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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24826118 No.24826118 [Reply] [Original]

Michael bros... it's our turn for sex!

>> No.24826642

They said we never had a chance, and now look!

>> No.24827880

holy shit .she's talking about me bros

>> No.24827955

She's only into foreign girls

>> No.24827971

holyshit this whore is manipulative, how evil can a woman be?

>> No.24827987

Holy shit me too

>> No.24828036

Incredible, fancucks were actually not delusional schizos all along. Who would've know

>> No.24828420

yeah she's thinking about foreign money

>> No.24828500

if my money makes her happy then im happy too!

>> No.24828532

I really hope Mike finds happiness one day, she deserves it.

>> No.24829213

We were right all along and we could prove it, but nobody wanted to listen.

>> No.24829696
File: 3.10 MB, 600x600, Miko chuuni.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for this Menhera to try and stab me for calling my mother every week.

>> No.24830376

Michael cat paid for me, a foreigner, to come to her mansion in Hokkaido, where she chained me up for 6 months and exposed me to unimaginable sexual abuse. It's only now, after the police rescued me, that I can tell my story.

>> No.24833272


>> No.24833438

No link for the clip?

>> No.24833537

Found it
Really cute, she translated a few phrases to English.

>> No.24833689

She doesn't mean you, SEAchama...

>> No.24834168

NT$ made the pink cat hard.

>> No.24836430

NT$ and $ since she ended up liking an article about both Taiwanese and American boyfriends

>> No.24837497

I love Michael! I need to give her more money.

>> No.24839155

I want her to take me to her mansion...

>> No.24839205

I don't trust Michael

>> No.24839719

I love her

>> No.24840053


>> No.24840106
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>last streamed 4 weeks ago
Looks like she's going the Ayame route of never streaming and then coming back once every few months to get money from all her paypiggies. Guess her jp fans abandoned her so now she's begging for a white savior. Pretty sad to see.

>> No.24840165
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>> No.24840442

Sex with michael feline.

>> No.24840446
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>> No.24840476

I wonder how many members she has.

>> No.24840517

she NEEDS BWC in her system.

>> No.24840557

View count peaked around 5k during that stream according to the mobile playlist trick
So at least that much

>> No.24840631

And all the dudes here bought it. Fools and their money as they say.

>> No.24840748

I will breed this menhera cat and not take responsibility

>> No.24840889

Michael bros... I can't stop giving her money.

>> No.24841575
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Mike cat bros... it's our turn to buy cards!

>> No.24842543

vspo like ichinose gets 5k easy on unannounced a morning talk stream. nijisanjis inui gets 10k+ on any morning talk stream. 5k isn't that big when we consider the open secret of mike

>> No.24842712
File: 193 KB, 352x377, 1624385264456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're in bros

>> No.24843471

She's literally all of hololive. She will do and say whatever it takes for money. That's it. All of Hololive are amoral subhumans

>> No.24845289


>> No.24845357

Considering she barely announces or schedules things to avoid antis I'm not sure she wants more than 5k in her member streams right now

>> No.24845544

5k views for a member's stream is pretty damn high, anon.

>> No.24845602

My cute wife Michael Cat loves my big kaigai cock

>> No.24845606

>vspo like ichinose gets 5k easy on unannounced a morning talk stream. nijisanjis inui gets 10k+ on any morning talk stream.
A MEMBER stream, anon

>> No.24846826

show me a member stream where you can see the numbers. i don't believe you.

>> No.24846928
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My Calico Cat..
My Calico Neko..
Michaelico Neko..
Mikeco Neko..
Mike Neko..
My Neko..

>> No.24846941

I am literally foreign Mafumafu.

>> No.24847002

Members streams doesn't count
t. waiting for streams before becoming a member

>> No.24848025

>JP getting cucked
is this an open invitation for antis or something?

>> No.24848064

It's the natural state of things, they probably learned to accept it when they were teens

>> No.24848581

You really think this menhera cares about antis at this point ? She's literally flipped them off

>> No.24848680

It's fucking huge, I've never seen a member stream with more than 2k, maybe CCV is calculated differently for them or something

>> No.24848709

She means foreign money.

