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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 159 KB, 828x380, 5169FD8C-AD26-4720-B64F-0BC8C6A70AE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1175254 No.1175254 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1175277

that's the west for ya

>> No.1175309

Stop promoting yourself

>> No.1175323

It's called narcissism.

>> No.1175350
File: 1 KB, 81x38, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, she's mentally ill.

>> No.1175351

Because they're just regular streamers bandwagoning onto vtubing because they think having an anime avatar will get them easy popularity.

>> No.1175356

Do you just dig through Twitter looking for literal whos to get mad at? What went wrong in your life OP?

>> No.1175377

who died and made you the authority on vtubers?

>> No.1175384


>> No.1175453

Westerners are cancer

>> No.1175472

Your mom

>> No.1175530

so did she actually did a reveal or is she just baiting for clout

>> No.1175533

thots realize that instead of being a game of genetics, v tubing is a game of contacts or deep wallets
If you want to get a boost you either network or dunk the dough on better gear/avatar/advertisement
If you can't do either but you still think you look like a fuckable female, why not just release your face out there in the desperate attempt that people will also simp for your roommate

>> No.1175606

Not all JP indies keep their real identity hidden, but it is usually kept to twitter, and most often than not is treated as a different person from the vtuber avatar. Face reveal streams as a concept is just weird, and I am surprise how common they are with EN vtubers.

>> No.1175627

This isn’t a promo I’m deadass sick of these “vtubers” doing face reveals it’s fuckin virtual streaming not irl

>> No.1175643

I wish more JPs did what Tamaki does. It'd be more fun

>> No.1175677
File: 521 KB, 828x1172, 2FD26554-7951-439A-8B7C-F56903D22493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This face reveal..

>> No.1175692
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>> No.1175722

>face reveal before debuting

>> No.1175738

No one cares
These girls will show off they look better than company girls in real life, and have better models by fucking artists, without any real threat of crazy possessive fan stalkers harming them ike asian women have
Women are too powerful

>> No.1175746


>> No.1175771


>> No.1175809


>> No.1175815

They have vids on their twitch I think

>> No.1175831

They streaming rn

>> No.1175844
File: 484 KB, 463x453, 1588588280846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and gentleman, your average v-tweeter.

>> No.1175873
File: 144 KB, 328x327, 1607251552776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are WESTERN indies doing this

>> No.1175883

ooh. then why the debut:TBA ...

>> No.1175909

Some stream with the model but still have tba in the name. Makes no sense desu

>> No.1175917

Westerners were able to even fuck that up, they do some "tests" but leave it open for anyone to come in, even our dear Ugly Bastard did it.

>> No.1175923

do retard tubers really?

>> No.1175966

is the Ugly Bastard a based shitposter or just a nerdy weeb

>> No.1176041

effeminate eurocuck. Like most western chubba, the design is wasted.

>> No.1176196

that's basically every vtuber nowadays
it seems Canada has a huge network of Canasians just making models and promoting each other.

>> No.1176253

i know one Japanese indie that has pretty much done a face reveal though granted, she's pretty much a camwhore and the vtuber stuff is just a persona while she advertises her fanbox

>> No.1176519

lmao whats the "point" of vtubing? why cant they do both?

>> No.1176811

post face

>> No.1177057

They were always in it for attention and validation.

>> No.1177329

I for one welcome their reputational suicide. If the chaff cull themselves from the wheat, that just leaves a clearer field for those who're serious about vtubing for the experience instead of clout/money/attention. There's a silver lining in all things, so long as they don't become cancerous and take over the western vtubing sphere.

If that happens, it'll be much harder to succeed as a western vtuber because they'll scorch the earth and ensure everyone successful gets deplatformed from mainstream tech sites. It might even hit well known japanese vtubers on YouTube and twitch.

Personally, I'm wondering if it's even worth streaming inthehig two at all given their susceptibility to woke deplatforming of western content creators. Because you know if these faggots son't succeed on their own merits, their chief tactic is throwing a shit fit and trying to erase everyone who's better at it than them.

>> No.1177597

This is why it is important to keep the kayfabe strong and denounce idiots who want to mix their real identity into vtubing. If the real perosn said something that loud people online don't like, shouldn't matter to fans of the character if they are actually there for the character not for the behind the scenes drama.

