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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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15427608 No.15427608 [Reply] [Original]

what are you guys hoping to see in the gens design or entertainment wise?

>> No.15427644

I wanna see a mime.

>> No.15427663


>> No.15427666

Pomu Rainpuff's next iteration

>> No.15427667

>no men
>no forced cringe lore
>no over-designing

That's all.

>> No.15427718

like the jp side gen 3

>> No.15427740

This and 5 full time streamers.

>> No.15427751


>> No.15427848

More like Rosemi. She's the master

>> No.15427874

Menhera neets that stream A LOT. Not girls with 78 jobs + uni, that "wing it" 3 times a week.

>> No.15428081


>> No.15428190

They need to debut males very quickly. Because their entire business model involves making sure their fans never see any alternatives. Because of the Niji males, people are starting to notice there are companies outside of hololive, breaking their monopoly. They need to act fast to keep everyone on the hololive plantation.

>> No.15428249

are they actually open? I saw people say it's just the link to the OLD auditions.

>> No.15428273

Men and straight girls

>> No.15428313

Nobody cares about Niji except for women, though. Thankfully Yagoo is now set out to monopolize the competition now that they've done his work of market testing.

>> No.15428328

You want Fallenshadow then. She's been making content since she was 15, she's not going anywhere and only seems to be working harder and harder with every month.

>> No.15428424

Vox is already so close to getting 100k and Mysta isn't too far behind either. New holostars gen and the upcoming english one will have to be lightning in a bottle. Hopefully the designs will attract enough people in then all we'll have to worry about is their voices

>> No.15428493

They are not open you retard

>> No.15428525

Better artists for the designs and people who actually know about hololive, I feel like 2 out of the last 5 actually have heard about hololive before they applied.

oh and people who get out of bed to stream when they say they will.

>> No.15428532

Someone like Pikamee

>> No.15428590

She's a skin walker i tell ya.

>> No.15428639

dream smp member so i can numberfag

>> No.15428676

I've seen this one shilled a lot today. Gonna check her, but if she's shit, a pox on you and yours.

>> No.15428752

She's shilling herself.

>> No.15428837

I respect the hustle.

>> No.15428918

You know, I wonder if doing a HoloX for EN3 by injecting numberfags into the branch might help revitalize it, with energetic new people willing to work hard and play smart to get the best results, though it might also cause some friction with some of the other members

>> No.15429095

In general hiring people eager to work is a good idea. Anons dragged Chloe for going after numbers, but I wish en2 had half her or La+'s drive.

>> No.15429137

The whole strategy with idol groups is that you have different flavors because people have different tastes. EN right now doesn't have a competent numberfag so it's not getting all the viewers it could.

>> No.15429141

Hmmm someone with a soft voice (but can go hard and rough if he want to) like my oshi kururu

or cool voice like Andi adinata of Maha5

Anyway when surfing into id utaite communities, I found this guy collabing with furelies.
This Italian ? guy, He could be the male Mori

>> No.15429153

In the EN space, you're more likely to have the clout chasers apply than the tryhards.

>> No.15429177

>Actual ASMRtist
>Bilingual JP/EN
>FPS player
>Genuine Weeb

>> No.15429217

That's nice but do any of them have any kind of personality?

>> No.15429290

I don't want another gen; too many people
I just fear they'd fuck it up again like Council instead of learning from HoloX because they don't know what the fuck the western audience wants

>> No.15429317


>> No.15429352

Instead you get Kronii who is a menhera neet with no obligations but never streams

>> No.15429381

And absolute pussy destroyer who runs through whole gens of oshis and breeds them into cum comas

>> No.15429390

Just like how they nuked the duo project some months back because nobody fit the bill, they're not going to be able to produce another generation because the talent pool is dry.

>> No.15429423

no males

>> No.15429451

get a good talent pool like you did with myth no nepotism and no duds like EN gen 2 and if you want fuck it get men in there to make Nijisanji sweat a little

>> No.15429468

>nobody fit the bill
>anon still doesn't understand corporate speak

>> No.15429527

The good old days are ending

>> No.15429560

Numberfags. All of them, an entire gen of numberfags. I never thought I'd want that but Council has just left a bad taste in my mouth and I'd like to watch people who actually care to improve at what they do rather than just getting in and then kicking back for the rest of their contract with their golden ticket.

>> No.15429562

I want cute guy with nice voice
dont care about women

>> No.15429572

Design-wise? Something simple that can still be lore-y.
Entertainment-wise? Not sure. I mean, the EN girls each have their own formula, and, while on varying degrees, it works.

>> No.15429571

There are people out there. It's just that they're successful already and have nothing to gain from joining hololive. Sseth who's been shitposted about enjoys freedom and is financially stable enough now to quit whatever job he had in the medical field.

>> No.15429606

go watch a different company

>> No.15429647

anything but whatever council was

>> No.15429674

make me :)

>> No.15429701

He doesn't watch vtubers at all. Most of them clamoring for this our /v/editors that want some more bait to employ every time a schedule is made.

