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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19245825 No.19245825 [Reply] [Original]

literally hololive escaped the final yabai because of an accident
why hololive is so lucky every time

>> No.19245958

I don't speak schizo, can someone explain this to me?

>> No.19246050

why are there so many niggers asking to be spoonfed recently? I mean I know these are just some tourists and crossboarders but its still pretty annoying

>> No.19246124

Rushia dragged her previous agency name into the mud when she left, claiming to have been bllied and pretty much using the victim card while giving info about her mates to a dramanigger. Then she got scouted by hololive.

Now we have pictues of her telling kore she wanted to bring people down with her "if she disappeared", which both reads as suicide baiting and a repeat of the shit the did before(if with a different dramanigger this time around). The only new info I'm seeing there is that apparently mafumafu is part of a new vtuber agency, so she might have been looking to join them

>> No.19246213

so rushia was ready to jump ship early? and planned to drop a bomb when she left
why are japanese like this?

>> No.19246421 [DELETED] 

If this is true then no wonder most of JP don't seem to even care about her anymore.

>> No.19246496

Most Japanese AREN'T like this. They will absolutely do their damndest to leave on good terms with their former employer if at all possible and will ONLY switch companies two or three times over the course of their career. I tell them that I'm switching companies after two years and they look at me like I have three heads and two of them have dicks for lips.

>> No.19246497

>Yagoo does not do extensive background checks
So who do I trust now?

>Verification not required???

>> No.19246821

rushia is pekora's niconico friend
pekora is fubuki's niconico friend
Before gen4, most of them joined hololive without audition like mio

Nepotism is shit

>> No.19246964

>idk what Nepotism is

>> No.19247141

Vouching for a fellow potential employee that they're fit for the job isn't nepotism.

Stop talking like you're still in middle school.

>> No.19247149

pekora is fubuki friend? this is new to me or you mean miko?
Also, i think all gen 1 have normal audition

>> No.19247168

Golden horseshoe stuck up in its intestines.

>> No.19247238

This rrat is too powerful

>> No.19247260

>Yagoo does not do extensive background checks
Why would you expect that much when Aloe and Chris has shown that they won't always get the kind of girl that'll last? Yagoo just likes to play dangerously in getting menheras.

>> No.19247296

You, an ESL, don't have access to a dictionary that can be accessed via computers or cellphones? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to do a simple task such as that.

>> No.19247378

Narukami literally saved Holo from waves of slander by putting the final nail in the coffin, Rushia had lost reliability for her lies but people still would take the bait, now literally no one would believe her even if she told them the sky is blue.

>> No.19247440
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>> No.19247562

>mafumafu's shota avatar looks less like a faggot than he does with all the filters
how is this possible?

>> No.19247588

So, the people who befriend drama youtubers like drama. Revolutionary info.

>> No.19247642

Looks like Rushia was looking to bail on Hololive and join the alien's vtuber agency late last year and was planning to burn Cover into the ground on the way out like she did her previous employer.

>> No.19247641

So the "narukami is a holofag" rrat wasn't a rrat after all.

>> No.19247665

because /vt/ is a tiny circlejerk where most conversations have so many layers of rrat that anyone who doesn't live here can't even understand.

>> No.19247747

But Anon, they are in middle school

>> No.19247873

>anon doesn't understand what employment referral is

>> No.19247924
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>source: 'dude trust me bro'
i'll laugh if Rushia was talking about her former agency before Hololive when she said 'she wants all of x to suffer' and instantly kills this tired old rrat

>> No.19247968

how does that make it any better?

>> No.19248125

>Rushia is still an ultra menhera in either outcome

>> No.19248161

Will this be like that rrat about some of the Sony's chuubas were on the og line up for HoloX until they bailed out?
Unironically, with the way things are now, she has a bigger chance to suceed as her roommate than reincarnating in another company.

>> No.19248166

>Hey I potentially crashed the other company I was with! :D
>Sounds good you're hired XD
Cover corp professionalism right here I really hope they keep burning

>> No.19248232

Not really certain what has upset you so heavily, but alright.

>> No.19248259

so Rushia was an outright psychopathic bitch?

>> No.19248315

>said hire became a heavy hitting Holo and a SC milking machine
They're clearly on to something

>> No.19248340
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Judging from her course of action,.. She going to join Nijisanji, make Nijisanji successful again, and then destroy it.

>> No.19248370

what does neoporte have to do with anything?

>> No.19248382

I like that kind of nepostism

Holoen on the other hand..

>> No.19248399

Can someone fucking summarize this shit?

>> No.19248463

Merise is a fps agency. Of all the hololive members to play apex on stream rushia is by far the worst. This is silly.

>> No.19248477

retard, fubuki did an audition and she talked about it before

>> No.19248573

merise is neo-porte
mafumafu is one of founder
They changed the brand name two hours ago
you know why

>> No.19248626

this bitch literally said "i want them all to suffer" and people STILL have sympathy for her, proof that some retards will believe and forgive anything as long as that shitty person is behind a cute 2D avatar

>> No.19248777

>proof that some retards will believe and forgive anything as long as that shitty person is behind a cute 2D avatar
Once you see what Rushia's roommate looks like and how she acts outside the avatar, that feeling goes away mighty fast.

