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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26836458 No.26836458 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone okay with the fact that Fubuki collabs with, and worse - FLIRTS with men on stream?
Her interactions with Oga aren't subtle. She's giggly. She does this weird "master and servant" roleplay with him wherein they blatantly flirt - it's ugly to watch. She's meant to be an idol, for Christ's sake.
But everyone just sits idly by and lets this pillar of Hololive encourage this disgusting, subversive behavior with an:
>I-it's okay when she does it!1!
Why is that?

>> No.26836519

EOPs have no standards. There's a reason the Japs dislike bombed those collabs.

>> No.26836538

seethe unicorn seethe

>> No.26836561

cuckbeat deflection thread

>> No.26836593

ENsharts are cucks and this board is chock full of them, we've known this

>> No.26836723

/vt/ accepts it because nobody actually watches the JPs here but rest assured they won't be so welcoming to cuckoldry when holostars en drops

>> No.26836836
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Westerners have literally been conditioned to accept cuckoldry since birth.
Don't blame them, blame the culture.

>> No.26836839

Because calling herself friend isn't just a meme, it's a clever strategy to avoid that sort of criticism. Nobody feels cucked if they don't see her as their proxy gf in the first place.

>> No.26836928

You DO realize
>She doesn't do GFE
isn't an excuse for an idol to flirt with men, right?

>> No.26836936

/vt/ is okay with it because /vt/ doesn't watch JPs. /jp/ is okay with it because the unicorn problem is wildly overstated by the people making a strawman out of unicorns when the truth is that only a small minority of fans are real unicorns, most people who don't like it otherwise just don't watch the collab and carry on, and pairs that can act professional and classy get a by from everyone else.

Most of the complaining about male-female collabs that happens isn't actually because somehow everyone you don't like is a delusional fan but because western mixed gender collabs have actually been cancer in themselves and claiming it's all unicorns bitching is deflection. NijiJP has been fine for years but NijiEN is unprofessional as fuck for comparison.

>> No.26836998

Fubuki's actual excuse is that she gave up the spotlight over a year ago. She streams fucking FFXIV she doesn't want people to watch her.

>> No.26837028

>only a small minority of fans are real unicorns
tell that to nyanners subscriber drop after her boyfriend reveal lol, get fucked reddit cuck

>> No.26837114
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>Nobody feels cucked if they don't see her as their proxy gf in the first place.
Yeah, we're just friends with benefits

>> No.26837153

>he thinks gifted subs dont expire

>> No.26837154

Nyanners schedule went to absolute shit and her boyfriend is a piece of shit that she parades and flaunts around instead of just dating normally with regular human acknowledgment.

>> No.26837191

>only a small minority of fans are real unicorns
False. There's a reason Hololive is so much more successful than any other company. Hint: it isn't because Miko said nigger. This is Homobeggar cope.

>> No.26837242

>Unironic anti-unicorns ITT
We've fallen so far.

>> No.26837248
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>> No.26837275

Just pay a hooker to fuck you and you will stop getting mad at all the inane shit you get mad at. I promise you.

>> No.26837310

>Reddit spacing
Go back.

>> No.26837333

this, I remember hearing that she was so relieved when Gura overtook her so she wouldn't feel pressured to always be the best, she's going on the path of whatever the heck she wants to do, and with the chinks targetting her, her fans have a valid shield to use to deflect both chink bitching AND legitimate criticism

>> No.26837340

Unicorns don't watch Fubuki because they already know she collabs with males. It's that simple.

>> No.26837353

How new? She's the king, Fubuki can do whatever the fuck she wants. Filtering retards like you is something she intentionally does.

>> No.26837376

Real fans hated Fubuki for years at least in Japan, it's easier for us to forgive her due to the language barier similar how JOPs don't freak out about EN/ID bitches and their shenanigans.

>> No.26837378

>with the chinks targetting her, her fans have a valid shield to use to deflect both chink bitching AND legitimate criticism
Fucking hate this bullshit. Coconiggers did the same thing.

>> No.26837418
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Unironically this image.
I blame /jp/ for not gatekeeping the ENsharts harder.

>> No.26837458

everyone already knows who fubuki is

you can search her on youtube and she is with a guy in a nico nico douga cafe geting free drinks from her fanbase

she aint an idol

>> No.26837489

I can't speak for her fans, but I'm glad she helps give Holostars more exposure.

>> No.26837543

i wish westerners weren't cucks and would show their discontent with shitty male collabs too but unfortunately all of the redditors ITT show that's wanting too much

>> No.26837715

ENniggers are subhuman

>> No.26838045
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This is now an Oga thread, post Oga pictures.

>> No.26838143

ntr or cucking is a huge fetish right now why is that so confusing for eops to understand

>> No.26838270
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Because, and I can't overstate this enough, we aren't chinks

>> No.26838347

wtf, is her entire members asmr on this level or is this a typical end of stream treat but higher tier due to being mengen?
I'll pay for this, easy. Paid for Okayu's and it was worth it.

>> No.26838354


>> No.26838575
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>> No.26838683

It's not that everyone is okay with this. It's more than no one fights it anymore. Her viewership for those collabs is abysmal, but she simply doesn't care. She streams even bigger number poison that is FFXIV. Also in the end people return to her anyway so one day she can stream to below 5k people, another above 15k.