>> No.15429733

Boston accent, constantly belligerently drunk, throws beer bottles at you

>> No.15429787

OP is asking for vtubers, not your dad, anon.

>> No.15429808

>nikocado avocado
you have to admit it would be something

>> No.15429860

give me a carnut chuuba or give me death.

>> No.15429907

Yup my oshi kururu is chill and funny. Since this thread is about StarsEn I just use him as a reference.
I'm sorry I don't watch en males, I don't know anything about En vtubing scene. I tried getting into luxiem but none of them are my type, their voice already filtering me hard. I'm a fujo but I don't like getting pandered that hard XD they are too gay, even my yaoi brainrot can't keep up with their degenerate style

>> No.15429919

holostars exist you dumb nigger, and they're looking for new members to holostars
stop being such a dramatic cunt over guys, they aren't going to rape your oshi

>> No.15429970

I want something simple like Myth. Not shitty front-loaded lore that is completely inconsequential and no one gives a shit about. Myth dropped with nothing but basic character outlines and they made up all their lore as they went along. Meanwhile Council killed all their hype with a week-long drop of pointless, enigmatic videos when all 5 of these girls are just gonna be playing Minecraft in a month's time. HoloX did the same thing that Myth did; dropped instantly with basic character outlines and a colorful backdrop against which they could develop their own lore. Nothing needlessly overcomplicated or pointless like Council.

I want to hope that they learned from Council, seeing as how they handled HoloX, but I'm also afraid they just don't get it and will give it to the ridiculous character powercreep they've created in EN.

>> No.15429969


I want another Towa like voice for EN and another Okayu voice for EN along with these parameters

An EN mesugaki would be kino for gura to bond and prank with. Shion is great but the language barrier is a fus

>> No.15430039

>"It's ya boy, tha v-chuuba..."

>> No.15430054

Hololive would never pick up Sseth, his whole thing is being /pol/-lite.

>> No.15430064

>holostars exist

>> No.15430134

>i don't want that
>it just fills up the board everytime they debut or do anything at all
Your post doesn't disprove anything I said.

>> No.15430137

Holy shit he's just like me...wicked sick...

>> No.15430310

Holo en won't have vtubers like that while holo jp will probably have. Holo en management is garbage. Niji en is unironically much more open minded to non feminine deep voice and theyve gathered such vtubers.

>> No.15430353

i dont want my dad i want bill burr

>> No.15430412
File: 248 KB, 1639x1232, bill swerski's superfans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for the inspiration, I now am envisioning Bill Swerski's SuperVtubers

>> No.15430563

>Nina Koasaka has a nice voice, a killer model, and is willing to go along with the Mom fetish stuff
>But she tries too hard to fill that role so it feels more forced than anything Omega's done
>Roommate reps paints her to be an unpleasant person, but at least she's trying to tone this down as Nina.
I do think we could do with more EN tubers like Nina and Kronii, at least in the vocal department.

>> No.15430586

similar to HoloJP, they have just created a general audition page that is open at all times. You CAN audition at any time, but they won't bother sifting through them until they're actually considering planning the next gen.

>> No.15430664

why are the men there?

>> No.15430710

to make (you) specifically mad

>> No.15430771

Should I audition? I have no experience and am male.

>> No.15430783

because it applies to all branches. HoloJP's audition page was like this too...

>> No.15430858

Men have always been allowed to audition. Miyabi talked about this at length at some point, but the short version is that the thing stopping Cover from making a Holostars EN branch is lack of interested applicants of good quality. Males just aren't applying to Hololive EN, or Cover considers the applicants insufficient.

>> No.15431019

disprove what? I watch holostars, I watch nijisanji, I watch indie male vtubers
youre sperging out because someone wants to watch guys and cover is actually hiring guys right now

>> No.15431024

I'm going to say probably the latter. Too many either underage idiots who can't read the requirements, people with awful setups who are flatter than a plank of wood, people who kind of forget they're supposed to be a character/pull a Kiara and tried to make liking a holo their personality in their audition, or some combination of all three.

>> No.15431025

>Nobody care for niji except for underage seanigs*
There i fix it

>> No.15431030

I want Omega's fanfiction to stay away and I want Himura to design a girl.

>> No.15431064
File: 1.00 MB, 4000x3228, FG61PTOVcAADKye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully its her time.

>> No.15431095

Unless you’re a former entertainer who can sing exceptionally well in multiple languages you’re probably not even going to be considered unless you become an indie with decent numbers first

>> No.15431123

Only males, unironically
partially to piss off retards like this but mostly because I want male chuubas to finally take a stronger foothold and create more variety in the west. Too many faggots think vtubers are just cute girls because of the idol shit holos push, but Niji EN finally showed that males are very viable in the west, so a holostars en would hopefully be good competition. Niji males will probably do better because no segregation but it would be nice to have some EN stars too to have something more in the western public eye. Preferably some bilingual jap murricans or something so they can easily promote and interact with JP stars.

>> No.15431125
File: 162 KB, 960x1280, 1633474587991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even sure if she wants to go corpo, but if she does she deserves to get in more than anyone.

