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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19943697 No.19943697 [Reply] [Original]

why are you all obsessed with nijisanji?
if they're so below you can't you just ignore them like every other small corpo? I don't get it

>> No.19943773
File: 1.28 MB, 1636x907, Finana still seething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moving from sana to mumei Finana? you keep embarrassing yourself

>> No.19943842

I don't care about Nijisanji. I'm just having fun watching what is obvious falseflaggers incite Holofags and Nijifags to tear each other apart and hate each other even more.

>> No.19943857

can you at least answer the question before seething

>> No.19944062

Nijifags are still unbearable 90% of the time and always come into any thread trying to ram anything they want down your throat.
>Holomem x had a good live, I really enjoyed it.
>So what? Kenmochi got more views, Ibrahim got more SCs, and Chima is a better singer.
>Holomem x's new cover is great
>And? Kuzuha's King has 30 million views.
>Cover's 3D is looking better, good for them
>Still looks worse than Anycolor's, never mind Hajiki looked like he had Parkinson's and Chigusa looks like she's in Havok physics engine
Nijisanji fans are the height of answering questions nobody asked. No one asked for their mountain of shit on why x is better than y, it just manifests itself from the sky. I don't hate them, I just wish they'd behave.

>> No.19944109

Why are you ignoring the small corpos? They have some good vtubers.

>> No.19944135

It's fun
Mogging nipplesanji

>> No.19944199

>directly talking shit
>point out how it’s retarded to get caught like that
>rumao why won’t you just let it go?

>> No.19944219

holofags literally can't have a single sponsorship or happy announcement without one of the first posts being shit "LOLOL NIJINIPPLENIGGERS ON SUICIDE WATCH TOP KEK" "NIGGERNIPPLES WHY SO QUIET? OH NO NO NO", and when you're met with even token resistance you ALWAYS play the victim

>> No.19944271

>Niji cope

>> No.19944276

finana wasn't even the one who brought up council you retard

>> No.19944296

You pointed it out 500 threads ago. Now you're just moping about it.

>> No.19944364

i don't care about Nijisanji, i even like some Niji talents
i hate nijiniggers that think they're better because they choose the less popular (but still extremely popular) option and their tribalism

>> No.19944479

Why do nipplelivers support a company that has content creators that steal content from other creators.
Nippleboy must really play some good apex to risk their entire reputation on having a criminal play on their team.

>> No.19944658


>> No.19944869

did they fire nene?

>> No.19944993

Shitposting is the one undeniable metric that ensures you're living rent free. Holos get shitposted because they're at the top in EN. Nijis get shitposted by Holos because they're afraid Nijis are eventually going to be more relevant.

>> No.19945054

Why is every single thread on this board that isn't a general Hololive vs Nijisanji retardation, but if you go into the actual Hololive and Nijisanji thread nobody gives a shit?

>> No.19945123

Nijisanji threads are full of anons calling each others holobronies though.

>> No.19945241

Isn't just EN tho? Also I gotta applaud their generals resistance after being called out for nipplegate, the main branch general for example had the audacity to call /vt/ the best english site to discuss chuubas while the rest of the catalog actively shits on them

>> No.19945267

>pretending that nijinipples don't do exactly the same thing

>> No.19945285

And they do the same in global. The difference is that if you bait in global you'll eat a ban, whereas there isn't a janny watching the Niji general 24/7.

The generals are moderated. If you shitpost in them, given bad timing or enough reports you'll get banned.

>> No.19945567

Echoes of newfags taking baits and shitposts from 2019 schizos and evolving it into a console war. Although there was a resident sperg in the /jp/ threads since early 2018 that made it his and his friends' autistic life mission to pit any and every fanbase against Nijisanji because he hated 2D avatars and later just wanted to destroy the thread, which did eventually happen. I dunno what other baggage most of the retards on /vt/ are carrying nowadays because it seems like everyone has experienced something gay with the other fanbase on other sites or got groomed on discord, I've always just stuck to 4chan for vtuber stuff.

>> No.19945766

drama tourists drive 90% of this boards catalog

>> No.19946221

Yeah but she's more likely to get upset than Fulgur, so it's easier to target her.

>> No.19946327

what, nijinipple threads are fucking hugboxes safespaces, thread is full of yesmen and troons

>> No.19946354

80% of Jannies only watch global and the rest only care about their pet generals. Everything else is effectively unmoderated.
I've seen Niji dox go undeleted for the better part of a day, not to mention how much bait they let stay up, meanwhile fun and harmless threads taking the piss out of drama like Fulgur-Sana general get deleted over and over.
Even with generals, I remember when there was a janny who would actively fuck with the NijiEN general by intentionally deleting new threads to force people to use obvious troll ones. They barely even pretend to care about doing their jobs instead of a weird power trip.

>> No.19949406

>full of anons calling each others holobronies
... And why would you know that?

>> No.19949486

>saying nijinipple
>cries about people not welcoming you
No shit?

>> No.19949656

Just look at this guy. >>19944219
/vt/ is all he has.

>> No.19949826

yeah bro
just don't feed the trolls
nobody ever feeds the trolls
simple as

>> No.19950060

Surely you aren't new enough to not know that none of this is a tenth as bad as what happened to Aloe

>> No.19950074

>can't you just ignore them like every other small corpo?
i can but bullying them is fun

>> No.19950330

>EN posters during the day are clearly just taking the piss
>SEA hours arrive
>board gets flooded with low quality threads and screaming about those evil boogeymen
Makes you think

>> No.19950494

Mumei was the original Nijischizo target on Council.

>> No.19950544
File: 310 KB, 1066x726, 1646688639508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres your evil boogeymen bro

>> No.19950685

Live how >19950544 couldn't stop himself from demonstrating exactly what your post was about LMAO

>> No.19950789

Meant for >>19950544

>> No.19950838

I didn't give it a (You) on purpose

>> No.19951030

>NijiEN general moderated
lmao more like trolled by the mods themselves

>> No.19951236

Because at some point i was interested in getting into Nijis so I visited the threads?
