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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 358 KB, 1031x668, 1702467538367231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75935077 No.75935077 [Reply] [Original]

If Fauna suddenly starts doing elven JOI ASMR soon, you’ll know why

>> No.75935114

She should. This is embarassing stagnation

>> No.75935125

No, thanks.

>> No.75935142

Go play defense they need you

>> No.75935150

>fauna is about to get btfo by fuwamoco
you love to see it
lazy whores deserve nothing

>> No.75935158

Are you implying she's a numberfag enough to have a meltdown over this so she can lower her standards and give you a joi asmr? Won't happen.

>> No.75935175
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I don't think she cares.
Hololive raises everybody up instead of making them fight for tablescraps like Niji, so if Fauna needs help (she doesn't) then she'll get it.

>> No.75935193

really funny watching brownfeet try to throw anybody at Fauna and nobody biting lol

>> No.75935199

>holo vs holo
what did nijisanji do this time?

>> No.75935228

fauna really loves breaks huh
i wonder what she does during those

>> No.75935230

Why are dogfuckers like this?

>> No.75935237

Kiara and Kronii had a synchronized melty yesterday

>> No.75935252
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Some vtubers like their fans enough to do elven JOI ASMR just for fun

>> No.75935291

Morning in Canada already, brownfeet?

>> No.75935358

I really hate the timeline we live on these days ever since the doki shit happen people can't say anything critical of cover without some last samurai asswipe labeling you as a sister. Dragoons and doki successfully turned 4chan into reddit this is nothing but hiveminded individual doing this everytime ruffians can now openly shit on everyone they want and they'll be okay because the average drone think it's all a niji psyops.

>> No.75935385

>fauna anti thread
>riifu's cuckling appears
every time

>> No.75935416
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Because it is, you fucking faggot. Catalogue threads are never made in good faith. If you knew anything about this place, you'd know that.

>> No.75935455

i love nijisanji

>> No.75935508
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she need to spit on my ears

>> No.75935515

Fauna made a career out of copying Riifu and Northernlion.

>> No.75935544

Honestly she just needs to do earlicking cumming ASMR canan style and she would get 1 million subs in less than a month but sadly she is weak, liked her more as lemonleaf, at least she was a little more risky with her content.

>> No.75935550

Facts. Catalog does it but they go so far the other extreme and half of them are trying to 5D chess to shrill up another corp. it is hard to take them serious. I guess you need to figure out the right words to use but yeah this place has a problem.

>> No.75935553
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not now watame

>> No.75935586

riifu made a career out of cucking her fans out of all their money then bailing for her honeymoon

>> No.75935617

Oh damn, this sister evolved. Too bad it was still dumb enough to self report

>> No.75935711
File: 58 KB, 999x999, 1715302246416667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill catalogfags. Curbstomp a catalogfag. Behead catalogfags. Lynch catalogfags. Fuck catalogfags.

>> No.75935721
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>"Waaah!Waaah!Waaah! Holobronies won't let me freely fling shit in the catalogue"
Cry more and rope, SEAjisanji faggot.

>> No.75935847
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fauna so proud of her little whipped saplings white knighting her uuuuuu keep defending her and you might get another whip from mommy~

>> No.75935893

is this how they incentivize nijisisters?

>> No.75935920

>mass reply meltdown after the riifu cuckling reveal
KWAB, xhe's going nuclear again

>> No.75935931

>ruffians can now openly shit on everyone
They're by far the most toxic vtuber fanbase. They shit on all non hololivers and even other hololivers and they'll just call you sisters or transsexuals or whatever when you call them out.

>> No.75935961

Another hour, another Fauna seethe thread by brownfeet.

>> No.75936007

ok thats cool and all but hear me out
why are all the phase whores getting railed by flayGOD?

>> No.75936014
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goooood boys now bend over~

>> No.75936036

Fauna still deserves more than Kronii tho

>> No.75936053

Psst sisters, when you're samefagging you're supposed to change your writing style, you're fucking retarded but I know you can do it!

>> No.75936060

Self report? You literally just proved my point moron is like people pretend ruffians weren't numberfagging and doing the same shit chumbuds do by shitting on everyone else all of this been happening before doki tried to kill herself you faggots are no worse than the sisters you made a boogeyman out of.

>> No.75936067

They certainly don't know what love feels like from their organs.
I hate their used car salesman mentality of "you can find a better deal elsewhere". No, I want Fauna.

>> No.75936086

is this a fetish you developed when your mother brought back generic indian bro #73 for the night and he'd smack the shit out of you while railing your mom for cash?

>> No.75936107

fuck, you turned me on

>> No.75936106

Why are you trying to roleplay gay sex on 4chan?

>> No.75936180 [DELETED] 

>brownfeet is the offspring of a pakistani whore and and indian chad
This is a rrat I can get behind, is this why he always seethes about IRyS?

>> No.75936267

Dokifag I know you're retarded but aren't you forgetting you were once a nijisister too? That explains why you can't stop cannibalizing on other niji talents once a nijisister always a nijisister. Dragoons are like biggest boot lickers on the board. They openly shat on zaion when she was terminated even died on multiple hills for Nijisanji before their oshi went nuts. Irony fits you down to a T.

