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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 287 KB, 564x863, 1644184673555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22505600 No.22505600 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is to discuss /vt/‘s very own Kiki.

>Who is Kiki?
Kiyomi Pyon-Pyon, or Kiki for short is an adorable autistic Aussie chuuba. She's a wicked bright, and super sweet girl with a passion for animals and her champyons!

>Current Aggie
https://aggie.io/1s0eim502_ *NEW*
Previous Aggies: https://aggie.io/e0g0kq4f1n, https://aggie.io/mbfavhy8cr, https://aggie.io/8ada1d7v0a, https://aggie.io/45_6qa890s

>Art / Fan Content Mega

>The RABBITY Way! (MV)

>(You) got a fren in me!

>Download A Comfy Morning with Kiki! (alarm)

>Recent Stream Highlights
Karma: https://files.catbox.moe/qy287a.mp4
I can't see!: https://files.catbox.moe/nsuppl.mp4
She forgor: https://files.catbox.moe/v5aduu.mp4
Hey: https://files.catbox.moe/ksqz4u.mp4

>Emergency Gosling Resources

>Kiki Daki



/pyon/ Game Recommendations:

>Last thread

>> No.22505615
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>> No.22505647
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/pyon/ Sings: Hold the Rab
Our next /pyon/ sings project is a parody of the Hold the Line song by Toto,
submit your vocaroos to https://forms.gle/xoNE7mQ3kAzpXnWh7, I will accept
submissions for a little while longer while I do the mixing.
See >>19590638 for lyrics.

>> No.22505699

Kiki Love!

>> No.22505735

kiki is kool

>> No.22505765

Kiki cannot into ancient meme.

>> No.22505769
File: 2.21 MB, 1500x2000, hunny2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this funny cunny bunny, she's sweeter than hunny

>> No.22505800
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Bready reminder that I love this lolibaba rabbit

>> No.22505812


>> No.22505838

Just curious
Thoughts on Futanari?

>> No.22505856

what you

>> No.22505865

jewish plot

>> No.22505866

it's for faggots

>> No.22505873

Love to see some more racing games eventually

>> No.22505883
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>> No.22505897

peanut butter

>> No.22505940

starving till I finish
adobe premiere

>> No.22505959
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>> No.22505958

are you serious?

>> No.22505991

No, just curious.

>> No.22506022


>> No.22506027
File: 349 KB, 281x281, 1645822637407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiki's cunny
kiki's kiki
with kiki's rock-hard nipples

>> No.22506038

yeah, runey!

>> No.22506049

What were you expecting?

>> No.22506052

I have a question. You called yourself a cunny snatcher in the past. But aren't men supposed to snatch cunny?

>> No.22506077

egg and coffee
coffee (milked and microwaved)
korean mushroom game

>> No.22506089


>> No.22506134
File: 54 KB, 442x444, 1643560293606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty cool, want to start a clan?

>> No.22506182

i'm already in a clan anon
sorry ;-;

>> No.22506201

there was a brown person at my door trying to sell me something. i couldn't understand a fucking work he was saying.

>> No.22506205

eating: cigarettes
drinking: coffee
playing: nothing now
watching: kiki

>> No.22506249

I wonder what the demand for giantess Kiki art is. I've been really thinking of doing some art reps.

>> No.22506253

Dr. Pepper
My willy.
My wife, Kiki.

>> No.22506265

>eating: cigarettes
i have no idea why this made me laugh so much kek

>> No.22506274

I'm not that anon. Sorry I'll lurk more.

>> No.22506314

Lmao cucks

>> No.22506321

I mean, go for it

>> No.22506340

The best Kiki clips are the ones Kiki is proud of.

>> No.22506421
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I see how it is...

>> No.22506467
File: 802 KB, 1406x1788, 1636724415355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiki I put this couch and fridge in your jar, you rike?

>> No.22506485

Kiki's not feeling comfortable, time to start drama I guess

>> No.22506508

so close... yet so far...

>> No.22506529

I can't get mad at Kiki. Even when you call me a dickhead and tell me to leave the stream.

