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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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26095069 No.26095069 [Reply] [Original]

Means no tard wrangling even though vshitshow desperately needs management to exist to reign them in.

Case in point - veibae and her long list of yabs.

Meanwhile they're too busy trying to sue people over Froot's cheating - it's almost as if they should have been more careful over who to hire?

>> No.26095883

They're barely even a real company, just a bunch of Twitch vtubers that banded together after they realized they needed a "company" to compete with the bigger names. Even one of their biggest names is already almost out the door unless she breaks up with her boyfriend for whatever reason.

>> No.26096157

vshojo had no real yabs
just cringe gossip from /vt/failed men

>> No.26096177

>be an indie with us!

>> No.26096262

>hime on the poster
So freedom to only stream once a month? Oh wait Hololive already has that. Im

>> No.26096287

>The Nux drama didn't exist
Vshojofags are really desperate to rewrite history huh?

>> No.26096290

Most Indies are poor, or Vshojo satellites.

>> No.26096343

What is a "real yab" to vshojofags? Actual crimes?

>> No.26096398
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Will Japan okay with Zen's TTS?

>> No.26096399

Show me the damage.

>> No.26096468

>Moving the goalpost
Retard-chama.... please learn what a yab is.

>> No.26096572

Hmmm...good question. Audience wants the girls to get creampied, and would pay for it.

I literally cam't think of yab.

I mean, if you're lowest of low, you can't get lower than that.

>> No.26096592

zen isnt even the first tts vtuber. Way to out yourself

>> No.26096614

There needs to significant impact for it to be a yab, no lame drama that only effects VT

>> No.26096725
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Nux single handedly broke vshojos back so hard their auditions are almost a year old with no fruit yet

>> No.26096756

Nux lost

>> No.26096777

>company disciplinary action
>now reduced to /vt/ gossip and rumors
yeah, learn what a yab is. If that's your definition then shitposting threads being spammed are yabs

>> No.26096778

Ironically the first vtubers (Eilene family) were men doing yukkari TTS.

>> No.26096826

You're both right. If VShojo "management" and their fans are OK with literally anything, then "yab" has no meaning. I doubt even Matsuri could get away with describing in detail the viscosity of her vaginal discharge.

>> No.26096839

>It doesn't count because it involves us.

>> No.26096915
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>nyanners in general being the main reason why people won't give the company any time
>melody 3D drama / camwhore shit
>froot cheating
>veibae shitting on hololive only to join a corpo herself, then doubling down on it when confronted
>TTStranny GMod collab - somehow he still gets to do nijisanji collabs after that shit!
>Hime being the most useless hire ever to grace a corpo/agency
>Scam auditions complete with doxxing, even the orbiters like snuffy can't get in the door
>the Nux shit (see above)
>doing stuff with charities linked to CIA
>veibae driving people away by constantly going on about riding sodapoppin
>veibae and the shylily shit
>management doesn't do shit but somehow gets millions in venture capital money
>the real reason why EN Vtubers gone down the drain, everyone and their dog wants to be a lewdtuber / coomertuber like them because apparently that's the only reason you ever get views these days
>clippers only care about lewdtuber shit, so that's all you see on youtube, and also see above, makes people turn into one
>people know the company is fucked up, but ignore it because the numbers mean they can't do shit

>> No.26097049

>Keeps trying to garner sympathy (from /vt of all places) over getting "sued"

No one of any importance cares footfag

>> No.26097600


>> No.26097632

>Case in point - veibae and her long list of yabs.
Give me the full list of poor man Shylily's yabs.

>> No.26097802

The simple fact that this upsets you so much is proof that they struck a nerve.
There aren't any, bronies are just desperate for ANYONE in the vtuber sphere to have a yab as big as Hololive has.

>> No.26097865

in true /vt/ fashion, 90% are completely made up with no real consequences. You can literally fabricate anything and call it a yab here, holy shit

>> No.26098080

In a country with no laws, there is no crime.

>> No.26099641


Not even a year ago it was revealed Vshojo was letting vtubers get scammed by people pretending to be their recruitment department because they didn't want to tell anyone.

Their reasoning was that they were hoping the scammers would do it enough that the people they hired could maybe have something to get them with. Then they sicc'd their fans on Nux on wrong information because they didn't bother to check to make sure it wasn't just a misunderstanding.

