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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23175199 No.23175199 [Reply] [Original]

What makes her so much less successful as a gen leader than Ame? Is it the relative lack of creativity/charisma, or something else?

>> No.23175282

She's too young and inexperienced for this kind of high profile role. Look at how much she uses IRyS and Mori as mental crutches.

>> No.23175672

I like her more when she's not trying to be "chaos" or "the leader"

>> No.23175685

So Council's failure could have been prevented by casting someone more seasoned, instead of her?

>> No.23175813

Cuz Ame not animal by default?

>> No.23175998
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>> No.23176760

bad character/lore
when she tries to be chaos is when shes the worst
MC was the peak of council together, and she just didnt shine during that
there was the kronii enslaving fauna and mumei storyline, she stayed invisible in the background
i guess for me, her part in MC collabs/openVC really turned me off to her; she just felt artificial and like she was trying to hard to insert herself into the conversation when she did speak

>> No.23176817

yes, EN desperately need hag

>> No.23176907

I guess it's the baggage of being a young aussie and thus having almost no common ground with a bunch of older NA girls.

>> No.23176910

Because Council while great in their own right are not nearly as popular as Myth so of course their leader isn't going to be as popular either
Bae has plenty of charisma and creativity, it's just misplaced sometimes

>> No.23176954


>> No.23176962
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>Bae has plenty of charisma and creativity

>> No.23177026

I got nothing against Bae but she really isn't someone I'd call charismatic.

>> No.23177028

I want an EN mommytuber. An actual one who breastfeeds her child on stream

>> No.23177113


>> No.23177129

So what Council needed was another Aussie streamer

>> No.23177181

nta but I think they needed a stacy from NA

>> No.23177210

nta but I tried watching Bae lately and she isn't even loud, she was rather cute and charming actually, that is the moment I realized that this place is a den of threadreaders
Teammates can be pretty insufferable in that regard even though I love Ame

>> No.23177279

who do you think could have been a better leader in council?

>> No.23177302

I think Bae and Ame and just as good, rat just needs to find her stride and start pushing those projects out
It doesn't help that her gen was extremely work-allergic during the earlier months

>> No.23177349

This board doesn't watch streams Anon, common knowledge by now

>> No.23177448

Bae is fine, but she seems to relate more to JP and KR culture than NA. It's also hard to be a leader when you have fucking Sana in your group. You know its bad when fucking Myth has had more full collabs recently than Council.

I'd also say Fauna is more charismatic, but Bae is better at getting people involved. I also like how Bae drags on her genmates like Mumei to JP collabs so that they could feel more comfortable talking to the JP branch. I can't really see any other member in Council being able to do this.

>> No.23177514

>everyone else referring to Bae's current qualities as a streamer
>1 shitposter says Bae is too loud
>immediatly cling to it
You are the low IQ threadreader retard.

>> No.23177833

Like a few anons said, it really does come down to her being the youngest in EN and stuck in aussieland. I think she can be a good leader if given time and the motivation to lead, but there was definitely a reason Bae refused to be acknowledged as Council's leader despite the lore forcing it on her. Just give her time to mature.

>> No.23177901

Her timezone/her early days spent entirely on members only streams trying to fuck Roberu. She doesn't seem to play along well with western streaming schedules and frequently dozes off in Council collabs. From what few of her streams I could catch she's fun to watch, I actually got a little excited to see she had a "Late night drinking and karaoke" stream scheduled only to be deflated once I realized that meant it was the next morning an hour before I go to work.

>> No.23177948

>gen leader

>> No.23178284

>her early days spent entirely on members only streams trying to fuck Roberu
Here's a (you), threadreaderchama.

>> No.23178287
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>her own gen recorgnizes ame as a leader without her even explicitly trying
Signs of true leadership. Your followers abide even without incentive. Stay mad, but these are facts.

>> No.23178474

she can't be bothered to lead, landing hololive was enough for her coz it makes her closer to roberu and fullfill her idol fantasy.

>> No.23178970
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>I also like how Bae drags on her genmates like Mumei to JP collabs so that they could feel more comfortable talking to the JP branch.
Bae explaining to Mumei that her JP senpais are probably just as scared to ask for collabs and letting her in on the Haachama collab was the best.

>> No.23179393

Its pretty low-key selfless for Bae to do it too since everyone knows Mumei mogs people in collabs. Really speaks a lot about how close their friendship is. I just wish they do more collabs with HoloX since they really seem to gel well with those girls

>> No.23179449 [DELETED] 

She doesn't have a leader personality, she's way too mellow and obviously young.

