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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7747330 [Reply] [Original]

Here are some comments that were removed from Matsuri's latest stream. If you check now, you can see that over 80 comments were removed. She's doing damage control hard.
>It was a mystery to me why your numbers were clearly lower than other Holomems, but now I understand why
>Thanks for the condom funds, everyone
>I didn't really care about the IRL part of this, but the lies and the middle finger immediately made you unjustifiable to me

>> No.7747363

>S-still better than twitch e-thot
any more excuses?

>> No.7747367

why am i supposed to give a fuck

>> No.7747401

Yuricucks be like

>> No.7747455

WAs camping and out of the loop on this one, what happened? A guy came in on her stream and talked? what'd he say?

>> No.7747490
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>first ollie
>now matsuri
bros i really feel like dropping vtubers
call me an incel but this shit depresses me a lot

>> No.7747513

"Ready for round two, babe?"

>> No.7747539

From now on, no one has the right to complain about Ollie or Kiara while Matuli is still employed by Hololive

>> No.7747584

Is... Is this goin to be kino?

>> No.7747596

Except for the fact that what Kiara and Festival did was their roommates and not on stream in character i agree

>> No.7747598

>numberfag in the comment.
Or it could just be constantly playing Apex when her audience clearly doesn't like it? Even in another language, numberfags show how dumb they truly are.

>> No.7747645

Idolfags were a mistake.

>> No.7747673

wait kiara has a bf? or are you talking about her past stuff?

>> No.7747681

Idolfags and unicorns aren't the same thing. Unicorns are hated even by idolfags.

>> No.7747687

>wait kiara has a bf?
Yeah, her older brother.

>> No.7747711

Are you implied Ollie doing it as Ollie?

>> No.7747740

Any female has them, even if she is not an idol. We called them simps

>> No.7747741

>harass her
>she removes comments

>> No.7747763

In /vt/ law, a chuuba is "guilty" unless proven otherwise. If you don't see the full picture, just assume the rest to be cuckoldry.

>> No.7747788

ollie literally got fingered while in a collab lmao

>> No.7747823

did someone lose meds

>> No.7747833

>Criticise her
>It's harrassement !!!
Fucking faggot.

>> No.7747835

i fucking hate you faggots beyond all rationality, every single thread you dramafuckers touch or create is like iq poison and what's worse it's fucking contagious

>> No.7747841

More like someone found his copium pills

>> No.7747862

It's out of stock currently

>> No.7747872

No one is forcing you to stick around
Get the fuck out cuck

>> No.7747880

Doing shit like that on roommate account is even worse since you don't have the backing of the company to erase its traces. And this is the idol scene there's little separation between chuuba and the roommate in the fanbase

>> No.7747892

it's harassment because those comments can hurt her and even destroy her career and we dont even know if it was her bf
it could easily been her mom and she lied because of being seen as a loser

>> No.7747898

Never 4get yubigate

>> No.7747910
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Anonchama.... Your reps....

>> No.7747916

They exist in every fanbase. it's just that others don't go out of their way to say "I haven't had a bf in 5 years" just to milk lonely men.

>> No.7747919

Holofags deserve to be round up and gunned down

>> No.7747924

I mean Cover didn't literally hire Natsuiro Matsuri, they hired her roommate, and issues involving slander/protection of their talents would absolutely apply to roommate activities as well

>> No.7747935

Damafags be dramafags. I bet 95% don't even watch her. It's like a boyfriend that doesn't care until the girl starts doing her own thing then suddenly they become needy and possesive. Except their not even her boyfriend. Shithead behavior. Do people not see how pathetic this makes them look? I suppose if ones never been in a relationship some may be blind to what this makes them look like.

>> No.7747946

Stop it, you're doing an overdose on copium.

>> No.7747951

>post vitriolic screed
>"It's just criticism!"

>> No.7747957

that's the fucking problem you inbred fucking turnip, even if i leave this thread you annoying fucking niggers invade others
if you pieces of dog vomit cat shit idiots actually kept to your fucking holes it wouldn't be so bad, but you fuckers are like the plague!!! everything everywhere has to be about aqua farting on stream or numbers or some shit like that, fuck off

>> No.7747961

What if it actually is an intruder? I’d think she’d just go the family member route if it was a boyfriend. But then again wouldn’t she hear them breaking in

>> No.7747964

funny how you types always try to bring everyone down to your level instead of rising above them

>> No.7747987

Matsuri drank her own piss, it doesn't get any lower than that

>> No.7748025

She wore an earphone. The guy seems to be very quiet about it too seeing how carefully he closes the door.

>> No.7748029

>virgin who drinks her own piss
>whore who drinks her own piss
disgusting, if i wanted to see sluts i'd download tinder

>> No.7748058

Matsuri is clearly not a virgin so your point is moot

>> No.7748063

A house intruder that's dumb enough to open the door to a room they can hear a voice coming from.

