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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75909649 No.75909649 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.75909851

kys flipsie no holo is ever going to respond to you

>> No.75909855

Honestly, based. I hate Nijisanji as much as anyone else on this board but that Flipsie faggot is a terminal vtweeter that has nothing to their name except being the most annoying grifting dramafag on vtuber twitter.

>> No.75909877


>> No.75909990

Is this the same Flipsie that used to sexually assault people at anime conventions back in the day

>> No.75909997
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>holo out of nowhere

>> No.75910473

Finana actually proving to be smarter than her own co-workers for once.
Also flipsie's just a clout-chasing retard.

>> No.75910509

based. You know its bad when you have to stick up for Finana, but fuck that vtweeter piece of shit. All she does is try to leech off any and every drama she can, dumb cunt.

>> No.75910614

Fuck nijisanji
but fuck the clout-chasing dick-riding Flipsie more

>> No.75910683

nijisisters are catching so many Ls they're taking it out on some literal who lmao

>> No.75910935

what the fuck i like flipsie now

>> No.75911024

I dislike both of these people

>> No.75911210

Death to all vtweeters

>> No.75911219
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Can't tell who's worse here
the nijinigger
or the con slut who's entire personality is harassing vtubers on twitter.

>> No.75911284


>> No.75911311

As a curious outsider, is there any reasonable devils advocate argument to be made to defend Nijisanji and this so-called “clique”?

>> No.75911312

>waaaah suicide jokes bad
kill yourself dumb vtweeter

>> No.75911380

educate urself

>> No.75911400

Wasn't that vtwatter a nijishill or am I mixing up thing

>> No.75911488

mentally ill tweeter users will get the bullet too.

>> No.75911523

2? whos the other one

>> No.75911763


>> No.75911854

I didn't know about Sayu... I really hope nijisanji burns with everyone still inside

>> No.75911887

Common Finners L

>> No.75911890

>suicide joke

>> No.75911891

Probably mental gymnastics like this:
- It was never proven that clique existed
- Doki mentioning Millie, Enna and Elira might be just in the context that all of them live in Canada and might be witnesses, not the culprits
- No real bad blood was noticeable in the collabs
- Doki's offences might be more grave than Niji stated
- 'attempts' could've been calculated and never posed a threat to her life
etc, etc
And all of this bullcrap's value goes to 0 if you've observed how Niji operates for long enough.

>> No.75911942

Didn't she get talked out of that before attempting by Yuniiho reaching out?

>> No.75912092

Oh wow she actually did something good on twitter.
Good to know she paid attention to the PR staff.

>> No.75912212

Based finana unironically

>> No.75912446

I'm not entirely sure, but *I think* Yuniiho heard about the first attempt and prevented future ones.

>> No.75912593

The ones who still continue to milk drama out of Niji are even more annoying than Nijifags themselves OP included

>> No.75912708

based flipsie
And also lots of nijiseethe in here

>> No.75912770


>> No.75913076

Women who "attempt" suicide are literally just emotional grifters. I cannot imagine how sad an individual must be to attempt to emotionally manipulate others using such methods. Utterly pathetic behavior.

>> No.75913162

show them how it's done then.

>> No.75913303

Vtweeters will always be the lowest form of this scene

>> No.75913328

Shut the fuck up Flipsie.

>> No.75913503

not while nijisanji is still running

>> No.75913550

Tpbp. Had seen this fag several times under my oshis' reply. I hate Nijisanji but fags like this is a yab away from turning on the holos like they already did with Nijisanji.

>> No.75913618

How did this retarded vtweeter get any sort of following?
I don't like Niji either but this guy needs to lose the loss of his dick

>> No.75913781
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>Nijidrama thread
>try to derail with Doki yet again
Are the gift cards really worth the monotony and malaise?

>> No.75913792

Tbf in Selen's case I really doubt she would hsve made it public if it werent for the fact that her future in vtubing was on the line if she didnt.

>> No.75913797

>How did this retarded vtweeter get any sort of following?
Replying to every vtuber tweet.
Replying instantly.
Buying a checkmark so her replies are at the top.
Interesting herself into drama and creating new drama like in OP.

