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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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2652301 No.2652301 [Reply] [Original]

Which of them is worse and why?

>> No.2652333

Kiara no doubt

>> No.2652343

I think (you) are the worst because you're a faggot

>> No.2652354

You for making this thread.

>> No.2652713

And what makes (you) say that?

>> No.2653311
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*casts a spell to make all tribalniggers kill themselves*

>> No.2657378

ollie seems like an annoying little sister.

kiara is that weird girl who doesn't respect boundaries and inserts herself into everybody's business .

>> No.2657717

Plus Ollie is fun during collabs, instead of ruining them.

>> No.2657791

Clearly Kiara. She has an annoying voice, an annoying face and an annoying personality.

>> No.2657925

Kiara has the absolute worst character design in Hololive and sounds like she has a speech impediment. That fake ass Peko laugh is awful too, seriously fuck you shitbird.

>> No.2657987

Kiara is not going to destroy hololive so Ollie

>> No.2658109

Her collab with ame was pretty cringy.

>> No.2658127

i want to fuck them both

>> No.2658151

Ollie, I don't think Kiara regularly invites men on stream despite how many she might invite off-stream.

>> No.2658206

i like both of them :)

>> No.2658240

The ones who's gushing over an anituber.

>> No.2658325

samefag, also the more threads you spam about them the more positive influence you give them

>> No.2658340

Kiara clearly distanced herself from ever collabing with the VShojo whores in her lest members-only stream.
Ollie on the other hand...

>> No.2658342

I used to think Kiara. But this past month has left me with no doubt it Ollie.

>> No.2658516

i stopped my membership to her, what did she do?

>> No.2658552


>> No.2658629

Didn't do anything. Just said she wanted to collab with Veibae but because she joined VShojo, it ain't happening anymore.

>> No.2658764

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 8964 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 毒奶粉 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 Democracy 言論 Speech 思想 Think 反共 Anti-Communism 反革命 Counter-revolutionary 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 Protest 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 Pinochet 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 The Epoch time 九評論共産黨 Nine commentaries on the communist party 獨裁 Dictatorship 專制 Authoritarian 壓制 Suppression 統一 Unification 監視 Monitoring 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 Massacrr 活摘器官 Organ Picking 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 Prostitution 春畫 賭博 Gambling 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 Fa longgong 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 小熊維尼 VPN VPN軟件 翻牆軟件 Virtual Private Network Software Proxy Tor 習包子 中共官員資產 Assets of Chinese Communist Party Officers 瑞士銀行 Swiss Bank 中共官員移民 移民 Moving overseas 劉曉波 Liu Xiaobou 逃犯條例修訂 反送中 No Chinese Extradition 警察濫權 Police Rights Abuse 721元朗無差別恐襲事件 721 Event of Indiscriminate Terrorism in Yuen Long 黑社會 Gangsters 三合會 Triads 暴力 Violence 毆打 Beating 警黑合作 Collusion between gangster and police 京A88519

>> No.2658823 [DELETED] 

Ollie can only get attention from attractive guys because she's hiding behind a virtual avatar. Kiara's roommate is as sexy as she is, so she doesn't have to suck up to a sheep fucker. Therefore Kiara will always be superior.

>> No.2658849

Schizo you're back at it again

>> No.2658865 [DELETED] 

i would fuck ollie's roommate, but only if i can be really rough with her.

>> No.2658908

Ollie is at least fun

>> No.2658970

Based bug sprayer

>> No.2659006

I don't care how many yabs Ollie has she's my little sister

>> No.2659030

go fuck yourself OP both are fine

>> No.2659040

i'm pretty sure it is the sino defense force that posts that.

>> No.2659068

Only one of them gets fucked by Conner so...

>> No.2659085

Who told you that? Your handlers? Did they tell you to say that?

>> No.2659150

they spam it on anti twitter and Chinese 4chan

>> No.2659205

I curse the day they let that annoying mush mouth Kiara into hololive.

>> No.2659272
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Hard choice, but I'd say Kiara. Ollie comes close tho.

