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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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22471327 No.22471327 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>22457815

>> No.22471378

This is exactly what watching vtubers is like.

>> No.22471380

I notice that many HoloGra after HoloFes3 has a drop in viewership. None of them has reached 1M yet, only hovering around 700-800k. This coincides with YT also pushing Nijisanji and indie contents more as well.

>> No.22471453
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.22471481

So why is bilibili enforcing copy right all of a sudden? Or did the faggot since chinese songs?

>> No.22471482

It's because HoloGra is still HoloJP only so far and HoloFes 3 was a platform that boosted HoloEN and HoloID, everyone wants to watch the latter now instead of the same old boring HoloJP.

>> No.22471553

Cover has been hiring new modelers, English, and Indonesian scriptwriters. I expect them to throw out more EN and ID 3D content very soon in the future.

>> No.22471581

That's good, at least they know who's going to be carrying the company for the next 10 years.

>> No.22471596
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he didn't sing any chinese songs, I think his fanbase just reported them.

>> No.22471619

>10 years
Give it 5 years
Grudgepost me after 10 years passes

>> No.22471626

why are you like this anon, who made you this way

>> No.22471644

kek, so his singing was that bad huh.

>> No.22471649

They're actually hiring more than that, operation managers, marketing and PR executives, and more game developers.
They are serious about expanding Hololive contents to more than just streaming.

>> No.22471697

I did by consistently proving to anon that his oshi is worthless and doesn't deserve to be a member of hololive.
I'm sorry /#/ but it had to be done.

>> No.22471718

Chinks have no problem re-uploading foreign utaite covers and even original songs to BiliBili.
I guess vox really sucks at singing

>> No.22471753

It's good to diversify, with any luck Cover will be able to follow in SIE's footsteps and move their headquarters to a country with more productivity, vibrancy and creativity. Any business clinging to the declining Japanese demographic is doomed in the coming decade.

>> No.22471754

1) Okayu (Hololive) - 30,905 - Okakoro Third anniversary
2) Aqua (Hololive) - 86,420 - APEX Custom
3) Hal (Neo Porte) - 95,353 - VSaikyo landing spot lottery
4) Calli (Hololive) - 79,452 - 3D Birthday Concert
5) Aqua (Hololive) - 42,453 - Eating Sushi
6) Okayu (Hololive) - 53,422 - Totsu
7) Subaru (Hololive) - 34,076 - Horror game
8) Aqua (Hololive) - 62,820 - APEX custom
9) Pekora (Hololive) - 45,568 - Elden Ring
10) Pekora (Hololive) - 37,343 - Elden Ring
11) Aqua (Hololive) - 62,239 - APEX custom
12) Hal (Neo Porte) - 36,464 - APEX scrims
13) Korone (Hololive) - 39,582 - 3rd Anniversary Totsu
14) Aqua (Hololive) - 74,324 - APEX scrims

12x: Hololive
2x: Neo Porte

5x: Aqua
2x: Hal, Okayu, Pekora
1x: Calli, Subaru, Korone

>> No.22471776
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I think it's because he said in his karaoke that he didn't want people to clip it.

>> No.22471780

That's good because expanding will at least secure their position. Streaming is too volatile.

Making games can be a good investment if they do it right.

>> No.22471790 [DELETED] 

Please don't set my ID girlies up for future grudgeposting...

>> No.22471837

I think Cover wants to go more global than anything else really. Focusing on one market can be good, but it's better to court many different people.
Gaming and comic books are two of the best ways to help your IPs penetrate a new market.

There are so many ways that Cover can take their content and I'm very excited for what might come next.

>> No.22471841

Oh hey it's him again

>> No.22471863

>Pekora sees that like nobody is streaming Elden Ring today
>decides to stream Elden Ring
Of course

>> No.22471875
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Top 15 superchat daily
Note that Sonny had $3.1k as well.

>> No.22471880

Japanese birth rate vs death rate:
7% vs 11.10%

Indonesian birth rate vs death rate:
17.75% vs 6.51%

Indonesia is going to be a far larger market in a few years while Japan is headed for permanent recession, there's nothing to worry about since holoID has a bright future.

>> No.22471906

They're not longer "tourists" if they're staying for the singing stream.
They're newfags who discovered Astel through the tournament and got interested in him.
Whether he can keep them will be seen in future streams god please don't sperg out Astel-kun...

>> No.22471913

or maybe they respect him
their aggression is just turned on anyone who would actually upload clips of it

>> No.22471962

Why are so many NijiEN members so anal about karaoke clips when HoloEN has a bunch? It's not like they'll get struck with copyright or anything.

>> No.22471961

yeah that might unironically be the case here, I think kpop fujos also go rabid if anyone dares to upload pirated bootlegs on YT. They just want to support the creator and not the clippers/leeches.

>> No.22471963

anon half of those indonesian kids are being born in jungle villages where they're going to spend their entire lives carving masterwork artisan wooden beyblades

>> No.22471981

>sub 200 viewers

I know he's a holostar but Miyabi and Temma get more than this...

>> No.22472069

The chinks is truly a plague and shit up everything they touch.
No wonder the seamonkeys keep genociding them.

>> No.22472073


>> No.22472113

They don't get more than that if they're streaming at the same time as an Astel karaoke.

>> No.22472116

I really don't want to find out. Even someone who uploaded clips of Selen's Karaoke was called out by a single person and said "oh I'll delete it after a week"

>> No.22472167

Eh... Not really. At least not within my fandom and other fandoms of the groups I like. My tl literally has messaging app translators for these artists and would actually gang up on someone who's trying to be anal about it. And there's also a fansub account for a whole show and while they're taken down regularly, it's mostly because of the platform the show aired on, rarely from agency themselves. You can search up EXO-CBX Japanese concert in full on YouTube (not expecting you to, but just to make a point here)

>> No.22472214

While a bunch of karaoke clips from HoloEN exists on YT that will drive more interest to them.
I thought the whole Nijisanji being harsh on clippers was in the past already.

>> No.22472235

>carving masterwork artisan wooden beyblades
I mean, despite the simple life, at least they live happy. The same cannot be said for a lot of us.

>> No.22472272

Idk but it's dumb as fuck considering clips are partially why Hololive are beating the snot of them
Selen's karaoke was really fun too

>> No.22472299

So I got bombarded with a fuck tons of Crazy Maggie / StartEnd clips right away after I deleted my watch/search history like you guys said. The recommendation also throw in my face a lots of 3 digit JP chuubas. And in the middle of those videos, there is a fucking Luca VR chat clip and a Pomu clip out of nowhere. FUCK WHY ???

>> No.22472301

I'd rather be miserable with money than craving shitty wood for the rest of my life.

>> No.22472328

What the fuck, is this nigger still going about it? Did no one notice?

1) Okayu (Hololive) - 30,905 - Okakoro Third anniversary
2) Aqua (Hololive) - 86,420 - APEX Custom
3) Hal (Neo Porte) - 95,353 - VSaikyo landing spot lottery
4) Calli (Hololive) - 79,452 - 3D Birthday Concert
5) Aqua (Hololive) - 42,453 - Eating Sushi
6) Okayu (Hololive) - 53,422 - Totsu
7) Subaru (Hololive) - 34,076 - Horror game
8) Aqua (Hololive) - 62,820 - APEX custom
9) Pekora (Hololive) - 45,568 - Elden Ring
10) Pekora (Hololive) - 37,343 - Elden Ring
11) Aqua (Hololive) - 62,239 - APEX custom
12) Kuzuha (Nijisanji) - 36,512 - APEX scrims
13) Korone (Hololive) - 39,582 - 3rd Anniversary Totsu
14) Aqua (Hololive) - 74,324 - APEX scrims

12x: Hololive
1x: Neo Porte
1x: Nijisanji

5x: Aqua
2x: Okayu, Pekora
1x: Calli, Subaru, Korone, Kuzuha, Hal

>> No.22472341

>Pajeet algo : you no like Holo eh? How bout some nijis?

>> No.22472348

im bomu :DDD

>> No.22472359

Maybe it's just that Nijis particularly stress not to clip their unarchiveds then? I literally have not seen a single Niji unarchived clip.