>> No.23179537

An 8-12 hour time zone difference between her and most of her gen mates

>> No.23179542

gens dont need a leader. they just need good rapport with each other

something EN lacks since they will only ever be online friends

>> No.23179758

Can you faggots please stop falling for this fucking bait

>> No.23179771

>Mumei mogs people in collabs
Did you see the Devour collab? Even Fauna got higher CCV.

>> No.23179810

frfr no cap

>> No.23179842

Yeah, I have no idea why people try to force this "leader" bullshit. It's usually teamates and owlcucks who insist on it for some reason. (Brrats are a low activity fandom.)

>> No.23180057

Can only speak for myself:

She's good. Her problem is that there are so many interesting and entertaining streamers out there that when push came to the shove I picked someone else instead of her.

I'm not sure how to put it into words, but it seems she hasn't found her uniqueness or the group of people that would prefer her over all others is small by default.

Everyone has choice #1 and #2 and Bae almost always feels like #2 onwards.

>> No.23180171

People hype up white bitches for the bare minimum. I can’t even begin to imagine what you think charisma is.

>> No.23180217
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Too right cunt!

>> No.23180259

White women GOAT'd

>> No.23180309


>> No.23180389

I think Council doesn't really have a leader. Bae isn't really suited for the role yet, she has the potential but she need to grow more before trying to claim that role. Kroni is too depressed and unmotivated. Sana is mostly absent. Mumei is very shy and seems to break under pressure.

Fauna is the closest they have to an actual leader and even then she doesn't seem to be interested in leading them, she does have the smarts, the charisma, the experience and the temper to do it, if she wanted to.

>> No.23180490

Watch the reddit spacing there, friend.
But yes, I agree. She has a very low floor, a small loyal fanbase. People like Fauna have fewer subscribers, but they show up more consistently. Bae has the work ethic to do well, but she needs to find her own niche. IMO her lore bullshit sort of screwed her, since her actual personality is very different from what she's larping as. (At least her model's hot, everyone agrees on that.)

>> No.23180719

I don't think that's the right answer for the question OP was asking (which was about leadership), not that it matters since it was a retarded question to begin with.
Otherwise I agree with you, it doesn't help that the poor girl is horrendously bad at games, quite possibly one of the worst in Hololive and in a medium where gaming is the main type of content, that is a serious debuff

But yeah, I remember being filtered by her at debut and nowadays I find myself watching her alot more since she is way chiller and she is pretty cute and charming. She has serious potentional, just needs to realize it and hit her stride

>> No.23180826

Fauna has the skills, but is also allergic to giving anyone orders or taking the initiative. She will never be leadership material because she lacks the drive.
Council doesn't have a traditional leader, but I don't get why people expect them to have one. A leader is a mostly masculine concept. Groups of women tend to be less leader-oriented and more consensus-based than men. This fits Council to a T.
It would be nice to have someone to tardwrangle and push the group in a direction, but I don't think anyone in the group wants to disturb the friendly atmosphere they've established.

>> No.23180853

The model is raw sex appeal in rat form. And I fully agree, she's very chill and to be honest all of council had issues with their chunibyo lore. I think only Fauna and Mumei have really, succesfully, managed to embrace their lore.

I'm sure Omega guy had a huge hand in setting them up for failure when they started streaming as it seems they were required to only stream games from their concepts instead of letting them choose freely.

>> No.23180912

This explains why women are fucking commies

>> No.23180971

Bae's biggest debuff is the same as Kiara, which is a shrill tone of voice. The sad part is that both of them have pleasant natural voices, but they're committed to keeping up the squeaky meme voices forever.
Bae's biggest strength is probably her singing. I never watch her, but will actually tune in for karaokes.

>> No.23180984

She has a drinking problem that she got from hanging out with Mori too often.

Seriously, getting hungover drunk 10 hours before a collab? That shit was the final straw for me. I fucking hate drunks. Reminds me of my mom too much

>> No.23181026

Mumei is the best leader in council.

>> No.23181562

Mumei crumbles under pressure and takes just as little initiative as Fauna. Her main advantage in a group setting is being coddled by other members. I think you're mistaking "being liked" with leadership skills.
Honestly, I have no idea why hoomans keep pushing her as a leader. She has other great qualities, but being a good leader is not one of them.

>> No.23181619

Go to therapy instead of image boards

>> No.23181693

Stay on topic cuckbeat

>> No.23181719

She's denied again and again that she isn't a leader tho. It's just her genmate that says she is.