>> No.22506528

If liking dick makes you gay then Kiki is gay. QED.

>> No.22506598
File: 7 KB, 194x259, dinkdonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get mad at Kiki. Even when she says peepeepoopoo isn't funny.

>> No.22506621

I had a dream about kiki's ears bein 20 meters long and strangling me last night

>> No.22506673

lucky you

>> No.22506690
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Mind status: Unchanged

>> No.22506743

Kiki did you sleep between this and the last stream? Also banan spider love

>> No.22506852

she said she didn't at the start of the stream

>> No.22506857

rabbits can't be cows

>> No.22506924

i think banana spider ROCKS

>> No.22506940

I just woke up champyon have mercy

>> No.22507003

I watch one huntsman spoder vid, and my youtube recommendations have been fucked with them ever since...

>> No.22507008

Stop bullying banana spider. He's just living his best life.

>> No.22507011


>> No.22507025
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Mmmm yes, Kiki loves banana spiders

>> No.22507060


>> No.22507071

I had a dream that giant Kiki used her petite little fingers to pull my house off of its foundation and then dropped it into the gaping abyss that was her gigantic bunny cunny

>> No.22507155

Banana spider is your friend. He fights for freedom.

>> No.22507204

i haven't dreamt in 5+ years

>> No.22507244

She said take him out. So put him on the lid

>> No.22507289

I heard long ago and recently confirmed just in case, everyone dreams its just you can't remember them.

>> No.22507322
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No spider zone, little man got rid of him for you

>> No.22507365


>> No.22507373


>> No.22507407

makes no difference in practice

>> No.22507438


>> No.22507443
File: 43 KB, 492x330, 1538740490511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am gonna unironically kill myself
I was so close to done with the video and then I clicked some random shit while following some stupid tutorial and it reverted my entire days work

>> No.22507531

get well soone

>> No.22507533

No, I will do it
never give up

oh god, thank you jesus of modern retard proofness
I found it in auto safe folder

>> No.22507591

this is sickening
hiro needs to nuke this board

>> No.22507669
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Good gamer rabbit I'm proud of you!

>> No.22507745

One of these should have as it goes on the hand slowly reaches for the clover before grabbing it.

>> No.22507783

Do you like cephalopods?

>> No.22507806
File: 3.37 MB, 640x360, 1647467723488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we already have this

>> No.22507950

kiki is not allowed to drive the jet-ski

>> No.22507969
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I added little lady

>> No.22508010

Aww look at them, such a happy couple. Little lady is such a cute rabbit.

>> No.22508027

because you'll panic and kill yourself

>> No.22508038

>Kiki skips over my posts and messages
>I stop posting and messaging thinking I'm being cringe and she skips them on purpose
>imagine her thinking I left and get sad
>start posting and messaging again
>rinse, repeat

Why am I like this? How can I break the cycle? I hate that I feel this way, I just want to enjoy the stream...

>> No.22508054

this house is starting to look like a home

>> No.22508073

its turning into a little kikirrarium

>> No.22508097

>Kiki skips over my posts and messages
>I post more
>she reads one because its not that deep

>> No.22508120

Doesn't she need a laptop or something so she can play games?

like kao

>> No.22508151

it's all in your head, shes playing a videogame give her a break

>> No.22508156

I get that way sometimes. I'm scared to post a little right now because I'm afraid that I'm cringe. I don't know how to get over it. Confidence comes and goes.

>> No.22508203

i got a rabbity drivers seat you can sit in. you _do_ know how to drive a stick do you?

>> No.22508224 [DELETED] 
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I'm a chuckster

>> No.22508284

kiki did not say my "lol" comment out loud, i will literally end my life

>> No.22508389

Guess it's all in my head. Sorry for making you feel bad...

>> No.22508450

Just stfu, let her stream in peace fooligan

>> No.22508467

When will Kiki be able to do anything without upsetting someone. literally anything.

