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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50866458 No.50866458 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she hyping this up so much when we know it's going to be maybe an album that 5 people listen to?

>> No.50866576

I am pretty it is gonna be second sololive.

>> No.50867084

>5 people
her albums are best sellers in all of japan and us anon

>> No.50867198

anything to undermine Mori

>> No.50867455

Maybe in past. Her last one didn't perform so great in japan. No idea how it perform in other countries.

>> No.50868505

what last one?

>> No.50868527

You talking about Sinderella? It performed just as well

>> No.50869376

When even Irys's EPs topped charts upon releases, I highly doubt any of Mori's album, Sinderella included, wouldn't perform well compared to average artists out there.
Mori is very clearly ahead of Irys when it comes to music popularity, after all

>> No.50869685

Would management give Mori another sololive when some Myth members haven't had one yet?

>> No.50869832

If she pay it herself then yes.

>> No.50869883

Management has nothing to do with it. It would be the music label that decides and only mori's signed up with them.

>> No.50869925

Honest question, what other Myth members would even be interested in having one? Maybe Kiara?

>> No.50870025

Yea kiara only i think, the shork likes to idol pretend but she hardly makes any music other than karaoke

>> No.50870064

OMG Calli face reveal CONFIRMED?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.50870139

>Only 1 song in 2.5 years

>> No.50870194

Jesas this thread is hot garbage. OP, you should castrate yourself, because behaving like a woman.

>> No.50870290

Anon, a second sololive was already confirmed last year.

>> No.50870356

SEA primetime and pink woman threads shitting up the catalog, a truly iconic combo

>> No.50871207

ANOTHER ALBUM? That's not fair, why can't IRyS the en vsinger also have an album?

>> No.50872492

She has a contract with UMG so yes

>> No.50872558

She has? Though i agree she could do more as a vsingers i think she is more interested in being a stremer, the direction of project hope seems to be in a limbo cover itself doesn't know what to do so they just let her do whatever she wants.

>> No.50873538

If IRyS wants even more albums she'll have to get a contract with a music label like Mori. Cover is already investing more in IRyS than in any other HoloEN talent.

>> No.50876460

IRYS doesn't bother to make her own music and instead just takes what ever the faceless suits give her, so her output is outside of her control, meanwhile Mori makes her own music so it comes out whenever she feels like, which is a often, because that woman just keeps on working like no tomorrow.

>> No.50876859

UMG, anon. Did you forget that already?

>> No.50877906

Sinderella was the last one and it performed extremely well.

>> No.50879192

>something so big you might pass away
>Marine's ass
>Gura's belly
>Niji's 5% cut
>the average time without streams
>the horse's dick

>> No.50879484

Technically IRyS doesn't have an album, just EPs and a number of singles. Enough music for maybe 2 albums but it's never been released that way.

Although who knows, it's been a while since her last single so maybe there's something in the works for her anniversary

>> No.50881594

Forget IRyS! Goombas been working on projects so much, she can't stream! Where's her album?

>> No.50884493


>> No.50885098

She has a "huge" announcement every 2 weeks.

>> No.50885193


>> No.50886604

That's what happens when your working hard and shipping projects.

>> No.50886688

She's desperate for viewer engagement because her channel is dying and despite everyone seething about them numbers do matter

>> No.50887028

why would the other girls have a sololive yet? they don't have anywhere near the amount of original songs to warrant one save for kiara and even she falls short at the moment.

>> No.50887060

Why does /vt/ hate mori? Can anyone give me a list?

>> No.50887130

Do your archive reps newfag

>> No.50887171

She is announcing her marriage to a horse(me)

>> No.50887534

There's too much to list
Lets just call her a fat wigger and be done with it

>> No.50887555

im surprised no one said the g word

>> No.50887625

>she used to frequent 4chan in the past
>she escaped and now has a successful career
hard to imagine why anyone would hate someone like that

>> No.50887729

>and now has a successful career
NOW she has a dying career
She was successful from her debut in 2020 to mid 2022 and we hated her less back then

>> No.50887766

>best sellers

if using a very loose definition of "best seller."
you can say any album is a best seller if you get small and specific enough in a category.

a literal who can say his shitty album is a best seller*

*in the category of rappers between ages of 18 and 25 making rap about their favorite ice cream and with Danish lyrics

>> No.50887835

>we hated her less back then
Eh, I wouldn't say that.

>> No.50887978

I mean at least a little bit
She was always controversial but now the hatred for her is more vitriolic than it was early on

>> No.50888038

Anon, trying to deny reality is stupid.

>> No.50888101

>now the hatred for her is more vitriolic than it was early on
Eh, I remember the /jp/ days and they were pretty vitriolic. If anything things seems to have calmed down here and the hate seems to be mostly on twitter.

>> No.50888164

It's more of some faggots repeating the same arguments again and again, hoping to find like-minded people , instead seething when they realize they're just a loud minority.

>> No.50888290

I don't know man that sounds like some weird headcanon you got going on

>> No.50888413

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.50888514

Nah, Anti Mori threads hardly hit bump limits anymore.

>> No.50888708

>can't live singing, don't have enough original songs,

>> No.50889121

The popularity has already left.

>> No.50889611

Anon, you can't keep denying reality.

