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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14135446 No.14135446 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people actually don't seem to understand what's good about her and say that fake cuteness is all she has. Well, of course, we only had a week of her streams for now but some good points can already be seen. Let me go over them:
>good at using her mask, a clue part of her design, to her advantage. Picked a perfect moment to take it off during the debut, combined with extra moe points for blushing and going "guys this is embarassing sorry if you imagined me differently". Then uses it when singing to highlight the difference between her cute voice and mature voice
>good at changing her model face expressions smoothly according to the situation, many Holos still struggle with that and when they want to express an emotion there's like 2 seconds of lag and then an audible click
>her goals and aspirations are basically all "get better at everything I'm currently not so good at", which is admirable
>good zatsudan skills, can have the conversation going for a long time without awkwardness, changes topics smoothly, sprinkles some cute bits here and there
>tried doing English reps before the debut, stated she doesn't remember much but compared to most Holos she's pretty good, willing to expand her EN interactions, do more reps and sing English songs
>seems to be kind of a slob because of her fucked up sleep schedule and tons of garbage in her room, but still able to plan a packed schedule spanning different timezones and stick to it, gets up several hours earlier to be sure she'll make it
>good interactions with genmates, provides some meme stuff by touching on non-seiso topics but isn't obnoxious about it like, say, Matsuri. Talks about them in her streams and guides people to their streams when she's ending. Her genmates also describe her as friendly and fun to talk to
>singing is decent, could have some improvement and she stated she'll start taking singing lessons right at her first zatsudan
>states she'll do a "1 month challenge" where she tries to do a new thing every day for a month (something like a hobby thing or a good habit) and then reports the results to us. This month is drawing challenge. If she actually manages to pull this off it will be pretty nice
>despite schizos saying otherwise thanks her viewers for support at length literally in every stream
>despite schizos saying otherwise told people to support her genmates and everyone in Hololive too
>despite schizos saying she's some kind of a manipulation monster faking cute and seiso image she actually talked about her worries about not being cute enough for an idol, liking money, alcohol and cute girls, being clumsy, having weak memory etc. and thanked viewers for supporting her anyway
I'm not a whore and I will never change my oshi who is plain and boring according to /vt/. However, I can appreciate someone with hard work. I don't care about Chloe's "real personality", that's roommate shit. I see an entertainer with a lot of strong or promising points and tons of content right after debut. Can the same be said about Myth or Council? I watch some girls from Council once in a blue moon but I don't see any particular effort, they are just doing whatever at their own pace. They don't generate any discussion besides dramafagging, they don't improve. They just exist. As for Myth, they went through different phases with Mori and Gura showing some kind of improvement and Ame going through a decline (Ame, I'm still waiting for you to start your fucking JP and singing reps). But sure as fuck no one in EN was as strong as holoX right after the debut.
Take the JP pill. Kneel to actual hard work.

>> No.14135504
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your numbers. give them to me.

>> No.14135604

>They don't generate any discussion besides dramafagging
Unlike Chloe who so far has generated, uh, tedious and redundant thread spam. At least you put effort into to it but at the end of the day it's just a more refined version of the same big board hyper-combative shitposts that will change no one's mind and start pointless numbers drama. Console war for weebs.

>> No.14135708

Thanks for sharing. I really like Chloe so it makes me happy to read something nice about her for a change.

>> No.14135789

If she continues to work hard after she's monetized then yeah, who cares, probably won't watch her since I'm bad with high pitch noises but I can respect the actual hustle and hard work

>> No.14135856

Glad you liked it, I don't have much to say about holoX except nice things anyway. My favorite strangely might be Iroha, I like simple girls. Her vibe is honestly refreshing, I wanted someone like her in Holo for ages - a fairly normal girl who is /fit/ and doesn't have fucked up sleeping and eating habits, with normalfag tastes. But gotta respect other holoX girls grind, all of them are working hard right from the start and have good chemistry already.

