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21535849 No.21535849 [Reply] [Original]

Is Mori Calliope (of Hololive English Generation 1 HoloMyth) guilty of "cultural appropriation"?

>> No.21535873


>> No.21535952

guilty of being a cringelord <span class="xae" data-xae="frown">☹️</span>

>> No.21535964

what the fuck is cultural appropriation

>> No.21535968

Working for an Asian company is cultural appropriation.

>> No.21535970

The only based thing Mori has done

>> No.21536001

Is cultural appropriation a thing? Isn't that just a way to rage over someone who take a liking to other race or people culture without being called a racist?

>> No.21536073

<img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/a9f848d3_SeetheWojak.png">
>Can we all agree that this is cultural appropriation?

>> No.21536099

shitskin taking a japanese name wants to talk about cultural appropriation? appropriate deez nuts boy

>> No.21536115

Cultural appropriation stopped being a thing back in 2020 (pre covid) when SJW's discovered white people can, infact, be born and raised in non-european/american countries. Idk what this has to do with Mori though

>> No.21536122

whatcha doin there rabbi?

>> No.21536146

The better question is why are people here pretending they care.

>> No.21536171

i can't even understand what this could possibly be referring to here

>> No.21536186

>this guy a gangsta? his real name's calvin

>> No.21536187


>> No.21536203

I don't know if its "cultural apropriation", but Mori's wigger act is definetly very cringe

>> No.21536206

okay mori is based for once<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/9ecd704b_PepoThink.png">

>> No.21536262

The only thing I agree with in this cultural appropriation thing is rap. It's something made by niggers for niggers involving nigger speech and white ppl shamelessl copy it to look cool

>> No.21536269

There's no such thing as cultural appropriation.

>> No.21536402

Kinda like blues, jazz, rock, ect
We have a long history of copying them to look cool.

>> No.21536453

Which culture, though?<span class="xae" data-xae="think">🤔</span>

>> No.21536487

Anyone who upsets Twitter gets a based pass for the day. Even Mori. I will hate her again in 24 hours.

>> No.21536505

Culture? <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/57b01648_nepSmug.png">

>> No.21536537

Wtf I like Mori now

>> No.21536541

It’s when some twitternigger has to find a reason to be upset about nothing.

>> No.21536600

<img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="25" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/25086889_FeelsSpecialMan.png">

>> No.21536649

she should put on the kimono and act all japanese just to give them the middle finger

>> No.21536662

Sure... Anything to make her graduate or even better terminate.

>> No.21536729
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>Twitter screenshot post
Keep up the shit threads OP!

>> No.21536977

She appropriates Ogre culture by looking like Shrek with her three chins

>> No.21537125

Set up a codeword to use in global in 24 hours, so we know the ticket has expired

>> No.21537142

>says akemi hatsu
>not a fucking japanese

>> No.21537158

The only think anyone is guilty of OP is (You) being a massive faggot.

>> No.21537188
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>> No.21537229

>Is cultural appropriation a thing?
It was meant to be something like Europeans stealing artifacts from colonies. Now it means teenagers doin rap and saying the n-word.

>> No.21537235

Except what you listed are music styles/genres whereas rap is also a culture in itself.

>> No.21537259

Which culture?

>> No.21537283

Twitter is civilization's greatest mistake

>> No.21537296

you're right for jazz and blue, but white rock is completely diferent from black rock (aka rock'n'roll)
it's why rock is considered white music, even though the first rock subgenre was made by black people

>> No.21537297

I'll agree that it's cultural appropriation as long as the black stop appropriating:
>white clothing
>white medicine
>white food
>white hairstyles
>white TV shows
>white movies
>white housing
>white countries

>> No.21537362

This is why white rappers never succeed.
The gatekeeping in the rap community is inherently racist. If you're not black, you're not accepted.

>> No.21537435

That hasn't been true for awhile. There's a ton of shitty white rappers running around.

>> No.21537440

Yes but it's overshadowed by cringe so people tend to overlook it.

>> No.21537466

Didn't Eminem discover 50 Cent?

