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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25165338 No.25165338 [Reply] [Original]

How does she do this to me

>> No.25165424

We've moved onto Salome bro. She's a sellout for not promising our demands of burning H*l*shit to the ground.

>> No.25165566

I have not masturbated to Salome even once

>> No.25167243
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>> No.25169418

she's a bitch

>> No.25169830

Makes me hard

>> No.25169875

what boobs

>> No.25170001

why the fuck does she still not stream?

>> No.25172881

she recently revealed they grew bigger

>> No.25173052

This, I hate to say it and no clue what is going on with her situation but I feel like Mike is dropping the ball bigtime with the lack of consistency since her new Live2D debut. Even if I wasn't an active fan I would still make an effort to read up on what was new with her every couple days but now I think its been about 2 weeks since I last bothered to look up anything regarding her. Hell she could have streamed during that time and I would be none the wiser.

>> No.25173127

>he doesn't know

>> No.25173237

Deliberately streaming behind a paywall is not streaming faggot. If I wanted to do that shit I'd just pay a month of Prime, Hulu or whatever other shit Tv service there is out there.

>> No.25173387

I mean I know in the past she did member only streams while waiting to get her 2D model although I do think its a bit too early to double down on your core base to the exclusion of casual and potentially new fans. If she really is pumping out private streams aplenty with nary any public streams, she is on the fast track to becoming less noteworthy than Kson is presently.

>> No.25173496

How can somebody be this upset over $7 a month
I have given tips to delivery drivers for only a little less than that if I thought that it must've been a shitty drive but they got to me quickly
I just don't understand how pocket change can cause emotions

>> No.25173649

She is doing public streams, they're on Twitcast. It's just not the kind of content most casual viewers would prefer. All of her various dramas piled up to the point where she literally had a PTSD induced panic attack when trying to stream on the PC. She's trying to work through it while doing streams that don't involve gaming on the PC, which is why twitcasts with her phone are fine for her.

>> No.25173932

>All of her various dramas piled up to the point where she literally had a PTSD induced panic attack when trying to stream on the PC

Ah shit, shows how much out of the loop I have been on her of late as hearing this for first time. Hope things smooth out for her, I really thought she had turned a corner with the new 2D Model and Kson providing support behind the scenes.

>> No.25174060

This thread is about her boobs and they make me want to cum between them you fucking idiots

>> No.25174312

Not everyone can afford to be a fucking american, for one.
Second, even if I had an income measurable in dollars I wouldn't for certain be using it on somebody that has attained a rather questionable number of incidents in a short time, and who's stuff to offer is beyond me. I'd rather have it spend on essentials and the very little things I can afford myself to spend on, like clothing, Vidya, etc.

If you have those 7 bucks to spend on the girl that only streams through said paywall, good for you.

>> No.25174893

She talked about her tits in a public stream

>> No.25175219

So she just casually mentioned that they're getting bigger? Why didn't she get a big titted avatar.

>> No.25175441

She talked about it for like half an hour
I would post the proof but this is /vt/

>> No.25179965

She talked about her tits, the size of her tits, not wearing bras on her tits, the measurement of her tits, expounded upon the measurement of her tits, the effect of food on her tits, the swaying of her tits, her mothers tits, her grandmothers tits, being proud of her tits, wanting to take a photo of her tits
She talked about tits a lot
She likes all kinds of tits
Now she can talk about flat tits as her vtuber self and her not flat tits as herself

>> No.25180042

Did she say what size they are?

>> No.25180111

She's like 32, the only way they're growing bigger is if she's getting fatter or if she's pregnant

>> No.25180222
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She damn sucks, she's like a shell of her former self. She will eventually meet her downfall, the brand was too much for her to deliberately let go.

>> No.25180281

>way they're growing bigger is if she's getting fatter
I'll confirm that this is the reason why(she also described in detail about where it goes and where it used to go) but also beg of you to not post this in the architecture thread

>> No.25180389

D, also chose to tell us that she has a 65cm underbust

>> No.25180791

Absolutely based. Same girl that used to scream when called pettan before. Just goes to show what a committed actress she was.

>> No.25181033

She did that bit all the time as an excuse to tease chat using the topic of tits
She wanted them to talk about her tits
She does the flat bit as her vtuber self still
This is the same girl that fought management to let her keep panties instead of spatz on her home3D model and she did it
She then spent that stream yelling at her chat for being perverts while intentionally tilting her model to see her underwear
She spent half an hour trying to show us her underwear anon
She also liked to tell us about how shes often just wearing a shirt and nothing else
And that one time she went to the convinience store with no panties on while wearing a skirt

>> No.25181097

Sounds kind of like an exhibitionist.

>> No.25181398

She's just teasing us (her boyfriend that she wants to have passionate sex with)

>> No.25181498

She also said she was stripping as thanks and when somebody said not to say that she just told him woops there go my panties

>> No.25183460

Two streams in a row, she definitely wants to fuck us

>> No.25183499

I want to have a lot of sex with her