>> No.2659431
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Kiara might be retarded. But she's smart enough to keep her fucking mouth shut about sensitive topics and not associate with fucking SJWs. Ollie is talking to people who would jump at the opportunity to cancel Hololive because they hate the Japanese for their conservative society.

>> No.2659497 [DELETED] 
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Has anyone seen Ollie's roommate?

>> No.2659542

Kiara is cringe at worst. Ollie is actively and maliciously trying to destroy Hololive. How she has not been graduated yet is beyond me. Has yagoo lost control?

>> No.2659595 [DELETED] 


yeah, her roommate is known.

>Ollie is actively and maliciously trying to destroy Hololive

please elaborate. I don't really watch ID compared to EN and JP but i never got that vibe.

>> No.2659648
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The weapons and hats suck but her core design is very good and could look great in lots of other outfits.

>> No.2659653

Kiara is just doing her thing working hard and ollie just invites all these trendhoppers wanting to use her for clout

>> No.2659654

Would work better if you gave Coco a geass and said "Kill yourselves. Immediately.

>> No.2659692 [DELETED] 

She keeps communicating with cancer E-celebs. Some of which are fucked in the head political activists that might try to cancel hololive.

>> No.2659697

She will incline once she gets a new outfit. They're all due for one anyway about now

>> No.2659772
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I'm guessing they'll get new outfits for the 1st anniversary, earlier would be nice but it seems unlikely to me.

>> No.2659785

Ollie is the fucking worst.

>> No.2659841

>Kiara gets startstruck by other Holos
>Ollie gets startstruck by Animetubers.

They dont realize that being starstruck looks fucking pathetic.

>> No.2659882 [DELETED] 


>> No.2659957

damn. Somebody needs to leash her before we have western Antis popping up

>> No.2661011

>Ollie is talking to people who would jump at the opportunity to cancel Hololive because they hate the Japanese for their conservative society.
Wasn't Cover businesses mission statements was wanting to spread Japanese culture

>> No.2661205

Ollie is from a primarily Muslim country known for executing anyone with a minutiae of drugs.

>> No.2661393

>inb4 30 replies to himself agreeing with himself how much he hates Kiara

>> No.2661777

>not sneakily editing the pasta
never gonna make it

>> No.2661805
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Ollie without any contest.

Pic related.

>> No.2661839 [DELETED] 
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>Which of them is worse and why?

>> No.2661870

wait China has their own version of this?

>> No.2662103

1 Ollie
2 Kiara

>> No.2662136

Ollie, she has made pretty clear how little she cares about Hololive

>> No.2662143

>Shrill voice
>Terrible design
>Scat fetish

>> No.2662255

would the streams just be her standing still silently for an hour?

>> No.2662355

Ollie is just dumb, kiara is cringe and annoying.

>> No.2662514

I'll paraphrase what another anon said in another thread, and let you guys make your own decision

>Annoying Voice
>Lacks basic understanding of basic social nuances (probably due to ESL or German Autism)
>Roommate has a problematic past
>Openly a Pekora fangirl
>Is Orange

>Openly interacting with Yabmines (CDawg, Sykunno, Artemis, Zentreya)
>Is a Yabmine herself (Coffee is bad for the baby, I had a fight with my boyfriend, I pissed like a charge rifle, *BRAP*)
>Not only ignores fan rules, but has stated that she actively wants to break them
>May have had sex on stream (Probably just a rrat/lame exaggeration, but that stream WAS pretty sus)

>> No.2662525


>> No.2662702
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After the recent events Kiara doesn't look so bad to me anymore in comparison. And she still has the most fuckable design of the two.

>> No.2662759

t. Kiara

>> No.2662860

Ollie hands down, while I don't like Kiara I can just not watch her streams and collabs, Ollie on the other hand is trying to tie cancerous e-celebs with Hololive.

>> No.2662878

>Kiara: 2 hats
>Ollie: 0 hats (the sword doesn't count)
therefore, Kiara

>> No.2662937 [DELETED] 

Ollie is a SEAnigger, it's expected for her to be shit, Kiara admitted she would have already collabed with a Vslutjo if her manager didn't make it abundantly clear she would never be allowed to do it and regularly interacts with the Vsluts on Twitter. Kiara's worse if only because she can't manage to be a better V-tuber than a fucking Indonesian

>> No.2663042

What problematic past does Kiara have?