>> No.75913904

Ok finana, you've earned a re-sub on your next stream that isn't gatcha slop.
KYS Flipsy

>> No.75913920

should have told him to do a flip (heh) before blocking

>> No.75914056

Is it even a her? They streamed once and was fucking silent the whole time.
Either way, get rekt faggot lmao

>> No.75914115

Honestly, all vtubers should ban that fag, he literally leeches from famous vtubers and try to be the most dramatic fag about the most simple things to get twitter interactions.

>> No.75914145
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>> No.75914242

Bizzarre of you to bring up Mikeneko out of nowhere in a Niji thread.

>> No.75914283
File: 412 KB, 799x763, 1000007918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know nobody likes vtweeters when even the most obvious niji rage baithread has more anons trashing the vtweet fag then the nijikek.

>> No.75914372

Based fuck that troon

>> No.75914506

I don't think I've ever seen a good Tweet by Flipsie and she spams 1000 tweets a day

>> No.75914549

there's plenty of reason to defend them. literally nothing was ever proven by anyone, ever. vague shit and guessing. Elira has been streaming for 3 years, completely inoffensive in every way, just a dumb goober playing rpgs, the one and only thing people have against her is the corpo mandated video defending niji. That's it. One fucking thing. Doki is an extremely unreliable menhera herself, proven countless times over the years. A thin skinned grifter who has sperged out countless times over the most trivial things. After her so called attempts she had a line of merch, new managers, helpers, collabs, etc all magically lined up ready to roll out, perfectly in synch to capture the wave of pity baiting that she masterfully crafted. The whole thing is a masterclass in Grifting 101.

>> No.75914582

Based as fuck, Vtwitters and annoying fans with blue twitter deserve to be blocked.

>> No.75914611
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nice fanfic sis lemme dance for you

>> No.75914616

especially because "boohoo, I can't put out this MV as fast as I wanted to, GUESS I'LL DIE" Give me a fucking break.

>> No.75914636

>not knowing who Flipsie is
I'm a VShojofag and even I know who they are

>> No.75914731
File: 1.33 MB, 1588x909, mix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your drinks

>> No.75914749

not a fanfic, just the facts

>> No.75914838

Very feminine behavior to make this image

>> No.75914855 [SPOILER] 
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sure nijinig keep swallowing

>> No.75914887
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>the one and only thing people have against her

>> No.75914955


>> No.75914980

I don't remember who they are or what they did but I remember that I don't like Flipsie.

>> No.75915022
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Since there's lots of nijinigs here I'll take the opportunity to share some songs

Nijiniggers and their triggers
https://vocaroo.com/1a5fvEtXZTGV - t. Sister
https://vocaroo.com/1nrM41iaJxrT - yacht
https://vocaroo.com/1kN2NfbxwzH0 - Ennacuck
https://files.catbox.moe/z9yky7.mp3 - Anycolor but they chose Black
https://vocaroo.com/1mVuxWMF4bty - You disgust me
https://vocaroo.com/175QN29GrzmJ - Please seethe
https://vocaroo.com/177taGVaasmE - baseball lovers
https://vocaroo.com/1nTIFMSlM9lx - Empty chairs
https://vocaroo.com/1gkJNqfAp5VB - How do you deal with Gura?
https://vocaroo.com/15uYlm1FxAL0 - I can't catch up to her
https://vocaroo.com/19P5G4rzh3lM - Sign the contract

>> No.75915102
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winning be like catching Ls

>> No.75915101

This is a
>The enemy of my enemy is my friend
kind of thing. Fuck Flipsie but also fuck Nijisanji

>> No.75915104

Please post her "sperging". It was quite hilarious when you sisters really thought you struck gold spamming videos of a gamer getting tilted. Such unprecedented and menhera behaviour.

>> No.75915177

People like Flipsie and Azehara are annoying clout chasing faggots. Give them no attention at all.

>> No.75915237

nijisisters still keep giving them attention though. weird I know

>> No.75915349

>Thread about vtweetards
>Starts blaming doki
nijitard spotted

>> No.75915547

Nijisharts give vtweeters a run for their money

>> No.75915620

you forgot nijiniggers

>> No.75915700

Vtweeters are worse

>> No.75915710

oh so you're a nijisister?

