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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25797448 No.25797448 [Reply] [Original]

>joined holo because she's the biggest idolfag and loves Miku
>only music released were 2 corpo forced songs and one with mori

What happened ?

>> No.25797588 [DELETED] 

EN management

>> No.25797604

>didn't get the Miku game sponsorship either

>> No.25797815 [DELETED] 


So why are ina, kiara and mori releases song covers?

>> No.25797877

I think she's just very picky about her music. Plus relfect was such a monster track, it put so much pressure on what her next song will be. So I think she's being overly precious with it. I feel like she's even said she's got a ton of tracks that she's just decided not to go with in the end. Too much of a perfectionist.

>> No.25797921


So why are ina, kiara and mori releasing music?

>> No.25797948

Nijiniggers doesn't watch streams as expected

>> No.25798022

ao haiiro to cover when....

>> No.25798040

Ina releases music?

>> No.25798059 [DELETED] 

Ina releases music?

>> No.25798079

Western women can't become idol

>> No.25798111

Her standard is unreasonably high. Unless the management gathered her dream team, production won't happen

>> No.25798131

because she would appear on every top 10 of the "top 50 this month" ranks and eclipse everyone and hurt their fee fees that she probably is one of the best singers of hololive, weebs are that fraglie.
no one take the wigger seriously because rap isn't music, but gura on the other hand she can be an unstoppable force.

>> No.25798163

she's an idolfag not an idol

>> No.25798244

making a song is too much work for her, she released one orisong and one cover and that's about it

>> No.25798333


Yeah, she has 2 covers (latest one on her birthday) and 1 original.

>> No.25798440

The same thing that happened to nyanners

>> No.25798618

Are these what people say about Risu too?

>> No.25798676



>> No.25798873

Everything sounds fun until you start doing it. Game development, movie production, song writing, etc. You always underestimate the amount of work it'll be.

>> No.25798905

>she's the biggest idolfag
No she isn't

>> No.25798924


I forgot she released a sponsored corpo cover

>> No.25798977


Watch streams

>> No.25799009

No, everyone knows Risu hates attention.

>> No.25799034
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Literally made for each other.

>> No.25799125


She literally has the team that produced reflect and that was perfectly mixed. Or she can just find people that are good. Ina contacted the person who did moona's MV for her cover or kiara finds artist she likes

>> No.25799182
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She's the ''biggest idolfag'' in the same way Pomu is too despite only knowing like 4 groups. In the same way that girl in highschool was ''obsessed with anime'' but had only seen a few dozen episodes of Naruto.
Girls really like the thought of having a unique trait even if it's only a mild like of there's instead of passion.

>> No.25799385

everyone did, it was a flop

>> No.25799427

Too much work for this lazy shit

>> No.25800860

>biggest idolfag
Knowing few girl group names or watching some anime about idols doesn't count, anon. On top of that, there's nothing idol'ish about her. Nothing. She's constantly throwing sexual innuendos and playing it off as being dumb. She's also incredibly lazy unmotivated slob who goes MIA for days without a single tweet. That's the antithesis of seiso hardworking aidoru that all ojisantachi like to support. If she didn't have Hololive limiters imposed on her she'd be another vshojo cumdump.
>loves Miku
So? Miku is so popular that even normalfags in JP know her and some of her songs, but since Gura loves her so much she must have released at least 3 cover songs by now. After all, that's what other vtubers who claimed to love Miku had done, so surely Gura has done it as well, right?
>only music released were 2 corpo forced songs and one with mori
She either has no interest in releasing new music or she's just lazy. Pick whichever you like. She doesn't have any issues related to management or money because Mori, who is way less popular than Gura, is constantly pumping out new music. At this point I think Kiara has more original songs than Gura and she's way more of an idolfag.
That's just cope for everyone who tries to justify HoloEN laziness. EN and JP have the same opportunities/limitations except for 3D studio related activities. This has nothing to do with Gura not streaming, not releasing new music, not doing anything creative like Watson does/did and so on. I saw many people in other threads say they like Gura that way and that's fine but don't blame others for her inability to appreciate the golden ticket she's been given while she wastes half of it away.

>> No.25800943

Hololive talents have to produce their own music. It's the reason Fauna has an original song and Ame doesn't.

Gura just isn't built to produce.

>> No.25800980

Mori is profitable and Kiara basically self funds her music projects.
Ina has like one song.

