumi is the biggest threat to Phase Connect. As soon as Phase offends her, she's going to dedicate herself to destroying it. I started distancing myself from them as soon as I noticed the pattern. Between that and Pippa's need to to fuck with the trannies over at America First, the fireworks are going to be insane.

>> No.27200763

It really is her brother, but they also had sex. Uruka is from Alabama

>> No.27200910

>This morning she tweets this to mock her fans.
If this whore wants to play the ungrateful card then so be it. Drown in your boyfriend's cum and support you little bitch.

>> No.27201386

you can tell people here don't really watch her since they do not know that none of the girls in PC are GFE...not sure about gen 2 though

>> No.27201447
File: 158 KB, 270x400, esl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On yesterday
>is a bigger cuck
it's always the ESL SEAnigs...

>> No.27201564

good i hope every single sperg who buy into the GFE shit neck themselves

>> No.27201933
File: 829 KB, 821x433, Uruka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uruka is big enough now to get her own rrat threads on /vt/
I'm so proud of my musical trash bear.

>> No.27201991

>that English
Back to eating dirt, sir.

>> No.27202107

I had subbed because she made a funny song, but her actual streams are kinda boring. So, doesn't really matter to me. She seems more like a jokester than some girl to be gachikoi about.

>> No.27202715

Who the fuck wants GFE from someone who sounds like that, I thought it was a male

>> No.27203036

This is a Troon anyway, who cares

>> No.27203068

This is your brain on hololive

>> No.27203326
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>> No.27204016

did talk about her brother before this at least? if this is the first time she mentioned about her brother then yeah we can assume it's her bf.

>> No.27204074

Sucks to be her fans right now. Damn.

>> No.27204430

Yeah, he has enough lore and nobody in /pcg/ seems to care about it either.

>> No.27204696

Too busy fucking zax to care.

>> No.27204844

retarded it doesn't matter we are cuckolds by nature the whole company is shit ntr and that's why we call it Phase Cuck

>> No.27204970

>Phase Cuck
>Cuck Project
What is it with small corpos being cuck nests.

>> No.27204971


zoidberg killed pippa dog

>> No.27205146

>This is a Troon
God I wish Troon's sounded like Uruka

>> No.27205857

Don't know who that is but sorry for the cucks who were devoted

>> No.27206235
File: 21 KB, 657x115, fuck unicorns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27206549

wait how did nina get tied up in this yab

>> No.27206644

>Between that and Pippa's need to to fuck with the trannies over at America First, the fireworks are going to be insane.
you mean fuentes incel club, what's she doing to them?

>> No.27206979

Just lightly and ocassionally shitting on Ethan Ralph and being a weatherman fan. Basically that other anon is paranoid and overstimates how much damage they could actually inflict on Pippa.

>> No.27207025

pets die, shit happens
also it was their dog, not just Pippa's dog

>> No.27207031

Sorry /vt/ I just having my way with her.
You can have her back this weekend.

>> No.27207101

Based Sakana

>> No.27207209

REAL incest vtuber would be hot tho

>> No.27207318

honestly fucking disgusting, I didn't know about this girl but now I'll keep my distance at all costs, thanks OP

>> No.27207325
File: 36 KB, 397x397, 1648695830611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically surprised PC has unicorns; goslings I get tho.
I just treat every single vtuber as a person in a relationship so I don't get stung. I also don't SC or member.

>> No.27207428

Yeah, me

>> No.27207635

Artemis of the Blue was such a fucking waste

>> No.27208151
File: 115 KB, 234x256, tenma4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so proud of the phase connect girls, finally getting their very own anti threads on /vt/

>> No.27208455

low key same
still annoying though
hate people pushing GFE on every chuuba when I actively avoid that aids ridden subgenre

>> No.27208665

You can't run this talking point when regarding Uruka because she actively plays dumb about lewd shit and skirts around talking about it half of the time. She welcomes these sort of retards unlike some of her fellow members like Tenma.

>> No.27208851

>the standards I impose on other peopledonot apply to myself
If you are frustrated about your lack of action you haven't made use of your opportunities. If you are fine as things are, then where's the problem?
You only have any skin in this if you are a virgin by choice and virtue, which I honestly doubt applies to anyone here.