>> No.7748066

Ollie literally said "would you believe me if I said it is my sister?" when a male voice was heard once in her room and she could have just said it was the brother she already implied she has
Women can be very retarded anon

>> No.7748067

WTF I was away for 2 days and now Matsuri is straight and taking anon virginities

Where do I sign up

>> No.7748089

I just hope Matsuri can plough through this happening.

>> No.7748091

Might’ve wanted to do something to her, thought she was just on the phone or something but then realized she was streaming in front of people

>> No.7748102

That guy had a way in, i.e. a copy of the key. You have no chance.

>> No.7748103

Are you talking about the ollie fingered on stream rrat? if so then lmao bye

>> No.7748108

She will just become the next Towa

>> No.7748110

Oh she'll "plough" through it alright, with the help of her BF

>> No.7748113

Not only she has someone fucking her, she also insulted viewer's inteligent with her lies. Not even Aloe and Towa are this much of a bitch.

>> No.7748123

There's the perfect place for you where you don't have to see anything negative ever, and you're the only one at fault if you expected this board to be civil

>> No.7748138

This way people like moona,kiara,calli,shion,choco and noel gotta kill their roommate account they are exposing the business goddammit

>> No.7748143

rather she's already getting ploughed

>> No.7748147

This has to be bait.

>> No.7748148

Shut the fuck up cuck, anyone with dignity and self respect is tired of these whores ruining every gfe with their audience, I don’t care about anything in life atleast let me have this.

>> No.7748170
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It's not in their contract that the VA have to be single. Lamy completely denied it.
Cover hired VA to play idols not be idols. It's the character that is the idol. This happened on matsuri's roommate. It's irrelevant.
Take your meds

>> No.7748183

It’s not, go ahead and give your rebuttal
I don’t even care about Hololive by the way

>> No.7748187

This is some of the most virgin incel shit I've seen in a long time, fucking hell.

>> No.7748190

If I had a sister that sounded like a man I'd probably say the same thing to be fair

>> No.7748193

the issue isn't negativity you dumb fucking faggot, the issue is fucking obsessive fixation over negativity that spills into other places it doesn't belong, please use what remains of your fucking mind to comprehend that thought
"why am i being told to fuck off??? matuli is a whore" anon wonders to himself in the middle of a thread about rushia

>> No.7748214
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Maybe pay her more for her Infosec next time.

>> No.7748218

If you cared about Matsuri before this I'm sorry to inform you that (you) are in fact the cuck

>> No.7748237

It's not even that; idols can have BFs. Just some old-fashioned companies don't allow it but the times have been shifting a while now.

>> No.7748244

Reminder that fatsuri was a deprived virgin prior to losing weight. These types of girls always turn out to be raging whores.
t. guy who used to be fat who can't stop fucking bitches

>> No.7748253

Please don't use dignity and respect in the same sentence with gfe

>> No.7748258

What a coincidence Ollie's favorite Holo is Matsuri. Maybe she talked with her before going public and found out how she she is and thought "hey if she can do all that and get away with it, so can I."

>> No.7748261

>be a GFEfag
>call others cucks
The ironing

>> No.7748274

You're right, no one gives a fuck about Fatsuri but the problem is that she spreads her shit to the other holos too.

>> No.7748292

Except Ollie was confirmed a horny dick-hungry zoomer day one and never pretended otherwise. It's not about getting dicked, but about being a fake whore.

>> No.7748304

>Lamy denied it
Timestamp, lying faggot

>> No.7748317

Many if not most of all that "muh wholesome" shit on reddit is literally just a cover for idolfagging/GFE. What do you get when you remove all the usual skanky / jaded IRL feminist stuff from the conversation altogether, when you have just girls being girls around each other? """Wholesome."""

However all those fucks are way, way way too self-deluded to call it exactly what it is by name. To call GFE by name is only to say the truth.

>> No.7748318

hey not all of us GFE-obsessed gosling-schizos feel the need to turn into antis the instant the illusion is broken. I just get depressed for a week then get over myself for being retarded. Luckily matsuri isn't my oshi so I'm not even that invested.

>> No.7748344

If they can't play the part why go for gfeshit?
Matsuri "no relation in 5 years" to bait the paypigs, anyone can see that it's scummy

>> No.7748355

I'm sorry to tell you anon but you're already in the containment board, you can't ask for containment within the containment. Also you don't have to deal with any of this if you leave or if your oshi's fandom was better

>> No.7748358

Based, we need this mentality in the west

>> No.7748380

The idea of all these nonsensical situations, the home robbery by the most useless crminal, her not any visual signs of giving a fuck about a potential rapist in her house, the police doing a 5 minute search and calling it a day, happening all at once over the simple possibility of her having a guy over is the biggest reach possible. To take an absolutely skeptic stance in within that conext is retarded levels of naivety.

>> No.7748393

Start watching Polka. She's a fat menhera who is in a mutual parasocial relationship with her chat

>> No.7748406

You have to act like a girlfriend to do GFE, women interacting with each other is not GFE

>> No.7748412

matsuri could get blacked and i wouldn't care at all, it's her private life

>> No.7748429

This, she literally goes on huge diatribes about how lonely she is etc in addition to claiming to be single outright.