>> No.23181726

Doesn't organize large collabs or pay for gen assets off her own pocket. That's it.

>> No.23181767

> gen leader
> gen
> leader

>> No.23181838

the more she says "oh mah gawd" the less popular she is. Also being in cahoots with Mori is a debuff

>> No.23182022

The bigger question is why anyone would consider Ame a leader in the first place. I mean, Bae is no leader, but neither is Ame. What a weird comparison.

>> No.23182058

It's sort of tragically funny how the council orbits Kronii when she's not hiding to recover her mental. She absolutely wouldn't want to be a leader but in full collabs there's this weird air of everyone else being bewitched by her and like I said, it's tragically funny.

>> No.23182105


>> No.23182440

Well, Kronii has the big dick numbers on her side and isn't afraid to upset her audience. I'm not sure that makes her a leader, but it sure engenders a kind of respect from her peers, who are on the whole very non-confrontational. (Well, Sana has an attitude but she's seldom present.)

>> No.23182796

She is too submissive to be a leader.

>> No.23182888

Ame is too kind and altruistic to an almost psychological degree, that and incompetent management made her the one most commonly found helping others, pushing for new collab formats, and subsequently respected and loved.
That dynamic doesn’t exist in council, at least not as strong as myth - they have more experienced senpais to turn to, and collab/group dynamic is a bit different with irys joining and Sana on breaks sometimes. They are in a good pace individually tho, and lack of a leader makes them different from myth, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.23182996

Council is more cohesive as a unit than Myth, so I don't know what you're talking about. If you mean numbers, I don't think you can blame that on her.

>> No.23183008

>bewitched by her

>> No.23183018

I want more Sana Kronii collabs. I know no one else does, but I don't care.

>> No.23183074

I think people is betting into her to become the next superstar since Kronii sabotaged herself too much. Just give her time, when she done with school and go full time she will be unstoppable.

>> No.23183539

Mumei is slowly working on that
>Initiate the idea of Fauna Ina Kronii Ame offcollab
>Organized the Council Hikaru Nara cover, dividing parts for each members, commision mixers and stuffs
>pushing the idea of SNOTcast (Shark Nature Owl Time Podcast)

the only thing that holding her back is her college and her fucking dog, take so much of her time and commitment

>> No.23183981

>implying that Mumei won't quit and go for her career path like her parents want
She hasn't told her family that she's a vtuber yet, I bet her folks are paying for college and if she doesn't commit they're going to be upset no matter what vtubing is

>> No.23183990

Thanks for the back up. Fuck these cuck beats

>> No.23184922

>Mom, dad, I'm making millions a year by being a vtuber.
>Is it porn?
>No, more humiliating
>Sure girl, go suckle them dicks!

>> No.23185042

She's WAY too much of a tryhard bitch.

>> No.23185303

Funny thing is Bae's situation is pretty similar except for the fact that her parents do know that she has some kind of job, not the fact that it's vtubing
They agreed to it under the condition that she gets good grades in school

>> No.23185553

Well, I hope you're right. It's possible that she's a different person behind the scenes.

>> No.23185632

eh idk about that, her mother kinda supportive from what she said, literally helping her to move to a new house
no way if she didn't know that the reason she moved was for a better work environment

>> No.23185761

This is why I'm more invested in Fauna and Kronii. They do this as their full-time gig and have said that they're planning on staying on for a long time. Bae and Mumei might dip at any moment. Sana is barely there and has another job on the side.

>> No.23186166

>Full time
Full time where anon ? Where are the fucking streeeams ?

>> No.23186284

She's being hunted by her abusive korean dad right now. It's a long-term investment, you won't see gains before at least one more year.

>> No.23186373

Nah that's the 'ame is /vt/s girl, leader of EN' schizo. he's a retarded teamate

>> No.23186420

I don't like her accent and her zoomerness, but she's cute when she says dark and darkness "dahk"

>> No.23186563

Can I just say I'm proud that a large quantity of these replies are actually trying to figure out the answer to the question asked by OP and this isn't just full of bait? Proud of y'all /VT

>> No.23186632

Yeah I'm pretty disappointed that he's a teammate
He popped by the /rrat/ thread earlier too and posted some weird ass comparison between Ame and Bae unprovoked, the brrats ignored him completely thankfully
The rest of the teammates are pretty cool though, it's this one schizo who wants to force this "ame vs bae" comparison.

