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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18999198 No.18999198 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning everyone.
Hope everyone has a nice day.

Also, Mori Calliope won't go away or graduate no matter how mad you get on this website.

That's all! PEACE!

>> No.18999478

She'll join Vshojo soon.

>> No.18999633

She'll quit out of spite after they seemingly dropped one of her friends for no good reason. Friends are literally the only thing keeping her there.
>But Rushia did everything evil
Calli doesn't know and will still think the corporate bullshit is at work here more than anything else.

>> No.19000412 [DELETED] 

The lean queen, the Karen of vtubers will regret the day she went against the mighty Tanigga motoaki

>> No.19000473

>Also, Mori Calliope won't go away or graduate no matter how mad you get on this website.
Yes, but she will be terminated instead.

>> No.19000773

This reads like Mori herself typed it

>> No.19000873


>> No.19000979
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>> No.19001023
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Mori did nothing wrong.

>> No.19001120

Calli-El, no

>> No.19001166

How the hell is mori friends with rushia of all people?
Her nihongo is toddler level and she only hangs out with western ecelebs

>> No.19001283

Don't drink too much today Mori, and don't spend your time shitposting in an australian emu riding forum

>> No.19001364

>How the hell is mori friends with rushia of all people?
>Her nihongo is toddler level
That's why.
The JPs understand what Rushia says and hate her, Mori doesn't.

>> No.19001454

Still zero chance they ever interacted

>> No.19001470

what is "lean"

>> No.19001489

It's ok to get hammered today, i guess.

>> No.19001519

Menhars overinflate their relationship status with people when it's convenient to their underlying emotions. She already has issues with Hololive, so she's going to delude herself into thinking her friendship was amazing because it lines up with her internal narrative that cover is bad.

>> No.19001542

Please stop saying Mori will graduate, cause the wish keeps landing on someone else.

>> No.19001594

cough syrup + sprite
it makes you high as shit

>> No.19001628

she is already 50% graduated.

>> No.19001693

>I just shot a rat that was far bigger than you, you wanna keep hobnobbing with your antituber buddies on our time or do I have to reload?

>> No.19001875
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Mori termination letter is taking longer to reach her due to issues with distance. What's this email / video / IM / fax / morse code you speak of?

>> No.19001913

This anon gets it.

>> No.19002210
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Oh, if only.

>> No.19004035

im into thicc girls now

>> No.19004107

Leak some more shit to TT and be prepared of getting the same treatment

>> No.19004226

Stop pretending to be p-chan Morí.

>> No.19004467

you faggots spent all month saying the SAME shit about Rushia

>> No.19005023

mori deserves the graduation I want to see holoen crumble to the ground I want to see them seethe and I want to see the internet roasting about their graduation and the entire internet shall forget about their existence

>> No.19007002
File: 75 KB, 187x161, Gonna Do[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6wkaap.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori is next

>> No.19007122

i'm just waiting for the upcoming meltdown
you know it's been building up

>> No.19007427
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She legit is the only one that posted what can be stated as anger as a result of what happen. Add to all this, it is no secret she already hates Cover, She will leave in 6 months.

>> No.19007457

she's historically really fucking bad with words so this could mean literally anything

>> No.19007477
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>Mori and some of the other EN girls will be reading /vt/ today
>The competent ones will be able to decipher what’s going on and follow links to stuff management won’t tell them
>Mori will continue to think it’s about her, unicorns or people not touching grass

>> No.19008003

She knows she's next

>> No.19012589


>> No.19015446

what did she do exactly?

>> No.19015605 [DELETED] 

yeah after rushia got ~200k in less than 24 hours of her termination announcement i think calliope moris going to feel much more confident in qutting. i expect her to quit hololive within next 30 days, she has gathered enough following of whitoid cucks for her to be independent and stilk swim in money for rest of her life. i also expect her to drop subtle and coward 'muh cover bad and toxic' bombs every once in a while after she quits.
also cuckbeat jannie is deleting mori threads once again

>> No.19015629

>Also, Mori Calliope won't go away or graduate no matter how mad you get on this website.
Just wait until Cover figures out what she means by "restaurant job".