>> No.19248830

>what Rushia's roommate looks like
how can anything not see the mass amount of filters and touch-ups all these people use? even the fucking men use it.

>> No.19248919

It's unironically the alien chin. I tried to briefly look for a facial photo of him without filter on Google and failed to find any, but saw one from another angle (the one in which he was cosplaying / dressing like a teacher) and he looked a lot less weird (still like a faggot, though, but way closer to JP male idols than some kind of alien)

>> No.19249071

So is it safe to say that she'll end up in Merise?

>> No.19249109

Only if Hal wants to RTA the fastest vtubing agency to collapse

>> No.19249146

Apparently during the mafumafu scandal, the nothing burger, Cover discovered that Rushia has been in contact with the rrat peddler himself, Narukami as well as other dramatuber. It's unknown what she told them. However Narukami has ruined a group of Vtubers before thank to her sending him information as an inside woman. The rest is just rrat and speculation that she was going to do the same to Cover if this wasn't found out early

>> No.19249151

Headhunting > Nepotism > Auditions

>> No.19249159

Didn't alien-kun post yesterday that he cut all ties with mikeneko?

>> No.19249232

>Cover might have bumbled their way out of another major yab by pure chance again.
They can't keep getting away with it

>> No.19249282

Is there a list of literal miracles that Hololive had them happen?

>> No.19249300

He did

>> No.19249328

did she doxx matsuri and coco to narukami before?

>> No.19249335

Headhunting is totally reasonable, but open auditions gave us Subaru

>> No.19249371
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>> No.19249399

Nothing about it yet. However, her former group did got destroyed by Narukami due to her sending him their information

>> No.19249431

>you know why
because merise sounds similar to a brand of diapers

>> No.19249496

At least it's not veepigenesis.

>> No.19249557

>Rushia quit her previous agency and was scouted by Hololive
>Previous agency was only announced late last year

>> No.19249659

No I don't know why, and it still seems completely irrelevant to Rushia.

>> No.19249661

Not that group anon. Otogi Resurrection was her previous group. Anons are only peddling rrat that she was going to destroy Hololive just like she did Otogi Resurrection to join the newly created Merise made by mafumafu. She did destroy her previous group by selling them out to Narukami however the rests are speculation

>> No.19249710

No you mong. She tanked her previous agency and the current rrat is that she wanted to join this new agency that was just announced while tanking hololive in the process.

>> No.19249718

People on this board having 0 clue about Merise is pretty funny lmao. Rushia doesn't even qualify to be a member. Sasuga holofags.

>> No.19249780

>The year is 2031
>Bohemia-chan (mknk) is expelled from Re:act for breaking her NDA, any dogecoin spent on her birthday NFTs will be refunded.
>On a leaked conversation with a local drama stream she says she was being bullied with acts such as a senpai quantum interlacing her stream slots

>> No.19249791

holobronies being holobronies

>> No.19249832

Merise wasn't her previous agency, her previous agency name was Otogi Resurrection

OP just added the extra point out that Merise, an agency where both ShibuyaHal and Mafumafu is in, had just changed its name to NeoPorte.

>> No.19249951

I don't know about her wanting to join Merise since, like you said, she doesn't qualify but the way she was laying the foundations for leaving Hololive were similar to how she left her previous group.

>> No.19250250

Migo saved hololive, sasuga the protagonist of hololive.

>> No.19250350

everything coming out like it did kind of ruined any chance she could have got in to get closer to mafumafu

>> No.19253066

I'd argue that she was pretty close already.

>> No.19253186

>Leaving the biggest game in town
>Just to stream with her bf
That's so insane, it's almost believable.

>> No.19253252

She was menhera all along?

>> No.19253316

So TLDR, Rushia is a saboteur and only because she took a misstep, did Hololive dodge a bullet?

>> No.19253351

>Vouching for a fellow potential employee that they're fit for the job isn't nepotism.
It could be or it could not be. You are just hiding in the vagueness of "vouching". If there was no competition, and it was solely based on connections, then it absolutely is nepotism, fag.

>> No.19253369

That's pretty fucking unreal. Did she really think she could drag Hololive through the mud?

>> No.19253400

You're the one talking like an ESL, though...

>> No.19253521

i honestly don't think it would have worked like it did with OR
OR was originally at 15 and by the time of all this shit, half those numbers were gone and Vtubing in corporate sense was basically who could front the cash = manager so amateurs and unprofessionalism out the ass
Hololive and Cover have an HR dept, multiple different managers and staff for exactly these scenarios, and a ton of support from the ass ton of talent, not to mention public attention on anything she would decry as hazing or bullying

>> No.19253533

He is a saviorfag purisu unadastando. Most got fixed and have their 2nd chance in life joining holo but alas.. you just cant save them all yagoo-san...