>> No.15431466

Is singing that important? I thought you only really needed one marketable skill like 'gamer' or 'artist.'

>> No.15431579

Why males do they really want another three view branch ?

>> No.15431680

I need a Tolkien autist

>> No.15431716

Well, to be fair, I don't think there's a lack of people with good quality in general, the guys from the N-word group are pretty good, I mean, they're performing better than the girls from there already.
I think there's just no room for EN males in Cover, the isolation they would have to face and the fact that Cover as a brand doesn't come off as being able to promote males at all, basically leaves them only with bottom of the barrel applicants. In other words, it's a long-term consequence of the path they choose to follow.

>> No.15431826

males have always been allowed to audition even for the female branch as long as you can convincingly sound like a cute girl

>> No.15431852

I want more actual weirdos.

>> No.15431928

baels and kiara would make a perfect mime

>> No.15431944

Talent pool is already dry enough. Several small corpo has already scoop up a good chunks of them. Unless cover is also tapping the talents from these small corpos or is willing to raise new talent from ground up, just don't expect much especially after seeing how council turns out. Stars might find a few gems since its still very much untapped.

>> No.15431956

The more you have the better. I was just trying to emphasize without streaming experience you’re not going to even get a chance. Unless you want to gamble and become the male en Subaru

>> No.15432407

Exactly. Whats the worst that could happen after all? They do a stream where the girls make fun of the applicants?

>> No.15432979

You definitely have nothing to lose but it would be a waste of time. Go ahead if you really want to but if you actually want to be considered you should build yourself up first

>> No.15433082

honestly i feel bad for cover management
imagine how many unskilled dropouts apply

>> No.15433127

I want males so my oshi can get fucked on stream

>> No.15433273 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 1200x857, bf395ed85dd807a35e945e0346246a0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want more lolis, simple as

>> No.15433447

I appreciate the genuine advice anon. Thanks.

>> No.15433463

there's enough lolis, give me hags

>> No.15433577

>what are you guys hoping to see in the gens design or entertainment wise?
COMEDY, humor, jokes, slapstick, visual absurdity and cartoony weirdness.

The most popular vtubers are funny.
Their most popular memes are funny.
Have you seen vtubers on Twittter? Nothing but shitty attempts at comedy.

No matter who's hired. No matter what lore is given to the talent, it always go back comedy. Everyone's trying to be funny, so why not get actual comedians or just extremely funny people. If they don't make you laugh don't hire them.

>> No.15435875

No cringe lore, shitty models, or corpo pairings. Also no males or I’ll drop vtubers entirely.

>> No.15436004

>except for women
it's kinda HUGE

>> No.15436047

very based

>> No.15436156


>> No.15436197

Blatant sex appeal and unabashed gfe

>> No.15436237
File: 361 KB, 786x588, 1620319377316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No men, fuck YAGOO for that. But you know he'll feed EN girls to homoEN just ike how he fed ID to homoJP.

>> No.15436286

More friends for Gura.

>> No.15436416

>Niji EN finally showed that males are very viable in the west
Niji EN showed that gay males streaming in SEA hours are very viable in the west. Whether straight males or males streaming in NA hours would be viable is a different question entirely, and one NijiEN hasn't answered yet.

>> No.15436426
File: 70 KB, 632x616, 1636085915373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooo hypothetically in an audition video would gameplay be good? Just having audio there seems weird, but its supposed to be a mock debut right?

>> No.15436538
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, jiomakes_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU deserves some love or chuubas that'll stream some consistent off-hours

>> No.15436594

no way, it's not a mock debut it's a mock commercial for an idea of a character

>> No.15436611

just send one of these in!

>> No.15436624

>Holostars are also featured
Get ready, men ARE coming.
The Real Unicorn Genocide is about to begin. The NijiEN guys were just the prelude.

>> No.15436656


>> No.15436672

100% chance of you being filtered out in screening

>> No.15436845

But they have the characters ready, that seems dumb. I feel like talking while doing gameplay would make the 5 mins go by easier, and flex multitasking.
>less than two minutes when its asking for 5
Dont even have to watch to see why she didnt make it in

>> No.15436916

your autism is showing. They want you entertaining for five minutes with your own character to see your creative side.

>> No.15436981

HoloEN needs a trap, a real hag, and another artist because right now theres just Ina (Sana doen't seem to want to do art streams).

Another European would be nice, Kiara needs a dedicated sex pet before she latches on to every possible ship she can.

>> No.15437056

>HoloEN needs a trap
God no, imagine the political shit flinging

>> No.15437225

>Design wise
Bizarre and lewd but not superfluous
(Y'know, monstergirls)
Endurance streamers
EU streamers

>> No.15437236


>> No.15437302

They can just say otokonoko instead of trap or trans or whatever, it'll be fine.

>> No.15437615

I hope no brits get in

>> No.15437667

For males, designs that make them look like they jumped out of a shounen series. Cool enough for straight men and handsome enough for women.

>> No.15437702

There won't be men. I'll trust in Omegaα to make the requirements of joining impossible to reach.

