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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8894545 No.8894545 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else annoyed by how Ame's "Asacoco successor" turned out? She was clearly winging it the entire time and had a million technical difficulties. Coco was able to do less scuffed shows DAILY while Ame had a lot more time to prepare.
Was this just a bad idea from the start or will it get better if Ame just puts some effort in?

>> No.8894607
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>ame half-assing something the moment she realizes work is involved
what else is new?

>> No.8894612

The torch was passed on anon. Time to let go.

>> No.8894613

If you've watched literally anything Ame has done you know it'll improve astronomically after a month or so, if she decides it's something she wants to keep on doing.

>> No.8894702


>> No.8894748

And they said amewhore is "creative"

>> No.8894772

>had a million technical difficulties
yeah sounds like holomyth in general. will get better with time tho

>> No.8894784
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She was retarded. please andastand.

>> No.8894786

I see Ame is now the anti flavor of the week

>> No.8894818

Is it time for the revenge seethe now when your oshi has been dragged through the mud and branded a twitch thot?

>> No.8895005
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Literally just copying an idea from a senpai that built the EN fanbase and yet these brainless newfags just go on how fucking "creative" she is.

>> No.8895163

Nah, these are probably just the usual trolls, that are now back from their 3 day ban.

>> No.8895233

Coco, that fucking bitch, was the first one coping Johann Carolus idea. Fuck her

>> No.8895438
File: 98 KB, 984x984, wosemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why Hololive needed her, with her dedication to streaming and creativity the new asacoco would be top tier. instead ame's lazy shitshow is the best you'll ever get, deal with it. But then again even if she was in gen 2 she wouldn't be allowed to take over.

>> No.8895475

Sad but true

>> No.8895639

She has never been liked by /vt anon. Amecord raids /hlg/ whenever ame does her "creative" stream to make her sound like she is so good. She'll probably stop doing this after today or the next one. Most teamcucks are really Takodachis who prentend to like Ameila until Ina streams.

>> No.8895668

Amelia was never good, there’s a reason she’s the worst EN

>> No.8895877

Kek, yet takos always complained they always got beaten in the poll.

>> No.8895885

You forgot Kiara

>> No.8895962

Kiara will stream even if she is sick or sprains her neck. Ame will ghost her entire fanbase(?) for a week because tummy horts

>> No.8896008

Yes but nobody will watch the streams because she's garbage.

>> No.8896038

>Coco was able to do less scuffed shows DAILY while Ame had a lot more time to prepare.
So I assume Ame won’t be doing this daily in the future? Probably too hard to do, is she wants it done the best she can anyway.

>> No.8896070

it's simple, when you take an original formula, and make it shittier, you'll be called out for it.

>> No.8896129

Didn’t Cover make Coco stop Asacoco?

>> No.8896199

Well, for one thing, it is LIVE, instead of prerecorded.

>> No.8896232

Nope! Coco just quit because it was too much effort.

Coco realized she could make more money for less effort with Meme review so replaced it with that.
Remember Coco eventually realized she couldn't be #1 in subs or watch time so she went for #1 in Superchat money. She's a massive numberfag afterall

>> No.8896237

Coco mentions the reason why she can't do AsaCoco:


>> No.8896266 [DELETED] 


>> No.8896286

Coco said it was because of management. Reply to this: >>8896237

>> No.8896302

The original Asacoco was LIVE you massive newfaggot.

>> No.8896337

i can’t understand why she struggled with her OBS so much, it killed the pace of the stream and made it unwatchable

>> No.8896404

in every asacoco she she was reading out loud opinions in the chat on important segments.
i don't know what are you smoking, but stop, it's not healthy.

>> No.8896481

it's probably just a cope "if ame can't do it properly Live, so there is no way Coco could, thus it's prerecorded"

>> No.8896723

Uhh, wasn’t amelia a literal twitch thot?
Am i missing something?

>> No.8896743
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Well, I finished the VOD, and what's bad about it? Less than five minutes of scuff that she managed to turn into a self-depreciation joke? Dark elf fags seething? She can't do a 3D this time because her body is swollen from an unknown disease?

>> No.8897015

She was sick, hopefully the next one will be as good as the first one.

>> No.8897042

Too ugly to be a twitch thot

>> No.8897064

But the first one was shit too

>> No.8897082

>burning herself out because she's in last and doesn't know what else to do.