Regardless of who you side with the fact that they actively drug that shit out on twitter leading to people attacking one or the other as information came out should tell you that too much freedom is a bad idea.

>> No.26099951
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>Wait, is that a MALE in my heckin' VTuber collab? *THROWS MONITOR* God I fucking hate MALES! Fuck MALES, fuck BFE, heil GFE, and heil Yuribait!
> Wait, mentioning a MALE on my heckin GFE KINO COMFY Minecraft stream?!! *PUNCHES monitor* who these WHORES think i am?!! i just donated FUCKING 100$ this YEAR!
> Wait, this WHORE didn't stream today... *smashes keyboard* DOESN'T she have ANY FEELINGS? SHE'S my VIRTUAL GIRLFRIEND! NOW I'M FUCKING LONELY

>> No.26100130

The nyancuck lashes out as he gets cucked

>> No.26100180 [DELETED] 
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>> No.26100207
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>> No.26101884

>nyanners in general being the main reason why people won't give the company any time
Things only /vt/ cares about. Also, stuff that happened before they became a vtuber or VShojo start is a "VShojo yab"?
>melody 3D drama / camwhore shit
This is a yab to literally nobody.
>froot cheating
Again, happened before vtuber / VShojo and, again, things only /vt/ cares about.
>veibae shitting on hololive only to join a corpo herself, then doubling down on it when confronted
Based not "yab".
>TTStranny GMod collab - somehow he still gets to do nijisanji collabs after that shit!
Maybe because only /vt/ gave a shit about this and all parties involved had no issue.
>Hime being the most useless hire ever to grace a corpo/agency
How is that a "yab"?
>Scam auditions complete with doxxing, even the orbiters like snuffy can't get in the door
The only thing accurate here is Snuffy isn't /in/ as far as we know.
>the Nux shit (see above)
That's Nux's "yab". Dumbass fucked up and lost.
>doing stuff with charities linked to CIA
Only /vt/ cares, and even then only /pol/stard /vt/ fags care.
>veibae driving people away by constantly going on about riding sodapoppin
Has done precisely squat to her viewership. A few parasocial goslings leaving is not an issue.
>veibae and the shylily shit
Harmed literally nobody. In fact, actually ended up helping Shylily. No "yab".
>management doesn't do shit but somehow gets millions in venture capital money
Maybe because you don't know shit about what management does behind the scenes?
>the real reason why EN Vtubers gone down the drain, everyone and their dog wants to be a lewdtuber / coomertuber like them because apparently that's the only reason you ever get views these days
Sounds like a winning formula to me.
>clippers only care about lewdtuber shit, so that's all you see on youtube, and also see above, makes people turn into one
Sounds like a winning formula to me.
>people know the company is fucked up, but ignore it because the numbers mean they can't do shit
You and other people don't know anything.

That was fun. Anybody got any more? Then want to compare notes to the rage inducing actions caused by other companies on their own fanbases?

>> No.26102136

>getting mad that everyone around you has a spouse
yikes and cringepilled

>> No.26102223

reminder that vshojo is a japanese product (vtubing) that had 99% of its japanese-ness removed to be palatable to people who don't like japanese-ness, which makes trying to market it in japan completely retarded

>> No.26102317

Except they like that otherwise Vei wouldn't have gotten big in the first place. Her JP fans put her on the map which lead to her getting into vshojo.

>> No.26102320

Is that what you call you boyfriend?

>> No.26102391

>he missed how they DMCA striked a small youtuber yesterday to hide unsavory things froot did in the past
>even though everything the youtube did is perfectly legal according to US law and he violated no copyrights

>> No.26102432

>Her JP fans put her on the map
do you really come into these threads just to make shit up? vshojo does not have a significant JP fanbase. none of them

>> No.26102545

>reminder that Anime is a japanese product (Anime) that had 99% of its japanese-ness removed to be palatable to people who don't like japanese-ness, which makes trying to market it in japan completely retarded

>> No.26102558

>vshojo does not have a significant JP fanbase
now that's made up

>> No.26102561

Vtubing was invented in the west, newfag. Max Hedroom was doing it before Cover existed.