It's not the concept of "vtubers can never have bfs under any circumstances" it's "this one lied real real hard to her fans - for profit. She was 99% likely, caught red-handed and didn't even successfully/believably cover it up."

Basically what you can take from this is anyone active on their roommates still are just ethots in disguise. They don't really give a fuck about their vtuber avatar, they just want to be an ethot but the avatar pulls in way more money/prestige. Do not believe A SINGLE word they say as a Holo.

>> No.7748430

>lmao bye
Go back

>> No.7748476

She cucked us with her dentist and Roberu and Yagoo unfortunately...

>> No.7748495

where are you people even finding this much copium?

>> No.7748532

arcording to Lamy, Polka is the smollest in gen 5. All "fat Polka" dox was wrong

>> No.7748544

the absolute state of GFEfags

>> No.7748554

Freedom of expression doesn't mean freedom from consequences, tranny.
You can't control the world around you: there will always be people to say nasty things when you do something they don't like. It's up to you to be able to handle it appropriately.

>> No.7748570

or the doxx wasn't wrong, and lamy isn't wrong....

>> No.7748607


>> No.7748628

Might’ve been a stalker who wanted to do something to her instead of a robber
She had earphones in so she might not have heard, if anything even if it was a boyfriend she’d react if she knew someone came in
Police in Japan are useless especially when it comes to stalker cases
Honestly I’m the first person to be skeptical when it comes to these kinds of denials but in this case the claims seem like they’re actually within the relative realm of possibility. It’s not like it’s the first time an intruder walks in on someone streaming. Too bad for her gachis they’ll never be able to know the truth though

>> No.7748636

can someone timestamp or link?

>> No.7748637

Hell, even Matsuri confirmed it.

>> No.7748661

That was just her height

>> No.7748671

Maybe I'm blind and deaf, but I saw the clip and I don't see how people are 100% sure it's a man.
I need some deadbeat level audio engineering to isolate the voice.

>> No.7748689

Glad for her. Being a young attractive woman in her prime not getting to enjoy herself would be a waste.
Cucks and Incels falling for the gfe, believing it applies to the room mate also should just graduate from life. You wont find any happiness here so you might as well just move on.

>> No.7748707

I won't be happy until she releases a few sex tapes

>> No.7748729

i'd literally destroy you if you said that to me irl

>> No.7748734
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>that 2nd one
wtf elevens can BANT?

>> No.7748739

GFE is cringe and so are you.

>> No.7748740

Honestly, people like is what makes events like this entertaining to follow.

>> No.7748741

>young attractive woman
eh, lower eyelids too weird, 2/10 would not bang
also does this thread break rules? always hard to figure it out when the chuuba herself doesn't even make an effort to stay hidden

>> No.7748746

Weird take
Nobody cares that they are allowed or not, people choose what to watch and invest their time in according to what the product is presenting itself as. Are you into hardcore gaming or good singing or gfe content or yuri shipfagging? There's probably a vtuber to cover any category that you're into.
Why brand yourself and lie to attract a specific audience then complain that you get backlash for not playing what you signed up for

>> No.7748748

Stop watching women.

>> No.7748757


>> No.7748759

The fact that she is damage controlling instead of just being an open whore makes her morrality, or the morrality of her fans better than a twitch thot

>> No.7748764

Cuck mentality, kys

>> No.7748780

>calls other cucks
>is happy that someone else is fucking the woman he watches

>> No.7748781

>stalker finds out where she lives
>breaks into her home
>happens to do so while she is streaming
>only opens the door slightly and then leaves
that's where this whole 'break in' theory falls apart. if it was a schizo stalker, then he would burst into the room during the stream on purpose. if it was a robber who didn't know who matsuri is, then he'd still just walk in and rob her.

>> No.7748782

Meant height,
153 vs 158,59,66

>> No.7748797

I just feel like the likelihood of someone lying about a break in is lower than an actual break in happening

>> No.7748808

>A woman with full control of her vagina actually gets dicks to enter it, because it is fun and easy for her.
>Lonely men on the internet who have a false image of women are shocked

>> No.7748833

Ok stumbled into a thread of crazy people I see. Hate to disappoint you but half the vtubers you watch probably secretly have boyfriends.

I don’t understand the issue. They are entertainers no you girlfriend or even your friend. If you think otherwise or that they own you to say single, you are a delusional loser.

>> No.7748834

Facts and based.

>> No.7748837

I hate dramafag. They don't even care about her contents.
Remind me of my idol friend who had to go to hospital and had doctor proving her hymen was intact and they still harass herThere are no way to reason with these shitheads, just ignore them

>> No.7748847

Who are the people even still watching Matsuri at this point? I'd assume anyone weird enough to stick with her this long would see menhera drama as a plus if anything.