>> No.15437852

There needs to be a Scottish holomem

>> No.15438117

Says the scared unicorn. Your end is near.

>> No.15438355

Literally just do a fucking rowdy rough boys version of myth. Omegay dont overthink this. Red Gura. Easy 1m subs

>> No.15438375

Strategy games

>> No.15438461

How many fujo shotacons are there in the West?

>> No.15438508

Not enough

>> No.15438535

Its not about fujos.
How many of you would rather watch red gura over some giant shredded motherfucker

>> No.15438601

Koefficient and Nagzz

>> No.15438616

Auditions are a farce anyways. I talked to over 100 girls who applied last time around and not a single one of them even had their application viewed.

>> No.15438630

>council and stars are massive flop
>hey guys lets do male EN
I don't even know why Cover bothers with new gens, Myth and JP are plenty

>> No.15438968

maybe it's just me but would vtubers in the Spanish speaking world be an untapped market? I feel like it is and the reason why I bring this up is because I feel like Hololive Spanish could be a big thing if they tried

>> No.15439045

Where's this from?

>> No.15439047

It's not like my JP oshi will collab with them anyway.

>> No.15439117


>> No.15439147

Very little, Luxiem do poorly during NA hours. The only male that has any success during that time is the zoomer indie Kenji

>> No.15439235

Nevermind. I completely misread>>15438461

>> No.15439244

There's no reason to look at an application directly for 90% of applicants. They're going to prioritize people who have content creation experience, and that's a numerical thing on the application. They can just sort it in the sheet output and start from the top of the list. Once they get their gen, they'll just file the rest away.

>> No.15439311

5 more blonde detectives

>> No.15439330

This, though not too menhera.

>> No.15439387

If it's nepotism then we're getting Moon Jelly, Yuria, one of Ina or Sana artist pals, a JP translator, and an EU girl that's a friend of Kiara's.

>> No.15439982

Don't care about video games or singing. They just need to be charismatic. If there's a real musician, not a classical "musician," then I'm more likely to watch them. Anything else that isn't video games is a plus.

>> No.15440053
File: 41 KB, 859x1200, 89C4F0C5-EECE-4F9E-9E0F-3EA3DD77F1C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l don't really care about designs I just want them to hire people that actually care and strive to be the best

>> No.15440092

>implying Kiara has any friends

>> No.15440328

Funny, a few months ago I would've called you fuckin stupid but Irys was a dark horse. I've enjoyed pretty much every stream of hers, it's too bad that her terrible design has filtered so many people and I'm sad to say i was one of them.

>> No.15440392

This. No ironicfags. Only passionate vtubers and competitive streamers please.

>> No.15440689

It would be nice if they hire smeone who can actually DJ

>> No.15440872


>Da Bears!
>Ditka would would kick the shit outta des dere packer fan commies knellin during the nation anthem if he were still coach
>Now im gunna build a giant Gold Polish Sahsage in Minecraft
>Did ya know O-Sacka is Chicagos sister city?
>Yeah Yagoo is best girl ill drink to dat. Da Yagoo

>> No.15440882

Leadership skills, able to organize events

>> No.15440883

They may have the numbers but monopoly money screw them over badly. It’s better to just have someone who’s fluent in Spanish in an EN branch.

>> No.15440924

If they actually do make HolostarsEN (I'm skeptical because auditions are strict as fuck) then they better filter out every ironic normalfag "HolostarsEN when" beggar that doesn't even watch or give a shit about Holostars. I will only respect an EN Homo that is a 100% pure bred Homochad who loves the boys and their fans, and nothing less. If they only know Roberu and Astel show them the fucking door.

>> No.15440937

Stars being a “flop” is for different reasons if you actually know how that branch had its very rocky start.

>> No.15441015

Dakooters please

>> No.15441224

What if said applicant can name all 9 members, their manager and who got 3D first?

>> No.15441231

Add no one
graduate half of all existing chuubas

>> No.15441252

...Have you never applied for a major corporation before?

Of fucking course they're not going to view application videos for hundreds upon hundreds of submissions. 90% of applicants are going to get filtered out by their resume/channel stats/social presence alone.

>> No.15441312

I would sub, get a membership, and spend 24/7 on here being a schizo for her

>> No.15441495

And people wonder why EN2 sucks so much.

>> No.15441700

you sound mad.

>> No.15441790
File: 12 KB, 463x410, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want admiral bulldog to join holostar EN

>> No.15442011

That's good enough. Even that low of a standard would filter most ironyfags.

>> No.15442117

not mad just disappointed that EN1 was literally pure luck.

>> No.15442250

I want to see a guy that does a little bit of what Mio and Korone do. Cool retro games and occultism bro.
pls hire me

>> No.15442341

Myth is an unfair bar of comparison. No one will ever live up to their level.

>> No.15442422

That's fair I guess, kronii isn't too bad. The rat is trying her best, I don't even know if sana is back or not and fauna is in corner somewhere.

>> No.15442463

Mumei forgor

>> No.15442468

Given the EU chuubas thread I am not so sure we want.