>> No.26102600

>>even though everything the youtube did is perfectly legal according to US law and he violated no copyrights
Beside doxxing but that okay for you SEAnigger

>> No.26102652

Don't forget Ami Yamato because she started 11 years before Hololive existed

>> No.26102675

why are you so stupid that you can't draw obvious conclusions? vshojo's brand of vtubing is very specifically based off the japanese style of vtubing product, but with a lot of what makes it distinctly japanese removed.

>> No.26102702

So Silver is clean?

>> No.26102706

Im sure that's why this guy took pictures of the ads and put them on twitter. Obviously he doesnt care.

>> No.26102730

>DMCA striked
>"Digital Medium Copywright Act"
>violated no copywrights
Well apparently he did.
>perfectly legal
Spotted the Chink.

>> No.26102770

>someone in japan took pics of vshojo ads this means they have a big jp fanbase
damn anon your argument is flawless

>> No.26102775

BUT BUT IT WAS POSTED ONLINE THAT MEAN IT LEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26102777

virtual youtubing was invented by kizuna ai. Most of these youtubers that came before or after her aren't even virtual so using the term is retarded. The term is just slang for "kizuna ai-like"

>> No.26102801
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Kek scared shitless so bad he turned gay

>> No.26102828

Link me the law that makes "doxing" illegal in the US retards.
Specifically posting facts about what a person did in the past.
I triple dog dare you. This isn't reddit where you can just claim that everything you don't like is illegal.

>> No.26102898
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> why are you so stupid that you can't draw obvious conclusions? vshojo's brand of vtubing is very specifically based off the japanese style of vtubing product, but with a lot of what makes it distinctly japanese removed.

>> No.26102953

Basically the vinesauce of vtubers

>> No.26103028

Calm down Vei

>> No.26103071

> barely a real company
lmao, is that how holokeks think?
they all get 10k+ viewers, better than some corporations with 200 streamers with barely 100 viewers

>> No.26103119

As a Silvervale fan, my response is... define "clean"?

The point is that the idea of a virtual avatar being used as a proxy for a real person was not invented in Japan. Japan may have popularized a style of streaming using an anime avatar, but they don't have a monopoly on the concept. You don't like western vtubers? Fine, more for me!

Whether the JP audience comes to appreciate my dear western whores remains to be seen.

>> No.26103132

they have a superiority complex, the new how niji streamer broke their minds

>> No.26103214

>The point is that the idea of a virtual avatar being used as a proxy for a real person was not invented in Japan.
Nobody was arguing that, thus the "you can't draw obvious conclusions".

>> No.26103258

>some corporations with 200 streamers with barely 100 viewers
but that's niji

>> No.26103392


Section 2 has been applied to doxxers like that asshole before and it will be again.

>> No.26103432
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>it's a bunch of nothingburgers

>> No.26103435

Reddit moment.

>> No.26103480

>they all get 10k
>ironmouse is the only one holding down the fort that gets that high
>nyanners barely streams anymore and her subs have abandoned her
>vei barely streams
>also conveniently left out the irrelevant members like zentreya, melody, froot, and hime who are all sub 5k
>also getting mogged by korean hololive on twitch

>> No.26103481

/vt/ doesn't watch streams, they just parrot what they read on twitter as if every little thing is a major happening.

>> No.26103487

Dude literally called VShojo a "Japanese product" which is retarded. VShojo is marketing itself as a talent agency to Japanese audiences now, apparently, but other than vtubing, there was no reason to call it a Japanese product.

>> No.26103537

No fucking Judge or Jury in the world would interpret what he did as threatening or intimidating, retard. What fucking shit are you smoking?

>> No.26103570

forgot to add silvervale to the list at the bottom, she's so unremarkable i forgot she existed

>> No.26103601

>Dude literally called VShojo a "Japanese product" which is retarded
No, I said it was BASED off of the japanese vtubing model (which it very much is), but with a lot of the elements that make vtubing japanese removed (which it also is). Its literally in the name of the company, literally in the westernized anime designs of their talents, literally in their names.

>> No.26103713

Really? Then what reason or rationale did he have to report something in such a way considering the psychopathic nature of some vtubing fans (see this fucking board for reference)?