>> No.21537469

As long as Mori gets the blame I go along with it.

>> No.21537526

>nig pass anime avatar karen working for jp company shilling wig culture to jp kids
>but blacks

>> No.21537531

>cultural appropriation
>Akemi Hatsu

KEK. Nigger so dark she can't even see herself

>> No.21537574

yes<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/bc1ff2b8_AYAYAHyper.png">

>> No.21537599

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1e4d8dfa_PillowNo.png">

>> No.21537678

I hate Mori with a passion, but I would defend her to death against the faggots that claim that cultural appropriation is a thing.

>> No.21537753

>cultural appropriation
>people on twitter doesn't even know what this nigger is talking about
6/10 made me check

>> No.21537799

I wonder what that dumb Twitter tranny thinks about Eminem. Would it ask the same question, but targeting Eminem instead of Calli?

>> No.21537880

I wonder what it thinks about non-germans using the combustion engine.

>> No.21537928

No it wasn't, it was meant to be colonists wearing the corpses of the people whose genocide they carried out. Like how so many nations take the artifacts of the culture of the people who previously occupied that land even though they share no genetic relation to those people.

>> No.21538005

All those genres are/were cultures as well

>> No.21538035

It's called being conquered, it's been going on for the entirety of human history. Glad to be assimilated instead of genetically wiped out.

>> No.21538051

What does bix nood even mean? <img class="xae" data-xae width="25" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/afd49202_happyn.png">

>> No.21538057

cultra what appropros?

>> No.21538129


>> No.21538174

rock wasn't until the British Invasion
rock'n'roll was almost the same as swing culture
hip hop is the culture, rap is just a vocal style

>> No.21538197


>> No.21538233

>implying the nigger nomads of the Americas made Machu Picchu and the other artifacts that they appropriated
<img class="xae" data-xae width="41" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/72694e0e_desusmirk.png">

>> No.21538325

The problem there is the genocide not Trudeau wearing ethnic costumes.

>> No.21538425

You have your own ancestors, take pride in them instead.

>> No.21538432

>Calli imitates a marginalized culture

>Reddit imitates /vt/ memes like ogey, suipiss, suiseggs, roommate references

Half of yall are literal <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/24edafcc_wojakNPC.png"> tier

>> No.21538439

Who the fuck is "Akemi Hatsu" and why should anyone care about what she posts on Twatter dot com?

>> No.21538478


>> No.21538500

It's called a bait thread anon
<img class="xae" data-xae width="30" height="29" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/51cbf903_PepeLaugh.png">

>> No.21538650

Eminem grew up poor in a bad part of his town, Mori grew up a rich kid from the suburbs that went to private school.

>> No.21538699

>resort twittarad cancel culture
at least diarrhea rap and cuckbeats OC were great, such a disappoinment

>> No.21538745

>cultural approriation
Fuck off leftard, every civilisation in history borrowed cultural elements from other civilisations.

>> No.21538781 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21538785

>Only poor people are allowed to rap
So rich rapper should give it up then?<span class="xae" data-xae="think">🤔</span>

>> No.21538802

pink woman bad

>> No.21538957

It's not because she didn't say nigga.

>> No.21539058

I just hate Mori and want her to commit suicide in Minecraft

>> No.21539114

<img class="xae" data-xae width="30" height="30" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/83cf2699_Aquacry.png">

>> No.21539212
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Welcome tourist, now GTFO and never return

>> No.21539224

Pretending to be part of a culture that currently exists and has nothing to do with you is not the same thing as your ancestors passing down a mix of influences. There's no line of genuine connection. Growing up we had a mix of Russian foods among others in our tradition because all my ancestors lived in the Russian Empire for a century but none of them are Russian. But me opening a Middle-Eastern restaurant without first becoming a part of some genuine Middle-Eastern community? That would be bullshit. Because the cultural element is artificial. It's like a prop. It isn't a culture I received or experienced in any form.

Also imagine unironically using the term leftard while defending a white person who hates you and wishes she was black and wants yellow penis inside her.