>> No.15442525

If you are applying, don't say you speak chinese.

>> No.15442532

>Mumei's title is "I'm back"
>People didn't even know she was gone
She's as forgettable as she is forgetful

>> No.15442704

she's the best in EN2, and her ship with Kronii is the only thing keeping the clock relevant when everyone got bored of her shitty coomerbait model and vocal fry

>> No.15442798

>kronii isn't too bad

>> No.15442887

Elira and a good chunk of Niji EN say hi

>> No.15442945

Nah mate, i'd wager in terms of genuine effort and "footprint", Bae is at the top with Kronii/Mumei taking 2nd and 3rd, Fauna at a far 4th, and Sana forgetting she's a vtuber way at 6th, as literally anyone else who walked in unannounced could take 5th

>> No.15442959

>just disappointed that EN1 was literally pure luck.
Name five talents you think would have been better in a 2nd gen than Council.

>> No.15442978

EN2 was unironcally the best they could have gotten. Anyone else would have been even worse, and the male applicants were apparently even worse (which is why HolostarsEN still hasn't happened and might not ever happen)

It's time to accept that Myth was lightning in a bottle.

>> No.15442993

Christ in heaven Anon, Selen's Spyro stream last night was killing me. 7+ hours and i was a spectator

>> No.15443089

literally like 90% of shitty 2 views ive never herd of on twitch.

>> No.15443139

she´s a stoner ? nice !

>> No.15443148

Not that Anon but i'd say
GirlDM for the seiso, well mannered girl that is also a weeb
Vienna for a somewhat calmer version of Bao
Kana for a 2nd round Gura
Snuffy just to poach her from Vshojo hands
and Milky to keep as a guarantee for Mori's continued work

>> No.15443209

Half of those are literal trannies and the other half are vshojo wannabes

>> No.15443265

Snuffy, really? Come on.

>> No.15443315

>EN2 was unironcally the best they could have gotten.
they failed to scout Selen and Ninaninin. They could have gotten a better talent pool but they just have to depend on fucking referrals. But well, at least they were able to hire Mumei

>> No.15443384

mumei is the worst council girl tho literal retardation as charm point ? come on ...

>> No.15443397

NijiEN and PRISM have made it clear that having a loud and chaotic girl, at least one, provides a very good focal point to either focus on or avoid for the other girls
1 Extrovert can make 9 introverts comfortable

>> No.15443465

it's fake retardation, which is even worse

>> No.15443521

Wouldn't call it "Fake", moreso "Amplified".

>> No.15443545

When Holostars EN debuts I will finally leave vtubers behind and become a normalfag.

>> No.15443591

You are correct and yet they are still better than EN2..... really says a lot doesnt it.

>> No.15443685

still im appalled this even works her fans must be even more shizo than le meme sharks do their goslings have no self respect ?

>> No.15443711

you don't watch streams

>> No.15443809

>watch 100 hours of my chuuba before you're allowed to criticize her

>> No.15443815

>"N-no! the 20+ streams where she acts like a retard in LoZ:BotW, MC, and every collab ever don't paint it!"
>"The one time she did her studying ASMR she wasn't acting retarded!"
>"You just don't watch the streams!"
I bet you're the kind of person that tells someone a game "gets good" after 50 hours

Fuck off, Owl bitch is boring and her trope is the only reason her own active genmates find her even remotely tolerable

>> No.15443828

yeah no shit theres someone thinking kronii has fucking seth rogan humor here

>> No.15443921

I disagree , but if a friendly discussion of your oshi scares you that much, sure whatever you say

>> No.15443931

Idk man almost every Kronii stream ive watched she has made a weed joke and even the most recent minecraft collab with Gura Sana and others she made like 2 weed jokes.

>> No.15443943

Your w*man is showing

>> No.15443991

I had no idea, thought she was an angry korean.

>> No.15443997

its ok to not watch streams though, I'm not judging anyone. its just the truth.

>> No.15444036


>> No.15444063

Good, watching vtubers isn't healthy, let's get back watching anime

>> No.15444106


>> No.15444195

You can bet your ass if we get a cool En Homo like pizzapapa or shien i can see myself dropping some of the girls, bros before hoes

>> No.15444318

>Kana, Luto, Naname, and Nacho all join for HoloEN3
>Gura and her family just shit it up all day
>HomoEN is delayed by another gen
In a perfect world anons, in a perfect world

>> No.15444340

Please give me a girl who cares about streaming and wants to/knows how to play a variety of cool games. I don't even need a numberfag, just a normall confident full-time streamer.
Not idol wannabe with streaming as a side-job, not depressed neet that takes endless breaks, not a person only doing trend-chasing games and minecraft forever.
I would kill for some new game permissions.

>> No.15444342
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Please just another EU streamer so Kiara isn't alone in her timezone Cover entertainment company

>> No.15444380

I need a bionicle autist

>> No.15444391

I want a male.
I want an autistic male.
I want an autistic, yet handsome, male.
And I want that male to stream more hours and get more views than any female in the EN wing.