>> No.19253680

Nina's PL was right

>> No.19253724

Which is why it'd be completely retarded to think you could get away with the same line. I'm still in the camp that thinks she had a few bad moments, little help from Cover, and it sent her into a spiral where she lost her boyfriend, got kicked out of her house, and lost her job all in the same week. It's pretty fucking crazy and she could have just stayed quiet for a week and talked to her coworkers/managers and come back, but love does crazy things.

>> No.19253769

1) was probably a buried topic when she got picked up, so they didn't (likely) go into detail
2) She's two-faced as fuck, so her interview face was likely nothing like her BTS face
3) This wouldn't be the first time Cover hires people they nearly immediately regret hiring

>> No.19253797


>> No.19253874

Anon.. please! Your eigo reps! Did you use google tl or something!? Geez

>> No.19253898

Holotrannies really have no idea what they're talking about most of the time. I hope Rushia keeps doing what she's doing.

>> No.19253938

laying low?

>> No.19253946

Do Fandeads take Copium tablets now, or is it still mostly in cannisters?

>> No.19254034

They don't need to take any copium, their bodies naturally produce it at this point, they're in an constant state of coping

>> No.19254047

If you include aloe there then no, they didnt regret hiring aloe and desu she was a good choice. All her menheras outbreaks were mostly due to her fucked up familly situation at the time. It was understandable, really. Anybody would react like her if they both got antis harrassing her irl and a fucked up familly condition. Im still hoping that one day, the poor girl will get another chance

>> No.19254074

Cover should, unironically, consider hiring or signing contracts with some psychologists seeing how many menheras they have. Turned out that some of them weren't actually acting after all. Perhaps one therapy session per month for each member would have worked wonder to destress their talents and find out any potential timebomb like Rushia.

>> No.19254089

Pinoy-kun.. go to sleep

>> No.19254100
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So wait....
You're telling me, all those rumors from jp dramafag about holomems having boyfriends, shit talked their fans and sleep around are rushia ways to bring down hololive?
Now that no one believe her, even mfmf leave her. Not even narukami can spin this to make hololive looked bad.
Even if someone dare to leaks the info, cover can just sue them, because they have evidence of rushia leakings them infos.
Hololive's luck is unreal.

>> No.19254111

I too look forward to many future laughs.

>> No.19254121

This assumes another company would hire her. Being dropped from one of the biggest corps despite being a major earner for NDA doesnt look great

>> No.19254144

But what if I like my broken women? I don't think I would have gone so hard on Kiara if it wasn't for the depression arc a year ago, but seeing her grow and bust out of it was good too.

>> No.19254232

I don't know shit about all of this, can anyone explain?
What would happen if Hololive didn't fire Rushia?
What Rushia planning to do to Hololive?

>> No.19254251

Pretty much. Just imagine for a second
>Rushia decides that she's passed her absolute peak in Hololive already and is starting to decline.
>Decides that it's finally time to jump ship
>"Minna (starts fake crying), I've decided to graduate. It's time for me to end my journey in Hololive. Purisu andastando."
>Gets a Coco level sendoff with the first $1 million stream.
>After ending her stream, she pulls out her phone
>"Korekore-kun, Narukami-san, it's time."
>Multiple exposes get published about internal bullying in Hololive coming from a previous talents, along with any private relationships they might have.
>Former talents try to distance themselves from it with some even calling the accusations falls
>Some of the 5ch autist figure out that it was Rushia who was the insider source
>Civil war breaks out within Hololive as people can't bring themselves to think that "sweet old Rushia" would lie.
>Cover burns to the ground while Rushia either joins Nijisanji or some other rising vtuber company, or maybe even goes indie.
>All according to keikaku
Cover and Yagoo were so close to getting .lived by the menhera necromancer if only she wasn't such a dumb bitch. She's Sio without the fatass and with -50 int

>> No.19254305

>this bitch literally said "i want them all to suffer" and people STILL have sympathy for her
Yes because that's just her saying some typical menhara shit. Nobody actually suffered but her. I guess people have a hard time recognizing that some people actually like menharas.

>> No.19254321

if she actually joins this group...

>> No.19254418

it was still a threat, otherwise attempted murder wouldn't be a crime. even if nothing happened, the intention was still there, being menhera makes it more convincing that she was willing to carry it out.

>> No.19254425

She took down her agency by playing victim (got bullied)

And she look like trying to do it again but this time hololive as her target

>> No.19254487 [SPOILER] 
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>He doesnt know it's the handywork of picrel

>> No.19254551

Yeah, it's a threat, an empty threat, just like the suicide baiting. She was never going to activate the behelit and sacrifice all the holomems for ??? any more than she was going to actually neck herself.

>> No.19254632

Anonchama.. it was an empty threat if she didnt actually share whatever rrat she peddled to narukmi, korekore and whoever other dramatuber she knows

>> No.19254661

So, what are the chances mafumafu fans find and beat Rushia?