>> No.7748854

I don't care, I'm not a conformist I will say what I think

>> No.7748869

>Police in Japan are useless especially when it comes to stalker cases
Yes exactly, which makes it even more unbelievable that they even came or talked to her, if you're not hurt they're not giving you even 5 minutes of their time, her story would straight up be more believable if she didn't contact the police

>> No.7748871
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I have no problem with young women getting dick. Though it's her job to pretend otherwise. It doesn't really matter if she loses SCs, but if this turns into a bigger problem it won't just affect her but her coworkers and the perception of Hololive in general.

>Aren't they all supposed to be pure idols?
>Or are they all secretly getting dicked off screen?
>Why am I even throwing SCs?

>> No.7748872

Lots of trannies in this thread

>> No.7748877


>> No.7748883

No you need to complain about all 3. Soon to be 4 because like we said it's only going to come down faster on the slippery slope.

>> No.7748884

>They are entertainers no you girlfriend or even your friend. If you think otherwise or that they own you to say single, you are a delusional loser.

>> No.7748894
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>Freedom of expression doesn't mean freedom from consequences, tranny.
>harass somebody and send them hate (expression)
>your comment gets deleted (consequence)

>> No.7748895

>It's irrelevant.
If it was my oshi I don't think that's how I would feel
>listen to oshi's ASMR
>try to enjoy it as I always do
>can't now that I had to learn about her having a bf who rails her every night
>probably fondles her right now while she's whispering into my ear and giving me kisses while trying not to laugh

Try as hard as you might, you can't unlearn that. Once it's out it's out and it'll forever haunt every stream of hers.

>> No.7748899

I'm honestly curious about this whole aspect. No one gives a shit when she told stories about going on dates with girls and even gladly support her, but when it's a guy involved, suddenly it's cucking. You're still getting cucked by the girl, is it just the presence of a guy that triggers the insane jealousy and hate?

>> No.7748904

Pretty much
Is unclear if she currently has a bf but her past love life is very well known.
He...kind of funny how the ones who used to have a crazy love life are the ones trying to be the most sexless of the bunch once they got accepted into Hololive.
Actually, didn't sex dumped her bf as soon as she got into Hololive, and have not started a new relationship since then, despite all?

>> No.7748912


>> No.7748922

>Maybe I'm blind and deaf, but I saw the clip and I don't see how people are 100% sure it's a man.
she said it's a stalker and she called a police yet streamed next day as if nothing happened. You don't panic like that if it's just a family member lol

>> No.7748935

Matsuri will be graduated over having a boyfriend, proving that Hololive is a real idol group

>> No.7748936

>it's a good thing she actively baited GFE, claimed to be single for years and a big part of the root of her menera and weird horny bits is because she's sex-starved, just had her entire character architecture's rug yanked out from under it, and she didn't even try to save it and -literally- gave everyone the finger on her roommate twitter when called out

No, she's irredeemable if you understand her fully, which many people don't because most redditors, clipfags and overall ENfags don't know JP holo for shit. This way worse than the Towa yab, however because it was on her roommate she won't get suspended etc and Cover will just try to ignore it. The ignorant and naive, of which there are many, will keep her going, but at least in Japan where most fans aren't in some hugbox corporate mouthpiece reddit, theis kind of thing just becomes standard knowledge overnight. There isn't a "it's just Nijisanji, they're like that" excuse here to save her. Hell given how much she likes Nijis it's clear to see why, and that she must seriously regret not being one of them instead.

It's real sad seeing people on YT now going "I have literally no idea what's going on but I'm still with her anyway" and "reeeee there's a huge mob angry but I don't know why but antis are always wrong no matter what must protect" white knights swooping in to save their graceless, utterly unworthy target.

>> No.7748942
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never understood the people who shit on those who enjoy GFE vtubers
like, why would you even watch them if you didn't at least care for the girl a little bit? there's NOTHING on this Earth women can do better than men
if a woman cannot provide even the simple delusion of companionship, she's fucking worthless to men
if you want them to see perform a task, it's almost guaranteed there'll be a guy who can do it better

>> No.7748951

Oh really? How are those idols with boyfriends doing? Or are you talking about retired idols? Can't imagine those with open boyfriends would be able to get the retarded fan merch purchasing power of those who pretend or the miniscule number who are (temporarily) legit.

>> No.7748964

Might want to reread the thread and do your reps, the discussion ir more about her having a guy over vs outright denial, not whether it's ok or not for her to have a sex life.

>> No.7748968

Oh, I only saw the part with the actual door opening, not her explanation.

>> No.7748978

I rarely watch Matsuri, but the statement rings true regardless.
Since my statement clearly hurt you I would assume you both are members and have spent on superchats on her. If anything you are the cucks.

I don't live under the schizo iillusion that I would ever get to fuck a streamer half way across the world, they are entertainment nothing else.
You should try it, discard the want to fuck them and just enjoy the show, you will be happier.

>> No.7748999

Can we stop hating on Matsuri yet....it's getting so old now.

>> No.7749006

I'd be impressed if Cover put their foot down on this, they seem to prefer to sweep things under the rug

>> No.7749023

>but her past love life is very well known.
If you're a retard that believes every unsubstantiated thing you read. Or even worse, believe lies peddled by those that hate her.