>> No.26839175
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>> No.26839195

because Fubbers deserves to be happy

>> No.26839743

This isn't a binary choice between being a chink or a cuck.

>> No.26840026

Foobs would rather peg her slutty bara majin slave boy than actually spend a minute with you, seethe unicorn

>> No.26840132

If you attack Fubuki you're a chink or chink cocksucker, yes. Question is, are you born a chink, or did you bathe in batsoup to give yourself the yellow shine?

>> No.26840452

it's been known she's a whore for a long time. why do you think she likes to talk about "breaking off his horn" so much?

>> No.26840677

No, no. 'They' aren't cucks. YOU are mentally ill

>> No.26841956

She's a whore, but she keeps it to herself.

>> No.26842305

The only thing I'm not okay with is that the Holos will never ever be able to play 100% OJ again as long as Oga is in the company because of undisclosed advertising laws.

>> No.26842510
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>> No.26842614

her audience has learned to pick and choose instead of bitching

>> No.26842696
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>> No.26842700

A lot of her fanbase just ignore these collabs. It's simple. She can have a streak of good streams but whatever FOXDemon happens she will fall of a cliff on viewership.

>> No.26842702

typical fubucuck whiteknights putting the blame on everyone but this bitch. zhangs were right.

>> No.26842828

you guys will have a great time once the en boys arrive

>> No.26842840

Nice ass.

>> No.26843079

based can't wait until she breaks his horn in 3d like the whore she is

>> No.26843120

Actually yes it is. Only Chinks and some Nips are this schizo.

>> No.26843871

it's frankly not okay how few hololivers collab with holostars. although obviously they shouldn't be forced to if they don't want to. the cowards.

>> No.26844380

Blame her for what faggot? She hasn't done anything wrong in this sense.

>> No.26845368

sounds like bug logic to me

>> No.26845450

Don't reply to bait.

>> No.26845575


As a westerner I am embarrassed being associated with the people that just lay down and accept degradation of tradition and society as a whole. Troons and cuckoldry is abberation that need purged.

Oh but of course FBK streams FFXIV. It all makes sense considering Yoshida successfully convinced millions of people that the technologically advanced orderly society was the villains... God why can't the West be more like the Japs? A low birthright is preferable to this shit


You dropped your (((B))) bro. (Based)

>> No.26846663
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>> No.26847005
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>> No.26849245

Please, whats the name of this particular stream fren, i need it

>> No.26849414


>> No.26851230 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 1362x788, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26854549
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Do you want him rare or well done?
Or would you prefer a glass of fresh milk instead?

>> No.26856300 [DELETED] 


>> No.26856486
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>> No.26856860

shanghai hong kong egg foo young
fortune cookie always wrong

>> No.26857588

how can a man has such fine ass

>> No.26857972
File: 23 KB, 720x384, 1655363914426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogaman good

>> No.26858052

Unironically he is into that shitto.
Being the cuck, being the cheater, or being the cheatee.

>> No.26858218

Anybody have more of these “fubuki getting cucked by risu” photos?

>> No.26858550

Yup. And EN clippers never clip HoloJP/Stars collabs except if it includes Matsuri.

>> No.26858734

Where's my tail? LOL

>> No.26859080

No, it's because chinks started clipping streams, you absolute omega retard

>> No.26859223

They're people and they can do whatever they want. Don't like what they're doing? Don't watch them.

>> No.26859456

Because she's not a western whore

>> No.26860863
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>> No.26861033

Time to kill yourself unicornfag

>> No.26861381

Thank God i was never found of this "friend" thing, it's so awkward, that surprises me she even got a fanbase at all.
I guess CANNOR was right about the "Hololive buff" unfortunately, even though i hate Vshitshow, that speech was accurate.

>> No.26861715

she's the one who can't make up her mind. most if the time you're just a friend but then she's your wife if she wants you to do something

>> No.26862002

Who wouldn't?

>> No.26862173
File: 139 KB, 463x453, 1633917457867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, do you think Fubuki will get flirty with me if I joined Hololive?

>> No.26862719

She's done it from the beginning and you have plenty of other options to watch within hololive, I think it'd be a problem if one of them who's never collabed with men in 3 or 4 years of streaming suddenly started making that their main content but that hasn't happened

>> No.26863853

>Why is that?
she ditched an entire country anon, a few unicorns and schizos like you means nothing to her

>> No.26865525
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>Wait, do I see a MALE in my VTuber collab? I'm cancelling my membership! *PUNCHES MONITOR* God I fucking hate MALES! Fuck MALES, fuck BFE, heil GFE, and heil Yuribait!
>Wait, did she mention a MALE on my heckin' GFE KINO COMFY Minecraft stream? *SLAMS KEYBOARD* Who do these WHORES think I am? I just donated FUCKING $100 this YEAR!
>Wait, this WHORE didn't stream today... *THROWS KEYBOARD* DOESN'T she have ANY FEELINGS?!! SHE'S my VIRTUAL GIRLFRIEND!

>> No.26865577
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Sauce me up bro

>> No.26865615

Oga boga is aight.
