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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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10382306 No.10382306 [Reply] [Original]

Streaming is a competition, vtubing especially. You are at war with a million other streamers; if you fall behind, your viewers will go somewhere else. A streamer should be publicly kind and courteous but behind the scenes plotting how to get over on everyone, including those in your own generation (if applicable). This is why I don't feel bad for Bae when Kronii dominated her stream; Kronii's just playing the game better. It's why I don't feel bad for Petra; she can't hack it compared to Selen.

These people need to stop crying and get better. If they can't, they shouldn't be surprised when their numbers crash and someone else's numbers go up.

>> No.10385423

I don't care about views though.

>> No.10385481

I hope every vtuber succeeds.

>> No.10385499

The streamers themselves do.

>> No.10387990

That's a lot of money

>> No.10388065

im not a streamer though.

>> No.10390768

so no matter how many times you try, i'll kill it inevitably, feel bad?

>> No.10390858

based unitybro

>> No.10391108
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>> No.10391494

Success can only come at the expense of someone else.

>> No.10394155

Based "if you're not first, you're last" mentality.

>> No.10394322


>> No.10397915

I remember a streamer who talked about some of the behind the scenes stuff and how they thought about it.

The way it works is that he has access to analytics software which tells him which other streamers have a similar target audience. In that case he can either "attack" them by scheduling his stream to start right before theirs. Or avoid them by scheduling his stuff at other times. But the issue is that everyone is going after the same peak hours so if you're small you might be forced into dead hours.

It was memorable because there was a lot more sophistication to stream scheduling than I expected.

>> No.10399397

You ignore that the vtubing audience is a small fraction of what it could be if more normies were into it.

>> No.10399728

This is dumb. Instead of trying to expand the viewerbase, you are suggesting they should try to cannibalize each other this early into the trend?
You are dumb, Anon

>> No.10399998

Then the bar for what's considered successful would be raised. As long as people have a choice of who to watch some will be more successful than others, that's simply an unavoidable fact of life.

>> No.10403294

>this early into the trend
You mean "this early into normalfags trying to shit it up". VTubers existed before EN groups.

>> No.10404086

or you could just not be a hypercompetetive cunt like some manner of sportsfag and understand that life is not, in fact, always competition.

>> No.10405316

Only Hugh Mungus talents like Pekor, Mori, and Gouda can expand viewer base. Others can only grab what's already available, the unity viewers.

>> No.10405544

They're competing for the money of their viewers, this is a job for most and a career for some. OP knows it, the companies sure as fuck know it, and the streamers themselves also do too. Get that effeminate, limp-wristed, sugar-plum, faggot crap out of here I want to see them going at each other's throats. I want to see Sana unleash her inner STRATAN CUNT at people again.

>> No.10405690

Shit like this is why it’s a blessing that the #1 vtuber in the west is Gura, who doesn’t care about the numbers.

>> No.10405739

She doesn't care about numbers BECAUSE she's number one. I wonder how many times we' see her fish for pity supahs and subs like orange woman does if her numbers were swapped with ame or ina.

>> No.10405810

Twitch tells you what streamers you share your audience with. Its somewhere in the analytics page.

>> No.10405880

Not gonna happen. She even let someone profit of her songs back before she was Gura.

>> No.10406236

Just enjoy.

This guy gets it.

This guy doesn't.

>> No.10406677
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The most watched streams of all time only get like 1% of an average football game so it is vtubing a zero sum game. It is not like every single sub to a vtuber is taken away from Gura or some dumb bullshit.

>> No.10408526

Gura lucked out and climbed her way to the top of the heap, but her position is not immutable. She's not dumb; she understands she has to fight to stay where she is, and that if she wants to stay relevant, she's going to have to step on a few necks.

>> No.10409837

My heart skipped a beat the the very thought of normies flooding in.

>> No.10410201

Gura doesn’t want to be #1 just like FBK didn’t want it either because it’s a heavy burden. Gura is helping out her kouhai’s by talking about them and giving them clippable moments, she wants them to take her place.

>> No.10412772

Fuck off, commie.

>> No.10417808
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Indeed, everyone but yourself is an enemy working for their own interest. Never trust anyone.

>> No.10417858

The lower viewership the beter, as long as the streamer doesn't quit over it.

>> No.10417874


>> No.10418111

I only want to watch cute and dumb anime girl without numberfaggotry of any kind

>> No.10418230

Not me, I don't desire anyone but myself to succeed, other's success means less for me so it's always a negative.

>> No.10420624

But all those girls are doing well?
