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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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18293008 No.18293008 [Reply] [Original]

I want the girls to be comfortable enough to have boyfriends, husbands, or other partners; and any true fan should as well. To me that shows that they are thinking of the future and aren't literally just holed up in their home and suffering alone. To me an "IDOL" is someone I can look up to. I'm not personally good with social relationships so I take inspiration from people who are in order to better myself. These girls aren't our slaves that we can collect and trade and put in a box forever. Anyone who has ANY problem with that can go get their head checked.
I do appreciate that the overwhelming majority opinion on the matter seems to be "Not this nonsense again".

>> No.18293026

she's not gonna fuck you my dude

>> No.18293059

i don't. kill yourself cuck

>> No.18293093

Don't give a fuck about the girls, they can fuck whoever they want, EXCEPT for my male idols. Go suck some random fat fuck dick in a drugstore, whore.

>> No.18293096
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I'll fuck anon

>> No.18293101

But some of the girls don't want that at all, they'd rather pander to lonely man and milk them dry while fucking their boyfriends.

>> No.18293114

you're a naive idiot

>> No.18293142

Go back, roastie.

>> No.18293153

you've never thought about female v-tubers being both more numerous and more popular than male v-tubers and what that tells you?

>> No.18293171

post your membership history op

>> No.18293177

I want normalfags to hang themselves but we can't all get what we want

>> No.18293181


>> No.18293185

They already are. That's why they are vtubers.

>> No.18293203

I do think fans of EGF experience are pretty retarded to assume EGF would be a good EGF without any experience, there's inherent contradiction between wanting that experience and wanting purity.

>> No.18293253

And I want the girls to be honest with their fans instead of emotionally manipulating them into giving them more money by acting like a mentally ill loner and stalking them on social media, but we can't always get what we want

>> No.18293302

I want Mafumafu to spread his boyhole and let Soraru fuck him live on stream as he reads his notes app apology for meddling with Rushia and sending her a Disco message as a prank.

>> No.18293358

wrong. women get worse the more partners they have although it did help her gain the experience in manipulating male emotions

>> No.18293397

Honestly this. Reddit and Twitter just pick facts that fit their narrative and forget about all the pandering Rushia was doing and how far she was taking it.

>B-but she is playing a character.
She used her character to prey upon clearly mental ill people.

>> No.18293447


>> No.18293463


>> No.18293553

lol cuck
she need to quit then

>> No.18293652

Sure. Just don’t bring them up during work. I don’t go to my job and tell people about who sucked me off.

>> No.18293692

>I want the girls to be comfortable enough to have boyfriends, husbands, or other partners
>and any true fan should as well
t. EOP femoid that hasn't watched a single stream

Post membership and SC receipt

>> No.18293776

it's saying a lot when they apparently can't make any money unless they do this. the amount of people giving her a pass on her behavior is fucking weird to me. i'm not a moralistic person in general, but abusing and manipulating weak people is disgusting, period. she got filthy rich off of doing it while her viewers remain depressed, lonely and in an even worse financial state than before - but she's the victim because she's a woman and they're evil maleoid oppressors. i fucking hate the woke feminist narrative that even /vt/ has adopted to a large degree.

>> No.18293970

She's the victim of her own behaviour. If she didn't do any pandering and just streamed with no GFE bullshit, there wouldn't be anything to complain about.

>> No.18294562


There, i typed it out for you so you can go the fuck back already. Feel free to rope on the way out

>> No.18294640

Honestly I wouldn't really mind it for half the girls. The ones that do heavy GFE? They must keep up the kayfabe.

>> No.18294719

Yeah, I agree. Any frothing retard who says otherwise can eat shit.

>> No.18294798

>These girls aren't our slaves that we can collect and trade and put in a box forever.
An interesting proposal... brb starting a new "vtuber agency"

>> No.18294894

Sounds like NFT's. NFT Vtuber agency? You buy and trade girls that do streams just for you?

>> No.18294924
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Vtubing is the future. Someone's going to find a way for every person to get their own anime girl one day and that'll end in profits that make 3 million dollars look like a fucking joke. She can enjoy Grey cock to her heart's content if she thinks this is the peak.

>> No.18294940

It's all about what expectations they set for their audience. Rushia was doing the obsessive girlfriend that demanded her audience to never look at someone else and in turn will do so herself. If people trust you on this and you betray these expectations then the backlash is justified.
The opposite would be one of the girls coming out from the get go and say nah I'll have a boyfriend whenever I want. If people get outraged at her getting one at some point they would just look retarded.

