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75959715 No.75959715 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the Sublime Surgical Supreme, Calliope Mori

>> No.75959745
File: 393 KB, 800x600, GNsgm1kXMAAuqMj[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to love your Mori and her hyperbolic time chamber

>> No.75959756 [DELETED] 


>> No.75959875

i adori my mori

>> No.75960060
File: 51 KB, 401x768, IMG_3920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori...just buy one of these things at a Walgreens instead...

>> No.75960067

it's been so long since I've last heard her voice is she even real?

>> No.75960100

It's not quite the same desu

>> No.75960483

If the goal is to get more oxygenated blood into circulation, this would let her do it over a more regular and spread out period rather than nuking her system with it for an hour. Theses chambers were originally designed to nuke infections in your body by flushing it with oxygen, not for long-term recovery

>> No.75960493
File: 932 KB, 1058x1028, prroink [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0a06ux.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, you look like you need a refresher

>> No.75960753

I miss my Mori so much...

>> No.75960868

Leg themed return karaoke?

>> No.75960940

Why do you think she's planning on doing this for the whole recovery period?

>> No.75960971

3 hours of singing Footloose

>> No.75961070

how much do you think mori has shlicked off during her recovery

>> No.75961231

I don't think she can do that considering what orgasming does to your body

>> No.75961392

>If the goal is to get more oxygenated blood into circulation
The goal is basically blast your system with a bunch of highly pressurized to promote increased circulation into your muscles and thus promote the healing process to star bit quicker than usual
What you're describing would be a both bit too slow and not pressurized enough to get the desired effect
>not for long-term recovery
Obviously it's not meant to replace stuff like PT or general physical exercises, nor is it meant to be done long-term (that should be obvious considering she's only slated to do it for a handful of days, really more like hours) its just meant to give a quick edge in the recovery process

>> No.75961401

She'd have to be a pretty huge masochist to be horny at a time like this.
I mean, cut open, drugged up, in constant pain, and shoved into a metal tube. Who'd be into that?

>> No.75961734
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>> No.75962187
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>> No.75962612

I wonder if Mori gave the cats gabapentin on the flight? Shit works super well and it sounded like she only problem she had was to pick up poop

>> No.75963019


>> No.75963022

Honestly I kinda wished she told a bit more details about how she got the cats on a plane, cause initially it sounded like was gonna be a hustle but whatever she did seemed work pretty flawlessly

>> No.75963101

I was talking and was telling my friend about an old prank I did as a kid and almost said proink what has this woman done to me?

>> No.75963465

reading up on some archives bout the MC happenings and I'm lowkey happy Mori is missing it, most of the "kino" moments seems to be the kind of things she'd stress over unnecessarily
like imagine how she'd take someone dying-dying since she panicked and forgot to put a block somewhere

>> No.75964027

>like imagine how she'd take someone dying-dying since she panicked and forgot to put a block somewhere
Tbf they have a couple house-rules to circumvent stuff like that

>> No.75964365
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, Kiara Prroink [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fx3d6ey.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prrroinking is very infectious

>> No.75964470

is it fatal?

>> No.75964624

I didn't get on 4chan yesterday, what did I miss?

>> No.75964660
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, sisterlyproinks[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa1b9ri.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatally cute, yes

>> No.75964730

Maybe, but it is cute

>> No.75964835

Mori posted a private youtube link to a rap she made about Oni Chichi but she quickly deleted it and no one saved it

>> No.75965437

We discussed what it'd be like to try to make Mori's breast milk into

>> No.75965574

dude, even with rules in place that shit stressed out Kaela. KAELA.
think about it

>> No.75965573

So given that she said she expected it to be awol around 2 weeks, we're now roughly at the half way mark before she returns.

>> No.75965910

>almost 2 more hours before my team's playoff dreams get ruined by Nuggies.


>> No.75965962

blue catalog. Something about the clock and sandwiches.

>> No.75966309
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>> No.75966742

Naw, the less she says the better. Even though it was her vet that gave the ok on what ever she did, there would still be 1000 self professed "cat experts" saying she abused them in some way.

