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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25265797 No.25265797 [Reply] [Original]

If parasocialism is so bad then stop creating content which fosters that type of community, delist the previous “problematic” content, and don’t ever ask for money or bring up your financial woes. You won’t, you can’t even demonetize the parasocial content you’ll continue to create, because you’re a whore and you know it.

>> No.25265975
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>> No.25266136

>why you do this
Everything begins and ends with... MoneyDARKNESS.

>> No.25266340

But if you think about it why shouldn't you? The fact that some small portion of consumers will be negatively impacted from the way they interact with a product has rarely ever been grounds for halting production of that product.

>> No.25266419

Your argument is essentially like saying you can't say too much ice cream is bad for you if you manufacture ice cream unless you stop producing ice cream altogether because some small portion of people who eat your ice cream may contract diabetes and become overweight.

>> No.25266558

>He doesn't want the mentally unstable fujos, incels, and alphabet NPCs purged from the hobby.

What a faggot.

Gatekeep your hobbies, keep the subhumans out.

>> No.25266570

Parasocial relationships are fine. Just once you are harming others or yourself because of it, then it is bad.

>> No.25266700

But that would include you

>> No.25267022

It’s more like the cigarette industry feeding people an inherently addictive and exploitative product and then complaining when people give them shit for it.

>> No.25267139

You're addiction is nobody's problem but your own.

It makes no difference to me if you hack up a fucking lung, or neck yourself because you're a little bitch who can't handle that their anime daddy isn't going to actually give you his cummies.

>> No.25267296

>drug dealers aren’t the problem, it’s the drug ADDICTS
women mentality, bet you’re a self-described nihilist as well

>> No.25267387
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What really irritates me is the duplicitous attitude they have.
I'd respect them if they actually went all in on anti-parasocial but they just crap on parasocial fans and change nothing.
They're just virtue signalling while continuing to enjoy the rewards of parasocial relationships.

>> No.25267767

Its sadly human nature, everyone wants some group they can generalize and consider themselves “above” if whatever thing that they use to justify that hatred disappears the they would need to find a new group to hate on

>> No.25267803

Predatory manipulation of a vulnerable demographic.

>> No.25268132

Murder is bad!
>keeps buying electronics
Slavery is bad!
>keeps buying clothes
Pollution is bad!
>keeps buying plastic
Illegal immigration is bad!
>keeps buying vegetables
Hypocrisy is inherent to the world we have crafted, you can indulge or you can exit society, there are no other options.

>> No.25268145
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Project if you need, parasite, whatever keeps you away from even more unhealthy behavior.

Also, the cigarette analogy is shit, so here's a better one:

They're like liquor. Some of us can handle our booze, savor the taste, and we know when to stop.

You retards just chug bottle after bottle of smirnoff, and are now upset that people are smacking the bottle out of your hand because you're flailing around speaking gibberish while you rot to death from the inside because you don't have the mental fortitude to put limitations on your behavior.

Now seethe, cuz I think you've had enough.

>> No.25268286

>Marine image
didn’t even read

>> No.25268312
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VTubers are sociopathic parasites that leech off their audience expecting to give nothing of worth in return. You either like them or hate them or become one of them.

>> No.25268502

Neccesity vs excess. A balance can be struck. We were born into this world and have to play by its rules, but we don't have to buy into it's corruption.

>> No.25268622

>yet you continue to participate in society, curious!
You, and they, participate in the worse parts more than necessary.

>> No.25268781

>reddit spacing

>> No.25268829

the irony of calling anyone a parasite while these people work in an industry where they only get paid a halfway decent amount is if people simply hand them money lmfao

>> No.25269200

wait till you guys hear about unemployment benefits

>> No.25269499

nah wait till you get raped by that schizo gachi you called incel on twitter

>> No.25272132

>Apples are like oranges!!
>Nuh-uh apples are like cherries!!
>You're all stupid. Apples are CLEARLY like bananas.
Astute arguments.