>> No.21539289


>> No.21539370

white people have no culture and can only appropriate culture, case and point Mori Calliope and Museum's

>> No.21539376

nta, are you saying chinese people shouldn't open taco stands?

>> No.21539450

Oh shut up.

>> No.21539506

Does it get her in trouble if she is?

>> No.21539523

>black americans

>> No.21539540

All of the best chippies in my area are owned and run by chinks, if they do a good job then it doesn't matter and if they do a bad job that's got nothing to do with cultural shit, they're just bad. When I go to the chinks for my chips I don't think "these fucking slanteyes are stealing muh culture!" I think it's good shit and better than actually ethnically/cutlurally appropriate Septic Bob's down the road. Trying to gate some kind of practice based on ethnic or cultural origin is inherently retarded and, for an idea intended to be politically correct, actually really intolerant. But whatever, politics is for fags anyway.<img class="xae" data-xae width="24" height="24" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/857a9ea0_MarisaFace.png">

>> No.21539555

*clap* *clap* NEXT MEME!<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/cf1d4b8d_moetron.png">

>> No.21539560

a thread died for this

>> No.21539577

Fuck shittiope, but everyone who wants to spread use of SJWisms like "cultural appropriation" should sudoku off this board.

>> No.21539588

Niggers has no culture so you can't "steal" their culture, also parody songs are usually a white people thing

>> No.21539599

What a terrible loss. I'm sure it was amazing thread, since we have those all the time.

>> No.21539624

She can appropriate this dick

>> No.21539629

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/67905c4f_Bruh.png"> IT'S HER

>> No.21539630

kill yourself but kill that whore before you do killyourself.

>> No.21539635

I've literally never heard of this term in my life

>> No.21539658

Blacks aren’t crying because they being bullied, they cry because they are whiny entitled brats who deserve buck breaking correction.

>> No.21539688

Must be nice being an ESL

>> No.21539735

Or, you know, not American.

>> No.21539753

Have you heard of “Latinx”?

>> No.21539800

If they've got no genuine ties to some sort of culture with tacos, of course they shouldn't. Imperialists and their melting pot ideology are disgusting. Honor your own ancestors, you don't need someone else's. This ideology where everyone can be whatever is how you get shitholes like Burgerland where everyone's some shade of brown and behaves like an ape.

>> No.21539825

She certainly acts like weeb and a wigger in the most annoying ways.

>> No.21539856

It's not possible for English to be your first language and you to have never heard this term unless you just woke up from a coma or forgot you've heard it like you forget who your grandkids are.

>> No.21539884

>If they've got no genuine ties
Then wtf are you doing on this imageboard you culture appropriating jagoff

>> No.21539926

Of course you faggots always make it about, "who cares if civilization is destroyed as long as I can get some good restaurants". Kill yourself.

>> No.21539941

This is legitimately so fucking cringe. Why are you acting like a different race you goofy fuck. If my son or daughter acted like this I'd smack the fuck out of them.

>> No.21539945

Next time these leftards going to say that being a weeb into cosplay is culturally appropriating Japanese culture. Or running a Taco Bell is appropriating Mexicans. Or if I love cooking pasta then I'm appropriating Italians. The concept of "cultural appropriation" had always been a completely absurd bullshit in the first place; people trade culture between each other all the time, it's how Civilization fucking works, especially in the age of the Internet where the sum of all human knowledge is archived.
I don't like Mori's music, but she isn't even the chief offender. Where were the crowd when Eminem spawned a wave of wiggers?

>> No.21539957
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The "Latinx" cry about cultural appropiation way more than the negros

>> No.21540013

She's literally talking like a black person with the broken english and everything. This is cringy as fuck. What is she doing?? Why is she acting this way??

>> No.21540027

>People doing simple tasks well
>The end of civilization
<img class="xae" data-xae width="24" height="24" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/857a9ea0_MarisaFace.png">

>> No.21540028

>Civilization will be destroyed from cultural appropriation
Anon, if i you an ausländer and go to germany and don't try to accept our cultur, people will be mean towards you. You guys are literally from the same racist fucking place. It's just that you took the left so long till you meet at the same place.

>> No.21540058

what about the Beastie Boys?

