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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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11923704 No.11923704 [Reply] [Original]

>Comes back to collect superchats for her 3rd Anniversary
>Last streamed 3 weeks ago
Nothing personnel Nakiricucks

>> No.11923765

Rent free

>> No.11923860
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ayame keeps winning

>> No.11923918

>Sorry guys I'm not feeling well I'll be back soon!
>Sorry guys I'm moving house I need to take a month off!
>Sorry guys my internet isn't connected I need to take another month off!
>Sorry guys I'm not feeling well again I need to take another month off! Thanks for the cash though!

>> No.11923957

nakirigumi enables this behavior.
absolutely disgusting

>> No.11923980

i have a friend who is a nakirigumi
he owns a fan made daki cover, her hoodie, everything
he doesn't care, he doesn't even watch her streams when she does, as long as she puts out covers and laughs every once a while, he's happy
in short, the nakirigumi that exist are pretty much as lax about her lack thereof of work as she is

>> No.11924003

Her critics will get the last laugh. She’ll die young of an STD.

>> No.11924004

Why does Hololive allow this I don't get it. Also the absolutely cucked behaviour of her fanbase.

>> No.11924014

Do you think her boyfriend holds on to her horns while she sucks him off?

>> No.11924020

Look its the same faggot OP.

>> No.11924055

why are you friends though

>> No.11924071
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Don't you have a stream to watch? Oh wait, hahaha

>> No.11924733


>> No.11924765
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>> No.11924981

because they still get a big cut from her superchats and merch that her cuckwhales spend money on

>> No.11925080

Pretty healthy attitude to be honest. Imagine your oshi not streaming that often and you as a grown ass man decide to pitch a fit on a Tajik turophile forum.

>> No.11925095

Remember never to put Ayame in compilation clips. She hates being compared to inferior Holos


>> No.11925114

she's so fucking cute, I can absolutely believe that she's so cute and charming that nobody is going to punish her

>> No.11925199
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I feel sorry for nakiricucks, my oshi at least pretends to care about her fans

>> No.11925241

>spending habits of a manchild
>don’t even watch the anime girl you’re buying merch off
real based

>> No.11925404

Meanwhile Towa ends a stream and five minutes later Kenzoku are having menhera breakdowns about missing her.
t.menhera Kenzoku

>> No.11925826

Everybody who actually knows Ayame in real life ‘Ayame is pretty cute and I really like her’, some autists on 4ch ‘Ayame is a whore and a cunt’. I wonder who is correct here.

>> No.11925860

like Ayame's because you pay without her doing work.

>> No.11925877

Even japs hate her.

>> No.11925964

>People who can meet Ayame in real life and have no stake in her actually doing what she's paid to do think she's a great person
Huh go figure. Sucks for the cucks who are paying members fees for 1 stream a month though

>> No.11925988

I don't believe it

>> No.11926010

uh oh this streamer i don't even watch isn't streaming
that makes me real angry like

>> No.11926035

>wtf lol why do you care if some repulsive e-thot is taking advantage of her viewers, mind your own biz

>> No.11926120


>> No.11926123

no really, why do you care?

>> No.11926253

Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.11926329

Why wouldn't I? Are you saying I can't get upset at a scammer if I'm not the one getting scammed? I feel empathy for the poor saps Ayame preys on.

>> No.11926395

Based, the less I see her the better.

>> No.11926405

>keeps making the same thread every day
Be thankful you get 1 stream a month nakiris

>> No.11926490

Because she's an early senpai. Gen3 and beyond can't even dream of getting away with this

>> No.11926516

>Ayame preys on
Ayame does literally nothing

>> No.11926518

Quality over quantity, pretty sure you nijiniggers wouldn't understand.

>> No.11926581

She’s cute and charming, if she tried she’d be a legend. She’s content to coast though.