>> No.23186681

Baelz is the perfect example of a vtuber that has everything except charisma. In all regards she's a top tier vtuber with talent, content and work effort but her personality is basically just being a girl. Her doesn't seem to have any distinct hobbies, tastes or experiences to lean in on to talk about

>> No.23186733

Council was a lot of misfires, they are gen full of no drive

>> No.23186884

>I do what other people has done but worst
>Le creatividad
Teakeks are EOP and never watch anyone confirmed

>> No.23186944


>> No.23187077
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This is why ambitious lore like council is a terrible move. You're setting unnecessarily restrictive expectations on how the vtuber should act and since they started out with this complex lore since debut, people expect them to act in a certain way and if they don't, they'll be disappointed.
Not everybody can be Haachama and literally reinvent their entire lore. The bulk of a vtuber's lore should be built organically with their viewers; it's also almost guaranteed to be more personal and creative.

>> No.23187291

She has stated her self before she is in college and her parents will basically disown her if she drops out.
She doesn’t have the time to set up kino streaks even if she wanted to. The only ones with time kronii &Fauna are not the type to set up something big

>> No.23187503

and breedable

>> No.23188176

I'm gonna be honest with you and the rest of the people in this thread as someone who has found themselves watching her alot more recently
I agree with you that her lore screwed her over initially, however I have a few points to make.
Nowadays, she has completely abandoned her chaos/leader schtick, now she's just a zoomer rat
Secondly, at this current moment in time, she isn't trying to "larp" as a character. This is just how she is, an earnest zoomer girl who tries her best but is also very young and nervous (which is why she isn't suited to be a leader).
Thirdly, I vividly remember being turned off and filtered by her debut and first few months, her voice was downright unpleasant to listen to. Nowadays, she isn't even loud. Her voice is rather pleasant (atleast for me) and she is very mellow and chilled out in most of her streams. The only time she screams now is when she is playing highly attention demanding games which take away her ability to converse and relegate her to reactionary commentary. That is attributed to her being terrible at gaming and having tunnel vision syndrome, from my recent memory. Only two games like that were the mario kart and cyberpunk streams

My point is that she set off a terrible first impression because she was indeed trying to force a loud/chaotic character but that is no longer the case, even if that really bad first impression still understandably lasts in peoples minds, quite frankly, I was one of those since I would have never found this out had I not given her a second chance.

>> No.23188874

I dunno, I still feel like she's trying to be hyper-energetic. (Like in the Gura Splatoon collab.) Perhaps that's just because I watch her in collabs and not solo? It's hard to motivate myself to watch her solo if I find her annoying in collabs.

>> No.23188921

no calls bae unchrasamatic

>> No.23189173

People with real Australian accents:
>Sara Nagare
Fake Australians with mixed ESL garbage accents that are barely understandable

>> No.23189194

It is also explains why in all civilized societies they don't have the right to vote and their status and life is vastly improved if they remain committed to one man and raising his children.

>> No.23189402

Retarded post
I find Luca harder to understand than Bae even as an ESL
Sana however is legitimately hard to understand and that's because her aussie accent is as authentic as it gets.

>> No.23189487

Try one of her Coffee and Chill or Powerwash streams. She just tends to try hard when she plays certain games or when she's in a game collab. I don't think she's realized yet that she doesn't have to be hyper reactive to compensate her lack of gaming skills. She's very chill when she's just doing a zatsu, including zatsu collabs.

>> No.23189673

I may just do that anon, thanks.
And yes, I wish she would realize that too. She seems very endearing when she's singing or opening up to the audience. She doesn't have to try so hard to be funny. As for gaming skills, contrary to others I don't think she's that far behind the others.

>> No.23193146

2bh how impressive or high-profile you are as a person on its own pretty much means nothing in the field of vtubers. You need to be adept at utilising these talents into creating entertaining content or have a very reliable personality. Just see Sana or Yugo, and how the most successful chuubers aren't actually that talented outside of vtubing.

>> No.23193387

Not so much a different person as being comfortable and familiar with the girls and being certain of support and acceptance of her weirdo tendencies

>> No.23193390
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>0 results for “mating press” in this thread
What the fuck happened to this board

>> No.23193501

>I bet her folks are paying for college
She's been working as a student for a while now and has a lot of poorfag habits. I think she just really lucked out by finding VTubing.

>> No.23194751

We've talked about how attractive her model is. Not everyone speaks exclusively in memes.

>> No.23195165

Unironically I thought Omega tried to usurp the gen leader role.

>> No.23196362

Dude that shit is so old by now.

>> No.23197205

I think they expected Sana to fulfil that role, pity she isn't a streamer.

