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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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16660369 No.16660369 [Reply] [Original]

A storm is approaching bros

>> No.16662652,1 [INTERNAL] 

>her entire fanbase are little children and neckbeards that watch her IRL-streaming content
>is on copium mode because her little boy bf is about to cuck her to a point that she dedicated a whole stream on reading twitter tinfoils about them not living together

>> No.16660416

who is this? should i care?

>> No.16660536

e-celebs arent /vt/ material until they are a vtuber

>> No.16660573

That seems like a pretty lame reason to get into vtubing. The chat is presumably still composed of 3D people

>> No.16660622

>incoming parasocial chuuba
Letss gooo

>> No.16660624

No, she is an e-girl that got publicly cheated on and had a menhera breakdown. She has never been the same since really. Personality wise she is basically a non-vtuber Nyanners.

>> No.16660632

>has a boyfriend

>> No.16660717

She better stay away if she doesnt want to be suplexed by the pink cat again

>> No.16660982

it's honestly the logical route any female eceleb would do with how popular anime is and how 3DPD "e thots" are seen in a negative light outside by non coomers who are so far gone that they sit through an egirl's nonsensical ramblings just to look at her cleavage or hope she stands up and bends over to show off her ass again

>> No.16661170

>Nyanners vs Lilypichu
The battle of the ages

>> No.16661250
File: 1.41 MB, 828x821, every fucking shitty thread is a twitter screencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16661306

I can't believe Lilypichu got away with having an /a/ vocaroo / 4chan comic dubber / prominent pomf cover artist past and basically nobody remembers it, while Nyanners gets all the cred.

>> No.16661359 [DELETED] 

so not vtuber related and is a offtopic thread that should be reported
got it

>> No.16661361

Oh wait, now that I think about it, I don't think most of this board's users even were on /a/ ten years ago and only know Nyanners from second hand drama sources, so I guess I can believe it.

>> No.16661410

Lily is kind of boring but she's ok for an e-girl.
Plus she's one of my favourite YouTuber's girlfriend. Also she's collabed with one of my favourite small company Vtubers before and did it well.

>> No.16661469

I remember her actually eclipsing Nyanners for a bit because she had something of a better range. There was a third to that trio but I just can't remember what she was called.
> I don't think most of this board's users even were on /a/ ten years ago
That's kind of depressing, especially considering that 10 years ago /a/ was already in hard decline.

>> No.16661479

Lily kind of gets a pass since shes one of the og proto vtubers like nyanners

>> No.16661537

But she has completely ditched her past just like nyanners, unless you're fine with that

>> No.16661551

The boyfriend is Michael Fuckin Reeves though

>> No.16661580

Did she also go full SJW and wrote essays complaining about the evils of anime?

>> No.16661641

Why are there still people that still think that she's faking her voice?

>> No.16661648

Saying lolicon weirded her out is hardly "going full SJW and writing essays complaining about the evils of anime"

>> No.16661673
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>There was a third to that trio but I just can't remember what she was called.
You're probably thinking of either Cirno or Kinenz.

>I remember her actually eclipsing Nyanners for a bit
Well yeah but they were all ~500-5000 subscriber youtubers at the time so not exactly big league. One eclipsing the other at that time was basically irrelevant.

It's all good though. I'm glad they both made it in the end.

>> No.16661686

>how popular

I would say it's actually because chicks that are in their 30s who were popular 10+ years ago can have a second wind if they become vtubers because no one knows you're a hag when you're pretending to be a teenage alien that's 1800 years old but looks like a loli catgirl.

>> No.16661749

Dude she's in OTV. That shows she's just as SJW due to how that group is. Like just right now they're trying to cancel some streamer just because they weren't nice to pokimane.
If anything it might be worse now because at least nyanners seemed to have backtracked from her SJW arc a bit.

>> No.16661760

/a/ is pure shit now, like the guy who seethes at the frog meme in every thread (possibly a bot) but no one gives a fuck if someone posts shit like "deadass fr rn" or starts spamming about 'incel purityfags' if someone complains an anime girl is a whore. It's really obvious the board is like 99% newfags now pretending to be oldfags, real garbage-tier shit. Can't even have a /DJT/ anymore because apparently learning japanese isn't /a/ related.

>> No.16661763

A good chunk of indie chuubas, especially Japanese ones, are anime related ecelebs who peaked in 2010 and are now getting in the business for a second wind, though. I like it, I fucking hate zoomies.

>> No.16661770

Who? All Twitter screencaps should immediately be deleted.

>> No.16661832

What's that? The only OTV i now is an old tv station in my country that was the equivalent of Alex Jones.

>> No.16661847

>Can't even have a /DJT/ anymore because apparently learning japanese isn't /a/ related.
That one's the biggest loss IMHO.
People were actually doing their reps.
>You're probably thinking of either Cirno or Kinenz.
Neither ring a bell.
> Well yeah but they were all ~500-5000 subscriber youtubers at the time so not exactly big league. One eclipsing the other at that time was basically irrelevant.