>> No.2663054

Kiara. Ollie is all positive energy, kiara is 100% seethe

>> No.2663071 [DELETED] 

Now that Kiara is out of Japan it's like her personality has actually improved. I guess being a foreigner in Japan, with the ability to speak the language, gave her a bit of a god complex and it showed. Now that she's just a normal, albeit good looking, person in her home country, that normality is showing through in her streams.

>> No.2663088

Peeing like a charge rifle>>>>>>>shitting those pants real good
Kiara is fucking gross + her shitty voice doesn't help either.

>> No.2663090
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Even though I dislike both of them, I’d say Ollie is a bit worse than Kiara because of Ollie’s constant simping over political e-celebs.

>> No.2663106

hi cow

>> No.2663110

Kiara begged her manager for a collab with Veibei, luckily ENMA told her there was no chance in hell

>> No.2663113
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Fully disagree on the last part. For tits, you go either DFC or Noel-tier milkers. Average D-cup breasts do nothing for me now.

>> No.2663176


>> No.2663220
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>> No.2663225

>it's like her personality has actually improved
Yes, she's acting like a true German now.

>> No.2663294

Hey at least it's not forced. I may not be into it but I can't hate on a vtuber being themselves.

>> No.2663299

Having sex with me

>> No.2663304

don't bring that fucking mad man into this

>> No.2663333

>kiara is that weird girl who doesn't respect boundaries
That’s her main redeemable quality. Without that she would be boring.
>Kiara has the absolute worst character design in Hololive
I agree with this 100%. I think it’s the biggest thing holding her back.

>> No.2663365

BLM lover and white self hatred.

>> No.2663436

She had to wrestle with a lot of problems to get where she is now.

>> No.2663462

So Ollie antis are Idolfags and right-wing SJWs.

>> No.2663514


>> No.2663560

i actually dont know, kiara is a decent content creator, ollie is pretty funny. I'll just vote both of them for being worst holo

>> No.2663569 [DELETED] 

>right-wing SJWs
A right-wing SJW tends to want to cancel everyone they dislike, after calling them a pedo.
A left-wing SJW tends to want to cancel everyone they dislike, after calling them a racist.

>> No.2663575

I can't fucking take it. I see an image of a random object posted and then I see it, I fucking see it. "Oh that looks kinda like the among us guy" it started as. That's funny, that's a cool reference. But I kept going, I'd see a fridge that looked like among us, I'd see an animated bag of chips that looked like among us, I'd see a hat that looked like among us. And every time I'd burst into an insane, breath deprived laugh staring at the image as the words AMOGUS ran through my head. It's torment, psychological torture, I am being conditioned to laugh maniacly any time I see an oval on a red object. I can't fucking live like this... I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't! And don't get me fucking started on the words! I'll never hear the word suspicious again without thinking of among us. Someone does something bad and I can't say anything other than "sus." I could watch a man murder everyone I love and all I would be able to say is "red sus" and laugh like a fucking insane person. And the word "among" is ruined. The phrase "among us" is ruined. I can't live anymore. Among us has destroyed my fucking life. I want to eject myself from this plane of existence. MAKE IT STOP!

>> No.2663791

Pretty much this. Used to be a hardcore zomrade but she's gone completely off the rails and I've completely stopped watching her now.
>May have had sex on stream (Probably just a rrat/lame exaggeration, but that stream WAS pretty sus)
Lmao what? This has to be a rrat. What stream?

>> No.2663880

Both are histrionic cunts, Kiara isn't as bad, but that seems likely due to Emma.

Exactly, nobody enjoys watching girls cream themselves over another guy regardless of context or relation to you. They are indistinguishable from a boy band's groupies.

Imagine a friend or relative ignoring you to go gush over a local celeb then brag to you about what they did.

>> No.2664094


>> No.2664107

>Kiara isn't as bad, but that seems likely due to Emma
Kiara would be more entertaining if Emma quit, so EN can stream more with JP.

>> No.2664180

Ollie's actually funny sometimes.