>> No.75936415
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Reminder that there's nothing Saplings want more in these threads than to deflect away from OP and any Fauna criticism. Fauna is going to get overtaken by Fuwamoco very soon. Don't let their desperate nijisis, brownfeet and phasefag posting distract you away from that truth.

>> No.75936468


>> No.75936488
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>> No.75936715

uuuuuu yesss

>> No.75936754
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>> No.75936815
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>my thread is not going the way I wanted.

>> No.75936832

Fauna doing a JOI stream but she refuses to unlock my chastity cage

>> No.75936860

>Fauna is going to get overtaken by Fuwamoco
Okay but why does it matter? Its not like Fauna and Fuwamoco hate each other, they're co-workers in the same company. If anything Fauna is probably happy that Fuwamoco are doing well.

>> No.75936914

You know, we all know

Let's keep the kayfabe like with the doggos

>> No.75936983

how did saplings mindbreak this brownfooted faggot so bad kek
are they truly the most powerful fanbase on the board?

>> No.75937078

>the doki shit
Are you new? you can't have a hololive thread on /vt/ without bots yapping about "what did nijisanji do this time" since years now, it's not since Doki it's been like that since 2022. It's funny because most of the threads don't even give a fuck about niji and just want to talk about hololive topics but no, you can't anymore it always have to be a secret war/bait with fucking nijisanji that nobody watch no one fucking care let me talk about hololive for fuck sake

>> No.75937148
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Ok but Faufau will still exist and you'll kill yourself soon anyway so I see this as an absolute win

>> No.75937265

>Fauna is probably happy that Fuwamoco are doing well
How would you know? They never interacted with each other, 0 collab, nothing. God the EN branch is so fucking boring when you compare with the MC hardcore arc of JP.

>> No.75937336

>Fauna is probably happy that Fuwamoco are doing well
have you ever met a woman in your life?

>> No.75937357
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posting in ebin fdund thread

>> No.75937442

dont make judgements on women, you only have your whore of a mother to compare to

>> No.75937501

I'm sure she's wiping her tears with the tens of thousands she takes in monthly.

>> No.75937507

Can't have that any bit of criticism towards cover even if valid makes you a nijisister. You ever noticed how kurosanji always get associated with chinks while cover decided to do business billibilli again and all their merch Is cheap Chinese crap that holobronies can't stop buying and theyre defending it. It really makes you think.

>> No.75937513

It's too late for her, momentum is in FuwaMoco's favor.

>> No.75937558

>never interacted
exposed kek

>> No.75937568

There's been some more deflection since >>75936415, so here's a reminder: Fuwamoco are going to overtake Fauna very soon.

>> No.75937575

She talks about them all the time, she really enjoys their content.

>> No.75937660
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as the sister got revealed already, can we talk about phases new logo now?
what does everyone think?

>> No.75937695

Never been a big fan of overlayed white on white desu, it's just lazy design

>> No.75937714

HoloJPs are in love with Fuwamoco
Most of HoloID with exception of Kaela in got sage from them after they tried to shill homos on their stream
But HoloEN are hating Fuwamoco very much, because by contrast people are seeing how lazy and low effort most of HoloEN girls are. They are literally twitch but PC and with perms autism

>> No.75937761

they're so bad at pretending to be holofans it's so fucking funny

>> No.75937763

True, but you can't deny it became considerably worse this year. It's just a Niji board now. Can't have a thread without faggots informing you of all their latest happenings while screeching "deflection".

>> No.75937790

Oh, I just started reading her lore, what a mess

>> No.75937956

In what, sub numbers? We've been over that when Gura overtook all of JP, when Kobo got tons of subs, and you have JPs in later gens with more subs than some old holomems.
So, other than an excuse to shitpost, what does it actually matter? Especially when Fauna's all other metrics are very good anyway. Subs are becoming a joke metric too since you can just farm them with vertical streams.

>> No.75937961

Exposed what? Fauna said "mococo is cute" in one of her recent stream so now it count as a collab? Now the story is that they are best friends? Please kill yourself already with your "niji secret bait" bullshit you poor thing, you sound like a broken bot.

>all the time
easy now, still not a collab

>> No.75937965

You're on denial. Some people use this board to discuss their chuubas but that can't happen anymore for every holo related thread that's gets deleted whether bad or good 5 new doki vs niji or doki owning niji are in the process of approval.

>> No.75937996

the deeper you dig the worse it gets
truly the NTR queen

>> No.75938002

Huh, did not she debuted in 2021? Don't tell me all Council not reached 1mil already

>> No.75938036

sister...you really shouldnt try and double down after being outed this hard.
better luck next thread, you brownfooted animal

>> No.75938046
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>>Fauna doesn't care about them
>but she talks about them all the time
>>y-yeah but that doesn't count!
Shoo shoo, nigger. Good luck carrying those goalposts all by yourself!

>> No.75938082

That's awfully specific anon. Do you have something you want to tell the class?

>> No.75938097

>no come back
>sister posting
Embarrassing but it's not like /vt/ is full of bots like you so what can i say

>> No.75938103

So she thinks they're cute? Sounds like she cares about them to me.