>> No.19015831

She isnt, just colleagues cause they all work under cover. People who actually knew Rushia well gave rather cold statements implying they didnt really like Rushia but stayed professional and went "oh nooo...anyways" while mori is doing the usual western virtue signalling by acting like a major tragedy happened to her FRIEND, enough where she is going to take time off to...grief? Ha, yeah right. She wanted an excuse to not stream.

>> No.19016190

Dude VT has melted your brain or what? She is just confused about the situation, that's all, since apparently they didn't tell to the EN girls what happened.

>> No.19016379
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>Mori will continue to think it’s about her, unicorns or people not touching grass

>> No.19016444

I've heard that one before

>> No.19016480

I’m done watching JP sluts

>> No.19016544

Sorry bros, curse deflected it hit your oshi instead

>> No.19016612

It's all cool man, at least she seemed to care more about Rushia than the whore fox who gets dicked by yagoo daily and the nigger elf

>> No.19016667

calli, i know you're shook from rushia getting fired and knowing you're next, but still don't stoop so low

>> No.19016889

Anyone can spoonfeed me on why the hate on Mori?

I only know about her posting that tweet earlier today but she could be referring to Russia right?

>> No.19017020

Saving this post to laugh at in 2 months

>> No.19017056 [DELETED] 

Connor, Vshojo and TT.

>> No.19017058

Thing is Mori is often sort of bad with words so being "sick to my stomach" could just mean that she thinks the whole situation is tiring, and not that she's disgusted at either COVER or Rushia in particular.
Nuance is lost on antis though.

>> No.19017110

No you've done it, you set things into motion, it's unavoidable now.

>> No.19017194

Because Mori is a traitor, focusing on roommate activities and using hololive as a stepping stone for reviving her old life career and joining into literal scammers group of JP friends e-celebs.

>> No.19017203

Is this another "Cover won't fire Rushia hahaha" situation?

>> No.19017205

Because if Mori is a little bit retarded, some anons /here/ have severe intellectual impairment. Also since she is the EN member who acknowledges her haters the most and seems to care it makes her the easiest target

>> No.19017240

>it is no secret she already hates Cover
So what's the source of this rrat?

>> No.19017276

Oh, this is not about her being friends with Rushia. It's about the message that this situation sends to her.

>> No.19017290

She lives in nipland tho?

>> No.19017303

Connor and TT are the same thing and main reason why I don't really like Cali. Its fine when she went on the podcast, but her donating to Connor just to spite people just left a sour taste in my mouth. You can be friends with them all offstream, its ok. Just don't involve these dudes in the Holo streams or find dudes that are actually entertaining like Towa and the CR dudes (Selly and Mondo love!)

>> No.19017350

There's a lot of talents who do the same you retarded newfag, holy shit how can a human being be this stupid

>> No.19017375


>> No.19017403

If you're the kind of person who gets mad at that sort of thing your opinion was never important.

>> No.19017421

>Mori Calliope won't go away or graduate
Why not? Just start a company based in Japan to produce your shitty music and graduate. Everyone would be happier.

>> No.19017429

I just hate USA people, simple as.
Her voice is shit, her mannerisms are shit and in general she's a fucking piece of shit ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

>> No.19017496

No they don't, their other activities are secondary, hololive is their goal, Mori is the opposite, uses Holo until she can shed it off and go back to her bullshit, she literally spell it out in her song lyrics and you still defend it.

>> No.19017603

she had the chance to get close to Korone but for some reason, she didn't

>> No.19017698

No they did. I think she contacted Mori about collabing. But mori Had avoided reaching out to her because when she debuted fans gave her a nickname she thought was insulting to Rushia,
Of course Mori being autistic this means Rushia is now a close personal friend.
She is spiteful, but she's also /here/ and knows that would give /vt/ joy. So it depends on who you think she's more spiteful of. /vt/ claiming a victory over her would keep her awake for months.