>> No.19254668

>Secondaries just now finding out about Otoriza after Narukami spoonfeeds them garbage

>> No.19254682

Assuming Rushia has BPD then that threat is something you still take seriously. This isn't the same as someone threatening to an hero. It's way easier to cause harm to others than actually harming yourself.

>> No.19254713
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Anon behind the scene , this bitch trying to save cover by leaking evidence on all platform + /here/ as cover employee & /vt/ resident
Sasuga the true hololive protagonist


>> No.19254854

It's fine to take it seriously, and I don't blame corpo for terminating her or holomems being pissed. But ultimately it was some stupid menhara shit, not her being a horrible monster who kills puppies, (just cicadas).

>> No.19254910

stop whinning faggot, if you dont want to explain just shut the fuck up

>> No.19254943

an incredibly based plan

>> No.19254961

With how noel, marine and pekora on the 3rd gen announcement.
It's likely that scenario would happen.
I mean, noel was sad too, but she's all fine in elden ring stream.
Probably they just felt sad because they have no idea that rushia will just betrayed them.

>> No.19254993

One of these only affects the singular person with mental issues (kind of), the other is a malicious lashing out that seeks to hurt others in the process.

>> No.19255013

>Which is why it'd be completely retarded
sound likely for rushia

>> No.19255054

>Imagine all hololive members had a meeting last few week, yagoo and her manager reveal all this shit
This is real pain for Marine who treated her as friend, no wonder she cried.

>> No.19255485

>It's pretty fucking crazy and she could have just stayed quiet for a week and talked to her coworkers/managers and come back
A week? lmao all the dumb bitch had to do was stfu for 48hrs at most until upper management had a chance to deliberate the next course of action after the weekend. Boom come monday (valentines) she'd get a firm course of action or a direct proclamation from cover itself. But she didn't listen to what was indisputably her manager's response at the onset of this mess which would obviously have been to shut up and sit tight and weather the inital blowout which is the time tested method used by whorepoliticians, movie stars, and whoever the fucks etc.
Fandead response after the inital shock was
>okay now we want answers and we are waiting for them
but she didn't wait.
How much cunt nip trolls and western twitter troons with that "you go gurl! fuck idol culture! have sex with your bf and rub it in your incel fans faces yeah!" attitude spurred her to this self-destructive impatience I don't know, but all that trash isn't blameless.

To fandeads this was their oshi, and that means that they undoubtedly would've have given her the time to explain herself.
>why isn't she saying anything?!
>duh cover's told her to stfu
>yeah fuck cover! we'll wait for you rushia!

Tells me that either she was so panicked by the intial internet shitstorm or she didn't have enough faith in her real fans.
The latter I find more sad than anything really.

>> No.19255525

No, it's all about hurting other people. They don't actually want to die, they want to fantasize about how everyone will suffer when they're gone. If you don't like this you don't like menhara girls, fine.

>> No.19255569

yagoo's mom was big on black magic

>> No.19255643

Seriously, man.
Weloverushia was trending on jp twitter.
Only on place like this and 5ch who wanted rushia to quickly deny it.
Like, rushia just need to say "pleas believe me" and all will be over.

>> No.19255712

Rushia? I read that it's her co-worker in that agency who did that.

>> No.19255781 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19255794
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No, yagoo was a sunday school teacher.
He used to teach sora.
Think about it who would just go all in on vtuber industry because two jk ask him. Church nepotism.
This also can explain why yagoo hire broken girls. Heck holostars is just his way to save unfortunate men.
Yagoo is a good man and God will always help good man.

>> No.19255932

Based Neptunia friend

>> No.19256141

Marine sounded devastated and hasn't streamed since. I think Noel and Flare are their own click in gen 3. Pekora, Rushia, and Marine are much more close

>> No.19256279
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Still, noel sounded sad too because o genuinely believe that she joined hololive to find friends.
I'm not too worried about marine, she stayed on noel's house so, i think noel can help her out.
Pekora in the other hand...

>> No.19256334

This same exact thing happened with Doris

>> No.19256337


>> No.19256564

>This confirmes she wasn't dating mafu
>She was trying to backstab Holos, not mafu
Prob zero, they shouldn't have any big problems with her anymore. Some deranged Wamy fan on the other hand...

>> No.19257015

naw, this literally does not make sense. the photos of mknk from like a decade ago look like a totally different person compared to her current instagram pics. simple filters don't change someone that drastically. i don't know what happened but she is friggin gorgeous right now and that's based.

>> No.19257357

Marine barely streams these days anyway.

>> No.19258215

Really hope she doesn't graduate.

>> No.19258994

Ever heard of Japanese women and makeup, anonchama?

>> No.19259039

Some of them are already on meds, which you would know if you actually paid attention. It's not a secret.

>> No.19259496

not necessarily. What if she an hero's on the same day or day before holofes in order to ruin it? She seems to be vindictive enough to do it.

