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File: 858 KB, 1920x2880, rizky-suwoto-coco1final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
919529 No.919529 [Reply] [Original]

Coco can stay as cringe as she wants as long as she keeps the chinks seething


>> No.919606
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>> No.919630

chinks and japs are the same goddamn thing

>> No.919639

Not anymore.

>> No.919650

Not really no.

About as much as germans and the English are the same thing.

>> No.919665

Who the fuck uploaded this to YouTube and why?

>> No.919791

op did obviously

>> No.919838

You fags don't actually watch Coco she's just your excuse to keep anti-Chinese sentiment on topic. Show me one Coco thread that doesn't devolve into shit about her "owning the chinks".

>> No.919851

Found the chink

>> No.919860


I love her completely and utterly. I can't help it if some people come in and derail the thread.

>> No.919883
File: 19 KB, 496x332, images (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and? fuck off zhang

>> No.919911
File: 84 KB, 319x371, 1610720583727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chink this chink that, at a certain point I'm convinced you're all just chinks who found ways off the firewall and you spam these types of threads so people get annoyed at Cocofags and begin hating her just like you do

>> No.919916

Why yes, I am only here to shit on chinks. But I do value Coco's ability to passively drive them insane.

>> No.919938

I watch her clips, I watch her stream vods when I get the chance, and I also hate the CCP.

>> No.919939
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>no trigger discipline

>> No.920059

I watch her sometimes, and I saw this shit with HoloCN coming as soon as I learned there was a HoloCN. I didn't know the specifics, but I knew they'd pull something stupid and cause trouble. Why? Because it's the same in every fucking industry.

>> No.924378


>> No.924399

>Show me one Coco thread that doesn't devolve into shit about her "owning the chinks".

And who's fault is that? Coco didn't ask for this. You cockroach forced her into this position.

>> No.925074

Reddit whore.

>> No.925119
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The anti-China shit was cool for a couple weeks but since I know anti-Chinese sentiment is a psyop being used to subvert attention away from Jewish power I'm back to thinking Coco is cringe reddit dragon

>> No.925129

>tried to do her best producing content with a shitton of restrictions and an army of chinks on her ass for months on end while management is incompetent garbage and regularly attempted to fuck her over, succeeding at times
>gets called cringe

>> No.925141

Literally your problem. Her content isn't focused on the chinks at all. There's a lot more you can talk about than her fucked up chat.

>> No.926034

No Coco don't spank that!

>> No.926084

Anonchama, the joos and the bugs are working together...

>> No.926184

Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing.
I hate bugmen and the shithole that is West Taiwan with a burning passion.

>> No.926194

This is what /pol/ keeps saying but I don't buy it. Why would Jews want to team up against a civilization they already control to start all over again in a country more suspicious of them?

>> No.926301

Are you fucking retarded nigger?

>> No.926324

>Controlled opposition.

>> No.926433

Why would China let the Jews control them? This is turning into some schizo shit

>> No.927214

I wasn't racist to chinese until the corona shit, then the Coco situation finally opened my eyes.

>> No.927236

>Jews want destabilized weimar society to exploit for money and so their diaspora is safe from destruction
>Chinese want weak international competition from their main rivals in US and Europe

Ultimately they will fight but they have been on the same page for the last fifty years.

>> No.927325

That just means they have somewhat aligned interests, not that they're working together. If anything, Jews would want to take down China so America doesn't have to strengthen in order to compete.

>> No.930212

That's what Jews always do. The west is destroyed so they are now starting the migration.