Not going to recommend that approach desu.

>> No.8897136

It wasn't bad in general but lots of parts were scuffed and she had to adlib it.

She's obviously very disappointed in it but maybe she will eat les bread and do better next time.

>> No.8897137

Kiara streams because nothing stops an attention whore

>> No.8897197 [DELETED] 
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I fucking love these bitches

>> No.8897235

go back to your gaycord teacuck

>> No.8897266

>Laughs in Sky Temple

>> No.8897281

What the fuck is that thing on the bottom?
Ame sure is cute though, I want to titfuck her

>> No.8897301

Ameshit doesn’t even know what “creative” means

>> No.8897312

But it's gluten-free bread.

>> No.8897404

srsly brooooooooo....

>> No.8897418

>What the fuck is that thing on the bottom?
Apparently there's this whole other kind of people called "Asians" and there's billions of them out there. Wierd, huh?

>> No.8897487

asian woman without makeup?

>> No.8897511

m-minecraft doesn't count

>> No.8897513

Coco is a western whore

>> No.8897518

Ew, who is that chink?

>> No.8897549

I wanna tittyfuck Ame so bad. I hope she isnt a dyke or a bi bitch.

>> No.8897552

we are billions

>> No.8897568

Oh you don't have to worry about that.

>> No.8897576

Yeah, these seem to be a nice pair of milkers, and I'm not a tit guy

>> No.8897594

Ame is at least bi, way too much yuribaiting with other members.

>> No.8897614

This is a chink woman.

>> No.8897632

Imagine the holofaggs when they find out that coco is half-Chinese and backstabbed hololive

>> No.8897749
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Wanted to ask why you faggots hate her as well, then I remembered where I am.

>> No.8897756
File: 295 KB, 480x480, vyiu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't find argument to defend A shitty show
>starts personal attacking Coco

>> No.8897773

Asacoco was never good, inb4 chang.

>> No.8897798

Yeah, I can't decide whether I have to shit on Ame or Coco here.

>> No.8898159

He's on that EOP crack again.

>> No.8898329

Don't care about some bitch who only spoke japanese despite knowing english well, she was non-existent to me. I watch Ame's and I enjoy

>> No.8898331

I’m glad more people are realizing how much of a hack watson is

>> No.8898467
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Are they? 27K people watching, barely any dislikes even with the scuff.

>> No.8898501

>ame has never been liked
How new?

>> No.8898615

>Ame will ghost her entire fanbase(?) for a week because tummy horts

Distending her womb with my voluminous gelatinous seed will usually make it hurt anon, you'll just have to bear with it.

>> No.8898634

>never watched a single Coco stream
She live-translated constantly.
Why even open your mouth when you're so blatantly ignorant on the topic at hand?

>> No.8898713

Would you rather have nothing? Because that is the only other choice.

>> No.8898964

I'd rather have Kiara make it to be honest.

>> No.8899051

She showed her bare pantyless ass on stream and the video is out there for everyone to see.

>> No.8899240

Sucks for you, I enjoyed it and so did the teammates from the looks of it.

>> No.8899560

Ame if you're reading this, switch to pre-recorded stuff next time and just watch along with the chat. A little scuff is alright but not the amount you had today.

>> No.8899627

You could have just said you were retarded OP, save us the time from reading this shit.

>> No.8899712

I didn't make this thread

>> No.8899844

>gets an obligation forced on her to carry on someone else's idea
>the format inherently restricts her freedom to flex her creativity
>retards think this means she isn't creative even though she's still managed to work a few unique ideas in (smol Ame with the weather)
If she made it completely her own right away, you retards would be crying about how it isn't a real Asacoco successor. Give it time to evolve.

>> No.8899968

Honestly, to this day I'm still impressed with how Coco was able to do Asacoco whilst working a company job with bad hours, she's put in so much effort but in the process definitely hurt herself taking all the sleeping pills and such

>> No.8901395

I never wanted a real asacoco successor. I wanted an asacoco tailored to the chuba, which is what made asacoco so popular. Coco was the one carrying it, not the other way around.

>> No.8901785

Why are kfp like this?

>> No.8902012

The bar was set really high for a bunch of stuff because of her. Can't really blame Ame for falling short of Coco's glory.

>> No.8902266

She couldn’t even match her own first episode. The scuff was ridiculous.