>> No.22472376

HoloGra lately has been even more nonsensical for EOPs as the recent humor is currently really leaning towards Japanese jokes and references that don't translate well to foreign watchers.

>> No.22472412

More like people are just learning to not give a fuck.

>> No.22472422

Seemingly the case. I rarely found singing clips of Nijis and the fans just aren't as stubborn as Holo music clippers.

>> No.22472424

Last thread people were telling him to make his own tally which is what he's doing now.

>> No.22472453

It seems Hololive is losing grip on the algo lately, there have been many people saying they get Niji clips more these days.

>> No.22472460

Someone should at least post the real one alongside it.
Repeated lies tend to become truth if no one pushes back against it, and two weeks from now this whole thread might forget that King won on the 10th.

>> No.22472483

they will never know the pleasure of spending their days arguing about anime girl avatar streamers on the english speaking internet

>> No.22472497

More that she wants to play it and has wanted to stream it, but she explicitly stated that she doesn't want to only stream ER. That's why she did a watch along on Wednesday, into break day yesterday.

>> No.22472522

>two weeks from now this whole thread might forget that King won on the 10th.
No we won't, tally anon always post the gold winners of each day after he posted the daily tally.

>> No.22472531

t. doesn't understand economics, watch some videos on how Japan is dying

>> No.22472588


>> No.22472599

Holy shit Mori and Kiara can't you hold off your streams for one hour for the rat's karaoke. For fuck's sake.

>> No.22472602

Obligatory Zhang repellent

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.22472649

kekis maximus

>> No.22472652

I kinda wish Cover would hurry up with building a 3D studio in Canada already, the wait for official 3D debuts is killing me.

>> No.22472726
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hey! don't insult anya!

>> No.22472761

So is Korone's new original song performing well in getting views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLNTAMY1NZA

>> No.22472782

Patience anon. Since Japan is allowing 10k business travelers to Japan, there is a chance Cover might be able to bring foreign members to Japan.

>> No.22472791

>vox almost pulled in from one stream what I do in a year

Damn, if only I could somewhat sing shitty anime songs...

>> No.22472820

During dead hours, a lot of posts here would ask random stuff but none will get proper replies at all.
Just my observation

>> No.22472878

it's a good song despite "le hat", do orisongs grow faster than cover songs now? Or was kiara's cover just severely underperforming.

>> No.22472881
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free real estate

>> No.22472908

Are they gonna play a new game?
Or just end it like that?

>> No.22472907

At what time does the sun go down in Paris today?

>> No.22472923

god damn Monopoly really is a shit game.

>> No.22472935

playing a new game, they playing raft

>> No.22473059

what makes you think there are no shitposters in their chans as well?

>> No.22473115

Maybe 5-6pm, why do you ask?

>> No.22473182

I fucking hate Raft.

>> No.22473304

Minecraft server merge + riku statue

>> No.22473322

Raft is the Hello Neighbor of Survival game genre. A small indie game which contribute nothing new but got overhyped by streamers

>> No.22473401

>riku statue
Why would that be part of the main announcement? Yagoo doesn't do this shit

>> No.22473456

Anon, Yagoo is known for clowning around more than Riku.

>> No.22473469

Nijis copies Holos. More news at 1.

>> No.22473471

looks like holoid 2 will be getting smol models soon how much numbers you think this going to get

>> No.22473509

Yeah, but this feels more corporate.

>> No.22473534


Dudul's tsundere gura clip got 400k in 3 days which is more than his last 2 animations 2 months ago

>> No.22473587

Nah the deadline is too tight. Probably Reine's own project. 10k possible

>> No.22473605

Why announce it on Twitter? She mentioned wanting to do VR stuff some time ago, glad she is finally doing it.

>> No.22473649

>One retarded dragon does a big statue of her CEO
>Makes some of the best clips and regarded as a landmark


>Building a statue of your CEO because he orders you to

>> No.22473660

I really don't think it will attract that much of numbers though. Pretty sure the one pulling a lot of Minecraft numbers on their side is only Sultan and no one else.

>> No.22473722

Coco did that because she wanted to do it, she didn't make it part of a main event.

>> No.22473752

Has it reached 1M on twitter?

>> No.22473776

916k views on twitter

>> No.22473777

Dudul is the only one left still doing HoloEN animation so it got a high number due to rarity.

>> No.22473785

rrat: Accellerator's oshi is actually Yagoo

>> No.22473797

100k likes, 25k retweets, 900k views

>> No.22473800

Does anyone in ID/KR give a shit about Minecraft? On the EN side some kinda care about the game.

>> No.22473810

Thanks, anons

>> No.22473818

DuDuL, link your socials on the description of that video.

>> No.22473844

Any Minecraft stream is buff if you interact with someone. I remember when Ars went up to 10k after she had impromptu collab with Debi

>> No.22473896

This is an announcement by Gwelu, not Anycolor. It's them doing that shit anon.

>> No.22473907
File: 52 KB, 750x394, mantheharpoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Landwhales : Yellow edition

>> No.22473926

Anon.. this "event" is organized by gwelu and other jp.

>> No.22473946

>2 months
>After holo3rdfes buff
>A lot of the viewers and holos are in awe with her performance
How to save this fucking tree rat?
There's actually one way available to make her incline faster, but I don't think she will do that with her tendency to debuff herself.
Risu please accept Duzy's invitation. What should I for you to accept it? Kneel? Dogeza? Eat my balls and stream it?
Numbers aside, I'm sure tree rat x comet singing would be very kino if they pick the right song

>> No.22473966

I get that, what I'm talking about is making that part of the announcement.

>> No.22473968
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>Kanatan gold tomorrow
Kanatan gold tomorrow
>Kanatan gold tomorrow
Kanatan gold tomorrow
>Kanatan gold tomorrow
Kanatan gold tomorrow
>Kanatan gold tomorrow
Kanatan gold tomorrow

>> No.22473993

Huh? What did Suzy say? It'd be kino to have these two in a song.

>> No.22474005

how true is this?

>> No.22474010

Thats startend anon

>> No.22474013

Check out Q&A=E not even at 200k yet.

>> No.22474040
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*blocks your path*

>> No.22474041

weibo-schizo here, I don't even have a weibo account, how the fuck would I falseflag, and I'm literally the only one posting the screencaps.

>> No.22474043

No, i am an actual Chinese woman posting on those sites

>> No.22474062


I wish Treerat & Suisei could sing this song together. Imagine the vod numbers https://youtu.be/40dJS_LC6S8

>> No.22474074

This might make fujos hate HoloEN even more. Will this be a good thing? You decide.

But I think there will be more spam on their streams.

>> No.22474101

Q&A=E is pretty underwhelming compared to vocal flexing song that is ALiCE&u and the K/DA/Kpop wannabe that is High Tide

>> No.22474118

the issue is Alice&u is way too left field and different, the Kpop High Tide is popular because it's kpop.

>> No.22474128
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> ESL accent singing EN
Asian voices should sing Asian lyrics.

>> No.22474143

Shitposting aside, I do think that the fujos are a profitable market.
Is there any way to cater to them and tap into that market without devolving into Luxiem 2.0?

>> No.22474147

That song was at like 150k views right before Holofes anon.

>> No.22474186

I think it's too difficult to broach now that Vox already has a foothold in it.

>> No.22474196

Being able to perform, handsome, and Korean.

>> No.22474215

It's probably trolls who hate all vtubers and try to cause trouble. If they got some haters' attention, then it just means they're becoming more popular and visible.

>> No.22474224

You probably only need another deep-as-abyss voiced dude with fujo bait design. The thing is, there's no way to retain these fujos without doing fujo bait stuff Luxiem already did.

>> No.22474231

> I do think that the fujos are a profitable market.

They have a lot of disposable money, so yeah.

> Is there any way to cater to them and tap into that market without devolving into Luxiem 2.0?

No, if you can't communicate with them. Learn Chinese and you don't have to be a manwhore.