>> No.15444409

I want a bratty type holo from EN like La+, Bae could be that girl but shes too seiso for her role

>> No.15444459

Vox Akuma already exists anon

>> No.15444499

You're a pedo guy...

>> No.15444638

Yes. Having a laundry list of talents isn't really that important. You just need the one.

>> No.15444690

Fucking kill yourself faggot. That's one chuuba I don't want Cover's claws on.
Although I do admit that if she did apply and got accepted, she would whip the entire EN branch to shape.

>> No.15444799

Not healthy how, besides the usual parasocial point?
Because they're a timesink maybe?
I'd like reasons to leave I've never heard before if possible.
Because I might leave too at holostars en

>> No.15444854

Holy shit. I didn't know vtubing was a part-time standup comedian gig.

>> No.15444929

entertainment company

>> No.15444965

I want a full gen of cock starved traps. I'll compromise though. they can be autistic.

>> No.15445024

>Real Unicorn Genocide
GOOD. Fuck unicorns and idolshits. It's time we go back to vtubing at its roots. Variety entertainment.

>> No.15445149

>It's time we go back to vtubing at its roots. Variety entertainment.
How are the NFT sales going, Kizuna?

>> No.15445257

Are there any good trap 2views to recruit from? I've seen Dakooters mentioned but shes been gone for a while

>> No.15445541

People who are willing to work. Just that would be a massive improvement of want HoloEN is currently offering.

You see holoX’s work ethics and see Council and the comparison is just disingenuous and overall insulting. Council is a disaster, a wasted opportunity to set the bar higher after Myth yet they pretty much are a bunch off lazy girls doing the bare minimum with their golden ticket. They hired people with fast food chain employee’s mentality to work at one of the best restaurants in the world as chefs.

>> No.15445596


>> No.15445639

How do you find them? People will just lie in the auditions

>> No.15445739
File: 20 KB, 445x445, redlettermedia_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Mike Stoklasa in HolostarsEN with little to no background information about what a vtuber is, much less what his character is supposed to be.

>> No.15445765

>I don't want her to have breakout success because of selfish groomer reasons
It's her choice to apply or not, fuck you.

>> No.15445825

I’d like for two of them to be rivals, in the most traditional sense. The kind of situation where they really play it up and fuck with each other constantly, with only minimal friendly banter. Some Dante and Vergil shit. Griefing each other in games, talking shit without fear of autists overreacting, etc.

>> No.15445851

Difference being HoloX are a bunch of hikikomoris while Council are not. Mumei for instance does guerrilla streams when she can find time, so it's not necessarily a lack of work ethic.

>> No.15445861

If Council and HoloX are to be concerned, and even much earlier than that, they are also already starting to poach talents, or at least scout for deserving people who were unceremoniously graduated.

>> No.15445898

I miss SBF Brawl...

>> No.15446012

Me neither but everyone's trying to be funny. The recruitment should stop beating around the bush and get talent who's actually got some comedic chops.

>> No.15446138

I don’t think people lying is the problem. If that was the case you would see this happening a lot in the JP branch and it’s not the case. Also I don’t watch NijiEN but they seem to stream consistently a lot. You can also get a good recruitment team to help you filter slackers out. That an entire generation is as underwhelming and underperforming as council is not coincidence and can’t be explained with a “they all lied bro”. The recruitment process failed hard and they should look into it. You can get one wrong but not 5/5 wrong.

>> No.15446515

JP holos have to attend dance lessons, singing lessons, they do off collabs, they attend meetings and also consistently participate in events, etc. if you think someone doing all of this is a hikikomori then you are wrong. Also people can do more than one thing at a time. It’s not like streaming one hour is unreasonable.

They are slackers, anon. You can say it’s because they’re studying, they’re depressed or whatever, but the end result is they’re slacking on their golden ticket. Hololive got big because people worked hard and then these girls came to leverage other people’s hard work.

>> No.15446545
File: 3.85 MB, 2800x1989, penth ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripped amazon sports vtuber, someone who does VR sports like boxing, tennis etc.
Never gonna happen I know but let me dream.

>> No.15446597

>He thinks that's actually them dancing

>> No.15446631 [DELETED] 

I think they should consider a "no boyfriends" policy

>> No.15446642

I think you should consider getting a girlfriend instead

>> No.15446810

NTA but biggest talent would be wasted. She hates singing in anything but English so all of her karaoke streams would be un archived and her song pool for covers would be limited. She has expressed interest in being an idol though, so who knows.
She’d make kronii feel at home with her Dutch accent though.

>> No.15446821

>Saddest cope seen all night
Never change anon.

>> No.15446851

Wait for me, I'll be in EN3

>> No.15446925

Westerners are too self destructive to do that. Mind you these are the same people that are baffled by Orca's success and agreed with Kiara shitting on Laplus keyfabe. Giving the audience what they want is considered a sin in the west.

>> No.15446988

yeah, me!

>> No.15447002

Only a portion of idolfags in JP even care about that.

>> No.15447001

>Cover is so cheap they neither provide equipment for their streamers nor pay for the original songs, yet they hire professional dancers so the streamers don’t have to sweat.