>> No.21540097

It's clear your brain is broken but putting aside that I've been here longer than you've known English, immersing yourself in another culture would be a genuine tie. I said as much. So faggots who've never been to or even hate 4chan but are always posting shit they took from here would be the appropriators in your example you drooling retard.

>> No.21540134

eminem grew up in nigger detroit? street reps etc etc

>> No.21540136

Mori is cringe but she wasn't even the worst figure that encouraged wiggerdom. Remember self-proclaimed Rap God Eminem?

>> No.21540161

It’s when people have a whinge because a white person takes someone else’s culture and does it better than they could.

>> No.21540205

Niggers made rap yet the GOAT is white. White people just do shit better.

>> No.21540242

4chan is literal copy of 2chan from JP, if you're JP why tf are you speaking English, go post some moon runes. If you're not JP why are you on a culturally appropriated site you literal shit eater

>> No.21540256

Niggers adopted Eminem though, at least until BLM shit when they wanted to try and pretend a white man didn’t do nigger culture the best.

>> No.21540287

Eminem grew up in Detroit for fucks sake. He would attend underground rap sessions. At least it's a little more authentic, but still cringy. And does he talk in broken english the way Mori is doing? I don't think so.

>> No.21540322 [SPOILER] 
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Damn, I was hoping this would blow over without incident, but now we even have major publications reporting on this particular incident!
I guess it takes some serious strength of will to pull through this, an soldier on day after day, as if nothing is wrong...Either that, or severe mental illness.

>> No.21540360

that shit never gets old.

>> No.21540433

You have never contributed anything to any "civilization" you were a part of. By literally any measure, you, as a bitter 4chan dweller with immediately obvious personality flaws and likely very few societal contributions besides
spouting shallow outdated rhetoric on imageboards for e-girls pretending to be scantily clad cartoon catgirls, are more dangerous to society than a Chinese guy selling tasty tacos. But we still tolerate you.

>> No.21540590

I genuinely don't how people as retarded as you live day-to-day. You keep using the term leftard which I can't imagine literally anyone would ever use except some neocon-worshipper who thinks he's right-wing and then you advocate for a bunch of liberal bullshit. White people pretending to be niggers are the result of the left-wing society you love so much. Cook whatever shit you want in your own home, Taco Bell isn't an appropriation of a cuisine because most people don't even consider it food...fast food chains are not appropriating but rather downgrading and making cheap. Cosplay is its own culture.

>> No.21540711

Just go back, nobody needs your "think about the poor Chinese" shtick here.

>> No.21540753

I'm sorry your culture never passed on rational thinking to you.

>> No.21540774

Middle class/rich white people should never be allowed to rap period.

>> No.21540836

It's when white people get offended for other people that aren't white.

>> No.21540843

The golem turns on its creator

>> No.21540882

But it's okay if rich/middle class black people rap?<span class="xae" data-xae="wot">🤨</span>

>> No.21540903

>the result of the left-wing society you love so much
I have no sympathy for the Left. I am just pointing out the fact that the very concept of "Cultural Appropriation" is an absurd concept by itself. Just because you take elements from a culture, that's no reason to be persecuted. Cultural Trade: That's how civilizations evolved for thousands of years. The Greeks appropriated the Egyptians and Phoenicians, the Romans appropriated Greeks, and now Modern Civilization appropriates the Romans.

>> No.21540940

Also what about Asians? Considering that's the bulk of Mori's own rap inspiration it's kind of important.<span class="xae" data-xae="kay">😐</span>

>> No.21540983

Why is cosplay its own culture but rap somehow isn't?<span class="xae" data-xae="think">🤔</span>

>> No.21540989
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Its outright mockery, which is more based

Also I like how calli is intentionally trying to be the shittiest stereotype of a rapper known to man and people immediately look at that and go "thats black people yup"

>> No.21541070

SO we're the niggers all along

>> No.21541175

I don't care who you have sympathy for, your values are left-wing. A right-wing society passes on culture through the family, a left-wing society does it through multiculturalism and all that dumb shit. Culture isn't just a toy to be played with and discarded.