>> No.19017879
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Shut up, Calli no one cares right now we're shitting on Rushia.
Wait next week to start baiting antis

>> No.19017983

Which of them, give me a clue and will be able to tell if you are a schizo or not

>> No.19018083

Trying to bait people so you can then report them is so fucking gay. Not even gonna give you a greentext (you) you faggot.

>> No.19018534

Fuck you, you hate towards Calli is so fucking irrational that really pisses me of. Thanks for telling me that you re just another disgrace of a human being schizo chaama

>> No.19018623

Well this kind of people >>19017429 exist so it not even rational anymore, she is literally like a trump in those schizos head kek

>> No.19018681

I don't give a shit Cali donated to Connor, but I'm glad it flushed out fragile CoverFans like you

>> No.19019066

But Mori making you seethe makes me happy, how about my happiness?

>> No.19019440

>Preferring to make someone seethe (kek) rather than your oshi's happiness
Fanbase truly reflects their oshi...

>> No.19019453

I'm onto you fucker. Say stupid shit today so when she gets the axe tomorrow everyone posts a screenshot of your shitty thread. Well fuck you. She's either getting the axe or quitting and your post is going to rot in the archives unquoted and unmemed.

>> No.19019496

Holy shit you've deluded yourselves.

>> No.19019514
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>> No.19019515

Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems like even people who were neutral about Mori a few months ago are starting to shit on her.

>> No.19019522

If I really believed Mori would be happier outside of Hololive, that's what I would want. But she loves her friends, so I don't.

>> No.19019589

>But she loves her friends
Collabing with her is like pulling teeth. Time to face reality, cuckbeat.

>> No.19019655
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>> No.19019722

I don't want her to leave.
I'm only interested in the drama, and she's one of the key sources of it. Otherwise it's just a group of anime Twitch thots.

>> No.19019727

She already moved on to her roommate and she knows her paypigs will follow her when she quits hololive. She will keep saying she is "too busy to stream" while releasing content as her rm, because that is what she enjoys the most. She is autistic about her passions and she is struggling to maintain the mask

>> No.19019815

>the underage redditniggers are here
Oh boy...

>> No.19019831

I even liked her a few months ago. Now I'm looking forward to her graduation.

>> No.19019860

>Collabing with her is like pulling teeth.
She lives in Japan, retard. Of course it's going to be hard for her to collab with the EN members who live in NA.

>> No.19019892

She needs to go sooner. Let the purge begin.

>> No.19019934

Ah, you've never watched Mori's streams, got it.

>> No.19019968

Rushia was my oshi but it would honestly be worth it if her sacrifice led to Mori graduating

>> No.19019992

>literally tummy hort

>> No.19020012

Christ deadbeat, not now.

>> No.19020030

I feel like the more people say a vtuber won't graduate, the chances actually increase

>> No.19020047

They literally can't help themselves.

>> No.19020062
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>yfw the grim reaper gets reaped

>> No.19020064

She's the scourge of Hololive, she NEEDS to leave.

>> No.19020071

based grudge poster

>> No.19020080
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>> No.19020084

they very clearly meant her godawful personality, not the existence of time zones

>> No.19020113

Not sure if you're delusional or just lying to yourself.

The literal, only drive she has to keep going is to "own le antis lol".
She has a massive impostor syndrome because she can't understand that a Vtuber is the sum of her avatar, the characterization she wants to add and yes, herself. Mori just see a "stupid" avatar and "stupid" rules and basically doesn't get it at all.

She may be friends with some HoloENs, but at the end of the day it's taking too much of a mental toll on her not to prefer to leave.

>> No.19020182

Dramasisters think this because she said her job is hard on roommate stream. She also said she hated idol culture before debut. Weak rrat.

>> No.19020184

>The literal, only drive she has to keep going is to "own le antis lol"
You forgot the money and the clout

>> No.19020187
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pleas andastd, pink woman stupid

>> No.19020244

Kill yourself cuck

>> No.19020296

Jannies won't deleted this thread.

