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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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14029529 No.14029529 [Reply] [Original]

All praise the patron saint of 2view indies and Hololive roommates. What has YOUR oshi done for the vtubing scene lately?

>> No.14029633

Not facecammed
Not streamed with males and whores
Not done the same exact streams she did before leaving her company due to creative freedom

>> No.14033078

not be a backstabbing traitor who caused a huge controversy for cover, where cover bent over backwards taking her side just to keep her, only for her to betray their loyalty and leave ~9 months later anyway

>> No.14033146


>> No.14033182 [DELETED] 
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Become the single most successful indie in the world in a fraction of the time, proving that at least in her case, it's not all about the company; some people just hit different.

Kson supremacy is here to stay, gents.

>> No.14033218

i couldn't tell either, but based mostly on >>14029633 i'm 99% it's supposed to be kson

>> No.14033265

>tfw I hate kson's content but I have to keep giving her thousands of dollars to prove I'm not Chinese

>> No.14033322

Don't be Artia?
Also, go jump to elevator shaft for me, ok?

>> No.14038335

Not been harassed by chinks
Not been bullied out of the company

>> No.14038387 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14038593
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>> No.14039594 [DELETED] 
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No one gonna talk about this stream? Was it just me or did some of the people here sound an awful lot like a certain angel and demon?

>> No.14039956

Don't be Artiafags who believe help Andy will save Artia.

>> No.14040026

>No one gonna talk about this stream?
No one watches her streams.

>> No.14040269

One was choco. Not sure who the other girl is.

>> No.14040303

lol chink

>> No.14040359
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Blazed the trail.

>> No.14040420

Best thing she's done since she left was give us that nice view of Mel booba today. Waiting for actual creativity

>> No.14040487

She did it plently already

>> No.14040868

From left to right. Mel, Coco and Choco.

>> No.14040887

We talked about it this morning anon. the Angel was out. It was a banpire and a sexy nurse.

>> No.14041033

It's not-Mel and not-Choco anon.

>> No.14041148

I'm a chink for pointing out that she betrayed the company that fostered her fame, her coworkers, and her fans?

>> No.14041246 [DELETED] 


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.14041302

Anon that is an absolutely retarded take. Is this some kind of wageslave stockholme syndrom?

>> No.14041309

She didn’t betray anyone and it’s also not her fault that Cover doesn’t want anything to do with you retarded schizo chinks, you behave like deranged animals, you have nobody to blame but yourselves.
Stick to bilibili vtubers.

>> No.14041316
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>> No.14041582

>stick to bilibili vtubers
i can't speak chinese, i've only been on bilibili for a grand total of 10 minutes during an artia stream because she was showing my minecraft house (her minecraft server) on stream

>> No.14041660

Chinks betray Hololive no otherwise

>> No.14041737


Can I offer you a Chestnut in these trying times.

>> No.14041919

Artia is gone and she’s never coming back, blame the chinks that ruined everything instead of Coco who is a victim and did literally nothing wrong, move on with your life instead of making threads and samefagging in them over and over, it’s genuinely pathetic.

>> No.14042089

They don't have to do anything
Just by keeping vtubing relevant is better than what this whore does

>> No.14042186

Not a vtuber.

Nice creative freedom btw, totally revolutionary content

>> No.14042200
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>Artiafag is talking about loyalty and betrayal.

>> No.14042218

>Watching artia
She left you fags. No need go anti Kson when you fags started this stupidity. Kson did not betray anyone. Do you think a traitor would be eating with Mel and Choco. You fags are delusional

>> No.14042225

You may think hololive is a sunshine and rainbows corpo because they advertise to you as such, but there’s no such thing as betraying a corporate entity, only people. Yagoo didn’t seem to mind her leaving, and none of her coworkers or fans did either, and the stakeholders and suits who aren’t happy about it don’t matter because she doesn’t owe them anything. If you’re not a chink then you’re just a corporate bootlicker, and that’s probably worse since chinks can’t help being born chinks but you certainly could choose to grow a spine if you weren’t such a cuck.

