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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16970707 No.16970707 [Reply] [Original]

Some of you are such fucking losers it's unbelievable.

Please explain to me why the private life of someone pretending to be an anime girl matters to you so much? Why is it so important to berate an entire fanbase over something so trivial? And guess what, most if it isn't fucking real anyway. I'm legitimately starting to believe some of you have literal schizophrenia.
God forbid a talent talks to a man. How will you ever recover from this? We aren't your personal girlfriends. Hololive talents are just entertainers no different than the male streamers then want to create content with but are pressured into avoiding them because of incels like you. Even if they did were engaged physically what does that fucking matter to you. How does that change the way you perceive the CHARACTER that is being PLAYED on stream? And then and go donate disgusting shit like "condom money for Connor lololololololololol". Seems this board has some real comedic geniuses. That's probably why they're too busy fussing over about a nothing burger.
Next you're gonna falsely claim that Mori abuses illegal substances. Oh wait!
What does all this drama have to do with anyone besides the streamer and her IRL friends. Why is there drama in the first place??? But you keep being you - losers living in their parents basement unable to cope with the fact they anime girlfriends have actual lives. If you really hate a content creator that much then just don't watch their stuff. You're giving a bad name more to yourself rather than the deadbeats who've actually been rational human beings. Mori doesn't even care about any of this and has blown it off but you insist on trying to bully her, her friends and her fanbase and spreading rumors that endanger her career.

Take your meds, but for real this time.

>> No.16970744


>> No.16970780

>legitimately starting to believe some of you have literal schizophrenia
How new

>> No.16970782


>> No.16970795

I will not read it.
Fuck off simp

>> No.16970825

It's not hurr because it's a male you disingenuous shit, it's because she basically endorses cucking her entire fanbase for him when this guy literally only gives a shit about her -because- of that big fanbase. It's about her being shitty and overblowing things needlessly, quit trying to deflect as if she's perfect, she's fucking far from it and literally admitted she was being unprofessional and has a lot to learn.

>> No.16970836
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Didn't read lmao

>> No.16970854


>> No.16970864

too long didn't read

>> No.16970868


>> No.16970907

Mori you’re still drunk?

>> No.16970919

lmao absolutely reaching how desperate are you

>> No.16970921

>We aren't your personal girlfriends

>> No.16971007

Take a brake and sip some lean

>> No.16971006

I have no idea what the drama is about, anon. Only clicked this thread because of the wall of text. Stop blaming other people for your own gossip addiction.

>> No.16971098
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>> No.16971130

Hi Mori. Tell Kiara a random anon says hi, shes my oshi since she actually puts effort into Hololive lol

>> No.16971171

Why doesn’t she collab with TT as demon cubes? Why does she have to use her Hololive acct?

>> No.16971172
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lmao didn't read

>> No.16971184
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>> No.16971215
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>> No.16971216

trying too hard

>> No.16971236
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Take your cough syrup and relax Deadbeat

>> No.16971246

You are fat and have no talent
Wigger whore

>> No.16971282

>Please explain to me why the private life of someone pretending to be an anime girl matters to you so much? Why is it so important to berate an entire fanbase over something so trivial?

It's fun.

>> No.16971304

>God forbid a talent talks to a man.
nobody cares about that
>falsely claim that Mori abuses illegal substances
sure thing cuckbeat
>What does all this drama have to do with anyone
She's tanking Myth as a whole

>> No.16971312

> personal life
Company Twitter account

>> No.16971317
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>> No.16971322

shut up Connor nobody likes you

>> No.16971373


>> No.16971381

She literally explained that she meant alcohol...

>> No.16971389

Go back to bed, Mori

>> No.16971423

I don't care if Mori's roommate is Connor's friend. But I don't want that piece of shit anywhere near hololive itself. And it's not because of his penis.

>> No.16971434

Gee, it's almost as though the core of streaming with a chat is to foster a back-and-forth relationship that turns out to be entertaining for the audience. Such a relationship requires consistent narratives to sustain. It doesn't even matter if they are real so long as they are consistent.
It isn't anything to do with boyfriend-girlfriend bullshit. For this particular issue, the established narrative is "X cares about hololive." X takes actions and associates with people that cast that into doubt. Even from the most pessimistic standpoint of the streamer-viewer relationship, the narrative is now inconsistent and immersion-breaking. But hey, maybe you don't care about that. Maybe you're one of those people where in a science fiction novel, near the climax when cornered the main character suddenly says, "Oh by the way I can use magic" and blows the baddie apart with an unforeshadowed fireball. What? It's just fiction, after all, right? Well then excuse the audience for abruptly breaking their character as loving supporters and becoming full raging barbarians instead. It's all in fun, right? None of it is real, so nothing matters, right? Not the talent, not "disgusting" superchats, not anything.