>> No.75966877

my penis btw

>> No.75967598

Tbf from I understand Ela doesn't really like stressful games so that's not too surprising imo
Despite being an MC god, those first few hours were you're very vulnerable coupled with the threat of perm-death probably frazzled her a bit

>> No.75967601

do you think they'd accuse her of being...impulsive???

>> No.75967697

I'm not even talking about dumbasses here. The "everything is animal abuse" types are everywhere.

>> No.75967837

>Not seen: Bijou launched through the windshield and through the building's wall

>> No.75967999

Naw she final destination'd someone's ass.

>> No.75968441

Lucky bastard got to meet Biboo and Mori

>> No.75968876

That's the real reason Mori is making that face, didn't expect to have to work that day.

>> No.75968925
File: 1.19 MB, 1273x658, Screenshot 2024-03-10 011822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reaper nip nops

>> No.75968987

thinking about mori knees and toes

>> No.75969355

Her milk is getting oxygenated

>> No.75969658


>> No.75969754

She's definitely getting scammed kek

>> No.75969777

What does oxygenated milk taste like?

>> No.75969904

>the same girl who bought a foldable phone, $500 hats, and a gimmick laptop fell for a medical scam

>> No.75970016

How would (You) scam your Mori?

>> No.75970104

an MLM that neither of us get much success in since we're both terrible at selling people on it but ultimately brings us together as a team and we remain close several years after both of us quit

>> No.75970108

I mean I doubt she's in that tube cause she thinks it can cure cancer lmao

>> No.75970177

What if someone in the music industry is scamming her

>> No.75970296 [DELETED] 

>Oxygen Therapy
IDK why so many deadbeats mention this.
her alt said anything about it?

>> No.75970357
File: 584 KB, 686x690, 1714183098004122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori going specifically for muscular therapy (i.e it's intended use)
>Article (from 11 years ago) mentions scams that falsely advertise HBOT as being a cure cancer, autism, diabetes, AIDS/HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, asthma, depression, stroke and heart disease, spine and brain injuries, cerebral palsy and common migraines.
You guys want to seem more smarter/clever than her SO fucking badly, it's honestly a bit embarrassing

>> No.75970414

She’s talked about it a few times

>> No.75970460

She ain't doing it to cure diseases, she is doing it to help heal the surgery site, which the mayo clinc seems to think it does help with. The amount it helps, who knows? It seems to just be just an extra thing to help healing along that isn't specificly required, but she has more than enough money to just pay for.


>> No.75970469

>Replying the doxxschizo
>Spoonfeeding the doxxschizo

>> No.75970593

I don’t keep up with who’s schizo and it took literally two seconds to grab the link since Mori hasn’t been tweeting much.

>> No.75970660

Reminds me of all that stuff professional athletes do after surgeries that seems like woo woo stuff, but they do seem to recover a hell of a lot faster than a normal person from the same surgeries. I'm sure some of that seemingly weird stuff has some effect, but it ain't worth the extra cost for a normal person.

>> No.75970732
File: 28 KB, 116x129, 1670576764394866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has been cleared by the FDA for limited and very specific medical uses, such as decompression sickness suffered by scuba divers or carbon monoxide poisoning. The chamber, which pumps 3 times the normal amount of oxygen into the breathing environment, is only cleared to treat 13 specific ailments based on scientific validation and testing.
Uh huh

>> No.75970845

The thread was so much better when you weren't posting, twitchschizo.

>> No.75970935

>I don’t keep up with who’s schizo
You don't even need to keep up with anything, he glows brighter than a fed and it's the same retard whos spegs out about twitch
The broken sounding english, odd capitalization, the allusion to doxx hidden in a spoiler text, being generally clueless about shit even tertiary fans know about. It's all his calling-card

>> No.75970974

Helping with the healing of surgeries sites is one of them. Also for all we know she might be prone to infection which it would also help. That's not exactly something would come up in streams.

>> No.75971024

It is not used by actual hospitals as a therapy, only as a treatment

>> No.75971038
File: 268 KB, 515x528, 1713971984688225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting a small Mori doll into a jar for nefarious purposes
>Putting Mori into a bigger jar for health purposes

>> No.75971162

But what if Mori is BETRAYED AND TRAPPED in the hyperbaric chamber for 4000 YEARS?

