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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18927015 No.18927015 [Reply] [Original]

ngl it's a pretty good roast

>> No.18927035


>> No.18927050

immerse yourself with a personality

>> No.18927085

Fuck off, vTweeter.

>> No.18927099

It's easy to drop and move on to a new chuuba. Why do autists feel the need to complain online?

>> No.18927115

Bitch needs to immerse herself with some dick and an actual career.

>> No.18927260
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>hijack yet another hobby consisting mostly of lonely permavirgins
>LOL have sex losers, touch grass, hahaha kill yourself
>Why do these people keep snapping? Why don't they find a hobby instead thinking they're entitled to sex and then lashing out at women

>> No.18927291

permavirgins will snap no matter what

>> No.18927317

You have very low standards

>> No.18927322

>same level as touch grass
>good roast

>> No.18927333

>twitch whore
you will never be a real vtuber

>> No.18927338

These people realize that...in the end they're still streamers, right? And they're still competing for viewers against titans like xqc, shroud, or pokimane, right? Sometimes I think they mistake what meagre success they eked out in the vtuber bubble for general streaming success and don't realize that the more you bleed away what distinguishes you from other streamers, the more you're going to have to play by their standards of what constitutes entertaining content. And you're going to lose that fight, because let's face it, the vtuber battlefield is baby mode compared to the shit out there.

>> No.18927342

Incel gatherings and hobbies don't deserve any kind of congregation on the internet. These are entertainers in an entertainment company, not a brothel.

>> No.18927362

>lol no bitches le touch grass incel
immerse yourself with some good humor

>> No.18927407

This is ironic considering the internet is mostly porn and cats.
Also you are the minority here, believe it or not.

>> No.18927432
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>> No.18927447

I don't care what you think or believe. The number of angry incels keeps Increasing at an accelerating pace according to every study examining the phenomenon. We're about to see the end result of this in a decade or two and I'll get to have a good laugh.

>> No.18927484

You have high faggot virgin levels

>> No.18927495

If they seek to entertain a certain group then they have to obviously expect what that entails. I've genuinely never understood how vtubers could be taken off guard by the fact that a lot of their fans are just lonely, if kinda weird ass dudes.
It's not like Mom, Pop, Suzie, Little Timmy and the fucking family dog are sitting down to watch an hour or two of some chick sperging out while poorly playing video games.

>> No.18927604

Doesn't negate my point that you have low standards. My half retarded, autistic ESL friend could come up with a better roast than that.

>> No.18927659

Insults nowadays are just parroted from other people. No one can come up with something original but, if they do, it's repeated ad nauseam until the next new insult comes around.
>Touch grass, get bitches, don't ask questions just consume product etc etc
There isn't an original thought in the whole bunch.

>> No.18927682

>good roast
>biting the hand that feeds you
It would've been good if she wasn't part of the problem. That's just pandering and screaming for attention, like any twitch thot.

>> No.18927691

immersion is the single most overrated concept of all time. you should be telling the people who care about it to kill themselves not have sex.

>> No.18927704

>Yo just have sex bro
>Yeah just stick your penis in a vagina
>I know you have deeply held beliefs and emotions about certain topics but if your hand touches a tiddy for 5 minutes you'll agree with everything I say
>Just one blowjob bro, Just one sex, and your whole history of your existence will disappear and you'll think like me
I hate this mentality and this insult

>> No.18927878

But women don't want to have sex with me because I'm not attractive or rich.

>> No.18927948

Immersion is something that only exists if the vtuber is playing a persona, and not just themselves online as a virtual avatar. Hololive talents are playing characters, not themselves, online so they can't do face reveals since half their shtick IS the immersion in the Myth (pun intended)

For everyone else, doesn't fucking matter. They're just streamers with virtual avatars. It's fine if they do a face reveal, but just do note that once they do they stop being VIRTUAL and just become streamers with a digital avatar. But it's fine because they're not playing a character other than themselves.

>> No.18928069

Looks like she touched a nerve, lmao. Hit too close to home?

>> No.18928178

If your beliefs are making you unhappy, and are making others unhappy, then fuck your beliefs.

>> No.18928245

Wasnt this girl the one twitter normalfags were attacking for having a loli model? Why is she joining their side now? Is she retarded?

>> No.18928248

The entire concept of a vtuber is a persona, it's their job to put on a 2D anime character avatar and LARP as it badly while they scream at video games, if they're that shit at maintaining even a little bit of kayfabe that they gotta make a tweet saying people who complain about got no bitches, which is fucking hilarious coming from a vtuber/group of vtuber fans, maybe vtubing isn't really for them and they should consider putting on a facecam and just streaming normally if they don't care about immersion at all?
Funnily enough these types of people would also be the same types to turn around and say "the vtuber and the person behind it are completely separate" when they do shit like GFE content while having a boyfriend.

>> No.18928263

She's the one who kept on insisting that her clearly loli avatar was in fact not a loli.

>> No.18928283

oh yeah she is fucked in the head, pantsu on head lobotomized

>> No.18928296

and who the fuck asked?

>> No.18928301

western whores think this is a great roast, amazing

>> No.18928312

>Vtubers just roleplay, it's not real
>Immersion isn't real
>Vtubers are not their avatar
>Vtubers are real, look at my real face
>Doxing bad, don't post real faces, vtubers are characters
And they call others schizo.

>> No.18928322
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>Incel fags seething ITT

>> No.18928346

Im always amazed that there are people out there that donate to and support women who have these narrow mindsets. What kind of pathetic men would do that?

>> No.18928426

>>Vtubers just roleplay, it's not real
>>Immersion isn't real
>>Vtubers are not their avatar
>>Vtubers are real,
>>look at my real face
>>Doxing bad
>>don't post real faces
i will anyway
>>vtubers are characters
how'd i do?

