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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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1710237 No.1710237 [Reply] [Original]

Haha remember when people thought she'd be stomping the JPs? Bitch can't even get 20k views anymore

>> No.1710287

pink cat good

>> No.1710321


>> No.1710328

Metroid filters chuds, this is a chad-only stream

>> No.1710419

There is a reason of why the narrative shifted from live views to vod views.

>> No.1710529

At least she's actually playing a good game for once

>> No.1711268

not to mention this game is a buff game

>> No.1711835
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>> No.1712028

Her gameplay filtered me, she's too dumb to hit all the buttons on the controller.
If she's going to play this game blind she needs to accept backseating from chat because at this rate it'll just be her wandering around aimlessly making no progress for hours on end because she's not used to old gaming conventions.

>> No.1712083

This. It feels weird to see her play a good game.

>> No.1712262

Kill yourself, retrofags. This game is boring as shit.

>> No.1712320

Korone can play retro games and still get above 12,000 watchers even though she has way less subs than Gura. Gura is just boring as fuck and doesn't know how to be fun.

>> No.1712331

I feel like Metroid Prime would be better for her

>> No.1712378

Shut up, kid

>> No.1712419

You're meant to play it, not watch others play it

>> No.1712424
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>plays games no one has ever heard of
>gets low views
>"wtf how did this happen?"

>> No.1712454

She's actually enjoying a game she's playing too. It was so obvious that she had zero interest in Minecraft, and that was half of her streams for a while.

>> No.1712557
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Shit bait

>> No.1712575


>> No.1712604

Which are the Karaoke and rrat boards?

>> No.1712639
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>> No.1712652

Korone has played older, more obscure games and gotten more than 12,000 watchers. Despite her subs not being close to Gura's.

>> No.1712677
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Live view count is unreliable, do your reps numberfag.

>> No.1712708

Yet she will still get 400k-600k views because of people out of timezone who didn't watch the live. Cope harder lol

>> No.1712744

The daily cope. Her shit sc revenue reflects her lwo viewership.

>> No.1712754

What kind of baby are you to never have heard of Super Metroid?

>> No.1712784

en viewers have different taste than jp viewers

>> No.1712814

Shit taste you mean.

>> No.1712851

Always a new excuse from chumpoors.

>> No.1712854


>> No.1712889

So why are Coco and Rushia the highest SC earners?

>> No.1712926

wow, the seaniggers are beating her to the punch, who would've thought

>> No.1712933

That's a stupid argument because Kiara regularly is in the top 10 highest earners of the month despite having the lowest viewership in EN.

>> No.1712943

Not the guy, but its obviously GFE

>> No.1712966

Viewership base is different. Location is different. I'm pretty sure a lot more Japs were playing this game than others

>> No.1713048

The average chumbab

>> No.1713071

Viewership and revenue aren't proportional. Lamy pulls relatively small numbers but is rolling in cash because she runs a fucking cult.

>> No.1713204

But anon, the vod views! They're infiinitely more important to a streamer and is a good way to evaluate how active her subs are!

>> No.1713216

Shit, but at least has personality unlike Gura. Gura has zero entertainment value.

>> No.1713272

She could have it, but she just doesn't give a shit anymore and it shows.

>> No.1713274

How is it a buff game? This isn't GDQ.

>> No.1713521

gura is by far the most boring holo

>> No.1713604

She looks so dumb
Her face is dumb and she looks very not smart

>> No.1713630

Same. Couldn't watch Flare play SM either because I'm just too used to watching people like Oats and Zoast demolish the game, so seeing someone play it blind is just not something I just don't have the patience to watch

>> No.1713664

PINK CAT BA....wait a minute.

>> No.1713751

Lot of numberfags recently. You sound like a poorfag arguing over which billionaire or celebrity has more money than the other. They earn a lot of money either way even if they don't directly compete with each other and it's not like it effects you personally. Let's also ignore that different audiences have different taste, is there crossover with another popular streamer and between their audiences, time zones, interest in the game, interest in the vtuber playing the game and possible other multiple factors that I might have missed that determine how many live viewers there are. Let's also ignore that monetization, superchats and membership factor into success for the vtuber but you probably can't argue that unless you actually have access to their account. You can approximate monetization but it isn't accurate. You'll never get access to how many are members in hard numbers so that's out. The only close thing you can argue is superchats but that is just 1/3rd of where a vtbuer income comes from so all numberfag arguements are half ass attempts to produce drama and conflict over a number which is a small part of the whole. If you numberfags are like stockholders who selloff at the slightest slump in the stocks, you'd stay dumb poorfags for the rest of your life. You wouldn't be treated seriously and you shouldn't be.

>> No.1713796

Ooh he's mad. He's crying

>> No.1713798

shark cute

>> No.1713899

>pulling just under the number of Ame, Ollie and Moona combined
>more than double Coco

>> No.1713961

Why didn't you like the stream stupid seanigger

>> No.1713993


are you telling me what to enjoy watching? and that i should base it on veiwership and money made by the person entertaining me?

it's almost as if you're telling me to follow the crowd, watch only what the crowd is watching and throw money at the richest entertainers. Seems sorta dumb to me.