>> No.75971182
File: 149 KB, 1274x720, 1709604906142806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens when deadbeats are allowed free thought

>> No.75971219

She would just escape by yelling really loudly

>> No.75971234

>is only cleared to treat 13 specific ailments based on scientific validation and testing.
Pssssst, 1 of 13 ailments applies to her

>> No.75971258

It's bad because I don't have access to the big jar.

>> No.75971304

some deadbeats dont think they can fill up the big jar so they get cranky but I KNOW I can

>> No.75971311

Sorry to offend you all.
When she tweeted that she was going to sit on an air tube, I just thought that it was like dialysis.
So I jsut wanted to know why everyone believed it was like iron lung therapy.

>> No.75971456
File: 592 KB, 1063x1080, 1624136587300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create "new product" by lazily taping a bunch of existing things together
>Proclaim they solve some massive everyday issue

>> No.75971518
File: 138 KB, 504x779, 1690792187053428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Mori has a whole garage full of jawbreakers

>> No.75971539

Bluetooth Cat tree

>> No.75971573

Ghost toys for ghost cats

>> No.75971582 [DELETED] 

What a weird thing to retweet, hope it's nothing related to Holo

>> No.75971630

Wow, it better not be something that haunts her for life.

>> No.75971631


>> No.75971776

that is not good

>> No.75971835 [DELETED] 

Looks like another 2022 summer arc is approaching.

>> No.75971841

they hit the pentagon...

>> No.75971880

I'll open up an image editing program and search for an appropriate font to edit the Bloodborne box art into Bloodborne 2.
Then I'll charge her $77 dollars after tax for it.

>> No.75971896
File: 141 KB, 512x512, 1708995476304029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna get another live concert and one of her best playthroughs of a game of all time?

>> No.75971908

Man I really wish she posted pictures of Tutu instead of pussyfooting around manager approval

>> No.75971912


>> No.75971913 [DELETED] 

She actually fucked up her leg, didn't she?

>> No.75971966

What happened summer 2022

>> No.75971969

You do know we have access to twitter too right?

>> No.75972017

That's my wife btw

>> No.75972057

She suffered her first serious injury.

>> No.75972084


>> No.75972109

Is it related to present day injury?

>> No.75972118


>> No.75972127 [DELETED] 

This retard complains about Twitter but for some reason spends hours a day on her account she doesn't filter

>> No.75972166

Go look up the meaning of "another", retard.

>> No.75972200

See what happens when you give these retards an inch?
Now the dumbass is posting about his ebin doxxshit on cooldown

>> No.75972216 [DELETED] 

3 albums worth of lessons were not enough it seems.

>> No.75972335 [DELETED] 

She's having her "grass is greener on the other side" moment she always does during breaks. It will pass.

>> No.75972344

Shut the fuck up Acly and evoke yourself

>> No.75972392
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>> No.75972417 [DELETED] 

She needs therapy for bpd

>> No.75972482 [DELETED] 

Amalee has finally started Tiktok, so no wonder she feels fOMO.

>> No.75972518

She was in here tonight, raving. Woah, slow down Morice!

>> No.75972548

More what happens when he isn't shot on the spot. Now they have a bigger mess to clean up.

>> No.75972617

She's too impulsive. How many oxygen tanks did she buy this time?

>> No.75972685

One for each cat at home.

>> No.75972694 [DELETED] 

Is this retard seriously going scuba diving with her injured knee?

>> No.75972704
File: 165 KB, 727x720, 1656998439588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein fuhrer.....she bought TWO oxygen chambers.....

>> No.75972746 [DELETED] 

Mori, what makes people based is what they do, not who they are friends with.

>> No.75972787

Mori has never had real friends her whole life so she gets taken advantage of really easily.

>> No.75972828

She's friends with Luffy, retard

>> No.75972837

How else can she visit Gura at home?

>> No.75972838 [DELETED] 

At like $300 a pop for that oxygen chamber stuff, she may need to open another art commission stream on top of the one she's already behind on kek

>> No.75972883

Pretty sure shenis caught up on the art stuff

>> No.75973004

She is paying out of pocket for the knee surgery so a few of those treatments are probably a drop in the bucket lmao

>> No.75973015

She got her shenis caught on art stuff? Ouch! That is the reason I always mind the zipper.