>> No.2664241

I imagine that Kiara with ID manager is probably the worst combo

>> No.2664273

>Is Orange
It's enough reasons

>> No.2664289

In an ID gen 2 phasmophobia collab, maybe one of the first ones, at some point Ollie starts moaning sexually that she doesn't want to and not right now, completely unrelated to what is happening ingame. Reine and Anya are completely silent the whole time this is happening. Can't find the clip right now but I'm sure someone timestamped it in the stream comments

>> No.2664312

bro wtf?!

>> No.2664410


>> No.2664452

The fact that she not only wasn't talking to the other IDs when she said that and them immediately asked if she could end the stream to their confusion is the kicker.

You'd think she wouldn't be so retarded to make it blatant, but we are talking about the same person who tried to pretend that deep ass voice that leaked was her little sister, so really anything is possible with the retard.

>> No.2664578

Ollie is ID therefore I don't care.
Kiara ruined most of EN for me. She wrecked practically every collab she was in. Her nonstop Mori nonsense made me not want to watch Mori. Her fans are insufferable. Her lectures and complaining during stream really turned me off. So she single handedly ruined 40% + collabs of EN for me.

>> No.2664579

yo what the fuck
why is chat not reacting

>> No.2664636
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>> No.2664745


This 100%. They're both a cocktail of mental illnesses, raging excessive sexual desire and extreme sociopathic behavior. At least with Ollie, its understandable since she is a literal teenager with boys on her mind. But Kiara is a bonafide Womanchild. I'm afraid that Ollie will end up growing up to become like Kiara as long as she continues working for Hololive.

>> No.2664844


>> No.2665052

I don't mind Kiara's design but you aren't the only person that feels that way which I find kind of funny. Kiara has probably the most high profile and famous of character designer of any holo in all of hololive and yet tons of people hate the design. Kind of funny.

>> No.2665143

This implies sex, yeah?

She is German, so, that's not really abnormal

>> No.2665171

huke's art is actually shitty most of the time

>> No.2665380

Ollie is loud and annoying but she's no white bitch

>> No.2665428

they both suck, but Kiara is worse imo

>> No.2665476

Kek. Well played

>> No.2665488

Ollie tried interacting with Vshojo. She's the only one I had to unsub from because of something they did.
Anyone that says Kiara has to be mentally unwell.

>> No.2665534

Famous artists is a meme that plebs fall for and they end up paying overinflated prices when they could get just as good of a result from an obscure artist.

>> No.2665536

It's funny how during the early days of ID2 so many people wanted Ollie to be a part of EN but here we are now... comparing her to the most hated Holo on this god forsaken site while Reine became our ID girl. How time changes but there's one good thing if Ollie became an EN... Enma and upper management would have never let this happen

>> No.2665540

None i dont hate them anymore, theyre both retarded but so are most women

>> No.2665544

I'm not subbed to either of them

>> No.2665559


>> No.2665604

I wont often watch any of thes retarded hoes given theyre too dispiceful but despite all of this theyre cute sometimes, except ollie but she can do her own stuff with her indog followers dont mind

>> No.2665656

Ollie will end up becoming as mentally broken as haaachama eventually

>> No.2665751

for coming into this thread and responding to a faggot OP

>> No.2665759

>Chinese 4chan
yeah you need to go back there chang

>> No.2665773

Ollie is doing a great job in dethroning Kiara as wrost holo

>> No.2665785

>become like Kiara
Almost certain, when her eceleb friends move on and she's left realisng they never cared and a dwindling audience of dead subs it's gonna hit hard.

>> No.2665801

Honestly, it's Ollie. She's the absolute worst of youtube manifest in v-tuber form. At least Kiara tries to be creative.

>> No.2665804

>My oushi is Kiryu Coco
I guess I am scheduled to be executed in the morning.

>> No.2665805

The west doesnt have nearly as many people dedicated to being locusts as the east

>> No.2665911


>> No.2665968

Mostly seething /pol/ faggots who whip themselves into a frothing, yet ultimately limped dick rage at the slightest hint of someone being a smidge to the left.

>> No.2666034

No. I'm mostly uncomfortable with the fact that most of the HoloIDs are probably Muslims that shouldn't be doing such blatantly haram things.