>> No.1177621

The day of the rake can't come soon enough.

>> No.1177829
File: 53 KB, 572x307, 1609403835829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its always the fucking leaf

>> No.1177915

Tamaki isn't a great example to use because Norio is in the unique position where she's also the boss of her own vtuber agency.

>> No.1178234

The fans aren't the issue if you're a man. The real issue is getting reamed by mass media, social media, whisper networks, advertisers, sponsors, and your bank. The one thing these faggots do well is network and leverage social/institutional power because nobody knows enough about what they're doing to realize they're evil before it's too late. And if you don't have enough clout or wealth, you an kiss your career goodbye.

If I ever get the chance to vtube, my primary concern would be avoiding streaming on western sites and trying to hide from western "fans." At this point, unless you're in it for the money, it'd be a lot more relaxing to stream to a small group of underground fans or even nobody at all then be exposed on a platform where these lunatics can get their way by raising a stink. It's like why Hecatia and Delta keep their content pay pig only, and why Coco probably streams comfily on Mildom while her vtuber persona functions as the diversoonary lightning rod for her dedicated hatebase.

The sad fact is that western tech sites have for years been far too subverted by various special interests. I just don't think they're much of a safe bet for any small streamers who dosn't have agency or company backing to keep you protected. Even then, there's still no guarantee.

>> No.1178950
File: 21 KB, 234x234, IMG_20210203_093619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norio literally have her irl face as her member sticker anon

>> No.1179071

>no comments
>no retweets
>no likes
stop shilling your own shit, cunt

>> No.1179113

a lot of western vtubers on twitter have that in the name/bio even if they have a working live2d because they want to really hype up their debut despite actively streaming
they want to make their debut some big event that they hype up or wait until they get to a certain follower count before they "officially debut"

>> No.1179117

Welp let's place bets
Is it gonna be a girl or a guy?
I have odds on guy
Runner up on tranny

>> No.1179137

western whores. These whores will always invade whatever you like, disrespect every single aspect that made the medium great, and demand everyone else to follow their suit. Western whores already ruined comics, gaming, cartoon, and now they are ruining vtubers.

>> No.1179281

eh, I see a lot of SEAtubers doing face reveals and cosplays too

>> No.1179314

I'm this case, that's her mama

>> No.1179426

But Norio is a known person. Everyone knows she's the manga author for that shitty trap manga. She's not a rando girl who became a streamer in the past or something.

>> No.1179461

VTweeters are just attention whores. They make the anime avatar to draw some gachikoi in and then face reveal for even more attention and probably with the attention of going back to e-thotting without their avatar.

>> No.1179957

C'mon now Noel has never done a face reveal

>> No.1180139

Western vtubers in a nutshell, for a bit there was tons and tons of em doing them because some faggot told them to

>> No.1180221

So what ended up happening

>> No.1181913

Ironically, norio is more like tamaki's kayfabe than the other way around. Tamaki is a legit industry pro and serious veteran vtuber. Her true self is treated more like a natural extension of her character. It's basically the true ultra instinct of vtubing when your real and fake identites are perfectly interchangeable without anyone ever giving a damn. That's why she's the invincible undefeated God king of all simps.

Agreed. For most western vtubers, it's just a publicity stunt. Sachi was one of the exceptions, as her shtick was more like tamaki's in that bother her real and virtual selves were treated as nothing more than different representations of the same person. But sachi was also doing this shit for a while, where as these new bandwagoners are clearly just in it for the fad.

That's not to say every new western vtuber is full of it, just the ones that seem more desperate for attention and money than actually cultivating a healthy community.

>> No.1181927


>> No.1181975
File: 490 KB, 434x817, 1613717531030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1181979


>> No.1182173

the "face reveal" for anyone wondering

>> No.1182481

Westerners desecrating cultural norms that they initially stole? Shocking.

>> No.1183785

Cultural appropriation is okay if they do it.

>> No.1183887

It was a mainstay tradition of avatar only or faceless youtubers and vtubers are just adopting it

>> No.1186165

Yes, she is his own mom

>> No.1186188

>making a big deal over an ignored Tweet
OP i s Hero Hei, you can't deny this

>> No.1186211

Attention whores are worse, at least Noel do it for money

>> No.1186222

Leave Coco alone Chang.