>> No.75973074
File: 366 KB, 413x432, 1693451437543716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone had any jeans with button flys?
I always thought they looked interesting

>> No.75973092

Enough to form an air tube combiner mech with them.

>> No.75973096

I'm like 90% sure she's only like 1/3 done with the deadbeatsonas

>> No.75973208 [DELETED] 

She is in debt with umg right?

>> No.75973225


>> No.75973238 [DELETED] 

Was it worth retweeting this shit?

>> No.75973266
File: 114 KB, 330x345, Screenshot 2024-04-03 235229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have, and you feel like a dumbass whenever you have to piss, cause I had spend several extra moments unbuttoning 3 buttons just to pull my cock out

>> No.75973289

>"Okay Kobo, today we're going to learn 'getting our stories straight'"

>> No.75973351 [DELETED] 

Manager needs to destroy her optional phone.

>> No.75973372 [DELETED] 

Whenever she takes time off she tends to get "profound" thoughts and thinks she's being super deep with cryptic shit

>> No.75973378

I guess he decided he is going to plap his router today

>> No.75973422

That sounds like exactly what anons are posting itt

>> No.75973439 [DELETED] 

She is like Kanye West, but cringe.

>> No.75973477

I like how they’re more easily replaceable than zippers, at least in the sense sewing is more common knowledge that whatever you need to do to fix a zipper.

>> No.75973528
File: 166 KB, 458x544, 1693862991932457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you just sew in a new zipper?

>> No.75973545

Zippers really need a sewing machine to be attached effectively. Buttons are easily done by hand.

>> No.75973567

Yea tb.h lol
She retweeted an old tweet she prolly thought was funny, and it caused you to have a meltdown and play armchair psychiatrist, over some shit that's not as deep as you seem to think it is

>> No.75973666

Just report as off-topic. Don't need to explain to the class what everyone except one retard knows.

>> No.75973713

>play armchair psychiatrist
If I were a real psychiatrist, I would diagnose her with menhera, no questions asked.

>> No.75973918

Yea but you can't really do that by hand the same way you can with sewing on a button

>> No.75973978
File: 667 KB, 3072x4096, 1703191895082948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should really learn how to sew. It always seemed extremely useful to be able to mend clothing or even make your own.

>> No.75974057

It's really easy. You will just stab your finger tips a few times. Just go buy a cheap sewing kit, open a youtube tutorial and cut up a old shirt to practice on

>> No.75974110

The real chad move would be to learn how to make string from fibers. The true invention that propelled humanity to civilization.

>> No.75974143

Same lol
I had a friend in highschool who's mom taught him how to use a sewing machine and he'd make all these cool alterations and shit to his clothes, and some he'd sell them online

>> No.75974211

I thought that was agriculture

>> No.75974427

Don’t have the articles on hand, but there’s evidence to suggest cities/settlements predated agriculture. Basically at the dawn of humanity, there was likely enough animals to hunt, humans could settle down for long periods without needing to constantly be nomadic.

>> No.75974630

I'm gonna kiss her at ACEN

>> No.75974665

Humans thinking a resource is unlimited is a story as old as time lmao

>> No.75974723

is it true that were running out of helium

>> No.75974783

And no one takes it seriously. Using it on balloons should literally be illegal.

>> No.75974960

I feel like it's been like 10 days already...

>> No.75974978

At a time when human populations were small enough to not decimate animal and plant populations through consumption, yeah it was pretty much infinite.

>> No.75975027

Technically no, but we’re using more than we can extract apparently. It comes from deep in the earth’s crust like natural gas does.

>> No.75975301

It is also inert so doesnt bind to anything, lighter than air so it just floats away and is a tiny atom that's impossible to contain properly. So once we extract it we slowly lose it even without using it.

>> No.75975787

Can't we just take something like hydrogen and add energy to it to create helium

>> No.75975964
File: 193 KB, 1440x1667, GNJOmiRaYAEUcTA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, thanks for the chem class lesson /MoriG/

>> No.75975966

Weirdly enough, Suisei's break felt shorter. She was updating on things every day, still doing her radio show, and even appeared in a couple collabs

>> No.75976016

Thats literally how fusion energy and the sun works for the most part. If we ever figure out how to get more energy out of fusion than we have to put in it could provide us with helium.