>> No.19020371

>she had the chance to get close to Korone but for some reason, she didn't
Mori wanted to collab again with Korone ever since last May. They were even talking about offcollabing and playing Cuphead. However around that time Korone has dealing with a bunch of issues irl and then got really busy.

>> No.19020451

>Her nihongo is toddler level
Watch streams. Her conversation nihongo is just fine. She collabed with Rushia multiple times without issue.

>> No.19020468

calli is so black lol

>> No.19020486

Fankek jannies still coping, wont do shit against mori anti thread

Good riddance

>> No.19020514
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Funny, this is exactly what people were saying about Rushia less than 24 hours ago.
And it's especially funny because Mori is a white Karen who believe in jinxes.

>> No.19020521

she did. She's a chad.

>> No.19020547
File: 639 KB, 1282x1000, d4ca4d4279723c84d4579844e663faa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would you make this thread? Literally all you're doing is bringing more hate towards her that will also blowback on the main thread, you fucking idiot.

>> No.19020593

>she did
>She's a chat
So which one is it?

>> No.19020601

>Mori loves her friends.

Except Amelia.

>> No.19020627
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>not realizing this is an anti thread
Are cuckbeats literally retarded?

>> No.19020712

>he wasn't there this morning when Mori made that tweet and people interpreted it as anger against cover

>> No.19020782

I'm not a deadbeat I just think this rrat is retarded

>> No.19020880

Ah so you're a twitter tourist dramanigger. Fuck off

>> No.19020884


>> No.19020910 [DELETED] 


Because DDK streams have been absolute KINO and i want her to do them full time

>> No.19020936

Yes, but they are anti Hololive just like their oshi.
So anti threads for Mori are not off topic.

>> No.19020965

I don't think I will :)

>> No.19020968

Yeah, same way JPs have collabed in english "without issue", right? She can barely communicate and speaks like a retard, but she's managed before by saying simple sentences and having aid from actual bilinguals.

>> No.19020999

rope yourself retardchama

>> No.19021009
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>> No.19021062


>> No.19021097

I'm not trans but keep seething I guess

>> No.19021174

The fact that her japanese is toddler level and Ina learned it without even going there still amazes me.

>> No.19021402

I gotta admit that I am getting tired of this shit. Mori is one of my favs, and they have been seething on her for over a fucking month. Luckily I didn't lurked here when this was orange woman board, since she is my Oshi. Why there is some people who are totally deranged in this Mongolian basket weaving forum?

>> No.19021582

C'mon cover, let mori share her unfiltered opinion about it on twitter. What could go wrong?

>> No.19021612

>same way JPs have collabed in english "without issue", right?
No, not the same way since Mori's japanese is significantly better than most JP holos' english. But you're just a shitposter who doesn't actually watch Mori's content so I wouldn't expect you to know any better.

>> No.19021769

Without the backdrop of work and social interaction she will become stagnant very fucking quick. Goings on are half of what she talks about.
Unless you want half her streams to be whatever dumb shit upset her on the news.

>> No.19021794

this bitch collabs with her once and then acts like they've been friends for years

>> No.19021913

you're going in the book of groodges

>> No.19021932

Callie is a retarded nugger

>> No.19021940

she literally only has one thing that sells, music and interaction with her genmates, unless DDK start a vtuber agency, no

>> No.19022015

Ina is actually interested in the Japanese language and culture. Mori only lives there because she failed to make it in the States and she only cares about being rich and famous

>> No.19022068
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>> No.19022210
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>gonna get reaped

>> No.19022313
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>> No.19022374
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>> No.19022414

I really really like this image.

>> No.19022662

Okay, new rrat

I fucking feel like this thread was made by Mori herself. Running her mouth like this is really something she'd do just to appear strong and shit. Hope it bites her back in the ass.

>> No.19022747

Can you freaks both fuck off from my thread, this is a space to seethe about Mori.