>> No.75915910

nijiturds are everything bad about vtubers and vtweeters in one shit stained package

>> No.75915916

What was the joke?

>> No.75916009

i didnt even know about them until you retards keep shitting the thread

>> No.75916085

haha no. I always hated vtweeters until I met nijiniggers who are vtweeters+dramaturds+kpop faggots all in one package

>> No.75916163

>both are phase fags who clip their streams and always show up in their chats
It's all starting to make sense now.

>> No.75916175

that's fine but simping for some vtweeter loser on /vt/ is cringe

>> No.75916206

Actually, yes.
Niji in the termination notice said she claimed she "was being harassed by other affiliated Livers due to mismanagement, etc". So the responsibility wouldn't lie completely on the Livers. This is only a defense of the Livers instead of Niji but fuck Niji.
Also, Doki said she wanted to move on, so whatever happened is not worth pursuing, and any proactive action can't be called just or righteous at this point.

>> No.75916473

How stupid am I if I used to think Flipsie actually streamed I just missed them since I mostly stick to youtube instead of twitch?

>> No.75916497

Who the fuck is this Flipsie nigger

>> No.75916511

At last Finana has a good idea, fuck Flipsie
I know about Flipsie being the pure definition of clout chasing but what did Azehara do?

>> No.75916557

>con slut
So, I have a chance?

>> No.75916669

Clique very obvious existed
but it was Nina's clique not eliras

>> No.75916943
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it's Nina's fault for isolating herself from the clique

>> No.75918387

I thought it was pretty clear that she was already planning before that. The whole reason she freaked out SO much about the exact timing of the video release is that it was supposed to be her goodbye note.

>> No.75918479

Nina sure didn't isolate herself from off collabing with 6 dudes by herself

>> No.75918567

imagine getting block by fish
what a loser

>> No.75918591
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https://voca.ro/13icNrAAUUhA - The Melodies of NijiCP
https://voca.ro/16c1Gmap8FH1 - Betrayal of the Celestial Dragons
https://voca.ro/11sSZ54x3jAT - Withered Bloodlines

>> No.75919618

Both are terrible that said in this instance the Vtweeter deserves the rope and is a cancer

>> No.75919772 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Flipsie and buy a fucking Ad

>> No.75919775

If you want a chance with an MtF then yeah

>> No.75919865

>cries in nijiseethe
>"w-what a loser"

>> No.75919912


>> No.75919971

What this retarded fish even do this time to get the attention of that insufferable faggot?

>> No.75920137

Rape Flipsie and Finana

>> No.75920191

ahhhhhh.. the foul smell of nijiniggers in the evening..

>> No.75920234

Apparently make a suicide joke or something fuck if I know.
Also the subhuman proved again they don't even watch Doki since they're still at this.

>> No.75920312

Wouldn't recommend choosing the flip clout chaser

>> No.75920325
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<this you?

>> No.75920658

rare Finana W

>> No.75920763

Oh no this faggot can't see finana's tweet anymore, what can he do now?

>> No.75920849

he lives on twitter

>> No.75920914

Internet good boy points won't get him nowhere but I was surprised to see so many dickriders in his post. I guess people don't respect the fish at all outside the niji bubble.

>> No.75921384

dudes aren't sluts your words have misled me

>> No.75922091

fish doesn't even respect her own fans lmao

>> No.75926382

She lost 25k all on Christmas so yeah i can see why that would push someone over the edge

>> No.75926482

The "guy with a mustache" from twitter

>> No.75928306

Self advertising tweeters should be banned on sight

>> No.75928362

Honestly, I gotta give Finana a rare W here. Flipsie is a terminally online gigaleech who has like a 95% chance of trying to farm clout off of all tweets that are even remotely related to the big corps or people who get posted in /lig/

Especially if there's even the tiniest whiff of drama involved

>> No.75928478

You'll find them directly under any fanart or any controversial tweet as the absolute first reply. They're an eyesore and love either fanning the flames of drama or causing it out of nowhere for clout.
It's almost impressive how fast they react to fucking everything, though. I'm not convinced at this point that it's not a team of people rather than just one person.

>> No.75928501

It's ok, I would probably block them too. I swear I see that fucker reply to every vtuber tweet.