>> No.21541270

Ironically it is your kind who would be promoting the leftist ideology of cultural appropriation.

>> No.21541619

Okay, then Mori's rap is a downgraded rap.

>> No.21541717

Cultural appropriation of what though? Of black culture, or Japanese culture? Or both? She's as black or Japanese as she is a shinigami.

>> No.21541834

I'll only agree with cultural appropriation when wipopo try act like niggers. They deserve to get cancelled for sheer retardation

>> No.21541874
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>> No.21542397
File: 22 KB, 302x378, 1643157350151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Left wingers like you reached unfathomed retardation.
I live in an old Dutch built house
Wearing western style clothing, even some English style suits, tailored by Indian tailors
With TV, fridges, water dispenser and other electronics made in Japan
With American style frozen burger patties and donuts in my freezer
In front of my Chinese made laptop
And a bottle of Vitamin D (sun? What sun?) made by Australians
And I'm an Indonesian.

You know, back then in 2008 I thought the internet will be fucked by American right wing bible thumping conservatists. I'm in a timeline where left wingers are the one who scream about cultural appropriation or how women are ostracized for wearing revealing dress in public or how they demand segregation on campus. Imagine, left wingers are far more racist than right wingers. What kind of bizarro world I live in?

>> No.21542506

The only minorities audibly upset by C.A. are Blacks and Oriental Asians. Ironically they both do it themselves but it's totally okay when they do it. Totally.

>> No.21542941

Welcome to clown world

>> No.21543027

>Oriental Asians
Japan loves it when their culture is appropriated by Weeaboos all over the world. To them it's a sign of cultural appreciation/superiority. Heck when the Live Action Ghost in the Shell was released Japs praised it, despite the rest of the world condemning Scarlett Johannson
Chinks and Koreans also do the same (e.g. Kpop)

>> No.21543159
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What an absolute shitshow of a thread.
There is nothing wrong with cultural imperialism and cultural appropriation, the problems are:
-it is being applied to a culture as shit as black american culture
-it is forced by the US government by means of subsides and total media control because it's so fucking shit you have to pay them to spread it

Women simply attune themselves to the dominant culture and enforce it, this is their nature and why 98% are liberal left leaning retards, and Mori is a casualty of the US government, a sad reality.
Said that, Kari-chan kawaii ah ah ah

>> No.21543534

It's basically xenophobia. People on the internet going crazy when two cultures touch.

>> No.21543765

You pretending to be retarded helps no one. Some chink slave making your garbage for you isn't cultural appropriation. You eating someone else's shit isn't cultural appropriation. You pretending to not be an Indonesian faggot and instead larping as a Matagi hunter would be the equivalent to what Mori does.

>> No.21543840

You get caught up in buzzwords so you fight against the cause you claim to be for and I deal with the actual principles at play.

>> No.21543843

I don't know what that faggot means, the calvin mix tape are wigger as fuck.

>> No.21543875

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/a6955123_yaranaika.png"> good

>> No.21543905

This is wigger culture, I don't see the crime

>> No.21543916

its not new that mutts are always fucking dumb but that tard also culturally appropriates a japanese name based on her dumb amerimutt standards

fucking dumb amerimutts are always fucking dumb. all amerimutts are overwhelmingly fucking stupid. they are purely finished

>> No.21543955
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>> No.21543992

>I deal with the actual principles at play.
Like unironically defending the concept of cultural appropriation? Admit it, you're a leftard.

>> No.21544020
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>white people can be born in non-europe/american
What did he mean by this? Australia?

>> No.21544104

maybe inside a prison, dunno <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/eb07a2c8_konata.png">

>> No.21544514

>can we all agree that this is cultural appropriation?
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/24edafcc_wojakNPC.png">

>> No.21544617


>> No.21544715

culture is memetic not genetic, faggot

>> No.21544720

Bruh I’m

>> No.21544856

>colonists wearing the corpses of the people whose genocide they carried out
Fucking badass

>> No.21544947

What the fuck are you talking about? Go get your meds, your parents worried about you.

