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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75867000 No.75867000 [Reply] [Original]

>Western chuuba keeps posting that she's eating 3 to 7 day-old Subway sandwiches on Twitter
>Proceeds to blend the fuck out of three sandwiches and actually drink this shit on a live stream - with puking noises and everything
>Gets mad people still remember the whole ordeal more than a year later, calling it a "dead meme"
Why are women like this?
What do?

>> No.75867315

because most women are insecure

>> No.75867377

ina's back
kronii's subway
gura's flat/feet
mori's horse
ame's copium
people run jokes into the ground

>> No.75867460

>more than a year later, calling it a "dead meme"
it's literally a dead meme you seething nijimonkey

>> No.75867524

Kys retard.

>> No.75867571

>ground pounds your mom

>> No.75867586

Same thing is happening to Jdon right now

>> No.75867820

It isn't a dead meme if people keep mentioning it.

>> No.75867951

Because she's Cucknadian gook. They all are insufferable and insecure.
Dear Kronii, please kill yourself. Do everyone a favour.

>> No.75868506

If Kronii really wanted the meme dead she'd pay Mori to eat Subway for a month. Also why does she hate it so much? Does it have anything to do with her shit attitude right before that arc and later the 2 homos leaving?

>> No.75869322

I mean, can you blame her when her 3 years in Holo are summed up with a fucking sandwich ? That's insulting

>> No.75869388

I actually think the highlight of her career was "dont you guys have female friends"

>> No.75869478

It's almost like none of them are doing anything worth new jokes...

>> No.75869563

Two Scotsman were sitting on top of a hill that overlooked their small village. During a break in the conversation, one man lets out a sigh as he's looking down at his village, and his friend asks him what's wrong.
"Look at that town down there." he replied. "You see the bridge crossing the river that leads into our village? I built that bridge with my own two bare hands. But do they call me McGregor, the Bridgebuilder? No.
"And you see the Church in the middle of our village, overlooking the square? Well I built that Church with my own two bare hands. And do they call me...McGregor, the Churchbuilder? No."
He pauses, and looks over at his friend. "But fuck ONE sheep."

>> No.75870664

Wait, I thought we hated when reddit ran every single joke and meme to the ground

>> No.75870806

>stop having fun
Stupid bitch she always does this, i think i’m done with her

>> No.75871017

>seanegro can't let go of the joke

>> No.75871137

Holotards over using unfunny memes? That would never happen here, right /vt/?

>> No.75871879

>ITT: cronies sucking her FTM appendage

>> No.75871960

There are chuubas that drank their own piss and this bitch is crying about Subway.

>> No.75872004

this is the first time i'm hearing this, wtf lol?

>> No.75872731


>> No.75872831

>Why are women like this?
None of the other holo EN are like this tho, just Kronii. Why even do that incel virtual signaling?

>> No.75872877


>> No.75872928

That's entirely on her for not doing anything else noteworthy in that time

>> No.75872988

Maybe she's just tired of giving Subway free advertisement

>> No.75872991

It's a dead meme when I say it's a dead meme.
Okay, now it's a dead meme.

>> No.75873149
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Look who made another abhorrent post because they got called out for being subhuman fuckwits spamming unfunny and outdated "jokes" that lost their relevancy more than a year and a half ago?

>> No.75873200

Even fresh Subway will make you throw up. They don't even deserve the publicity the memes give them.

>> No.75873320

I despise Jdon so fucking much, is such a niche joke and it gets spammed at everything, is not even a joke, it was a funny moment and that's it

>> No.75873368

ESL nigger go back to eating your pagpag

>> No.75873371

Don't forget Kiara being bottom left.

>> No.75873376

Shat the fuck is jdon

>> No.75873385

I can't stand Holos that don't know how to ride a joke. Ina, Kronni, Kiara. Just controlling bitches, all of them. I don't even watch Bae but I respect her for keeping with her unfunny jdon meme.

>> No.75873417
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Vtubers need memes to survive. Without memes, they become irrelevant. You think anyone got big and famous just by streaming and being super hecking wholesome? No, it's because they did something truly memorable, i.e. become a meme. Vtubers shouldn't reject their memes. They should embrace them, no matter how stupid or unfunny they are. A vtuber that shoos away their owm memes is like a starving person turning down a free meal. It's self-destructive.