>> No.75928593


>> No.75928933
File: 27 KB, 304x232, niji ljn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pfft? you call those suicide attempts? I'll show you a REAL suicide

>> No.75929123

Unlike a certain subway girl, she does the right thing

>> No.75929441

More corpo Vtubers should do the same.

>> No.75929571
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More pics for the nijinigs

>> No.75929975
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>enter thread
>the very first reply is a holoseethe

>> No.75930054
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>ESL sister can't read as usual. Even attacks people on the same side for once.
And they wonder why everyone hates them, kek.

>> No.75931374

>there's plenty of reason to defend them. literally nothing was ever proven by anyone, ever. vague shit and guessing. Elira has been streaming for 3 years, completely inoffensive in every way, just a dumb goober playing rpgs, the one and only thing people have against her is the corpo mandated video defending niji. That's it. One fucking thing.
That may be true for Elira and makes her potentially redeemable. Same with Ike and Vox. Enna, Millie, Reimu and management are a different story however.

>> No.75931574
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>> No.75931595
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The fact that she got Ratioed is hilarious to me, you know for a fact that this bothered Finana to even block a person in the first place. Combine it with her getting closer to lose her 500k milestone with her dwindling fanbase and earnings, her morale must be extremely low

>> No.75931638
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I have a hard time believing this thread the other day wasn't her or someone close to her.

>> No.75932149
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She protecting her oshi

>> No.75932304
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>> No.75932345

Nyfco is down that's the only reason

>> No.75934131

Why is Finana always the target for those trolls? She had nothing to do with the black stream and is yet one of the most affected. She always treat her fans with love and respect, it’s a shame she is always the target for bad faith actors

>> No.75934660

...What the fuck is getting ratio'd?
I don't use twitter

>> No.75934833
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>> No.75935036

>She always treat her fans with love and respect

>> No.75935267

I can agree with that. Enna is a foul cunt, always has been, I'm not defending her. Millie is a bootlicker, Reimu is kind of a bitch, and management is obviously shit. I just hate how everyone paints Elira as the devil when she's never done anything until that video where she sounds like she's held at gunpoint to make to try and do corpo damage control. And somehow that makes her the evil mastermind? It's bullshit.

>> No.75935339

thats what has the fagoons up in arms? everyone says stuff like that every day

>> No.75935412
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>treats her fans with love

>> No.75935958

The two reasons that I've heard are that she used to be a bitch on twitter pre-Niji (or so people claim, it's all deleted now and I've never seen screenshots) and that she is the origin of the clique (Enna and Millie are her old friends). Which are decent reasons to assume she may not be innocent but at the same time there's no proof for anything other than the black video.

>> No.75935989
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LMAO The black stream didn't affect shit. She's just a shit person who alienated her entire fanbase with her multitude of fuckups.

>> No.75936227

Are you fuckin listening to yourself?
She's the one who volunteered.
You dont fuckin volunteer if youre 0% dont have anything to do with the drama.

>> No.75936287

What part of "MILLIE, ENNA AND I" in the black stream you dont understand?

>> No.75937492

Two? I didn't know someone else attempted besides Selen.

>> No.75937745


>> No.75937821

>- It was never proven that clique existed
Mika confirmed it. Like literally said it.
Vox also confirmed it when Doki accused him. He never denied it, instead he coped into "b-b-but she recorded my voice!".

>> No.75937850

it means that vtweeter got more likes than the fish

>> No.75938463

Explain why she still has the same 5 members in her streams daily? She loves her fans and they love her back, the fact that you think this is a joke prove you don’t watch her. Sure she got rid of “gachis” and her superchats have taken a small hit, but that’s the cost of filtering the parasocial freaks who wanted to control what she streamed

>> No.75939225

a hole is a hole

>> No.75939507
File: 358 KB, 1008x551, 2zulight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 members
>small hit
Anon most of Phase has a lot more than 5 regular members in their streamsI should know I'm a lurker
Pic related is sad for an anniversary stream, let alone a daisenpai's.

>> No.75939847

Is Flipsie even a real vtuber or just a vtweeter

>> No.75943164

a vtweeter who gained a small bit of fame by being a typical twitter dramafag during the time doki came back

>> No.75943329

The fuck does Mika, an ID liver, knows about EN cliques?