This is the most retarded thing I’ve read this year by far. Thanks for laugh.

>> No.15447118

It's less retarded than believing any of them do dance or singing lessons or are you just going to conveniently forget the reason for Marine's recent hiatus?

>> No.15447122

Ayame does all the dancing for everyone’s 3D and acts out their mannerisms that’s why she never streams but is always at the studio.

>> No.15447178

>all of her karaoke streams would be un archived
Which changes nothing.
>her song pool for covers would be limited
Ironically songs that have gotten her vods taken down before are actually available in EN's karaoke selection. It's also feasible for them to expand on the selection in the future. There might be some limitations but not having to work two jobs would also open up new opportunities.

>> No.15447214

>Kiara shitting on Laplus keyfabe
Can I have a QRD on this?

>> No.15447275

Kiara shitting on my oshi Lapras???
if its true i am anti Kiara now

>> No.15447301

> Gura, Ame, Ina, and Kronii are incapable of taking care of themselves and are either starving or shitting themselves to death
>Mori doesn't exist
>Mumei is in a wheelchair
>Bae is Mumei's company provided 24/7 cockwarmer
>Fauna has hooves
>Kiara has fibromyalgia

how exactly do you expect them to dance retard?

>> No.15447429

I meant actual recorded covers since she’s expressed interest in them. Or she could go to originals route I guess. The song soya wrote for them to sing together was nice even for it being frog.

>> No.15447525

Just Kiara being a bitch and not even realizing it. Mori did it too, equally obliviously. Essentially these whores were insecure about their own inability to maintain character and chose to project these feelings onto La+ in the form of pre-emptive gloating about La+ eventually breaking character. Real jealous cunt shit.

>> No.15447637

Now this is a good rrat.

>> No.15447657

Covers are all well and good but karaoke performances are nice enough. More opportunities for originals would also be amazing.

>> No.15447712


>> No.15447836

The portion that care about former boyfriends is very low. The portion who care about current boyfriends is larger but if it's kept entirely offscreen and away from the persona it's not as big of an issue. I'd rather my chuuba's roommate have a real BF than see her collab with random guys on stream.

>> No.15448315

>more loli
>no politics
>no meaningless convoluted lore
>good designs that aren't too complicated

>> No.15448439

Them to realise the Vtuber bubble has burst in the west and that no matter what they do they will never reach Myth's success.

but also them not to put out a model as bad as Sana's again.

>> No.15448489

He might be too autistic for the job, and I really mean that

>> No.15448522

I don't care if they get a male or a female wave. All I want is for Cover to stop hiring Sanas and Ayames.

>> No.15448550

Doxxbeatdi is okay

>> No.15448711

never been there, but i liked that french plant that got posted here once, she was adorable

>> No.15449060

One has to be a fairy, it'll be funny.

>> No.15449110

>he got filtered
Kill yourself. You should feel bad about yourself.

>> No.15449345

>no men
you're fucked this is guranteed with NijiEN 4 and the new silouetes we've seen for Holostars new wave
>no forced cringe lore
go fuck yourself and also you're fucked the past 2 gens and IRyS have them it is definitely the way forward
>no over-designing

>> No.15449414

I'm auditioning, wish me luck

>> No.15449464

good luck, anon <3

>> No.15449583

maybe chubas whose voice actually suits the character? Myth was okay in it but Council sounds like they didn't even care
as well as 90% of EN chubas

>> No.15449677

I have zero idea who this is

>> No.15450845

Best of luck!
There doesn't seem to be a time limit so I'll work on my reps and do some stuff as an indie to build up some experience before I apply.

>> No.15452101

Sounds like throwing away what they've been doing good now. When get males into the group if they get showered by gachikois' money?
Also if you're new to vtuber I'm telling you Nijisanji was way more popular than Hololive.

>> No.15452220

After Council I dread the kind of people in the west who would audition for Hololive because it's clear that the entire talent pool for english vtubers is complete and utterly dogshit. They need to look for people with actual talent outside the vtuber market and to aim for non streamers if they want to succeed. I shudder at the thought of HoloEN gen 3 getting someone awful and ruining the whole company in the west.

>> No.15452221

>When get males into the group if they get showered by gachikois' money?
Because said males fans always buy shitty acrylic that cover put out every week. Holostars merch practices are really scummy

>> No.15452884

They can do all this because they are hikkikomori living with their parents and getting cared all the time

>> No.15453018

You mean male talents' fans? The females fans are more gachikoi if not the same as female talents' fans

>> No.15453066
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only 5 extroverts like Kiara or Bae will save this boring and dead(inside) branch

>> No.15453161

No streaming experience but fuck it, I will apply. Male, ofc

>> No.15453248

>only 5 extroverts like Subaru
fixed however you're still correct

>> No.15453253
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, 1640630375436.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will join to fuck Izuru when I fly to Japan for my 3D debut.

>> No.15453274


>> No.15453310

I auditioned last year for council and if I click the form it just tells me I already applied.