>> No.75938105

Nice cope. Subs where always a joke since Kiara got it. Just proves being a viral hit is not proof of superiority

>> No.75938141

why do numbermonkeys try to shoehorn their schizophrenia on people that never gave a shit about numbers
I saw them try to do that too with really embarrassing arguments

>> No.75938149

>you can just farm them with vertical streams
Why doesn't Fauna do it then? Cover would be happy, they clearly do care about their chuubas sub count.
Oh, right, those are usually karaoke streams.

>> No.75938198

Did Fauna said why it's taking so long for her to join the MC jp server btw? Her tweet was weird.

>> No.75938247

flayGOD coming for the rest of your whores, make sure you pay up ATMcuck

>> No.75938262

/bfg/ has no ties to /vag/. The models were similar enough that people called Riifu discount Fauna and they know each other. That's the end of it.

>> No.75938269

>HoloJPs are in love with Fuwamoco
Not more than with any other EN.

>> No.75938313

Fauna has some of the best karaoke streams in Hololive, though. The only reason she doesn't do more is because she's too self-conscious about embarrassing her senpai

>> No.75938323

this will never work

>> No.75938347

i don't even know what the fuck you are talking about poor soul

>> No.75938442

It's cute that it believes it had an impact

>> No.75938449

qrd? I keep seeing flay but isn't he holostars?

>> No.75938453

They are supposed to sing in karaoke streams, anon. Talking over the music doesn't really count.

>> No.75938501
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he's been "in" to the phase girls recently. the phasecucks are melting down

>> No.75938503

Flayon met 2 phase girls offline and one of them tweeted about being so excited she couldn't sleep, nothingburger

>> No.75938513

Management fucked up AGAIN. The process is like talent asks their manager, manager asks Peko manager, only then the talent gets access to specific discord. Fauna asked through the process she was supposed to, and in the end Kiara had to share the discord link and sneak her in because managers are fucking useless. She should be playing today.

>> No.75938596 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 472x474, 1690778505500184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are supposed to sing in karaoke streams, anon.
>Talking over the music doesn't really count.
Au contraire

>> No.75938627

>she edited flayGOD out

>> No.75938631

Days to join a fucking discord server and a MC server. It sounds so simple yet you can always count on hololive to make it looks like a fucking chore.

>She should be playing today.
That's nice, can't wait.

>> No.75938668

>Doing any trivial thing through management takes ages
But anons told me that was a Niji special.

>> No.75938710

I'm unironically proud of Fauna for doing so consistently well that falseflaggers or jealous schizos are trying to bait with her more and more. I knew from debut that even though she was the near runt of Council at the time, she'd go places. She's crushing it.

>> No.75938732

There was a chance she would be playing yesterday, but she had the forklift game frame up already by the time the issue got fixed, and ended up enjoying playing it too much.

>> No.75938730

The only girl right now in advent worth of her break is biboo if you look at her streaming hours biboo in my honest opinion was the best thing to come out of advent she's cute she's cringy she loves her fans and gets streaming withdrawal syndrome she is a machine like kaela and if she's not there yet then she's on her way of becoming a machine. Most people shitting on fwmc are doing it to peddle bullshit among eop with the whole "jp is cucking eops" debacle.

>> No.75938840

Good point, she was like Biboo or Shiori of Council early on, and now she is getting compared to rising stars. Even her schizos expect great things from her now.

>> No.75938858

the irony is that the more niji falls off the more every thread, positive or negative, will be about exclusively holo stuff yet the replies will inevitably still bring up niji despite the fact harly anyone actually still cares enough to shitpost on their behalf

>> No.75938879

lmao, don't compare them, even as a joke

>> No.75938884

I love biboo too and she is really hard-working for sure but i think all advent deserve a break. It's 100% sure they are getting exploited as we speak by Cover for the soon 3D debut and after their big start, the biggest in the whole EN branch, i will never be mad at them for streaming a bit less than usual. I just hope their 3D models looks great, i'm worried about Rissa height.

>> No.75938892

Managers are useless? Or is more like xenophobic Japan tactics that you're afraid to call out due to being afraid of being labeled as a sister? I have news flash for you buddy, buzzwords on this shithole site mean absolutely nothing anymore so be free to say what you really want to say.

>> No.75938922


>> No.75938934

She isn't going to make joi, she's going to make one where she cuts off all your limbs and feeds you pre chewed food like a baby bird. She said this in her stream last night.

>> No.75938961

She should do irl cam stream and cook some steaks

>> No.75938983

Alright, sapling, you win. I'll go buy that membership.

>> No.75939025

God I wish she wasn't so autistic and perfectionist and actually do the weird ASMR she wants to do, I fucking loved the frog witch one

>> No.75939081

It's too late, amigo. Once that schizo posted his brown feet it's assumed that all future Fauna antis are paki retards.

>> No.75939088

I'm glad i'm not the only one who feel like that. I lurk /vt/ since 2021, i'm a blue dorito fag and to be "vtubing = hololive" i don't even have the time to watch others companies. I liked to shitpost on /vt/ because it was the only place where i could read funny things about my favorites talents but nowadays it's a fucking pain in the ass. You can't have a thread, negative or positive, about hololive without bots bringing nijisanji. I've never watched nijisanji i don't even know who their talents are i don't give a fuck about them or phase or vshojo or anything but yet they still get brought up on every fucking hololive threads. So tiresome.