>> No.75943691

world's second biggest victim complex, they follow everyone obsessively to shame them for making the same suicide jokes everyone else makes

>> No.75944228

I'll be honest. When we were cooking how to fuck Niji over back in December I couldn't see how Elira had any guilt only acting as the free ticket for the likes of Enna. It took one schizo explaining her pl for us to realise what role she had that we could focus on. Everything clicked too well once we put her as the missing piece which was a 'person of authority and influence over multiple livers'. The fact she stepped up instead of management nailed the hunch though.

>> No.75944287

Weewa, I mean this in the nicest way I can, wake up and move on. Best case scenario is your oshi is spineless and complicit if not actively malicious. Her position at Niji, whatever that may entail, was worth more to her than not doing that stream. She made her choice and did so publicly for all to see. You need only open your eyes.

>> No.75945890

NTW, I've had my eyes opened for awhile, staring right at her streams and she has always been a good woman. Don't judge her on something we have almost no knowledge of and barely understand.
>her pl
No one ever brought any recites for her PL, only an edited image of a conversation where she wasn't even replying directly to Mocca.

>> No.75946298

it re surged again 2 months ago, but it was about how her clique got rid of someone in their friend group before she went to Niji.

>> No.75946323

>Lives in a country with assisted suicide
>Still failed at killing herself
Dookie cannot do anything right.

>> No.75946372


>> No.75946664

Only thing she's good at is mogging NijiEN and making sisters seethe, apparently

>> No.75947042

Mika's primary streaming language was English and was mostly friends/collabed with EN livers.

>> No.75947726

The NijiEN team:
>inoffensive, spotless daisenpai elira
>cute retard finana
>great rosemi-sama

The /vt/ team:
>literal bpd basketcase doki
>permanently assblasted backstabber sayu
>queen(male) of vtweeters flipsie

Choose carefully.

>> No.75948461

I get that you don't like people kicking your oshi while she's down for information that isn't 100% certain but the problem people have with you is that your not even considering the possibility
that she could be a bad person. She's just automatically good in your head, no thinking required.
At least you believe that management is dogshit, but the fact that Elira volunteered for the black screen video to be on her channel means she's at best spineless and at worst malicious, both of which should make you question if she's really a good person.

>> No.75948585

lol, lmao even

>> No.75950454
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Goddamn this must have really gotten to Finana if we have Millie doing this shit

>> No.75950499

How can anyone read this and think of Millie as a bad person? Nijiantis have literal brain worms.

>> No.75950607


>> No.75950674

How many bridges have you bought in your life?

>> No.75950704

pls follow my twitter 4chan

>> No.75950741

Here comes Millie's kiss of death

>> No.75950897

Some Guy with a Moustache is a Nijisister, though.

>> No.75951201
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>Supportive friend
>Threw Zaion and Selen under the bus

>> No.75951766

/biz/anon here, as a believer in the inverse milllie strategy I'm calling it that something terrible has happened to the feesh

>> No.75951825

>Goddamn this must have really gotten to Finana if we have Millie doing this shit
My same exact thoughts.

Finana, if you feel that bad about it... get the fuck out of the company. You are supporting people that didn't see anything wrong on harassing a suicidal person. If you want to stay, at least learn to not give a fuck.

>> No.75952166

Millie has been trying to hype up Elira on a few occasions too. Accusations aside, shit must be pretty dire behind the scene for them keep trying to huddle like that.

>> No.75952330

What? i thought that guy was a unityfag?

>> No.75952434

Could be. I saw him superchatting Nijisanji even after the reputation went down the toilet so either way he is a Nijicuck.

>> No.75952575

Nijileaker said that according to the Clique the only way any of them were leaving was if they did so together. So make of that what it's worth.

>> No.75952596

She's supposed to have a stream in two hours. She's going to postpone it, isn't she?

>> No.75952685

Some part of me feels bad for her, but... fuck it. Finana, I'm sorry, but you don't have any right to get offended about being called out for making suicide jokes. You were the one who chose to literally backstab your friends, pretend that they never existed and continue living inside your hug box.

If you feel that bad, maybe some part of you is aware of what you did. There's always time to quit and start from scratch.