>> No.24849301

Yeah, mine

>> No.24849329

>It's fucking huge
That's what she's probably thinking about foreigners

>> No.24849417

She invited them to play with her too. What was it? Splatoon?
She did say along the lines of
>I can show you we can still be friends. Lets play games together and try to get along. Maybe Splatoon? Actually, you would destroy me but we would have fun together.

Something along that.

>> No.24849522

Redemption arc.

>> No.24849542

Send her a superchat claiming to work for BBC and if she would be interested in an interview with a BBC.

>> No.24849619

Something I'm curious about is the boyfriend what happened in the end ? Did he leave her just like that ? Was it onesided feelings ? Are they still together ?

>> No.24849634

Anon, if you add a live stream to a playlist and then view the stream in the playlist on a mobile device, you can see the viewcount in the playlist. This has been a known workaround for ages.

>> No.24849654

>something I'm curious about
this is bait
that or the setup to a samefag

>> No.24849672

No I'm being for real, there's so much gossip around that it's sort of hard to pick up what exactly happened.

>> No.24849728

but im white

>> No.24850078

They weren't dating. The "dating" aspect was essentially disproven 24 hours after the initial yab.

>> No.24850113

Thanks for answering, so the actual drama was all due to the NDA thing ?

>> No.24850190

The NDA was the reason she was fired, yes.
If you're wondering why we still get threads about this now, it's just a combination of the following
1: People baiting (You)s
2: AntiGFE fags who hated her long before the yab for being the "face" of GFE
3: Legitimate anti schizos

>> No.24850280

Man she has it rough I feel sorry for the girl.
Especially when most of her fanbase vanished ?
Atleast it leaves a core of dedicated followers.

>> No.24850447

Her core fanbase is mostly intact. Obviously it will be harder for her to attract casual viewers now that she isn't in a company, but she's already hit 834k subscribers and her views are still quite high, so she is still guaranteed success once she's able to get herself back into streaming regularly. Her Live2D debut had over 60k viewers, making her the most streamed vtuber on that day.
She's definitely been through a lot over these last few months, even before the termination.

>> No.24850529

If anything the problem is all the antis and gossip still being thrown around, newfags will want to know more and be misled by all the rrats, which is part of why I wanted the input of a fan instead.

>> No.24850562

So the NDA that was leaked, what happened to them? Was it just nothingburgers? Or it's already on the darkweb dubbed as The Rushia Papers.

>> No.24850574

We won. Where you at???

>> No.24850600

It's the type of information only sponsors care about

>> No.24850653

No worries. Once I saw your second comment, I realised that you were genuinely curious about her, so that's why I answered.
The fact that we can still maintain a general here with minimum shitposting is a sign that most of the wilder rumours about her are exaggerations.
Anon, I'll just give you a quick warning. The guy you responded to is the really schizo anti who stirs shit up about her daily. If he replies to you, just ignore and let this thread 404. His deranged typing style is very distinct.

>> No.24850747

I've been through the archives for the past few days and saw enough stuff to make Mike look like a saint in comparison, plus I really like yanderes and it's nice to see both her and her fans supporting each other.

>> No.24850775

She actually loves me. Not the fake kind of "love" your oshi means when she tells that she "loves you guys" when ending a stream, that's just fanservice. Mikeneko is actually head over heels for me and literally can't live without me.

>> No.24851182

5000 members, $5 membership, 70% cut
=$17500 a month
=$210k a year from membership ALONE
holos can hate her, nijis can abuse her image, but numbers straight up say she is pretty much set. should probs be saving a bunch since who knows how long her kayfabe act will last

>> No.24851240

And that's conservative since it's unlikely the majority of members nevermind all of them were watching

>> No.24851287

Does she also do public streams?

>> No.24851298

>who knows how long her kayfabe act will last
There is no act.

>> No.24851318

>calling my mother every week.
Who even does this?