>> No.21545082

culture isn't genetic retard

>> No.21545178

based indog

>> No.21545214

black guys get jelly when other races are better than them in do black stereotypes

>> No.21545299

I will unironically cheer on a twitter mob lynching of mori if it gets her to stop being as cringe as she is

>> No.21545475

No, twitter mob is a bunch of pathetic fag. I don't care if you hate Mori, Twitter is worse and deserves to be burned to the ground, salted and burn again to make sure that cancer don't grow back up.

Fuck twitter, the biggest mistake

>> No.21545686

yeah but that's not happening any time soon, so in the mean time we can at least get less of mori's wigger antics

>> No.21545757

What the fuck are you talking about? Oriental Asians went into pride overdrive the moment a western celebrity wearing their clothing or eating their food. Shit ton of manga about "being popular in the world" means they gonna perform in USA in front of hundreds of thousands of people.

>> No.21545840

Mori needs to pay reparations for slavery

>> No.21546043

Still no. The moment you encourage twitter mob, it will cause a ripple where they will be bolder and start a crusade for all Vtubers. They gonna twitter mob any Vtubers with revealing clothing, or the one who said wrongthing, or they will make any excuse to twitter mob any vtuber they target that day. Cancel culture is slowly dying now, sp don't make them raise again.

>> No.21548405

Its when white women get upset because people show interest in other cultures instead of "staying in their lane". Its basically repackaged xenophobia.

>> No.21548608

I don't care. As long as it harms Mori, I'll gladly cheer on fir the nukes falling. I just want her dead, no matter the cost.

>> No.21549615

>Implying she cares
>Also implying Japan care about woke mob

>> No.21549980
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Only thing Mori is guilty of is being a cringey wigger.

>> No.21550020

wtf I love Mori now

>> No.21550368

Her EP with Suisei is #1 in the itunes charts now.

>> No.21550627

eminem fucking sucks don't kid yourself

>> No.21551676

I dont think she is, but im tired of white v-tubers, so yea ill say yes <span class="xae" data-xae="grinsweat">😅</span>

>> No.21551715


>> No.21553106

idk, but she definitely stole a rich brian beat

>> No.21553183

The most successful rapper is white.

>> No.21553370

why did you post your own tweet? it has one comment, two shares

>> No.21553530

>Twitter Screen Cap
>Literally who
How about you jump in traffic <img class="xae" data-xae width="24" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/634a21ba_gachiHYPER.png">

>> No.21553744

He's a schizo, pls andastand.

>> No.21553849

Well man think about it USA got big venues with tons of dosh and USD beat the shit out of Asian currencies

>> No.21554275



5 seconds later…

> I died, haha, just kidding, April fools

What did she mean by this?

>> No.21554314

Whats even being appropriated? Soundcloud? Threats?

>> No.21554584

>listening to some 2view twitter tranny’s opinion
This board is really falling low just to shit on Calli kek.

>> No.21554921

low notes and a high hat is not really a unique concept in hiphop retard

>> No.21555036

Sure, if it gets her to graduate<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/a19762fc_MeguminHappy.png">

>> No.21555214
File: 417 KB, 454x460, 1607564117389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this is also why comedy is dying. No one can say or make a joke anymore without getting their feelings hurt or being offended for someone else.
What Mori did was fine and fun.
Criminy, this is just as bad as people getting mad at that one Animal Crossing girl for her "Space puffs"

>> No.21555455

Reddit frog alert

>> No.21555455,1 [INTERNAL] 

This thread was deleted by mods, but there's no indication of that on this archive. Individual posts that are deleted are marked as having been deleted, but when an entire thread is nuked, there's no way to tell. I wish this would get fixed because it seems like a site bug to me.

Long, 100+ post threads like this are deleted by mods on /vt/ all the time, and it's usually because the thread ends up containing posts that, while not breaking the rules, insult or critique a mod's favorite vtuber. These threads usually end up being pretty important, or at least interesting enough to warrant a ton of responses. It would be nice to be able to search for these kinds of threads in some way in the archive. As of now, there's no way to do that because there's no indication that the thread was deleted.