>> No.23197328

Stinkin brat! Hmph…. Making adult men hard and acting like that… fucking brat!!!!

>> No.23197601

wrong, it's fauna
wrong, it's kiara

>> No.23197732

i remember multiple times in council collabs where bae was outspoken about not wanting to be the leader. That's really it, she doesn't want to be one, so she doesn't bother.

>> No.23200740

She just doesn't have any talent other than sucking up Korean money

>> No.23200820
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>> No.23202060

"Leader" is a bit a misnomer - it's more about who's proactive on setting up collabs or supporting others behind the scenes. In that sense, both Ame and Kiara fit that bill.
Council just doesn't have anyone on the same level as them in this regard. The full Council collabs after debut petered out rather quickly, and nothing truly replaced them.
The rest of Myth (well, excluding Ina) is also trying to step up. Gura organized April Fools and the OW collabs. Even Calli tries though not very well (witness JK "tourney").

>> No.23202832

imagine loading a gun and it misfires five times in a row, the true holocouncil experience

>> No.23204123

>Bae's biggest strength is probably her singing.
Eh, I dunno about that. She's decent but a noticeable step below the best singers of each gen (Gura, IRyS, Mumei)

>> No.23204271

>chumbuds actually believe this
not saying bae is good but come on dude

>> No.23204338

Well you would be wrong about that
Her recent membership karaoke stream was exquisite, she's getting there slowly but surely. I still agree the others are better but not by a noticeable step

>> No.23204629

i hope youre just shitposting but 10 streams in a month is absolutely pitiful, even for holoEN.
She has streamed 15 hours since April 1st.
As a comparison, Koyori streamed 47 times in that same timeframe for over 125 hours. Hell she streamed more in the last 2 months than Sana has since debut.

>> No.23204667

Australia time.

>> No.23204672

The only thing Bae is better at Gura singing-wise is that she can sing more japanese songs.

Yes, I'm part of the rat pack and listened to the karaoke. (Well, I'm membered to every holo EN and watch every karaoke I can.) I still think it's a noticeable step below the top 3.

>> No.23205726

>relative lack of creativity/charisma
It's more her relative lack of genmates.

>> No.23206300

>Sana doesn't show up
>Kronii Mumei too autistic
>Fauna lacks motivation
Irys is a better choice, at least she can teach them how to be professional

>> No.23206621

AD&D makes it pretty clear that for women, charisma is a function of breast size.

>> No.23206720

Who's in your top 3?

>> No.23206817

A good leader like Ame helps her fellow members behind the scene to gain their trust (vr, tech support, video edit, event planning...), doesn't let her personal feeling interfere with her works (gura relationship), independent (not too many collab), not afraid to adapt new ideas (creatividad), goes along with her lores and expands it (ameverse), respects and develops healthy business with fan creators (kanauru), Ame even paid for group anniversaries. Honestly she's just too good to be true.

>> No.23206846

Gura, IRyS, Mumei in no particular order, as each has their strengths

>> No.23207067
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I wonder how different things would be if IRyS auditioned for Council instead of the vsinger thing, but really IRyS isn't exactly the most motivated or confident person to properly lead

>> No.23207070

>her own gen
link anyone other than shitchicken calling Amelia Watson her leader, teacuck

>> No.23207076

>Omega tried to usurp the gen leader role
Actually a pretty good point.

>> No.23207153

Don't get me wrong, Ame is a great leader and I agree with the things you have said, I was never comparing their leadership skills.
I should have worded it better, what I meant is that Bae is not lacking in the charisma or creativity department, she just needs to get those projects done and out.

>> No.23207304

I guess it's a matter of perspective then, in my opinion, the other three are better because they have a better voice control in all the registers
However, Bae's voice is absolutely gorgeous in Mid-higher registers and when she is belting. I cannot see Mumei or Gura replicating the power even though IRyS could easily do it.
I still remember when Mumei struggled to sing a belty song like defying gravity but Bae nailed the same part she was struggling at.
Her voice control is terrible in the lower registers though and that is where she struggles the most

>> No.23207613

When people were picking up steam at the beginning, she was literally screaming in her mic and translating everything to japanese so a lot of people found her annoying and tapped out.

>> No.23208044

I admit, since I have some musical training, I'm especially sensitive to pitch, so unless it's a sovl karaoke (ala Ame), any sudden sharp/flat note is rather jarring to me.
I also would've placed Mumei below Gura and IRyS (and honestly, I do still place the latter two a bit higher), but she's improved a lot since she sang defying gravity, and it feels like her limiters are off since she moved.

