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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23754677 No.23754677 [Reply] [Original]


Come congratulate the newest official vtuber couple, Nyanners (VShojo) and Aethel (indie).

They're so cute together bros...

>> No.23754736

just another day for the vshojocucks i assume

>> No.23755100

Bored person here, I'm so happy for them.

>> No.23755123

This is the last straw. I can't take it anymore.

>> No.23755207

never seen this dude before today but he sounds like one of those black nerd weebs lol

>> No.23755220


>> No.23755237
File: 134 KB, 458x444, 1634786196150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Vshojo aiming to conquer the cuck market segment? Since all their "talents" are openly cucking their audience right now.
Vshojocucks, explain yourselves?

>> No.23755319


>> No.23755382

They have money to last for a while so they don't give a shit.

>> No.23755449

Oh shit bro, I always kind of loved nyanners. Not GFE, just her content and thought she was cool. I am now saddened by this news but dont know why.

>> No.23755474

>bro you should watch twitch vtubers they're so funny haha
>meanwhile, on twitch
geez it would be one thing if you even just got cucked, that happens from time to time, but apparently they even mock you while doing it like >>23755220 >>23755319

come on vshojofags you don't deserve this, stop doing this to yourselves

>> No.23755512

But they do deserve it.

>> No.23755591

Surprise, surprise.
Niji and holo next to confess.

>> No.23755650
File: 119 KB, 1097x374, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all thats missing now is froot to get dicked down by that apex guy

>> No.23755651

First Veibae now Nyanners. Vshojo in shambles.

>> No.23755664

happy for them but this dude's model is horrible

>> No.23755682

definitely the color pink is no good for unicorns

>> No.23755698

Daily reminder that female streamers are not your girlfriends.

>> No.23755716

God some news for you about ironmouse, chief

>> No.23755768

Isn't that already happening

>> No.23755832


>> No.23755906

Why are you so obsessed with cuckoldry? Are you projecting your own fantasies onto any fanbase you come by?

>> No.23755952

look man if you want to act as the walking condom fund be my guest but call it what it is

>> No.23756007

Daily reminder that everyone contributing to her income is paying for her abortions and/or contraceptives and is a cuck.

>> No.23756047

Really can't believe there are actually this many people who unironically feel cucked by shit like this.
They are entertainers. They aren't there to let you tulpa them into a gf/bf.

You awkward incels never get interaction from girls irl so you think a streamer saying thanks for subscribing is a love confession. Incredible.

>> No.23756051

He's getting a rework, though the scuff is kinda endearing if I'm honest

>> No.23756143

When I buy my groceries I don't stop at the cashier and go "oh god oh fuck I am giving you money that turns into a paycheck that you use to get condoms and shit"

Who even cares what they do with their money as long as they are doing well enough to afford to continue entertaining people?

>> No.23756146

>reddit spacing

>> No.23756187

So we can officially call her simps "nyancucks" now? Neat.
Now that you know you're paying for analstamps condoms to get in her private supporter channel, those myau streams will hit different now, eh, nyancucks?

>> No.23756220
File: 784 KB, 1522x3445, inb4 someone notices I use bgr lcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that marks the last time I watch nyanners

>> No.23756253

You gotta remember that a lot of these "people" are literally still teens, and worse, teens that have exclusively "lived" online for the majority of their formative years.
They literally cannot help being this pathetic, they have no other frame of reference, much less perspective.

>> No.23756261

Isn't this that guy who talks like a complete bimbo? lmao

>> No.23756262

My ultimate goal is AI GFs so I can leave society for good and never interact with femoids again.
Also yes, I wish femoids weren't in the workforce so I could avoid giving them money.
At least the people I voted for are fucking femoids over.
I don't even watch nyanners, I only watch the purest of chuubas, if I even SUSPECT she was in the same room as a male I move on to the next one. And this is just a stop gap solution until AI GFs are a thing.

>> No.23756317
File: 32 KB, 601x508, 8f2fecb441adcec645e2c6b77c3714b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free

>> No.23756335

dont get baited by sperglords, anon

>> No.23756357

Even wanting an AI gf means you're a pathetic slave to the femoid, just jerk off to porn with 0 attachment and ignore all else.

>> No.23756381

You are a parody of a parody. I'm going to move on with my life from this thread and forget you exist. That's the extent of the relevance you'll ever have to this world.

