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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 484 KB, 701x1003, 2A7A4FF7-4655-4A03-82FE-922D9CA153AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9161218 No.9161218 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this.

>> No.9161256
File: 126 KB, 1392x929, E-JetfvWUAIBPrs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Western men are pussies and afraid of fujos
Here's one that's anime at least

>> No.9161279

That is incredibly cherry picked though....
I mean I know you are baiting but damn dude.

>> No.9161308

I like him, but some people on this board think he acts too faggy so you probably just invited a slew of controversy. They'll seethe when he inevitably makes it into NijiEN.

>> No.9161354

Don't bring the rest of us into this.

>> No.9161367

Who the fuck ever gave a damn about a bunch of retards seething in their little corner?

>> No.9161380

Who? I need name he looks cute

>> No.9161386

I apologize, you're right
I hope he applied, I like his content but I'd prefer if he was in a more convenient platform for me

>> No.9161405

Ais Riale

>> No.9161406

>Kamen Rider vtuber

>> No.9161408

Ais Riale.

>> No.9161470
File: 123 KB, 1080x1350, E60AcFDVIAIsqv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wester vtuber

>> No.9161563

Top right looks cool, the one under him just looks like a cheapo model. Bottom right also seems fine, for a cartoony model.
I don't know is up with the Diglett looking motherfucker though.

>> No.9161594

Western dudes are more concerned about seeming gay to other men than being attractive to women. Simple as.

>> No.9161602

I want to fuck ShibuHal while he fucks Hoshikawa.

>> No.9161605
File: 20 KB, 490x586, 473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somebody just apologized on 4keks

>> No.9161617

Some JP males look like on the right for a while (Baacharu, Peanuts-kun, Virtual Gorilla) but turns out if you're a streamer with pretty anime boy avatar you can still get a lot of male viewers while also getting fags and female yumejos so it's a no-brainer win-win

>> No.9161636


Someone post the peanut man from japan

>> No.9161657

Americans are something else, they should be confined to their own internet

>> No.9161663

It's because of what they grew up with, western animation puts emphasis on extreme body types, silhouettes and strange designs to stand out and be very easily recogniseable, it's pretty much never as appealing but it doesn't risk being boring as much as a lot of anime style designs.

>> No.9161762


>> No.9161782

>make horrible looking avatar with zero sex appeal
>seethe endlessly about how female vtubers have it easier

Their personalities generally suck too compared to JP maletubers

>> No.9161821

Only male vtuber I've ever heard with a good voice, holy shit

>> No.9161877

where do fujos gather? I want a bunch of them to help me design a vtuber

>> No.9161922

Just make a thread here about it, you'll get a variety of opinions that way, then you can commission a pro or something

>> No.9162019


>> No.9162023

Lurk the Nijisanji males thread and keep an open mind. You'll see women like guys with a pretty-handsome design and some "moe" features.

>> No.9162037

but there aren't many here its mostly m*les

>> No.9162067

/vt/ is unironically 50/50

>> No.9162106

You'd have to join a Discord for a female dominated hobby or something if you need a majority female opinion... enough women gather here, it's probably fine.

>> No.9162124


A profession nobody asked for.
If i had to chose between a woman with a dick and a monster; id pick the monster.

>> No.9162309

lol no

>> No.9162452

Shounen anime fandoms

>> No.9162589


>> No.9165306

Bag and Krimbo are extremely based, stay mad that they are stealing your oshi

>> No.9165507

what about Merryweatherey?

>> No.9165688

Jp male chuubas
>Focuses on being overly handsome and/or trap
>70% of shtick is being fuckable by women or guys

Western male chuubas
>Focuses on unique design to catch people's attention
>tries to act more like a friend / bro to guys.

Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.9165749

Yes, I do believe there are girls amogus. What else do we do here but gossip all the time?

>> No.9165969

if you line up fuwacchi, hal, bossu you can make a spectrum that goes from host to mafia

>> No.9166056
File: 494 KB, 724x724, 1609704276952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tokusatsu reference
/vt/ sure is filled with tourists

>> No.9166066

ShibuHal's ring fit streams have been great:

>> No.9166244

>only posting selfposts with an avatar, saying he hates anonymity
>butass mad that people call trannies trannies because he has trannis friend
>constantly takes every bait like the newfag he is
>a SJW twittertard
so based wow

>> No.9166324

westerners are more creative and imaginative than asians

>> No.9166440
File: 564 KB, 1414x2000, E99w-HXXMAEEHal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some links

>> No.9166455

Is left supposed to be better than right?

>> No.9166468
File: 336 KB, 1080x608, 20210903_094817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a western male vtuber.

The bug man is European.

>> No.9166517

The Netflix's Trevor Belmont ripoff is kinda neat

>> No.9166592

You never miss a beat Zia. Stay mad.

>> No.9166625

the last one is papifubar, hes shit though

>> No.9166671

>If you don't like twitter SJWs you are one of the trash boogeymans

>> No.9166704

Channel name?

>> No.9166721
File: 395 KB, 641x631, E2RN_gYWYAAXg4Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the best one

>> No.9166840

Basically this. JP ones cater to women and homos (still can be bros, I guess but idk, I don't watch them) while western ones cater to average men and gamers.

>> No.9166856

>indie vtubers can't afford or don't know Japanese to commission anime models
wow, great insight retard.

>> No.9166973

Most of the nijimales' audience is straight men if you're curious, I'd argue most of the fanservice a lot of them give to women are just existing and being pretty
>you need to know Japanese to commission anime models
You're retarded. There's quite a few anime styled indie males and a fuckton of anime styled females

>> No.9166977

Krimbo is more interesting than anybody on the left to be honest. His theme and aesthetics are rock solid.

>> No.9167008

Ziassan is a pedophile

Krimbo is based

>> No.9167046
File: 142 KB, 1200x1055, D6iTkZSW4AAqbF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any EN Vtuber with a cute shota voice?

>> No.9167065


I just heatrda rumor krimbo is an easyly baitable newfag and buttbufdy with trannies,irl and twitter

>> No.9167067

___ _____ __ _ ___

>> No.9167084
File: 106 KB, 1127x633, ago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye, my shitposter wife can't be this cute

>> No.9167092 [DELETED] 

how many of the ones on the left have you watched

>> No.9167141

I'm actually kinda surprised he didn't become a babiniku given his track record of turning everything into an anime girl in his comics

>> No.9167180

>Most of the nijimales' audience is straight men if you're curious
I mean, I'm not saying they're gay themselves or whatever, but they attract gays just because they look pretty, I'd say.