>> No.19259585

>the final crazy!
take your meds.

>> No.19259765

>Rushia joining Apex autist chuuba group
Yeah I’m doubting that one.

>> No.19259915

her vocal cords are fucked and back to back events don't help when you need months of recovery to not sustain perma-damage

>> No.19260485

The Kiara arc has actually been absolutely incredible, especially if you go back and look at her life and struggles in detail before hololive.

Love her or hate her, she's had an interesting life and a lot of extreme mental instability during rough times. You could say that even just based on what she's shared and hinted at in streams.

>> No.19260971

Most of the talents doing job offstream, also cover never push their talents to stream everyday. They only told u to be able to stream for atleast 2 days in a week, no wonder EN is lazy ass fuck

>> No.19262157


>> No.19262201

>Nepotism is shit
Dude most people get jobs this way it's not what you know it's who you know look up the statistics.

>> No.19262253

And that's the problem.

>> No.19262367

Qualifications/impressive resumes lead to trash employees too, anon. There's no right answer here.

>> No.19262578

She broke NDA, she won't have the opportunity to try and crash another agency ever again

>> No.19263039

Pekora of 2020 early 2021 might have felt betrayed by either the company or Rushia. Now days she can soldier through it.
Marine wanted to graduate after Coco. That's the reason she went to Noel, she clearly had the same feelings resurface. If anyone will have ongoing issues with this it will be Marine and she might continue having the feeling that quitting is the option she wants to followt? But maybe Noel was able to talk her down from the edge.

>> No.19263440

Same but with the other former holo Delta. Watching her grow, fall and get knocked down only to get back up every time, and finally start to break through and overcome her issues has been nothing short of amazing to watch... I envy the fans who don't have to live through that time but at the same time. There will never be another year like 2021 for Delta fans.

>> No.19263448

> gets in Niji hoping to repeat the "i was bullied" act
> gets bullied for real


>> No.19263521

I know you're new anon but hololive was considered a joke by the entire vtuber scene until about gen 3. When the project was announced people laughed at the idea of dedicated virtual idols because the closest thing at that point were tongue in cheek jokes by vtubers who did musical activity on the side, and traditional vsingers who basically acted like bar singers.

Gen 1 couldn't even complete a roster with their auditions and they had to headhunt to pick up Haato. They didn't unceremoniously pick up friends of these girls because they wanted to, they legitimately had to because their talent pool was so fucking poor for a long time when companies like up8 were still relevant.

>> No.19263618

I really wish somebody would dig up those Narukami videos on the Otoriza yab so we could compare. I read in a nip blog about that incident that the "bullying" she suffered in Otoriza also involved overlapping streams, but it would be nice to have the original source.

>> No.19263740

>Uses the exact dame accusations and excuses
>Thought no one would notice
Is Rushia retarded

>> No.19263776

I think that has been proven several times over in the past couple of weeks.

>> No.19264594

Subary joined way before hololive became huge, but now the people now auditioning are only in it for the fame. Ex: mori

>> No.19264723

>nooooo she's a menhera!! she can shout with all her might how much she wants to commit genocide and still get away with it because she's a MENHERA nooooooooooo!!!
faggot-kun... to my clown collection you go

>> No.19265133
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Too bad Rushia was evil. She was extremely entertaining.

>> No.19265254

Psycology is a meme
Do you WANT half the holos diagnosed with bullshit mental issues just because they have a bad day because thats what you get.

Take the nene route where you menhera and cry just hearing a discord notif before considering meds

>> No.19265770

Empty suicide bait can still get you institutionalized
Empty "i want them to suffer" should still get you ostracized

>> No.19265913
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>If there was no competition, and it was solely based on connections
in your case its still muh nepotism if there was competition

>> No.19266280

It's interesting how the Narukami/K2 parrots manage to get vt readers to listen to them.

>There's this picture where Rushia did X
>It's a notepad screenshot of shit K2 is claiming that on his own.

At least try to get paid for your work, don't suck cocks for free!

>> No.19266321

>mafumafu is a vtuber in merise
>merise changed their name because of mafumafu
>rushia is joining merise
>merise (a group that hasn't even had a debut yet) was Rushia's previous group
>probably a hundred other falsehoods I'm missing

The retardation of this thread is actually impressive, holobrony IQ keeps falling and there's no floor in sight.

>> No.19266330

I mean it was basically Mafumafu's cover story for his relationship with Rushia in that his message was just them playing Apex together.

>> No.19266522

Wait, what happened there? All I know is that Futaba was the only one I followed and she retired. I don't even know if she reincarnated or not.

>> No.19266544

it's interesting your bait absolutely says nothing of substance than just "I don't beleb it". Alt least do an effort and make an interesting counter-rrats

>> No.19266660

So Rushia is based then.

>> No.19266697

Hololive is literally a test project for Cover's VR, nijiniggerland is the one that's purely a streaming company reliant on chinese money.