>> No.26103742

>but that's niji
No, it's your retarded fantasy

>> No.26103743

nyanners is streaming right now with 10k

>> No.26103940

>barely 10k on a birthday stream with a return buff
That is fucking pathetic, even Sana got 12k average on her stream and that was 3 and a half hours.

>> No.26104023

it's actually 10k though? And she's only been streaming for 90 minutes. You scared because you're wrong or something?

>> No.26104029

I still think them letting hime in was just to get to gigguk
>look we made that dream vtuber model you came up with! now about letting us collab with the actually successful youtuber...

>> No.26104062

Hyperbole I know but they're still the only group with 200 members
Blame the other guy for exaggerating things in the first place nijibro

>> No.26104073

Cope virgin incel who live with their mother

>> No.26104109

I like silver

>> No.26104165

dumb esl

>> No.26104169

The first vtuber (Annoying Orange) never used TTS

>> No.26104186

>Talent Freedom!
These posters are ads in public spaces, no?
Then why choose a slogan that not a single normalfag or clipwatcher will understand?
The only people that understand this ad are people that are already deep in the vtubing space.
What's the point of advertising this way?
You think people will apply to or start watching Vshojo because of cryptic ads?
Am I misunderstanding something?

>> No.26104238

you just made me realize most of them wont understand what "talent freedom" means because they dont fucking speak english in the first place

>> No.26104283

10k is 10k, I never disputed that Nyanners gets that much, only that she had barely streamed in a month. But it's not a great look when you're doing worse on a birthday stream than >Sana

>> No.26104291 [DELETED] 
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i think the skyrocketing incel rates are caused by anime

>> No.26104303

Not to numberfag too hard but nobody doubts for five seconds that a Hololive event would grab more viewers than a VShojo event. Not only are there just flat out more Hololive viewers, but YT overall has a much bigger audience and userbase than Twitch. 10k on Twitch is typically in the top <0.1% of streamers there, I don't know what 12k on YT is by comparison.

>> No.26104402

> 10k are low numbers
hahaha ok

>> No.26104409

Pretty sure tarento and furiidamu are already household loan words there

>> No.26104410

damn anon you are so good at this, every single thing you listed had a tangible and/or lasting impact on vshojo and their numbers, these are really serious and real yabs

>> No.26104414

I think Hime was deliberately to get a big named Youtuber to join to give legitimacy. Inevitably they didn't need it, but it can't be argued that grabbing one of ani-tube's biggest names wasn't a great idea in concept.

>> No.26104438

it's easy to understand though?
>Talent (noun)
>Freedom (noun used to describe other noun)

>> No.26104445

knowing the meaning of the words themselves and knowing the point that vshojo is trying to make with the ad are two different things

>> No.26104464

that's true, although youtube also has the handicap of only counting very specific viewers
shit's annoying

>> No.26104470

For a birthday stream? Yeah it's really fucking low.

>> No.26104467

You okay bruh?

>> No.26104519

Based on what?

>> No.26104585
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this is your brain on /#/
go back to your containment thread

>> No.26104608

This ad just has "talent freedom" and an anime girl on it.
You think a normalfag will understand that this is about a livestreaming company that uses anime girls as avatars but without the rule restrictions other anime girls from rival livestreaming companies have to put up with?

>> No.26104669

he probably thinks birthday streams mean cameos from 50 vtubers with 10k+viewers and merch drop

>> No.26104725

Chuuba ads are pretty common these days there bro, those in the loop will get it no problem

>> No.26104727

Someone legit curious would go and find out, wouldn't they? Advertisement successful.

When it comes to advertising, there are philosophies over whether to overwhelm the viewer with stuff so they can't forget your product or to entice them with minimal information so they get curious and seek it out. This is the latter case. "English" usage in Japan is not odd at all. Lets the viewer know that this is an "exotic" or foreign concept without tricking them into thinking it is a Japanese thing.

It isn't like they haven't seen a billion Coco Cola ads.

>> No.26104796

Which, to be fair, is USUALLY what happens with a VShojo girl stream, too. Mouse birthdays are massive events with birthday wish videos and usually a big collab. Nyan's last birthday had some of this but also a big charity event drive.