>> No.16971449
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None of throwing shit happens if you just ignore it. You are in 4chan what do you expect? You never learned and I hope mori will learn her lesson.

>> No.16971461

>private life
Please explain how anything that's happened was private

>> No.16971499
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>Please explain to me why the private life of someone pretending to be an anime girl matters to you so much?

Excuse me? It was HER that couldn't separate her personal life from her vtuber streaming persona and kept mixing them together. If she kept her friendship with Connor to her personal life and didn't mix them she would've saved herself all the problem. But she didn't, she doubled down out of spite and ego. All of it is on her because she couldn't control herself.

>> No.16971502


>> No.16971503

>we aren't your personal girlfriends
i kekked. hope it's worth the vacation my dude

>> No.16971542

>Mori collabs with TT people
>person from TT named Connor state that people could get success and a lot of money in hololive without being a good streamer
> Lying to an Extent at Job Interviews
>fast forward
>member in Moris stream says she basically agree with him by associationg with him
>Mori insults the member (lol) and says that Connor apologised to every holoEN member
> Calliope Mori puts superchatter in their place, get out with the "Cancel Culture BS!" over Connor)
>This clip of Kiara suppsedly disprove that
> 【TLOZ: LINKS AWAKENING】Okite Okite Okiteeeeeee LINK!!!! #kfp #キアライブ
>Mori donates 50 subs to Connor on her twitch account (likely new account)
> Calli Surprised Connor When She Gifted Him 50 Subs
>someone superchats "condom money for Connor"
> 【POKEMON: BRILLIANT DIAMOND】Breeding Shiny Spiritomb!! Reading Yo Super Chats!!)
>Mori announces that she wont read all aka supa
> 【JUMP KING: GHOST OF THE BABE】From Bog to Babe........
>keeps talking about the drama on stream
>src : (i cant find any other instance of it except where she stop reading all supa. but she had some conversation about it on the comment)
>Mori announces that she will be streaming on twitch semi-regularly (guerilla) from now on
> 【JUMP KING: GHOST OF THE BABE】From Bog to Babe........
>people even in her youtube comment section are mad to her
>(ive scrolled a bit, but i cant find it. there should be at least one somewhere)
>few days later she responds to 6 days old tweet of someone posting a comic of deadbeat getting literally cucked by Connor who is fucking Mori on the picture
>even reddit gets mad at her
>she replies to the reddit thread "can I PLEASE just have some fun. Please."
>she gets downvote bombed.
>she announces break
>says she "hit the lean hard"
>she just confirmed getting high with codeine as drugs are rare in japan for someone as her.
>a mixture of Jolly Ranchers, Sprite, and codeine that will get you high asf.
>basically admits drug use
>damage control a bit later
>Connor tweets "easy W"

>> No.16971626

Calli, go to bed sweetie.

>> No.16971632

Honestly this is the funniest shit I've seen in a while.
Now you little simp, the issue here isn't really that Calli is dating or fuckin or whatever, she's free to do what she wants in her private life, thing is she associated and defended someone that attacked the ones that are her friends and lied about him actually apologizing, which later was confirmed she lied, desu this isn't anything major, yeah she fucked up but it's nothing major, but Calli in her infinite wisdom instead of simply letting it go or ignoring it, she doubled down and even worse tried to provoke her fans, which escalated to the situation as of now, worse is that she admitted to consuming drugs to justify her actions, and when this could have been just a minor mishap, she admitted doing so while IN JAPAN, so it went from something that simply she just had to ignore until people forgot about it or stopped caring (lying about connor), to something that well at most just would have pissed some fans and that's it, and maybe some scolding from her superiors at Cover (Cuckbeat meme sharing); to something suspension worthy and if she is unlucky and doesn't handle herself well might even get her near graduation (Drug abuse)

>> No.16971642
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I'm sorry, Mori, but damage control is to 4chan what cough syrup is to a corporate wigger-tuber.
You should have really known this beforehand tbqhwymb

>> No.16971727
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>> No.16971749

because they only like her for her viewership and status

>> No.16971827

>private life of someone pretending to be an anime girl matters to you so much?
It doesn't. But do you know how I know her life? Because she keep drunk posting on main like a retard.
Had she done the same thing on her roommate's account, no one would have cared in comparison.

>> No.16971845


>> No.16971886
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