>> No.18928520

The belief of "have sex" curing everybody's problems makes me unhappy

>> No.18928523

Westernized vtuber is a mistake

>> No.18928538

Immerse your skull with a .45.

>> No.18928557

Putting face reveals on the same account is them wanting to have their cake and eat it. If they make some joke that goes viral or give some "deep and insightful" take that twitter jerks them off for, it's not just their 'character' that thinks that way, it's them, they're genuinely that witty, insightful, sensitive, etc in real life as well. After all, who else but the person behind the character - whose photo you can see on twitter, look, doesn't she look like such a nice person IRL too! - came up with and made those comments? But if they make a PR misstep on screen or get outed for lying about something, then it's all "haven't you heard of playing a character?"

>> No.18928578
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its pretty overused at this point

>> No.18928599

Aww did you try to self promote?Nobody is going to watch you.

>> No.18928623

ironically, virgins who desperately want sex

>> No.18928679

Fuck off pedo bait.

>> No.18928699

I always hate this "Bro just have sex bro" mindset normalfags have. I don't want to fuck a girl I just want to watch one play video games while I browse the internet at the end of a long day of work. The great thing about humanity is that we aren't all the same mindless mass but normalfags think its one of our greatest weaknesses I swear. Why do they try so hard to force everyone into their own little box where they have to have the same interests and desires? Can't they at least have the decency to let me be, according to them, miserable and different in my own little niche community instead of trying to infest it with their trash too?

>> No.18928810
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like clockwork

>> No.18928832

>Why do they try so hard to force everyone into their own little box where they have to have the same interests and desires?
this absolutely is not exclusive to normalfags. in fact, i feel like i see it the most from people on /vt/.

>> No.18928854

One day 4chan users will realize what actual comedy is one day.

>> No.18928868

If she isn't offering, then she shouldn't say shit like this

>> No.18928873

Fuck off chili you braindead normalfag whore

>> No.18928911
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she was always a normalfag, anti loli and a hypocrite.

>> No.18929035

people are going to seethe about this for as long as vtubing exists, aren't they?

>> No.18929059


>> No.18929069

Am I stupid or isn't this the purple dragon

>> No.18929140

This board is so easy to rile up. No wonder everyone comes here for easy (You)s.

>> No.18929187




>> No.18929252
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If you guys only watched males you wouldn't have this problem. Women are retarded more news at 11.

>> No.18929274


>> No.18929288

you're thinking of a different doki.

>> No.18929296

Have sex loser

>> No.18929324


>> No.18929327

use arch loser

>> No.18929356

*women under the age of 25

>> No.18929359

>It's not like Mom, Pop, Suzie, Little Timmy and the fucking family dog are sitting down to watch an hour or two of some chick sperging out while poorly playing video games.
That is true, it's not like these bitche do much more than that. Some of them can sing and that's it

>> No.18929386
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People are telling you that because they're more self-aware than you and know you only have those beliefs because you're bitter about being unfuckable.

>> No.18929412

my faith in humanity lowers everytime, its still a bit unfathomable that so many people have the never of defending this behaviour too

>> No.18929413
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Maybe I will

>> No.18929420

It's funny because if her fans starting having sex then she wouldn't have fans at all anymore. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.

>> No.18929430

Is she always angry about something?

>> No.18929461
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Wrong. Chibi's fans are sigma chads that slay pussy on the regular

>> No.18929627

I'm really tired of this
>"Thing people say"?, more like "thing you're a virgin"
bit. It was funny the first few times. And
>Oh you like anime? How about "Yugetsu no bitches"
made me chuckle but its so fucking tired. But for some reason it makes twitterfags fucking howl.

>> No.18929704

Escapism is one of the biggest factors that prevent these people from committing murder. The vtuber industry is financially dependant on the biggest losers, not the normalfags.

>> No.18929715

I wish Hollywood could be less capeshit and more Bollywood action.

>> No.18929763

Twitter has an ability to make a joke which is funny, make a few repetitions of it which are good, and then beat it to death and beyond. 4chan does this, but the jokes that survive are actually decent half of the time.

>> No.18929805

No you don't understand, Bollywood action is "cringe". You have to wink at the camera every five seconds to let the viewer know that they should enjoy what happens in the movie ironically.

>> No.18929816

man i fucking hate bollywood movies

>> No.18929872

Oh, they laugh not because it's funny. They laugh because it's shitting on a group they dislike and it makes them feel like they're more of the in-group.
Search for the 'you will never be Japanese' pasta which made it to reddit. The whole comment section is full of people laughing, reposting it, and chuckling about how they're going to use it to 'own the weebs' and post it on the anime/vtuber subreddits. Then someone points out that the original is the 'you will never be a woman' version and oh boy do they lose their sense of 'humor' real fucking fast.

>> No.18929876

nah retards remain retarded regardless of how old they get

>> No.18929924

Damn she got us good. Some /r/murderedbywords material right here

>> No.18929986

This is the future ENfags choose, annihilate any fandom white bitches on twitter think is le heckin problematic

>> No.18930052

I think Ikinome managed to do the whole irl thing more tastefully.


>> No.18930153

I have seen this girl posted multiple times here. Because her obviously loli-looking model and the way she call herself chibi is hilarious. Is she a 2view?
Who audience is she chasing?
I only thinks would be ironic zoomers, who can't enjoy anything genuinely.

>> No.18930197

dumb esl

>> No.18930221
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>> No.18930291

Since when /vt/ is full of normalfags? I thought everyone in this place were virgin.
Also I get that they are not here to serve you but this is straight up rude towards them.

>> No.18930409
File: 140 KB, 346x451, 1643827040101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since when is /vt/ full of normalfags?
When vtubers became mainstream.