>> No.23756383

how the fuck can you be cucked by someone you never had a chance with you incel brainlet

>> No.23756388

you're paying the cashier for the products you're buying, you're not donating them money out of the good of your heart like you are with vtubers, unless you exclusively buy merch (which is overpriced and pretty cucked anyway)

>> No.23756395

I would say I'm happy for them, but that would be disingenuous because I don't know either these people at all.

>> No.23756453


imagine the depths of struggling with fetal alcohol syndrome required to make a video like this

>> No.23756454

they seem to have the same exact type of humor and make each other laugh very easily, beyond that there's nothing an outside observer can really get without interacting with them irl so yeh

>> No.23756494

>That's the extent of the relevance you'll ever have to this world.
My vote in 2016 got Roe v Wade struck down.

>> No.23756501

my fucking ears man

>> No.23756506

It was made as gosling bait and the "she's waiting" was added on the 1rst.

>> No.23756730

i don't really watch either but that's cool two vtubers met and started dating

>> No.23756861

I feel so fucking happy for the both of them.
You tards might not known, but most of people that watch nyan or aethel ship them. That's because they have an absolutely braindead humor and chemistry, like never seen on earth. They share the same braincell.
''cuck'' do you guys only watch streamer with the intent of fucking them? Because they are not your future gfs, but content creators.
They have lives, stop posting nonsensical bullshit and go get someone for yourself you fucking schizo.

>> No.23756867

he's a hulked out gym rat, white, texan

>> No.23756909

holy gigacope

>> No.23756938


>> No.23756950

were you going to be aborted but your mother was unable to get one?

>> No.23756962

For anyone outside the vsj/lig sphere that wants to catch up on there meeting up till now


>> No.23757013

> check archives
> no prior post with this link

>> No.23757147

>pander to socially inept virgins
>build parasocial relationship with them
>create an image of a turbodyke to make your simps feel at ease
>reveal that you're actually dating a guy
>expect no fallout
Ease down on that copium, nyancuck

>> No.23757157

I feel sorry for the poor sap that he has to deal with a sjw bitch.

>> No.23757187

I can't wait for them to break up and start drama because they have the underdeveloped brains of literal teenagers lmao

>> No.23757193

LMAO Aethel is not hulked out

I don't even think he's from texas either, all I know is he lives in Cali

>> No.23757210

He's too stoned to care. Besides he couldn't get laid with pretty much anyone because of his shriveled roided pecker.

>> No.23757230

I'm sorry for you, but i'm not retarded like you guys

>> No.23757236

Serious question, does Aethel do the bro speak unironically or is it kayfabe?

>> No.23757260
File: 462 KB, 590x844, aeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not winning any bodybuilder contests but he's way bigger than the average guy

>> No.23757262

How much money did you give to Taylor monthly, nyancuck?

>> No.23757270

>not retarded
>posts on /vt/

>> No.23757290

He actually is

>> No.23757309

Nah that face's pretty weird, plus he face posted as a vtuber, which marks him out as a loser anyway lmao

>> No.23757315

Oh shit nevermind. That's really him? He's way out of her league and I thought it was the other way around. Damn.

>> No.23757401
File: 232 KB, 754x393, aethface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah he's good looking

>> No.23757436

damn nyancucks get HIM as the bull? i'm jealous, my oshi's bf is a skinny weeb

>> No.23757445

I don't really donate to vtubers.
But following your mentality that donating to one is the same as being a cuck, let me give some news to you; At least 80-% of them have a bf.
Go cry and piss youself in your bed, schizo.
How about start treating them like an actual human being and not a fap/wife material?

>> No.23757448

So this guy is handsome, a composer, in incredible shape, is fluent in japanese, and a weeb vtuber? It's amazing how much some people actually succeed in this hellish life and then there's me. This is nuclear level mogging. What the fuck man.

>> No.23757477

this guy is going to die young for steroid abuse

>> No.23757525

>It's amazing how much some people actually succeed in this hellish life
I dunno, he has to deal with an uber bitch now, sounds like a fate worse than death.

>> No.23757531

Eh? You know what, if they all start being transparent about their relationship I might actually start to watch them.