>> No.7749042

No one cared because she gave the image and continues to create the image that she's a lonely loser who wishes she stopped being lonely and get a bf/gf, the stories she told just make you think "Oh nice she used to be normal", but then it turns out that she was lying the whole time and was just acting like a forever alone menhera to get pity and money. You can shit on her antis if you want to but she isn't an innocent angel that deserves to be defended

>> No.7749046

She never said that it was a stalker although it's still in the realm of possibility.

>> No.7749050

*Talks about pissing herself, being horny, fucking lolis and all sorts of other shit.*

Schizos: Okay lol

*May or may not have a boyfriend*

Schizos: SHe's FuCkINg iMpURe

Putting the fucking retardation back in being a Schizo since 2021™

>> No.7749056

bros i'm afraid of lyger's safety? he'd unironically suicide if matsuri had a bf

>> No.7749060

this desu, i watch content from men if i really want to laugh or be entertained in some other capacity, vtubers are strictly GFE for me. Don't understand the type of people who think the girls can actually be entertaining or interesting people when removed of GFE/idolshit

>> No.7749075

Go back to twitter

>> No.7749084

You don't understand the issue with people lying to bait donations? Take it wasy american psycho.
They could simply not mention it, or tell it how it is and people that aren't interested wouldn't watch.

>> No.7749085

>Hell given how much she likes Nijis it's clear to see why, and that she must seriously regret not being one of them instead.
even in niji shiina got a lot of shit by getting caught playing with her bf on his stream when she claimed to be sick. It's not about incel shit. No fanbase likes being lied to.

>> No.7749098

impurity is about the body not the soul
i won't touch a woman that has been sullied with other men's fluids

>> No.7749109

*ignores the fact she plays into GFE hard for profit and claimed to be single for years*

Putting the "cherrypicking hard to try to toe the line of the reddit corporate mouthpieces" since this post.

>> No.7749124


>> No.7749127

Here is the real rrat

>Cover wants to get rid of Matsuri because her menhera can destroy the whole company if spread
>send a male employ to break into her house during her roommate stream to make it look like she has a bf
>matsuri isn't told about it, genuinely thinks it's a stalker
>tells everyone it's a stalker, but obviously no one believes her
>goes even more menhera
>idolfags on 5ch go wild
>Cover is 'forced' to graduate her due to the controversy

>> No.7749131

>damage control
her usual vids have 5k~7k likes, her last stream has 8k+ likes, the people coming to comment and downvote obviously not her regular viewers/fans. this is a retarded rrat

>> No.7749133

Go back to the corner you fucking cry in when anime girl what you watch for a year turns out not to be an anime girl.

>> No.7749135

>there's NOTHING on this Earth women can do better than men

this is why i cant wait for niji males so i can stop watching women(except selen)

>> No.7749140

i'm sure they got mad because shiina was into weird shit like rimming his bf, that shit is disgusting

>> No.7749142
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>there's NOTHING on this Earth women can do better than men
Go back to /r9k/ my dude.

>> No.7749153
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Due sexism
The mentality that, girlxgirl is only to spare time or just practising until they get with a man is still vivid on these days.
Why do you think the "Is ok since both of us are girls" line is popular among anime and even yuri?
Because it reference that mentality.

>> No.7749158

He's still on stage 3 of grief, give hime some time.

>> No.7749164

idolfags really are the fucking scourge ffs complaining that other women are whores while obsessing over girls that literally exist to make money off of you is actually retarded.
And then acting surprised when you find out they have the social life of a normal functioning adult afterall and pissed when they try to hide it like the fucking industry forces them to in an attempt to run from screeching spergs.

>> No.7749178

Who here do you think was an idolfag for somebody who talks about exs?
Lying about a home invasion to protect your lies is disgusting behaviour.
>lie about being alone when chat see door move
>realise the person was seen
>don't own up, pretend a stalker entered your house worrying thousands of mindless retards.

Cry about dramafags, or pretend like it's unicorns, but she is the one lying about being the victim of a crime, and stirring drama with a middle finger header.

>> No.7749179

Anon I know that you're here simply to shit on idolfags or whatever, but whatever you're trying to argue doesn't work with matsuri, she's one of the few girls that straight up say she would date fans

>> No.7749191

Wow you really want people to care about this shit huh.

>> No.7749194

An ugly girl with no education or talent of any kind can play video games poorly with a cute avatar and make enough money for a high standard of living, and all she has to do is not fuck until after she retires.
but that job is apparently still too difficult.

>> No.7749214

Never gotten rimmed? Now that is a good time.

>> No.7749215

Implying you could touch any women short of rape anyway.

>> No.7749216

I don't mind them having an ex or multiple
I just don't want them to have a bf or husband while they are active as a vtuber

>> No.7749220

so this is why hoshikawa hates matsuri
fuck this fake whore

>> No.7749230

>idolfags really are the fucking scourge

Reminder that no one forced Holos to pander to idolfags

>> No.7749231

>being obtuse on purpose

>> No.7749233

The people going to upvote are not her regular fans either, this shit is getting a lot of traction and obviously there will be a side that sides with her no matter what

>> No.7749247

Even outside the rumors
She used to show her new boyfriends during her NND before she got into her first idol group.
Once she caught up how it goes in the idol world she stopped doing that. She even dumped her bf once she got into her first idol group.