>> No.50890391

Seethe more newfag

>> No.50890820

>Still has hundreds of thousands on unique monthly listeners on Spotify
>Still has hundreds of thousands of daily views on Youtube
>Her latest album was #1 selling hip hip album in the US and Japan. (For 1 day before the new Drake album pushed it down, but still)
>songs off her latest album had radio and club play for months in Japan
She's doing great anon and she's going to keep inclining in the coming years despite your seething.

>> No.50891830

Also, her Blu-ray charted on Oricon moments after an anti proclaimed it to be a flop. Was a hilarious thread.

>> No.50892487

IRyS literally is not allowed to make her own music. Even her covers have to be approved by her project managers.

>> No.50892813

Wow, that sucks to hear.
I just assumed she was unmotivated.

>> No.50893163

Pregnant with my child

>> No.50893476
File: 284 KB, 1268x1625, 1676676337449072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hatred > Apathy
Not quite the win you think it is.

>> No.50893673

Trust me this weeks huge announcement will blow last weeks huge announcement out of the fucking water

>> No.50893887

There wasn't a "huge announcement" last week, just the announcement of a break and the release date for a cover that was known to be in development for months.

>> No.50894017

She's cringe so that's to be expected. I stopped paying attention to Mori. I forget she even exists sometimes until I'm reminded by threads like this.

>> No.50895122

She has the highest Spotify numbers of any holomem and UMG mentioned in an official article that they value her specifically as being a bridge for the company to overseas audiences while straight up calling her one of their most successful new acquisitions

>> No.50895184

You say, in the daily Mori schizo thread

>> No.50895773

>>Hatred > Apathy
We literally in a thread trying to shit on her for actually doing her job, several post here are literally one guy to delude himself and other people to think her career is "dying", your posting images some fag made to 2 years ago to try to make fun of her gaining weight a while ago despite fact she's lost lot of it
There are 44 ips and 65 post here but half of them are just calling OP a retard
It's absolutely hatred, there just isn't of lot of it so you're seething lmao

>> No.50899894

The huge announcement is her next album. It got leaked early.

>> No.50899981


>> No.50900042

Is this a site JUST for Mori?

>> No.50900077

NTA but Vsinger is fucking cursed, Suisei went through the same shit. The only vsinger they've handled well is AZKi.

>> No.50900126

Yes. Mori has her own shop, and the shipping is actually normal, unlike every other holo's merch.

>> No.50900149

If the album art is her in either her cowboy outfit or sleepwear, I'll buy the album

>> No.50900229

She's unmotivated because of that very reason.

>> No.50900284

>The only vsinger they've handled well is AZKi
That is arguably wrong. They focused on the wrong things for AZKi and now she is less popular than she should be.

>> No.50900743


>> No.50900818

AZKi was not fucking well handled, and the fact that INNK was completely unable to transition from an in person concert focus to even providing the same experience through streams is the least of their sins. Just because she was less mismanaged then literally doing nothing with Suisei doesn't mean she was well handled, not to mention they had AZKi sitting around doing fucking nothing from the release of Re:Creating World to when she joined Holo proper and INNK shut down.

>> No.50900908

At least AZKi has one good song, Inochi. IRyS doesn't even have that.

>> No.50900996
File: 127 KB, 1153x1150, 1676965970633868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuckbeat babbling
That’s a lot of words to let everyone know you’re a faggot. She is still quite fat, do your reps.

>> No.50901163

caesura is great tho

>> No.50901641
File: 91 KB, 388x512, 1683790874123764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY SHIT 1135 sold on first week. That is so impressive!

>> No.50901874

>Hypes up massive announcement
>Only 6 new songs
This is barely not an EP

>> No.50902189

That's JP retail sales only. Her marketing was exclusively focused on pushing her fans to order online through her official store. Remember all the QR code spam a few months ago? Those sales don't go to those sales charts, only JPs that walk into stores count to that ranking.

>> No.50902404

>why is a musical artist hyping up their album release
Do you think before you type, or think at all for that matter?

>> No.50902408
File: 7 KB, 511x85, 1683792041013107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50902666

Oh wow how predictable.

>> No.50902758

Ok, so they do count online orders, but only nationwide, so that is purely retail and online sales shipped to Japan.

>> No.50902804

>we hated her less back then

>> No.50903024

She can't and doesn't want to make music

>> No.50903075

I thought it might be something a vtuber fan cares about this time around. Alas, as usual, it's more B-music.

>> No.50903179

>hated her less back then
Fucking newfag

>> No.50903192

Well, what would have been a "huge announcement" that you as a "vtuber fan" would care about?

>> No.50903225

The Mori-hate now is just residual from those actually obsessed with her and from trolling Deadbeats.

>> No.50903284

Keep coping cuckbeat. Considering the size of her fanbase right now and how she's fallen out of everyone's radar, you might be looking at 500 more copies shipped overseas. Casual viewers who only watch her music uploads and never her streams don't buy merchs

>> No.50903517

At $100 per blu ray it's a good amount of money

>> No.50904431

So Mori allegedly got fat recently, right? Then how does she have thighs where a doctor said, "if you're worried about how thick they are, don't exercise as much?" Did she actually take that advice, and that's why she's fat now?

>> No.50904819

Because she knows you can't count to 10

>> No.50905976

But it still sells anyway regardless if it's shit or not

>> No.50906228

I know there's no chance but still, here's one hoping for graduation.

>> No.50906297

Anon? The Announcement was spoiled at the onset.

>> No.50906370

Her live stream viewership begs to differ, and it’s common knowledge that music streaming earns very little money