>> No.9167242

He played Balan Wonderworld to completion when he was new, been following ever since

>> No.9167272

who the fuck is krimbo. the bug guy?

>> No.9167309

Caleb is based though?

>> No.9167384
File: 31 KB, 139x139, 2419041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.9167418

I understood that, I'm just saying that based on demographics their streams are mostly watched because it's a bro experience, even if some people watch because they're attracted to them
Anime is way more normalized/mainstream in Japan so culturally the shtick actually isn't "they're a hot dude" there as much as it would be here, I think

>> No.9167486

Hey Krimbo, you have a shit design and I will not watch your streams. Also because the tranny enabling shit. No idea who the apparently /trash/ person you're boogiemaning is but he's a pedo faggot diaper fur nigger too and you both can go back to trash and have gay sex there. You faggots are why the male western chubba scene is so shit.
this guy is kinda gay, but in the fujo way so he seems alright.

>> No.9167511

>right column
Being ugly is a choice and I don't understand why one would choose to be ugly even in the virtual world.

>> No.9167546

>claims he's more interesting than Fuwa or Shien
Tall order bro

>> No.9167548

At least three on the right have gotten girlfriends through streaming.

>> No.9167556

he looks cringe, sorry bro

>> No.9167659

Nice, thank you
Checked him out and he sounds nice, might stick around

>> No.9167731

I like the salary man orc vtuber

>> No.9167811

Are you one of them anon? Why do you feel the need to whiteknight them so hard

>> No.9167854
File: 363 KB, 1446x2048, 20210903_103501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's some good ones, but it always an inverse correlation. The better and more appealing design the worse and more boring the streaming

>> No.9167890

It's simple: western culture has decided that any genuine enthusiasm for anything is cringe, so you absolutely must shroud yourself in irony if you're going to put yourself out there to the rest of the world.

>> No.9168073

That nigga is boring as fuck tho.

>> No.9168146

Yeah he sucks at streaming, I like the design, hence the inverse correlation. I have not found an English male vtuber with a good design and actual talent for streaming.

>> No.9168297

>"duuurrrrr durrrrrr you have to appeal to a coomer market with sex appeal for viewers durrrrrr why aren't all male vtubers generic prittyboy designs hurrrrr"
This is your brain on porn addiction. Touch grass, gain height and think about things that aren't fucking

>> No.9168307

Anon people are complaining about EN vtubers design because JP males with cute design can consistently do the latter, some of them more successfully than any ENtubers can remotely aspire to.

>> No.9168335

What tranny enabling stuff does he do? Other than not openly calling them trannies?

>> No.9168371

Leans into the delusion and plays pretend with them as well as doing the other sjw shit
stunning and brave for being delusional etc

>> No.9168413

He also has a trans vtuber in his crew that he often promotes

>> No.9168444


>> No.9168462

That's just good optics, in the western sphere you need to just be alright with playing along.

>> No.9168485

Reda isn't a tranny is he?
I think he's just a babi who calls the character "she" as part of kayfabe which is stupid but not the same as having delusional tranny brainrot

>> No.9168499

He will never give you any concrete points outside of vague hyperbole when he rants and raves about "SJW Krimbo", its just some schizo from the trash bin who has been clinging to Krimbo for months now and seething as hard as he possibly can with the "If I repeat it enough times someone will believe me" method of schizoposting. He samefags too as can be seen from the one minute gap between >>9168371 and >>9168413 (Second post referring to a vtuber named Reda who is not trans, but he desperately tries to push as such in his weirdo obsessive narrative)

>> No.9168508
File: 100 KB, 594x1200, ExY3gf-WEAEi-AJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People regularly shit on ugly female vtuber designs with far higher standards but apparently if you're shitting on design that looks like pic related in the scene where a lot of people are adopting repulsive or unattractive designs you're a "coomer". Kill yourself

>> No.9168586

Looks like a tranny.

>> No.9168601

Actually reda just says anyone can call him anything. The kayfabe of the character is that it is an alien and doesn't have DNA/sex. He draws his character with a dick. Haters and anons who let trannies live rent free in their head take that opportunity to call him trans though.

>> No.9168612

wherever you found this, put it back and wash your hands

>> No.9168621
File: 17 KB, 1059x134, retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as it turns out more than one person can disagree with you retard
probably a lot more
because you are fucking stupid

>> No.9168679

>Different strokes for different folks.
Fuck no. Do you even do your JP male reps? Even "fujobaits" like Kanae or Kuzuha have majority males audience and don't do much fujobaiting. Kenmochi fans are mostly shitposters who bullied him and his design is an anime highschool boy. Akina who went gay a lot in his streams, Fuwa with his yumejobait character etc. all still get a lot of male viewers and a large part of their streams is being a friend/bro streamer to guys.

>> No.9168728

Please be bait.

>> No.9168727

Krimbo isn't a bad guy but the virtue signal shit he does is cringe
not sure if he's a real SJW or not because I'm not a mind reader but the virtue signaling is weird and I understand why anon calls him a sex pest sometimes because he does come off as very "future twitlonger male feminist"

>> No.9168788

Wtf that is cringe af just say you're a dude wtf

>> No.9168829

no, i want to fuck shibuya hal

>> No.9168899

Too bad we can only get the next best thing https://youtu.be/_BuOUdA3JuA

>> No.9168902

hi i'm a new ip krimbo is a sjw fag and future sex pest

>> No.9168975

Krimbo haters have literally nothing to go on so there just make shit up.

>> No.9169036

his design being ugly overdesigned shit designed to shock and disgust is enough
if you can choose to be anything why the fuck would you choose to be disgusting and expect that to draw people in
he only has an audience because he draws porn and ironmouse shills him because she likes porn

>> No.9169072

Reda is actually a cool chill dude, although no one watches him.

>> No.9169108

There's nothing wrong with pretty things, anon
You don't have to be a generic prettyboy to not be ugly as sin, look >>9167854

>> No.9169125

>ywn hear shota hal panting like this in real life
why even live

>> No.9169186

Cool and chill isn't entertaining streamer.

>> No.9169237

Predictions when krimbo will post his >rape twitlonger?

>> No.9169257

I did say no one watches him. Just saying he is cool.

>> No.9169301



>> No.9169306
File: 99 KB, 1200x675, CBILQG1UQAAFd4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westcucks are attracted to ugly shit for some retarded reason, simple as that.
Just look at literally any burger cartoon or burger game. Hell, look at any burger made custom character in an mmo or open world game. Those faggots try to make the ugliest creature possible every fucking time.