>> No.25801023

Risu is a poor indog. If you want her to do more songs, give her more money.

>> No.25801629

>EN and JP have the same opportunities/limitations except for 3D studio
That's completely false and you know it, EN are basically left to their own devices.

>> No.25802224

She’s coasting

>> No.25802841

Stop talking like some kind of insider. You dont know shit about how the EN side works. You are just a miserable drama tranny.

>> No.25802924

>Following through on projects

>> No.25802965

You'd be coasting too if you were the largest person in your industry and you got there by doing literally nothing lmao.

>> No.25802988

>Nijiniggers don't watch (her) streams, as expected.
ESL-kun, you need to be English Proficiency C1 to post on this website.

>> No.25804199

>she's the biggest idolfag
Is she really tho? Maybe we have different definitions, but aside from being into vocaloid music, what is her actual knowledge, interest or appreciation for general "idol music / culture" ? Disregarding the "Hololive idols" itself, has she displayed actual significant interest in or knowledge about real idols at all? Talked about AKBs, MomoClo, HelloPro stuff like MoMusu or even just the various seiyuu idols you should know from anime at all? Bought merch? Attended Concerts? What qualifies her then, or rather, just be upfront about what do you mean by "idolfag" at all, because we're having obviously different understandings of the word here.

I don't mean it in a negative way, I just want to know what exactly would make her the "biggest idolfag", when it's obviously not a deep interest into the actual genre.

The simpler answer, and the one that's more likely because it tracks with the type of personality she has displayed so far generally, is just that she's too lazy and not motivated enough to have a higher output. Of course that sounds too bad, so it's easy to reject that idea with comforting copes like "n-nuh uh, that can't be it (because then I'd have to admit a "bad" trait about my perfect oshi), it must be instead because... she's just TOO MUCH of a perfectionist, y-yeah, that's it!!!". Other girls with less musical affinity manage to have a higher output, and that's mainly because they are just more driven and motivated to make things happen themselves instead of just waiting around.

>> No.25804257

No. He literally meant NIjiniggers are just bunch of shit posters that dont even watch their own chuubas.

>> No.25804259

What idols does she like?
akb?morning musume?momorio?

>> No.25804273

no way women can lie

>> No.25804582


Even Elira made more karaoke and covers than Gura, and she doesn't even claim to be a miku fan for fuck sake...

maybe she fears she isn't up to par to take on miku songs, but as far as I know, not a single miku song promotes being lazy and be afraid to reach out of your limits.

>> No.25804753
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>just find people that are good
>has the team that produced reflect
Wow, hiring people is so easy, it's like skilled men are free all the time for you to hire.

>> No.25804868

reflect sucks ass, her voice is also bad

>> No.25805027

The fact gura is giving me free time and making other seethe foaming at the mouth for some of the dumbest takes being written here is great.

>> No.25805144

>You dont know shit about how the EN side works
This is one of the most cliche sentences cumbuds come up with when their mold queen is being criticized. Observing a result of something doesn't require insider knowledge.
*On average EN girls are lazier than JP despite being relatively new and having less work related offline activities - fact
*Gura is not the most active member in EN - fact
*Gura doesn't put effort into producing music despite being put on a pedestal by chumbuds for having a good singing voice while her other less popular genmates, Mori and Kiara, have more songs than her - fact
*She goes missing for days and does not interact with fans during that time via twitter nor does she usually says what she did while being MIA - fact
*She does little to no creative activities and her being excited about an idea usually ends up being fart in a wind - fact
*She shows almost no desire to advance her career further or to simply improve as a talent. She's not taking dancing or singing lessons, she's not learning Japanese, she has no desire to move to Japan despite the fact it would help her career and so on - fact
I could continue but there's no point because most cumbuds are absolutely blind and deaf and will do anything to defend her laziness. She has perfect cunny design avatar to match her soft voice and an unparalleled debut timing and still chooses to waste it. Is she successful? Yes, but not because she worked for it. She takes all of it for granted and just enjoys being lazy while her fans throw money at her. You want to defend that ungrateful behavior? Go ahead but at the very least don't pretend she's not a lazy slob who has everything handed to her since day 1.

>> No.25805247


>> No.25805291

Turns out dealing with jap corporations is worse that dealing with western corporations, which is already pretty fucking soul killing. She probably got burned out after playing the asian bureaucratic permission game for the nth time with nothing to show for it.