>> No.75976025

it would need mass too right? a proton and some neutrons
plus hydrogen is just as tricky to work with but also flammable

>> No.75976199

Probably impossible otherwise we would have a perpetual energy generator

>> No.75976374

Well no, stars would last forever otherwise. It would last until you run out of hydrogen, which (it's funny saying this considering how this conversation started) is effectively unlimited for humans.

>> No.75976468

is helium just two hydrogens kissing

>> No.75976523

I need to put my tongue VERY deep into her butthole

>> No.75976535

if a Mori proinks in the forest does anyone hear it?

>> No.75976750
File: 5 KB, 184x256, 1689700193824173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, me

>> No.75976844


>> No.75976864

Bit more complicated, involving 2 poly relationships, transitioning and kicking people out of the relationship. It's real messy and why fusion is hard.

>> No.75976962

Wait they figured out perms? Guess we know what Mori is going back to after elden ring DLC lmao.

>> No.75977492

Whoa a Mori is playing BB again!

>> No.75978611
File: 669 KB, 1448x2048, GNt07BpaQAA3fQH[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75979224

Last time she streamed the game was a terrible experience, she'll probably stay away from it honestly

>> No.75979240

so what if mori gets addicted to the oxygen tube life?

>> No.75979356

You are letting this place's retarded reaction to her playing color your memories. It was fine and the only reason she stopped was because going between ER controls and BB was annoying.

>> No.75979573

Watch streams

>> No.75979648

Speaking of, can you believe she's prioritizing Red Dead over Persona 3 recently. And to think there was some lame debbies saying she wouldn't enjoy it as much, it's in her top 5 series played easily.

>> No.75979805

Yeah that is basically what happened with ER AND BB lmao. I think Mori enjoys good new experiences over nostalgia, but is hesitant over trying new things

>> No.75980037

Actually she was like that with JoJo too kek. She used to dislike it because the obsessed fans, but fell in love with it and because one of those annoying fans for awhile once she actually tried it.

>> No.75980281

Man I legit wanted her to shut up when she was talking about the torture dance and Part 5 to Biboo.
And this coming from someone who wished her Torture Rap got more appreciation from the broader holo community.

>> No.75980646

Eh she wouldn't know wtf that's about until she got to it.

>> No.75980820

I think that was mostly because she seems to think she has way more left of P3 than she actually does

>> No.75981385

Dude, we just found a new reserve that's the biggest in history like a few months after that Smiling Friends episode came out, expects say we're good on the stuff for another few centuries.

>> No.75981573
File: 1.10 MB, 368x444, Botan BigKusa[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fru6qfl.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, this guy is probably happy as shit right now lmao
Damn a near 50 point blow out, on national television

>> No.75981627
File: 23 KB, 405x180, 1713800791948525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I wonder where are those 3 carbeats...

Its two weeks till signups close btw: >>75980651

>> No.75981789

we should all get some balloons to celebrate!

>> No.75982368

Only of we can out a certain person in this thread inside one.

>> No.75982914
File: 745 KB, 2731x4096, GNv1PcqWYAEnqqn[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop whatever you're doing, and think of Calliope Mori's butt.

>> No.75983085

What butt?

>> No.75983115
File: 143 KB, 960x1200, GExHGYpaoAAkc2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably really soft and squishy, and I bet it makes a satisfying sound when you smack it...

>> No.75983131

I was already thinking about it.

>> No.75983226

Where her boobs

>> No.75983252

you call that a butt

>> No.75983399
File: 391 KB, 1332x875, 1692199204520[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate them

>> No.75983490
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>> No.75983524

My bad,
This more your speed?

>> No.75983906
File: 3.03 MB, 1920x1080, Deadeye Prroink[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9zzz4w.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aim better

>> No.75983916
File: 68 KB, 692x696, F7LVdNAaIAAnw2X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75984058

I love Mori and her FAT BUTT

>> No.75984506

Mori mogged

>> No.75984786

>Channel didn't upload her rapping Anaconda

>> No.75984802

I wouldn't expect mori to know korean

>> No.75985024

Unironically mogged Bae and every other vtuber's Akali despite probably not even knowing the song that well.