Extreme rarities like Shantae do exist, but the vast majority of media the western barbarians touch turns to shit. Vtubing is no exception

>> No.9169407

I actually like chill streams and I think a lot of other people do too.

>> No.9169548

Choosing to be handsome = gay
You have to be repulsive to all humans so you won't be accused of being homosexual

>> No.9169553
File: 362 KB, 449x422, Giga_Mermaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck I love shantae so much
these tummies are hot
shit makes me CUM

>> No.9169609

fear not, i will end all male-female chuuba interactions by interacting with the males myself.
with my dick.

>> No.9169639

I still can't get over how KINO Aruran's 3D was, and I don't even speak JP

>> No.9169733

>and male indies wonder why they never get big

>> No.9169942

I love that the one reda fan is trying to sneak positive comments about him into a different board. Good on you little trooper.

>> No.9170125

Im talking design wise.

>> No.9170266

I don't get it? This random no name is hated?

>> No.9170279

based purple retard enjoyer

>> No.9170291

It's just trash bin spilling over.

>> No.9170367

More just infamous for being a terrible streamer. No one really cares about the guy enough to hate him.

>> No.9170375

In the same sense that Irys' design is more "interesting" than any other Holos except his design actually genuinely looks disgusting instead of victim of terrible rigging, sure.

>> No.9170459

why isn't the suit fuwa's default anyway. fits the character's "lore" (if you can call it that) more and is also more sex

>> No.9170468

So what type of designs do you EOP anons like? Might get myself an avatar for streaming soon just to fuck around

>> No.9170687

Femboys with their dicks poking out

>> No.9170706

anything hairy that looks like it might raid my trashcan at night

>> No.9170733

make faceless ugly bastard design then spend more time tweeting about how hard male vtubers have it than time actually streaming

>> No.9170789

Honestly wouldn't mind a design like Beyblade but sadly don't have a good enough tone to pull off that type of trap character (wish there was more trap chuubas like him)

>> No.9170812

What's that one guy that looks like an enemy in FOTS

>> No.9170851

Just look through recent otome games on VNDB and fuse a couple of character designs together into an attractive and legally distinct bishounen.

>> No.9171261

This is because the Japanese ones tend to be well...normal Japanese guys (some are Otaku) meanwhile all we have on the western side are soft ass faggots that are literally (you). Yes, you that lurk on this place and reddit. You think that shit on the right is fucking cool? Admit it! You think that shit is cool. If not then be the better male vtuber you want to see and put an end to this nonsense.

>> No.9171413
File: 224 KB, 340x661, KR-Shin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caleb's design is shit because it looks like a DeviantArt OC of Cyborg Soldier Level 3

>> No.9171505

Americans want in on vtuber trend but are afraid of japan soft power growing too large

>> No.9172150
File: 27 KB, 350x390, 633fdfc563798199b8bc1ead777d22f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the west was not always like this.

>> No.9172406
File: 462 KB, 960x926, 1623561776738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

krimbo can be cringe, but at the end of the day he is a sigma male

>> No.9172490
File: 1012 KB, 1283x1038, E94A3EB4-5390-486A-8399-7E00B6941757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9172630

ok you win anon I hate him now. somehow he was both
>You chuds only want to fuck conventially attractive chars!

>> No.9172628

Krimbo are you reading that /vt/ thread?

>> No.9172808

I think he likes to repel people who don’t like fun, so... mission accomplished?

>> No.9173431

Idk about that Holostars can be pretty bro like. Half of them at least.

>> No.9173682
File: 61 KB, 680x445, 96724668-97FF-4CA9-8AFC-0A454819B4E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread about design is and is not fuckable.

>> No.9173819

I mean, that's fair. I'm not saying they can't be bros, in fact I think men are more likely to be more genuine and everything. But I hate OP's point way more than anything else. I still stand by my point about which demographic they're supposed to appeal to.

>> No.9173892
File: 235 KB, 603x563, 10eee9e8b59726a20ce21218e1cde23a72c41575dfed5f69829b0f15a949bf99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having to cherrypick 4 images and none of them look ugly as you, except maybe the 3rd one from Jojo. Maybe you don't actually have a point?

Its seriously as I was told. Even when Japanese people try to make someone ugly they only come out with designs like the Zabis (Kycilia Zabi, Gihren Zabi) who are supposed to be ugly but won't be grossing out anyone anytime soon.
Meanwhile >>9168508 is pukeworthy. I can't imagine a japanese person designing anything like it.

>> No.9173969
File: 402 KB, 508x854, Hahahaohno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check twitter
>This was posted a few minutes ago so obviously in response to this thread
Wew lad.

>responses are https://twitter.com/MilkShotsMoo/status/1433841474299437071 and others which can't help but include some attractive characters despite trying their hardest

>> No.9173983

>several wvts with conventionally attractive models
>cherrypicks the ones that stand out the most

>> No.9173989
File: 204 KB, 1400x700, Eternals-Superpowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancel culture gatekeeps all the good male entertainers. Even Keanu has to hoverhand nowadays. This is your entertainment landscape on women's rights. Never forget that you allowed this to happen.

>> No.9174020

They're vtubers.

>> No.9174064

>Pandering to anons
Mistake #1

>> No.9174177

Vtubers are entertainers, or are we gonna ignore what that whole Vshojo drama that happened yesterday?

>> No.9174179

Cyber dating doesn't count you pathetic fucking loser.

>> No.9174181

>Imagine thinking Japan is only capable of bishonen/bishojo art
OP memed the argument but anyone seriously criticizing bad design in male ENtubers don't think this. Hell I'm aware there are "weird" JP vtuber designs too like Peanuts-kun and Baacharu.
The problem is this kind of impression >>9165688 that it's impossible to appeal hetero males and do normal "bro" streaming with bishonen designs and therefore ENtubers scramble to make their design as "unattractive" and "quirky" as possible. So you get the widespread normalization of male ENtuber designs as uggos. And THEN some of them still whine about low views. Meanwhile e.g. NijiJP males have fujos and yumejos who are into the design watching alongside males and throwing superchats while their content stays as predominantly "bro" content and barely steering into yumejobait or fujobait.

>> No.9174221

I haven't seen that been a mistake yet except for pink cat, but that was over the course of 7 years/

>> No.9174282

Kill yourself krimbo

>> No.9174408

>Meanwhile e.g. NijiJP males have fujos and yumejos who are into the design watching alongside males and throwing superchats while their content stays as predominantly "bro" content and barely steering into yumejobait or fujobait.
this is a cultural thing. fujobaiting as an anime character is a lot more accepted in japanese culture since anime is so pervasive. that won't work in the west where cartoons and mascots dominate more as fun bro types instead of love interests. sure you can try to appeal to the western fujo audience, but let's be real you're a 20 something white kissless nerd with a nasally voice who has never held hands let alone understand what fujos want to see in a dominant anime male character.