>> No.75873470

I’m sorry you found it this way, it’s okay anon

>> No.75873522


>> No.75873635

>it's not dead as long as at least one idiot is beating its corpse

>> No.75873645

>at Subway
>try their meatball sub, whatever it's called
>6 inch stale roll
>3 meatballs
>each meatballs is the size of an egg
>1 meatball for every 2 inch of bread
>2 slices of cheese
>take a bite
>horrid taste
>get mouth sores from eating the mold on the bread I didn't notice
>full on diarrhea 30 min later
this POS establishment can't go bankrupt fast enough and fuck Kronii for promoting it

>> No.75873730

How the fuck do you take "not talking about it for over a year and a half at this point" as her endorsing it?

>> No.75873901

She's the one that pushes Subway eating in the first place, the current situation is just karma biting her in the ass

>> No.75874032

Yes, her eating stale, day old sandwiches and blending them really made me hanker for some subway.

>> No.75874214

As much as I despise her for saying the exact term was 'of the opposite gender'. Which Effectively still means the same thing because 97% of HL's fanbase is male and she's a stupid bitch who doesn't know about male loneliness but let's at least have our facts straight.

>> No.75874312

Nah man, you have to deliberately lie and misrepresent context nowadays if you want your catalog posts to take off the ground.

>> No.75874323

Because the West having Vtubers was a mistake

>> No.75874386

Well I guess that's why I never became an online journalist.

>> No.75874438 [SPOILER] 
File: 311 KB, 720x696, 1633651458461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are worse things to give Kronii a hard time over desu like pic related

>> No.75874819
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>> No.75874885

tbf she actually managed to handle it. As did Ina with her back. The others...

>> No.75874981

Very desperate for a Holo """"""""""yab""""""""""""""" are we now?

>> No.75875212

I must I also find it annoying when people don't let go jokes... like the flat "jokes"

>> No.75875264

somehow this joke has been forgotten

>> No.75875310

>male loneliness
just fucking be normal and you wouldn't suffer that

>> No.75875587

>i think i’m done with her
Thank God. One more retard filtered out.

>> No.75875617

>makes shittons of "I'M NOT MAD I'M NOT MAD" twitter posts

>> No.75875819

Posts like this are a good reminder of why I will never see eye-to-eye with Kronii antis. I may be a permavirgin but at least I don't make that everyone else's problem.

>> No.75878640

This reminds me of an ex Niji ID member.
>talks about pussies and dicks on stream
>clips about it everywhere
>gets mad

If you don't say or do it on stream, no one can clip it. Why the fuck are women so dumb and why do they love blaming others for issues they created

>> No.75879067

That speaks volumes to how boring she is

>> No.75879131

This would be 10x funnier if you attached the picture anon.

>> No.75879223

This woman literally got one-guy'ed and went on a fucking rampage.


>> No.75879250


>> No.75879363

Post it, foreigner

>> No.75879482

There were some streams where she talked about buying two and saving one. Then there was a promise collab where she would not stop eating one during it. This wasn't just one instance, it kept going on for a month

>> No.75879481
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>> No.75879650

Bae, Kaela, and a few others were playing a multilingual game of telephone for a stream and Kaela (or maybe someone talking to Kaela, I don't remember exactly) mangled something into "jdon my soul" and it became a meme.

>> No.75879692

>I don't care about Streisand effect
I respect her for having balls to write that. Now catalog tourist will forever remember her as "Subway" even though they never heard that before

>> No.75879714

Yes, and the behavior promptly stopped more than a year and a half ago and hasn't been revived since.

Calling out people to trying to bring back "jokes" that weren't even funny in 2022 is the right call in the long run. How would you like it if I caught you eating spotted dick and then decide that was your entire personality from that point forward even if you never touch the stuff again? Anyone would get reasonably fed up with it.

>> No.75879835

Maybe in your shithole, but Subways are great in my country. You just need to have additional cooked meat with it, and you are set for lunch and dinner.

>> No.75879853


>> No.75880532

I mean if you caught me and would have to bring it up for the rest of our lives that would mean we're probably friends and my friends and I normally bring up dumb shit from fifteen years ago so it would probably be normal.

>> No.75880577

Unironically that one is fine given how rare it actually gets brought up vs her talking about what she had for dinner and 4 different greyfags spam SUBWAY at the same time thinking they're comedic geniuses.

>> No.75881127

Be normal
>And make six digits a year
>And look like peak Evans or Hemsworth
>And have top tier stand up comedian tier humor

>> No.75881233

Kronii Subway jokes are getting stale

>> No.75881306

I forgot about the subway shit until today. truly her own worst enemy

>> No.75881403

>ina's back
her back is ero though? where's the joke

>> No.75881669
File: 62 KB, 320x290, 1714245492531104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you serve no purpose in life maybe you should be the one killing himself
you never watched her nigga
outed himself as a sister lol

>> No.75881799


>> No.75881841

She's korean, of course she's like this.
Look at Ina and how pissed she got at some of the memes about her.