>> No.75985239

I really hate the illustration of Mori in this video

>> No.75985418

Damn I kinda forgot about this cover, it's pretty good

>> No.75985867
File: 1.05 MB, 2457x4096, GNR57JQbwAA_cXl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75985872

Wanted, Wasted has been stuck firmly in my head for the past week, help

>> No.75985899


>> No.75986174
File: 798 KB, 766x834, 1706698331747129.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch a live performance and get a different song stuck in your head

>> No.75986432
File: 1.77 MB, 1891x1724, 1712845206587621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75986492
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>> No.75986641

I think Mori should ride Watame into battle

>> No.75987023
File: 2.14 MB, 3071x3939, Fg9npn0VUAULQWQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ride Watame
You remember what happened the last time....

>> No.75987787

I kinda want a fat ass...

>> No.75987898

I feel something...

>> No.75988000

The thigh squish is more of a thigh crush

>> No.75988535

being a man with a fat booty is a curse

>> No.75989153

Ci-chan's first solo 3D live on the 25th


>> No.75989721
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>> No.75990150


>> No.75990266
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XCOM, baby!

>> No.75990317

Papertaper bros...

>> No.75990358
File: 135 KB, 640x310, tmtCV356KggMsWJ3skfCvTZDacl2AOfBbZwM8LsSK-I[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in Holo should play Xcom imo

>> No.75990597

>tfw no kemonomimi Mori

>> No.75990634

You just want to watch them rage at missing 99% hits multiple times

>> No.75990909
File: 188 KB, 491x479, 1694227829765195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking a shot that isn't 100% chance + <50% crit chance + flank bonus
>Not abusing grenades for guaranteed damage
I seriously hope none of the girls do that

>> No.75991076

What the hell, a fellow fatass(ass specifically)beat?

>> No.75991330

Which member of Hololive would sell out humanity for a sick jetpack

>> No.75991467

I love my Mori and her big fat reaper tits that are 50 lbs each

>> No.75991531


>> No.75991820
File: 318 KB, 1536x2048, __mori_calliope_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_astral_promax__53e8d856d56dc8c3fbc574ebb057d22c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn /morig/! just one more week (or less) before we get to see her again! hang in there!

>> No.75992073
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Good night sleepbeat

>> No.75992077

it'll be kinda funny when Bibooo beats it before her despite 2 years headstart
kinda like Morp beating RDR2 before Goob

>> No.75992169

I'm the Fordbeat, as mentioned I don't really feel much like making a burner acc just for this

>> No.75992346
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this is now an Ope thread

>> No.75992588

Fuck it, I downloaded the archive. Great karaoke.

>> No.75992813
File: 19 KB, 111x140, Screenshot 2024-05-06 203517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This party's getting cuhrazee!

>> No.75992875

One of them WILL play it and they WILL be mad when they miss a 80% shot

>> No.75992911
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>> No.75993262
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>> No.75993313

I think about Morp and I miss her.....I love my dumb fat tiddied reaper wife.....

>> No.75993367
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>> No.75993459 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 405x402, 1702193931207298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one might not be safe for work

>> No.75993785

80% is acceptable imo, the REAL shit is missing a shot with a 95-98% chance to hit, that'll actually make you not want to play the game lmao

>> No.75994094

It sucks early on when something like killing a berserker depends on that one shot and you either lose one of your few good soldiers or a mission entirely. Lategame, 95% miss is just "okay fine my Ranger will clean up the rest of the room in one turn instead of my Sniper.

>> No.75994176

I saw that AI Mario and Luigi video and immediately thought "this is probably exactly the type of thing Mori and Kronii send each other"
I miss her...

>> No.75994340

I wonder if Biboo knows about this yet

>> No.75994483

You think there's any chance for GoT perms now that it's on PC? I'm guessing no because Helldivers is basically the same situation

>> No.75994502
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Yea, the power dynamic really shifts in your favor (well, so long as you aren't losing soldiers) as the game goes on
There's really nothing better than activating multiple pods, using a grenadier to soften them up, and following that up with a sniper using face-off to kill like 7 Ayys in one action

>> No.75994542

The one where they keep cutting to a pissed of Mario? I've never laughed so hard, i must've been in a silly mood that day, gave me old YTpoop vibes.