>> No.7749270
File: 46 KB, 376x401, 1621105318656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The contract is what they "signed up for." Some of the fans buying the fantasy too much, thinking it's more than that, then feeling entitled to more, and outraged when they don't get it is simply childish. The voice actor being single was never a part of the contract, it was never "what they signed up for, and it was never an unspoken promise to the fans. People should take their meds.

>> No.7749278

Idols are the only way women can be entertaining. It really is no secret or hard to understand.

>> No.7749282

If seeing through a digital 2d anime girl mask is "toeing the line of the reddit corporate mouthpieces" I see why the world's going downhill

>> No.7749293

anon she was so excited when matuli called on her birthday...

>> No.7749325

This is boring. I want drug related drama.

>> No.7749329

I'm out of the loop on this one, can someone give me a quick rundown/post clip?

>> No.7749350

Why do you even feel the need to talk out of your ass to defend someone you don't know of something only you think is an attack?

>> No.7749363

I don't care either because I don't watch her, but she was just saying a couple of minutes before the door thing how it's been 5 years since she's had a boyfriend. She also keeps baiting this kind of shit on her roommate twitter.
I see no issue with having one, but either don't talk about it or admit it, don't do the whole "boo hoo poor me I'm so lonely, maybe a fan can save me" act when you're getting dick on the regular. That's scummy. Nobody is holding a gun to your head demanding this kind of shit, a lot of successful chuubas don't do it, even in the same company.
It's not that hard to not lie about it, it's not the kind of thing you have to talk about at all. If she didn't lie, I would be with you calling schizos schizos for caring about this, but the fact that she did sell that image makes the whole thing a business transaction, and makes it hard for me to see her as a victim.
It's the same thing as doing collabs with men. There's fuck all stopping them. "Oooh but she'll lose gachikoi money, that's unfair". There's nothing unfair about that, none of them are owed any money from any particular viewer. If someone doesn't want to keep giving money if they're collabing with men, that's their prerogative. It's up to each chuuba to choose if they want unicorn money or if they want to collab with men. They don't get to take the money and then whine about having to do their part.
Choco openly talks about wanting a man to marry. Whenever she gets one, everyone whining will be a little bitch. If you care about this, you don't make her your oshi.

>> No.7749364

There are literally no direct posts from the girl herself of having a boyfriend, you've got more evidence from Ame and Ina in that regard.

>> No.7749371

Discarding the notions of roomates vs avatars, actual money changed hands here, from thousands of people, and a lot of it was likely at least somewhat motivated / encouraged on claims made but now pretty-much disproven. It's fraud, if you want to be frank and adulty about it. Ignore all the stupid shit you've been brainwashed to think of Holos as, ignore just waiting to shit on "idolfags" as the root of all evil and not see the actual person behind this as being actually-shitty. Being a person, she is fallible, and fall she did.

>> No.7749381

Anon, matuli is not 10/10 but charming enough to get a 7/10 or 8/10 ikemen.
Expecting her not getting dicked, when there are actual ugos being the cumdumpsters of problematic studs, is highly delusional.

>> No.7749391

Sure, however the holos are the ones giving that fantasy and enabling it, cover didn't force them to do anything, they themselves chose to pander in this way

>> No.7749399

we literally dont know anything about ina

>> No.7749413

Tranny detected. Opinion discarded.
Heh, tough luck.

>> No.7749417

I have never spend a penny on a female streamer, vtuber or otherwise. I support male content creators though, especially those who have kids.

>> No.7749420

Men do not regard women as competition because we inherently do not consider romantic relationships between girls to be real. Western “polite society” might have taught you to pretend otherwise, but empirical evidence of this simple truth is everywhere you look. Men have nothing against lesbians because they are not considered real.

By the way, the majority of women view relationships between men to be real, but absolutely disgusting – a man who’s been with a male is no man at all to them. Fujos are the minority.

Just another one among countless differences between men and women, the more you know.

>> No.7749421

>act gfe to bait paypigs but has a bf on the side then seethe when you get found out as a liar
>Nooo I want my cake and to eat it too
Why are psychopaths like this

>> No.7749422

dude she even said she doesnt have a BF in that exact same irl stream
no one is forcing her to lie, she brought this onto herself

>> No.7749423

The difference between ethots and vtubers is the 2d>3d.
Its why i dont watch coco anymore because she rarely uses her avatar

>> No.7749434

Yeah "haha Chaika I'd drink your piss" lol so funny and epic
Might as well watch Vshojo

>> No.7749439

she's fat and japs hate fat people

>> No.7749453

He want to confirm it was really her. His hand showed on stream is the proof that was really her. He didn't assault her because while she was streaming because he don't want to show his face, mean he planned a serious crime.
I'm worry about Festival safety now

>> No.7749466

>He doesn't know

>> No.7749469

And if fans believe that they would get to date her in any reality they should really eat their meds. All gfe/e-thots are a lie, made to milk you of money.