>> No.19266749

It's funny that the most twittarded board is constantly deepthroating the idea of "just get a job because your friend works there and they can get you in". Unsurprising, really.

>> No.19266793
File: 171 KB, 1520x1604, 1645755601391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The damage has been done.

EN vtubing really did kill all the magic that 2019 hololive clips had.

Why can't these lazy whores stick to playing the character?

Why can't they keep their irl garbage out of their streams?

Why can't they manage time efficiently to keep a decent schedule let alone actually following said schedule?

Why can't managers actually have any creative input for the talents instead of play mc for 3 hours and make cute noises here and there?

There's no effort for their stream or their appreciation for their fans.

We are treated as a blight by their eceleb clique even though they only gave a shit about them because they have views and subs.

>> No.19266816

I think you mean PR department. HR doesn't do shit like this.

>> No.19266930

I see Cover's shills are going full force today

>> No.19267023

Who the fuck are you talking about. My EN Oshi dodges all the dumb shit you posted.

>> No.19267058

It means that my osji doesn't suffer.

>> No.19267148

Based Narukami destroying this lying whore Rushia

>> No.19267160

>merise is an fps agency
So the reason she played Apex with mafu is because he was training her to get good enough to join his agency? Meaning she always intended to jump ship?

>> No.19267373

Entertaining for fellow low IQ yeah. Otherwise she wasn't.

>> No.19267511

I don't even know if I believe her menhera messages to korekore anymore. That could all have been a part of her plan to shit on holo on her way out. The fact that she went to Narukami with the exact same complaints makes it even more suspicious.

>> No.19267521

He helped the "lying whore" last time if you believed these tweets. Komachi Nono has been literally gone thanks to his reports if you even bothered to look at what the japs were doing.

>Verification not required.

>> No.19267591

You post on /vt/ faggot, your IQ can't be that high.

>> No.19267628
File: 17 KB, 188x92, 1644871478298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP fucks up
>blames EN
Cope, seethe, and dilate.

>> No.19267813

The post didn't mention anything about rushia at all you fucking retard

>> No.19267815

So many low quality baits

>> No.19267873


>> No.19268726

The thread is about the latest failure of the JP branch you incurable fucking mong. The context is inherently implied. You're like one of those faggots who has to bring up niggersanji in a hololive thread or Gura in one of the indie generals. If you don't want to be called out for your niggery either stay on topic or shut the fuck up.

>> No.19268791
File: 70 KB, 623x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rrat counters themselves when you guys show "the pictures" and it's all PPT slides written by those two fucks.
As for chat screenshots, here's some effort: they all look insanely blurry and distorted. There's not way to make text look like that through the screenshot function of any modern device.
I'm sure Rushia crossed the line bad. But those two know nothing.

>> No.19268844

Feels like anons are trying to use the Rushia incident to try and take down Cover/Hololive

>> No.19269023

Glad the dumb bitch got what she deserved

>> No.19270258


>> No.19270455

>claiming to have been bllied and pretty much using the victim card while giving info about her mates to a dramanigger.
So she is literally repeating her old strategy 1:1 and people still believe the muh bullying shit?

>> No.19270884

>Joins Niji
>Breaks contract 3 months in, because she's actually bullied for real

>> No.19270975

I'm a basically a tourist, but they still have a bunch of liabilities at their hands though. How likely did they shelve plans for a future gen until they figure out their PR/HR department and opsec? They can't be that clueless, r-right?

>> No.19270999

My EN oshi does not even tweet, and she's the biggest streamer of all Vtubing, fuck you on nigger

>> No.19271003

So you're telling me anya needs to be fired.

>> No.19271169

Cover needs to get some court order or something to shut her up.

>> No.19272050

Remember when Tama and Mochi left?
Tama was Sio and caused a big drama that sank .Live reputation, while .Live was indeed evil it pretty much killed their other members career.

>> No.19274411


>> No.19274505
File: 286 KB, 1064x1246, 1646008657842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia asking yuyuta for help with twitch channel and him being excited about the possibility of her resurrecting as the dark anti-hero.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMPvk5KkcVg [Embed]
checking comments under this video is interesting.
She did tell korekore to reveal everything she shared in case she offed herself but now that her contract has been terminated, she mind do it herself, once she sets up her new channel.

>> No.19274582

>>merise is an fps agency
it's not

>> No.19274827

>Remember when Tama and Mochi left?
>Tama was Sio
I don't know who Sio is either.
Like I said, I only followed Futaba.

>> No.19277806


>> No.19278002
File: 140 KB, 1280x889, Cute Rushia 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia is crazy. One time she was playing a crane game on stream, and she actually wanted to smack the hand of the guy who puts all the balls in. She tried to start it real quickly as he was putting balls in so she could move the crane and smack him. She sounded really excited about it, too.

>> No.19278013

Does she really want to throw herself in jail when she could just pull a kson?

>> No.19278134

If they truly know nothing, Rushia wouldn't get fired in the first place you fancuck. If it's truly false, she would also be the first one to cry injustice like how she was busy spilling spaghetti on twitter mere hours after the incident.