>> No.75939098

I mean we can fairly say they're being exploited by cover but I rather they spend sometime in Japan getting all the recordings stuff for the year done than having them travel to Japan like 4 times a year depriving their fans out of content due to idol duties. Is kind of a win win situation for them and yes nerissa kinda worries me but Mori is tall too a good 5'8 around there if mori can make 3D work so could nerissa so long as cover don't pull a niji and skimp on buying proper gear for her I will not forgive cover if nerissa end up like their own fulgur.

>> No.75939101

You are though

>> No.75939148
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HOLY SEX amputation and feeder asmr?
I could do cock pushups right now

>> No.75939201

there's nothing wrong with brown-skinned or from Pakistan, I'm sure Fauna wouldn't like her honor being defended by racists

>> No.75939202

I'd unironically stop being a fauna gift fag and buy a membership if she did this

>> No.75939222

>brownfeet still coping about his self doxx months later
you LOVE to see such mindbreak
saplings truly are the most powerful fanbase

>> No.75939292

with being* brown-skinned

>> No.75939323

So fucking hot

>> No.75939414

>than having them travel to Japan like 4 times a year
True. But it's a lot of pressure on them in such a short time, i just hope it doesn't burn them as we saw with Mococo throat.

>Mori is tall too a good 5'8 around there if mori can make 3D work so could nerissa
Also true. I'm not in a doomposting mood anymore, thanks anon. Can't wait to see this sex goddess in 3D.

>> No.75939432


>> No.75939437

I'm still erect

>> No.75939481

Nerissa is fat? Wasn't that shiori?

>> No.75939514

Bro... if you watched fauna hitman streams she's always disgusted at the brown npcs that spawns on the suburb map of the game and always punches them everytime she can. I think you're giving liberals too much credit everyone is a racist deep inside even animals are. What makes people different is that most people are decent enough to not excercize their racism so they keep it to themselves. And most topics that flourish about racism is not even due to skin color but statistics and numbers which all add up and unfortunately never lie as much sympathizers seethe about it.

>> No.75939554

Nerissa shaking her big titties on 3D only I can hope.

>> No.75939564

wtf I love Fauna now

>> No.75939615

Being fat has nothing to do with it nerissa isn't fat at all but she is tall and finding gear for tall people is a drag in Japan. A large is actually small size over there.

>> No.75939699

>A large is actually small size over there.
so she's fat?

>> No.75939755

>the average height of men in Pakistan is 5 feet 6

>> No.75939789

I wish. At least she would have the big boobas she always dreamed about, poor girl.

>> No.75939811


>> No.75939861

>instantly seething
got em in one

>> No.75939887

By Japanese standards where the average woman weights 80 pounds soaking wet I guess so. But nerissa is nowhere near fat retard do you know why tall people usually pay for tailored made clothes? It has nothing to do with weight do you think 6ft skinny guy for example can fix in pants that are almost children sized? Stop being a retard. I know your women in Philippines are malnourished but that's not excuse for you to be retarded.

>> No.75939915

Fat lol

>> No.75940002

She's only fat because you barely have food to eat and have to dig in Jollibee dumpster for chewed chicken bones risking all sorts of infections including even worse things like aids or gonorrhea for example.

>> No.75940014

Tut tut, more deflection since >>75937568. Lets get this thread back on track shall we? Fuwamoco are going to overtake Fauna very soon and it makes Fauna's efforts look pathetic after all these years. Subs only mean nothing /here/ so it's a bad look for /vt/'s favorite EN to have two retarded twins that make baby noises beat her so soon. Not even a year in since their debut.

>> No.75940066

Fuck off sister nobody is falling for your obvious shit baits anymore.

>> No.75940067


>> No.75940094
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>> No.75940173

*calls you a nijinigger in quenya*

>> No.75940174

Shut up, we are talking about Nerissa now. So rude, I swear.

>> No.75940188

it takes one word to make jailbirds piss themselves, noted

>> No.75940206 [DELETED] 
File: 575 KB, 1200x600, 1711578239195320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enna's a 3 view
phasecucks pay for flayGODs creampies
miload is retiring

>> No.75940250

The soijak ruins it

>> No.75940268

Your seethe isn't going to slow down Fuwamoco's growth or speed up Fauna's. Stop deflecting and accept the inevitable: Fauna is going to get mogged. The official runt of Promise. Never before has an EN had a kohai overtake them, especially TWO YEARS later.

>> No.75940329

Ok, the important question we have to ask in this thread tho:
What the hell is the name of this song? It goes so hard.

>> No.75940338

I really hate that asia makes most of our clothe, it's so difficult to find clothes that fit decently. XL shirts feel like they're going to rip apart at the back and shoulders while being long like a dress and shoes either are too narrow to even put on and when you can fit your foot in they're long like damn clown shoes.

>> No.75940341
File: 98 KB, 470x455, 1715402256659064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats cool and all but never before has an entire bootlicker corpo had to do a second 500k milestone after everyone left in droves

>> No.75940400

Kek, this is where fdund comes from?