>> No.22508519

A humble reminder to ignore bait

>> No.22508527

Champyons are such sensitive retards sometimes. I love you guys (no homo), but you are really fucking sensitive to literally nothing

>> No.22508531

i blame the troons

>> No.22508547

Never. You can never please everyone. All you can do is stand by your own principles and live your own best life.

>> No.22508566

As soon as champyons will stop being mentally unstable, which is quite unlikely.

>> No.22508593

It isnt bait. I hope this isnt the same menhera as before. If it is, you should leave

>> No.22508601

Consider that not every anonymous comment posted here is legitimate, we've been getting these kinds of menhera comments daily for about a week, it's 100% a tactic

>> No.22508615

Did she mean"overconscious"?

>> No.22508630

kiki is the sensitive one, everyone else is just being sensitive on her behalf lmao

>> No.22508651

probably to fuck with her yeah
god those assholes

>> No.22508671

I love how easy you guys are

>> No.22508708

How did she has anything to do with this?

I guess its confirmed now, this is a tactic into gaslighting Kiki into thinking shes unstable

>> No.22508755

i am willing to become a lolcow if it means distracting the troons

>> No.22508778

When will you leave this literal 2view rabbit girl alone?

>> No.22508784

Yep best just to ignore it and move on

>> No.22508786

Just forget about it Kiki. You did nothing wrong. Even when you do nothing wrong someone will complain, and you can care that person feels bad but you can't fix it because YOU DID NOTHING WRONG. Just tell him "well hope you feel better soon" and move on.

>> No.22508819 [SPOILER] 
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Consider the following: UOOOHHHHH ARMPITS!!!

>> No.22508838
File: 1.34 MB, 1300x835, 1649665136934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some advice frens, immediately turning on the thread and acting like champyons are all menhera or schizoing out in threads anytime one person comes along and derails a stream is EXTREMELY counter-productive and ruining the vibes. If you're doing this please stop, you're adding fuel to the fire by overacting, I know your emotions are flaring but please try to be more sensible.

/pyon/ is a great little community that attracts a lot of shitposters who bait with this kind of thing often these days. Thank you.

>> No.22508847

no newfag. that will just annoy everyone. please fucking lurk holy shit you sound like a 12 year old

>> No.22508879

Im not an armpit kind of guy, but kiki's are definitely UOOOOOOHHH ToT

>> No.22508894

stop projecting newcuck

>> No.22508929

I did this once sometime ago and I regret it and I agree.

>> No.22508946

tight cunny, tight throat, tight pitties

>> No.22508967

i just wanna watch meme rabbit without fucking simp drama can you fags shut the fuck up

>> No.22508974

What are Kiki's favorite animals besides bunnies?

>> No.22508997

Just ignore it all.

>> No.22509009

is the guy that keeps asking questions bait too? or is he fucking autistic

>> No.22509019

banana spiders ofc

>> No.22509036

He seems like an egotistical retard newfag, but genuine.

>> No.22509043

is that a question?

>> No.22509078

Especially when they have rabbit hats on

>> No.22509100
File: 129 KB, 895x934, 1630845203066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting some fellow champyon vibes from this threadly menhera posting lately, it's too frequent to just be a coincidence

>> No.22509116

I'll be honest, I'm seriously pissed right now. If you're really a Champyon and you ask this shit MID-STREAM, unironically get out of here and kys. She is just trying to enjoy herself, she has dealt with enough shit throughout her life, scream into a fucking pillow if you can't contain your menhera attacks instead of making her feel like shit you absolute fucking wuss.

>> No.22509135

Be the best rab you can be Kiki, you can't do anything more than that.

>> No.22509182


>> No.22509195

kiki isn't menhera, she's menhera bait

>> No.22509264

No one here is actually menhera though, its a tactic to make champyons look bad

>> No.22509345

the trannies sure are

>> No.22509589

I belebe it

>> No.22509743
File: 171 KB, 339x486, choccy pface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serene is the rabbit that seals the carton and posts it to me

>> No.22509764

My love for Kiki is kind of overflowing guys, what do?

>> No.22509834

It's a coincidence.