>> No.22474233
File: 66 KB, 471x126, mouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found something to use for Ironmouse big streams

>> No.22474232

Vox is a celebrity in China nowadays. Not kidding here, but I was surprised Vox got featured in a news segment on CCTV.

>> No.22474235
File: 171 KB, 968x569, 96-100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veibae passed Iofi, Mythia and Melody and is now approaching Yuika. Mythia started widening the gap between her and Iofi again and passed Melody.

>> No.22474257

Seriously? I didn't think he was that big.

>> No.22474271

No it wasn't, lol.

It was just over 400k when Holofes hit but it had slowed to a crawl. The fact that it is now over 600k means that Holofes did give it a nice boost.

>> No.22474272

Is ID1 debuffing their numbers by splitting up their games in multiple streams? Plenty of people simply won't show up at the second stream after the first one ended.

>> No.22474274

>Learn Chinese and you don't have to be a manwhore.
there are in fact chinese vtubers who are successful without being Luxiem, but I don't know if Hololive wants a chinese vtuber anymore.

>> No.22474273

That's big if true, got any proff?

>> No.22474278

The Holo's manage to tardwrangle their unicorns and integrate them with their normal fans
What's stopping any males trying access the market from doing the same?

>> No.22474280

chinks didn't really spam Holo EN and I doubt fujos would care too much

>> No.22474282
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Vox passed Patra and Koyori, Koyori passed Patra, Toko reached 600k.

>> No.22474325 [DELETED] 

Otaku-Vs started gaining subscribers again and passed Pikamee, Chihiro and Yashiro.

>> No.22474326

Hololive will never hire a talent that is obviously Mainlander, taiwanese, or from Hong Kong ever again.

>> No.22474349

Anon....Q&A=E received a luke warm reaction compared to High Tide and Alice&U

Basically Suzy compliments Risu Suzy is not discounting her compliments too and asked Risu to teach her to sing like that

>> No.22474350

yeah, it's pretty much over for anyone from there. Then again, they might try going KR

>> No.22474351 [DELETED] 

AZKi passed Ars and Kenmochi.

>> No.22474354

How about SEA chinese?

>> No.22474360

>Vox passed Koyori
>Koyori has more than double his viewership
Dead Subs? DEAD SUBS!

>> No.22474386

... Isn't that Bae?

>> No.22474387
File: 65 KB, 540x1261, vsaikyou4 peaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to see how big of an audience Startend is adding when they stream and if it goes to other people when they're not.

Getting the peaks of the streams from the spreadsheet at the vspo/fps thread and vstats it looks like only a small of their audience stayed and went to either Hal or Astel's team.

>> No.22474391

Oh, the Celine Dion compliment? I saw that. Yeah, pretty awesome to hear that from the most commercially successful Holo singer.

>> No.22474412

>Hong Kong

>> No.22474414

>Riku statue
Dude is a narcissist

>> No.22474421

Actually a good comparison. You can't even say that its simply by volume either since Vox also streams every single fucking day. Dead subs indeed.

>> No.22474429

Honestly, not even trolling here but it will hurt them more. It's not good to cut out China for a more volatile EN market. They don't see it now, but Cover will regret it later with how the Chinese market is growing at a stable rate.
Anykara, despite their fuck-ups, is still able to have a good relationship with China. And their EN branch is growing. I don't think many are praising Anykara for being stable like that.

>> No.22474450
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AZKi passed Ars and Kenmochi.

>> No.22474459

what is Koyori's total stream hours vs Vox?

>> No.22474474

I don't think KR will be a hit, hate to say it as a spic, but the ES market would be the better option.

For the ID branch? As long as it's not obvious maybe and never speak a Chinese-like language, you should be fine.

>> No.22474476
File: 164 KB, 962x682, 83-88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku-Vs started gaining subscribers again and passed Pikamee, Chihiro and Yashiro.

>> No.22474506

What? Bae is just an Australian girl. 200% Australian.

>> No.22474507

>ES market would be the better option.
how many weebs do you estimate there are?

>> No.22474508

I am of the opinion that Vox's sub count is also being botted similar to his viewership. I would kill to have a total list of all channels subscribed to him and I bet a massive number of them would be account names that just consist of random number combinations. Botted subs aren't going to watch videos which would explain why his total views are so low relative to his sub count.

>> No.22474525

As long as you can sing well, female fans are going to follow you
Aim male fans for gaming audience
Luxiem top hitters can't sing and the others are alright

>> No.22474527

Holo audience

>> No.22474545

it's likely that or fujos just don't bother watching any non-fujobait videos.

>> No.22474575

> How many weebs do you estimate there are?

Mexico has a shit ton of Anime fans, you can look at the dragon ball super public viewing for proof.

The problem is that you have two groups of weebs. The cool old fucks and the cancer.

>> No.22474585

Wouldn't be surprised to see if he moves on to making NijiEN animation. HoloEN related fan work no longer brings in the views it once did.

He's also been liking Finana stuff on Twitter more than Gura

>> No.22474588

How can NijiEN males attract male fans though?
They are still lacking in that aspect before the total domination of YT.

>> No.22474605

Are you their manager?
Please figure that out yourself

>> No.22474606

Bae is smart enough to void out certain elements to bypass the audition filters.

>> No.22474615

Dudul, 2snack and even Kanauru are slowly switching I think.

>> No.22474626

>The problem is that you have two groups of weebs. The cool old fucks and the cancer.
yeah ES is a risky region, I feel like it's full of chances for YAB and could easily have a lot more controversies.

>> No.22474633

This has started to irk me. Holos have dozens of clips and no one has ever cared.

>> No.22474643

I mean if I was, they are still doing better than HoloEN with their walled garden stuff.
HoloEN doesn't play nice with others so HoloEN suffers.

>> No.22474645

>>22474575 me

Here is some videos. My uncle wanted to go, but his wife didn't let him

>> No.22474654

good attempt but bait needs to have a tinge of truth to work

>> No.22474657

This is more likely. Only show up for events and shit, don't care for his daily streams unless they have money to try and get him to read their SCs.

>> No.22474680


>> No.22474685

Live version is better than MV version. It's probably affects the growth

>> No.22474706

No I mean getting a SEA chinese to pander to the fujo market
From the names alone almost half of Luxiem's chat seems to be from SEA

>> No.22474709

If they are doing better, you won't ask me about how to attract male fans for them

>> No.22474716

I agree with the HAL gold tho.

>> No.22474721

Point me to these Dudul and 2snacks animations? The hell are you talking about?

>> No.22474734
File: 135 KB, 720x672, 73636252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if you're a fujo, would you rather watch a normal gaming stream ? Or this kind of stream ?

>> No.22474748

Post SEAysta and CHINKox

>> No.22474749

He made it up.

>> No.22474750

The hardest part is conditioning the ES audience not to be a dog shit. Any company that can do that will become top 2.

>> No.22474752

Isn't this the case for (true)idolfag in Hololive too?

>> No.22474781

Who the fuck does more than 50% of "idol content" in Holo

>> No.22474785

NIJISANJI KR and ID members are integrated into NIJISANJI today. The merger is now completed

>> No.22474810

Kinda, men and women have different levels of obsession.

>> No.22474819

Mika 3D let's go!

>> No.22474825

I seriously wonder if the song clips being uploaded are being taken down by Anykara or the fans are actually voluntarily not uploading at all (seems very unlikely that no fan would)

>> No.22474829

did anyone even know about it before she accidentally chingchonged on stream?

>> No.22474835

3D won't save her shitty model

>> No.22474838

Kanaeru has always been a Pikamee-fag. He plugs in his oshi everywhere.
The other two have no sources.

>> No.22474853

this one

>> No.22474852

well she's behind a lot of people but she's above 100k so she's going to get it one day

>> No.22474863

I think someone in # said that clips might reduce public interest in karaoke.
In typical fashion, someone in NijiEN saw it here and they followed what that anon said.

>> No.22474874

Nope, she has never said her race or ethnicity. Bae is just an Australian girl that likes dancing and holopro.

>> No.22474876

Kobo is an animator too? Damn, she's awesome.