>> No.16661889

>A good chunk of indie chuubas, especially Japanese ones, are anime related ecelebs who peaked in 2010 and are now getting in the business for a second wind, though. I like it, I fucking hate zoomies.
Based hag lover.
And yeah. With JP it's more singing than amateur dubbing but there's still a fair bit of that too.

>> No.16661964

Great. As if one Nyanners wasn't bad enough, now we're gonna have two.

>> No.16662024

Offline TV.

>> No.16662652

I'd fuck her boyfriend no homo

>> No.16662874

OfflineTV. Twitch streamer group

>> No.16662943


>> No.16663072

>Personality wise she is basically a non-vtuber Nyanners
Aside from the fact that she never turned on her old stuff

>> No.16663087

The carton is running out.

>> No.16663113

>deletes a whole channel that is dedicated to shitposting the same way nyanners did during nyanners prime

>> No.16663186

No one cares about converts.

>> No.16663234

Didn't they break up?

>> No.16663267

>Personality wise she is basically a non-vtuber Nyanners
Did you mean Nyanners that grew up on r*ddit and not 4chan

>> No.16663331

I don't think this girl has been single for more than a month, there's always a new guy. She's not capable of being alone.

>> No.16663388

I used to watch lily back in her ''children book artstyle videos'' days and cover songs , but holy shit offline tv is annoying the ego of that group is disgusting to look at

>> No.16663479

The life of a career youtuber must be rough.

>> No.16663554

Doesn't she already have a fairly high quality model or something?

>> No.16663630

Nah you must be thinking about her second popular bf that cucked her with excuses like ''I don't like to be touched''

>> No.16663659

would ironically have been a better result than the 4chan -> tumblr shit pinkcat did

>> No.16663727

No because they'll fight and cancel each other out, freeing us of the western sjw fakechuuber cancer. Though they could also metastasize and link up into a super cancer, which would probably be terminal if covid 22 gets in there.

>> No.16663785

>her boyfriend is 6 years younger

Based hag robbing the cradle.

>> No.16663993

absolutely gigabased, keep your fingers to yourself femoid

>> No.16664004

I never really paid much attention to her but she's been around for a while and I think has been involved in a bunch of minor controversies over the years but who cares
Her voice is alright but she's kinda ugly so maybe being a vtuber would be better for her

>> No.16664498

>publicly cheated on
by who? i need name

>> No.16664564

sleightlymusical, some magician who was in the offlinetv house

>> No.16664569

Albert Chang

>> No.16664644

>I don't like to be touched so I fucked someone else
How did he fuck them without touching them?

>> No.16664722

She looking good for her age

>> No.16665499

The culture war will come to this safe haven and I don't like it. I don't want to dunk on my anonbros with elaborate shitposts because they have shitty politicial opinions.
The cancer is already here with chud, cuck, incel, beta and whatever else. A roastie-invasion will bring it to the next level.
I love you bros, even the Canadians, though I might have to rake them when the day comes.

>> No.16665665

Idk who this is, and by scrolling a little bit Idc.

>> No.16665883

Think anon, think.
He didn't want to be touched by HER. It's the same reason your girlfriend always has a "headache."

>> No.16666054

one of the biggest attention whores ever, leeching off plenty league streamers back in the day

>> No.16668437

I can't believe you can't believe it. This shit literally has a name, Streisand effect.

>> No.16668664


Michael Reeves could honestly do so much better than that fake piece of shit.

>> No.16668812

I think about this pic often

>> No.16668901

How would it be any different from what pokimane already did? We're full of face whores trying to capitalize on vtubers already

>> No.16668989

Jannies should've kept up the "banned for posting twittershit" like in the early days

>> No.16669701

That's really based.

>> No.16670993
File: 12 KB, 531x52, 1621063440176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>E-girl I have never heard before
>Already has a live-2D
>Already streams on twitch
>Stream both with the live-2D and with the facecam
>Tweets abouts dropping the cam and going full live-2D
Why should I care?

>> No.16673001

Sorry bro. This E-girl is the hero of 99% of female EN vtubers.

>> No.16673189

no she is a leeching whore, kill yourself.

>> No.16673241

She's not as bad as Pokimane, I'd take her

>> No.16674671

>You're probably thinking of either Cirno or Kinenz.

Wait I was just thinking about this, what happened to Cirno/Persephone? I only caught the tail end of that saga and there were a lot of blood/self harm pictures uploaded. Is there any updates? Or I guess more importantly, is she in a better place now?

>> No.16674907

hello, vampirebro.

>> No.16675123

Why? She is a nice person and a boring streamer.

>> No.16675191

Eh, it's not that bad

>> No.16675577

>guy being cancelled just ratio'd pokimane
>proceeds to tell simps that no matter how much you donate female streamers won't spread their legs for you
>he pulls the race card since he's black
Sounds fun, can't wait for all vtubers to go to twitch

>> No.16676587

I mean you would think that she'd get caught in the blast since she distanced herself too around the same time

>> No.16676836

Sounds like you like that Twitch drama shit, considering you know it.

>> No.16677091

>is she in a better place now?
In a manner of speaking.

>> No.16677449

It's almost as if using a search engine is unheard of

>> No.16677557

why does she look like a recolor sachi?

>> No.16677635

but people love hololive here