>> No.22509886

i'm grateful to be a newfag if it means experiencing this for the first time

>> No.22509921

yeah I'm barely holding back telling the newfag "real gamer moment huh?"

>> No.22509934
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>> No.22509980
File: 1.70 MB, 1920x1080, Mini Kiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22510039

Anus evacuated

>> No.22510072

we have photographic evidence tho

>> No.22510098
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>> No.22510259

gonna psyop myself into tasting the kiki

>> No.22510271
File: 67 KB, 801x479, duckiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she floatin

>> No.22510286


>> No.22510318


>> No.22510320

they see her floating and all they can do is seethe

>> No.22510645
File: 1.11 MB, 1406x1788, 1631253245818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go, the self-sustaining jar ecosystem is complete with everything she needs to live comfortably

>> No.22510657

You need 50 stars

>> No.22510700

I'm going to cuddle my cat, sorry if I fall asleep

>> No.22510699

needs a power plant to power the electronics in the jar
nice job desu

>> No.22510724

feeding teeny keekee with tweezers!

>> No.22510933

i like metabolizing and performing autonomic functions in my spare time

>> No.22511154

Bet you can't say vehicle 10 times fast

>> No.22511249

how late is the maccie
i want my chips

>> No.22511311

nobody needs maximum emotes. one row is humble enough

>> No.22511328

I can't believe Peach is cucking Mario.

>> No.22511330

Wait, I can only get so erect.

>> No.22511396

It's ok I will watch over you
t.wall anon

>> No.22511422

only Kiki

>> No.22511435

Only Kiki fool

>> No.22511458

alrighty, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks

>> No.22511487

I thought the joke was that's her.

>> No.22511489
File: 120 KB, 298x288, 1632475767781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fetch the maccies, but you have to pay me in chippies

>> No.22511497

gfe\we is inherently menhera bait

>> No.22511519

wait are you an actual champ saying this? kek
fuck off

>> No.22511554

what's gfe/we

>> No.22511581

great, fuck everything. what ever

>> No.22511587
File: 9 KB, 400x400, 1630741771608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, post your you wouldn't get in and move on

>> No.22511616

>you wouldn't get in
you wouldn't get it*

>> No.22511630
File: 884 KB, 1920x1080, 1649888269840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22511643

ogey meds doko

>> No.22511668

had some maccies earlier

>> No.22511691

has some kfc earlier

>> No.22511696

remember, its a new bait tactic. ignore it

>> No.22511714

lol this apparently >>22511581

>> No.22511741

I am humbly requesting an edit with a french fry instead of a cigarette

>> No.22511744

what mean

>> No.22511774

I sent you a message explaining. Check your 4chan DMs.

>> No.22511844

Did you send the discord qr code along with?

>> No.22511865

oh lol i get it now
thanks for the gold kind stranger

>> No.22511913

guys guys guys
licking the salt off her fingers, lips and tongue

>> No.22511949

Yes, I volunteer for this. Too much salt isn't good for a rabbit U KNO

>> No.22511957

Girlfriend experience / wife experience. The feeling of being in a romantic relationship.

>> No.22512015

i always just hope everyone's being ironic

>> No.22512056

there's not a hint of irony in anything I say about my love

>> No.22512069


>> No.22512147

I am 100% unironically in love with Kiki. Refer to the above images if you think this can't happen

>> No.22512207

sorry, friendzoned

>> No.22512243
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>> No.22512298

i wrote this

>> No.22512300

I know.. imagine not having the picture of her pinky framed over your mantle

>> No.22512305

That's fine you can be just a viewer and fan, just peacefully coexist with the husbands

>> No.22512391

Yeah idk why people need to be so obnoxious

>> No.22512418

If you don't love the rabbit then just shutup about it, there is no need to constantly broadcast it to the entire thread every thread or shit on those who do. You're not getting any reddit gold out of it.