>> No.75994700

Yeah, it's starts with Luigi slipping on a banana peel and getting AIDS kek

>> No.75994773

I have to use more toilet paper than normal, I hate it

>> No.75994833

Have they ever had Sony perms outside of Bloodborne?

>> No.75994899

Mori should cock the clock

>> No.75994966
File: 732 KB, 1536x2048, 20240517_092254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so rare to get new art based of Scuffed up age, so I'll treasure this one.

>> No.75995025

Nioh I think

>> No.75995071

NTA but off the top my head I remember Peko and Kanata played SotC and Miko got exclusive perms to play Uncharted and Spider Man

>> No.75995137

>Suzy got smoked by a Ghast on the Hardcore MC server
I'm less sad Mori isn't playing now, DeathStar interactions are what I would have hoped for

>> No.75995314


>> No.75995423

Yeah I gave up on that years back, using a shower whenever I can these days. All the hair doesn't help either, and no way I'm shoving a razor in there.

>> No.75995759

I wonder if anyone has been cataloging the death toll of the sever, I'm kinda behind on VoDs

>> No.75995898

I recall there being a recent deathstar interaction but I'm forgetting what stream it was

>> No.75995919

radio show.

>> No.75996087

Just buy a bidet anon

>> No.75996095

Someone in Global was posting a death tally yesterday.

>> No.75996107

Nioh is a KT game

>> No.75996436

Hey a (some what uncommon) cover of Live Again!

>> No.75996460

Damn, I miss that outro

>> No.75996743
File: 513 KB, 600x600, 1669417590155[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about Nezumori....

>> No.75996849

I'm in love with Nezumori

>> No.75996881
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>> No.75996906


>> No.75996975

ope onahole

>> No.75997072

God damn, 2022 was so crazy lmao

>> No.75997095

Nene is taking Mori's job on the HC minecraft server since she can't join herself.


>> No.75997268

Nice, time to listen to it again

>> No.75997512

Man 2022 was bonkers

>> No.75997573
File: 433 KB, 1442x1804, Frpf80uaIAAS3pg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenechi cute

>> No.75997971

shame SNEAKING marred the great year 2023 was overall

>> No.75998367
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, Mococo Sneaky Neaky Remix[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fm99i3x.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of it like this, Morp sacrificed her 2023 line-up with SNEAKY so that both her an ever EN after her may stream MGS
It's kinda heroic when you frame it like that, yea?

>> No.75998593

Or do it the pagpag way: with a pail of watter, a dipper and soap.

>> No.75998680

Man, fr, horeee shit.

I agree.

>> No.75999443

Did any EN even play MGS after Mori and Fuwamoco

>> No.76000159

Nah unfortunately, but hey at least the option is finally there

>> No.76000545
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>> No.76000805

How did I miss Mori singing Mayday? Damn I bet it was rad.

>> No.76000985

Okay, what on earth is Ririsya playing?

>> No.76000999

Oh what a funny coincidence, I posted it a bit earlier >>75986174

>> No.76001059

Looks like some RoTK mobile game

>> No.76001092


>> No.76001152 [DELETED] 


>> No.76001197

That shit was so hype I didn't even notice the English lyrics, damn
And I also never quite realized how heavy towels can be until my forearm started hurting from swinging mine for several minutes lol

>> No.76001352

That and the KAF collab >>75996906 is when she shines the most. There’s a reason the English covers like Roku and Internet Yamero pop off so much.

>> No.76001429

Riri should play Travian

>> No.76001965

Citting and Fradding

>> No.76002153


>> No.76002654


>> No.76002740
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>> No.76003152
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nighty noodles

>> No.76003604


>> No.76005730
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Do you think she sleeps floating in the tube?