This metriod stream has been kino as all fuck. Gura has been entertaining, enjoying all 4 hours of it.

>> No.1714053

Holy shit shut the fuck up fag

>> No.1714063

>Playing a good yet hard game for once
>Having fun

Fuck off m8 Gura is the one that should be playing retro shit since she's the one that can worry the least about numbers.

>> No.1714101

it's bed time for her core audience.

>> No.1714110

>forms own opinion
eop detected

>> No.1714117

>dog fuckers still seething over Gura being the most subscribed Holo
this is just sad

>> No.1714157

Coco? GFE? Are you sure?

>> No.1714191

I don't pay attention to numbers very often, so I might be wrong, but doesn't english have a more spread out timezone compared to japanese? That can give gura a bit of an edge on views, no?

>> No.1714198

>unable to attract newsfag
>chumbuddies getting bored with her some day

>> No.1714400

seethe harder fagot.

>> No.1714518

>high view count
she gets supa dosh, not views

>> No.1716769

7/10 bait, make me reply

>> No.1716814


>> No.1717366

Is this the part where you pretend Korone hasn't built up an audience of people interested in watching her play retro games? Something Gura hasn't done hence why her views are lower.

>> No.1717447

Watching a zoomer play Super Metroid is painful.

>> No.1719345

Way too serious but based.

>> No.1719447

Metroid was the shit back in the days.
It's ok to watch her blind gameplay but jesus learn the buttons for gods sake

>> No.1719538
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This is terrible! Oh no! What is she going to DO with THESE NUMBERS?! How shameful...

>> No.1719599

Not a bad cash haul for such middling viewership

>> No.1719861

How does one cute little shark girl still live rent free in the heads of so many /hlg/ autists lmao

>> No.1720295
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>12k watching now

>> No.1720401

>yesterday Mori got 16k watching some random fucking game at some meme timeslot
>Gura can't even surpass 12k at American primetime

I think I've figured it out. Amerimutts just don't watch Hololive anymore.

>> No.1720460

Concurrent viewing numbers are not reliable, filtering out as much as 40% of the total viewers for various reasons. Basically when the number updates you get a quick and dirty update of the current numbers that are being logged and can be verified.

>> No.1720483

Amerimutts don't like obsolete games played poorly.

>> No.1720518

Cuz she fell for the Minecraft life like a retard.
If she wanted numbers she would play rhythm games, or horror games.

>> No.1720530

this applies to everyone?

>> No.1720550

It's only this consistently shit with people streaming from North America or Europe.

>> No.1720558

Seems fine to me.

She's playing about as well or better as I did when I was a kid. A first playthrough takes most people about 10 hours or so, with subsequent playthroughs being shorter. She seems to be roughly on track for that.

What's really fun is how much she seems to genuinely enjoy it.

Also I can't wait until chat tells her about shinespark and crystal flash.

>> No.1720573

So Ina, Ame and Kiara are getting affected too

>> No.1720591

>So Ina, Ame


>> No.1720625

doesn't she lives in austria?

>> No.1720630

Ame and Kiara's numbers are definitely skewed as you can see in the post stream stats here >>1719538 once the full accounting happens it's a more respectable numbers.
That said, even in the end Kiara's number are garbo.

>> No.1720667

yeah, thanks for the info

>> No.1720676

While I have little doubt she MAY have been affected by the numbers, her biggest hit was literally engineered by her own stupidity and circumstances she created.

>> No.1720797

This actually affects JP streamers as well. >>1714345 >>1717890

>> No.1720881

this affects only vtubers or what?

>> No.1720975

If you can find a website which tracks metrics for non-vtuber streams we'll know.

>> No.1722068
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>> No.1723554

English speakers may be a larger audience, but they're also larger competition. Lots of people who might have become Gura viewers might instead be watching VShojo or some indie vtuber. Meanwhile, she's constrained by having to play by Hololive's rules.

>> No.1723955


>> No.1723969

go back

>> No.1723984

>It was so obvious that she had zero interest in Minecraft
Not true. She enjoyed it, but she is bored now, since she feels bad if she continues progressing alone. She was literally talking about it on stream. This is why Minecraft is not on her favorite game list. I don't know if you are autistic or just don't remember her streams, but she Is one on hololive who values friendship above money. How many times she said that being there watching her play is enough? At the end of every member stream she is very happy see people come.

People who are hungry for human attention are numberfags. Kiara is a perfect example, but the only difference is the size of ego. You can consider this a rrat, but Gura is numberfag herself. I also want her to be happy, but the more people watch her live the happier she is.

>> No.1724025

You should go look at the pekora dramabombs that occurred within the last few months because you're already exhibiting prime overly attached nousagi behaviour
And no I'm not talking about the lunaluna shit

>> No.1727803

Gura hates having a large audience what the fuck are you on about? If it was up to her she would only stream to her members.

>> No.1727840

I love how this overrated whore is being destroyed in every thread outside the normalfag EoP hugbox that is Global.

>> No.1729596

This only applies to karaoke streams and things that are more that just playing a Minecraft. But maybe you are right, because lately she tries communicate with chat more.

>> No.1729781
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You sound mad. I recommend crying about it.