>> No.1186367

What else are they supposed to do, stay inside and stare at the snow?

>> No.1186723

if they want to do it, that's their business. It won't help the integrity of the character but who cares.

>> No.1186991

You'll never get a serious response. They just want to complain.

>> No.1187062 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 1981x1289, d1t6CcCkPn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based leaf baiting newfags that can't lurkmore.

>> No.1191471

I hope she gets canceled.

>> No.1192197

Jesus christ. I am no femboy and even my body is more feminine.

>> No.1192227

it doesn't make sense as doing so kinda defeats the purpose of vtubing but also who gives a shit

>> No.1192307

absolutely based

>> No.1192516


>> No.1192873

I don't see any pronouns.

>> No.1193480

holy based

>> No.1193646
File: 40 KB, 600x450, consider the following++.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what did you expect? People like them grew up in an era where they convinced and think that the internet is this magical land that's safe and able to build bonds, relationships, cliques.

They don't know or consider that there's some people with stage 60 autism that the minute her face drops are going to spend hours upon hours finding out who she actually is and compiling a list. And that's only just the beginning!

Some of these stage 60 autists weaponizing their autistic capabilities might be compiling all that personal information to harass her a bit

Some may be thinking with the info they can go over and gang bang this vtuber

Some may taking the personal information about them and selling it off to advertisement sites

Some may use it with the intention of stealing her IRL identity and impersonating her.

No one here can honestly ultimately say what every anon's intentions would be for getting a gateway opened to getting access to her information. And neither do they. They don't consider because they're so naive.

I don't care as much about the "but vtuber means virtual" aspect. To me it's more that these idiots don't know what they're inviting when thousands upon thousands of fags on the internet could stumble on her irl pic.

>> No.1193911

This has to be satire

>> No.1194150

I love how these posts are almost completely ignored so the shitposting and bitching can continue.

>> No.1194442


>> No.1194487

Where's the pronouns? Where's the anti-this pro-that description?

>> No.1194542

Why am I hearing K-On! OP when I saw that image? I just remembered that anime school club video from the 2000s.

>> No.1194867

as far as ive seen western vtubers are basically cosplayers. while japanese vtubers are voice actors.

they want to show themselves to everyone. anime avatars dont really matter for them. they dont act in the first place.

>> No.1194962

Not gonna lie, I was insulting her before, but now I kneel.

>> No.1195005

Post the video Anon, remind them.

>> No.1195259

Jesus died for this?

>> No.1202221


>> No.1202394

Stop posting this fucking picture, every goddamn time it makes me nauseous

>> No.1202720

He's an EOP and doesn't know how to find JP indies

>> No.1204116
File: 366 KB, 497x366, 1609284166026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is tranny
>cosplays a guy character

>> No.1204197

Are you actually retarded or just pretending?

>> No.1204265

I'm fucking dead

>> No.1204294

Why not be a normal ethot then? Stupid.

>> No.1204598

weak meme but it baited the whole thread so i guess well played

>> No.1204690

Reddit moment.

>> No.1206354

>Westerners desecrating cultural norms that they initially stole
First of all Flip. Second of all hololive uses computers and electricity which was invented by the West, if anything they're stealing out cultural norms weeb-kun

>> No.1206609

Pffffhahahahahahahahaha do trannies really?

>> No.1207230
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1614501833118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You feel proud of the fact you had to make us all see that anon?

>> No.1207308

So depressing

>> No.1207368


>> No.1207446

I apologize, I kneel leafs... For now...

>> No.1207518
File: 415 KB, 609x666, Dumbfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There goes all the safety of insulating yourself from weirdos. Honestly the most advantageous reason to Vtubing is the personal anonymity.

>> No.1207985

don't even joke about it, you're better then that.

>> No.1209652
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>> No.1210200

this? https://youtu.be/qUjhls_1YXQ

>> No.1210398

>He didn't read the thread
It was a shitpost, she pranked everyone

>> No.1211227

When you're as based as norio, you can do whatever you want.

>> No.1213200

>Removed comments because i'm not sure how to make inane comments on popular videos not show up in my notifications.
That video doesn't looks as bad as I remember, I guess I'm more used to cringe now.

>> No.1214332

She can be just trolling.

>> No.1220668
File: 663 KB, 640x1136, 1605963456364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this.