>> No.22512439

lol it's not like there's anything else to expect
i don't care in what way people care, as long as they support her

>> No.22512501

eh other way round is just as true

>> No.22512568

saying i love someone is better than saying you don't are you dumb

>> No.22512579

Except husbands don't do any of those things, every single thread somebody is asking "is it ok to watch the rabbit if you don't X" and everyone is supportive of it, stop trying to start drama newfag

>> No.22512599

No, it's not. You walked into a married couples bedroom, watch me bang my hot asian wife or leave.

>> No.22512604

constantly wifeposting is just as obnoxious as saying "lol i'm not like that"-posting

>> No.22512625
File: 106 KB, 1077x623, VpU7puV3Ck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22512629

Not really
Broadcasting that you don't love her, it ruins her day. It makes her sad and it usually ends with her ending the stream.
Saying you love her makes her happy.

>> No.22512632

it would be if we're talking husband to viewer respect, but when it comes to Kiki she would actually prefer if we were all husbands so yes she wants us to shower her with love. its sad that it filters some viewers but its never going to stop because kiki wants it and it makes her happy

>> No.22512694

I'm considering upgrading my membership tier. What will I find in the members-only streams?

>> No.22512696

Is this your first week on /vt/? Go to any thread and you'll find gosling posting.

>> No.22512703

it's fine if she likes the more devoted viewers more. that's no problem lol

>> No.22512701

you wouldnt bet it?

>> No.22512721

oh you wouldn't believe dude

>> No.22512724

There aren't any, but feel free if you wish to give Susan more shekels

>> No.22512731

absolutely nothing. don't do it. just donate to streamlabs if you wanna help her out

>> No.22512758

she likes everyone equally

>> No.22512777

Jesus christ lads, stop replying to this bait

>> No.22512780

i have my membership at the cheapest one for emotes, and i just donate when ive got spare cash. more of it goes to her, which is what i want anyways

>> No.22512799

Except Harby

>> No.22512817
File: 310 KB, 1422x1028, you would simply fail to fully comprehend the sheer grandiose nature of the situation at hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

camon then

>> No.22512819

thank you for overplaying your hand, all opinions discarded

>> No.22512822

Can everyone just ignore the whiny little bitch talking about husband posting. That shit is normal on vt. If you don't like it, leave?? not that hard

>> No.22512828

i'm a casual, leave me be lmao

>> No.22512830


>> No.22512849

you're playing t-ball with trolls anon..
we l know the next (you)

>> No.22512858
File: 15 KB, 203x224, 1624295582045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have some dick to be sucking somewhere Kekbert you fat fucking roastie, gtfo of our threads

>> No.22512868

Ok that dudes 100% baiting, ignore it

>> No.22512920

While you're at it, report them too

>> No.22513009

yeah report them for shitposting-lite
meidos totally like having their time wasted

>> No.22513035

calm yer autistic tits
i love kiki as an adorable dork
you're making up drama as you go

>> No.22513052
File: 1.65 MB, 2371x3601, 20220416_112523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i survived my trip to the store and got some hot cross buns for my favorite hot cross bun bun, also some chocolates for the rest of us champs

>> No.22513055

yeah I dunno what to report except trolling outside of /b/ and that is a meme report

>> No.22513083

mmmm looks delicious, enjoy

>> No.22513122

you wouldn't believe what jannies consider shitposting sometimes... got a janny warning recently for saying "brown hands typed this" to an ESL post kek

>> No.22513197

bon apetit

>> No.22513238

hope you washed your greasy little fingies before touching the controller

>> No.22513281

just licking them is fine

>> No.22513294

checked and true

>> No.22513327

I'm sure there's a sister or two working as a jannie, but we had them working overtime during the troongolian invasion.. they don't need to be called in to preserve what might be externally observed as a hugbox violation

>> No.22513366


>> No.22513368

her tiny disgusting stinky greasy fatty sticky dirty unwashed fingies need to be CLEANSED

>> No.22513426

nobody spoonfeed him the sacred treasure

>> No.22513429

what i would give to suck those fingers TuT

>> No.22513451
File: 304 KB, 600x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we welcome you to the mole kingdom and this is how you treat us?!