>> No.14042254

Not collabed with connor. Don't @ me, the tuber having dignity is my sexual fetish and I won't stand for kink shaming.

>> No.14042441
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that's right, the zhangs were seething over statistics made by jewtube, not by the talents

and yet it is apparently a 'betrayal' when she decides to eat all the heat and go out with a bang, all while the haters and zhangs seethe and kvetch like the leftist demonrats and kikes do these days when shit doesn't go their way anymore

>> No.14042610

Kek, only listening the stream's sound feels nice. I didn't know Kson had the smallest boobs between those three heh

>> No.14042614

I never understood why she got shit when other Holos said Taiwan, several Holos get taiwanese superchats, Nijis say Taiwan, lots of non Chinese vtubers perform in China and collab with Chinese vtubers, etc. Can someone who watches Hololive shed some light on this.

>> No.14044619

chinaCCP xijinpig simps think that Taiwan is a part of China, not a COUNTRY of its own

apparently youtube statistics treats it like a country seperate from China, and the mere thought of it makes CCP xi jinpig dicksucker zhangs seethe
Coco and Haato pointing this out without them knowing of this cancerous mentality was pretty much the TRIGGERED moment

>> No.14044851

not-succubus is everything I thought she would be. I'm not disappointed at all.

>> No.14044987

>doxx fags
>cries about the chinese unprovoked
are coco fans the worst fanbase ever

>> No.14045220

It's not doxx if the people in question don't even trying to hide their identity.

>> No.14045452

Is there anyone else here who really hates chinks but also really hates coco, the whole thing about management is retarded, look at all the things the holos do, cover management is only gonna stop you from doing something illegal, to incite controversy, or unsafe. The "creative differences" was her wanting to be a reckless bitch and management telling her it wasn't a good idea, with all the holos do coco was likely requesting to do retarded things only for management to say no, I am glad we don't have that reddit traitor anymore, she betrayed all of hololive by treating them like worthless dirt she could pass by. I am glad the council had no interaction with her, fuck commies, fuck the ccp, fuck redditors, fuck coco

>> No.14046206
File: 503 KB, 859x1112, 9E636AFE-EF87-4B52-AC95-35689C7037A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at all the things the holos do
Apex…..Minecraft…… sugoi

>> No.14046295

Almost as good as reacting to the same memes 500 times in a row.

>> No.14046331

I'll do you one better, i hate chinks, coco, and management, but artia is my oshi.
separation of art and artist, offscreen political stuff doesn't stop me from enjoying entertainment.

>> No.14046342

Choco and Mel

>> No.14046606

ITT: moralfag

even you cannot deny that one of the appealing aspects of VTubers is the refined walking the fine line art of being unseiso / peak yabai without being blatantly vulgar
the Niji tubers have more flexibility in that regard, hell, just watch Finana and her wording shenanigans...

If she were to collab with Coco during that time she had her limiter off FInana would probably either give Coco a run for her superchat money or, more likely, just be on the same level yabai unseiso playing field trading jabs pound for pound until one concedes, and they both laugh it all off at the end and become unseiso BFFs

..i like to dream.

>> No.14046712

why are we allowing posts about a regular youtuber

>> No.14046733


>> No.14046798

This! We all hate China, but these retards that can't accept that this bitch is a traitor are even worse than the Chinese.

>> No.14047143

the things one does for one's country.

>> No.14047448

Can you insecure chink dick suckers not use my oshi to falseflag and bait YOUs

Go back to spamming selen shit again or something idk


>> No.14047609

posts like these
is how you know she is living RENT FREE in their heads

looks like another hater or possibly zhang talking out of their ass and seething about Coco, knowing nothing about what she has done for her fellow Holo talents as well as her genmates. I was there, i witnessed most if not all of it, and quite frankly, all i see is some hater zhang who probably never watched streams but has the audacity to call her a traitor out of some unwarranted sense of entitlement and insane levels of mental gymnastics and butthurt

go touch grass or something

>> No.14047872

>we talked about it

>> No.14047885

Artia’s gone, tia is in a re-education camp and hecatia is starving in the chinese winter trapped in a half broken home with no electricity

And its all her and her fans fault for starting all this harassment/anti shit and then outright refusing to support her and watch her on bilibili when she reincarnated and died in just 4 months

>> No.14048883

I came in this thread because I wanted to talk about how flat chested Kson is. She has some fucking nerve giving herself a big breasted model when she looks like that. Imagine having to interact with her in a 3D stream and you have trouble judging where to move your hands because they might go through her breasts because there aren't any breasts there. At least now I know the other two live up to their models.