>> No.9174445

Designs have little to do with views. Designs open the door a little but personality is what people attach to.

There’s too much emphasis on design and visuals when it’s just the icing on the cake.

>> No.9174508

>There’s too much emphasis on design and visuals
Right. But also, wrong.
How much design matters varies from person to person. Its never the defining feature but it can be pretty important.

>> No.9174564

>How much design matters varies from person to person. Its never the defining feature but it can be pretty important.
this is exactly why any vtuber who wants to go big needs to pick a generic and safe design. if you just want to vtuber as a hobby, go nuts with your design. but if you want to get more than 100 views, you need something that appeals to a wider audience. your design will filter out normies if it's ugly.

>> No.9174574

People who care most about design will hop from one “best looking design” to the next. They are shallow and not worth worrying about.

>> No.9174606

>personality is what people attach to.
>artemis exists

>> No.9174647

That kinda assumes you can’t find enough non-normies to get past 100 views but they are out there. They’re just a little harder to find.

>> No.9174662

You choose to look ugly, because you are ugly. Ugly things are ugly. That's it. There's nothing else to it.

>> No.9174685

You're way missing my point. I'm saying they don't fujobait aside from standing next to each other and looking pretty. Niji fujobait isn't like the male version of intense yuribaiting you see among e.g. Holo girls sometimes. It's two guys playing a game in the same room. The only reason it works is because their design is appealing. And whether nips are "more receptive" to fujobait or not is irrelevant because for the hetero male viewer it's just guys interacting normally. So a lot of Niji males got two audiences at the same time.

>> No.9174691
File: 203 KB, 720x674, a bug going through a lot rn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look man, I'm just really mad that they never gave Shin the sequel HE FUCKING DESERVES and that they haven't done a proper biorider in years. If John Toei won't do it then I will.

>> No.9174710

non-normies don't donate unless you're talking specifically about furries which is a nightmare on its own. again, if you just wanna do this as a hobby go nuts, do what you want. but any chuuba who wants to go big needs to pick a safe and middle of the road design to appeal to as many as possible.

>> No.9174838

Like your personality you mean?

>> No.9174897

And how do I stand out from the sea of middle of the road designs?

>> No.9174954

Sick burn krimbo!

>> No.9174973

you don't. stop relying on your design to carry you. you pick a design that works and appeals to a broad audience. then you outwork, outcreate, outnetwork everyone else and grow. you think "pink catgirl" stands out? no. but it's a safe choice that appeals broadly, then you put in the work to market yourself.

>> No.9175011
File: 1.36 MB, 736x900, E9AeblAUYAA8gVv_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Design isn't irrelevant to popularity especially as a starting hook/filter. But that's secondary to my main point: that anon's distinction of JPs having bishonen design because they're streamers for female audience is false. Most of them start out as purely bro streamers with overwhelming majority of male fans and only recently picked up more female fans. Their design hasn't prevented them from being "bro" streamers with a lot of male fans, it only added more females and homos into their fanbase. Their content barely changes. Then why defend "weird" and "quirky" designs that look unattractive on the ground they're for streamers for males?

>> No.9175052

What if I want to appeal to a niche like, horror fans. Would a middle of the road safe design really be preferable to a gruesome horror design?

>> No.9175110

I don’t agree to any of that. I think beautiful or ugly quirky are both cool and you should design for what you like and the audience you want.

>> No.9175177

unless you're trying to make yourself and your specific model the core content, like pretending to be an SCP vtuber yourself. but keep in mind that roleplaying that kind of stuff will run dry after 2 months. otherwise, if you're talking and making videos about general horror shit, just pick a safer design.

>> No.9175186

To put it into simple terms.
IRL --> ugly is a debuff
Virtual world --> ugly is still a debuff. It doesn't automatically become a buff just because it's virtual

>> No.9175267

we need to ban western vtubers from /vt/

>> No.9175347

>horror fans
You mean like Mashiro from Nijisanji? That's basically his main schtick.

>> No.9175351
File: 882 KB, 600x595, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japan guys won't automatically dismiss your stream if they see a prettyboy/bishounen model

Kanae for example has a pretty feminine design and yet his Japanese viewership is around 60:40 MF
On the other hand his english clips watchers are overwhelmingly women.
This makes me wonder if its possible for a Male vtuber to appeal to both bros and fujos in a western market.
I feel there's a real culture gap and the average chuuba watcher is just a low level normie who is going to get filtered.

>> No.9175370

This thinking is far too simplistic. Ugly and pretty aren’t objective, they are subjective. Some people like thin feminine looking men, some like guys that look like they chop wood and some like chubby dad bods. Some like weird or even upsetting designs.

IRL=> harder to find people who appreciate your specific aesthetic because your range of view is limited

Online=> there’s enough people to support any oddball aesthetic provided they can find you and you have the personality and content to keep them entertained.

>> No.9175426

this. ibrahim, ex albio, kagami, and fucking mayuzumi have a good handful of fujo ships without baiting. togabito is right behind chronoir for fujo favorite ship and yet they spit on this sort of fanservice.
chaika, joe, yashiro, maimoto also have fujos shipping them with each other and while they have nice looking designs they've never been called fujobait on this shithole have they.
even if you're not the "typical" bishie as long as you're interesting enough and have other male friends some women somewhere online will find a way to make it work for them.
you can argue chronoir couple channel and mvs is for baiting fujos yet said channel doesn't reach their respective subcounts, and the bait is still not present in their normal streams. the only semi-popular niji that you could say is actively appealing to fujos is saegusa and he's shat on by anonymous anti comments every time he does.

>> No.9175461

I'm fine with any design choices made on individual level in theory but I think that anon's sentiment about how you cannot be an attractive anime boy and bro streamer for males simultaneously is pretty common and influences a pretty bad trend. Also reflects how poorly informed a lot of people, including Western vtubers, are about even basic infos on JP male vtubers

>> No.9175486

>this. ibrahim, ex albio, kagami, and fucking mayuzumi have a good handful of fujo ships without baiting. togabito is right behind chronoir for fujo favorite ship and yet they spit on this sort of fanservice.
again, this is all cultural. no one is going to start drawing western male vtuber ships. there's no market for it, no demand for it, no interest in it. you need to have already made it big and have fostered a community for this to happen. the whole point of sharing these ships is to have a share community reaction, if there is no community, there is no shipping.

>> No.9175534

Said this on day ONE. Back to /trash/ with them.