>> No.2666047 [DELETED] 

>right-wing SJWs.
No such thing. Social Justice Warriors are by definition left wing since it's the left who believes that innate human nature can be altered through changing the socioeconomic circumstances of a population. The right believes that most of a persons behavior is genetically built into them so there's no social justice crusade to go on, it's simply the result of biology that cannot be altered by anything people do.

>> No.2666094

Kiara laments that she can't collab with a friend but understands the rules. Also vsluts are still AT LEAST fellos vtubers and Veiwhatever is one of the least bad vsluts
Ollie on the other hand is using hololive as a way to contact e-celebs for her own goals.

>> No.2666159

>That roommate voice at 1:00
Thank you very much

>> No.2666169

>no such thing as right-wing SJWs
Who do you think brigaded against sex and violence in TV and vidya?

>> No.2666230

dude wut. Why isn’t this clipped and plastered all over the internet.

>> No.2666245
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>> No.2666268

rightwing ideologues then, but overall SJW has completely lost its meaning too, what is meant here with rightwing sjw is just a rabid faggot trying to shove their beliefs down everyones throat and canceling whatever opposes their worldview.

>> No.2666280

fucking cursed wtf

>> No.2666320

go back

>> No.2666394

>That moaning
>Not right now
>2 hours let's end the stream please
huh... why hasn't anyone else brought this up? Even the Holos with the most cuckposters never had a situation like this

>> No.2666439

Honestly, it used to be true that there were no right-wing SJWs, but the times have changed now. It seems like the right now believe they need to play by the same rules (like cancel culture) in order to compete with the left, except instead of calling everyone racist, they calling everyone pedo. And they seem equally offended by stuff. Granted they aren’t a majority, but they’re still annoying.

>> No.2666462 [DELETED] 

The left has been calling everyone pedo forever

>> No.2666478 [DELETED] 

They were proven right though? Modern degeneracy is a direct result of pedowood pushing that shit and warping the minds of normies.

>> No.2666541 [DELETED] 

>The left has been calling everyone pedo forever
BS, they mostly defend them while calling everyone racist. At least the SJW left.

>> No.2666616

Is this site full of fucking zoomers and brainwashed reddit users?
It was Hillary Fucking Clinton, Tiper Gore and Joe Lieberman who went after those things.
Google "Family Entertainment Protection Act" and then "Parents Music Resource Center" you fucking redditor. Then kill yourself.

>> No.2666641
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>> No.2666645


>> No.2666676

pol faggots, right or left, stfu and gtfo

>> No.2666710 [DELETED] 

You haven't seen what leftist anime "fans" look like now. If I see anyone using the word child-coded again I'm gonna fucking lose it.

>> No.2666738

Reine reacted

>> No.2666760

Now google Ronald Reagan, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, their resurgence during the 2000 election, and kill yourself.

>> No.2666764

>he didn't even post the second part with the wet smacking noise


>> No.2666791

All those people were far left though. I mean he fucking amnestied Cubans for fucks sake.

>> No.2666857

what the fr*ck

>> No.2666903

I, too, want to partake in the contrarian thread. Ollie bad because she is a loud and obnoxious simp, and Kiara is just as terribke with her tendency to take jokes too far and insert lewd humor where it doesn't belong. Haha, good thing our board isn't like that right guys?

>> No.2666906

so this is how sex on stream for a Holo sounds like...

>> No.2666911

Being even a smidge towards what the left is now is grounds to be sectioned. The whole left project went off the deep end.

>> No.2666914

Oh no no no no, zomcucks what the fuck is this. Explain right now.

>> No.2666928 [DELETED] 

I love this rrat. Walking around Japan made her feel like the living avatar of the master race.

>> No.2666950


>> No.2666954

If you keep watching from here, you'll notice that she moans randomly a few more times, such as >>2666764 or https://youtu.be/xxD9Z5nN4TM?t=7477

>> No.2666956

KFPchads, I kneel

>> No.2666967

I have a NTR fetish and was waiting for a Holo to have sex on stream but these recent timestamps from that Phasmophobia collab has finally given me what I'm looking for, thanks Zomcucks

>> No.2667006
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>I am very good at taking bone *starts panting* pictures
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.2667009

So Holofags really are cucks.

