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File: 91 KB, 960x608, EWXxA-dU0AMYGDY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2410644 No.2410644 [Reply] [Original]

How will HoloId react to the most important time of the year in Indonesia?

>> No.2410667


>> No.2410748

nay, "munafik" mean hypocrite.

>> No.2410850
File: 28 KB, 928x229, moonafics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2410941


>> No.2410988

How did she get away with this?

>> No.2411867

It's pronounced the same way

>> No.2412010

Did she celebrate christmas and halloween?

>> No.2412125

They aren't even muslims. Still I bet they get hit by a viewer drop from indonesians at least.

>> No.2412131

In indonesia munafik means hypocrite

>> No.2412976
File: 29 KB, 1376x216, kbbimunafik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your kbbi reps

>> No.2413676

What do you mean? This not the first time they do vtuber activities during ramadhan, no problem at all

Until you start keep asking about it and looking for problem, reaction? What reaction? It just like always, they have been going this for decades of their life even before vtubing

>> No.2416506

same as ever, nothing special.

>> No.2416602

KBBI is outdated. The word has evolved into a new meaning now.

>> No.2416656

Munafik means a disbeliever who is Muslim, basically agnostic.

>> No.2416658

Probably by not doing much. Moona is probably atheist and Risu is a Christian. Don't know about the others bit Ollie is such a degenerate that I doubt she is muslim either.

>> No.2416706


weak rrat, try again

>> No.2416890

moona planned a stream series during Sahoor time. fucking based purple autist.

>> No.2416925

reine, moona, ollie and iofi are confirmed

>> No.2416962

thanks anon, now i know which ID to avoid.

>> No.2416988

They are (((muslim))). I don't buy it if any of them are a legit practicing muslim.

>> No.2417002

>Ollie is such a degenerate
I think this is the worst part of the post.

>> No.2417015

you dont have to take my word. im just anonymous saying things on the internet. all i can say is do your reps.

>> No.2417036

in Indonesia you assume a person is muslim unless stated otherwise

>> No.2417079

pretty sure no muslim work in this kind of work, also being muslim in pretend is common thing in Indonesia now, they didnt even pray or anything but just identify as one since the shithole make religion mandatory

>> No.2417097

>legit practicing muslim
and again, what is your standard? i mean, some muslims out there drink alcohol, gamble, commiting sex immorality, but still a muslim. so what's your point?

>> No.2417132

yeah i'd take the 89% until proven otherwise

>> No.2417134

Anyone else hyped for Ramadan on Monday? Do you think the ID girls are gonna be extra cranky during the day?

>> No.2417162

Practicing muslim don't drink alcholo, gamble, commit sex immortality. That's the point retard. They are only muslim in name only.

>> No.2417203

>pretty sure no muslim work in this kind of work
anon... they're literally hidden behind an avatar and dont have to show their actual appearance. so this claim is discarded.
>also being muslim in pretend is common thing in Indonesia now
sounds like you're projecting yourself to the whopping 225 million indonesian muslims.

>> No.2417254

>people sin despite having a religion
oh wow imagine my shock

>> No.2417291

People do haram things despite having a religion. That's the reason they are not practicing.

>> No.2417331

Ollie confirmed on stream that she likes eating pork, so she's not Muslim.

>> No.2417405

that is what make us human kinda "superior", we have a free will and some people choose to disobey, what's new about it? hitler killed 6 million jews despite being a catholic.

>> No.2417443

I love Moona so much, bros...

>> No.2417545

What part of "non-practicing" that you don't get?

>> No.2417575

Ah yes.. my favorite segment in Ramadan, listening to Moona talks about whatever the fuck while eating my meal at 3 AM. Cant even believe it's been a year already.

>> No.2417716

i totally get your "non-practicing" point. my point is no matter how "non-practicing" they are, here in indonesia, they still considered as muslim or christian or whatever relegion they "follow".

>> No.2418309

Yeah that's why calling them non-practicing anonchama...

>> No.2419149

Moona is proper follower of Allah. Don't shit talk my Indonesian princess

>> No.2419184

Moona is proper Muslim and visits mosque wtf are you on

>> No.2419273

big if true. in fact, i love her even more now.

>> No.2419620

Based as fuck.

>> No.2419652

Christians are boring infidels

>> No.2419742

she never said this

>> No.2419820

I thought girls didn't go to mosques.

>> No.2419967

Ollie is probably getting railed by tourists as we speak.

>> No.2420009

It depends. Some mosques have area specially for women

>> No.2420246

I'm pretty sure moona had a deleted tweet that said something like "Buddha bless you" or something along those lines

>> No.2420744

islam is cringe

>> No.2420809

all abramic religions are cringe

>> No.2420820

It was a cringe "Make fun of religion" tweet and not an actual statement of Buddhist belief anon.

>> No.2421160


>> No.2421190

I'm muslim and I occasionally eat pork. Some people don't give too much of a shit.

>> No.2421215

Didn't moona do Ramadan stuff

>> No.2421365

Religion as a whole is cringe, tip your fedoras all you want. Moona, Ollie and Risu are based for not falling for 'their' tricks.

>> No.2421450

Risu is based yes

>> No.2421461


>> No.2422716

Moona is religious.

>> No.2422926

Proofs that risu is christian so I can start watching her?

>> No.2424884

no anon, she was caught getting her pork eaten, it's different

>> No.2425066

eating pork is considered taboo in indonesia
you can be muslim and drink alcohol there, but you just can't eat pork

>> No.2425102

"Guilty until proven innocent" is faulty rhetoric, especially since religion is chosen, not innate. You assume nothing of a person's religion unless they elaborate.