>> No.75940404

even the lucucks left him after paying for the NTR merch

>> No.75940409

I don't think you should celebrate about miload retiring lmao because we both know yagoo is going to debut a whole new entire homobranch to get him in because he is a savior fag and most importantly bettel can only carry for so long so he might think he can fix vox you're underestimating the old man and what he'd do for the boys he was modeling magni underwear merch with a smile on his face for crying out loud.

>> No.75940414

You should add the keyboard in the image somewhere.
If not for the brown subhuman feet, the pag-encrusted dusty keyboard would have been the most offensive.

>> No.75940425

Fuwamoco popularity is a rare phenomenon anon, i love Fauna and i also think she is not giving her best to increase her numbers but it's not fair to compare her to FWMC. The twins are just unique, look how they mog their own gen. They will easily surpass the whole Promise gen this year nothing to do with Fauna in particular.

>> No.75940461

That's cool and all but tell me when enna and millie are going be making dimes for riku.

>> No.75940465

>miload posted
caught a live whale boys, man the harpoons

>> No.75940476

the state of /vt/

>> No.75940499

why do nijisisters think this is a competition?

>> No.75940632

She's too fat cap'n the harpoons are just bouncing off

>> No.75940686

Nerissa doesn't sound fat at all, I'm really surprised to find out about this

>> No.75940733

Yup this is why tall people usually need to shop at expensive shops for tailored made clothing items because most clothes even if it fits it don't fit right or look right. The average clothing you see at store is tailored with a "universal size fits all mindset" where they think every x-large is going to fit right in everyone who rocks x-large. Those that want good clothes that don't look either tight or too loose need to shop for expensive stuff. But people where tall people don't inhabit don't know these things because they're used to seeing nothing but short people around them.

>> No.75940741
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>> No.75940743

why would you expect anything else at this point?

>> No.75940761

This. Ironically all I know about Nijisanji is from here, with people that hate them so much they obsessively track what they're doing or how many views they're getting. Yes, Nijisanji is shit. That's why I've never watched them.

>> No.75940794

because i knew the old /vt/ i'm just nostalgic

>> No.75940807

What does this have to do with Nerissa?

>> No.75940881

How's that seething can you explain how did that offended you in anyways? I merely made an observation the man debuted 3 homobranch before EN4. How is using valid points means seething? I swear you retards will call anything seethe just to pat your back and feel less retarded.

>> No.75940905

That's what fauna gets for being the runt of her gen

>> No.75940919

Please go back to school, or at least take an online grammar course

>> No.75940920


>> No.75940993

not now brownfeet, we're using this thread to shit on nijisisters, go make another one

>> No.75941048 [SPOILER] 
File: 63 KB, 2560x1600, 1711652455323634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-Saplings lurking ITT, ask yourself a simple question: why do you think this thread has nothing to do with the OP? Why is every single rrat, drama, corpo and bait being posted but hardly any posts are staying on topic? Who do you think are behind the deflection posts? Who do you think are seething?

>> No.75941101

>i wonder what she does during those
getting piped down

>> No.75941163

I know about Kronii, but what happened with Kiara?

>> No.75941172

This is the real reason Fuwamoco are suspended. Can't completely mog all of Promise so quickly. It would be a bad look if they hit 1m sooner than Fauna, Kronii, and Bae

>> No.75941179

>why do you think this thread has nothing to do with the OP?
because OP is a faggot and isn't worth addressing

>> No.75941181

>seething because his failed bait thread got derailed

>> No.75941202

So sucking vox dick is what on your mind currently that you decided to talk about it it and even post choking sounds? I must admit that's some dedication.
I will do all of this after you stop seething about the truth. You're seething because you were told to be careful with what you're wishing for. Cry all you want faggot. But the fact 3 homobranch debuted before advent should tell you at least what to expect from yagoo when you made retarded takes such as not being able to remove vox out of your mind. I've never seen a single fucking retarded sister even address that faggot as milord it's always been you fags so you might want to cool it with your projection there schizo.

>> No.75941313

man you really typed a lot shit, I didn't read them but I'm 90% it's full of grammar mistakes

>> No.75941351

Fauna don't use /vt/ she is way better than that

>> No.75941384

Leaked Advent's Japan offcollab and seethed a people on twitter calling her out

>> No.75941392
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>> No.75941453

What a dumbo

>> No.75941485

this thread is spiraling into unrelated topics.
Please discuss fuwamoco edging out fauna in subs

>> No.75941514

It's even more funny when you know that nobody give a fuck about the """"leak"""" she is just having a sperm moment all by herself

>> No.75941535

>as he seethe with the whiskey dick larping samurai living rent free occupying space in his head.
You aren't beating the being faggot allegations are you?

>> No.75941550
File: 118 KB, 675x900, 1714780518037098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back on topic, why are all ennacucks so fucking hideous?
what is wrong with nijis supporting their whoregans?

>> No.75941575

that's the best part, she got spectacularly one guy'd and then locked replies

>> No.75941583

>3 homobranch debuted before advent
homoEN3 came after advent sis.

>> No.75941601

Fuck off sister

>> No.75941622

Surely you meant sperg moment?