>> No.25805480
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choose one /vt/ anons

>> No.25805537 [DELETED] 
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>Sold her soul to do a collab with Belle
>Miku logically refuses the retard shark from even humming her songs
Good on Miku, and serves the shark right

>> No.25805552


Good job completely missing my point you stupid fuck. I'm not saying they're free all the time, I was replying to anon that she does have access to competent people if she cares about production so much.

>> No.25805589

After seeing Luna nearly die on doing fucking squats, i'm fairly confident all of HoloEN 3D (official) had stand ins

>> No.25805672

She's not an idolfag, she's a lazy skank that wants to make money by doing even less than the bare minimum.

>> No.25805747
File: 2.13 MB, 209x207, Inner dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care, but compare Inner's dancing as a chibi to her "dancing" at Holofes, which is just walking. What a dope!

>> No.25805962

0 year old baby (hag?) pls andastand

>> No.25806099

Just like Holofaggots

>> No.25813923

>mold queen

>> No.25814151
File: 393 KB, 367x635, i believe (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>joined holo because she's the biggest idolfag
Considering the videos and the content she made during her past, this is nearly impossible and could even be passed on as larp but I'd like you to enlighten me

>> No.25817802

If she had half the drive of Koyori or Comet she'd be a superstar. Sad.

>> No.25817831

You're seething like an anti.

>> No.25818636

Nothing happened. Does that really surprise you?

>> No.25818738

Was gura like this in her old role.

>> No.25819348

Why do you think she changed her twitter banner and profile pick to match her old days.

>> No.25819773

They have to do everything themselves and she has terrible work ethics, more ofthen than not she has taken days or even weeks away to work on something that falls through and has nothing to show for it, this has made her quite jaded about projects now, really can't blame her tho Mori knows a fuck ton of people from before HL, but the rest are on a bad situation.

>> No.25820010

she gave up on music after matsuri completely botched the sorairo days collab

>> No.25824251

>biggest idolfag
>loves Miku
Pick one.

>> No.25825779


>> No.25826972

she's better than your whore oshi nijinigger

>> No.25828030


>> No.25828122

I don't know why you got angry replies, you didn't lie.

>> No.25828320

I will be lazy too if the management is nagging me. And their shitty perms

>> No.25828732

yeah she's 50 years old

>> No.25828948

she botched it?

>> No.25829248

>joined holo because she's the biggest idolfag

>> No.25829864

biggest by volume/mass

>> No.25829927

>>only music released were 2 corpo forced songs and one with mori
Reflect, Q, Journey like a thousand years, Myth or Treat and Umisea
Cover:- Sorairo Days, Target For Love and Ai Kotoba III, Country Roads and Ochame Kinou

>> No.25830174

Forgot King

>> No.25830487

Her shoes? Whack!
Her outfit? Whack!
Her hair? Whack!

>> No.25830705

Dont forget never trains either dancing or singing professionally
I'd be sad and depressed but I've dealt with that eniugh with millenials wasting their potential so much that zoomers are just par for the course

>> No.25830776

Even my mom knows about miku.
Gura is a fucking normalfag, I bet she still hangs out with her highschool friends to smoke weed

>> No.25830867

I've said that from the get go. That wasn't her.
Vid semi related

>> No.25831115

You are just delusional lol

>> No.25834027

no seriously whats up with this insane narrative that gura is some huge fan japanese idols or whatever. shes literally just an american girl who grew up on american internet spaces and likes memes and references from american social media.
the idea she is secretly a wota is so bizarre and smells like cope

>> No.25834453

Cover is JP, so obviously racism

>> No.25837708

>she does have access to competent people
Doesn't mean she can hire them anytime she want. Working for chubba song is like a freelancer work and the pros rarely touch it

>> No.25839637

It’s a bit much to count the group songs as her music released

>> No.25841093

what is her talents? really. compared to others, she's really lacking.
the only thing I know is she's the strongest pedobait, that's all.

>> No.25841169

From what I've seen the chumbuds say, she's apparently funny. To me she's the funniest en girl, but that's only because they don't have a proper funny talent that can whip out zingers every other sentence, so she's more "funniest" by means of no contest.

>> No.25841399

Streamers are generally not funny, anon
I watch JP too and the only ones who can match Gura in being funny are only Korone and Miko

>> No.25841444

okay... she's a good streamer then. but by this alone, a lot of JPs beat her and JPs have more than just being entertaining.
a lot of other ENs are also pretty entertaining in their own way. Gura is overrated.