>> No.22474877
File: 43 KB, 320x360, IMG_20220415_143539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least 20k sushi set for Akua.

>> No.22474878

Most of the clippers and fans just respect it and just upload outside of youtube on discords or on nyaa. It's very simple.

>> No.22474883

That's stupid

>> No.22474887

Well, she is the Moon of NijiID so she will blow everyone away with her dance moves and vocals. She is bringing NijiID out of irrelevancy.

>> No.22474899

those were also one of the reasons why nips really hesitant with the spic

>> No.22474916

Niji actually has such a well behaved fanbase of clippers? interesting.

>> No.22474923

NijiEN fans are awesome because they actually behave despite their high number, I'm very impressed.

>> No.22474930

>She is bringing NijiID out of irrelevancy.
NijiID is dead, she failed her mission.

>> No.22474936

She can't sing, anon. Most overseas branches doesn't except for a select few.

>> No.22474954

More like they've been sufficiently struck by Anycolor to the point that they won't do it if they're asked. There have been a few incidents where clippers were hit.

>> No.22474957

Holo is too powerful kek
My bad, it's like 1 AM. I'ma head to bed.

>> No.22474962

NijiID doesn't exist, and Mika isn't a great singer

>> No.22474983

That shit was hilarious. I think the Mexican government has to be involved in that mess

>> No.22474991

oh ok, so Anycolor does strike the clips, but Cover doesn't?

>> No.22475002

One gem out of many duds is not too powerful anon.
Besides, Mika already has her beat.

>> No.22475030

You are not even a Mika fan.

>> No.22475031

Why would Cover strike clips when it's free adverts? Cover needs all the help they can since Anykara is taking over the YT algo anyway.

>> No.22475041

how many gems do NijiID have then?

>> No.22475042

No he's not. Kanauru isn't a Holofag, Pikafag or Nijifag. He just use any chuubas who's the hot shit at the time to promote his shitty MMD meme videos. From Korone, to Miko, then he milk the shit out of Coco at the time of her graduation, got some fame from Tatsunocuck, and then aiming for HoloEN and NijiEN.

>> No.22475045

I think it's just because of how close the clippers are to the chubba. Apparently Selen has been paying her regular clippers to make YT shorts for her.

>> No.22475056

Anycolor scared clippers from uploading. Cover strikes some clips, but those are the drama, shit stirring ones

>> No.22475074

Read the chain anon. I know he meant Kanauru, I'm just teasing because he said Kanaeru. What Mika has to do with it?

>> No.22475088

When did Anykara ever strike clippers in the EN scene? I never have seen anything like this, even more with them doing translations and clipping in their channel from clippers since 2020

>> No.22475117

I'm confused then, the other anon said they did. Do Niji clippers all agree not to upload unarchived clips?

>> No.22475124

I don't know why Chinese fujos can't watch stream for long. Do they have ADHD? Game streams are interesting too. The interactions between boys in game streams are more organic and not fake like whatever pandering streams they do.
t. Indog fujo

>> No.22475126

They are just trying to scare Niji clippers anon. Haven't you seen the rise of Niji clips on YT? It seems like the algo is leaning towards Nijisanji these days it's almost scary.

>> No.22475134

Well, a lot of the clippers for NijiEN are on the channels for their respective vtubers. But idk, I think they just dont try to make it hard for them and upload in places where it's not as easy to see. Nijisanji fanbase in general is autistic like that with rules, even between the old fans.

>> No.22475159

>Haven't you seen the rise of Niji clips on YT
no i haven't

>> No.22475165

That's why I'm asking an example of this. I dont remember that ever happening.
As for the niji clippers, a lot of them are together in a discord and have a project called clipper corner so maybe they all agreed to not do it. I think they just try to respect the wishes of the vtubers.

>> No.22475172

it's funny how the japs are shitting on ranunculus nonstop, while welcoming in already confirmed failures in their region who are now aiming to get a share of jp's audience

>> No.22475182

It's weird that they're putting Riku here though... even if it's not from corporate and organized by the livers themselves, it feels weird for a celebration of the grouping of livers to put the CEO as the highlight...
Yagoo statue was pretty much Coco doing it solo, and even the earlier chibi statues were more them clowning around...
Is it just me that feels a bit weirded out by that?

>> No.22475193

Even new fans are strict with rules? Why?
Don't tell me they don't allow new members to sing VtL as well?

It's like they are imitating the gate keepers.

>> No.22475197

>The interactions between boys in game streams are more organic and not fake like whatever pandering streams they do.

They don't understand what they are saying. Male voices are more monotone than female voices, that's one reason why EOPs could watch Hololive

>> No.22475233

Haven't you seen the Twitter chain of "I love Nijisanji family" by NijiEN members?
Even NijiJP don't do that

>> No.22475263

nijiniggers and blatant lying, name a better duo

>> No.22475266


We should test it. Is anyone here willing to upload a clip of an unarchived karaoke and see if it gets striked [/strike]

>> No.22475270

The fujos realized the only way to get more of him is with the milestone celebrations and are botting their way to 1M yaoi dick reveal.

>> No.22475294

is aqua streaming today or will there be an actual competition for gold?

>> No.22475310

Funny enough, Ara Chae, the main culprit of the KR downfall, is not on that image

>> No.22475335

Will they force graduate them?

>> No.22475341

All of startend in the ranking because they won a game lol

>> No.22475363

Isn't Hana going to get it first?

>> No.22475369

Being hosted on the channel itself should be an even bigger explanation for why they don't upload unarchived clips then. Anykara doesn't have to do anything since the fans themselves would go after you if they notice any unarchived stuff leaking out

>> No.22475405

Yagoo meme is not only from holomen but also from fans with YAGOO dream as the beginning so it's much easier to accept Yagoo statue for fans
That's why it feels unnatural for me to see Riku statue because I don't see Riku meme from fans or maybe there is exist but I don't see it

>> No.22475415

One of the reasons Hana killed her growth is because she refused to get her 3D until the rest of her wave got 100k too. ZEA is still at 89k...

>> No.22475416

No, Zea is still at 89.1k subs.

>> No.22475422

That's scary to think about since HoloEN fans always welcome the sharing of wealth.

>> No.22475427

Not EN, but they did strike a JP clipper and then uploaded the same clip to their channel (one of the talents). It was in 2021.

>> No.22475430

NijiEN is cancer, which is already well known to everyone, but NijiJP is the one organizing this.
Idk just feels weird.

>> No.22475440

Had a look at Weibo, it seems to be a mix of respect for his wishes and misunderstanding about how copyrights work.
He said he cannot keep archive due to copyrights issues, his fans interpreted that to mean that even if someone else uploads it, it could get him in trouble, so they are mass reporting anyone who uploads to protect him.
Honestly I'm amazed by that sort of loyalty.

Plenty of people were uploading it, some clips apparently showed up before he was even done, and the full thing got uploaded in minutes. And then the fans mass report it.

>> No.22475449

>Moon of NijiID
>Can't sing
the only one who can be the Moon of ID is Zea

>> No.22475469

yeah, that's what I suspected actually, the fans work really fast.

>> No.22475476

Well, her last stream is three months ago...

>> No.22475489

ahhh lmao
it's honestly gonna be hilarious if Mika - being the numberfag that she is - gets her 3D before Hana just because of her stubbornness.
Would that alienate her from the rest of NijiID?
Or would it not matter for her since she's already pseudo-EN?

>> No.22475493

Idk anon it might just "feel weird" because you don't watch them.

>> No.22475501

>his fans interpreted that to mean that even if someone else uploads it, it could get him in trouble

I mean, they aren't 100% wrong. Cover did strike down Holosings for something like that.

>> No.22475506

I think it would better for them to build Nijisanji logo rather than Riku statue

>> No.22475531

No dear god. They just respect the rules.
As I already said many times, it's a meme in the nijisanji community for old fans and now new fans. I dont know why you guys still fight over it when it has been a thing since 2019 with him and Iwanaga having this kind of thing. NijiEN didn't begin this, it just made it more obvious to the west.

>> No.22475551

Ah, the Lauren Iroas special.