>> No.75941683

Is this actually THE ennacuck?
brown, fat, can't tell if male or female...
fuck, what a reveal

>> No.75941690

Yeah, all of her sperm moments were before she got into hololive (probably)

>> No.75941741

Yes. Sorry i'm drunk as fuck

>> No.75941766

Sapkeks are almost as bad a chumbuds and ruffians at this point

>> No.75941776

>ruffians can now openly shit on everyone
They don't do this.

> niji psyops
Sisters do do this.

>> No.75941781

>Holo vs Holo
Holy mental problems

>> No.75941785

did you know that Jared Fogle gets out of prison in a five more years?

>> No.75941805

Kill yourself, numbernigger.

>> No.75941816

Which fanbase isn't bad at this point

>> No.75941829

what's so bad about ruffians?

>> No.75941880

pebbles seem okay

>> No.75941884

they manipulate images

>> No.75941907

It's funny when newsisters self report like this because these are the fanbases that stick to their own

>> No.75941943

Unapologetic image manipulation

>> No.75941944

He and Kronii should do a off collab

>> No.75941986

no need to be unpolite. It has been my impression that ruffians are mostly contained in their own thread and are harmless to everyone else

>> No.75941991

don't dox me. this is old anyway, I support mint now.
if she does I'll create a new account to sub and rejoin membership. she missed her chance to do JP collabs during GW. she also doesn't do vertical stream karaoke to boost her numbers.

>> No.75942059

I will give them the benefit of the doubt because i never had to talk with them. Their oshi is cool too.

>> No.75942070

>fauna 848k
>fuwawa 417k
>mococo 417k
it's not even close

>> No.75942104
File: 69 KB, 512x448, GHTfCsmWIAA--Ui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say "white"

>> No.75942180

when did she learn finnish?

>> No.75942184

Mococo would at least be 700k on her own, Fuwawa around 630k

>> No.75942189

Didn't Cover state in their reports that they consider Fuwawa and Mococo to be the same person since they share the same channel?
That seems like a reasonable justification for us to do the same.

>> No.75942262

Don't compare the twins, not cool. Also Fuwawa proved during the fluffy week that she is a great streamer.

>> No.75942309

mococo > fuwawa

>> No.75942332

the nijimemes always crack me up

>> No.75942383

>Don't compare the twins, not cool.
If they're going to hard numberfag at me with a fucking sub counter on the screen, I'm going to numberfag them back. (Mococo + Fuwawa) > Mococo >> Fuwawa

>> No.75942410

Reminder we had the same threads when Bae started gaining subs over Fauna too. You won't see Bae vs FWMC later on tho, because the brownfeet here only cares about shitposting Fauna. He will get bored of this angle in like a week.

>> No.75942528

>Reminder we had the same threads when Bae started gaining subs over Fauna too
man, this fauna sounds like a looser, getting rekt by everyone

>> No.75942606
File: 759 KB, 4045x2008, 1686040178676079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Fauna create her own corpo for the Saplings if she ever left?

>> No.75942659


>> No.75942810

>love Fauna
>love FWMC
checkmate brownfeet

>> No.75942825

we'll see the threads. there are very few yabs at hololive so they grasp at anything they can.

>> No.75942895

>I support mint
Okay dude just say you don't give a shit about the corpo tribalism and that you enjoy the concept of vtubing for what it is? I've seen you at multiple cons now. As long you're happy enjoying what you enjoy who cares.

>> No.75942956

Ugh meant this post for this anon

>> No.75942960
File: 2.93 MB, 1922x6936, 1690244866431337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love vtubers that, in their own way, make it clear as fuck that they don't give a shit about their fans

>> No.75943006

thanks for the (you) brownfeet!

>> No.75943091

I don't care about the sub count.
What I do care about is that Fuwawa and Moco-chan decided to push themselves to the point of getting sick and exhausted at a really crucial point for Advent and them. Now they're in their week of Advent 3d recording and Moco-chan still has vocal issues and Fuwawa started to at the tail end of her solo week.
All the numbers in the world won't make them magically better for what will probably be their most important performance in Hololive (I don't think they'll get a sololive).

>> No.75943098

She took a page from her Kamioshi gura. What she doesn't realize is that gura is in a position where she can get away with it fauna isn't quite there yet.

>> No.75943172
File: 85 KB, 448x643, 1714324901913883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna and fuwamoco fart amsr offcollab

>> No.75943188
File: 14 KB, 685x116, 1690838939413890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck schedules

>> No.75943295

Is Japan everybody get sick over there with a cold or flu and that's due to meds dosage over there being close to kid med in America, as result everyone remains sick for longer days due to Japanese pharmaceutical wanting to sell their cough syrups at absurd price enjoying the benefits of capitalism.

>> No.75943475

Mococo's voice has been fucked for almost 3 weeks. I don't know if it's fully cold/allergies at this point.

>> No.75943492

holy esl...

>> No.75943557


>> No.75943664
File: 167 KB, 410x395, 1649132950409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Bae have more subs than Fauna?

>> No.75943723

She's allergic to Japan.

>> No.75943783


>> No.75943814


>> No.75943843

>but what about bae! Did you forget about bae why nobody is talking about bae leave my green woman out your shitpost please and focus on bae.
Unicorns are pathetic

>> No.75943852

Vertical streams

>> No.75943864

You retards are doing more to keep Nijisanji relevant than their own organs at this point

>> No.75943872

She abused shorts. Something Fauna doesn't do.