>> No.14049014

It's pretty clear that you know nothing about what you're saying.

>> No.14049025

It's interesting how the Coco fans whine about the Chinese but then speak in broken English like this. Makes me wonder what country this is really being astroturfed from. Russia, perhaps?

>> No.14050743

Anon, you're obviously no expert and have no idea how much different bras and non-baggy clothing matter for emphasizing and de-emphasizing breasts. The three are around the same size

>> No.14051745

Funny how the holo girls don't think of it as a betrayal like your smooth brain self. These are real people, not slaves to your favorite BRAND. This fucking bitch had every right to leave hololive and do whatever the fuck she wants. I'm tired of you retards throwing a hissy fit because your favorite toy decided they wanted less retarded management. Makes no difference if all she does with it is face cam streams and try and prop up 2 views some of which are males, she made a choice and is happy with it and doesn't have to bow to covers autism anymore. She can also still do collabs with old friends as evidenced with the recent collab. "ABLOO BLOO, THEY AREN'T USING THEIR BRAND AVATARS" Blow it out your ass.

>> No.14052214

I thought the one on the right was Mel

>> No.14053139

Even if you aren't a chink you are still a retard. She didn't betray anyone, she did not want to leave, she was BULLIED out of the company. Japanese companies can't fire someone unless for a legal reason - such as the reason Artia got canned because she actually did something illegal (doxxing and harassment) If YAGOO fired Coco on the spot Cover will BURN or be sued to the ground. So what Japanese companies do is Banishment room: ruthlessly discriminate them until they leave (collab bans, all projects canned, not invited to major events, and of course, modding the Zhangs).

Hololive accepted Coco leaving, and by definition, if you openly consent on what your friend/client wants to do, that's not an act of treachery. And besides, Artia is dead by her own fault, and both Hololive and Kson are making more money and influence than ever before, so everyone wins. Except the Zhangs

>> No.14053380

Based take. Fuck this doxxbitch

>> No.14053496
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>Even if you aren't a chink you are still a retard. She didn't betray anyone, she did not want to leave, she was BULLIED out of the company. Japanese companies can't fire someone unless for a legal reason - such as the reason Artia got canned because she actually did something illegal (doxxing and harassment) If YAGOO fired Coco on the spot Cover will BURN or be sued to the ground. So what Japanese companies do is Banishment room: ruthlessly discriminate them until they leave (collab bans, all projects canned, not invited to major events, and of course, modding the Zhangs).

Hololive accepted Coco leaving, and by definition, if you openly consent on what your friend/client wants to do, that's not an act of treachery. And besides, Artia is dead by her own fault, and both Hololive and Kson are making more money and influence than ever before, so everyone wins. Except the Zhangs

>> No.14053985

I love kson so much
she's like the older sister I never had

>> No.14053995 [DELETED] 

You don't seem to understand what's happening you fucking brainlet. There is a distinction between Cover (the company) and Hololive (the group). I still stand by my position that she was being banishment room'd by Cover management, even against the will of the talents. But in the end, Coco negotiated the terms of her graduation legally and without malice. Everyone, from management who wanted her out, to the talents who didn't, accepted this. In a legal and open process. Because this is legal, and with the informed consent of all parties, there is no evidence of treachery.