>> No.19278377

Sounds fucking hilarious honestly.

>> No.19278404

So the rrat is that Rushia was going to nuke Hololive to join Mafumafu? Is this the latest Chinanigger cope? I'm glad Holo CN was destroyed

>> No.19278500

I want antis to slip up and open holes in their rrats. If you can't provide proof than I don't believe you. I don't speak Jap and your highly-edited image isn't going to convince me.

>> No.19278692

Narukami is the one that tried to torpedo Hololive when Coco graduated, claiming that Kson contacted him and "wanted to come clean".

>> No.19278750

Kek where's the clip for this

>> No.19278892

She truly is one evil cunt.

>> No.19280617

I've never been able to find the clip the pasta is referencing, sadly

>> No.19280728

And here I thought the drama has come to it's conclusion. Ready for another round of rrats?

>> No.19280746
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Reminder that Anya Melfissa from 2nd Gen of Hololive Indonesia is actually a pureblooded japanese

>> No.19280801

This is mainly being peddled by vtuber antis and zhangs so yeah

>> No.19280992
File: 2.65 MB, 1220x1600, 1639726817841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo is the Jesus of idol industry.

>> No.19281111

fuck off, this is a nothing burger.

>> No.19281210

You are late. There was a thread abou it some hours ago and i've seen such schizofaggotry since chinks out kek

>> No.19281487

All gooks look the same. Only a gook can tell the difference between gooks, just like dogs can differentiate between dogs and how other animals do it.

>> No.19281561

of course it's le evil zhangs amirite

>> No.19282505

basically a corpo is being a corpo and a whore got fired for leaking corpo being corpo
this is just another tuesday, anonchama. your whore oshi is gone and will likely be blacklisted and have to become independent.

however unlike Coco, she'll come back as an independent and always be known as that dumb menhera whore who lied out of her ass for dramawhore clout KEKW cope

>> No.19282996

Sounds like what Pekora will do

>> No.19284318

>claiming that Kson contacted him and "wanted to come clean".
That never happened.

>> No.19284725

That's the problem for her. People liked Coco on the way out. People are either understanding of the reason she got fired or dislike her because she was spreading info around. This is no martyr situation and as soon as she starts peddling rrats on her own time, she'll lose the gachikoi she collected originally and only have dramafags and lolcow watchers surrounding her, both of which don't pay all that well.

>> No.19285116

The rrats won't really be taken seriously, just reposted in a joking manner.
Aloe and Coco after all have nothing but good things to say about Hololive despite the shit they were dealt with. Only Rushia seems to have bad things to say now, but that's probably because she got caught for leaking shit and probably the one spreading falsehoods to begin with. You can't take anything she claims for shit.

>> No.19285237
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>> No.19285345

I read she wanted revenge or something?
Was it during her stay in OR or after Hololive?

>> No.19285372

She's definitely losing her unicorn GFE audience considering who she is hanging out with now so she's pretty fucked. In the end the unifags still fucking lost

>> No.19285775

People can dilude themselves pretty well, but the ones who would have stuck around had she just moved on to a new character and moved on with her life sure as fuck aren't gonna be down for this.

>> No.19289309

It was about a year before she graduated. She told Kore if she "disappeared" tl:commited sudoku she wanted him to tell the world that Cover was responsible and Hololive talents were bullying her. She specifically said she wanted to "make them suffer".

>> No.19291448

I finally got it jesus shit fuck. There's no actual bully, she is that much unhinged and just wanted to burn cover down.

>> No.19292230

First of all, nobody's gonna believe her now, and second, she will get gigasued by Cover.

>> No.19292523

She is gonna tank it since she will reveal who has BFs, who's a real bitch, and other dirty shit.

>> No.19292797

Hal is a real nigga and he wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole even if Rushia left Hololive cleanly and amicably.

>> No.19293613

>Before gen 4
Do your reps, Gen 5 was the first non-nepotism Gen

>> No.19293809

You are insufferable.

>> No.19294093

Dramasisters, this is what I think happened
>mfmf hit it and quit it some time in November
>everything since has been Rushia coping with it by having a mental breakdown and trying to take it out on her employer

>> No.19298332

Sio is the one who got her IP exposed when posting anonymously and talking shit about other vtubers and revealing info that is only known to insiders. She was part of towa's circle of fps friends. one of the things she said included talking mad shit about roboco.

>> No.19300669

>exposing and destroying one black company after another
Truly the hero we need

>> No.19302385

Who's yuyuta? another utaite?

>> No.19302778

She couldn’t even bride Hal with the pussy when he has primo slut Hoshikawa on speed dial.

>> No.19302810

From what I can see it's メンヘラ, he not ha. Also, PLAYING a bitch and BEING a bitch behind the curtain are different things, and this happens to be a case of the latter. That's simply no excuse.

>> No.19303063

Keep coping retard. You know it's all true.