>> No.22475560

Dude it's not that hard. You just need to go to nyaa or ask on dms on discord. The point is just to not upload on youtube. Idk why this entire discussion over it kek

>> No.22475564
File: 171 KB, 1080x1234, rafhdsv~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know raindrops?...

>> No.22475581

Don't compare Lauren with that piece of shit. Arae is literal garbage.

>> No.22475599

yeah I think the discussion shouldn't be why they aren't uploading but why Anycolour doesn't want song clips, it's free publicity isn't it? There's tons of fans who only got into Hololive from Gura's unarchived clips.

>> No.22475602

How is he, even?

>> No.22475601

Can you give me an example of Riku meme?

>> No.22475616

Mito did an entire game with an entire mode about Riku just a few months ago. Idk why you guys act like JP dont make those jokes. They just make them on their own stream instead of making it obvious on twitter.

>> No.22475631

We have been joking about 1M dick reveal celebration for so long. I'm gonna be disappointed if it isn't a dick reveal.

>> No.22475646

Calm down nijibro, I didn't mean it like that. Just making reference to the yab-to-break pipeline.

>> No.22475657

I don't get why Riku has never blown up outside of JP since he is a loveable dork.

>> No.22475659

>Would that alienate her from the rest of NijiID?
If they alienate her just because she has the drive to actually grow her channel, then they truly deserve all the shit that happened to them.

>> No.22475680

I just feel like Riku doesn't publicise as much as Yagoo does, Yagoo appears in streams occasionally and sometimes in chat so he does watch streams.

>> No.22475685

I just realized that Hololive has Sora and Nijisanji has Riku.
Maybe to be the third biggest vtuber company, they need somebody with Kairi as her name

>> No.22475702

ES is large but broke.

The ones that have the $$$ to sub and already speak english (just look at those MXN supas).

The real problem is that they're very toxic and the talents would need to have a very strong mental.

Wactor has proven there is at least some market, and Reimu's ES streams perform ok.

I think the real problem is solving these two things:

Timezone: outside of Spain, ES is largely Latin America which has a complicated timezone, the times the talents would need to be awake to streameans they'd have to be based on the continent.

Operations: unless they hire only people in Japan or America that can speak Spanish (like Hina or Reimu), they'd have to set up operations in Latam with has an increased cost.

The only way I see they could realistically try it is to do what other corpos do and get Spanish speakers in Japan/US and release them to the market. Setting up Latam operations is too expensive and risky.

That or poach Hina and Reimu from Wactor and Niji and get a couple more to kickstart the branch. The only issue is that, idk about Reimu, but Hina seems to like being in Wactor.

>> No.22475703

You don't need to do that because Mika is already doing this by herself when she hangs out much more with EN than with ID for months, to the point the entire ID is doing collabs and Mika is doing streams with Mysta. She also gets plenty of hate and criticism for that, similar to how Mysta gets the same in relation to EN.

>> No.22475708

To be fair, I do think Cover would want to take those down too but the sheer amount of clips and clippers would make that difficult. It's simply the price of being popular.

>> No.22475736

Riku has his own merchandise so I don't think Riku doesn't publicize enough
It's probably because Riku meme is local while Yagoo meme is more global

>> No.22475760

It's because Nijisanji didn't explode in the west so outside of the like 10k fans that speak english and are active about their branches, you wouldn't know about that. If they exploded, you would be now talking about Riku instead of Yagoo.

>> No.22475768
File: 511 KB, 1080x547, Screenshot_20220415-043320_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun side note, Polka is approaching her 10th million view video making her an outlier in her gen even though she's the terminal lowview member of gen 5. Also looking around, apparently those Watame shorts she's been uploading in the last two months have been doing very well and she has 17 vods over 1 million.

>> No.22475782

>the entire ID is doing collabs and Mika is doing streams with Mysta
Huh, I don't remember this. When did it happen?

>> No.22475829

It's almost like Niji in't as big globally than it is locally...

>> No.22475862

So is Riku bigger than Yagoo outside of Japan now that Nijisanji has more foreign fans than Hololive?

>> No.22475874


>> No.22475879

>The ones that have the $$$ to sub and already speak english

You can say the same thing about Indonesia.

>Timezone: outside of Spain, ES is largely Latin America which has a complicated timezone

It's basically USA time.

>Operations: unless they hire only people in Japan or America that can speak Spanish

That would be the smart thing to do, but you need local talent for you to grow.

I feel weird defending the idea of an ES branch because I don't want it.

>> No.22475900

Bigger than Yagoo? No. More known now with NijiEN? For sure.
I'll have to take a look at it but I remember this happened. It wasn't all Niji ID but almost all of them doing a duck among us game while Mika wasn't in there.

>> No.22475906

AAAAAAAAAAA Reddit Spacing is hurting my eyes...

>> No.22475912
File: 14 KB, 308x458, images.jpeg-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to spot a newfag who only got into Vtubers because of HoloEN/VShojo
Riku also has his "Vtuber debut"

>> No.22475921

what was the outcome of this? I doubt the people care

>> No.22475929

>I think kpop fujos also go rabid if anyone dares to upload pirated bootlegs on YT
They're just like globalfags and their irrational hatred of clippers

>> No.22475941
File: 6 KB, 416x84, 1649429652064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he right?

>> No.22475943

I don't think NijiEN fans know anything about Riku too

>> No.22475985

Don't know the behind the scenes details, but they played episode 130-131 on the big ass tvs

See >>22474645 for example

>> No.22476004
File: 497 KB, 515x1117, 6586A024-E927-4BAC-AC18-63281A02BCCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good numbers for ID.

>> No.22476007

100% right, this place is like mental asylum

>> No.22476009

>can you give an example
>no newfag
typical nijinigger

>> No.22476022

They know from whatever they were feed from NijiEN. Most NijiEN fans don't even know who Iwanaga is. Only oldies pre-2021 or people who researched know about that kind of stuff.

>> No.22476033

Was it the 10-man Valorant collab where Mika was doing her 100k celebration stream?

>> No.22476034

They been here for year dude

>> No.22476058

I literally gave an example faggot

>> No.22476063

… no?

>> No.22476081

This is the true reason. Latin-american countries are way too used to piracy and bootlegs to get their anime. Of course vtubers are different BUT no serious corpo will seek to grow the market if they know they'll have a hard time expanding it to, say, crunchyroll or manga sales.

In ID they just partnered with a manga publisher, in EN they got bookwalker. What would they shill in the ES countries?

It's a very hard sell and I don't think it'll happen anytime soon unless the latino culture changes and their ecomomy thrives enough to warrant a second look.

>> No.22476096

Nijifags trying really hard to make these threads garbage today. You'd think they'd be used to silver medals by now.

>> No.22476105

Lol that bottom one was just the fucking intro for the whole 30 mins.

>> No.22476121

You just need to condition the audience to support you. No need to change the culture, just create your own little niche.

>> No.22476135

No but this is also another good example. Mika barely hangs out with ID anymore. It really feels like she had more collabs with EN than ID. Honestly, similar to Bora with KR but at least with Bora we knew she was doing everything to help the others behind the scenes among other stuff. The impression I always get from Mika is that she don't care much about the others. Except Bobon and Siska.
And as overseas branches from nijisanji are much more "family" than JP, this aspect makes her look bad for some fans.

>> No.22476142
File: 1.03 MB, 828x1355, 6AD8404D-A369-46A3-9D29-DD4F9E8B0ACB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s with Gwelu numbers? I don’t remember him being this low in the past, even the “Gwelu Line” was in the 200+ in the first days.

>> No.22476175

If it weren’t for this shithole I’d barely realize Nijisanji existed. Honestly aside from a few names I still could pick 95% of them out of a lineup. My first impression was always 2nd rate knock off Hololive which is humorous in retrospect

>> No.22476208

Yagoo meme grew naturally. This feels like "Holo has this? We'll make one too" which is both weird and accepting they're following the industry leaders.

>> No.22476245

Anon.. Riku has this shit since 2019. He didn't make a youtube channel and had a 3D debut for a coincidence..

>> No.22476258

Are you a faggot? Riku meme also grew naturally and was a thing even before Yagoo.