And yet you faggots use this to accuse HER as the traitor? Either study a little Obligation and Contract Law, or instead, the better option: kill yourself to rid the world of your retardation, and follow Artia in Hell

>> No.14054143

no lol

>> No.14054293 [DELETED] 

I think you need to clarify it for you brainlets. There is a distinction between Cover (the company) and Hololive (the group). I still stand by my position that she was being banishment room'd by Cover management, even against the will of the talents. But in the end, Coco negotiated the terms of her graduation legally and without malice. Everyone, from management who wanted her out, to the talents who didn't, accepted this. In a legal and open process and with the informed consent of all parties. Therefore, there is no evidence of treachery or subversion.

And yet you faggots use this to accuse HER as the traitor?

>> No.14054295

I fucking love this bitch.
I loved her as a dragon.
I love her as a biker gang leader.
I fucking love this bitch.

>> No.14054480

I think I need to clarify it for you brainlets. There is a distinction between Cover (the company) and Hololive (the talent group). I still stand by my position that she was being banishment room'd by Cover management, even against the will of the talents. But in the end, Coco negotiated the terms of her graduation legally and without malice. Everyone, from management who wanted her out, to the talents who didn't, accepted this. In a legal and open process and with the informed consent of all parties. Therefore, there is no evidence of treachery or subversion.

And yet you faggots use this to accuse HER as the traitor?

>> No.14054640

*Spits on Artia’s grave*

>> No.14055129

Artia has no grave, it was robbed by chinks to use the bones as an ingredient for snake oil

>> No.14055187

Hey omega, how's your vacation?

>> No.14055493

This >>14044619 and because Coco is American, that's probabky the reason they forgave Haato when she did the same. Also there is a rrat that Bilibili wanted to do a commercial war and wanted to steal the chinese talents and bringing them to Bilibili while kicking Cover out of their market.

>> No.14055555

>They are appearing in her stream and their voices are recognizable
You don't need to try

>> No.14055744

They are Japanese Tatsunokos

>> No.14055871

Checked, retarded bug btfo

>> No.14056127

i vaguely recognize their voices so it's fine to reveal their identity

>> No.14056293

If you only vaguely recognize chocos voice in particular you’re a newfag and should leave

>> No.14056350

Are you deaf by casualty

>> No.14057051 [DELETED] 

Why do you faggots suck this bitch’s dick so much

Dragons came from china this is just an inferior cheap knockoff to our great nations leader xi jing ping

We have superior vtubers in bili bili like ping pang pung and ching chong chang

Come come and exchange all your america dolla en bitcoin to digital yuan rmb and give us your money. We will promise you great fortune and prosperity piaw si lan chaw bin

>> No.14057141

>Dragons came from china
Dragons came from Europe, chinese dragons are snake-type, at least do better shitposts

>> No.14057191
File: 112 KB, 1264x711, Jake Long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dragons are from america

>> No.14057326

Jake is totally a ccp spy i bet

>> No.14057357

America started 4000 years after china, even the central africans had more chance to invent dragons

>> No.14057389

the native americans invented vtubing

>> No.14057451

There are no native americans.

>> No.14057456

Annoying orange’s roommate had chinese blood 1% maybe…

Therefore china invented vtubers obviously

>> No.14057726

america invented oranges

>> No.14060564

Man, Kson sucks.

>> No.14060668

I wish

>> No.14060702

Next you're going to say we're all Africans.

>> No.14060741

>It's China

>> No.14060756

But man, Kson really sucks though.

>> No.14060789

She did this cute cover!

>> No.14060793

China was making huge advancements in science and mathematics while America was busy burning innocent women and calling them witches. All in all a great country.

>> No.14060831

I still don't understand how Korone managed to befriend Yuzo Koshiro of all people. Nor why he's involved in the Fire Emblem theme which he had nothing to do with but whatever.

>> No.14060863
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>> No.14060884

Then China got addicted to opium and became part of the British Empire. Then they got raped by the Japanese, another tiny island nation. Then they had a revolt, finally took control of their own nation again, and let an obese syphilitic tyrant starve half the country and more or less enslave the rest until his death. Then eventually Nixon let them manufacture all the world's cheap plastic shit, and the rest is history.

>> No.14060954

>I still don't understand how Korone managed to befriend Yuzo Koshiro of all people.
Word on the street is that she's well liked at SEGA Japan due to promotional work she did back in the day, she probably knows people who know people.