So, to be fair, VShojo girls usually go large on their birthdays, but this time Nyan didn't prepare or plan shit and is still getting a decent audience. Basically her normal audience with a big of Euro boost since she's streaming early enough. Suits her fine since it'll be a short stream since Connor is still visiting and they're going out to lunch together with Aethel.

>> No.26104872

I see this type of advertising from multi billion dollar brands that everyone recognizes.
But does this really work for unknown companies compared to traditional advertising with actual information on it?

>> No.26104891

wow, welcome to any ad ever. I swear why even bother larping as a marketer when you're fucking retarded

>> No.26104953

"Will it work" remains to be seen. It has always been a risk for VShojo to try to break into the JP market, but if you don't try you won't succeed.

>> No.26104972

i keep up pretty good with nyan and i learned yesterday about her birthday, and we didnt even know if she would stream

>> No.26105077

There are good ads and shit ads.
If I saw this ad before I knew what the fuck a vtuber was I'd think this shit is some gacha crap or something and ignore it.
If I knew it was about anime girls livestreaming I'd be interested.
Unless you're apple advertising the new iphone I don't see the point of advertising this way.

>> No.26105160

>all ads must be targeted ads
any ad that tells people something exists and brings it attention is a good ad. Fuck off idiot

>> No.26105373

Yeah because the 5 people that will actually look up and start watching Vshojo were totally worth the money they've spent on this shit ad.

>> No.26105419

>Meanwhile they're too busy trying to sue people over Froot's cheating

>> No.26105439

>perfectly legal
Unironically yes, it is legal. Until you needed to cope with further shit pertaining to threats of violence, it is and will always be 100% legal outside countries that want to record the content of your shit through your toilets camera lens to make sure you ate the bugs. Faggot.

>> No.26105505

the constant butthurt from the frequent reposters and repliers of this thread indicates that the impressions were well worth it

>> No.26105586

>small corpo whores

Meanwhile Holochads just are content watching and supporting their oshis. Why is this hobby so full of mentally ill niggerfaggots outside of Hololive?

>> No.26105621

>Why is this hobby so full of mentally ill niggerfaggots outside of Hololive?
Because they fired Rushia and her fanbase left with her.

>> No.26105641

>All press is good press hurr
Impressions aren't worth anything if people only shittalk Vshojo instead of giving them money or views

>> No.26105665

>mentally ill niggerfaggots outside of Hololive
Make it less obvious next time, retard.

>> No.26105690


>> No.26105744
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>> No.26105812

This guy is having depression btw

>> No.26105847
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> Meanwhile Holochads just are content watching and supporting their oshis. Why is this hobby so full of mentally ill niggerfaggots outside of Hololive?

>> No.26105886
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>> No.26105971

proven multiple times that holobronies on this board aren't the entire vtubersphere

>> No.26106058

We literally can't stop winning

>> No.26106150

>At worst delayed vshojo's auditions
>Meanwhile the vtuber group that he planned to launch around the same time ended up being stillborn'd before it even got to debut thanks to the yab
>Completely burned his bridge with vshojo and now has to rely on courting 2views
Nux unironically came out worse from that entire situation

>> No.26106211


>> No.26106652

lol, lmao

>> No.26106712

Change the twitch thing to youtube fellow holochad

>> No.26106740

lol, lmao

>> No.26106890

you need a hobby, my guy

>> No.26106926
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>> No.26106940

You can add the fact they're suing some small youtuber for making some weird vids on froot about her whoring around, with photos she herself posted publicly, using a firm that's basically publicly shady as fuck.

>> No.26107404

>Why is this hobby so full of mentally ill niggerfaggots outside of Hololive?
Holo grabbed attention, but Vshojo showed up on twitch and made freaks and weirdos feel accepted, so they jumped on it and make it a disgusting space to better reflect them. That's why the Twitch indies tend to be utter shit, and the ones that stick to youtube (or at least don't take twitch partner so they can multi-stream on both) are so much better. Vshojo is a literal veritable cancer on vtubing, which is pretty funny when you consider Ironmouse says she's trying to support and help vtubers as her company is one of if not the biggest detriment to them.