>> No.22513457

What photo are people talking about?!

>> No.22513538

you want me to shake my hips for you kiki?

>> No.22513543

The one that was sent before she closed dm's

>> No.22513615

The newfriends have been particularly annoying today, I understand your frustrations

>> No.22513652

post names

>> No.22513663

probably could have worded that better mast

>> No.22513675

John, David, Jeremy, Peter, Dennis

>> No.22513683

newfriends are great, just haze them into doing reps

>> No.22513691


>> No.22513702

Blaine, Charlie, Donald, Mavis

>> No.22513711

Does Kiki needs some scritchy scratches?

>> No.22513729
File: 4 KB, 365x171, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't sleep yet Kiki

>> No.22513739

>normal doomposting self

she didnt doompost till you came retard

>> No.22513746

how can 25 people create so much drama

>> No.22513795

I dunno what you are considering normal or different, but yes, you seem to be especially insecure right now. I'm sorry if things are irking you or if life is being stressful. Nobody is mad though. Things are tough sometimes, and when you spend as much time together as you and we do, we're going to see that sometimes, and we're all ok with it, because we know you're a real person and not a cartoon character only for our enjoyment.

>> No.22513799

been thoroughly enjoying this thread, where's the dorama?

>> No.22513808

sorry it's been so late but i only had like 2 days to work on it in total this week

>> No.22513832

its literally you

>> No.22513865

nice projection retard

>> No.22513964

could you tell little man about it?

>> No.22514084

sorry Kiki I was just testing streamlabs.I didn't' know how to use it.

>> No.22514093

it all started with the menhera from the half-life stream

>> No.22514187
File: 679 KB, 1280x720, 0nmzx5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since Kiki is defenseless now, I can snatch her and bathe her

>> No.22514210

I wanna run my fingers through your hair and nuzzle your head into my chest and tell you its gonna be alright

>> No.22514225

Hope no one thinks it's me.

>> No.22514285

It comes with the /vt/ territory I think

>> No.22514297

Kiki I've been holding it in all stream
can I pee now?

>> No.22514408

I understand it
it happened to me way in the past

>> No.22514586

it's on 4chan, on a board populated mostly by teenage trannies, it will never be reliably "nice." Hoping can't make it nice.

Nobody shits on me for talking about kiki except people who are protective and don't want to share.

>> No.22514599

i feel like i didn't get the memo
i didn't see anyone shitting on kiki except like one or two posts

>> No.22514609

for 1 single anon who doesnt like you there are 20 who loves you
and I don't care what people say and if you remember a few threads back people outside of /pyon/ liked you when they realized the only one who is spamming anti shit was a schizo

>> No.22514628

the only place I wanna talk to you is in this thread, I dont look at the rest of the catalogue

>> No.22514664

its literally just one person that sits on /vt/ all day

>> No.22514712
File: 252 KB, 1422x1020, 1648313992111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image is all that's needed to be said to anyone hatin'

>> No.22514724

I still don't know who is thinking ill of me for watching kiki, because I don't read random posts on /vt/. My life is completely, totally unaffected by a shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.22514782

how schizo can I go?
would it be to schizo to start asking people?

>> No.22514787

it doesnt stand up to any kind of critical analysis

>> No.22514797

You can't change a schizos mind so why bother with them. It'll blow over like every other time.

>> No.22514843

from your friend list
desu, all I could find on that name was just someone trying to make friends

>> No.22514846

kiki debunking stream when

>> No.22514904
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>> No.22514917

Same i ignore anything that isn't posted in pyon by champs or kiki

>> No.22515007

I unironically lurked for years before I started posting on this site

>> No.22515091

I saw the same rrat thats been attempted to pin to another girl too

>> No.22515167

hell even if all this shit was real, what it obviously isn't, that's not who you are NOW and why would anyone care. when i was a teen i used to get into fights every fucking day but not anymore, jesus

>> No.22515181

check marshmallow when you get a chance

>> No.22515276

wait, so you're saying you are not a 60+ lolibaba?!