>> No.75952981

Finana knows that she can't survive as a vtuber without Nijisanji, there's no way she will graduate by her own will

>> No.75953315

OH NO WHAT HAPPENED D:that's so weird, I think any one who blocked a vtweeter have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before getting called out?

>> No.75953542

Yeah, it's kinda impressive that she blew all her good will and is a flop while being from the first en wave

>> No.75953658

What if they received the news the branch is going to close. The twitter account just stopped paying Elon for the blue checkmark, so maybe everyone received a pretty unpleasant news.
Doubly unpleasant if Riku isn't planning to fold the branch, but simply yeet everyone.

>> No.75953931

It's too soon, they need to wait until seeing how the investors react to the Q4 report.

>> No.75954023

I think it'd be after the financial year report, but I assume the livers will be informed beforehand with enough time to make some form of preparations. Also the report is one month from now, so it'd be the perfect time to drop a one-month notice to them.

>> No.75954326

Flipsie's absolutely a clout-chasing whore, but 2 wrongs don't make a right.

>> No.75954364

I don't outright deny the possibility that some organs are /here/, especially those that we already know are at least semi-aware, but come on now, Anon, this is like the lowest effort larp bait on the site.
At least (some of) the ones on https://rentry.org/7oo4a7oq#finana-ryugu try to appear believable

>> No.75954483

>nooooo elira ike and vox dindu nuffin
who are you trying to fool
it's been months

>> No.75954617

>valoguard groomercord taking priority over her actual viewerbase
>succubus asmr scam
yeah she sure treats her fans with love and respect

>> No.75954786

Man, I was in most of the late feb threads... It was pretty sad that I still had some hope for her back then. I even participated in that "Letters to Finana" thread that showed up a few days later.
Gave up on that recently, though, especially after Sayu exposed a little more about that gaslighting bit.

>> No.75954942
File: 33 KB, 600x493, 1684322272000656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking millie lmao

>> No.75955074

>Gave up on that recently, though, especially after Sayu exposed a little more about that gaslighting bit.

>> No.75955144

According to Sayu she had ironed things out with Finana in dms after her termination. Then Finana went on stream to claim that Sayu gashlit her

>> No.75955188

Sayu and Finana were close in predebut and before the termination. They met up IRL, shared close stories, etc.
After the termination, they had a long conversation to clear the air and hopefully make up, and apparently it was pretty fruitful.
A few days later, Finana came out with her little unprompted "gaslighting" comment about how Zaion was an evil shit who took advantage of her, which pretended as if the conversation they had the other day never happened.
For fuck's sake, Finana wasn't even required like Zaion's genmates to comment on it. She just tried to smear Zaion all on her own.

>> No.75955252

Yeah, I feel like the "Menhera trash" and "Letters to fish" finanon is the most likely to be real. It's either a larper who's actually watched most of her streams and understands her personality, or the real deal. Only makes it even sadder given how they evidently saw the whole drama as completely one-sided. Some of their claims make it *slightly* questionable, though, as the "final response" she alluded to didn't really happen, but plans can change.

However, I remember crystal clear how just a few single hours after finanon announced she would stop replying on the "letters to fish" thread, Claude started his offcollab karaoke stream in which Finana and many other organs made their first appearance after the drama

>> No.75955374

Jesus, what a snake

>> No.75955390
File: 360 KB, 500x534, F2clGCwXcAA3YtJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu decided to show she learned nothing from pissing off Matara and started to talk about her private conversations with Finana and Kotoka.
>After being terminated she and Finana had a conversation to talk things over, but that was before Finana released her video.
>She spoke with Kotoka but Kotoka didn't seem to be too enthused about being her friend again.
If everyone else is being an asshole to you Sayu, maybe the problem isn't everyone else.

>> No.75955534

You tell em sister
No way Finana already has a shady past where she lost 90% of her fans

>> No.75955538

>The same people threw Selen under the bus
Nah, I see a clear pattern here

>> No.75955552

At this point, I'm annoyed with her enough to believe most of the larps.
The whole "doki treated her like a kid" comment kinda lives rent free in my head, though. It's such a bizarre, random thing to bring up that has no real bearing on reality, so either it's a sister being way too schizo on their analysis, or something finana actually felt.

The comments that felt the most "real" to me though were shit like how she thought that sayu and doki were the ones cutting contact and running away from their "friends."