It's more well known "now" and has expanded because of Coco's Meme review.

>> No.22476268 [DELETED] 

I'm mostly a HoloID viewer so do correct me for mistakes but it feels like she even hangs out with holoID more than she is with NijiID. Just these past few weeks there were Bobon & Mika with Ollie, Risu, and Zen and Mika with Risu for It Takes Two.
(not accusing her as a leech or anything but she's not being alienate by other ID Nijis for real, right?)

>> No.22476280

Interesting glimpse at a bit of a 2view's internal Youtube analytics. I think she also posted a few others before if you want to scroll through her timeline. https://twitter.com/sou_nanamiya12/status/1514890379908161539

>> No.22476303

The cope and deflections know no bounds in this thread lmfao

>> No.22476304

>nijimales actually getting mogged by uproar


>> No.22476309

Hana killed the ID branch by trying to be a good team mate?

The road to hell truly is paved with good intentions.

>> No.22476331

That's a thing? Amazing. Half of the views were from recs

>> No.22476334

can you fags give a link to it? i tried searching it (fuck you for fucking my recomendations up by the way) but can't find anything. what did he name it.

>> No.22476344

the issue is her a lot of her genmates were never going to get to 100k

>> No.22476369
File: 141 KB, 1440x1212, 17747917690783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking mad, Spics market won't give them enough cash. Meanwhile in Kobo's stream

>> No.22476372

Look, it's a JP side thing first, so understandably if you came into vtubing as a fan after 2020, it LOOKS like it's a ripoff, but it's not. It's just....never really caught on in the west when Yagoo did.

>> No.22476390

Not sure if you're still interested but the Fortnite VOD has in fact surpassed Gura's lowest public VOD to date (her second Super Metroid one at 229K). It might still yet turn out to be one of her worst going forward, but not the absolute worst at any rate.

>> No.22476416

Why do you like numbers so much?

>> No.22476419

Well, Nijisanji never really caught on in the west when Hololive did so it's very understandable
At least Nijisanji has NijiEN now

>> No.22476429

we are autistic schizos

>> No.22476437

I'm waiting for the Romeo and Juliet arc

>> No.22476442

I love math

>> No.22476444

>she's not being alienate by other ID Nijis
The IDs are one of the most autistic branches about the "family" vibe. Back in Lazulight days, Elira basically cited them as her inspiration for making EN the way it is. Mika is doing this to herself and Mysta is following in her footsteps.

>> No.22476448

you know what they said about the right person in the wrong time, hana is a good example of that

>> No.22476451

Apparently. I was really surprised to see that only like 15% were from the subscription feed, but makes sense considering how the subscription feed works given how cluttered and garbage it becomes if you follow multiple chuubas, whereas the front page of Youtube is probably counted as a recommendation.

>> No.22476457

She’s another Vsen, correct? The one who speaks English and somehow has a Frozen cover

>> No.22476468

Suffering from success

>> No.22476474

Nope, you missed. I don't want an ES branch. I have spent my pesos on merch for Moona and Anya.

>> No.22476495

>Spics give money to rain child because you never know
They've always been a supersticious bunch.

>> No.22476523

>It's a premier
I'm guessing that's the reason why?

>> No.22476543

Yea. She's the reincarnation of one of the OG vtubers who got fucked by being under a black company. JASRAC has licenses for most Disney songs, as domestic works no less, because there's a localized version with Japanese lyrics, so people who don't deal with them because of permissions are just retarded.

>> No.22476550
File: 265 KB, 1080x1659, Screenshot_20220415-171247_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiJP status?
Is Shion NijiEN killer?

>> No.22476562

? they're not spics anon, that's Korean Won

>> No.22476563

Anon.. Taka already is over 100k and Zea is going to reach it this year. But yeah I guess if we think in 2020, it took two years for that so she would need to wait this time.
You won't ever find it, it's now members only in the main channel
but if you want something, I found out this. About 30k at least in some point were watching it

>> No.22476580

>She's the reincarnation of one of the OG

What? That's sad to hear

>> No.22476592

Yeah I meant in 2020, this is 2 years later, it's far too late now obviously, NijiID is dead.

>> No.22476605

Is this the mahjong riku vs livers one or different?

>> No.22476606

>She's the reincarnation of one of the OG vtubers who got fucked by being under a black company

>> No.22476610


>> No.22476615

correct. this isn't talked much in here but unlike jp, the overseas branches are very much about in the family or group of friends aspect. They are a lot smaller so ofc that's much easier to build than JP which expanded much faster than overseas ever did.

>> No.22476618

Same. I had been following a couple Nijis already that I didn't know were Nijis (alice mononobe was one of them).

>> No.22476628

Aha ti's it with the walled guardian schizo that compels him to type all that insane shit

>> No.22476646

this one is for his 3D debut. That stream is now only available as member content for the nijisanji main channel

>> No.22476659

EN Branch btw

>> No.22476660
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Probably why she's super number aware even now.

>> No.22476682

ok so he didn't make a channel but had a (i assume as a joke) 3D debut on the main channel. decent numbers for 2020. bit weird they paywalld the vod.
thanks for the info anon

>> No.22476695

> for a more volatile EN market
Ando China isn't
Like the ccp itself tries yo put You down for Say something problematic like Taiwan si a country

>> No.22476702

HoloKR makes more sense than HoloES

>> No.22476731

here's a clip where elira talks about Niji ID, how she liked to see impromptu collabs or hanging out in discord:
she explains it in here, and that was early lazulight, so no wonder it became a thing over time for many of them

>> No.22476779

No he does have a channel but his "3D debut" was on the main channel
this is his channel
it's not used since 2020 though

>> No.22476800

yeah, I doubt the government would actually enforced anything to stop it

>> No.22476870

I'll freely admit I'm a pure holofag, but the strength of memes is how fast they can spread among people who don't know anything about it.
There are other CEOs that have this type of thing, like GabeN or Elon.

> gabe photoshopped onto jesus
> steam discounts pic
^ there, you have the basic core of the Gabe meme, very easy to digest and spread.

> Any of Elon's weird tweets
> "omg so relatable"
^ That's the core of Elon's "meme"ness. A bit less powerful, but still influential among normalfags.

> Yagoo : "AKB48 mitai"
> Coco : oioioioi
> holo_idols_doing_something_weird.jpg
> sad_yagoo.jpg
^ that's the core of the Yagoo meme.

As in all things, there are sublevels to each meme (GabeN's "worth your weight", saviorfag Yagoo etc.) but the core meme is how you introduce newfags into the medium.

I've been on the outskirts of Nijisanji for the past year, watched some of their content but never got interested in it (both JP and EN), and to this day I have no idea of the "core" of this "Riku meme" other than a couple of somewhat amusing photographs with zero context (and the ACCELERATE meme from /here/).

>> No.22476872

And the 1st of many, this will shut haters up.

>> No.22476895

Well, Riku has his fat face as pfp

>> No.22476934

Look at Zeta. She got more than Kobo.

>> No.22476959

kek where's this from?

>> No.22477029

Do we have numbers for their donations? Or how do we track the Indonesia market considering superchats aren't enabled there?

>> No.22477034

>En branch
>Gets a fucking JAPANESE collab
Come on Riku, why are you cannibalizing your own JP audience like this?

>> No.22477058

>In ID they just partnered with a manga publisher, in EN they got bookwalker. What would they shill in the ES countries?
The thing is, if they want to continue growing, they have to find a way to convert pirates into buyers. It's not as if the SEA crowd (or any other region even) isn't above piracy either. Sometimes, you just have to be the first to take the step.

>It's a very hard sell and I don't think it'll happen anytime soon unless the latino culture changes and their economy thrives enough to warrant a second look
Latin America has the particular problem of being very fragmented politically and economically even in spite of sharing a common language across the vast majority of the nations. Their biggest problem is that their local geopolitics are so volatile that some of their richest, most prosperous nations degrade to shit holes because they like to try their failed experimental economics instead of sticking to tried-and-true political and economic models of the successful nations (that have taken decades or centuries to get them to where they are), which leads often to major powers cracking down on them and further compounding on the problems locally. The only ES nations that are more or less stable at the moment are basically directly tied to the EU (Spain) and the US (Mexico, Puerto Rico) and one or two stragglers that have no beef with no one, which aren't numbers to scoff at (200+ million).