>> No.75943905

are you ok?

>> No.75943936

That's because fauna is heading the gura route and doesn't have the drive to stream as much anymore.

>> No.75943980

Anon you've been saying this for a year and she's still going.

>> No.75943985

It's funny watching brownfeet samefag seethe nonstop here and then seeing how successful Fauna actually is

>> No.75944057

Are you okay? What did bae did to you that feel compelled to throw her under the bus to deflect the criticism fauna is being given onto her.

>> No.75944106

They have been saying this for years I just mentioned it now.

>> No.75944154

You're reading words that aren't there. Schizophrenia is truly an awful disease.

>> No.75944163

She stream. And collab. And speak japanese.

>> No.75944189

Simply a better streamer

>> No.75944224

What brownfeet and nijisisters don't understand is that we like everyone in hololive. Try to throw anyone at Fauna, aside from your samefagging you haven't tricked anyone

>> No.75944846

except for the ones who collab with the homos

>> No.75947438

not now brownfeet, enna's currently taking another load on twitter, focus on your own battles

>> No.75947986

God I wish

>> No.75950437

Speaking of, did you hear about when they were trying to push that babies could be "racist" because they seemed to prefer being in the presence of other babies that shared obvious racial similarities with the people raising them while tending to avoid the babies that don't, aka that don't look similar to the people raising them? Shocker right? Who could POSSIBLY see that coming; it's not like it doesn't make complete logical sense or anything, right?

>> No.75950509

Mococo is far better than Fuwawa, cope and seethe

>> No.75950564

still bumping your own thread paki?

>> No.75950787
File: 1.37 MB, 1400x1400, 1699554839639497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is that it? Is that all the ASMR we're going to get this year? Two prerecorded videos? They were pretty good but I wish she took it more seriously like how she used to.

>> No.75951310 [DELETED] 

Mococo is cute as hell:


>You can touch
>No you can't

And she couldn't say the word undress without being embarased.

>> No.75952258

Only concern I have is we won't get another dota stream because of how long it takes for her to get 1M subs

>> No.75952500

Don't worry, FuwaMoco will produce a lot of ASMR content later in the year while they're fully settled in Japan. It's time for oshihen.

>> No.75952534

Its two people

>> No.75952770

if anything riifu copied fauna and then added porn to make more money but sure

>> No.75953581

now divide fwmc number by x2 and they each become the runt

>> No.75953593

I feel conflicted about this thread.

On one hand, Fauna bait threads are such a fucking tired meme and this one in particular is lacking any fucking inspiration whatsoever.

On the other hand, the state of catalog threads devolving into sister accusations 90% of the time IS genuinely annoying and the people who do that shit are directly responsible for preventing people from using this 4chan catalog as a 4chan catalog is meant to be used, and to make it worse its almost always those same people who end up making the exact same shitposts about what they themselves personally dislike. They are actively detrimental to most users here and that's not even up for debate. A brownfeet thread isn't really the best place to make this complaint but I maybas well chime in since it was discussed ITT already.

The consequences of dramanigger tourism have been a disaster for the state of VT and as a basement dwelling retard who lives on this board I find it genuinely annoying to once again have yet another place ruined by chimp-brained underage b& tourists overstating their welcome. Grim shit.

>> No.75953917

Yeah, agree. There's no real solution to this though. Even if NijiEN completely explodes and dies it'll just be replaced by small corpo bait afterwards.
I will say one thing though
I'm fairly sure this guy
Is responsible for like 90% of the meltdowns in catalog bait threads across the board. He's the reason brownfeet's low effort spam threads get ANY replies at all. Take him and brownfeet out and the catalog instantly improves.

>> No.75953959

Get fucked retard

>> No.75954249

NTA. He's saying that the schizo obsessed with Fauna won't make FWMC vs Bae subcount threads because they only care about Fauna. He's right, but he's also wrong because someone else will probably make the thread for free bait points anyway.
Not sure why you're talking about deflecting "criticism" in a blatant bait thread. Would you consider replies in a FWMC vs Bae thread to be legitimate Bae criticism too?

>> No.75954504

Yeah, ASMR for their JP fans

>> No.75954791

Because it's not really about Niji anymore. The latest wave showed up around Niji issues, but anything is fair game. They just enjoy behaving like this. There's really no fixing it. The dox site at least gave them a place to vent, but now there's nowhere to go.

>> No.75955239

This is a big win to the numberfag dogs who are actively trying to gain subs

>> No.75955344

No but I would like them to consider on not reeling anyone else into their bullshit because as you mention someone else would probably catch on and do more holovholo bait threads.

>> No.75955351

I wish they went to sukikira if only because I think it would be funny to see the JOP schizos react to a random influx of ESL English comments all of a sudden.

>> No.75955527

There is nothing to feel conflicted about. This thread is bad, it was always bad, and doesn’t deserve a higher level of dialogue than calling anybody posting in it a sister.

>> No.75955846

I'm not even a sapling, but at least Fauna's viewers isn't Bots. Also, her ccv's double of that of Fuwamoco

>> No.75955955


>> No.75955967

Split Fuwamoco's sub count in half. Neither girl is even close.