What's REALLY, REALLY funny to think about though is that a few times, there's an anon who screams "Oh fuck no we're not doing this again. I am NOT Finana" which is either a hilarious self report or just a really, really funny larp. The former is funnier so I wish to believe most of them are her.

>> No.75955634

Exposing these kinds of people to prevent others from being victims is the morally correct thing to do.
Seriously, with "friends" like these, who needs enemies?

>> No.75955794

Sayu is clearly a menhera, but so far she hasn't said a single lie sbout what happened back in Niji, so I believe her

>> No.75955805

I guess you're trying to say that Filian, Kson, Zentreya, and Bao are nobodies

>> No.75955830

I loved how one of their replies was "I am not finana, retard", because I totally imagine Finana typing this then adding "retard" at the end to sound more like your average poster. If larper, at least they've got a sense of humor.

>> No.75956104

She was less menhera before joining Niji, if you can believe it. Still menhera, but more naive than vindictive.
That kind of trauma changes people, as much as she desperately wants to stay innocent and tells people to keep their innocence, too.

>> No.75956143

why is she making chatgpt posts?

>> No.75956259

Sayu has her fair share of fuck ups, but that doesn't make Finana any less of a bitch for doing what she did

>> No.75957251

Literally clout whoring

>> No.75957385 [DELETED] 
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Pd: sweaty sex with flipsie

>> No.75957534


>> No.75957709
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>The whole "doki treated her like a kid" comment kinda lives rent free in my head, though
Literally the first thing that I thought when I read that shit was
>This is either Finana or a really, really good larper
We know that every single one of them is /here/, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was the fish

>> No.75957714

>try to be involved and look for a way to help a friend
>now you're labeled a bully, the cause for several suicide attempts and get harassed by your entire community

No wonder people grow to become distant and selfish, the world goes to shit even further because trying to do good only puts a target on your back.

>> No.75957805
File: 634 KB, 916x1052, 1707942076636949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do good

>> No.75957848

Hey, if she wanted to be helpful, wouldn't she instead send DMs which get notifications instead of airing it all out on twitter while blaming her for everything, just as they claimed they tried to get Selen to do herself in the termination notice?

>> No.75957872

> look for a way to help a friend
Let's be real, that shit doesn't help anyone.

>> No.75958079

Holo just has to not drive 2 vtubers at attempting suicide, it's quite easy really.

>> No.75958289

>He doesn't know

>> No.75958340

>succubus asmr scam
How do you even scam this? Just be a slut but while soft talking, she already does it normally.

>> No.75958613

>Coombait for months
>Promise a succubus asmr stream for april fools' day
>Don't show up
>Keep your fans waiting for 6 hours
>Start the stream and use a voice changer to troll them
>End the stream
>Make fun of them because they were expecting something else
>Never coombait again
I'd say based, but the coomers were literally the few remaining fans she had left, so...

>> No.75958721

Sisters harassed Aloe and Rushia is Rushia.

>> No.75958927

checks out

>> No.75959263

Did she write this with an AI as well?

>> No.75959334

Mikeneko baited more suicides even before joining Hololive than entire Nijisanji combined.

>> No.75959380

>Finana deleted the tweet
Well, at least knows that she fucked up.

>> No.75959405

Don't forget she made a lot of money of supas and memberships in the waiting room
I wouldn't be surprised if this was her highest earning stream too

>> No.75959478

I guess nobody told her you're supposed to make fun of your haters at best, not your fans.
Rookie mistake. She can stay based all she wants in her irrelevant part of a company itself losing relevance.
They say antis are fans who turned to hating what they used to love, but most have clearly moved on now and can't be bothered to care. Only some clout-chasing vtweeter talking to a "Nijisanji liver" rather than "Finana".

>> No.75959625

Does she? Or did management ask her to?
She's too meek to stand for herself either way.