>> No.25272270

>bring mom on stream
hey guys heres my mom!
>bring female roommate on stream
hey guys heres my female roommate!
>bring sister on stream
hey guys heres my sister!
>bring boyfriend on stream
Immediate unicorn repellant, yet no one does it except VShojo. I wonder why hmmmm, it couldnt possibly be the MONEY

>> No.25272663

"parasocial" and "GFE" have been thrown around so much they're meaningless now.

This isn't a "parasocial" or "GFE" problem. Fans have been attacking, sometimes successfully, their stars since the dawn of civilization. They've had many names "fanatics" "stans" etc... And they eventually get a new shiny name like now "parasocial".

There's nothing intrinsically good or bad about GFE/BFE. This is like blaming GTA for crime, most people playing the game know how to tell reality from fiction, it's the schizos that didn't that made the news. Here is the same thing.

>> No.25272884

I want, I really do since I don't care for this content so I don't even get anything out of sharing this hobby with schizos unlike you totally casual pussy slurping sloppy kisses ASMR enjoyers. The purge can only happen if vtubers themselves will stop producing content that attracts mentally unstable fujos, incels, and alphabet NPCs. Every single schizo is only responsible for themselves. Even if you manage to bully one of them into seeing reason and touching grass, another one will just take their place because the content attracting them is still there and it doesn't fucking matter who is living their life morally incorrectly in this situation. The only source of agency that can solve the problem entirely is the chuuba and the only way to do it is to stop milking the mentally ill. They do have this choice.

>> No.25273176

This is, has been, and always will be a hobby dominated by the maladjusted. Go watch TV or Twitch streamers if you want a normalfag safe space.

>> No.25273591

I don't mind it if it's content for the maladjusted by the maladjusted, everyone understands what is going on, and the chuuba actually cares (or at least has enough sense to pretend to) what happens to her gachikoi mentally instead of just dismissing them as weird incels who should kill themselves if they can't just enjoy. I think it's good in a way. But the thing I mostly see is borderline malicious milking, chuubas washing their hands of it because they apparently aren't selling anything and if someone becomes delusional it's their own fault, and the more adjusted fans enabling the behaviour because they will get theirs as long as the queen is happy. Fucking disgusting. Go explode.

>> No.25273680

You’re alright then.

>> No.25275644

Nice essay

>> No.25275823

>Reddit spacing
>Not understanding supply and demand
>Not understanding that companies profit more off consumers who actually consume in mass vs retards that sip and nibble
God I hate fucking EOP faggots.

>> No.25277779


>> No.25282300

You're really arguing against yourself. Liquor companies make a great of their money from people who drink (too much) regularly, and safe consumption is pushed so hard that if I said "enjoy responsibly", you'd instantly associate that with alcohol. Of course, they don't really care about alcoholism, but at least there is a society-wide awareness about safe substance use from the childhood to adult, business, and regulatory levels.

Vox was being pretty based yesterday, but imagine if smirnoff did what finana did and said "L+ratio you alcoholic fuck" to an alcoholic who told them how much alcohol hurt their lives. It's intensely hypocritical to treat your greatest viewers and financial support that way. You don't get to make money from exploiting vulnerable and mentally unstable or not fully developed people and then also get to act self-righteous when some of them act out. Especially if you lean really hard into the parasociality aspect and never draw boundaries until it's too late. Just really hypocritical and self centered behavior in my opinion.

>> No.25286357

She called out all "users" who consume her content "incorrectly." But the nature of the business makes her statement more like "fuck alcoholics, you're all alcoholics" even if the person only has a beer once per week.

>> No.25286563
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>parasocial is bad
>but let me whore out to fumejos anyways also don't forget to superchat and buy our merchandise
The hypocrisy of NijiCN is astounding

>> No.25286995

and what are you going to do about it fag?
cry and bitch about it on an image board? They're gonna keep making money, they're going to keep being vocally anti-social and if you don't like that then just look away

>> No.25287115

Finana made a really dumb post. It's deadcuck-tier.

>> No.25287274
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