>> No.23208070

April Fools "Bae" (Fauna) was more chaotic than actual Bae.
Seems like a bad matchup with the lore.

>> No.23208140

She's Asian and, therefore, a natural follower. Bae is middle management material, not a project lead or CEO.

>> No.23208174

>>23208044 (me)
Just to elaborate, this is purely judging karaokes. Recorded pieces are a different story. Bae, Kiara, and Ina shine in their music vids relative to their live performances.

>> No.23208997

>Hell she streamed more in the last 2 months than Sana has since debut
That's fucking pathetic. How can sanafags still even exist?
Even ghosts like ayame put in the work in the past and do other shit like hologra or lives.
Remember the absolute state of sanafag cope when they all insisted that her absence was definitely due to her working on some super duper secret project for cover, all based on absolutely zero evidence?
Turns out she just can'tt be fucked.

>> No.23210591


>> No.23210723

It's the "I have to choose one among the worst" situation. Irys is kind of ambitious though

>> No.23212222

just gotta face the facts, Aussies can't vtube.

>> No.23212583


>> No.23213487

24/7 Mating press

>> No.23214082

to be honest council was just a unique fuck over because of omega wanting them to be his puppets in his D&D world than independent characters. kronii got the luckiest in my opinion because outside of not liking big booba the rest of the theme/model seems to match her, fauna and mumei had to rewrite their lore pretty hard and bae is still trying to hard her landing spot. no idea what sana is doing

>> No.23215867

>no idea what sana is doing
slowly making a comeback

>> No.23216446 [DELETED] 

literally what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.23216591

Fauna leans into her lore aggressively. The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.23216935

shes not "mother nature" now. shes a witch that usurped mother nature and turned her into her pet. pretty much so she can do her her own thing lorewise. mumei dropped the whole "dur i forget" act and went haachama 2.0, bae dropped being the leader of council and doesnt really play the chaos shit up at all. kronii and sana are the ones of council who havent done any major revisions to their lore yet.

yeah i see her. just saying she doesnt really have much to her besides...bread and beeg.

>> No.23217052

she's on the opposite side of the planet from most of the rest of council

>> No.23217948

>no idea what sana is doing
Sana isn't doing anything. That's the problem.

>> No.23218032

holy autism

>> No.23218064
File: 2 KB, 242x85, HHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need someone in their 20s with motivation
Too many low energy in council and Bae is already the one trying hard.

>> No.23218087

I'm not sure if that's even a change for Fauna. That happened around when they finally gave her a mascot, so that may have been in the works from the beginning. It also explains why she's tried to keep the the yandere act somewhat. I also don't think Mumei changed as much as you think. Even early on she alluded to a darker side to civilization, and you could see it in some of the early collabs, like her quiz game. I don't give her credit for not repeating a stale meme.

As for other revisions, I'm not sure about Kronii other than her being depressed and a very obviously fake narcissist. Sana made San canon, saying that they were two halves of a whole. There may have been an implication of them sharing a body even though they consider each other siblings.

>> No.23220730
File: 394 KB, 1425x1078, sana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana making numberfags like you seethe just by existing makes me like her

>> No.23220876

>shit personality
>no creativity
>horrible voice
>nobody watches her
>nobody on /vt/ cares about her
>ruins every collab she's in
she's like the polar opposite of ame, seriously just an atrocious vtuber all around

>> No.23220899
File: 916 KB, 3468x4096, 1496842387976441858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes not "mother nature" now. shes a witch that usurped mother nature and turned her into her pet.
The interesting thing is that during Nemu's debut stream, Fauna hinted the "witch usurped mother nature and turned her into her pet" narrative is only something Nemu made up, but at the same time she kept those tidbits in question form.


Everything is rather ambiguous, but given Fauna (not Nemu) is seen in the Omen "creation lore" video (https://youtu.be/BOWi6Pclr48?t=75)), I'm inclined to say Fauna isn't lying about Nemu making it all up. Still, it could always be a retcon, or a case of Unreliable Narrator, but we won't know for sure unless Fauna further clarify things.

Regardless of whether this is "true" or not, the most important thing is that the whole lore about Nemu was created last minute (https://youtu.be/Ylwahhz2a_U?t=1242)), showing us that Fauna is indeed starting to break away from her debut lore and is instead creating her own lore, which is of course a good thing.

>> No.23221041

Ignore the numberfag retard
Your Oshi is great and a cinnamon roll
I wish her and mine would do more collabs