>> No.24851336

She's only recently ended her hiatus from YouTube last Saturday with a members only stream. She has stated multiple times that she wants to get back into streaming, so just give her a bit of time

>> No.24851382

She also had roughly 2000 Twitcast members(this number is way more reliable because Twitcast members occasionally post placards showing what # active member they are when they join)
Those are all 1000 Yen, so $7.85 in USD and Twitcast takes 20% from that
She also has at least 150 5000 Yen($39.26) or 10000 Yen($78.52) Fanbox members(because I am one of those members and can see how many unique accounts left comments on her 5000 Yen post)

>> No.24851398

>her kayfabe act

>> No.24851419

Wasn't she also doing streams in that weird japanese platform ? Forgot the name but I think it also has some member only stuff in it ?

>> No.24851441

no. she simply understood that gaijins are an untapped market and she could really use some oversea unicorns. if you haven't seen through this psychotic gold-digger yet, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.24851452

Yeah, that's the Twitcast thing I mentioned
If you mean NicoNico, she briefly added it to her profile but then did nothing with it and removed it not too long after

>> No.24851453

That would probably be Twitcast, which is what that anon was talking about.
The only other place she has streamed recently (besides YouTube) was that once off Instagram stream.

>> No.24851540
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Yes, her schemes and wit are legendary after all
Truly a creature of unparalleled intelligence

>> No.24851541

It was Twitcast then, how often does she stream there ?

>> No.24851597

Fairly often, just check the dates of the broadcasts here

>> No.24851616


>> No.24851626
File: 529 KB, 1920x1080, proxy-imczeage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe she watched enough manga / anime to get a kink for blonde tall prince foreigners.
Ty, was disappointed after subbing to her YT and realizing that it wasn't her main platform yet.

>> No.24851656

wow she's literally my ex-girlfriend

>> No.24851684

she might not be tech savvy, but she's clever enough to make idiots like you fall for her shtick.

>> No.24851688

People with souls? I call my ma every day.

>> No.24851689

nta but it's easy to see why someone would want to tap into the english market to attempt to get more members without having a psychotic master plan behind it.
i'm all for her trying to pander to the english audience if it means there'll be more english speaking attempts. i remember back when haachama used to do it and it was adorable af.

>> No.24851822

Oh yeah agreed, and it's not even about wanting to tap into it as much as she's scared of losing her kaigai viewers. She wants to do stuff to make us love her too and said she wants to be with us forever but doesn't know what to do to make us stay. She likes us a lot already and doesn't want us to go

>> No.24851842

How fucking cute and adorable is this.

>> No.24851864

but what do you talk about? I only talk to my mother when I visit my family for the holiday, and even then I struggle to have a convesation with her

>> No.24851935

I find it cute that she seems to think that nearly all of her kaigai viewers are EOP. I guess it makes sense considering she only speaks the one language, but I wonder how she'd react to knowing how many people were learning Japanese with her as their prime motivator.

>> No.24852070

she's also routinely impressed when kaigai speak literally any Japanese
atama hayai kaigai need to lend her some IQ

>> No.24852189

I hope Mike the canine can find her happiness in that sage space she created. The only vile bring in the whole affair with her are her bitter antis trying to trample over her legacy when all she did was desperately proving her innocence. It's good that she's doing well while the antis are still crawling through the mud.

>> No.24852413

Her antis are literally so out of material that they have resorted to trying to publicly doxx schoolchildren and fellating old 5ch posts they attribute to her for no reason in particular
They're slowly going insane

>> No.24852534

>They don't know that she's talking about being dicked down by BBC

>> No.24852571


>> No.24852713

Speaking of Twitcasting, she just started
It's public so listen if you'd like

>> No.24852757

Please listen to my wife.

>> No.24852838
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>first time hearing her voice since model debut

>> No.24853214

commie detected

>> No.24853275

Isn't she interested in what you've been up to, and the other way around? You don't have to tell her about your love for women roleplaying as anime characters explicity, but there's always something isn't there

>> No.24853317

Yeah, Big Welsh Cock.

>> No.24853338

If by Welsh you mean Scottish then yes, mine

>> No.24853369

Is there a big difference?