>> No.76005873

wooo, Morty with no casualties despite the hack giving him a full team - though it did require Eviolite Togetic locking him into Dream Eater with Encore (I'm so glad the mod maker didn't give him Sludge Bomb)
also had some final evolutions and team looks pretty set for now

>Gatts the Marowak
>Agni the Magby
>King the Togetic
>Lenie the Lanturn (,in-game trade for Gyarados)
>Bell the Victribell
and our pride and joy
>Nene the Pinsir

I do wonder if at this pace I'll manage to strech it over rest of Morp's break

>> No.76008267

Suzy doing Bibidiba dance is snveven bigger goober than Mori

>> No.76008274
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Holy boober

>> No.76008341
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>> No.76008614
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>Mori in the tube

>> No.76008794

So, when Mori recovers, Vegeta is already dead and Mori will avenge him?

>> No.76009795

Vegeta can't die until Mori's there to see his final moments and carry on his battle.

>> No.76010137

5 million seems a little high.

>> No.76010211


>> No.76010339

New member of the anime council.

>> No.76010440

A new challenger appears

>> No.76010476


>> No.76010800

She’s trying so hard not to say he looks like shit…

>> No.76010856
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>> No.76010922

i'm about to meep

>> No.76010926


>> No.76011038

Anyone remember Mori's take on Macross Frontier? I'm giving the series a shot since I've only ever seen the original Macross before.

First few episodes were really good, but I know there was a huge debate between Sheryl and Ranka. So far Sheryl just seems like a massive bitch.

>> No.76011196
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Eh he looks fine. There are much worse looking Joker out there

>> No.76011305

SSI(Suicide Squad Isekai)Joker looks fuckboyish to me lol

>> No.76011391

For me it's not the look, it's that I can't see any of the heeheehaha side that's supposed to be there, it's just the crazy side. Could just be the trailers of course.

>> No.76011531

Imagine loading that into a nade launcher and thumping someone with the weird cat...

>> No.76013199

>he didn’t like Rasta Joker

>> No.76013377

The writing of that whole series was trash

>> No.76013714
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I dreamt about her again...

>> No.76014159

Suicune dude in PC just taught me Sunflora is a Fire/Grass
also Nene lived a Flamethrower on 4 HP

>> No.76014526

Did you smooch her

>> No.76014732

Still better than Jared Leto joker

>> No.76015089

>huge Zutomayo tour from October until January
Wonder if she'll appear at any of those dates

>> No.76016776

The joker hasn't made jokes in over a decade

>> No.76016936

no we held hands with fingers interlocking

>> No.76017031


>> No.76017208

>Mori covers Internet yamero, gets Aiobahn's attention
>Mori covers Atashi, gets Sydou's attention
Therefore, if you follow the pattern
>Mori covers Show, making it possible that Mori got Ado's attention
Wouldn't be crazy if next album/EP featured all of these artist?

>> No.76017398

Calvin on the telly!

>> No.76017399


>> No.76017447
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This is /∞/ op image, fucking kek
did they finally grow a spine?

>> No.76017553

We love clock woman here, so kindly fuck off.

>> No.76017671


>> No.76017863

not a dunk but didn't she tell her fans to cut this shit out?

>> No.76018102

I don't.

>> No.76018375

Dam, I missed it

>> No.76018439

the stream has instant replay, worth skipping through to see the finishes, there were a couple good ones kek.

>> No.76018447
File: 441 KB, 738x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Kronii, it's funny that all you need to impress her is a towel drier.

>> No.76018510

Woa, I'm impressed too

>> No.76018523

that's a radiator. It's for heating the entire bathroom

>> No.76018551

>”wow this just like my simulator games!,”
Genuine unironic autism moment lmao

>> No.76018653
File: 352 KB, 455x660, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man looking kinda zesty
behead those who insult RIP

>> No.76018722

She's too cute!

>> No.76018774

he's gotta be at least bi...

>> No.76018995
File: 83 KB, 720x720, 1715966680420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, waiting for Mori to get back.

>> No.76019159

well, Chuck's down (turns out onwards from Morty every GL just gets a full team, which I strongly dislike), but with little happiness
Bell, oldest member of the team since my starter dropped, kys'd in confusion after a landed DynamicPunch (didn't have a safe switch)
currently no replacement, apparently there's a whole new Rocket subplot around with new location, maybe gonna find one there

did he win?

>> No.76019311

Sure he did, it was awesome

>> No.76019558

Deadbros, our response?

>> No.76020649

Under a week to go deadbros

>> No.76020791

Im not gonna make I miss her to much
