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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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20932084 No.20932084 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled.
Do you still love her, /vt/ ?

>> No.20932160
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Shuba shuba shuba!

>> No.20932316

What the fuck happened

>> No.20932452

there was dust?

>> No.20932453


>> No.20932495

It was discovered that Subaru looks and acts exactly the same as her real life roommate, which lead to many members of this board committing suicide to escape the Matrix.

>> No.20932650

What dust? I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.20932691

this thread is just a state-level psyop, nothing happened

>> No.20932828

>her real face and personal information was revealed

>> No.20933373


Stop baiting nigger

>> No.20933514

It's not bait tho. It's real.

>> No.20933555

unfortunately is real, and it happened because subaru is actually retarded

>> No.20933719
File: 106 KB, 1278x716, 1619189353377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not spoon feeding. She's fucking ugly.

>> No.20933739

we already know what every holo looks like, this is a nothingburger

>> No.20933744

Wait I've seen the leaks, but how did it happen exactly? Was it just a case of Subaru not deleting her old socials or a more specific fuckup.

>> No.20933946

anon need more info on this

>> No.20933993


>> No.20933991

how ugly we talking here

>> No.20934054

>caring about roomates
do you drop VA's in other media genre's based on their irl appearance?
i dont think ill ever understand this

>> No.20934091

Subaru membered Okayu with her personal account live on stream in a way that made it obvious it was hers.

>> No.20934101
File: 212 KB, 850x1200, (43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always love this cute duck

>> No.20934210

Suisei levels ugly

>> No.20934274

Looks like what an expat white person would marry just to have an asian girlfriend/wife on a gook country.

>> No.20934279

Holy shit if that's true she really is a retard. Man I love the the Duck but that's just impressive.

>> No.20934382

any link

>> No.20934414

Nvm found the info

standard japs girl, imo she's pretty cute tho

>> No.20934418

suisei is not kyou mo kawaii irl???

>> No.20934473

Honestly not as bad as people are saying. Some photos angles are bad but the in the videos I've seen she's kinda just average.

>> No.20934534

Idk what other anons are talking about; other holomems never really talked about her looks so I assumed the worst, but was pleasantly surprised

>> No.20934542


>> No.20934620

She looks like tomboy rieri. What's the problem?

>> No.20934653

most of them (aside from okayu, polka, and the hags) are honestly pretty cute but I have yellow fever so am an unreliable source

>> No.20934662

She’s just giving Cover a yab scare because they made her BFF Luna upset enough to not stream for a week. She, Choco and Gen 4 are making it clear that Cover have to make it right or else they all walk and reform a new group with KSon

>> No.20934779

Just saw the photos. Yeah you weren't kidding, it's almost like Shigure saw her IRL face and said yep got it

>> No.20934783

she no longer has legendary opsec status...
sub(a)ros... its over

>> No.20934784

Okayu is not that ugly, just fat

>> No.20934818

what happened with Luna?

>> No.20934870

what does suisei look like

>> No.20934914

Polka is not that ugly, just fat

>> No.20934924

She got deleted from holofest's posters and ads instead of rushia.

>> No.20934994

Is she cute?

>> No.20935006

Thread will get nuked if it's linked, but google ***tog where *** = smash character

>> No.20935007

pretty sure suisei is still one of the few holos without a confirmed picture

>> No.20935052

>Okayu "my member only stream is lewd"
>Suba "I gonna join then"
>joined with her personal YT account


>> No.20935059

she cute
towa levels cute

>> No.20935094

if you wanna see you know, you can check the japanese board archive

>> No.20935165

rhymes with mike

>> No.20935198

theres nothing on suisei, its just a rrat, unknown if she is a uggo or now

>> No.20935244


>> No.20935266 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 363x360, 683975EE-FF2E-4CA4-A859-75326EE7262D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl on the left

>> No.20935338

Well she did get rejected multiple times by idol agencies

>> No.20935339

I can also post a random picture if I want to. Why should I believe you?

>> No.20935344
File: 11 KB, 500x250, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20935392

Holy shit it finally happened

>> No.20935420

is this the biggest opsec fail of ALL time? it wasn't just the reveal but she went from 'le undoxxable queen' with literally no trace or hint of who she was, then she blabs something dumb on okayu's stream and didn't use an actual throwaway account

>> No.20935474

>Said on stream she would member Okayu (with personal account)
>Membered Okayu
>Japs looked through each Okayu's newly acquired members that day
Duck is very dumb.
This is why I laugh at tards who say their oshi is yab-proof and would never get Rushia'd.

>> No.20935548

im far too retarded for these riddles anons

>> No.20935558

Gura is yab proof.