>> No.22515320

I'm older than kiki, I can tell by which videogames she has most nostalgia for. Not a lot older, but definitely older.

>> No.22515360

All these zoomer/twitch speak in /vt/ make me feel old too.

>> No.22515367

I will pump Kiki full of proteins until she is back in her prime

>> No.22515450

i'm a 29 year old baby :)

>> No.22515493

there was this shift when kids started calling me 'uncle'
it hurts every single time

>> No.22515506

is it possible to watch a small streamer without wanting to care about their personal life

>> No.22515511

i used to date a girl that was 19 when i was 24 and i felt very awkward about it

>> No.22515535

I can see why Kiki is not feeling it today, on one hand there is still retards baiting and shitposting about her, but at the same time people are still coming in despite that, but also not lurking. It's kind of contradictory. I don't think there is every a reality where you just get best of both worlds, we gotta carve out our place here through lots of effort before we find she finds a place where she's happy and that will take a lot of time.

>> No.22515556

I went to maccies today and there were so many zoomers
I felt so lost
I am never going in without pre-ordering again

>> No.22515636

im 21 am I a baby?

>> No.22515671

holy shit how adorable
get back into your cradle wittle waby

>> No.22515685
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>> No.22515707

go do your homework.. get off the internet while it's not too late

>> No.22515732
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>> No.22515735

I want Kiki to call me a young man and give me a nursing handjob!

>> No.22515750

heat literally disables me

>> No.22515825

They talk about zoomers like it's a good thing because zoomers are now getting old enough to be young adults and are asserting themselves. Ten years and they'll be old and generation XXY begins.

>> No.22515852

>samefagging zoomers

>> No.22515966

i rember y2k, my siblings and i changed the clock on our old bulky pc to december 31st 11:59 pm, hid in the corner of the room and waited to see if it really explodes as soon as it hits 2000

good old times

>> No.22516009

I always vote for anyone that has anti tranny agenda or something similar

>> No.22516033
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>> No.22516058
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I didn't elect this queen

>> No.22516095

Great now I'm hard a work, take responsibility

>> No.22516205

something's gonna blow and it will be Kiki blowing my hard cock

>> No.22516270
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, comfymommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way it walks around with those babies on its back is like this cute spider

>> No.22516309

awwww so cute

>> No.22516338

ask it how did it cross the atlantic

>> No.22516359

this is absolute fucking kino anon

>> No.22516454

ofc you can
nope, anon is fine

>> No.22516474
File: 80 KB, 720x542, Bread_f865aa_1590543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22516545

waste of food i am mad

>> No.22516563

good night btw

>> No.22516577

you have no idea how badly I want these, bread has been kind of my thing for atleast 7 years now. Everyone in my family knows me as the bread guy

>> No.22516581

Very rabbity, I rike it

>> No.22516601


>> No.22516616

I will not stop being a pervert/10

>> No.22516617

i rike rab

>> No.22516627

t-THE bread guy?

>> No.22516629

Happy End/10

>> No.22516678
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, KikiLove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rab is humble, rab is wise. rab is loved, rab eats fries. have a good snoozle, you've made us all proud today with how much you've improved at mario

>> No.22516711

best rab wife/10

>> No.22516716


>> No.22516720

Good. I like how it ended in a high note.

>> No.22516731

Great stream. Love mario sunshine and I love kiki. So perfect stream for me. CHUCKSTERS ARE HERE/10

Love you Kiki, goodnight and hope you have some comfy champ dreams. MWAH

>> No.22516813

I'm not changing myself to appeal to shitposters looking to change /pyon/ or Kiki, and I will continue just watching and loving my rab no matter what anybody things / 10

>> No.22516848

it felt like a view into a different world

>> No.22516896

did you rike it?

>> No.22516903

Clip watchers will love this one

>> No.22516946

same, but I can understand how Kiki wants broader appeal

>> No.22516993

More that she wants to be respected /here/ I think.

>> No.22517006

Mmm, yes, very respectable. If only every mother was as dedicated as this.