>> No.11926667

You sound like some sjw tumblrina except with even more pathetic topics to be mad about

>> No.11926708

But there's more inactive members in niji who stream once in two months

>> No.11926740

There is one who hasn't streamed in one year. Hint : not Roa

>> No.11926804

NTA, but I only post in these threads to see if anyone can ever defend her behavior and because it does seem pretty unfair she does so well while doing so little, compared to the other low viewed members like Aki or Mel. Mel is just as cute, is far sexier, and she comes back from her regular hiatuses with a new song, several streams a week and multiple collabs. But she gets practically no new subs, low views on her songs and shit for superchats while Ayame sits on her ass. Pretty much anyone else in Hololive is more deserving of success, and if a clipper from here decides to actually cover one of the several girls that actually work hard instead of making another "Ayame giggles" or "Docchi song" compilation then it's worth it.

>> No.11926805

That girl who did 3 streams and then took a 2.75 year vacation but somehow isn’t graduated yet

>> No.11926845

I will probably never subscribe to this xenophobe. If she collabs with at least three from EN, then maybe.... just maybe.

>> No.11926872

mel barely streams either
if you want to save them just advertise for them and make your own clips instead of being jealous of the pink woman

>> No.11926893

Oh no, some autists on 5ch hate her… Meanwhile everyone who actually knows her loves her.

>> No.11926922

HoloEN is parasite that needs to be surgically removed like HoloCN.

>> No.11926943

She is literally living (You)r dream life and you want her to put in extra effort? You'd literally sell both kidneys and a heart to live off your earnings from crypto and not work a day in your life. I don't even like ayame. I haven't even watched one stream of hers. But I know that she's doing what any sensible person would do in her position. She's doing absolutely nothing wrong.

>> No.11927149

How are Kenzokus the most civil people in YouTube and Reddit but are trolls in 4chan?

>> No.11927185

4chan is anonymous so you can be a dick all you want without being recognized and remembered

>> No.11927193

How bout both?

>> No.11927337

How so? I rarely see any troll posts by Kenzoku, we just stick in our general talking about how we love her, hate her and want to fuck her and her friends.

>> No.11929470

Redditors will forgive anything if the girl is cute. We can see through that

>> No.11929642

You are not a hero.

>> No.11930009

Don't worry, she will be back for superchat reading from the 3rd anniversary (which gets her even more superchats) and then fuck off for another 2 weeks

>> No.11930065

The question is what is the next excuse going to be.

>> No.11930267

Seanig hands wrote this

>> No.11930294

and that was
>Sorry guys 2021
what a disgusting bunch of cucks

>> No.11930353

at least she shows up for the minecraft event

>> No.11930379

arrogant bitch

>> No.11930449

not like they can make their own decisions and cancel that fee they're paying willingly, poor cucks, at least some autists here care about them

>> No.11930567

If you can get away with something why not

The only thing that has lasting consequences is cyber drama because everyone likes to participate in it

And none of her co workers are going to make her into a lolcow because Japan doesn't have that culture

>> No.11930576

Almost no effort and plenty of money to be made. She is just greedy, not sick in the head like Festival.

>> No.11930829
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>If she collabs with at least three from EN
she will never, not even mentioning IN, Ayame is too pompous after all, she only associates with her typical early clique, those who were constantly pestering to collab, but Shuba is tired and prefers to hang with Choco and Luna now, she even recently said that now Choco is her most close friend in her gen, also Fubuki doesn't pursue Ayame, a prefer to play with real friends like Watame and Flare.
Ayame only has Mio left, and she will get tired soon too.
She is too much effort.

>> No.11930950

Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.11931031
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>> No.11932366

I’m not talking about Reddit retard, I’m talking about the people who actually work with her, who talk about whatever cute dumb shit she’s done whenever the opportunity presents itself.

>> No.11932498

Literally the last collab stream on her channel has Fubuki and Watame.

>> No.11932516

CEO daughter.

>> No.11933144

>Occasionally buying some merch to support the person that entertained you for hours
>Spending habits of a manchild