>> No.75881945

Why do Korean-Canadian women hate memes?

>> No.75882318
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Well in Ina's case it was because the meme was sexual and Ina probably has no pussy given how sexless she seems to be.
In Kronii's case, probably insecurity, despite whatever she's done, people still remember the memes, so maybe she thinks OH MY ENTIRE CAREER REDUCED TO A SANDWICH.
This is merely a theory of course. A vtuber theory if you will.

>> No.75882418

Koreans in general. even the korean homostars get pissed and act overly controlling over their chats.

>> No.75882714

What the fuck are you idiots carrying on about now?

>> No.75883023

Hey Kronii. Are you streaming today? Last stream was kinda shit Desu.

>> No.75883210

But what does it even mean? Does it even have a meaning or is it just a chat spam phrase?

>> No.75883416

>Fubuki is a cat
>Rushia is flat
>Coco's hatred for SHITTY-ASS JAPANESE
>Kaela is a penguin
Aren't these SO FUNNEH?!

>> No.75884312

I mean she herself kept the meme alive for half a year, implying it was a one off stream is dishonest.

>> No.75884711

Kronii is tired of people taking about her boobs. And they are not even real. I can only imagine how pissed busty women irl are.

>> No.75884755

Hey bud, maybe if they were more entertaining there would be new memes. Other streamers have weekly new memes, what was the most notable thing any of the above have done since? Kaela just mumbles like a retard all stream

>> No.75884878
File: 63 KB, 341x256, 1495185661221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with HoloEN chuubas being so on edge lately? Did their periods synch up or something?

>> No.75885279

The industry stagnated, also ripple effects from the Niji drama.

>> No.75885405

The joke is that Ina "snapped" and /vt/ called her a prude and did the "PLAP PLAP PLAP" meme nonstop.

>> No.75885455

Shouldn't 4chan of all places sympathize with memes being beaten long after they're dead?

>> No.75885625

>Kronii leaves a comment regarding a stale meme
>/vt/ makes 7 simultaneous catalog bait threads for her
You guys are fucking obsessed

>> No.75885667

For me it's Kaela's autism

>> No.75885717


>> No.75885750

The funniest thing to me is that kronii's ccv had been in decline for a while but she got like 24,000 people watching that stream. She's normally sitting at 6k but it was the 'puking and old subway sandwiches' stream that's her buff content lmao.

>> No.75885756

That's not a meme, she actually has it. You don't play games the way she does unless you do.

>> No.75885808

People memed about it...? I thought we all knew..

>> No.75885833

>people run jokes into the ground
Redditors aren't people but holotubers basically 'enable' it by ensuring their audiences are casual viewers- you can't be religiously following a vtuber's "joke meta" if she streams like 2 times a week followed by a weeklong break. Your mindset is gonna be "I'm going to the gym to sit on equipment watching tiktok vids in between sets, oh hey gura is streaming let's do that instead and then waste everyone's time waiting to use the machine while I hog it like a fucking ASS".

>> No.75885932

Bae was teaching the hologirls "australian" by speaking in a bogan accent and the ESL girls could not understand what the fuck she was saying since they only understand Basic English at an elementary school level, and Miko is deliberately fucking it up further for the bit. Then the 80 IQ audience began spamming the One Joke Miko came up with based on mishearing what Kaela told her after Bae told her so now we're getting a bunch of retards driving some unfunny shit into the ground.

>> No.75887094

Miko was, for once, blameless. At most, you could blame her for mishearing "soon" as "する" and Nerissa changing it to "soul".

"JDON" came right from Hajime, the very first link, who couldn't pronounce "Macca's run". Kaela and Kobo pretty much reconstructed the whole message and its meaning except for the goddamned JDON.

>> No.75887446

For that you have to look at their history, always controlled by someone else and made to do their bidding. Knowing that they're losing control over something activates their neuroticism

>> No.75887514

I know the Jdon itself came from 'G'day.'

>> No.75887577

>it was a funny moment and that's it
And it's still funny. And it keeps appearing because new people find out about it and think it's funny too, and so on and so on.
I agree the Subway joke needs to die, though

>> No.75887588

don't let a woman try and stop you from having fun lads

>> No.75887637

There's a minute long official short on Bae's channel about it that will give you the entire context

>> No.75887664

Man, imagine if Fauna started complaining about UUU. Good thing my oshi is a doormat.

