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18417431 No.18417431 [Reply] [Original]

i want rushia to be happy, why are you guys so mean?

>> No.18417496
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*cums on you

>> No.18417514

I want them all to be happy. Wishing for the suffering of any chuuba is something that would disappoint your own Oshi, no matter the company or indie group. Nobody likes any sort of anti.

>> No.18417558

*Except for Towa

>> No.18417608
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>> No.18417753

Are you new here? It's all shitposting. Even people dropping her over this want her to be happy, they just don't want to watch her content anymore.
People acting like schizos over it were just looking for something to be a schizo about. The arguments are all the exact same, word for word, as the ones made for every single yab of the sort, just look at the archives for Za Hando.

>> No.18417812

she lied to me. her boyfriend over the internet. and hundreds of other boyfriends too. how can i not be mad

>> No.18417978


>> No.18418126

please take a shower

>> No.18418339

yeah same. at first this was all just harmless fun for me since I don't watch Rushia and liked watching the schizos and twittards tear each other apart, but her tweet reminded me that this whole shitshow is centered around an actual person and now I just want it to be over

>> No.18418409

You're the reasons why women love cheating from behind stop enabling them

>> No.18418458
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>> No.18418483

holy ESL

>> No.18418511
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Anon, why you expect any empathy from a Monkey den? People here either ironically shitposting or borderline schizo.

Also if you want to Your oshi be happy, do not adding fuel to drama by replying to literal troll and antis.

>> No.18418512
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>> No.18418543

We are to lazy and you know it

>> No.18418598

i also want your wife to be happy with my penis, shut up cuck

>> No.18418627

I don't give a shit about any Holo unicorn/GFE shit, but I just think it's scummy to take advantage of your mentally ill fans while raking in millions. It's dirty and it's exploiting the poor fags who got caught up in the parasocial relationship that she actively pushes every single stream and even on Twitter. Doesn't matter if she is or isn't dating mafumafu, I hope she gets burnt by what she's been doing for years regardless.

>> No.18418641

>i want rushia to be happy

>> No.18418668

Holy shit there's a lot of ESL in this thread.

>> No.18418727

All I wanted was an audio with a crying voice saying how she wants to kill herself, is that too much to ask?

>> No.18418784

this is 4chan what do you expect

>> No.18418802

please take a shower

>> No.18418860

She's just reaping the consequences of milking mentally ill fans for money. Don't feel sorry for her.

>> No.18418872

I find something inherently demeaning about a girl with a bf (or dating or whatever) doing the whole GFE thing.
On a personal note, I'm fully aware that there will never be anything between us and frankly I don't want there to be; it just feels weird listening to a woman and thinking "she's someone's gf".
So yeah while I want her to be happy I just won't be listening to her ASMR streams anymore, which is the only content I tend to consume anyway as relaxation white noise.

>> No.18418885

>parasocial relationship
Go back to twitter.

>> No.18418929

Seethe. Exploitation is all it is, regardless if you're one of the fags who fell for it or not.

>> No.18418933

never give whores any chances. they only exist to weaken men. they have no value and until society realize the poison that's been killing them, civilization will never progress

>> No.18418995

please go outside

>> No.18419083

Most hololive are jp fans, and then there's a sizeable portion of SEAmonkies.

Literally just got out of the shower, hair still wet and everything.

Also true.

I don't wish for the suffering of any single human, anon. There are some I wish would stop existing, and some I wish who would change their ways, but suffering does not contribute to the greater good in any way.

>> No.18419097



>> No.18419098

im literally heartbroken rn and yet im somehow getting ridiculed for it. fuck you

>> No.18419157
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This but with the JQ

>> No.18419271


>> No.18419385

I'm impressed you can bother with her ASMR. Her mic settings are off and the audio quality sounds horrible as a result. It sucks cause I love ASMR, but she hasn't managed to fix it in all this time. I wish Noel would help her with it or something. Though I do prefer object noise/contact triggers and I feel like Rushia would do more whispering type stuff instead.

>> No.18419485

Proof mafumafu can't be dating her. If he was dating her, he'd actually fix the audio setup.

>> No.18419527
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>> No.18419547

This might be the most convincing argument yet.

>> No.18419565
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>> No.18419667

Im happy for her and her boyfriend and I'm glad the money will still roll in. It's expensive raising a family in Japan.

>> No.18419704

Guess what dumbass these whores are not lonely they are all with skinny and loveless japs, they lie to you

>> No.18419786
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>> No.18419855

>disappoint your own Oshi
That’s my secret.
I have no oshi. I watch what I want.
I never settle. I keep moving forward.
They will suffer for their misdeeds.

>> No.18419880

fucking cuck americas full of this weaks ass idiots

>> No.18419967

i bet when you get a wife i wil be pounding her ass and she will be moaning for pleasure and you will be in the corner saying

>Im happy for her and her boyfriend and I'm glad the money will still roll in. It's expensive raising a family in Japan.


>> No.18419981

top kek. you make an amusing point.

I had an LDR with a girl with a bad mic set up actually for a while. You get used to it.
Sure, higher quality is better, but lower quality has a charm once you become accustomed to it. Otherwise pixel art wouldn't still be made.

>> No.18420035

All whores must hang

>> No.18420705
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It's gonna get better fren. Time heals all

>> No.18420725

I just want Rushia to pay for lying to her fans and stealing their money.

>> No.18420801
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>> No.18421222

>Sure, higher quality is better, but lower quality has a charm once you become accustomed to it. Otherwise pixel art wouldn't still be made.
I understand what you're trying to get at, but that comparison is more apt if we talk about modern electronic and chiptunes. A better comparison in this situation is a PNG vs a mid-quality JPEG.

>> No.18421794

>So yeah while I want her to be happy
Well, there you go. So you agree with me. There's nothing wrong with not wanting to watch someone with a boyfriend, despite what redditors will try to tell you. You're only a schizo if you become an anti about it, which I doubt any considerable amount of people who were actually her fans did. It's all retards being retarded.

I may be misremembering the chuuba, but I'm pretty sure Rushia's audio for ASMR is intentional, I remember her talking about reading (or was it talking to another chuuba?) about this kind of noisy audio being better for ASMR. She may be wrong, but it's not something she's failing to fix.

>> No.18422048


>> No.18422533

Noisy isn't the word I would use to describe it. The best comparison I can think of is a phone call trying to pass sound outside of the intended frequency range. It has this distinct sound to it and causes clipping something fierce. Very bad for ASMR, I'd have a hard time believing it's intentional.

>> No.18422710

What do you guys think pegora thinks about all this?

>> No.18422848

Doesn't care; it didn't affect her.
Possibly happy that she can snatch up some of her viewers.

>> No.18422883
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>> No.18422911


>> No.18422934

I want unicorn to be happy, why you guys so mean?

>> No.18425898

Probably helped Ruchan coping with other Sankisei members.

>> No.18426562
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You can poke the beehive with the stick for honey, but dont be suprised when the bees come out

>> No.18429282

Me too good ol' cuckold can never get old

>> No.18429508

yeah sure is she did nothing wrong yeah in fact she is innocent