>> No.14135933

Nice writeup. I read it all. I like Chloe, she’s just plain cute, even if I don’t plan on watching her actively. But it’s nice to hear she’s doing all this stuff and is putting in effort. I honestly don’t care about a chuuba coasting off just being cute, that’s totally fine, but it’s refreshing to hear she has way more substance to her.

>> No.14135993
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Chloe's previous life was an indie who was on the grind for 3 straight years, and it shows. She's a fucking wizard at pulling heartstrings, has no qualms about numberfagging herself, like an apex VTuber concocted in a lab for the sole purpose of extracting wealth from gachikois. Everything is so well crafted and purposeful, you can't help but respect her mastery of the craft. A bit of coolness, a lot of moe, a dash of helplessness, just the right sprinkling of EOP pandering, enough to attract the attention of the clippers and reddit, but not enough to upset the JP base. If VTubing is a career, she is like a battle-hardened war vet who's faced the indie battlefields and continues to go full throttle even in the comfy seats of corporate. It's no wonder the other girls are terrified of this monster.

>> No.14136032

Oh, the numberfag schizos are here.

>> No.14136037

keep the orcucks in here sucking each other off so that they don't shit up the catalog with their dumb falseflagging

>> No.14136041

You change more minds posting it in /hlgg/ than the hell hole that is the /vt/ catalog. They don't understand japanese but at least the non-schizos watch streams. Chloe is merely chew toy of the month as people outside of /hlg/, /hlgg/ and it's related splits know nothing about Hololive and vtubers for that matter and are just here for shitposting fun.

>> No.14136271

Damn 3 years, it shows. It feels like she puts a lot of thought into everything she's done so far. If only council something something something.

>> No.14139066

Love to see it

>> No.14139776
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One can only hope that her massive stream schedule (along her gen) would show everyone examples of chuubas *actually* wanting to be a vtuber. The EN side barely streams, asks for constant breaks (as soon as a few weeks in, holy shit) and have nowhere near the same kind of interactions and care Hololive is known for in the east. Countless other women would *literally* kill for the chance to be on Hololive, and what do these western gals do? Four streams a week if lucky and their fanbase kneel and suck it up like fucking tools. .

Some of the JP were unironically killing themselves to avoid any kind of break for their fans, and on the other side... fucking embarrassing.

Chloe is doing the grind, gaining those subs with hard fucking work.

>> No.14139957
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Nice one anon. I enjoy her a lot as well, I hope she'll do more EN streams in the future as well, it was great.
A Haachama x Chloe EN-only collab would be the dream, I can only imagine how cute that would be.

>> No.14141278

Iroha is my second favorite after Chloe.
I don't really care about her fitness but her design and voixe are very cute de gozaru. I am a weeb after all.
But I won't watch Ff14.

>> No.14141418

>But sure as fuck no one in EN was as strong as holoX right after the debut.
Not even numberwise but just passion wise. This is a passionate group. And that's almost the norm in JP sphere. I'm fucking sick of bored and sarcastic ENs. I want to watch girls who care about producing good content with enthusiasm. And Chloe has it.

>> No.14141454

i hate to say it but she's pretty much the perfect example of how to handle a debut and post-debut buff. i don't personally plan on watching her, because i've already settled down with my beautiful hag bird wife, but i can't help but kneel at how well chloe is playing the vtuber game.

>> No.14142473

Chloe hasn't really impressed me so far so I don't really think much of her but I do respect her hustle. She's capitalizing on and taking full advantage of the debut buff and is going in hard. She's really putting in the work. It doesn't matter if you hate her or like her, that is deserving of respect. I hope she flourishes (and the rest of HoloX of course, especially my little demon chuuni) because in the end it will only benefit Hololive if she does.
I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for those countless women to see that they lost their chance at a dream gig to the milquetoast ensemble that Council turned out to be. The only one in Council that I'd say seems to have any drive at all is Bae. The rest just wanted to take it easy and rely on the brand name to do their work for them. I still remember "Amber" bragging about getting in, and this is the result. It's a shame too because they had potential. Now I can't view them as anything more but a failure.

>> No.14143301

Good thread, OP.

>> No.14143431

>another chloe thread
Why can this shit not stay contained to one thread