>> No.75887677

It was funny, Hajime was like what the fuck I can't understand this shit at all. Like someone who was confident she could get eigo but had no clue what the fuck ozigo is.

>> No.75887717

Nah the problem was Kobo and Kaela tried gaslighting Bae into thinking Jdon was part of the sentence from the start.

>> No.75887798

No the Jdon came from "Maccas Run"

>> No.75888082

>Coco's hatred for SHITTY-ASS JAPANESE
I saw a clip of her and Calli's RM recently where she walked right into that kind of scenario

>> No.75888199


>> No.75888582

Holy shit, I gotta say, Kaela's recovery is miraculous here. I have no idea how she was able to get as much correct as she did.

>> No.75888624

I like how you're melting down in every thread.

>> No.75888767

Stop making up excuses.
And in case, women are not the solution to male loneliness, other men are. Fix yourselves.

>> No.75888997

Full transparency; I don't watch Kronii, her voice filtered me on debut

Why is she upset that people are having fun?
She understands her job is to entertain people right?

>> No.75889048

Ina's back was horrible episode
On that note, korean women are still soft as fuck holy shit. Is it in the water they drink or something?

>> No.75889078

>>Coco's hatred for SHITTY-ASS JAPANESE
No she hated that fucking awful Osakabehime tier Japanglish like gomenasorry and wakarimastand that SEAmonkies created.

>> No.75889421

Explain to me how spamming SUBWAY at literally any mention of food is "fun." I'm waiting.

>> No.75889688

The person who typed it out surely enjoyed it, right? +1 happy customer

>> No.75889791

Hajime started it all with her retarded fake autism accent

>> No.75889802

obviously its fun to the people that continue spamming it

>> No.75889906

Where the fuck did that shit even start anyway?

>> No.75889951

More like Advent lit a fire under their asses, FWMC and Biboo in particular.

>> No.75890104

reason: women

>> No.75890133

Checking on the archives, it was always a thing but it got big with Osakebehime.

>> No.75891483

Modi’s horse is still good porn tho

>> No.75891554

Now she’s blasting off on greys about making booba comments.

Must’ve been raped or something. How else do you become this much of a prude.

>> No.75891590

As always women from the West don't know how to be funny or be Vtubers and it time Cover and other groups understand that only Japanese can be Vtubers

>> No.75891712

and yet chama took the spider eating thing she did once that got the same overused treatment and made content with it
kroni is just a whiny shit

>> No.75891850

Aqua is an onion xd

>> No.75892349

But every EN branch is packed with Canada-Koreans or Flips , What's western about it ?

>> No.75892654

stfu child you don't know anything

>> No.75892790

Really? You wouldn't know from the lack of streams.

>> No.75892832

The only one of these that's still relevant is Ina's back, because it did not stop being hot.
The rest are the very definition of dead memes.

>> No.75893020

I agree with most of this
I never thought it was funny to begin with. I find ESLs failing at English to be fucking annoying, and it was fucking annoying when mouthbreathing retards left that collab and started spamming that shit to everyone else who was streaming at the time.

>> No.75893043
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>Why are women like this?
>What do?
Personally? I eat firehouse subs now that there are no more Quiznos around my area.

>> No.75893048

That's part of youtube culture, just look at the comment sections of any meme/funny video, everyone is tripping over each other to be the first to make the same jokes, the absolute bottom of this trend was during the wave of "nobody:" comments.

Also I suspect it's also because of faggots who only watch clips latching onto any easy "jokes" or references for dear life because they absolutely want to be part of whatever community they're polluting.

>> No.75893106

hello newfag
nobody likes trooni

>> No.75893135

>I’m sorry you found it this way, it’s okay anon
the "it" is extra, take it out, if I have to read your diarrhea at lest use proper grammar please

>> No.75893205

The only thing I know about her is her obsession with her childhood friend who is now married and pregnant.

>> No.75893300

The few times I ever turned into her stream she sounded like she didn't even want to be there.

>> No.75893301

Feminism, it's the two extremes. Either your a whore and still want to be treated like a pure princess by society or you think penises are the source of all evil in the world.
No inbetween

>> No.75893422

Maybe she's approaching her 30s and the lack of male in her life is making her pissy.

>> No.75893459

They're jealous of their kouhais who are growing much more faster than they did. (and who are objectively better)

>> No.75893508

Don't their periods do that when then live together for a while or some shit?
Idk I don't understand women or go to college

>> No.75894457

But the boobs are the reason she got so much pre-debut attention.