>> No.14061505

China was literally already behind the West mathematically as early as the 1300s. The Ming Dynasty had an entire cope about how Jesuit monks sent as diplomats showing off the best Europe had to offer- which was generations ahead of China- must actually be knowledge the chinese came up with, spread to the barbarians and then forgot about. Such as their inability to reconcile the idea of the "middle kingdom" with the fact they simply weren't the best in the world.

And this is besides

>muh witches

China literally had practices like footbinding into the 20th century you fucking loon.

>> No.14061704

china just had paper, gunpowder and philosophy and then jack shit after

>> No.14061780


Would be pretty fucked up to include former coworkers in a camwhore episode like this so the fanbase you brought over from said company can see their roommates, but luckily it was just not-choco and not-mel, who are already camwhores and no one really gives a shit about them in holo anyway.

Imagine if it was someone more respected, with a bigger fanbase instead, I'm pretty sure people would have lost their shit.

>> No.14061811

Really fucking awful philosophy as well.

>> No.14061865


>> No.14061881

They all look so cute which is weird because Kson gettin chunky now.

>> No.14062075
File: 16 KB, 399x399, IJ4f1G8J_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she really sucks my gigantic Yakuza gigachad dragon dick real good. Drains both of my balls like an industrial vacuum cleaner.

>> No.14062208

The obese syphilitic tyrant also lobotomised the country and erased whatever was left of their high culture, and now we are left with soulless bugmen who are so devoid of empathy they don't flinch when one of their own Die in front of them (I have a collection of all these webms)

>> No.14062502

I'm pretty sure it's time to take your meds.

>> No.14063494
File: 111 KB, 1080x1163, FFsrk1LVcAUltfo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny westerners project like this when the Chinese government has gone out of its way to protect its citizens from COVID-19 while the west has gone "go ham on our citizens senpai we need them to die anyway so our retirement systems won't collapse." t. enjoying sending my kid to school without worrying if they'll get sick and living my normal life. Don't forget to take your vaccine!

>> No.14063798

By nailing them inside of their houses and killing their pets? Also, nice whataboutism wumao. The classic wumao argument whenever wumaos run out of arguments. That still doesn't eliminate all ther issues your own country has.

Also, the (((Economist))) is a shitty source. China lies all the time about its statistics, and even the (((WHO))) is in their pocket.

>> No.14063817 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 600x800, 1626107851635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By nailing them inside of their houses and killing their pets? Also, nice whataboutism wumao. The classic wumao argument whenever wumaos run out of arguments. That still doesn't eliminate all ther issues your own country has.
>Also, the (((Economist))) is a shitty source. China lies all the time about its statistics, and even the (((WHO))) is in their pocket.

>> No.14063834

Fuck off back to /pol/...

>> No.14064323

Guys guys i was shitposting when i called you faggots dick sucking chinks

I didnt expect you retards to actually be chink micropenis gobblers

Shes not even my oshi but lol you always count on kson to weed out the zhangs on this board

>> No.14064367

It’s endearing that you think the government is both simultaneously able to hide millions of deaths (the amount that would be dead if China had even approaching the US death rate) but unable to hide such small local actions. Regardless, those sacrifices have enabled over a billion people to live a regular life where COVID-19 is just something they read in the paper. It’s a shame your governments are so weak and your citizens so atomized and unable to accept the concept of society that you’ve decided millions of excess deaths are fine, but I guess your culture doesn’t respect the value of human life and I need to learn not to impose my values on you.

>> No.14064478

Bugmen arent considered human lives tbqh

>> No.14064609
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>vtubing scene
I don't care about Vtubing scene or industry or market or even corporate. My oshi's happiness is the highest priority.
Why do I care about a "scene" of low quality 2views who didn't stand out or roommates who didn't do anything catch my attention?
Kson should have used her free time for something more productive, like learning how to pose her Gunpla properly. That Turn A looks like some fucking Kindle/ToyRUs posing tier.