People who go in for gfe needs to realize that it is not real an never will be. If you cannot handle the room mate having a life on the side where she may or may not have a bf/gf, then maybe you should just move on from the whole thing. Not to find another gfe streamer, just stop, because you will be "betrayed" again, and again and again. If you cannot live with being a pay pig in denial then don't pursue the gfe experience.

>> No.7749485

this >>7749420

>> No.7749504

Have you considered not paypigging? You realize all this shit is free right?

>> No.7749520

Strongly agree, the fags who argue absolutely one way or the other are retarded.
It depends on how they market themselves, either be up front about it or don't lead people along, it's disingenuous and false advertising done by attentionwhores who want to have their cake and eat it.

>> No.7749522

Holy headcannon, do you have a single fact to back that up other than ''trust me bro''?

>> No.7749527

Am i the only one who hates chubbas being whores for christian reasons?
I dont want to watch truly morally corrupt people. The jokes and exaggerations on stream is one thing. But when confirmed real idk its unsettling

>> No.7749528

fuck off schizo, nobody gives a fuck about the picture you edited

>> No.7749529

If you want to shit on GFEfags that's ok but I hope you're not trying to defend matsuri's actions

>> No.7749536

Your making it sound like Kiara did anything lmao.

>> No.7749542

Don't see what this has to do with my post. But you're right. Women are only interesting as a form of entertainment when they have the idol pretense filtering the dumb shit that common street roasties like saying.

>> No.7749548

Festival always seemed like kind of a bitch anyway, so I'm not surprised she'd do this. I don't even care if she was getting fucked on the regular, just do the bare minimum to play the role properly and maintain that fantasy.

Considering how saturated the VTuber market is it's her loss anyway, so whatever. I'm sure her heartbroken lonely fans can find someone else to pine after in about two minutes.

>> No.7749556

Why are you guys so sure that it was her boyfriend?

>> No.7749568

because she lied

>> No.7749569

> Men have nothing against lesbians because they are not considered real.
I'd agree if only people here didn't gush about how Matsuri loved pussy and the sort and even shipped her with other girls. Feels like they wanted Matsuri to be lesbian.

>> No.7749581

What did she do/say on stream?

>> No.7749589

>but charming enough to get a 7/10 or 8/10 ikemen.
the girl is menhera

>> No.7749597

I'm not, i'm just sure it wasn't a home invasion like she claimed.

>> No.7749599

Nah, get off my dick dude.
Many vtubers play the fact that they are single, lonely, horny, sad to foster idol/gfe community and the superchat that comes with it.
Nobody is forcing them to sign up for this branding, plenty of vtubers are doing differently. Fan's fantasy my ass, they are literally creating that narrative

>> No.7749601

Because she made a terrible lie and there's only one reason why she would lie about someone entering her room

>> No.7749605

When there's someone with an opinion, you can generally expect there to be many others with similar opinions. This means not every one has the same opinion, just that there are sets of people with different opinions, some intersecting and some not.

>> No.7749607

That's actually a good point, if Choco were to have a boyfriend I doubt she would get disliked bombed like Matsuri did, same way Tamaki didn't have any issues. Matsuri literally said she would probably marry a fan after graduating,

>> No.7749609

Kiara LITTERALLY said under a week ago she's afraid to even have male friends, because when she was an idol fans took photos of her with a male friend and took them to her agency and tried to get her dropped. Watch streams.

>> No.7749617

Matsuri said that while under the idol pretence
The idol pretence means fuck all, women will say what they want idol or not

>> No.7749620

she does bath streams on twicast if you're interested

mmm aqua farts

>> No.7749632

She used to be fat, she's perfectly fuckable now to the average jap. Hell she was perfectly fuckable to me even when she was fat

>> No.7749633

>It’s not, it’s about lying about something serious happening when it’s not serious.
>It’s called trust.

Trusting a woman character, which is a part of a corporation. I just don't know what to say.

>> No.7749636

How are you so sure that she lied?

>> No.7749637

People want the worst timeline for others so they feel better about themselves in comparison

>> No.7749644

>you forgot that it still maintains more likes then dislikes
In a week she'll be fine.

>> No.7749655

Could be a one night stand too but she's not enough of a stacy to do ONS
Also the way he opened the door makes it likely that he opens it this way (quietly) all the time and it usually works fine since she's streaming as Matsuri. So as long as no one hears it he can enter the room, grab something and leave again without it being an issue.

Seems like he fucked up this one time though since she was live with a cam.

>> No.7749666

Based high iq anon who understand this business

>> No.7749673

Lying cunts tend to have boyfriends, look at Towa

>> No.7749674

Look, I agree that these GFEfags are schizos, but hololive was presented from day one as an idol project, and everyone knows what idol otaku thinks about the performers having boyfriends. It's impossible for them to no have been aware of that.

>> No.7749683

Who's side will Hero Hei take?