>> No.19022789

She's retarded like that, yeah

>> No.19022840

Go take a look at the profiles of people simping for Mori. Most of them have pronouns in it.

>> No.19022981

How did Kiara manage to most of the normal fans in the divorce?

>> No.19023035
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I want this to be real just because its the funniest outcome

>> No.19023225

Imagine every hololive members graduate except Mori wouldn't that be funny

>> No.19023231

The poop talk scared away the normalfags.

>> No.19023327

That'd just be Vshojo

>> No.19023439
File: 1.52 MB, 640x348, gypsy-crusader.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the real TakaMori fags were deadbeats and normalfags all along

>> No.19023479

I just want more lewds of Calli.

>> No.19023500

Because Kiara may have her quirkiness and weird tastes like the idol stuff but she is probably the most grounder among the EN. She know what is taking shit, working at shitty jobs and treating with shitty people more than anyone among the EN, they only one who match her in that sense is Mori. She even dropped out school when she was fifteen, you can imagen why, which gave her some problems afterward (however according to her she ended finishing her studies). I may be a simp a gachikoi or whatever so my opinion could be biased, but she is quite inspiring and a wonderful person btw, even is she has had her menhera moments before. Chimkin good

>> No.19023655

OP screenshotted his own thread after starting it because he's desperately hoping Mori will graduate and he'll be able to start a "Posts that didn't age well" thread with his own screenshot, because 4chan is the only place he gets any kind of social interaction. Please stop enabling his schizophrenia.

>> No.19023701

well atleast mori isn't as boring than half of the council members.

>> No.19024054

Shut up nijifag go back to your nijicave that now one cared to.

>> No.19024132
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Based. Calli is a dumb whore with a fat ass and she'd do well to remember it.

>> No.19024152

Just a bunch of losers who hate Mori so much just because she's cringe.

>> No.19024250

I just want more takamori lewds and hentai

>> No.19024309

if mori just act as good onee san instead a karen and shitting people and talking shit like a karen did to random manager, i probably will be her no.1 fans

>> No.19024447


>> No.19024506

The irony of this is hilarious

>> No.19024638

If Mori acted more like a professional, we wouldn't be talking shit about her everyday.

>> No.19024658

Honestly thought she was talking about what's going on with Russia.

>> No.19024749

>They terminated Mori months ago
>She never got the message because she doesn't own a fax machine

>> No.19024836
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>> No.19024909

true, i mean look at ogey rrat, no.3 most viewed female streamer and have massive loyal viewer everyday without drama, she also talking shit but only in a cute way unlike mori who talking shit everywhere even on her alt account. that's really a red flag, no wonder ppl sayin she is the next to out

>> No.19024951

thanks Mori I love you

>> No.19024999

i like mori but I hope she graduates

>> No.19025220

>hololive is their goal

>> No.19025483
File: 1.82 MB, 556x686, mumeiStupidBitch[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa2fv8a.mp4] (3).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia getting the boot only makes me hate Mori
even more, Mori voluntarily started this shit because she was a spiteful retard. Rushia just made a fuck up on stream and panicked

>> No.19025491

Ina already knew Korean. Which means she had a head start in japanese grammar without even trying. All she needed to do was learn moonrunes and some vocab, in which most korean words have an equivelent to in Japanese anyway.

>> No.19025615

>trying to undermine it by explaining that Ina actually knows 3 language
>when Mori only knows half of one

>> No.19025987

I'm not a deadcuck. I think Mori's japanese is awful.

>> No.19026427

I honestly just think Mori Calliope is a relatable autist who’s fun to watch in her current persona.
Losing her would be a shame.

>> No.19026482

>yo yo my dawg. fr fr no cap

>> No.19026591

No fucking way...

>> No.19026624

Big ups my dude!

>> No.19026652

Would be based if true.

>> No.19026767

Please don't leave, I want to continue laughing at how stupid you are and how bad you can make yourself and Hololive look

>> No.19026783

she's pushing alot of things in her roommate, do you really believe she won't graduate this year? lmao