>> No.8905908

"Live translation" as in speaking one english phrase for every 10 japanese? No. Good for you to enjoy unintelligible content though, that's a skill

>> No.8910804
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Why are teamates like this?

>> No.8911036

>Ame defecates
>Ame's creativity yet again working it's magic, i love it!

>> No.8911157

Isn't rosemi someone who literally procrastinates until the very last minute and oftentimes is late to her own streams thanks to health issues
Didn't she just go out and buy a can opener on the same fucking day she had to do a cooking stream even though she probably had it planned for a little while
I love rosemi but I'm glad it's ame in the AM instead of morning rose or something like that.

>> No.8911625

??? the cooking stream was right after the debut when she moved out to a new place. she has no health issues too, no idea what kind of headcanon you're coming up with here.

>> No.8911777

asacoco itself was a bad idea from the start, so what's the difference.

>> No.8912046

what the fuck does scuffed mean you zoomer faggots

you sound absolutely retarded. fuck you and your eoptuber

>> No.8912082


Go to bed, grandpa

>> No.8912147 [DELETED] 

Reminder that coco's roommate has literally shown bare ass on stream recently

>> No.8912618

I don't care if it's free, get that shit out of the bread

>> No.8912804

Lmao blaming it on the bread again

>> No.8912818

That's a nice ass, but it have nothing to do with the discussion on this thread,
So, amenews is shit despite having a week or more to prepare, something Coco didn't had, yet the final product was better.
Also, anon, are you gay? judging by your post, you seem to find woman body repulsive.

>> No.8913692
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Would you look at that. She just confirmed she isn't eating any gluten bread & still getting really bad allergy.
You guys just shitting on a girl that still streaming with a full inflamed body, scared of her own unknown disease, while in the middle of amphetamine medications, still streamed 10 TIMES this week, about to stream without any break next week including two panel streams, & still smiling as hard as she can. How do you feel about that?

>> No.8914115


>> No.8925587

what else is new?

>> No.8926580

Ame can't present for shit, it tells you that she never paid attention to school and avoided anything that had her talk in class.

A good host can turn anything into gold.

>> No.8926672

She spent the first 10 minutes just repeating herself over and over. This is after a 10 minute delay. I suppose you start poor so there's tons of room to improve, but still this is not the way.

>> No.8926746

She was having technical difficulties. So she is trying to fill in dead air while actually thinking about how to fix the broken shit. She did well all things considered

>> No.8926973 [DELETED] 
File: 531 KB, 1844x1496, 1630258457672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROFLMAO some butthurt tatsunocuck faggot jannie deleted pic of gremlin and jackie chan

>> No.8928882

Sounds like she's going to have a rough time recovering after she's done swelling up like a red ball.

>> No.8932403

Coco still lives rent free in the anti's heads huh?

>> No.8936083

it shouldnt take a month for every single thing she does, maybe the first 2 streams depending on the type of unique streams but by the 3rd she shouldve had it down, coco was able to get asacoco down within a week and she was doing this during her first month at hololive.

>> No.8936193

Every time

>> No.8938637

>Coco was able to do less scuffed shows DAILY while Ame had a lot more time to prepare.
And that put her into depression.

>> No.8938672

Just enjoy.

>> No.8939045

Good actually.

>> No.8939123

Wasn't Coco also working a full-time job when she started hololive?

>> No.8939221

ame is just a mistake through and through

>> No.8939306

>half chinese and backstabbed hololive
She's a pureblood Jap and Hololive betrayed her, faggot.

>> No.8939351

t. Nijifag

>> No.8939393

t. seanig

>> No.8939419

It can't be, I have empathy.

>> No.8939640

>Hey guys, use this hashtag to send me clips to talk about for Asaco-- I mean, Ame In The A.M
How can one woman be so creative?

>> No.8939821

She's doing hololive full-time right?

She doesn't have singing lessons, dance lessons, recordings or any of the responsibilities the JP girls have. How lazy is she that she can't get her shit together. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts blaming everything on her "gluten allergy".

>> No.8939974

are we getting raided by trannies

>> No.8940252

Chink & nijifags smelling blood on the water because a popular EN did only a good stream instead of great.
Even when she is streaming while sick.

>> No.8940362

Just another monday, ignore bait and don't give them (you)s