>> No.27212466
File: 426 KB, 1123x1600, 0032-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing
Choco already filtered the purity fags with her stories so the ones who are still with her know what to expect..or are newfags.
But most GFE hides that fact to milk her pay pigs, literally lying for money.
So do not put Choco on the same level as those thots since Choco followers are just a replacement for her future husband.
That aside, Uruha is far to be a GFE and more like your normie chink American bro, still disrespectful to do that tho because she also never did whore nor cuck pandering.

>> No.27215036

No, that's Kaneko Lumi.

>> No.27215115

They didn't kill Cyberlive, Misaki and the CEO not wrangling her did.

>> No.27215198
File: 123 KB, 728x603, 1640929953431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second. This was the second time they're trying to bait with her. Could be just one schizo or even possible a Urugangsta playing anti-hero in hopes to boost her.
It is fucking insane.

Watch yourself you retarded pink rabbit, the the Bear in the big blue cardboard house is coming for you. Fix she took over your subs, then Phaseconnect and made Fishman her bitch, then raped Lia and now your only source of relevance /here/. Uruka just can't be stopped.

>> No.27215237

gf experience is passe
welcome to the ntr experience

>> No.27215333

She sounds fat so I dont feel sorry for anyone

>> No.27215344

it's sad that's the only way women will stop being a whore

>> No.27215382

but I've made at least a dozen anti threads for pippa

>> No.27215649

The only woman I've ever met that had a deep voice like uruka was an aspergers woman with huge tits. It was great.

>> No.27216208

I want to fuck uruka

>> No.27216346

if she niji or holo maybe i will care

>> No.27216376

Uruka is cool and talented. If you don't want her anymore, we'll gladly take her in vshojo, thanks.

>> No.27216495

Uruka was never GFE. Who the fuck cares.

>> No.27216627

Vshojo is that way

>> No.27216655


>> No.27216694

Was it Fishman?

>> No.27216994

Hey ESL let me help you out.
"If she was a niji or holo maybe I would have cared"
That is the proper way to express what you meant.

>> No.27217327

Fishman got cucked, too. He's a beta orbiter now.

>> No.27217484
File: 125 KB, 589x848, spam replies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cringe.

>> No.27217652

You know, the cool thing about vtubers is that nobody needs to know of your personal life cuz you don't put your face and dox out there. Maybe one day the vtubers, specially the ones who take advantage of lonely losers figure that one out.

>> No.27218023

OP is a retard.
The brother thing didn't come out of nowhere. She scheduled a stream with her brother in advance because he was going to be coming over. This was planned.
Now, you can choose to believe what you want in regards to whether or not that's actually her brother, but it's not like the voice was some big oopsie, and she had to make up a random excuse.

>> No.27218379

Why couldn't it literally just be her brother? Do you think that because your family thinks you're a worthless loser and they don't want to associate with you outside of your parents house that you will never leave that no one else has a good relationship with their family either?

>> No.27218446

I agree it was her brother because her actual boyfriend is the owner of the company.

>> No.27218457

Is that the one that sounds like a man?

>> No.27222055

do you mean fair weather fan dear retard?

>> No.27222217

Pippa is a big fan of this band: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairweather_(band) and someday it will cause a shitstorm

>> No.27222691

She's another chink whore. Who cares?

>> No.27222776

No, she likes Jim.

>> No.27223332

Phase Connect is a chinese backed company

>> No.27223989

phase connect is a chinese blacked company

>> No.27226175

youre missing the clear subtext of her telling us she fucked her brother

>> No.27228393

She sounds like a woman who regurgitated a thousand cum

>> No.27228627

God, Ifvthat were true then thats very hot. Straight out of a NTR manga where she goes on tweeting a "morning after" photo to secretly indicate that she just had sex last night. Cuckbros we win once again!

>> No.27230827

He's right.

>> No.27231239

Brother is a code for bf

>> No.27231671 [DELETED] 

>oh man I girl I WILL SIIIIMP
>uh oh a guy voice I HATE HER SHE IS A WHORE
every time