>> No.18294986

looking up to vtubers is plain bad. They represent the bastardized ideal version of a person. No one acts like a vtuber in real life and if they do, they are a fucking faggot

>> No.18295012

I love Rushia and she loves me too, even if her roommate has a bf or even a husband
You idiots just don't get it

>> No.18295025

>It's all about what expectations they set for their audience. Rushia was doing the obsessive girlfriend that demanded her audience to never look at someone else and in turn will do so herself. If people trust you on this and you betray these expectations then the backlash is justified.
I get what you are saying but she is playing a character. That's just her persona.

>> No.18295029

This post smell like a leddit rant.

>> No.18295038

>I'm not personally good with social relationships
you should've stopped here

>> No.18295138

good job farming you's i guess. that's my cope because i will never believe a person will genuinely believe this.

>> No.18295407

Anon, that's the opinion the majority has about the incident and Hololive vtubers in general. We are in the minority,

>> No.18295519

uninformed majority. i assume this guy at least did some research on how rushia operates and just farming you's now

>> No.18295855

You say that as a joke, but as soon as we get an AI anime girl that can provide a good enough GFE for your average lonely man to deceive himself into harboring feelings for it, that market will fucking explode overnight. It's just a matter of time, but the future of lonely males is undoubtedly virtual girlfriends. Vtubers are just one stepping stone in that process.

>> No.18296089

pretty sure this is bait some Giga cuck that gets off being insulted or humiliated..

>> No.18296118

Black Mirror scriptwriters taking notes rn KEK

>> No.18296212

ITT: You're mad

>> No.18296247

you're merely a whore happy to find people respond in a way that allows you to act more like one
please don't pretend it ever was anything else

>> No.18298505
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>> No.18298557

Enjoy the realistic cucking experience

>> No.18298594
File: 53 KB, 1024x1024, 1644634495159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want the girls to be comfortable enough to have boyfriends, husbands, or other partners; and any true fan should as well. To me that shows that they are thinking of the future and aren't literally just holed up in their home and suffering alone. To me an "IDOL" is someone I can look up to. I'm not personally good with social relationships so I take inspiration from people who are in order to better myself. These girls aren't our slaves that we can collect and trade and put in a box forever. Anyone who has ANY problem with that can go get their head checked.
I do appreciate that the overwhelming majority opinion on the matter seems to be "Not this nonsense again".

>> No.18298623

I'd agree if it wasn't Rushia. Rushia wasn't just an idol, she chose to embrace the GFE and play by those rules

>> No.18298666

how many times do we need to tell you normalfags this
its not a matter of "we're mad because she has a girlfriend", it's a matter of "she catered to the mentally ill who thought she had a girlfriend explicitly and we're laughing at her for getting bitten in shark infested waters she cultivated"

>> No.18298720

The fans on Rushia's side will gladly pay for their condom, dunno about Mafu's side though.

>> No.18298820

fool me once, shame on you
fool me twice, shame on me
she has been fooling you for the last 2 years anon, at this point it's your fault for believing her

>> No.18298831
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didn't read, Im going to fuck mafumafu

>> No.18298880

Gtfo normiefag

>> No.18298884

Gotta love how people are making shit up about Rushia gachis or fans when MOST of the harassment comes from mafumafu gachis which are all women...guess women can't be blamed for ANYTHING regardless of what they do lmao

>> No.18298887

>we're laughing at her for getting bitten in shark infested waters she cultivated
dumb normalfag

>> No.18298893

You're in the wrong place, pal. /vt/ is fucking incel land. You should probably get away from this place and live a proper life.

>> No.18299002

no one on this board takes orders from you, loser.

>> No.18299199

>To me an "IDOL" is someone I can look up to.
In this case what do you look up to? Wanting to get fucked by a guy who looks so flimsy other men could rape him?

>> No.18299295

took a wrong turn on the way to reddit

>> No.18299315

>abusing and manipulating weak people
bro those viewers did this to themselves. being mentally weak is one thing, being so gullible to the point of donating so much money to a woman they’ll never truly know is just plain stupidity. i’m sorry they couldn’t get help sooner but they absolutely should take this as a lesson.

>> No.18299542

this bitch is a false idol. she is just a money-hungry whore just like everyone else. true idol are great historical figures like president Lincoln and the like

>> No.18299610

The problem is, Rushia pandered them to the extreme, people are playing as if Rushia was just playing games and people bought into being a gf.
She wouldn't actively stalk (and even dm sometimes) her top donos and talk directly to them just to get more money out of them, if you're playing this hard the GFE game don't blame other than yourself when the whole affair explodes in your pace, if you play with fire and get burned it's all your fault, not the fires fault for being so hot, you could've turn it off at any time.