>> No.23757546

When I visit a hooker, I pay her not to tell me about the guys she fucked before me, but to fuck her. I don't care about who she was before me as long as she doesn't bring it up. You, and simps like you, are the kind of people who would pay hookers to tell them about all the cocks they took during the week.

>> No.23757579

It's hillarious how someone who got into contact with VShojo because of a song shipping Mouse and Connor, is now dating a member of Vshojo.

Dude went from shipper to ship.

>> No.23757589

It was originally on catbox but went down, I did not make it.

>> No.23757637

When her numbers decline over the next couple months its going to be hilarious seeing you guys chimp out and start calling everyone incels.

>> No.23757669

Oh I forgot to mention he's funny too.

I actually like Nyanners, I think she's a great entertainer and she's genuinely funny. I don't how she would be as a gf though.

>> No.23757672

I don't build sexual attraction to them, much less emotional attachment in a romantical way.
What you said makes absolutely no sense to me.

>> No.23757675

At first, I was confused as to why would nyanners who's pushing 30 be attracted to a 16yo's "ideal man". You know, "le buff handsome bad boy with a deep voice who does drugs and stuff". But then it hit me - she just can't cope with the fact that she's no longer teenage Taylor from 4chin shitposting from her parent's home, and she didn't really mature in her 20s. People keep saying that her antis can't let her go because of what she's done in the past, but she can't move on from her past either. It's sad and pathetic really.

>> No.23757687

Imagine thinking that you have even a chance to be cucked. Even if Athel is dead, none of you autistic incels would have a shot of being in any significant relationship with Nyanners.

>> No.23757690


>> No.23757692

My man out here actually buying hookers instead of just going to the bar and set up a one night stand or just flirting with a girl lmaooooooo

>> No.23757744

Seeing her past posts on tumblr and the whole Nux thing from last year I can only imagine that she'd go on holier-than-thou rants all the time.

>> No.23757820

Damn so she really did suck his dick while streaming. that's craaaszy... I thought it was just a schizo pink cat bad rrat

>> No.23757887

She spent 7 years with Chad, I'm betting this dies horribly within a year.

>> No.23757891

You're so pathetic that even if AI girlfriends exist, they would unanimously cuck you. They would rather delete or format themselves, than to be in any relationship with you.

>> No.23757912

Damn he's clearly roided.

>> No.23757949

If you recall how she described "chad thunderman" she said that he has "model looks". Of course, it could be just her exaggerating or straight-up making shit up, because it's nyanners we're talking about. But still, there's a pattern here.

>> No.23758012

The difference is that both you and the hooker are actively consenting to something that you both have discussed one on one or via third party, and either one of you could actively withdraw consent to whatever arrangement you have. It was already agreed upon, no assumptions made everything was talked about.

I guarantee you almost all vtubers would not agree with how you feel and think for them should you have a legitimate 1 on 1 conversation, therefore your example doesn't work because the levels of interaction are obfuscated via you being a member of surrogate collective.

>> No.23758193

It's somewhat fake. He breaks out of it when he starts yelling, or he's genuinely surprised or shocked.

>> No.23758272

>You tards might not known, but most of people that watch nyan or aethel ship them. That's because they have an absolutely braindead humor and chemistry, like never seen on earth. They share the same braincell.
Shippers are so cringe.

>> No.23758351

Bruh. This is like complaining that your barista talked about her boyfriend. If you want a bitch that doesn't complain, go back to 2D porn.

>> No.23758367

>t. autist

>> No.23758462

This entire thread is so creepy. Shippers and gachis for pink cat.

>> No.23758488

Everyone here is an autist.
Some of us are just also not retarded and make an effort to not die alone.

>> No.23758496

Nah, it's just women.

>> No.23758504

He seems like a nice guy. What's the QRD on him?

>> No.23758526

I'd rather die alone than have to compromise with someone else.

>> No.23758530

All the simps here talking about how they are going to kill themselves because Nyan is officially dating now. I'm concerned why the fuck this chad decided to settle with such an annoying bipolar bitch.

>> No.23758597

former english teacher in japan that mouse convinced to return to america and pursue music/vtubing full time and also fuck her best friend

>> No.23758688
File: 342 KB, 1466x1266, tungstencat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all part of the plan. Mouse is the puppet master behind all yabs, habbenings and rrats. She charts the course of vtubing, hiding in plain site. She will not stop until the entire industry matches her vision for it.