>> No.2667013

And people call Kiara a slut

>> No.2667016
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 161233544656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay this is not a narrative anymore, she was definitely getting railed on stream.

>> No.2667019

I-it's not the game's footsteps sound, right?

>> No.2667054

>Anya and Reine awkwardly trying to ignore Zombies moans of pleasure
Fucking hell lmao

>> No.2667072


>> No.2667074

Maybe it was a dildo. If she was getting railed you'd hear distinct plapping sounds, a table creaking as she braced herself, maybe a second person panting, or anything of that sort.

>> No.2667121

fingered or dildoed probably. she should just go to vshojo if she wants to use her viewers and livestreaming as a vehicle for her exhibitionism

>> No.2667130

If any girl is getting railed on stream it is reine. She has an actual NTR fetish.

>> No.2667137 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2667145

Her last stream got 800 viewers and her viewer engagement metrics are at the lowest they've been since debut. Zombie is cratering.

>> No.2667153

Not only was she moaning, but her breathing is agitated..

>> No.2667156

nah she could have just been groped, the guy was probably playing with her boobs and she could have gone for a quick kiss which explains that wet smack sound and then probably muted herself until he was done

>> No.2667195

so Zombie's paypigs have always been cucks? Man it scares me that this girl makes as much money as Ame with superchats

>> No.2667224

Imagine being this guy

>> No.2667237


>> No.2667257

PFF HAHAHA, imagine giving 2k to Ollie jesus christ

>> No.2667263 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 421x1200, 37778FCA-9AB7-4745-A9F6-82F1D2598FAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I must break you.

>> No.2667265

Imagine if Ollies BF started to grope her while shes thanking this guy for his donation.

>> No.2667269

Ollie would fit better in V-Shoujo than In Hololive, desu.

>> No.2667277


>> No.2667278

The thought of railing a famous vtuber while she streams live is so intoxicating. My dick is rock hard thinking of all those fucking losers donating money to her while I pump her full of cum

>> No.2667291

>The amount of "pog" in her chat
Disgusting. How can anyone be a zombicuck

>> No.2667304 [DELETED] 

She had an onlyfan or something similar to that. You can find the pics pretty easily by googling her name.

>> No.2667316

man I want this to happen with Gura so badly... jesus imagine just having an asmr stream with her and her SO lightly rails her and you can't make the difference between her rubbing your ears with moisture and the sound of him lightly pounding her as she breathes heavily.... god Hololive is so perfect for my NTR fetish

>> No.2667339 [DELETED] 

She is not a cute as she thinks she is, like Uma Thurman with Downs.

>> No.2667389 [DELETED] 

Onlyfans is for porn, she never had anything like that.
She doesn't think she's cute at all.

>> No.2667419

Her BF must have felt like he was the biggest Chad on earth. Honestly, no man wouldn't feel great from cucking thousands of virgins at once

>> No.2667475 [DELETED] 

Strawberry Hunt, and do you know any cosplayer that aren’t narcissists?

>> No.2667529

I would've never wanted any holo to graduate before but what the fuck is ID management even doing anymore?
Why has she not been fired and deleted from every record already

>> No.2667555

imagine being rich and sending money to ollie which triggers kiara into spergout mode all over /vt/

>> No.2667584 [DELETED] 

I would fuck her roomate ONLY if she lets me cuddle with her

>> No.2667590

>graduating your biggest moneymaker
also nobody seems to be talking about this anywhere but on /vt/

>> No.2667647 [DELETED] 

that isn't onlyfans tier, anon.
also she's really interested in her appearance and maybe that's narcissistic, who knows
but that's not because she thinks she's cute. it's the complete opposite, actually
and no it isn't an act for pity or anything. she really doesn't think she's cute at all. she gets a boost of confidence from what her fans tell her and when she is complimented or flirted at, but there are some secrets about her appearance that I can't talk about without entering dox territory

>> No.2667656

Indonesians > Austrians

>> No.2667660

Reddit isnt going to talk about it, Indogs dont give a shit and JP scizoids only watch JP tubers. Honestly Ollie can get away with a lot because like you said shes the biggest money maker

>> No.2667675

Her manager seems weak-willed.