>> No.7749684

Nobody said she's not a shitty person.

If they were doing it to actually appear like they love the audience, they wouldn't have SC on at all. It's obviously all fake for money, and people still fucking believe it.

>> No.7749686

> he doesn't know

>> No.7749702
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 61B07F01-B7B0-4298-81F8-E536647757E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to believe any of this without substantial proof. Fuck all of you for making this seem way bigger than it is.

>> No.7749707

You guys all talk about how chuuba having a bf is cucking her GFE audience but what about a bf himself? I really wouldn't want to be a bf of a streamer that plays a virtual girlfriend for thousands of men. Isn't it a real cuck expirience?

>> No.7749724

The point applies outside of Matsuri's chat, retard. You were criticising people on an anonymous image board where you, Matsuri, or Matsuri's mods have no power.
Maybe you should go back to R*ddit or somewhere safer if you don't like it being discussed

>> No.7749727

Because the scenario she created is ridiculous
1. She got someone break into her home, but her reaction is "Oh I changed the locks nothing's wrong now, going to continue streaming as usual lol"
2. The police somehow getting involved in a stalking case despite the fact that they're incredibly infamous for being useless on stalking cases if the victim is not hurt
If she had said it was her brother it would have been an ok excuse since everyone knows about her brother

>> No.7749729

> Full control of her vagina
Nobody talks like that here.
Go back

>> No.7749749

He doesn't address any issues that he can't twist as an SJW problem nowadays. Hence why he ignored Pekora's Gartic Phone game being hijacked by a NatSoc kiddie.

>> No.7749763

Why are people spamming Matsuri about what some random 3dpd whore is doing? I dont get it

>> No.7749764

If Choco were to find herself a boyfriend, or get married even, people would fucking celebrate. Someone please marry her already...

>> No.7749767

You sicken me. Leave this board and do not come back.

>> No.7749773

I am out of the loop, can anyone post the clip or stream as to why this drama started? I think I get the idea of what happened but I would like to see the clip for myself.

>> No.7749790

BF is actually living with and fucking the person, while thousands of men are just fapping to her persona and giving her money.

>> No.7749791

That depends if she acts like her vtuber persona in real life. If her roommate's personality is completely different, then the bf can brush it off as her just being a VA for an idol character.

>> No.7749795


>> No.7749804

>fondle my gf while she reads akasupas from lonely men and gives them a kiss for it
>quietly laugh
>kiss her neck and look at the chat, laughing even more
>fuck her after the stream and think about the $500 guy who sent her a big love letter
sounds kinda nice

>> No.7749809

2 women having a romantic relationship are cute. Lesbian relationship where one acts as a man are disgusting and work like regular man woman relationships. Man and woman relationship are boring and the man in the relationship is the one responsible for providing the support so there is no point in audience supporting the streamer. Sexual relationship between men are disgusting because gay sex is disgusting, platonic male relationships are like romantic relationship between women.

>> No.7749814


I don't paypig. There are however an extreme amount of paypigs in this thread shouting bloody murder when they would need to use their brain for one second to realise they are getting milked dry and what ever illusion they believe the gfe is, it isn't real and never was.

Is matsuri doing a shitty thing? Yes, all gfe/e-thots are, they are milking lonely horny men for all they are worth.
But paypigs getting mad at a "lie", get real.

>> No.7749820

so wich yab was worse?
Towa male voice?
Ollie "totally my sister"?
Gura animal crossing notification?
Mori's brap?
or this?

>> No.7749823

It all depends on how you think about it. If you know it's all a fake bullshit act, you might even get off on the idea that you're the guy boning the girl who controls the 2D avatar that thousands of other guys want to fuck.

>> No.7749846

You still have a false image of women in your brain.

>> No.7749849

Same. I have never thrown SCs but I have been Patreon for several small male streamers that produce niche content.

>> No.7749864

A hand briefly for about 2 seconds appears in her roommates stream.
Braindead idolfags claim its her boyfriend because "I KNOW MORE ABOUT HER LIFE THAN ANYONE ELSE SHE LIVES ALONE!" and some dumb shit about her lying by posting "totally real tweets that she deleted because she fears a stalker will murder her"

tl;dr dramafags doing dramafag things and zhangs hopping on the bandwagon because they'll take any opportunity to attack hololive

>> No.7749873

>watching kiara
Maybe if i had brain damage I’d do that

>> No.7749879
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>all the English comments are positive
The sooner the Hologirls can get out of the yoke of incel nips the better

>> No.7749886
File: 179 KB, 189x407, 1627265391246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when ollie got fingered

>> No.7749888

I doubt the police is helping her at all regardless of her actually calling them or not. She didn't say anything about police after calling them.

>> No.7749889

Better question is which one's hotter, and I vote Ollie's live ntr session.

>> No.7749902

It was him at the door.

>> No.7749915

Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.7749956

The "I don't even know what happened but I know I'll always support you" one made me laugh.

>> No.7749956,1 [INTERNAL] 

Stop lying, Lamy never say that, was matsuri and look like to protect her own ass lol