>> No.14064881

I'm not even American. I admit America is an idiocracy. But that is a different topic. I ask, why did this virus become so prevalent in the first place? Because China lied. They tried to cover up the origins of the virus. They silenced whistleblowers like Li Wenliang and sent them to jail. They pretended that the situation in China is ok and thus allowed foreigners in and tourists out when they KNEW. It was too late when it was found out you fuckers have spread the virus. Because your government lied. Because the pandemic was a convenient excuse to silence all protests and provide an opportunity to invade Hong Kong. The blood of the millions who died from COVID is on the hands of the CCP. Soon, the Mandate of Heaven will make its Judgement. Your economy is collapsing (Evergrande), your dictator is getting consumed by lust for power (destroying the tech and entertainment industries). More and more, people and companies are seeing through the lies of the CCP.

Now, unless you be honest with the atrocities of the CCP, I have no more reason to acknowledge you or your insectoid chattering, Zhang. To me, you wumaos, followes of Mao, the devil who took away your humanity, are not human.

>> No.14064944

Helping and saving others is the very thing that makes Kson happy in the first place, though. Her own idols are saviorfags like Kiryu Kazuma and YAGOO (even if it is in a mocking way).

>> No.14065293

Does Kson have a tongue piercing IRL? I feel like this is okay to ask since she streams her face all the time but I haven't watched those streams enough to notice if there is one.

>> No.14065361

I hate this whore so much it's unreal. I don't even watch Holoen because they all love her.

>> No.14065445

I'm surprised she even knows what Turn A is, that's a pretty obscure Gundam. If I ever bought a Gunpla I would probably get one of those. I'm also interested in G-Arcane and Gundam Legilis but both of those are from shows that flopped so by the time I thought to myself "Hm, I'd be interested in getting into Gunpla someday" they were already very expensive so I don't know if I'll be able to get them.

>> No.14065515

Good riddance

>> No.14065591

They were gifts from her fans. I don't think she even watched Gundam before.

>> No.14065634

She knows turn a. As in, she's heard of it.

>> No.14065640

That's disappointing, but the fact that a fan had good enough taste to give her Turn A is still a pleasant surprise.

>> No.14065668

She did start watching recently but it's been a meme in her chat for a long time.

>> No.14065887


>> No.14066019
File: 855 KB, 1463x795, cocockfull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does.
Tongue piercings are known for increasing pleasure during cunnilingus.
Kanata is a very lucky girl.

>> No.14066128 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 762x480, 1637514666955.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also check out this rigging.

>> No.14066421

Where is Kson when a Holo roommate celebrated her birthday in a mental hospital?

>> No.14066481

who cares about that, my oshi is in danger right now, she takes priority in the list of Kson mental healthcare

>> No.14066488

Where was your medication when you posted this?

>> No.14067218

I don't think either of the people Kson took care of today are in danger.

>> No.14069733

Who cares about indies anyway? All chuubas should just aim to join Hololive

>> No.14069798

She talked about how much chunni char is during her G'Gok building stream.

>> No.14069937 [DELETED] 

Hololive had become a corrupt tyranny under Omegafaggot

>> No.14070041

>She didn't betray anyone, she did not want to leave, she was BULLIED out of the company.

>> No.14071172 [DELETED] 

Care to disprove my claim? Hard mode: Don't mention Creative Freedom. We all know that is corpospeak.

>> No.14071439

i like the schizoposting here

>> No.14073295

Guys how do we save kson ?

>> No.14073335 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 395x520, 1626266393854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>She didn't betray anyone, she did not want to leave, she was BULLIED out of the company.

>> No.14073362

Continued her hiatus...
NoiR start streaming again please...

>> No.14073710

All this blind worship is disgusting.

>> No.14073768 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 600x800, 1620836108150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this blind worship is disgusting.

>> No.14074237

Yes, a fandon who loves his oshi, I have never seen it before.

>> No.14074432
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1628451803941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her. She's the most genuinely nice and optimistic person I've ever seen. The way she can happily keep going in the face of all the cruelty and hate thrown her way is inspirational to me. She's got soul and didn't let the cold corporate world suck it out of her, even towards anyone.