>> No.2667710 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 800x419, 4ab3c561a13bc87c2a1465963f1732e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cancel culture is ok when we do it
>those weren't real right-wingers
Google the Hays Code and Anthony Comstock and realize that cancel culture has been practiced on every side of the political spectrum.

>> No.2667770 [DELETED] 

>Onlyfans is for porn
Not necessarily. There are a lot of girls that just upload photos like the one Kiara's roommate used to make.

>> No.2667776

ID manager is well known enough in the ID community. He's a chill dude that literally do not care if the girls do not idol stuff. He is super based.

>> No.2667814

Didn't Moona also use a vibrator on stream?

>> No.2667871
File: 20 KB, 463x453, 23c4iupj7t461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it
This is the final YAB
The YAB to end all YABS
the rrat to end all rrats

>> No.2667880

>Biggest money maker
You didn't see her numbers the past week did you.

>> No.2667980

>doomposting about EN ruining everything
>Most of the girls became idol fags after 2nd fes, one of the girls doesn't mention the male talents anymore, two of the girls got turned down for collabs with outsiders
so... did anyone expect an INdog to make all of the doomposting for EN to become real? It's just bizarre to me but is it just because Ollie's a zoomer?

>> No.2668136

/jp/niggers please return to your putrid dying board, where you belong

>> No.2668172

So based he allowed Ollie to pull off that stunt and now more people are starting to talk about it.
Let's see how this goes. Probably not that well, I promise you.

>> No.2668254

what can you even do? We're just on a fucking board filled with autists. Chinks and nijiniggers have more influence than us, all we had was a fucking autistic anon send an angry email to cover about Ollie's recent actions but what will that and this sudden attention to her being groped on stream last year?

>> No.2668461

>also nobody seems to be talking about this anywhere but on /vt/
Even the comments on the video completely dismiss it as haha she sure is funny. Is this how deep zomcucks are

>> No.2668637

The only thing people here can possibly do is to wait until karma bites her ass.

>> No.2668671

well you'll be waiting for a long time and by that time the only one in ID that will be telling Connor to fuck off will be Anya

>> No.2668941

the ban was not long enough

>> No.2668947

>A long time
Can she even go a day without a yab?
It's just a nubers game at this point, if she openly flaunts this kinda shit worse is just inevitable.

>> No.2669267


>> No.2669476

Hmmmm. I wonder which chunk of the post was the trigger.

>> No.2669726

Go to /int/ and find the /asean/ thread. You can ask the guys there.

>> No.2669830

>a fucking autistic anon send an angry email to cover about Ollie's recent actions
lmao what should I even search in the archive to find this?

>> No.2672563

Kiara at least sticks by the rules, after all she does not want to be a disappointment to her senpais esp. her goddess Pekora. For all of the obnoxious antics Peko have committed, at least she respects and strictly abides by the rules set by Yagoo. Kiara's entire agenda and purpose in (holo)life is to follow in Peko's footsteps, and to break that would be a betrayal of her own purpose.

Ollie on the other hand... yes I may commend the breaking of rules for more creative content (people like Haachama need it). I appreciate some anarchy, as it is the fountain of creativity. HOWEVER, she is endangering Hololive as a whole by collaborating with hazardous yabs like VShoujo (who has an SJW among them) and foreign male IRL celebs.

>> No.2672823

im latefag what happened with ollie?

>> No.2672858

wait what

>> No.2673209

Watching even just 5 minutes prior to the moans show that they're setting up the joke that Ollie is having a mental breakdown because of her being scared. She's also interacting with chat who apparently wants her to sing that Fate Padoru jingle.

Still sounds hot as fuck without that context so I'm going to imagine she really was masturbating on stream.

>> No.2673266


>> No.2673379

Well isn't this just fucking great. A live NTR. I'm mad and aroused at the same time.

>> No.2675097


>> No.2675140

That was kinda hot.

>> No.2675142
File: 214 KB, 1726x707, OllieYAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ollie is worse. It's not even up for a debate at this point given this.