>> No.22477088

>no one from HoloJP will be streaming until 9pm JST except roboco
Alright, what sort of nonsense is afoot now? GIMME YER BEST RRATS!

>> No.22477092
File: 134 KB, 741x845, pug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many of these fags are actually gonna buy it...

>> No.22477093

yeah, searching "riku meme" on google doesn't get you anything, while searching "yagoo meme" gets you tons of stuff, that shows you the stark difference between them.

>> No.22477114

we can't track streamlabs/socialbuzz, only SC so we don't know how much indo donations they get. We only know Zeta gets a lot more SCs than Kobo.

>> No.22477115

>The thing is, if they want to continue growing, they have to find a way to convert pirates into buyers.
They're attempting something with stuff like Muse Asia simulcasting a lot of airing anime to SEA countries (for the adrev).

>> No.22477127

Luxiem collab in Japan

>> No.22477134

To answer why it feels weird it's because despite Riku being around for a while it never really caught on. Another factor is that Riku honestly doesn't have as much charm as when Yagoo does it. It's hard to describe but if you put pictures of Riku and Yagoo next to each other and you told me who looks like a nicer boss than I would go with Yagoo.

>> No.22477140

>implying it's a bad thing
It means they get the same opportunities like their JP counterparts unlike in hololive where underperformers like holo gen 5 get more sponsorships than Myth just because they're JP.

>> No.22477149

This is retarded on so many levels.

>> No.22477154

Yeah I'm not going to explain this riku thing again when I just did...

>> No.22477164

I still don't know why that spic thinks ES would be more successful than KR though. ES is literally dogshit, look at their gdp

>> No.22477180

how so? they have a big fanbase in there

>> No.22477188

Is it in China?

>> No.22477201

Luca's yumejo and OLs should suffice

>> No.22477245

Honestly, if you asked a casual niji fan who the CEO of Nijisanji is, I doubt they would know. Meanwhile the vast majority of Holofans know who Yagoo is.

>> No.22477299

Where's starsend pov bros?
At this rate Hal might get gold again...

>> No.22477336

Holo have 12 golds
Doesn't matter at this point

>> No.22477337

Luxiem is their most successful group since 2019 I understand making the most out of them even if they're gaijins

>> No.22477342

Yeah, I don't understand why this is suppose to be a bad thing either. A sponsorship is a sponsorship and even if it is JPcentric, it can't be denied that JP is still Nijisanji's main demo (closely followed by chink fujos but I digress). At this point, I'm pretty sure that most of NijiEn, specifically the guys, view their main demo as the JP/SEA/CN audience hence the almost laser focus on JP and SEA primetime. The girls are still trying to do it in the NA slot but that's more because they know that their demo is completely different from the boys unless they pull a Nina and just resign themselves as an accessory for Luxiem and Noctyx to a lesser extent.

>> No.22477348

I think it's also partly because most of the Riku memes are in NijiJP, like this one : https://youtu.be/bo2Pf-efN_w

Where he does 6 "outfit reveals" after his "VTuber debut".
It's... something...

Also almost all Yagoo memes started from the community, all he did was play into them.
> Subaru misspells his name --> Changes his Twitter name to Yagoo.
> Haachama creating chibi Yagoo statues to blow up.
> Botan, Polka asking permissions to create his likeness on streams.
> many other holos talking about meeting him at the studio on streams, and sending collab requests to him.

The only exception is the "sad yagoo" meme, which he originally posted as a reference to "sad Keanu" but got memed to hell and back as part of the "core" Yagoo meme.

>> No.22477349

There's no such thing as casual niji fan with how niche it is in the west. If you are a niji fan you already know that and came prior to EN or you know Riku from NijiEN.

>> No.22477350

A JP fan might know but a primarily NijiEN one most likely wouldn't know Riku is at all.

>> No.22477375

Hal can have gold desu if Startend doesn't feel like doing their POV.

>> No.22477406

Probably invited to go watch some movie like usual

>> No.22477411

It's free money for Anycolor but I think the other anon is talking about it being retarded from a sponsor perspective.
I don't think Luxiem has that many fans within Japan, so it's just a bit weird. You can also see the replies to that tweet, there's like 2-3 JPs and then 10-20 ENfags spamming "POOOOOG".
Who's gonna buy the sponsored product?
unless this is something Anycolor paid for in order to spread Luxiem in Japan...

>> No.22477438

>There's no such thing as casual niji fan with how niche it is in the west.
There is though, I was literally a casual Niji fan until a few months ago, I used to just watch Pomu/Elira and Selen, had no clue who the CEO was.

>> No.22477445

Anon... anyone that watches NijiEN knows him at the very least from what the members talk about. I can link you a few clips:

>> No.22477474

Then you missed a lot of streams because they talked about Tazumi more than 10 times

>> No.22477510

Suha's redebut as a member of Niji's main branch is having 1k+ viewers. Not really an indicator of how well the KR livers will do after the merger but a good sign.

>> No.22477515

>I don't think Luxiem has that many fans within Japan, so it's just a bit weird
Anycolor can see their viewer analytics anon

>> No.22477527

Yeah it's kinda like Council having a JP exclusive sponsorship in this case. At least with say Myth it's somewhat understandable because Japan really likes Gura and Mori but I don't think I hear much buzz about Luxiem in JP, I mostly hear about their Chinese and South East Asian fans.

>> No.22477528

Trust me, NijiEn fans know who Riku is but they guy himself is just not meme material. Like that one anon said, Yagoo does have more charisma just because of the vibe he gives off. It's weird but the guy just gives off that chill old married uncle vibe that you see during family reunions. Even the CN community, pre-taiwan yab had a real soft spot for the guy and meme'd him to hell and back. The ES and KR community at least from Google translating some random comments also seem to have that same impression of him. I wouldn't even be surprised if the RU community is the same too. The guy is pretty much the Gaben of chuubas at this point.

>> No.22477533

It looks like the cafe specializes in collabs so I won't be surprised if the do collabs for a fee. Niji seems to have several previous collabs with them before.

>> No.22477539
File: 470 KB, 594x397, tazumi3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something some EN fans did in Petra's member stream for him in his birthday

>> No.22477561

Admittedly I only watched 2-3 streams a week, but I'd still call myself a casual fan.

>> No.22477562

Here's merch

>> No.22477564

Is that calli?

>> No.22477582

Kobo got way more than Zeta from Sociabuzz. Kobo 1589 donations and Zeta 432 donations. No way to know the amount though.

>> No.22477597

How's azki median looks like this month /#/ bros?

>> No.22477599

I still feel like a casual NijiEN watcher would still have a good chance of not really knowing him.

>> No.22477603

anon it literally says mito in there

>> No.22477613

Well for this collab they're sharing with some of the NijiJP members.
It seems like an attempt to also shill Luxiem while the JP people are going for the NijiJP side.

>> No.22477648

yeah that's a ton more, but it doesn't mean much if Zeta has whales donating, and Kobo has brokefags donating very little.

>> No.22477681

More than gura I believe, but she only streamed twice (?) so far

>> No.22477707

ahhh, that makes a lot more sense.
I'm guessing this is an attempt to build a sponsor feedback loop. Minor JP sponsorship with Luxiem included --> Spread the word of Luxiem to JP --> Luxiem gets more JP fans to balance out the fujos --> Luxiem gets big JP sponsorship.

>> No.22477846

what was the last time Aqua streamed and didn't get gold?

>> No.22477873

March 30.

>> No.22477883

Don't see them getting big JP sponsorships when their primary big numbers content is coomerbait.

>> No.22477889

I think the algo just became much looser lately, it's reccomending me nonsense like Advance Wars 2 S-rank strategy videos

>> No.22477921

That's what I said. I'm getting a much...wider range of videos. Nothing completey out there fory personal tastes, but much broader in scope than a few months ago.