>> No.9175573

>no market for it
Dream SMP. Just look at the amount of teens shipping 2 guy friends.

>> No.9175577

>Ugly and pretty aren’t objective, they are subjective
They're like good and evil.
People have a easy time distinguishing what clearly good and what is clearly evil, but there is quite a bit of debate on the grey areas.

>> No.9175590

It's not like there's a large subset of people who will get filtered by cute boys but won't by fat ugly bastards or weirdo faceless live2d. Most people either watch males or they don't. If EN cute boys are doomed then EN male vtubers are ngmi.

>> No.9175595

anon, your reading comp reps...

>> No.9175628

I'm not sure if we need to take into account those types of concave-head teenagers.
They also generate a lot of controversy, sometimes simply because they're so dumb, so they would probably destroy the mood of the chat.

>> No.9175669

>Dream SMP
the anon you're replying to already pointed this out. they have an established community ALREADY. the shipping comes afterwards.

>> No.9175709

minecraft youtubers have a huge community of female teens shipping them.
a while back the same kind of audience did it for other creators like dan and phil, markiplier and jacksepticeye, pewdiepie and cryaotic, ...
i'm not saying baiting fujos is the way to go i'm saying 1) attractive design doesn't equal targeting women/fujos/yumejos and 2) just like you said once enough people hear about you it doesn't matter what you do because shippers will ship regardless.

>> No.9175732

>have a huge community
see >>9175669
western vtubers don't start out with a huge community anon.

>> No.9175819

i'm agreeing with that. sorry if i worded it badly but my point wasn't at all that fujos is a good market to target for western vtubers. it was just about design, i tried to elaborate more in my last paragraph.

>> No.9175910

>>9175819 (Me)
some people actually have the same mindset as >>9165688 when it comes to vtubers and while i think bishounen/ikemen and "odd" looking designs both have their merits i don't agree with that sort of take.

>> No.9175953
File: 895 KB, 1080x1920, uglyfucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was going to comment the same shit, but I make a chart instead. There's characters that are for sure Ugly. But ugly does not always mean unattractive. There exists ugly character designs that are pretty. At the end, what matters most is what style the character is drawn in. It just so happens that "basic, anime style" that JP chuubas use helps hide a shit ton of the ugliness. Whereas Western Chuubas don't get that design buff.

>>9168508 for example, this ugly fuck 100% tried to copy Takeo Gouda face from Ore Monogatari!! But he used that weird, Overwatch/Psuedo-Furry/SJW artstyle instead of "Generic Anime Style" and look what occured. Aids.

>> No.9176193

You literally don’t know what you are taking about.

>> No.9176216

Nice! Thanks Anon! :^)

>> No.9176234

It's definitely subjective but there are still standards of beauty prevalent in most of the population. Most popular actors/singers/entertainers would probably be classified as "conventionally attractive". Meanwhile, ugly bastard actors/etc. are more of a niche. Not saying there's no demand but there's undoubtedly a preference for attractiveness IRL which extends to the virtual too.

>> No.9176273

>no one is going to start drawing western male vtuber ships
That's not the point. What that anon and I'm trying to tell you is that bishonen Nijis are by large not "fujobaiting" vtubers or especially female/fujo-targeted. They're streamers with mostly male viewers doing mostly normal streamer things. Their design buffs them to fujos but even without them the designs still aren't debuff.

>> No.9176346

>Their design buffs them to fujos but even without them the designs still aren't debuff.
obviously. and this is why i'm saying any western male vtuber who wants a shot at getting big needs to pick a safer design that appeals to a wider audience.

>> No.9176408

Indies can afford to experiment with their designs since they don't necessarily have to target a commercial audience

>> No.9176504

>Want to make a counterpoint
>Don't know any popular vtubers with a non-conventional design since said non-conventional designs decided to be unappealing as possible
Look anon, you have to believe me when I say there's no proof of it either way.

>> No.9176612

I don't know anything about either male vtuber scene. But if I was asked pick which pictures are "characters from a show" and "vtube characters" I don't know if I could do it. All of them are shit but for different reasons.
JP looks so generic that I'm still convinced the orange hair one if literally a manga character that was unabashedly stole.
Western looks like shit coming straight out of jewtube circa 2016. The bagboy looks like a still frame from a shitty canceled adult swim short.

>> No.9176652

>There's no proof either way
If only 90% of the board understood these words.

>> No.9176657
File: 104 KB, 675x855, 9FA28F8A-B766-48B4-9E99-46D871CE6741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krimbo’s design isn’t based on ore montogatari, he’s stated that although he likes jojo and final fight he wanted to soften its “badassness” with something goofy by combining it with a SMB3 minion.

>> No.9176959

Yeah, I believe he said that. I don't believe he meant it.

>> No.9177043

Even then I don't think its based on ore montogatari.

>> No.9177269

Western men don’t know how to put in effort into creative projects.
Simple as.

>> No.9177336

Honestly, probably not that in particular. But even in his "defense" tweet he posted a character with similar lips (I don't care to remember jap shit). He might not have based it off of that, but he for sure used part of it when he designed his character. And also probably his own body proportions.

>> No.9177761
File: 175 KB, 1310x740, 38A98CD1-6595-449F-9DBB-A06A2DDB3D9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s tons of fat lipped and gangster designs in anime and video games, they’re just all over the place.

>> No.9177894

Ah. So he didn't even copycat correctly. Sad.

>> No.9178319

He sounds like one too

>> No.9178566

krimbo's fat diglett punker design is pretty funny, but he's a real dumb-ass social retard who keeps biting bait like his life depends on it

>> No.9183047

>Western men are pussies and afraid of fujos

>> No.9183335

>Mass appeal corporate vtubers vs niche hobbyist vtubers
There's your answer.

>> No.9187702

Do you have pictures of the frog and jessie from team rocket? He designed them right?

>> No.9187762

Where is Zentreya and trannyshark?

>> No.9188127

>normal japanese male
>cringe white weeb trying to look cool and not anime even when he is a fucking vtuber
Yeah, I wonder why EOP vtubers fail.

>> No.9188248
File: 174 KB, 1143x798, Euse8U1XMAYncrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rummy and Coqui? They were designed by the artist on River City Girls.

>> No.9188845

The way no one on this viard understands this is baffling.
Look at the amount of MHA fujos. Are the guys kissing in the manga? Fuck no
Yet their fujo audience mogs actual gay shit

>> No.9189585

The difference is everyone on the JP side are normal men doing normal entertainment and everyone on the Western side are a niche (streamer) of a niche (male) of a niche (weeb) of a niche (UGLY)

>> No.9189732

Yeah basically this. I'm surprised OP didn't include CONNOR as bait as well.