>> No.15453515

sounds just like Luxiem

>> No.15453578

With the success of NijiEN males it's pretty much a 100% certainty that there will be at least 2/5 males in EN3 or just a new male gen all together. Niji really initiated the final yab.

>> No.15453610

im gonna eat shien's ass while he plays gacha on stream

>> No.15454413

I know how chasing trend kills games
Differentiation has already been done and switching targeted audience won't be beneficial
Niji has always been known as having free interaction between males and females and that's also a major incentive for big male streamers to join
I guess it's too late for Hololive to switch rail now. Keep doing what's good for each of them is the best strategy for both brand
When expanding business the first thing to consider is to not damaging the main business

>> No.15454445

Take the hint anon

>> No.15454447

they don't like gaijin especially Izuru

>> No.15454524
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>> No.15454618


>> No.15454659

Would be a waste to be hidden behind anime avatar

>> No.15454667
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>> No.15454951

HOLY HAVE YOU FUCKING SEEN THE LIVE VIEWERS FOR HOLOSTARS??? RUMAOOOO no one in the holo fanbase gives a shit about holostars. They hate males. Dont forget when one of the holostar talent got death threats because he interacted w a holo member KEKW

>> No.15455027

I want a steel drum player instead

>> No.15455113

fubuki still interacts with oga from time to time

>> No.15455154

have a handpan player https://youtu.be/747hJQNJpeg

>> No.15455172

Ayyyy mon

>> No.15455260
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She's pretty but I want 2d.

>> No.15455531

Now that Council is a failure, I hope they learn from their mistakes, and make another someone like Gura.

>> No.15456081

Even you clone Gura you won't get the same result

>> No.15456240

>Only ASMR.
Did i find the wrong channel?

>> No.15456341

>what are you guys hoping to see in the gens design or entertainment wise?
A different tonal shift in concepts and talents. I just want it to feel new.

>> No.15456492

I also don't want Gen3 to be marketed as 'Myth's supporting cast' like Council. They need to stand on their own, be their own thing, like every other gen in Hololive.

>> No.15456579

They weren't really marketed that way as much as they just kind of fell into that role because they're all söyboybetacucks

>> No.15456607

Make Gen3 EU-centered. We need more EU-friendly schedules and the diversity (the one and only diversity that should matter) it brings would bring more soul to HoloEN

Also make sure they are nothing like the Council. Girls actually need to care about Hololive, no chuuni character design or lore shit. Use some national mythologies if they do EU one. Greek gods, Norse gods, Finno-Ugric gods, etc.

>> No.15456770

I just want Clint Stevens to show up.

>> No.15456781

Where is my Chernobog or Perun chuuba?!

>> No.15456870

>All the homos in the pic
>only half of EN
Did they realize they fucked up so bad with Council that they will just ignore their existence and go for a whole new gen?

>> No.15456910

You're getting men now that Niji has paved the path for Holo's uncreative management.

>> No.15457155


>> No.15457184


>> No.15457198

but steel is a type of metal?

>> No.15457311
File: 233 KB, 341x346, mikoshock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing how little emotion you can put into drumming

>> No.15457556

*monkey paw curls*
one very african londoner coming this season

>> No.15457601

so this?

>> No.15457758

>wakes up
>that cold read
Anon, I just want her streams to remain comfy and for die hard fans. Not having faggots watch her only because of the company name helps.

>> No.15457815

I'm ok with that

>> No.15457903
File: 497 KB, 1187x905, 1614872484237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A smol lamia kusogaki
No cringe lore like council/hope
More euros

>> No.15457907

No, this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5ONM8avZgI

>> No.15457994
File: 441 KB, 927x1425, SpiderMan vs Sinister Six.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An analogue of Sinister Six as anime girls

>> No.15458163

I'm living under a rock, where they fuck'up on Concil? and what does the western audience wants?

>> No.15458352

They want you to learn English grammar.

>> No.15458512

I feel like we've been lacking "straight men" characters that can keep the more eccentric EN members in line. As of now, pretty much every single member plays the "boke" role, which doesn't work if there's no "straight man" to respond to the jokes and provide a contrast. Characters like Mio, Subaru, Flare etc. who may not be strong on their own, but can improve collabs 100% due to them being able to keep things organized.

>> No.15458545

shitty murican labor laws that prevent "discrimination" based on gender

>> No.15459106

>Union Busting is legal in Murica
>But god forbid you don't hire the required amount of coons

>> No.15459588

clover need to be aggressive and go steal the good talent

like absorb voms and get pikamee or something

>> No.15460798

they could probably go up to anyone in tsunderia or prism and get them to jump ship in 30 seconds

>> No.15462968

Cancelling the idea. 11 EN members is already a lot and there was a clear hit on viewership when Council debuted, there was less new fans and more hemorrhaged fans. It's also evident that Cover struggles to fully support EN crew, they have to do a lot on their own and the only positive relationships are with bilingual staff.
Also Irys/Council haven't even had a serious run of merchandise yet, so it remains to be seen if the existing EN audience is financially committed to they were to Myth.