>> No.75959641

Anon that's how you get AIDS

>> No.75959764

getting AIDS from penis in (real) vagina sex is very unlikely, but there are plenty of other STDs to worry about yes

>> No.75959882


>> No.75960061
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, finana sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gave up on her after finding out those details, too. That shit might have been forgivable if she simply hadn't heard Sayu's side of the story and trusted management too hard, but smearing someone AFTER having talked things out with them is genuinely disgusting.
What makes things worse is that in one of her recent post-game zatsus, I remember hearing her talk how she had no regrets and wouldn't have done anything differently in her career—or something to that effect, at least. IIRC it was in either the first or second part of Stellar Blade? I think she mostly meant it in a "my mistakes made me grow as a person and I don't want to erase them" sense, but it still rubs me the wrong way considering that her actions have fucking hurt people.
I don't regret unsubscribing.

>> No.75960740

You only know Sayu's side of the story and every story from Sayu, about Sayu is how she's the victim and everyone else is an asshole.

>> No.75960804

Cool, can someone else step forward and tell their side of the story? No? Well, then I'll believe Sayu because they tried to do the same thing to Selen.

>> No.75960985

>but it still rubs me the wrong way considering that her actions have fucking hurt people.
Honestly, it sounds like she has unironically gaslighted herself into thinking that she hasn't done anything wrong. I don't think she is necessarily a bad person, but at this point it doesn't really matter anymore.

>> No.75961079

>unironic victim blaming
Nijisisters proving once again how subhuman they are

>> No.75961103

We already got everyone else's side of the story. In fact, that's the first side we got.
If they want to add or amend to it, they can go right ahead and fucking do it.
Kotoka did. She was clearly going through it mentally because it didn't make sense to say she thought of Zaion as a friend still, but she did say something.
What's the excuse for everyone else?

>> No.75961306

>she has unironically gaslighted herself into thinking that she hasn't done anything wrong.
that's fairly normal woman behavior

>> No.75961331

It's always the same shit with you, sisters.
Even if (and this is a big IF) Doki and Sayu are grifters and liars, that doesn't excuse the backstabbing, the harassment and the smearing campaigns they went through.

>> No.75961493

>feeling sorry for Finana

>> No.75961740

you cab feel sorry for 2 sides of a dispute, just like you can also consider both sides in the wrong
not everything is good vs bad, zoomie

>> No.75961909

some people don't know the type of person she is

>> No.75961944

>I remember hearing her talk how she had no regrets
I don't watch Finana, but I remember some Ryuguards says she had acknowledge some of her mistakes in member streams? Or at least saying she made a lot of mistakes or something like that?

>> No.75961952

Vaginas aren't real.

>> No.75962206

I dont see any deleted tweets

>> No.75962243

That's what deleted usually means anon

>> No.75962266
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>> No.75962368

Finana is so fucking stupid I feel second-hand embarrassment from her as an Asian. She's stupid and manipulative, definitive of westoid trash.

>> No.75962378
File: 61 KB, 1024x838, 1705643452365099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what i mean

>> No.75962878

Quick addendum to this: I found the timestamp, in case anyone is curious.
>I think I wouldn't regret or take anything back, personally. I think ending up here is my best life, and I'm happy with where I am, and, um... I wouldn't take anything back, y'know
Maybe it's just poor wording, but after everything that's happened I find it hard to interpret a statement like that charitably. At least it doesn't sound like she's bitter about her low numbers, I guess?

>> No.75963117

Unintentional goldmine
>When my friends feel regret about their life...
>I tell them...
>I tell this to a lot of people in Niji...

>> No.75963383

Fucking hell, that's pretty disgusting.

>> No.75963669

When you start your career as a degenerate whore who’s only principles is money look at where that leads you

>> No.75964921

She off as being super friendly towards her fans, that made them extremely dedicated. Her fanbase was the strongest in the early years. And she still had the stupidity to kill that. And apperantly one of her biggest gachis moved to IdolEs, who are having stronger viewership than her nowadays

>> No.75967275

I'm not surprised anymore to be honest.
She's reached the point that convincing herself that this is the truth is the only way to keep moving forward.

>> No.75967563
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Damn, if I knew that I would've dropped her earlier

>> No.75970236

So far not a single thing Sayu said has been negated by anyone yet. I think there's a reason for that.

>> No.75971160

>Mika confirmed it. Like literally said it.
proof? she never said anything like that, what are you talking about

>> No.75973382


>> No.75973971

Nigger just let it die

>> No.75976132

He bumped a bunch of different threads at once. Peculiar behavior.