>> No.19303143

Menhara seems like a common misspelling among newfags. Sounds funny though
>members harassment

>> No.19303220

Her previous company made their talents compete with each other to be the one to get a 3D model, I would be more surprised if there wasn't bullying.

>> No.19303447

So the leaking that Cover alluded to might be that Rushia was trying to support mafumafu's agency with internal Hololive info? While probably considering jumping ship and all that? Suddenly the radical course of action in firing her makes a lot of sense...

>> No.19303646

So who's the bully, Fubuki? It'd be hilarious if she was.

>> No.19303778

Someone who dislike Vtubing because of Japanese values being ruined by Otaku or something

>> No.19303963

t. useless neet fag who will never know what a referral is

>> No.19304438

>people are still trying to pretend she won't do GFE or have unicorns
fuck off

>> No.19304471

>Japanese values being ruined by Otaku
He's like 30 years too late for that.

>> No.19304592

her group was Otoriza
you didn't actually read the picture

>> No.19305883

Therapy is like 50% a meme, the only difference between talking to a therapist and talking to a close friend is that the therapist isn't directly tied to your life so you can be more honest. Which might actually be a good thing for some of these girls since they're such shut-ins with nobody but their parents, manager, and sometimes genmates to talk to.
The medical side of things is bullshit quack science though. The process of prescribing meds is randomly picking one off the shelf and saying "These pills will either make you want to kill yourself and then start feeling better after a while, or just make you want to kill yourself period. Come back in 3 months and we'll try a different one if it didn't work, if you haven't killed yourself by then." Yet 18% of women in the west happily use this shit because they once had a rough week, got diagnosed with muh anxiety by some psych grad fresh out of the sorority house, and then were turned into nervous wrecks by the drugs they prescribed. It's terrible.

>> No.19306081

She's both menhara and dumb so it won't be surprising if she actually goes through it.

>> No.19306131

talking about the replies to this thread
idc about the picture or hololive I'm just here to see what people know about merise

>> No.19306991


>> No.19307335
File: 9 KB, 290x353, 1645904531079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs to be spoon fed for spoon feeding
>fucking tourist

>> No.19307529

Wow, sounds like the perfect person to ask for help.
How can one girl be so goddamn retarded.

>> No.19308083

someone got geeked.

>> No.19308922

These are the only truths:
- Rushia leaked and spread misinformation
- KoreKore knows nothing
- Narukami knows nothing
- You keep drinking their semen content like little faggots and then come here to play hero.

>> No.19311873

He's a nico streamer turned youtuber who got popularity by making fun of whatever drama was trending at the time and playing anime songs on his keyboard, or sometimes playing songs about whatever drama was trending at the time, like when he made a song making fun of Pekora's cold chiken incident.

>> No.19312001

Narukami knows who the bully is. Korekore probably knows too.

>> No.19312130

It was Aqua

>> No.19312165

I can't picture Aqua bullying anyone.

>> No.19312223

she slurps on you passive aggressively

>> No.19312263

i hope it was aqua because the mental image of her trying to bully someone is the funniest shit

>> No.19312397

> Rushia leaked and spread misinformation
Is Rushia the one that leaked the five guys thing back when the trap got fired.

Because if so she should also be scratched off the list even though back in the day /jp/ believed her to be the main target of the rumour.

>> No.19312418

Aqua probably avoided her at the office once and menhera Rushia took it as an intentional snub rather than Aqua's overwhelming autism. It was all downhill from there, anything Aqua did was under a microscope of scrutiny and probably caused a legitimate divide between the two which made it worse. Aqua avoiding the conflict, Rushia assuming she was being malicious.

>> No.19312521

So the menhera joke isn't actually a joke?

>> No.19313610

>Implying it was a joke in the first place

>> No.19318841


>> No.19321205


>> No.19321352

what the fuck is she doing...

>> No.19324646

>Chad Nene just powers through depression
As expected of the ultimate lifeform.

>> No.19324688

But I thought Pekora was the Aqua-hater. How deep does the Peko hole go? Hell I remember Rushia thinking Aqua was super hot/cute or some siht that one time. I don't get it.

>> No.19325410

Rushia planned to betray hololive from the start, then Mafumafu messaged her it caused Cover to investigate causing her operation to get exposed.

>> No.19325540

>planned to betray hololive from the start
She was making millions on SCs and merch sales anon, so either you are retarded for spreading a dumb rrat or she is retarded for planing to kill the goose that laid golden eggs

>> No.19326005

>she is retarded
You got your answer. She's too menhera for her own good.

>> No.19327006
File: 70 KB, 299x400, 1646084623054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Judas destroyed

>> No.19328000

Why does niji have better VR then roru rumao

>> No.19329287

Despite whatever stuff is said and the luck it has, Cover is still startup tier. Niji already got featured in Forbes and has (had, no idea) Sony backing.

>> No.19333251

Its a lot of effort sometimes to try to deciper this jpegs of random red arrows pointing to stuff. Just give me the greentext.

>> No.19338137
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