>> No.22477925

ID hologra seem to be in the works, who knows they might even get the studio since like Japan it's just one relatively small country and Jakarta is massive like Tokio so there shouldn't be much controversy about it's location.

>> No.22477927

The cursed manwhore gold day

>> No.22477954

>Luxiem gets more JP fans to balance out the fujos
Won't they actually took some of Kuzuha's fujos?

>> No.22477975


>> No.22477991
File: 315 KB, 410x513, pardun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Petra
> Pomu
small miss
> Millie
angry CEO? it just puts more salt into the rrat that Millie wouldn't have gotten in without Enna
> twitter interaction
> gartic

Y'know, I think I kinda get it. Riku is waaay too much of an "in-joke" compared to Yagoo. Newfags get into hololive, see some Yagoo memes, and pretty much instantly they "get" the joke and are part of the group so to speak (disadvantage of this is that newfags spam holomemes into the ground fairly quickly).

If you were watching these Riku clips as a first time viewer, what you would take away is that "oh Tazumi Riku is the CEO of Anycolor".
And then when you see the JP branch building a statue of him to celebrate the joining of servers, your reaction is just plain confusion.

>> No.22478001

Possibly, probably. They have to come from somewhere unless they think having them in these collabs will introduce new people to Nijisanji on the whole.

>> No.22478011

Kuzuha don't have that much fujos. His floor is 20-30k for every bullshit he play.

>> No.22478024


>> No.22478028

The sponsor's business model literally runs on making collabs with other IPs. It's the same for any other cafe/shop related collabs nijis had done in the past. It's just an attempt on making free money, a win-win situation from both sides. I doubt Luxiem themselves are making any money from this though since it's all on their JP side.

>> No.22478060

Cool bait thread

>> No.22478070

Wait, are they really going to do redebuts for all of them? What would happen to all of their ID/KR related channels and projects?

>> No.22478099

No startend stream

>> No.22478101

No Startend POVs

>> No.22478103

No Startend streams

>> No.22478119

mf so it's either Hal or Kuzuha again today huh

>> No.22478123

Thanks. I don't use much effort to be fair

>> No.22478143
File: 158 KB, 325x303, frtrer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ez gold

>> No.22478147

Not streaming the last scrim but will stream the preparty apex while overlapping kanatas retrun stream hmmm

>> No.22478176
File: 1.04 MB, 1632x667, ygjy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like 4 ENs at this time, what the fuck. Those overlaps hurts.

>> No.22478179

Is there a reason why they sometimes do and sometimes don't stream? It seems so arbitrary.

>> No.22478188

Just pray we have a good clean race with no shitposting about who won...

>> No.22478211

Just count the total ccv.

>> No.22478216

>mysta randomly loses 1k ccv
Kek thse fucking viewfarms are in every nijien stream huh

>> No.22478219

aqua breaks down from pressure and doesn't want to stream again, it's not arbitrary.

>> No.22478254
File: 609 KB, 643x641, fdgre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finana is objectively the better girl than Rosemi because she doesn't celebrate 50k milestones like a retard

>> No.22478256

Speaking of Beat Saber, I remember Gura mentioned a few times about it with Osu but there is complicated song perms behind it, wonder how NijiEN solve the problem.

>> No.22478266

Redebuting goes by the talent's discretion, it seems like. Some are doing redebut now, a bunch of ex-ID/KR organized a redebut relay on the 24th

>> No.22478281

Anons most of their fanbase are males...
Unlike JP where like 30% to 20% of most males are female viewers, in Luxiem at least, 70% to 80% of their base are female

>> No.22478283

Stress, potential lag, niggers from /vt/ shitting up the chatroom like yesterday or the day before etc etc...

>> No.22478285

Kinda disappointing as usual. Two HoloENs can get better numbers out of a split POV.

>> No.22478297

Kson interview with tax consultant

>> No.22478309

They wouldn't be NijiCN if they didn't make poor choices.

>> No.22478314

Petra and Elira from what I remember also only celebrate whenever they reach 100k milestones

>> No.22478319
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 1650018605950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tax consultant will talk about Vtuber profits with kson on the 17th.

>> No.22478320

Mysta operates on act first, forgive later.

>> No.22478329



>> No.22478339

uoooooooo numbers

>> No.22478338

Maybe because of VPN? And how many NijiEN lives in the timezone where streaming for CN timezone is easy? Vox and Mysta are from UK so it's easy for them, what about other NijiEN?

>> No.22478351

Numberfags here will like this stream

>> No.22478353

studio for Holo EN doesn't seem to make much sense honestly, they are way too all over the place to use it on a regular basis not to mention some will feel discriminated by it's location.

>> No.22478355

Elira is also doing her first unarchived karaoke. Any predictions?

>> No.22478379

>niggers from /vt/ shitting up the chatroom
They really do that?

>> No.22478383

>Most of their fanbase are male
Dumbest bitch in this thread.

>> No.22478386

Probably has same numbers as Pomu? Isn't she better than Pomu?

>> No.22478387

For the last time, niji operates on get fucked yolo perms. If you don't blatantly say they can't they take it as "we can". This is normal, except they report hololive if they do the same

>> No.22478388

It's literally what I said, Kuzuha doesn't has much fujos like some people thought. He still got like 20k ccvs for playing fucking FIFA or League. Not like Luxiem with their midget numbers for gaming stream.

>> No.22478400

Raindrops concert is today right? Why haven't I seen any discussions of it or is it tomorrow along with KAF?

>> No.22478412

>look at their gdp
Irrelevant. For these purposes, more important is to know the median income and the cost of living.

>> No.22478413

meanwhile anya still stuck at 600k
she deserves better

>> No.22478422

Don't know for Beat Saber but Osu is unstreamble by anyone really, this game is a nightmare for copyright. I remember Ame tried 1 stream of it near debut but she couldn't even keep the VOD up, and no hiding behind membership either

>> No.22478425

at least 11k right?

>> No.22478433
File: 233 KB, 720x405, nijidemographics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do some math, retard

>> No.22478441

Today and tomorrow

>> No.22478468


>> No.22478483

Ok, bitch

>> No.22478502

It's going to surpass 10k easily. Her last karaoke was 5k and it was just japanese songs.
The ones online right now are Luca and Sonny who are in Australia and Ike and Mysta who are europeans. Luca is streaming since 2 hours ago though, he usually begins 6 hours before

>> No.22478506

yesterday someone asked whether AZKi is seiso or not, here's your answer

>> No.22478523

It's funny that everyone thinks AZKi is seiso

>> No.22478588

My wife is fucking beautiful and seiso. You can't change my mind

>> No.22478599

to be fair, she is rather "tame" compared to a lot of the other girls and her voice does a good job masking her yab factor

>> No.22478630

> mysta bait thread with 200+ replies
he made it huh

>> No.22478632

kys namefag

>> No.22478684

for an original, Korone's song is doing really well

>> No.22478691

Sorry I don't know how to do it, can you please demonstrate ???

>> No.22478726

The “kys” part or removing that from your name field? It’s a common mistake, to use an one off funny name is some other thread and forgetting it

>> No.22478732

Lazulight has been here for months how is this her first unarchived karaoke?

>> No.22478738

So.. what do you think he will get? 10k, maybe even 20k? Or is that way to high for his weak frame to handle?

>> No.22478766
File: 1.02 MB, 828x1486, 29D73F90-5BCB-415F-9B5E-26F131B0E258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, Roboco what now? What’s with the incline, game is a buff for her
>not clicking it to “watch” streams

>> No.22478770

He seems to be pretty bad in the PR department. I wonder if he will just implode if drama makes a mainstay in his life.

>> No.22478788

The kys part. I forgot about the name but it isn't matter anyway

>> No.22478806

No Aqua pov today?

>> No.22478826

But thanks for reminding me about it

>> No.22478829


>> No.22478847

Hal gold
>Hal gold
Hal gold
>Hal gold
Hal gold
>Hal gold

>> No.22478882

Rikka Gold

>> No.22478885

pfft you surely meant King gold

>> No.22478895

nijigod status?