>> No.22517011

sure, i was a little confused at some points but had a happy end

>> No.22517043

you'll learn the ropes soon newfriend. you joined at a weird time

>> No.22517143

The stream was super fun and you were doing great. I'm super proud of your confidence reps and its fine Rome wasn't built in a day and you're tired, just keep at it. I beleb that one day you will love yourself as much as we love you. Goodnight and sweet dreams, mwah <3

>> No.22517181

yeah i feel that way too
i dont wanna archive dive to find answers to my contextual questions though

>> No.22517265

had to handle family reps towards the end there. good job lifting her up lads.

>> No.22517474

i feel myself unable to enjoy the dr coomer references knowing hes a tranny

>> No.22517488

nice loafers

>> No.22517490

I'll try to ritual post next thread but that's it for me, goodnight champs, goodnight Kiki.

>> No.22517491

you think I am fine for searching "scientist screams" for a few hours?

>> No.22517497

I didn't want to answer the
>Do I seem different
question on stream, but if I have to say one thing
that I do feel is definitely different lately about you is that you've been awfully hard on yourself these
days. Think I first noticed it probably since around the time of you finishing that Castelvania stream, but there were parts where it was especially noticeable during that HL1 stream. Sometimes it gets to the point where it's clear you're not even having fun anymore. If I had to take a guess, she sees being really skillful at video games as a way to earn respect of the half a dozen schizos who anti her all the time so they stop, but that would just be my head cannon

>> No.22517559

honestly same. i really liked the series until i found that out

>> No.22517612

Wait, the coomer locker? For real?

>> No.22517638

I'm sorry but I think a more regular clip would work better. Its not clear where the actual stream starts and editing stops.

>> No.22517665


>> No.22517734

i feel the same way, it's a nice video, but too much memery, the original clip was way funnier just as it was

>> No.22517741

what? I liked that series and had no idea, that bites

>> No.22517797

I like the editing and I'm sure he spent a lot of time on it, but honestly it just ins't for me. I could see that appealing to the clip watching type though.

>> No.22517822
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>head cannon

>> No.22517856

thank you for reading my rambling

>> No.22518025

what a shame. he made that series.

>> No.22518123

This isn't the first time. She wants to feel proud of herself as a gamer.

>> No.22518351

I get it, but I just want to see her have fun playing video games again, not be sad about playing them. That's all.

>> No.22518399

then force her to play a vidya you can't possibly be good or bad at :^)

>> No.22518427

slots stream!

>> No.22518568

hurry up and die bread so I can ritualpost and make dinner

>> No.22518703
File: 50 KB, 460x303, pyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First impression fan art babyyyy.
I do get the impression she did SOMETHING to piss people off though. Redpill me on that champs

>> No.22518785

Well you've seen the clips newfriend, she pissed off a tranny and his friends.

>> No.22518799

You mean with the "are people mad at me comment?", now that was out of left field. Think she's just tired and overthinking things, or had something else on her mind. Thanks for the art fren, it's very nice.

>> No.22518833

cute and factual

>> No.22519301

feels like a bit of a feedback loop if you have to know about the drama to watch kiki, but not allowed to bring it up

>> No.22519315
File: 25 KB, 534x530, 123122121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got another one fellas

also i genuinely, actually don't know what she did. nor do i really care to find out, since i don't pay attention and all rrats that are touted every second are obviously just bait

>> No.22519353

i like your art, it's cute

>> No.22519418

Cute art anon!
As usual nothing has really happened. Couple shitposters from another thread have set up camp and have been taking dumps on /pyon/. Both kiki and /pyon/ overreact every time which causes it to happen again and again.

>> No.22519613
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>> No.22519839
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Temptation to schizo post on page 10: averted

Kiki deserves more positivity around here and not negativity, I can cope.

>> No.22519866
File: 843 KB, 1920x1080, 1645403801401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put a banana spider or something in green pls and ty im tired nini

>> No.22519884

this threads about to die so nobody will notice that i love kiki

>> No.22519912

I got you champy champ