>> No.9189940

Bullseyes, indieEN cucks will forever seeth though.

>> No.9190729

EOP Nijisanji fanbase before NijisanjiEN existed all survived on Chronoir clips. Kuzuha and Kanae still have more men watching them than women in Japan. But how many male EOP Kanae and Kuzuha fans even exist?

>> No.9191900

>implying that unique looking vtubers is a bad thing
it's like you want vtubing to stagnate

>> No.9192590

The ones driving growth in the West are female vtubers, virtually none of whom have ugly/unattractive designs, and the males who actually grow in Japan don't look ugly either

>> No.9192731

>Fauna anti on the top right

>> No.9192841
File: 251 KB, 463x453, 1629560949209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bug dude looks cool as fuck whats his name

>> No.9192871

To not be debuffed by an ugly avatar you need to be skilled and none of those westerners in OP are skilled kek

>> No.9192946

isn't 3rd one from top an artist?

>> No.9192947

Kinda want to see him fuck your oshi

>> No.9193015

he's a good artist but he's not a good streamer

>> No.9193067

Guarantee this person who wrote this post is poorer then the poorest welfare nigger in the USA

>> No.9193111

This. The staggering amount of whores being whores while trying *vtubing* is immense. The guys are just kinda merry streamers. Some of them will keep at it and get pretty good. The girls will just devolve into whoredom, like usual.

It's why I'm also a bit of an idolfag. I don't think it's unreasonable to have a bf or anything. But some of these envtuber girls are just literal whores.

>> No.9193247
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1074, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me a male english vtuber that looks like this and has a similarly cute voice.

>> No.9193287

you can thank toxic masculinity for this because anything that's remotely aesthetically pleasing is considered to be feminine by game developers.

>> No.9193314
File: 164 KB, 550x550, Birdie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9193326


>> No.9193477
File: 209 KB, 510x346, 06a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even talking about. How can you say this when characters like Sigvald exist.

>> No.9193499

notice how i said innovation and not growth. if female western vtubers mostly have status quo friendly anime-style models than by simple logic they are not the ones innovating vtuber designs. and your point about male japanese vtubers is not only completely beside the point but also focuses on numbers instead what is innovative which is what my post was originally about.

>> No.9193659

there is no innovation that can be done with vtuber models. even Code Miko tried to 'innovate' by having her tits flash chat messages, but at the end of the day, it's just a virtual avatar design. that's not even the place you should want to or be trying to innovate. especially for males. innovate your content, your streams, how your audience engages with your material. not your fucking design.

>> No.9193720

>muh toxic masculinity
This is more a result of irony culture

>> No.9193763

good design is definitely a buff, no doubt about that. but is there any vtubers who perform (relatively) well and are carried by design alone? i can't really think of any

>> No.9193899


>> No.9193914

Artemis, but that's a combination of cute shark design, lucky timing, money fueled shilling, and membership inertia. not pulling 1k anymore, but consistently pulls 400 viewers which is more than the overwhelming majority of western vtubers both male and female.

>> No.9194145

It's sad that pulling over 400 people basically lands you in the top 10% of ENVtubers. If not higher. Hopefully it means the niche has more loads to blow.

>> No.9194172

Eh, the only one on the western side I don't like is the 3rd one. 4th one seems like a typical cartoony dude who probably plays platformers and zanny bullshit. 2nd one is just a cheapo model. 1st is pretty cool.

IDK, pandering only to fujoshits doesn't make someone entertaining. I'd rather have a PNG tuber from a guy who's funny, interesting and cool as opposed to a guy acting like a cringey chuuni to maybe get 5 dollars from a women who probably smells like a dumpster.

>> No.9194286

I think a well made model gives a much better buff than a well designed model. It's kinda like a stamp of quality. If the model is okay, then it shows that the chuuba is willing to get better and improve. Though obviously, the biggest buff of them all is: having a lot of subs already

>> No.9194339

>notice how i said innovation and not growth
You said "stagnate" so I assumed you're talking about growth.
If you innovate on content, engagement with audience, even live2d rigging etc. you're actually improving your quality. What does "innovating" designs even mean, you look ugly or unappealing but it's ok because it's "creative"? Not to mention that at this point there are a LOT of male vtubers with "lol quirky xD" weirdo designs already so what exactly are you innovating on?

>> No.9194394

you'd have a point if vtuber avatar designs weren't homogenious to the point that 90% of vtubers have an avatar that looks like it's a part of the same anime as 90% of other vtubers

>> No.9194425

none of the guys on the left actually do fujo pandering. there are more females who want to fuck belmond and fuwa than there are who want to see them fuck other males.

>> No.9194585

>to the point that 90% of vtubers have an avatar that looks like it's a part of the same anime as 90% of other vtubers
90% of white boys look pretty much same as other white boy streamers but Ninja, Shroud, xQc, jerma and a couple others still stick out as the top creators. it's the same thing with vtubers.

your design is nothing more than an initial hook. as long as you doing create a gut reaction repulsion in viewers, most viewers just won't care. your content will be what separates you out in the long run from every other design. people watch streamers for the streams, not for the profile picture.

>> No.9194586

Basically this. People are going on and on about "Noooooooo!!! Design is the best!!!111!!!!" when in reality, what matters most is the personality behind it all. It's almost as if people forget that era of YouTube when no one had face cams, and the content was carried by good personalities and jokes.
I know that's insane to say on a vtuber board but if we're getting this nitty gritty, don't overlook the obvious answers. Good design is good, bad design is bad. But it's all fucking worthless if you don't retain a single sub.

>> No.9194729

That's false dichotomy because very few ENtubers are actually "funny, interesting, and cool" and most famous JP vtubers with "cute anime boy" designs don't fujobait. Most people have been generous enough to talk strictly about designs ceteris paribus, assuming that both JPs and ENs have similar qualities otherwise.

>> No.9194926

If they have similar quantities, why the fuck would I care about what they look like then? The initial post by itself does it's best to skew it as:
JP has god tier design and the chuubas are better
Western ..."chuubas"... are shit and deserved to be mocked.
If I am blindfolded and told: "choose between Apple A and Apple B, and they taste the exact same, do I care about what the apples look like?

>> No.9195009

I'm not saying ENtubers are better personality wise, just that a good design, whether it panders to me or not, is always secondary.

Also yes, cute anime boys are fujobait on design alone. If they didn't need to do it, they should change models otherwise, fuck off.