>> No.2425152

Dude trust me

>> No.2425160

What part of "practioners break their edicts all the fucking time" do you not get? I guarantee there are a sizable number of imam that eat pork and get fucking hammered, let alone the general Muslim population.

>> No.2425300

Almost 90% of the population in Indonesia is Muslim, not a single functional human is going to be upset that you didn't assume they were the 1 in fucking 10 on those odds.

>> No.2425501

Whether an individual is upset over an assumption or not is irrelevant. Religion is chosen, it's not race or gender, you don't assume invisible mental beliefs.

>> No.2425554

You can assume anything, it's a fucking assumption you fag.

>> No.2425559

How new?
It's not their first time

>> No.2425589

none of those girl confirmed it
reine house does have a musalla, but she also likes beer

>> No.2425628

You can, but that would be faulty and disingenuous.

>> No.2425676

That's BL

>> No.2425688

Liking beer doesn't mean you can't be a Muslim, in Indonesia the only big taboo is pork. Also Moona literally confirmed it herself when she explained why she won't eat pork in Minecraft.

>> No.2425711

moona's gonna go allahu akhbar on us one day and the moon's gonna explode like diarrhea and that will be the end of us.

>> No.2425737

Isn't agnostic is when you believe in god but none of the religions? As in you don't think humanity knows anything about god.

>> No.2425828

Stop using words you don't understand faggot. An assumption can't be disingenuous, that's not how fucking assumptions work. Also it would only be a faulty assumption if it was fucking wrong, which again is a 1/10 fucking chance so in the overwhelmingly vast majority of cases it would objectively not be a faulty assumption. Jesus Christ moralposters are fucking retards...

>> No.2425831

Where can I find muslim moona arts? What's the tag? Image board?

>> No.2425914

Agnostic means you believe that religion is an unanswerable mystery, you neither believe in it nor disbelieve it, you simply throw your arms up in the air and say "I dunno"

>> No.2426016

You don't understand words, you assuming someone with no basis on something as potentially damning as religion is disingenuous, and a majority of any given population being said religion doesn't mean you're in the right to assume anyone in said population is. Anyone who assumes invisible, chosen beliefs is faulty of mind. You can assume they're religious when the individual actually displays characteristics of a religion besides being born somewhere, which they had no choice in.

>> No.2426350

>throw your arms up in the air and say "I dunno"
so basically, it's either intellectual laziness or vanity

>> No.2426485

as i sad before, you dont have to take my word. im just anonymous saying things on the internet. you can do your own "research".

>> No.2426527

why would you eat pork in the first place? are beef or lamb or chicken really that rare in indonesia?

>> No.2426589

Bacon is good bro.

>> No.2426593

the only cringe abrahamic religion is today's Christianity. hell you can even consider it as paganism now.

>> No.2426667
File: 280 KB, 687x458, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about someone's religion behind an anime model

Why are you dumbass burgers like this?

Take' em

>> No.2426693

Go look up the definitions of "Assumption" and "Disingenuous" or just go deepthroat a 9 gauge. I don't give a fuck about your snowflake point of view, you're objectively wrong and fucking illiterate as to be expected from a moralposter.

>> No.2426735


"Spam and rice is a good combo!"
Is that enough proof that she eats pork?

>> No.2426810
File: 110 KB, 700x700, 1595038579649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the indonesian Spam

>> No.2426811

You should do all of that yourself, considering you obviously have no understanding of either term. I never brought up morals, or said you're immoral, I said that you're assuming shit with no valid basis, thus you are retarded.

>> No.2426838

In that case, she would have said "kornet", which is what Indonesians use to refer to corned beef. But she specifically referred to Spam, and she even said she likes eaten Spam with rice and onions sauce.

>> No.2426974

Not candid or sincere.
A thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.
>Assuming shit with no valid basis
Just under 90%

Also yes you are moralposting faggot, your grasp of your written language is almost as bad as your grasp on common fucking sense.

>> No.2426986

>won't eat pork in Minecraft
Holy shit that's hilarious.

>> No.2427045

You're insincere, feigning ignorance, making up a philosophy with no valid basis or proof, and so you are disingenuous. Percentages aren't a basis unless said percentage was 100%, and you would never get that percentage with any religion. Assuming someone's internal beliefs using national statistics rather than individual characteristics is very bad.

>> No.2427069


>> No.2427074

Pig tastes good

>> No.2427088

Do your reading reps anon.

>> No.2427149

Good. And cheap. There's no much demand on pork, so we can get pretty much in large amount without spending lot money

>> No.2427219

So you're just a nigger then. Ok cool.

>> No.2427343
File: 192 KB, 1200x1200, 135885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have spam with turkey or chicken meat instead of pork, just like pepperoni with beef instead of pork. most food with pork as ingredient usually get replaced with halal meat in indonesia

>> No.2427964

>i dont eat pork IRL thus i cant eat pork in Minecraft
KEK i love this purple dork

>> No.2428019

Do you non muslim indo eat dogs too like chinks?

>> No.2428078

Do they remove pork in countries like Saudi Arabia? Indonesia seems like it has too many different religions to effectively cater to just one

>> No.2428735

Yeah, for some people in North Sumatra and East Indonesia

>> No.2428788
File: 104 KB, 1005x1292, Risu your nuts hand them over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, Ogey, I'm gonna need to see where she confesses that Jesus is Lord and He is Risen.

>> No.2429587

wow hana macchia is a muslim? based.

>> No.2430832

Mutts shouldn't be allowed to post an opinion over the internet.