>> No.20935578

Does this mean that her house never caught fire?

>> No.20935592

yeah to go from that to

seems like intentional or some shit. Honestly don't give a fuck what the sausage legend duck looks like.

>> No.20935641

Just Google I k e t o g with no spaces anon I'm gonna go kms

>> No.20935655


>> No.20935662
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Not even that fat anymore either it seems.

>> No.20935677

because she doesn't do anything

>> No.20935686


>> No.20935703

Let's just say is the inside is what actually matters.

>> No.20935746

She was actually Yagoo's illegitimate child.

>> No.20935809

Because gura Is smart kek
I still remember her old fans cheering for her 1m or 2m sub and thought gura would make an announcement

>> No.20935823

Don't spoonfeed the newfags

>> No.20935859

Nta, but It’s on a doxx site

>> No.20935922

Exactly 5/10

>> No.20935947

the retardation that my extremely blunt hints didn't work got to me anon i'm sorry

>> No.20935952

I love her even more

>> No.20935957


>> No.20935984

Please forgive her, she was having too much fun with her bro and forgot she was streaming.

>> No.20935995


>> No.20936002

well, she really is a tomboy, emphasis on the boy

>> No.20936017

rip thread

>> No.20936070

not for suisei, dont lie to the newfags anon they dont know any better

>> No.20936079

>and the hags
shit taste

>> No.20936094

Subaru never struck me as someone you watch cause of physical looks anyway especially with that voice

>> No.20936189
File: 210 KB, 850x1207, (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope /vt/ can stay contained on this one. The duck really is a gem

>> No.20936282

Japs are saying she has a good face
Why do you lie

>> No.20936309

She'll be fine, long as puritan autist don't go overboard
Tho by the looks of it hololive has stepped up their game

>> No.20936313


>> No.20936329

Considering she is an enthusiast for camping stoves, yep it probably happened.

>> No.20936346

if mods delete it, then it's real

>> No.20936430

I'd do her. Hope that helps.

>> No.20936450
File: 93 KB, 858x475, 2022-03-24 00.53.40 www.youtube.com 3a0e532767d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all LARP
Nobody here watches her streams

>> No.20936496

She's told the story that even her manager asked if she was making it up but she said of course not, why would I make that up?

>> No.20936513

YAGOO meant her, not Sora. She's just another average asian woman, arr rook same to me.

>> No.20936560

She's kind of cute.

>> No.20936624

Saw her face. It's not that bad. The first video is a horrible angle that makes a lot of other people look bad. The angle at the 2nd video is more normal.

>> No.20936637

Probably just had a brain fart. I don't care about her looks either so I won't investigate, but the way she ended up slipping is kind of funny.

>> No.20936652

It's good by japanese standards

>> No.20936685

You guys realize you aren’t allowed to discuss this right? Jannies please?

>> No.20936717

was browsing 5ch and they already found some inconsistencies with some of her past stories, so who knows............

>> No.20936747

Jannies have been dead ever since the mori yab

>> No.20936817


>> No.20936825

Write her name on Google, add "中の人" and do your search. The jap dox sites are already updated

>> No.20936853

Ame is the only non-attractive holomem

prove me wrong

non-attractive because none of them are ugly <3

>> No.20936869

jannies only ever care about EN tuber threads

>> No.20936894

She's not ugly, just average. That's what they mean

>> No.20936904

>9000 threads about calico cat
Hot pockets seems to not give a shit about anything but EN.

Also this is a complete nothingburger unless Shuba lets it get to her.

>> No.20936943

What stories had inconsistencies?

>> No.20936958

What kind of inconsistencies?

>> No.20936995
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>> No.20937055

Vtubers' looks in real life have no standing on my opi ions of them. I like Subaru before I saw her face, I'll like Subaru even after.
Why bother watching vtubers if you care so much about how they look like irl?

>> No.20937066

Really? I don't mind her facedox but it would be quite a downer to know she's lying.

>> No.20937138

Not me, I want to dick her harder now. For the record seeing Okayu dox made me want to dick her all the more too.

>> No.20937223

>thinking jannies care about JP doxx talk
They only care about EN threads and EN doxx talk.

>> No.20937259

I mean her appearance matches her voice so nothing surprising here.

>> No.20937317
File: 666 KB, 220x247, 1638339477842.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yab threads that call everyone out of their generals really stink up the usual catalogchads with their cringe reddit 'uh so?/who cares?' takes

>> No.20937325

I keep hearing about how the situation went down but has there been a clip of the moment going down from the stream? The archive got edited so can't see it anymore and I'd like to see Okayu and Subaru's reactions as it went down.