>> No.24853473

Dunno I've never been to Wales but it will never mean me if you say Welsh

>> No.24853483

One is angrier and possibly using stimulants

>> No.24853590

Miguel michi...

>> No.24853733
File: 251 KB, 629x468, 1649691329039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't want to blogpost too much so I won't say much, I never really shared any interest of mine with my family I've tried to show anime to my parents but it didn't end well It always felt like I was an outsider, my interests were the polar opposites of my brothers and parents. Apart from the usual "are you doing well? How is work? etc." they really don't ask me anything, not even about my love life since they told me the only time they want me to bring a woman home is to invite them to my wedding and that's it.

>> No.24853906


>> No.24853948

So why do you care?

>> No.24853962

my parents were the same way, now i live on my own so not rly matter

you've got us bros on the internet

the internet gets you

>> No.24853969


>> No.24855455

Why does she hide behind member streams?

>> No.24855718

What's the best bang for my buck?

>> No.24855733

He says as she just finished a public stream

>> No.24856292


>> No.24858428

I love having sex with my wife (Mikeneko), something I do regularly and frequently.

>> No.24858898

forgot that I posted this

>> No.24858980

What a coincidence, anon. Your wife has the same name as my wife, the beautiful and divine Mikeneko. But of course my wife couldn't be your wife because she is my wife and she loves me very much and I love my wife very much and we love and we love and we love

>> No.24858990

Pekora and Gura certainly reach that amount quite easily

>> No.24859020


>> No.24859380
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>> No.24859853

My wife is so cute here

>> No.24860103

She cant stop thinking about the BKC(Big Kaigai Cock)

>> No.24862437

I love japanese women so much, bros...

>> No.24864911

I don't know whether you're an Nijifag, Indiehipster, or a VShoujocoper, but it's not a Hololive thing. It's all women, friend. Whatever corporate label you pin to their chest, they're all just as evil.

>> No.24866023

I'm a woman and I'm not evil.

>> No.24866081

That’s what they all say, you dirty harlot.

>> No.24866737

Post tits or GTFO, whore. You're only mad because Mike will never notice you, and you'll never be in her position.

>> No.24867139

nice to know she's up there with the most popular chuubas

>> No.24867351

It's honestly pretty crazy that an """"indie"""" to go head to head with behemoths like Pekora and Gura
I don't really think you can call it the honeymoon period anymore either. It's been like 3 months

>> No.24868169

Someone who has such a retarded name like Mike while being a female will never find happiness.

>> No.24868443

>ctrl+f black
>0 results
I'm disappointed, Rushia was literally build for it.

>> No.24869227

mutt's law has no place here

>> No.24869295

this is honestly sad ur human peace of shit go get some real bitches

>> No.24869397

Thanks for the great post as per usual SEAniggerkun

>> No.24870386

I love evil anime girl

>> No.24870461

her diabolical plans today included making some soup

>> No.24870565


>> No.24870741

>her diabolical plans today included making some soup
For me. She is my wife

>> No.24870801

All villains think they're good.

>> No.24872808

I think my wife is good

>> No.24872822

I know for a fact that my wife is good.

>> No.24873042

Good is a subjective label.

>> No.24873455

It's actually objective because it describes an object (my wife Mikeneko)

>> No.24873476

I don't remember making this post.

>> No.24873908

you know the drill.

>> No.24874053

I'm from Kazakhstan and I know you lie.

>> No.24874225

that's too bad, I showed my ma gambling apocalypse kaiji when I was younger and she loved it, watched it all the way through (and of course she loved squid game).

>> No.24874243

5 ARS per mating press

>> No.24874509

just stream for fuck sake, it's been 3 months

>> No.24874610

yea, mine.

>> No.24874700

wtf Michael is my grandpa??

>> No.24874771
File: 618 KB, 662x752, owari da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over

>> No.24874861

She streamed yesterday...

>> No.24875176

fuck off and stop shilling your dying dead channel

>> No.24876669

there's a function to hide posts for anyone wondering.