>> No.9195135

Is it baiting to Fujos? Then it's fujobait retard. Take your shitty Latin out of this Mongolian Basket Weaving website.

>> No.9195137

the ammount of unique looking vtubers is so low that i would even say that any vtuber with an model that so much as uses a different artstyle counts as innovation in my book. but since since that would advance the medium past "streamer with an anime-style mocap model" to "streamer with a mocap model" it rarely gets attempted.

>> No.9195298

you guys are dumb as shit fucking chaika and joe have fujos shipping them with people, are they also fujobaiting? jesus christ.

>> No.9195321

The point of watching vtubers is not watching them goddamn blind. Obviously what the character looks like is important. Obviously it's not EVERYTHING but not being EVERYTHING doesn't mean it's not worth talking about. People complain fuckload about HoloEN's Irys' design being shit. A lot of male ENtubers' designs are even WORSE.

>> No.9195349

>A lot of male ENtubers' designs are even WORSE.
what's a good en male design then?

>> No.9195429

I can answer it for you. Ahem.


>> No.9195505
File: 663 KB, 711x476, 7098955088937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so is this good design?

>> No.9195635

>If they didn't need to do it, they should change models otherwise
Yeah see this exact fucking sentiment is the problem. If a female vtuber doesn't do coomerbait content and GFE and only wants to do gaming stuffs or pursue her singing passion and you're saying "Well she shouldn't get cute anime girl design and change into something uglier then" then everyone will call you retarded. Being a cute anime girl doesn't prevent you from doing a variety of contents and neither does being a cute anime boy. If people coom to it and send you money for it then that's just a nice bonus.

>> No.9195703

You're clearly ignoring everything and going off schizo threads on here. IRyS is extremely successful despite what retards here think about her design or looks. Why? Because she's good at streaming and what she does.
Design makes up less than 1% of a viewer's decision to watch a chuuba. The point of this thread ignores so many elements that actually do matter, it's insane. This whole thread goes like this:
>What makes a good streamer? Base everything on the ethnicity of the streamer.
It's literally baffling that you're not understanding this. A good design? A bad design? They mean the exact same thing.

>> No.9195786

It smells European so no.

>> No.9195871

>Explain this.
(You) trying too hard to shill your friends by comparing them to Jap corpos. What do I win?

>> No.9195958

Anon. How much do you think coomerbait actually pay? I feel like you've confused "popular" with "good design" somehow. For as retarded as this sounds, what gets you more money? Is money. If you're popular, people will donate you money. And if you're not retarded, you reinvest to get even more popular, so you get more money. You see anime girls getting lots of money because they're popular, not being they're anime girls. It's not a boost. There's plenty of cute anime girls out there that literally get 0 views.

>> No.9196036

Fun Fact:
America is a few seconds away from being a divided country. which section is the one you are talking about?

>> No.9196097

Nah. Looks like it was designed by an underage obsessed with Persona 5.

>> No.9196337

this is the only good response in this entire thread

>> No.9196351

>IRyS is extremely successful despite what retards here think about her design or looks. Why?
Well, mostly because she's carried by her corporate brand which is why 40%-50% of her current subs are acquired predebut but that's neither here not there.
And Irys' design is bad, or at least worsened significantly by her rigging. This is true even beyond the numbers because aesthetics exist outside "what makes numbers go big".

And no, we're not talking about
>What makes a good streamer?
We're talking about
>Why are popular JP male vtubers have designs that are at minimum conventionally reasonably attractive for human beings and this is normalized for most, while the opposite is true for EN males?
I wouldn't even bring up about numbers and popularity if people aren't implicitly whining in this thread that JP males get numbers from baiting fujos. Which is true only to the extent that their baiting is 99% carried by their design, they're not fucking making out on the stream and their stream content is overwhelmingly normal male streamer content which is why at the same time they're also getting a lot of normal male streamer viewers.

>> No.9196490

Yeah, I didn't read that after you said the ones on the right were considered popular EN vtuber males. It's clear you actually don't know what you're saying and just want to suck jap cock.

>> No.9197149

>>Why are popular JP male vtubers have designs that are at minimum conventionally reasonably attractive for human beings and this is normalized for most, while the opposite is true for EN males?
But there are plenty of EN male vtubers who also have designs that are "conventionally reasonably attractive" and still fail. almost like the design itself doesn't really matter that much.

>> No.9197305

The only male ENtuber I can recall that counts as "popular" right now is Takahata (also Merry but I don't count him because he's an artist) and his design is... eh.
Uggo design is definitely far more normalized among Twitch male ENtubers for whatever reason.

>> No.9197491

NTA but: Uggo designs are way more fun.

>> No.9199673
File: 63 KB, 1125x845, Frost_ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Frost? He's almost at 60 and his design is pretty good. Though he was well known on tiktok for his art and drawing advice but he doesn't make content like that anymore which sucks because that's why I followed him in the first place.

>> No.9199758

*he's almost at 60k followers

>> No.9199810

well drawn. can i ask for a link?

>> No.9199845

Shhhhh Anonchama. Don't use facts to persuade retards on this site. Just say they don't understand a subject and go with it.

>> No.9199859

Paperbag is based. Fuck you

>> No.9200283


>> No.9200866

>Sanfran gay ass voice
People forget, but the voice is also important in this shit.

>> No.9201017

looks like the voice is working or he wouldn't have 60k followers

>> No.9201045

Definition of sex pest male getting into vtubing to get closer to girls.

>> No.9201188

>Ugly designs are fun
>I'd rather have a bro PNGtuber
Then why aren't they popular? It's almost like the same people saying this as well as "duh where's my Civ5 chuuba" are in the minority

>> No.9201187

He is a literal who, and given his vod views, I'm assuming that he is under 1k views too. I don't mind guy vtubers, but I'm not watching a literal faggot with a gay lisp.

>> No.9201476

>Under 1k views is bad.
Literally just neck yourself at this point.

>> No.9201624

JP male vtubers : normal guys streaming content, some are weebs
EN male vtubers : weeb nerds, not cool, self depreciative (fat guy and ghost have videos whining about how unpopular male vtubers are)
there's scores and scores of 0view male JP chuubas by the way. and almost all the popular ones are 'corpo' or heavily work with corpo vtubers.

>> No.9201655

Here's the thing, people can say whatever they want. And that means that most of them don't actually mean what they say. There's plenty of good chuubas out there, but people don't want to look for them. They want them delievered. when people say:
>Ugly designs are fun
>I'd rather have a bro PNGtuber
they're probably being half true. They don't care for designs and probably want a bro PNGtuber. They're just not going to go looking for them and want it just served up. Hence the hype around corporate chuubas.