>> No.75956025

Okay fair enough

>> No.75956407

For EN fans who do their reps*
so, for (me)

>> No.75957777

It's been like this since long before the doki drama
Not that it matters since this is an obvious troll thread, but whether it was made by a nijifag or some other troll is up in the air

>> No.75957881

I will subscribe if she does SPH.

>> No.75958129
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, junamicro [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhqpn9u.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Fauna knows FWMC has the gfe and twin buff going and doesn't see them as any sort of serious competition. It's more powerful, but also a more volatile strategy.

I think she's the last one who'd call your dick small.

>> No.75958747


>> No.75959617

>holo vs holo
kys OP

>> No.75960943


>> No.75960982

literally following corporate guidelines on who counts as a person or not

>> No.75961076

I don't know what your problem is but I am certain it is pathological

>> No.75961086

pero -417k debuff

>> No.75961094

I'd take Fauna any day over Fuwamoco and their horde of retards

>> No.75961473

Same here. Sapplings are one the most chilled fanbase along side pebbles. But is not even fwmc fault that some people dislike them fwmc are sweet girls but /#/fags attached themselves to them to shit on everybody else live views just like they attached themselves to gura and recently doki /#/fags hold no affiliation to any chuuba or corpo all they care about is causing drama because that's their entire reason for existing on /vt/

>> No.75961546


>> No.75961580

kys saplings

>> No.75961606

>bumping from page 10

>> No.75961628

>300 posts for this shit thread
Sisters are starving huh?

>> No.75961669

ever since their site went down

>> No.75961698


>> No.75961733

because fauna isn't my friend, she told me that herself

>> No.75961779

>but he's also wrong because someone else will probably make the thread for free bait points anyway.
You're a retard if you think that people are spamming Bae bait threads like they do with Fauna.

>> No.75961815

lol sure

>> No.75961843

wtf is this threaD?

>> No.75961904

Seething/#/fag spotted.

>> No.75961906


>> No.75961942


>> No.75961968


>> No.75961970

No one likes the reddit queen

>> No.75961971

You are a retard who obviously cannot read. Nobody said bae was treated as bad fauna. What was said was that some schizo might read it and post shit thread about it you illiterate baboon.

>> No.75962024

they unironically enjoy being like this
legit mentally ill

>> No.75962026

? Mococo exists faggot

>> No.75962084


>> No.75962091

You smooth brained monkey, read the OP. What is he implying? think for a while, I'll wait for your answer.

>> No.75962104

Dumbass only pays attention to Fauna threads. There's at least one Baeschizo who spams the catalog with variations of "how do we save her" or "what can Bae do to incline" with the same image every time. He's not as active these days because brats generally aren't as stupid as saplings when it comes to responding to catalog bait.

>> No.75962164 [DELETED] 

you already know

>> No.75962215

>brats generally aren't as stupid as saplings when it comes to responding to catalog bait.
Yes, because they're the ones posting bait threads and shitting on other Holos all the time. I swear I see brrats the most in every Fauna and Kronii bait thread, every single thread I shit you not.

>> No.75962284

>last samurai
>defending EN

>> No.75962516

Fuwamoco want nothing to do with that vegan cunt

>> No.75962576

that's a lot of dicks!

>> No.75962590

>seething on cooldown

>> No.75962686

nobody cares about your mother brownfeet

>> No.75962777
File: 298 KB, 574x564, 1710592018006171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average sapling

>> No.75962823

I see brats and saplings in equal amounts on the catalog. Both fanbases are pretty cocky and like shilling their oshi. Both fanbases also don't keep up a general 24/7 which is why they fight in the catalog.

>> No.75962903

Kys Juan you're one of the worst posters in /gem/ because you enable saplings instead of ignoring them

>> No.75962911

no wonder she hates her fans

>> No.75963061

This is true, saplings love holostars

>> No.75963080

>shilling their oshi
Good joke

>> No.75963219 [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 1908x3929, 1711934259260119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brownling posts

>> No.75963516 [DELETED] 

>uuuuuuuuuuu mommy please shit on me more while you take days off to fuck Tyrone uuuuuuuuuu
Why are brownlings like this?

>> No.75963572
File: 670 KB, 1192x720, 3807151806394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75963849 [DELETED] 

Pretty the brownfeet guy is just a falseflagging brownling

>> No.75964064

Thanks OP, I'll now sub to FWMC and get my popcorn ready for the melty.

>> No.75964289 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 1000x904, 1697261647548236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that /#/ is the brownling general so this will make them lose their shit

>> No.75964469

not a single good post

>> No.75964759 [DELETED] 

Cry more brownling

>> No.75965163

It matters the same way Shiori's premature stagnation matters. It's not a good look. If you were an investor you'd know where to stake your money. FWMC is simply growth mogging.

>> No.75965376

>he lacks critical information

>> No.75965391

I have not watched a single Peo stream since the news.

>> No.75965508

Saplings were always cocky shits so it's nice to see them get their comeuppance. In many respects, ruffians are the saplings of Advent.

>> No.75965831

>get their comeuppance

>> No.75966031
File: 1.14 MB, 1204x902, 1715769383301634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honorary phase