>> No.26107628

>coco whose entire thing was being vulgar forgottem
>her body shaving stream never existed
holobronies truly are tourists

>> No.26107630
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Freedom to be a degenerate millennial on stream and overshare about your disgusting life
Freedom to be promiscuous and an alphabet person and brag about it
Freedom to be a money draining whore with no shame
Freedom to be a hypocrite about your content
Freedom to be a man with a woman's avatar
God I love westoid freedom

>> No.26108347

Coco didn't actually prostitute herself like yours do, she pushed it and made being inappropriate her thing but she wasn't that bad and had actual creativity, not "Watch whatever shit tiktoks my viewers tell me to and react to it" bad. You people sure like to shit talk her.

>> No.26108454

western vtubers didn't prostitute themselves either. And there were adult porn vtubers streaming on fc2 before melody was a thing but that doesn't follow your narrative either

>> No.26108482
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>western vtubers didn't prostitute themselves either

>> No.26109396

Huh? Huh?

>> No.26109520

>western vtubers didn't prostitute themselves either
Do vshitcucks really?

>> No.26111865

Since Nux is a notorious clout chaser there's no real damage, other than brain dead nuxfags being mad.
The supposed doxxer that nux supposedly arrested (but didn't) seemed to have had the most fun though.

>> No.26112380

Veibae is a lazy whore. She baits coomers yet says she hates doing it. She also cultivates them. Because she knows if she did none whore context, no one would watch her. She only wishes she had one tenth of the creativity Coco had. You never seen Coco talk about having dried cum on her hair like Veibae has said or talk about the guys she fucked. So your reps faggot.

>> No.26113229

Veibae never did those things either. Also coco and creative doesn't belong in the same sentence because creative limitations is why she left hololive. Do your reps, bitch

>> No.26113293

The nux drama is less about >oh no the poor dramafag and more about the fact vshojo tried to cover shit up, and then threw the dramafag hard under the bus to facilitate it when they got called out. They shouldn't have associated with a known dramafag in the fist place though, especially if they were up to shady shit because that's the exact thing dramafags jump on. It's like inviting some sleazy journalist into your house and going "And this is the room where I keep all my blackmail!"

>> No.26113358
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>he's still trying

>> No.26113588
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>seething that hololive got exposed as a prostitution ring

>> No.26116753
File: 385 KB, 640x480, fire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, you`re saying there`s more of them??

>> No.26116902

>Fans manage to piss off every fanbase
>They manage to get exiled from many boards
>It's everyone else's fault
>eternal victims yet always the aggressors
>can't criticize them or you're called a zhang (nazi)
> Brainwashing and alienation throught the degenerate idol culture
> Destruction of the family. The CEO wants their fans to be obsessed with their idols and forget real relationships
> blatant revisionism
> blatant nepotism
> elitism and tribalism

>> No.26117110
File: 283 KB, 475x526, cing krimson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vtubers offer literally nothing but the girlfriend experience. they`re not funny, they`re not interesting, they`re not unique. all there left to do is to fantasize about fucking the anime girl on the screen.

>> No.26117343

Talent freedom, "they never stream and all have open bf relationships which makes up most of their content+being complete whores". I hope the japs dont fall for this shit, vshojo jp needs to die, dont let it infect you jp bros

>> No.26117397

Yup this guy gets it

>> No.26117921

this is like saying anime is just doujin material to jack off to. Just admit you don't like vtubers and quit wasting people's time

>> No.26118586

Does twitch not count people that have adblockers and scriptblockers on their browsers as viewers like youtube does? What about volume? Iirc yt now doesn't count a view unless you're watching something with 50%+ volume.

>> No.26119072

Fucking retards.
None of that is doxxing.
It isn't fucking doxxing if THEY post their own fucking info on social media moron.
There was no hacking, no ip grabbing. They just followed google and facebook page and got PUBLIC connections linking accounts together

>> No.26119558

>YT overall has a much bigger audience and userbase than Twitch
I don't think that claim can be made that lightly. Most youtube users only watch videos and will never be shown a single recommendation for a livestream by the algorithm. When you take the streaming ecosystem as a whole, twitch is 3 to 4 times bigger than youtube live. For vtubing in particular, youtube live "may" be bigger than twitch because Nijisanji and Hololive use it, but on the other hand Twitch has almost everyone outside of those two companies, so I wouldn't be so sure.

>> No.26119702