>> No.9201682

Cry harder indieEN cuck.

>> No.9201719

In Japan being fashionable and good looking is a good trait you want to emulate and consider positively in your male friends, not homo. Most people that watch even the attractive ones are male. In America they don't try this method as often because men there pride themselves on being unfuckable.

>> No.9201846

>cute model
>shit lispy stuffed up voice

gdi every time

>> No.9201938
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a good vtuber

>> No.9201944

>Hololive, the largest corporate chuubas assembled
>Considered a titan in the field
>At regularly only gets 3x the number listed
Anon, at least make it a better number. Say 10k, actually go balls to the wall with it. You're just a sad man for putting it so low.

>> No.9202085

Yeah, he was semi-cancelled only a week after his vtuber model debut, but as with all of these rapey male Vtubers, he just hung back from three days and came back to even more dick suckers. See also: Bungotaiga and xKittyMcPancakes

>> No.9202103

Ah! I finally get it:
If you're ugly, you decide to get a JP anime model.
If you're not ugly, you get an ugly one because you don't need to care about it, you're already successful.
Thank you Anonchama.

>> No.9202244

>They're just not going to go looking for them and want it just served up. Hence the hype around corporate chuubas.
Because to be part of a an agency you had to pass an audition, the reason why people look up after hololive, niji, Tsunderia or even Prism is because they've quality control. I lurked a bit the EN vtuber tag on twtich, and there is nothing but garbage there, girls that actually sound so bad and fat that it becames pretty clear why they're using an avatar, and the guys sound and look even worse.

>> No.9202249

JP in general holds itself to a standard in terms of fashion health and looks Americans don't. At least based on general weight models and polling, so the opposite is true. If you saw pretty models from America this would be true though, yes. Instead they have disgusting/not cute ones that match how Americans look based on census data.

>> No.9202287

I don't watch western males but it seems like every single one of them is either a mini-Raito or a guy with low self esteem.

>> No.9202297

Sseth will save the scene

>> No.9202351

looking good or not your content is shit either way, that's why no one is watching.

>> No.9202732

I'm honestly anticipating the nijiEN male wave since it's kind of hard to find good male VTubers that speak my language. There's niji ID and they're pretty good but I like having more options

>> No.9202932
File: 155 KB, 372x305, 9323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, thanks for the clear up anon, he is a under 200 views vtuber.

>> No.9203876
File: 190 KB, 463x460, EP7thpLWoAATo9Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late to reply but I'm gonna reply anyways.
Just because your design is unconventional doesn't mean it needs to be unappealing. Or ugly, if you prefer that word.

>> No.9203957

green insectoid looks pretty cool

>> No.9204049

TFW I want to be a fujo pandering pretty boy but I dunno if girls would even bother unless I have another dude or if I'm playing minecrap.

>> No.9204289

>See also: Bungotaiga and xKittyMcPancakes
What happened with them?
I saw some controversy about him being a shotacon but that's it.

>> No.9204363

That's something 90% of people in this thread will never UNDASTAND. You don't need to make an "ugly" character to make it unconventional. Using the thread's resources:
Doesn't actually look too bad. Unconventional. but going off the sketch it was supposed to have mostly Jotaro's body with a bit of a fish face.
Looks absolutely nothing like the sketch. It is 100% ugly. While it still retains the unconventional design bits, it's now shit.

>> No.9204369

Doesn't work like that, fujos get turned off if you actually try to sell gayshit that hard, what fujos want is male friendship and bonding, the rest is up their imagination.

>> No.9204426

Fat guy has never whines about being male vtuber because he does not care .

>> No.9204451

>Oh god it would be so hot if they fucked each other
>Don't actually fuck each other, that's gay
I don't know if based?

>> No.9204491

If you start off wanting to pander you're ngmi, women don't want to watch a guy who's purposefully playing it up. You're also ngmi even if you did have a male butt-buddy and are both charismatic funny guys, if you're not already popular. None of the fujo favorites began as fujo favorites.

>> No.9204556

I think the krimbo design would look 100% better if he just had kept the green skin

>> No.9204747

Green skin for sure. Having actual... flesh color skin makes it feel way worse. And if he went more along the lines of "mutant fish thing" probably also would've been better.

>> No.9204844
File: 73 KB, 874x492, C6B54810-92D5-4382-867C-AC9A7E2993AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new /wvt/ thread?

>> No.9204882

This is literally Lio Fotia

>> No.9204910

Keyword is "if", fujos fandom is something that is usually hidden away, they know they're creepy and they get called out all the time by the other fans, if you try to pander that hard to that group, the normal viewers will find you disgusting and the fujos are not going to like it either, because why the hell are you so desperate to pander to the "rotten group".

>> No.9204980

He could have literally drawn anything he wanted, I think he just wanted to have fun and make something he thought was cool, and didn’t care about appealing visually.

>> No.9205048

Yes. You rike?

>> No.9205117

Fujos only want bait. Why do you think none of them give as much of a shit about yaoi than shounen? There isn't a market for male homosexualism but there's a huge market for male friendships.

>> No.9205286

I mean, he DID like the green skin at some point. Anyone can do anything for fun. But that's not the point of criticism. Having it be flesh colored lowered the quality. It doesn't make it any less fun for him to draw.

>> No.9205319

>Why do you think none of them give as much of a shit about yaoi than shounen?
...anon? A lot of them cared about yaoi. You're not going to see a lot of that publicly because JP fujos gatekeep their content HARD and more serious Western fujos joined in and all you're left to see is underage Western "fujos" who would have regular mental breakdowns over your average yaoi content but they're just a subset, a tip of the iceberg.

>> No.9205466

For the same reason you pander to lonely men on the internet. They tend to donate more than most demographics.

>> No.9205938

Be honest anons, if you were to be a member of holostars would you ever do a collab with the zoombie? Or would you keep your balls?

>> No.9206063

aw fuck wrong thread. lmao

>> No.9206611

Doesn't work with them because they're self aware.

>> No.9207003

I love how every day this board has discussions about fujos and what they like without knowing a single thing about them, I also don't get why it's even brought up in this thread since they never make up the majority of ANY vtuber's audience unless it's one of those guys who do nothing but review danmei

>> No.9208303

Between the name and his design he seems like a western version of Shien to be honest, and yeah i agree the voice is great what the fuck

>> No.9209141

It seems decent, as the other dude said it does look like it was made by a Persona fan, but at the same time Persona fans did not invent fucking Lupin, overall i think the design is neat

>> No.9209881

same shit takes every time, same corrections every time (wouldn't be surprised if they were made by the same anons). actual timeloop.
